Effect of oxygen
Effect of oxygen
Effect of oxygen
A series of Ni/SBA-15 catalysts with Ni contents from 7.5 wt% to 15 wt% were prepared by impregnation method. The effect of O2 and H2 O
on the combined reforming of the simulated biogas to syngas was investigated in a continuous flow fixed-bed micro-reactor. The stability of the
catalyst was tested at 800 ◦ C. The results indicated that 10wt%Ni/SBA-15 catalyst exhibited the highest catalytic activities for the combined
reforming of the simulated biogas to syngas. Under the reaction conditions of the feed gas molar ratios CH4 /CO2 /O2 /H2 O = 2/1/0.6/0.6,
GHSV = 24000 ml·g−1 cat ·h
−1 and the reaction temperature T = 800 ◦ C, the conversions of CH and CO were 92.8% and 76.3%, respectively,
4 2
and the yields of CO and H2 were 99.0% and 82.0%, respectively. The catalytic activities of the catalyst did not decrease obviously after 100 h
reaction time on stream.
Key words
biogas; reforming; syngas; oxygen; steam; Ni-based catalyst; SBA-15
Copyright©2010, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
370 Daoan Sun et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 19 No. 4 2010
et al. [8] successfully applied Ni/ZrO2 catalyst to partial water and 4 mol/L hydrochloric acid of 60 g. The solution
oxidation of methane (POM) reaction and observed that the was stirred at 40 ◦ C for 2 h, and 8.5 g of tetraethyl orthosili-
H2 selectivity of 93% and the CO selectivity of 92.5% could cate (TEOS) was then slowly added to the mixture with vigor-
be reached, respectively, at a CH4 conversion of 86.7% under ous stirring at 40 ◦ C for 22 h. The gel mixture was transferred
700 ◦ C when the feed composition CH4 : O2 = 2. into a Teflon bottle and was heated at 100 ◦ C for 24 h under
More recently, some preliminary research work has been static conditions. The solid product was filtered, washed with
conducted in our research group on the reforming of the sim- deionized water for five times, then dried at room temperature
ulated biogas to syngas. Huang et al. [9] reported the re- and finally calcined at 550 ◦ C for 6 h in air in order to remove
forming of the simulated biogas with steam to syngas on the the organic template of triblock copolymer.
MgO/Ni/SBA-15 catalysts and found that the CH4 conver- Ni-based catalysts, with the nickel contents from 7.5 wt%
sion of 98% and CO2 conversion of 92% could be achieved to 15 wt%, were prepared by the impregnation method.
at 850 ◦ C when the feed composition CH4 : CO2 : H2 O was Firstly, SBA-15 was impregnated with a Ni(NO3 )2 solution,
2 : 1 : 1.5. Lang et al. [10] studied the combined reforming then dried at 100 ◦ C for 24 h and calcined at 550 ◦ C for 6 h in
of the simulated biogas to syngas with oxygen to syngas on muffle furnace.
the La/Ni/SBA-15 catalysts and found that CH4 conversion
of 97.7% and CO2 conversion of 93.8% could be achieved at 2.2. Catalyst activity test
850 ◦ C with the feed ratios of CH4 : CO2 : O2 = 2 : 1: 0.57.
However, these research works were mainly based on the
Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of the fixed-bed
modification of the reforming catalysts and the reforming re-
continuous-flow quartz reactor (i.d. 6 mm) for the combined
action of the simulated biogas was conducted by solely using
reforming of the simulated biogas to syngas. The reactant gas
either H2 O or O2 . However, few attentions had been paid to
stream consisted of CH4 , CO2 , O2 and H2 O with different
the effect of both O2 and H2 O on the combined reforming
molar ratios. The flow rates of the gas components were con-
reaction. Moreover, compared to the reforming of methane
trolled by a mass flow controller (Beijing Seven Star Electron-
by solely using O2 or H2 O to syngas, the tri-reforming [11]
ics CO. LTD., D08-1A/ZM) while water was fed with a sy-
of methane clearly showed some advantages, such as energy
ringe pump (Beijing Satellite Manufacturing Factory, SZB-2)
saving, easy adjustment of H2 /CO molar ratios, and so on
into an evaporator installed at the inlet of the reactor and then
[12−14]. In addition, the tri-reforming of methane was es-
mingled with other feed gases. At last, they entered the reac-
pecially suitable for the system that two or three kinds of gas
tor together through a heating belt. The mass of the catalyst
coexisted, such as power plant flue gas, coal bed gas, liquefied
used was 0.2 g.
natural gas, and others [15]. Consequently, the tri-reforming
Prior to reaction, the catalyst was reduced in a stream of
of the biogas using both H2 O and O2 to syngas is very
hydrogen (10 ml/min) at 750 ◦ C for 3 h and cooled to 700 ◦ C
by Ar. The reaction was carried out at temperature varying
SBA-15, a new kind of molecular sieve, which possesses from 700 to 850 ◦ C and the gas products were treated by a
larger pores, thicker walls and higher thermal stability, has cool trap in order to remove water before they entered the
been used as a catalyst support in several catalytic reactions analytical phase. Along with the reaction, the gas products
[16−18]. Ni-based SBA-15 catalysts have been applied to the were collected and analyzed by an on line Gas Chromatograph
reforming of CH4 with steam or CO2 and the results showed (Beijing East & West Electronics Institute, GC-4000 A) with
that it was a promising catalyst support [19,20]. The main a TDX-01 column and a thermal conductivity detector. After
goal of this research is to provide some useful information for reaction, the catalyst was cooled to room temperature under
the reforming biogas to syngas. In present study, a series of N2 protection.
Ni-based catalysts were prepared. The effect of Ni contents
In this work, the catalytic performances of the combined
of the catalysts, addition amount of O2 and H2 O in the sim-
reforming over the catalysts such as CH4 conversion, CO2
ulated biogas, and the catalyst stability for the tri-reforming
conversion, H2 yield and CO yield were calculated as follows:
was investigated.
FCH4 ,in − FCH4 ,out
XCH4 = × 100% (1)
2. Experimental FCH4 ,in
FCO2 ,in − FCO2 ,out
2.1. Catalyst preparation XCO2 = × 100% (2)
FCO2 ,in
Before preparation of the catalysts, SBA-15 support was YCO = × 100% (3)
prepared according to the method described extensively in FCH4 ,in + FCO2 ,in
previously published articles [7]. Typically, it was synthe- FH2 ,out
sized from sodium silicate with a triblock copolymer (P123), YH2 = × 100% (4)
2FCH4 ,in + FH2 O,in
which was used as a precursor agent. In a typical synthesis,
4.0 g of triblock copolymer P123 (Aldrich, EO20 PO70 EO20 , where, FCH4 ,in , FCO2 ,in and FH2 O,in are inlet flow rates and
M = 5800) was dissolved in a solution with 90 g deionized FCH4 ,out , FCO2 ,out and FH2 ,out are outlet gas flow rates.
Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 19 No. 4 2010 371
lar ratio was 2 : 2.5. The effect of added steam on the cat- tent when Ni content was lower than 10wt%, but it decreased
alytic performances was investigated by Xu et al. [12] at at- rapidly when Ni content was higher than 10wt%.
mospheric pressure when the feed composition molar ratio
of CH4 : CO2 : Air was 1.0 : 0.2 : 1.9. It was observed that
CH4 conversion increased and CO2 conversion obviously de-
creased when a few steam was added. It is reasonable since
the added steam would favor the steam reforming of methane
and unfavor the conversion of CO2 . From the point of view of
thermodynamics, CH4 can react with H2 O prior to with CO2
[23]. It indicated that the carbon dioxide reforming would be
depressed by the increasing steam. Besides, the added steam
would facilitate the water gas shift reaction, leading to the in-
crease in H2 /CO molar ratio.
ceeded 32000 ml/(g·h), there was no obvious change in these of SBA-15, which avoided the aggregation of nickel particles
three parameters. Besides, H2 and CO yields kept invariant impregnated into the mesoporous SBA-15. 10wt%Ni/SBA-15
with the increase of GHSV, and H2 yield and CO yield main- exhibited a good stability for the combined reforming of the
tained at 81.0% and 99.0%, respectively. simulated biogas to syngas in the present case, which might
Zhou et al. [28] found that CH4 conversion decreased be ascribed to the same reason as Zhang suggested [19].
with the increase of GHSV during the steam reforming of
methane. It would be due to the residence time of reactants
which was shorten by the increase of GHSV. Moreover, Jing
et al. [29] also found that CH4 and CO2 conversions declined
when GHSV increased in combined partial oxidation and car-
bon dioxide reforming of methane. It indicated that contact
time between the reactants and catalyst reduced with the in-
crease of GHSV. So, the adsorption and activation of reactant
molecule decreased. Meanwhile, the real temperature of the
catalyst bed will be lowered since more reactants will enter the
reactor with a higher GHSV. This also leads to a decrease in
the CH4 and CO2 conversions. However, the decrease in real
temperature of the catalyst bed will favor for the water gas
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