Sap HR Tables
Sap HR Tables
Sap HR Tables
All Personnel administration tables start with PA with corresponding info type number (PA*). All recruitment tables starts with PB with corresponding info type number (PB*). Here is a list of standard SAP HR tables for your reference.
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T000: To create and maintain SAP system clients. T001: Company codes T001P: Personnel Areas/Subareas T012: House banks T012K: House bank accounts T012T: House bank account names T500L: Personnel Country Grouping T500P: Personnel Areas T500T: Personnel Country Groupings T501: Employee Group T501T: Employee Group Names T502T: Marital Status Designators T503: Employee Groups / Subgroups T503K: Employee subgroup T503T: Employee Subgroup Names T504A: Benefits Default Values (NA) T504B: Benefit Option Texts (North America) T504C: Benefit Type (NA) T504D: Benefit Credit Group Amount T504E: Benefit Amount T504F: Benefit Costs T508A: Work Schedule Rules T508T: Texts for Employee Subgroup Groupings for Work Schedules T510: Pay Scale Groups T510A: Pay Scale Types T510F: Assign Pay Scale > Time Unit, Currency T510G: Pay Scale Areas T510H: Payroll Constants with Regard to Time Unit T510I: Standard Working Hours T510J: Constant Valuations
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T510L:Levels T510M: Valuation of pay scale groups acc. to hiring date T510N: Pay Scales for Annual Salaries (NA) T510S: Time Wage Type Selection Rule T510U: Pay Scale Groups T510Y: Special Rules for Wage Type Generation T511: Wage Types T512R: Cumulation Wage Types in Forms T512S: Texts for Cumulation Wage Types in Forms T512T: Wage Type Texts T512W: Wage Type Valuation T512Z: Permissibility of Wage Types per Infotype T513: Jobs T514S: Table Name Texts T514T: Field Name Texts T51D2: Wage Type Classes T51D3: Reduction Rules T51D4: Cumulation Rules T527X: Organizational Units T528B: Positions Work Centers T528C: Wage Type Catalog T528T: Position Texts T529A: Personnel Event T529F: Fast Data Entry for Events T529T: Personnel Event Texts T52BT: Texts for HR Objects T52C0: Payroll Schemas T52C1: Payroll Schemas T52C2: Texts for Personnel Calculation Schemas T52C3: Texts for Personnel Calculation Schemas T52C5: Personnel Calculation Rules T52CC: Schema Directory T52CD: Schema Directory T52CE: Directory of Personnel Calculation Rules T52CT: Text Elements T52CX: Cross References via Generated Schemas
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T52D1: Valid Processing Classes T52D2: Valid Values for Processing Classes T52D3: Valid Evaluation Classes T52D4: Permitted Values for Evaluation Classes T52D5: Wage Type Groups T52D6: Wage Type Group Texts T52D7: Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups T52D8: Valid Processing Classes Texts T52D9: Valid Values for Processing Classes Texts T530: Reasons for Events T530E: Reasons for Changes T530F: Reasons for Changes T530L: Wage Types for Special Payments T530T: Event Reason Texts T531: Deadline Types T531S: Deadline Type Texts T533: Leave Types T533T: Leave Type Texts T539A: Default Wage Types for Basic Pay T539J: Base Wage Type Valuation T539R: Events for Standard Wage Maintenance T539S: Wage Types for Standard Wage Maintenance T548: Date Types T548S: Date Conversion T548T: Date Types T548Y: Date Types T549A: Payroll Areas T549B: Company Features T549C: Decision Trees for Features (Customers) T549D: Feature Directory T549L: Date modifiers T549M: Monthly Assignment: Payroll Period T549N: Period Modifiers T549O: Text for date modifier T549P: Valid Time Units for Payroll Accounting T549Q: Payroll Periods
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T549R: Period Parameters T549S: Payroll date types T549T: Payroll Areas T549M: Monthly Assignment: Payroll Period T549N: Period Modifiers T549O: Text for date modifier T549P: Valid Time Units for Payroll Accounting T549Q: Payroll Periods T549R: Period Parameters T549S: Payroll date types T549T: Payroll Areas T554S: Absence and Attendance Types T554T: Absence and Attendance Texts T554V: Defaults for Absence Types T554Y: Time Constraints in HR TIME T555A: Time Types T555B: Time Type Designations T559A: Working Weeks T559B: Name of Working Week T572F: Event Texts T572G: Allowed Values for Events T572H: Event Value Texts T582A: Infotypes T582B: Infotypes Which Are Created Automatically T582S: Infotype Texts T582V: Assignment of Infotypes to Views T582W: Assigns Infotype View to Primary Infotype T582Z: Control Table for PA Time Management T584A: Checking Procedures Infotype Assignment T588A: Transaction Codes T588B: Infotype Menus T588C: Infotype Menus/Info Groups T588D: Infogroups for Events T588J: Screen Header Definition T588M: Infotype Screen Control T588N: Screen Modification for Account Assignment Block
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T588O: Screen Modification for Assignment Data T588Q: Screen types for fast entry T588R: Selection Reports for Fast Data Entry T588S: Screen Types for Fast Entry T588T: Menu and Infogroup Designations T588V: Business object type T588W: Event types for infotype operations T588X: Cust. Composite definition of event types for IT operations T588Z: Dynamic Events T591A: Subtype Characteristics T591B: Time Constraints for Wage Types T591S: Subtype Texts T596F: HR Subroutines T596G: Cumulation wage types T596H: Cumulation wage type texts T596I: Calculation rule for cumulation wage types T596U: Conversion Table T599B: Report Classes T599C: Report Classes T599D: Report Categories T599F: Report Classes Select Options T777A: Building Addresses T777T: Infotypes T777Z: Infotype Time Constraints T778T: Infotypes T778U: Subtypes
HR Transaction Codes
Master Data PA10 - Personnel file PA20 - Display HR Master Data PA30 - Maintain HR Master Data PA40 - Personnel Events PA41 - Change Hiring Data PA42 - Fast Data Entry for Events PRMD - Maintain HR Master Data PRMF - Travel Expenses : Feature TRVFD PRML - Set Country Grouping via Popup PRMM - Personnel Events PRMO - Travel Expenses : Feature TRVCO PRMP - Travel Expenses : Feature TRVPA PRMS - Display HR Master Data PRMT - Update Match code PS03 - Info type Overview PS04 - Individual Maintenance of Info types Time Management PA51 - Display Time Data PA53 - Display Time Data PA61 - Maintain Time Data PA62 - List Entry of Additional Data PA63 - Maintain Time Data PA64 - Calendar Entry PA70 - Fast Data Entry PA71 - Fast Entry of Time Data PBAB - Maintain Vacancy assignments PT01 - Create Work Schedule PT02 - Change Work Schedule PT03 - Display Work Schedule Payroll PC00 - Run Payroll PC10 - Payroll menu USA PE00 - Starts Transactions PE01 PE02 PE03 PE01 - Schemas PE02 - Calculation Rules PE03 - Features PE04 - Create functions and Operations PE51 - HR form editor PRCA - Payroll Calendar PRCT - Current Settings PRCU - Printing checks USA PRD1 - Create DME SM31 - Maintain Table SM12 - Locked Secessions TSTC - Table Look up SPRO - IMG SE16 - Data Browser (Table Reports) PP03 - PD Tables PPOM - Change Org Unit PO13 - Maintain Positions PO03 - Maintain Jobs
Benefits PA85 - Benefits - Call RPLBEN11 PA86 - Benefits - Call RPLBEN07 PA87 - Benefits - Call RPLBEN09 PA89 - COBRA Administration PA90 - Benefits Enrollment PA91 - Benefits - Forms PA92 - Benefits Tables - Maintain PA93 - Benefits Tables - Display PA94 - Benefits - Access Reporting Tree PA95 - Benefits IMG - Jump to Views PA96 - Benefits reporting PA97 - Salary Administration - Matrix PA98 - Salary Administration PA99 - Compensation Admin - rel. Changes PACP - HR-CH : Pension fund, interface General Reporting PM00 - Menu for HR Reports PM01 - Dialogs in HR - Create Custom info types PRFO - Standard Form PSVT - Dynamic Tools Menu PAR1 - Flexible Employee Data PAR2 - Employee List Organizational Management PPOM - Change org Unit PO03 - Maintain Jobs P013 - Maintain Position PO10 - Maintain Organizational Unit PP01 - Maintain Plan Data (menu-guided) PP02 - Maintain Plan Data (Open) PP03 - Maintain Plan Data (Event-guided) PP05 - Number Ranges PP06 - Number Ranges Maintenance HR Data PP07 - Tasks/Descriptions PP69 - Choose Text for Organizational Unit PP90 - Setup Organization PP01 - Change Cost Center Assignment PP02 - Display Cost Center Assignment PP03 - Change Reporting Structure PP04 - Display Reporting Structure PP05 - Change Object indicators (O/S) PP06 - Change Object indicators OS PPOA - Display Menu Interface (with dyn.) PPOC - Create Organizational Unit PPOM - Maintain Organizational Plan PPOS - Display Organizational Plan PQ01 - Events for Work Center PQ02 - Events for Training Program PQ03 - Events for Job PQ04 - Events for Business Event Type PQ06 - Local Events PQ07 - Resource Events PQ08 - Events for External Person PQ09 - Events for Business Event Group PQ10 - Events for Organizational Unit PQ11 - Events for Qualification PQ12 - Resource Type Events PQ13 - Events for Position PQ14 - Events for Task PQ15 - Events for Company PSO5 - PD : Administration Tool
PSOA - Work Center Reporting PSOC - Job Reporting PSOG - Org Mgmt General Reporting PSO1 - Tools Integration PA-PD PSOO - Organizational Unit Reporting PSOS - Position Reporting PSOT - Task Reporting Recruitment PB10 - Initial Entry of applicant master data PB20 - Display applicant master data PB30 - Maintain applicant master data PB40 - Applicant events PB50 - Display applicant actions PB60 - Maintain Applicant Actions PB80 - Evaluate Vacancies PBA0 - Evaluate Advertisements PBA1 - Applicant Index PBA2 - List of applications PBA3 - Applicant vacancy assignment list PBA4 - Receipt of application
PC00 PC10 PE00 PE01 PE02 PE03 PE04 PE51 PRCA PRCT PRCU PRD1 SM31 SM12 TSTC SPR0 SE16 PP03 PP0M P013 PO03
Run Payroll Payroll menu USA Starts Transactions PE01,PE02,PE03 Schemas Calculation Rules Features Create functions and operations HR form editor Payroll calendar Current Settings Printing Checks USA Create DME Maintain Tables Locked Secessions Table lookup IMG Data Browser (Table reports) PD Tables Change Org Unit Maintain Positions Maintain Jobs.
SE16 allows you to view data stored in different fields in tables ,structures etc . eg: absences stored for pernrs can be viewed in PA2001 also check out PA0000, PA0001, PA0002 SM30/31 would allow you to maintaining the values in these tables eg: absences to be configured can be done thru SM30 check out v_001p_all ; v_503_all ......etc What the difference between the transaction codes SE16 & SE16N?
SE16 is a normal transaction. SE16N is an Enjoy Transaction. Enjoy Transaction is nothing but having some graphics and look is completely different with the normal transaction.
Is anybody is having a complete list of HR module tables? All personnel administration tables start with PA and the infotype number behind it. All personnel development/OM tables start with HRP and infotype (e.g. 1000) behind it. All recruitment tables start with PB and infotype number behind it.
There also are HR tables that start with HRA, HPD, HRT, etc. The easy way to get a list is to use SAP's 'Application Hierarchy', transaction SE81 (select all HR modes in the tree that you are want a list of tables for, click on the 'Information System' button, under Abap Dictionary --> Basic Objs, double click on 'database tables', increase your 'maximun no. of hits' and execute). Use transaction se11...type in PA* do dropdown and enter, do the same for HRP* and you will have most of the HR transaparent Tables. To access them look for RP_read_* and RP_provide* in Table TRMAC to read a infotype or use the 'select' statement to access the Transparent table. Transaction SE16 (data browser) is also useful. As mentioned above, the PA infotype tables all begin with PA and are followed by the infotype number e.g. PA0001 for the Org Man infotype. PA* - PA infotype tables PCL* - HR clusters PB* - recruitment tables PCERT - payroll posting runs Another useful table is CATSDB for CATS, and PTEX2000 for the CATS transfer table for infotype 2001/2002. The rest of the HR Tables are as follows: DD01L Domains DD02L SAP tables DD03L Table Fields DD03T DD: Texts for fields (language dependent) DD04L Data elements DD04T R/3 DD: Data element texts DD05S Foreign key fields DD06L Pool/cluster structures DD20L Matchcode Ids DD24S Fields of a matchcode ID T000 Clients T001 Company Codes T001E Company code-dependent address data T001P Personnel Areas/Subareas T012 House banks T012K House bank accounts T012T House bank account names
T500L Personnel Country Grouping T500P Personnel Areas T500T Personnel Country Groupings T501 Employee Group T501T Employee Group Names T502T Marital Status Designators T503 Employee Groups / Subgroups T503K Employee subgroup T503T Employee Subgroup Names T504A Benefits - Default Values (NA) T504B Benefit Option Texts (North America) T504C Benefit Type (NA) T504D Benefit Credit Group Amount T504E Benefit Amount T504F Benefit Costs T508A Work Schedule Rules T508T Texts for Employee Subgroup Groupings for Work Schedules T510 Pay Scale Groups T510A Pay Scale Types T510F Assign Pay Scale > Time Unit, Currency T510G Pay Scale Areas T510H Payroll Constants with Regard to Time Unit T510I Standard Working Hours T510J Constant Valuations T510L Levels T510M Valuation of pay scale groups acc. to hiring date T510N Pay Scales for Annual Salaries (NA) T510S Time Wage Type Selection Rule T510U Pay Scale Groups T510Y Special Rules for Wage Type Generation T511 Wage Types T512R Cumulation Wage Types in Forms T512S Texts for Cumulation Wage Types in Forms T512T Wage Type Texts T512W Wage Type Valuation T512Z Permissibility of Wage Types per Infotype T513 Jobs T514S Table Name Texts T514T Field Name Texts T51D2 Wage Type Classes T51D3 Reduction Rules T51D4 Cumulation Rules T527X Organizational Units T528B Positions - Work Centers T528C Wage Type Catalog T528T Position Texts T529A Personnel Event T529F Fast Data Entry for Events T529T Personnel Event Texts T52BT Texts For HR Objects T52C0 Payroll Schemas T52C1 Payroll Schemas T52C2 Texts for Personnel Calculation Schemas T52C3 Texts for Personnel Calculation Schemas T52C5 Personnel Calculation Rules T52CC Schema Directory T52CD Schema Directory T52CE Directory of Personnel Calculation Rules T52CT Text Elements T52CX Cross References via Generated Schemas T52D1 Valid Processing Classes T52D2 Valid Values for Processing Classes T52D3 Valid Evaluation Classes T52D4 Permitted Values for Evaluation Classes
T52D5 Wage Type Groups T52D6 Wage Type Group Texts T52D7 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups T52D8 Valid Processing Classes - Texts T52D9 Valid Values for Processing Classes - Texts T530 Reasons for Events T530E Reasons for Changes T530F Reasons for Changes T530L Wage Types for Special Payments T530T Event Reason Texts T531 Deadline Types T531S Deadline Type Texts T533 Leave Types T533T Leave Type Texts T539A Default Wage Types for Basic Pay T539J Base Wage Type Valuation T539R Events for Standard Wage Maintenance T539S Wage Types for Standard Wage Maintenance T548 Date Types T548S Date Conversion T548T Date Types T548Y Date Types T549A Payroll Areas T549B Company Features T549C Decision Trees for Features (Customers) T549D Feature Directory T549L Date modifiers T549M Monthly Assignment: Payroll Period T549N Period Modifiers T549O Text for date modifier T549P Valid Time Units for Payroll Accounting T549Q Payroll Periods T549R Period Parameters T549S Payroll date types T549T Payroll Areas T549M Monthly Assignment: Payroll Period T549N Period Modifiers T549O Text for date modifier T549P Valid Time Units for Payroll Accounting T549Q Payroll Periods T549R Period Parameters T549S Payroll date types T549T Payroll Areas T554S Absence and Attendance Types T554T Absence and Attendance Texts T554V Defaults for Absence Types T554Y Time Constraints in HR TIME T555A Time Types T555B Time Type Designations T559A Working Weeks T559B Name of Working Week T572F Event Texts T572G Allowed Values for Events T572H Event Value Texts T582A Infotypes T582B Infotypes Which Are Created Automatically T582S Infotype Texts T582V Assignment of Infotypes to Views T582W Assigns Infotype View to Primary Infotype T582Z Control Table for PA Time Management T584A Checking Procedures - Infotype Assignment T588A Transaction Codes T588B Infotype Menus T588C Infotype Menus/Info Groups
T588D Infogroups for Events T588J Screen Header Definition T588M Infotype Screen Control T588N Screen Modification for Account Assignment Block T588O Screen Modification for Assignment Data T588Q Screen types for fast entry T588R Selection Reports for Fast Data Entry T588S Screen Types for Fast Entry T588T Menu and Infogroup Designations T588V Business object type T588W Event types for infotype operations T588X Cust. composite definition of event types for IT operations T588Z Dynamic Events T591A Subtype Characteristics T591B Time Constraints for Wage Types T591S Subtype Texts T596F HR Subroutines T596G Cumulation wage types T596H _Cumulation wage type texts T596I Calculation rule for cumulation wage types T596U Conversion Table T599B Report Classes T599C Report Classes T599D Report Categories T599F Report Classes - Select Options T777A Building Addresses T777T Infotypes T777Z Infotype Time Constraints T778T Infotypes T778U Subtypes Error Messages tables T100 Messages T100A Message IDs for T100 T100C Control of messages by the user T100O Assignment of message to object T100S Configurable system messages T100T Table T100A text T100V Assignment of messages to tables/views T100W Assign Messages to Workflow T100X Error Messages: Supplements