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Victoria-Israel Science and

Technology Research and
Development Program

Program Guidelines

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1. Program Overview ............................................................................................................................. 3

2. Available Funding .............................................................................................................................. 4

3. Applicant Eligibility ............................................................................................................................. 5

4. Project Eligibility – what will be funded .............................................................................................. 6

5. How to apply ...................................................................................................................................... 8

6. Assessment Process ....................................................................................................................... 13

7. Notification of Outcomes ................................................................................................................. 16

8. Conditions of Funding ...................................................................................................................... 16

9. Privacy Statement............................................................................................................................ 18

10. Probity and Decision-making ....................................................................................................... 19

11. GST ............................................................................................................................................. 20

12. Conflict of Interest ........................................................................................................................ 20

13. Further Information ...................................................................................................................... 21

14. Glossary ....................................................................................................................................... 21

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1. Program Overview
1.1 Background

The Victoria-Israel Science and Technology Research and Development (VISTECH) Program provides
funding support for market-oriented collaborative research and development (R&D) projects by Victorian
(Australia) and Israeli companies and has been in operation for several years, consistent with the
Cooperation Agreement in place between Victoria and Israel since 2005.

1.2 About the Program

The VISTECH program supports collaborative R&D projects aimed at achieving commercialisation of new
or improved products, processes or services that can potentially contribute to the economic development
and public benefit of Victoria and Israel through the following research and development activities
pertaining to:

• technology-based products processes or services

• the advancement of these technologies to commercial readiness
• the identification of steps for realisation of economic benefits for all parties concerned; and/or
• the support of new technologies from proof of concept to a minimum viable product (MVP) stage
of development in respective markets. This would directly support businesses that have proven
the feasibility of their technology.
o MVP grants are designed for pre-revenue technology businesses to help engage
potential business, customers, or market channels to achieve market validation prior to
first sale.

1.3 Program Objectives

The VISTECH program aims to:

• provide incentives for Victorian and Israeli companies to collaborate on research and
development activities pertaining to technology-based products, processes or services

• advance such technologies to commercial readiness

• support all emerging fields (except defence), especially quantum, health- and climate-
technology, artificial intelligence, and technologies such as digital and synthetic biology which
present opportunities to develop and test new products in both markets, and progress Victoria’s
capabilities in critical technologies; and/or

• identify steps for realisation of economic benefits for all parties concerned.

1.4 Program Outcomes

The intended outcomes of this program are:

• Increase in:

o collaboration between Victorian and Israeli businesses

o business experiencing growth

o value generated by Victoria’s sectors, businesses, and industries

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o the productive capacity of Victorian businesses and industries

• Expansion into new markets, and export opportunities

• Commercial outcomes in the form of new intellectual property (IP)

2. Available Funding

For both Israeli and Victorian companies, financial support of up to 50% of eligible R&D expenses of
approved projects are provided.

Victorian-based companies:

Financial support of up to AUD$250,000 (excluding GST) per project, provided by the Victorian
Government as a grant.

Israel-based companies:
Financial support of up to 50% of approved R&D expenses is available, provided by the Israel
Innovation Authority (IIA).

2.1 Co-contribution requirements

In Victoria

The maximum grant amount is AUD $250,000 per project, excluding GST. Companies can apply for less
than this amount. Successful Victorian applicants are awarded grant funds by DJSIR.

Grants will be provided on a co-contribution basis, meaning the applicant must provide a financial
contribution towards the proposed project.

This financial co-contribution must come from the applicant’s own funds and is based on a 1:1 funding
ratio (between the Department and successful applicant). That is, the funding is up to 50% of the project
expenses. For example, Victorian Company 1 provides $200,000.00 AUD in its own funds for the project.
The Victorian Government provides an additional $200,000 excluding GST through a VISTECH grant in
matched funding.

In-kind contributions cannot form part of the required co-contribution. An in-kind contribution is a
contribution of a good or a service other than cash. Funds from other State or Commonwealth
Government programs cannot form part of the applicant’s co-contribution.
See section 5.3 for evidence requirements that will need to be provided to confirm the co-contribution.

In Israel

Funding is provided in the form of a conditional grant (returnable soft loan) to the projects selected under
the relevant Call for Proposals.

The total funding from the Government of Israel via the Israel Innovation Authority, under VISTECH
financial support, is up to 50% of the eligible and approved costs of the R&D, in accordance with the
national laws and regulations. The funding amount budgeted in the proposal must be aligned with the
Victorian bilateral partner company.

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When a project results in sales of a product, service or process, the financial support must be repaid to
the IIA according to its regulations. Royalties are payable until 100% of the amount of the grant has been
repaid with interest as provided in the applicable regulations.

For more information on funding conditions, applicants should visit the website of the IIA:

3. Applicant Eligibility
The projects must involve cooperation by the applicants on joint, market-driven, science and technology-
related research and development of new products, processes, or services.

The projects must involve at least one Victorian and one Israeli company and may involve more than one
organisation from each jurisdiction. Israel-based applicants must have one company leading the
application that presents the intellectual property (IP) agreement. Academic and research institutions are
not eligible to apply for funding directly, however, they may be sub-contracted by the companies to
undertake parts of the projects which are determined to be reasonable for the project.

The applicants must demonstrate that they have ready access to the required infrastructure and
resources to complete the projects. Also, the applicants must have the ability to deliver newly developed
technologies to the market in the short to medium term.

Project contributions of finances and technology by the collaborating applicants must be fairly balanced.

Relevant project issues must be addressed in the application documentation, including a project plan and

3.1 Eligible Applicants

Victorian Applicants must meet all of the following criteria to be eligible:

• The application is an eligible for-profit entity type or commercially focused not-for-profit; and
• The applicant is operating in Victoria; and
• The applicant has a registered office and principal place of business located in Victoria; and
• be non-tax exempt; and
• Active ABN; and
• Registered for GST; and
• Can contribute a minimum of 50 percent of the project cost.

Collaborating companies take forward parallel applications in Victoria and Israel. Academic institutions
can participate as subcontractors only.

Israeli Applicants are required to be an industrial corporation registered in Israel and operating
according to the laws of the State of Israel, which conducts research and development for commercial

3.2 Ineligible Applicants

Victorian and Israeli applicants cannot be related in any way. That is, the applicants must be entirely
separate legal entities, with no financial or other ties.

Therefore, applicants must not:

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• be owned by the same parent company
• be related bodies corporate within the meaning of the Corporations Act 2001 (Commonwealth
of Australia)
• share governance; nor
• have common directors, officers or senior managers.

Victorian Applicants subject to any of the following are not eligible to apply:
• are a Commonwealth, state and local government agency or body
• a company not incorporated in Australia
• are an unincorporated association, committee or collective
• are a publicly funded research organisation
• a primary producer
• the applicant has been awarded funding of more than AUD$250,000 (excluding GST) through
any program of the Victorian Government in relation to the proposed technology; and/or
• currently involved in litigation against the State Government of Victoria.

3.3 Other Conditions of Applying

Successful applicants enter into a collaboration agreement with each other that describes how
intellectual property is managed and beneficial outcomes shared.

Victorian-based companies: Successful Victorian applicants enter into a grant agreement with the
State Government of Victoria through the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industries and Regions (DJSIR).

Applicants must agree:

• to participate in all future program evaluation activity
• to comply with all workplace health and safety obligations
• meet all industrial relations obligations as an employer in accordance with the National
Employment Standards
• projects are not targeting the defence industry, sector, or field
• adhere to and enforce the Local Jobs First Policy (2018), and Gender Equality Act (2020).

Israel-based companies: Successful Israeli applicants that enter into a grant agreement with the Israel
Innovation Authority must agree to all the terms and conditions of the Israel Innovation Authority as
specified in the terms and conditions presented in the submission forms, available in the call for
proposals on the IIA website.

4. Project Eligibility – what will be funded

In Victoria

VISTECH funding can be applied flexibly to project-related expenses; however, funding is not intended
to cover ‘business as usual’ expenses – for example, non-project-related staff training and development
costs. The project budget as submitted with the application shall clearly detail all proposed expenditure
items and be subject to the approval of the Department.

Should applicants be uncertain as to whether a particular expense is eligible for funding under the
VISTECH program, they can contact the DJSIR Program Manager.

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In Israel

Only R&D expenses, as defined by the IIA, are eligible for funding for Israeli applicants. For more
details on which expenses may be considered as R&D expenses under the program, please view the
guidelines documents on the website of the IIA:

4.1 Case studies of Eligible projects

• Example Agriculture Project 1 - Development of a Dairy Herd Management / Pasture Growth
System between a Victorian and Israeli company. Project to study the habits and requirements
of Australian Dairy Farmers, using milking technologies and computerised measurement.
• Example Health Project 2 – Development of a Wireless Diabetes Manager between a Victorian
and Israeli company. Project to combine internet phone-based provision of healthcare with
remote monitoring devices, emphasising diabetes management.
• Example Technology Project 3 - Development of a self-navigating, autonomous industrial floor
cleaning robot in collaboration between a Victorian and Israeli company. Project to develop and
optimise an algorithm which will provide the movement pattern for a new water saving robot.

4.2 Eligible Activities and Expenses

The grant amount and co-contribution may be spent on eligible activities and expenditure, that fit
within the program objectives, listed below:

• promotional activities
• staff training and development costs
• staff wages

• accessing facilities, capabilities, or services to test, verify and validate, develop or scaleup a
manufactured product for new market opportunities

• purchasing capital equipment to support end-to-end product development

• eligible overseas activities expenditure is generally limited to 10 per cent of total eligible
expenditure unless you have prior approval by the program delegate.
In Victoria

The Department of Jobs, Skills, Industries and Regions makes the final decision on what is eligible
activities and expenditure under the program for Victorian applicants. You can only spend the grant and
co-contribution funding on eligible expenditure you have incurred on eligible activities.

In Israel

The Israel innovation authority makes the final decision on what is eligible activities and expenditure
under the program which must be according to the Authority policy which can be found here:

4.3 Ineligible Activities and Expenses

A non-exhaustive guidance on ineligible expenditure includes, but is not limited to:

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• costs incurred prior to us notifying you that the application is eligible and complete
• defending intellectual property rights
• non-project-related staff training and development costs
• usual operational expenditure, including existing staff costs, communications, travel,
entertainment, accommodation and office computing equipment
• routine replacement or minor upgrade of plant and equipment
• printing, stationery, postage, and bank charges
• basic and routine professional services including legal and accounting fees
• any amount paid on account of goods and services tax
• costs related to preparing the grant application, preparing any project reports and preparing any
project variation requests
• building routine websites, sales and promotional activities, marketing or communications
campaigns; and
• regulatory and intellectual property (IP) fees and charges associated with registering domestic or
international patents or other intellectual property enforcement expenses.

4.4 Project Timeline

In Victoria

Projects will be expected to commence within three months and completed within two years of
execution (signing) of grant agreements.

DJSIR reserves the right to withdraw the offer of funding if projects are not commenced within the
specified timeframe.

In Israel

Funding for projects is provided on a yearly basis, with the option of resubmitting an application to request
second or third-year funding. Israeli applicants should follow the rules and regulations of the IIA in this

5. How to apply
5.1 Open and Close Dates
• Opening and closing dates will be listed on the relevant government agency website.
• Applications must be submitted in the portal (Israel) by 12pm or emailed (Victoria) by 5pm on
the closing date. Please note that late applications will not be accepted.
• All applicants will be advised in writing via email of the outcome of their application by February

5.2 Preparing an application and submission

To enable any collaborative project to succeed, it is essential that the parties are aligned as to project
objectives, skills and ethos.

Applicants must undertake the following steps to apply:

1. Carefully read the Program Guidelines (and ‘Frequently Asked Questions’)
2. Compile all necessary supporting documents to apply as detailed in the ‘Documentation and
Information Requirements’ section of the Program Guidelines.
3. Submit application online to (Israeli applicants) via
‘Apply now’ button on the Program website and through emailing DJSIR (Victorian applicants)

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at Please indicate your bilateral cooperation partner
during your application or contact the respective government authority if you require assistance
with international partner matching prior to submission of your application.
4. Ensure you receive an email confirmation of application submission. Please check spam/junk
mail if confirmation email cannot be seen in your inbox.
5. Only final applications that are lodged with the Department will be considered and assessed.
Applications that are still in 'draft’ and have not been submitted upon program close will not be

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The VISTECH application process is as follows:

5.3 Documentation and Information Requirements

Israel and Victorian companies have separate documentation requirements during application
submission. Israeli companies are to follow the documentation guidelines available at and should download the needed forms as attached to the
call for proposal.

In Victoria:

• Total email file size cannot exceed 20MB.

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• It may be necessary to send more than one email with the required attachments. Please ensure
emails are numbered (e.g. 1/5, 2/5, 3/5…) so the Department can confirm receipt of all
application documents.
Mandatory documentation Other supporting documentation

A detailed project plan that must include: Letters of support where relevant, for
• a project description and current status example from local councils, local
• project timeline and milestone schedule that describes business and tourism associations,
the various activities of the project over a quarterly Traditional Owner organisations etc.
timeframe Evidence of support for the project
• evidence of sufficient internal resources to allocate to through collaboration and partnership
the project arrangements
• the role of any project partners in project execution
• any project risks and mitigation strategies
• detailed project budget, set at quarterly intervals across
the planned grant period
Bilateral Cooperation Application • A signed letter of intent (LOI) or
• Applicants jointly complete the Bilateral Cooperation Memorandum of Understanding
Form (BCF). The content of this form is to be agreed (MoU) outlining the IP plans.
between the parties so that identical information is Applicants need to clarify the
submitted to both the Victorian and Israeli Governments. ownership of intellectual
• The applicants submit the BCF and relevant property generated during the
attachments to their respective government project (project IP).
• Resumes/CVs of key personnel.
• It is preferable that both Victorian and Israeli applicants
bring clearly codified intellectual property to the project
(background IP). All applicants should receive beneficial
ownership of intellectual property associated with the
project (background and project IP). The applicants
must clarify and agree the management of intellectual
property according to these principles.
Quotations, including Scopes of Services from the third-
party service provider and/or
Quotations from suppliers detailing costs supplier costs

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Mandatory documentation Other supporting documentation

Evidence of co-contribution funds

Applicants must provide evidence that demonstrates, to the
satisfaction of the Department, that the applicant has sufficient
funds available for the required co-contribution amount for the
project. This may include evidence of:

• written confirmation from the Board or business owner

that the business can undertake the project and meet
the required co-contribution amount
• an approved loan facility (including loan amount)

• sufficient cash in a bank (current bank statement)

• management accounts demonstrating satisfactory cash

flow or liquid assets

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Mandatory documentation Other supporting documentation

Applicants are to provide required financial accounts, including • If the latest financial report is
at a minimum: more than six months old, up-to-
date Management or Interim
• Audited Financial Reports for the last three financial
Accounts for the current year
years. This should be the ‘final accounts’ with Directors’
including Profit & Loss
Report and Declaration and should include Profit & Loss
Statement and Balance Sheet,
Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash Flows, and notes to
and, in the case of public listed
the accounts.
corporations, a half yearly
• the company’s financial projections for the next three financial report.
financial years, including Profit & Loss and Cash Flow
o If accounts are not
OR audited, unaudited
accounts from an
For companies that have been registered for less than 3 years:
Accountant will be
• Provide evidence you have been a registered company accepted.
for less than 3 years.

• Provide evidence of your ability to fund at least 50

per cent of eligible project expenditure, such as
funding strategy, a bank statement, or loan
o You must also provide an Accountant
Declaration that confirms your ability to fund
the project, and supporting documentation in
the form of Letters of Support from investors,
Management History, and/or Personal Assets
and Liabilities.

• Audited Financial Reports from date of registration until

application date. This should be the ‘final accounts’ with
Directors’ Report and Declaration and should include
Profit & Loss Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash Flows,
and notes to the accounts.
o If there is no trading history, a statutory
declaration is required.

6. Assessment Process

1. All applications will be assessed for eligibility and may undergo due diligence checks, including
financial risk assessments
2. Eligible applications will be assessed by an assessment panel that includes external assessors,
industry experts or Department staff
3. All supplementary attachments and information provided as part of the application will be taken
into consideration during the assessment process
4. Applications will be reviewed and scored against the assessment criteria to create a ranking of
projects by the expert assessors in Israel and Victoria
5. Representatives to compare from each jurisdiction to discuss recommendations for funding

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6. Funding recommendations will be put forth to the Joint Management Committee to determine
the number of recommendations subject to funding available
7. Applications will be recommended for approval by the Minister for Innovation (Victoria) and the
Israel Innovation Authority (Israel).
8. In Victoria, the Minister decides which grants to approve from consideration of the
recommendations of the Joint Management Committee, the availability of grant funds and the
purpose of the grant program.
9. In Israel, the committee decides which grants to approve from consideration of the
recommendations of the evaluation process, the availability of grant funds and the purpose of
the grant program.
10. Further quantitative information on assessment criteria is available in the application

6.1 Assessment criteria

VISTECH proposals are assessed in relation to:

• novelty and innovation level • prospective benefits to the economy

• technical strength and applicant capabilities • commercial potential and market opportunity.

In Victoria:
Eligible applications will be assessed on how well they meet the assessment criteria as outlined below.
All supplementary attachments and information provided as part of the application will be taken into
consideration during the assessment process.

Assessment Criteria Considerations Weighting

How well the project demonstrates • A compelling business opportunity has 30%
alignment with the program objectives. been identified to further develop new
innovative, commercial products
• Appropriateness of proposed
and/or services to contribute a
service requirements (including
technology solution to an identified
what is shown in attached quotes)
problem; and
and whether these can be
provided by Victorian/Israeli • extent to which the business’
businesses through bilateral technology has a pathway toward
cooperation. commercialisation or market adoption
demonstrated through a market
Applications should demonstrate how the • Potential number of existing
project will benefit the business by leading employees transitioned into higher
to long term outcomes to occur in Victoria value/skilled roles and the timeline for
and Israel, including: this transition,
• potential of the productivity and • potential number of jobs generated in
business improvements gained by Victoria and Israel and the timeline for
the adoption of the new job creation,
technology to lead to business
growth and expansion,

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Assessment Criteria Considerations Weighting
• potential new clients or markets • new collaborations with technology
reached as a result of the firms, or publicly funded research
technology development; and organisations; and
• potential to result in new revenue • potential to create other long-term
or investment. benefits in Victoria and / or Israel.

Demonstrated project feasibility and • Identified project risks,

• identified appropriate technical
• Appropriate organisational resources, skills and capabilities,
commitment to the project. including where appropriate a strong
track record of key personnel,

• developed a suitable budget for the

project; and
• co-contribution funding has been
identified and committed to the project.
Ability to deliver and need for funding. • The applicant is able to deliver the
project (in 24 months) and realise its
• Applicants need to demonstrate
economic benefits,
that the project can be delivered
within the time frame and that • project budget including details of co-
there is a strong argument for contribution funds; and
government support. • whether the project would proceed
without Government support due to
considerations such as timing,
resourcing and/or level of risk
impacting project initiation.

In Israel
The assessment criteria for proposals to the Israel Innovation Authority (IIA) can be found here:

6.2 Applicant checks

Victorian Applicants may be subject to due diligence assessments to enable the Department to
assess financial and other non-financial risks associated with the application. Outcomes from such
assessments may be taken into account in any decision to recommend or award a grant and in
contracting with successful applicants.
The Department may, at any time, remove an applicant from the application and assessment process, if
in the Department’s opinion, association with the applicant may bring the Department, a minister, or the
State of Victoria into disrepute.
Israeli Applicants may be subject to due diligence assessments to enable the Department to assess
financial and other non-financial risks associated with the application. Outcomes from such
assessments may be taken into account in any decision to recommend or award a grant and in
contracting with successful applicants.

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7. Notification of Outcomes
We will inform you of the outcome of your application by email.

8. Conditions of Funding
8.1 Letter of Offer

We will send successful applicants a Letter of Offer advising them that their application is successful,
and a Grant Agreement. Applicants accept the grant offer and have 30 business days from the date of
acceptance to execute (sign) the Grant Agreement with the Department. The offer may be withdrawn if
the Grant Agreement is not executed within the timeframe given above.
An offer of funding is not binding on the Department unless and until both the Department and the
applicant execute the grant agreement.

8.2 Grant agreements

The project must not commence until the grant agreement has been executed (signed) by both the
Department and the applicant.
The grant agreement details all funding obligations and conditions such as:

• payments
• funding use
• grant activity deliverables
• monitoring and milestones
• reporting and acquittals
• audit
• termination conditions.

Execution of a collaboration agreement between the applicant and collaborating organisations is a pre-
requisite for the release of the first payment under the Grant Agreement.

In Victoria
Once the agreement has been executed, the grant recipient (successful applicant) will be required to
commence the project within the agreed timeframe. If a recipient does not commence the project by the
commencement date, the Department has at its absolute discretion the option of terminating the
The Victorian Government has full discretion and authority to determine which applicants are entitled to
receive funding under the program and the amounts of any funding offered.
Subject to acceptance of the letters of offer sent to successful applicants, separate legally binding grant
agreements are prepared reflecting the project, proposed outcomes, milestones, timeframes and
conditions of payment.
Victorian recipients receive funding in agreed tranches corresponding to Grant Agreement milestones.
Claims for payment from Victorian recipients must be supported by appropriate evidence, including
financial details of total project expenditure and cash co-contributions.

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In Israel
Funding for projects is provided on a yearly basis, with the option of resubmitting an application to request
second or third-year funding. Israeli applicants should follow the rules and regulations of the IIA in this

8.3 Grant payment terms / Payment instalments

In Victoria
All grant recipients must agree to:

• comply with DJSIR’s performance monitoring and evaluation requirements; and

• participate in any formal evaluation of the program by the Victorian Government or its agent.

Consistent with these undertakings, regular reports must be submitted by the recipients, including:

• Technical Progress Reports: Technical reports enable departmental officers to follow project progress
and approve payments of funding instalments. Provision of funding instalments is dependent on
achievement of milestones.
• Financial Reports: The purpose of the financial reports is to enable departmental officers to monitor
actual expenditures against projected budgets. All expenses incurred must be itemised and
compared to the original budget.

A final report must also be provided, consisting of a final update on technical progress and a full financial
report complete with an independent audit opinion as defined in the Glossary. The final report should also
describe the results of the project in commercial terms, including market acceptance of products and
processes developed, current sales and cash flow forecasts, new product opportunities and any further
activities planned.

Grant recipients must agree to cooperate with DJSIR in the preparation of materials used to promote the
benefits of the program, such as a media release or case study on the project. DJSIR must be consulted
prior to the publication of any company promotion materials relating to the project, such as media

In Israel
Funding for projects is provided on a yearly basis, with the option of resubmitting an application to request
second or third-year funding. Israeli applicants should follow the rules and regulations of the IIA in this

8.4 Publicity / Acknowledgement of support

In Victoria
The Department requires grant recipients to acknowledge the Victorian Government's support by using
the Victoria State Government logo or relevant government entity logo under the title 'supported by' on
all promotional materials. Acknowledgement of the Victorian Government's support in promotional
material will depend on the grant given and should be specified in the grant agreement, e.g., required
representation on channels or collateral such as websites, signage, advertisements, and brochures.

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Recipients must obtain written approval from the Department before making public announcements
about receiving the grant. The Department may promote the benefits of the grant and the State's
support for the project, and recipients must cooperate with the Department in promoting the program.
These requirements are currently outlined in the Grant Agreement.
In Israel
Additional information can be found here:

8.5 Program Evaluation

In Victoria
As a condition of funding, grant recipients will be required to participate in any program monitoring and
evaluation activities initiated by the Department. This may include completing surveys throughout the
program and for a nominated period after program completion to measure progress to achieving
Reporting is critical to the Department in understanding program impact, supporting continuous
improvement in program design and delivery, and delivering effective grant program outcomes for
In Israel
Additional information on program evaluation requirements can be found here:

9. Privacy Statement
Information provided for this program, including personal information, will be collected and used by the
Department for assessment of eligibility for this grant, program administration and program review. The
Department will be auditing and monitoring applications and may contact you for clarification. We may
contact you during program review and evaluation.
The Department completes a range of eligibility assessments that may include data matching to clarify
the accuracy and quality of your supplied information. This is part of our auditing and monitoring
processes and for confirming eligibility across this program.
If personal information about a third party is included in the application, the applicant must ensure the
third party is aware of and consents to the contents of this privacy statement.
In the assessment of the application, it may be necessary to share personal information with State and
Commonwealth Government departments and agencies.
The department collects demographic information for economic reporting purposes. No personal
information is used in reporting; all reports are presented with aggregated data.

Any personal information about the applicant applying or a third party will be collected, held, managed,
used, disclosed or transferred in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy and Data Protection Act
2014 (Vic) and other applicable laws.
Enquiries about access or correction to your personal information, can be emailed to:
Israel Victoria

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Israel Innovation Authority Support Team Sector Strategy Manager

All the contact options can be found here:

For additional information please see the Please note that engagement with any Victorian
following links: Government representative does not constitute
endorsement of any application for funding.

Other concerns regarding the privacy of personal information can be emailed to and the Department’s privacy policy is available at

10. Probity and Decision-making

The Victorian Government makes every effort to ensure the grant application and assessment process
is fair and undertaken in line with the published program guidelines.
Victorian Government staff work to the Code of Conduct for Victorian Public Service Employees
(Section 61) of the Public Administration Act 2004 (Vic), including processes set out to avoid conflicts of
interest. Staff are also expected to demonstrate the following Victorian public sector values:
• responsiveness
• integrity
• impartiality
• accountability
• respect
• leadership
• human rights.
Decisions in recommending and awarding grant funding under this Program are at the Department and
minister’s discretion. This includes not making any funding available or approving a lesser amount than
that applied for.
These guidelines and application terms may be changed from time to time, as appropriate.
The Department may request the applicant provide further information should it be necessary to assess
an application to the Program’s policy objectives.

The Israel Innovation Authority (IIA) adheres to the Code of Ethics for professional evaluations, which
can be accessed here:

10.1 Complaints and feedback

Any complaints or feedback you have about this grant opportunity may be made in relation to:
• the timeliness of the process
• communication provided by the Department
• adherence to the published program guidelines.

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Send your written feedback to:
Israel Victoria

Israel Innovation Authority Support Team Sector Strategy Manager

All the contact options can be found here:

OR Please note that engagement with any

Victorian Government representative does
Israel Innovation Authority
not constitute endorsement of any application
Malha Technology Park for funding.

Jerusalem, Israel

The decision on the awarding of discretionary grant funding is not subject to review or appeal.

In Victoria
If you do not agree with the way the Department has handled your complaint there are a number of
other review and complaint options that you can access, including the Victorian Ombudsman,
Independent Broad-Based Anti-Corruption Commission or Office of the Victorian Information
In Israel
If you do not agree with the outcome of your complaint, a rehearing request must be submitted to the
IIA website using the online form. In accordance with the R&D Law, a request for a repeat hearing will
be subject to the payment of a fee. Confirmation of payment of the fee must be attached to the online

11. GST (Victorian Applicants Only)

If you are registered for the Goods and Services Tax (GST), where applicable, we will add GST to your
grant payment.
Example: If the approved funding is $100,000 GST exclusive, the Department will process
payments totalling $110,000 ($100,000 GST exclusive funding + $10,000 GST)

12. Conflict of Interest

A conflict of interest is a situation in which someone has competing professional or personal interests or
Applicants must advise the Department of any real, potential, or perceived conflict of interest relating to
a project for which it has applied for funding.

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13. Further Information
Further information regarding this program can be found here:

If you have any questions during the application period, please contact:

Israel Victoria

Israel Innovation Authority Support Team Sector Strategy Manager

All the contact options can be found here:

Please note that engagement with any Victorian

For additional information please follow this link:
Government representative does not constitute endorsement of any application for funding.

14. Glossary

• Applicant means an individual or organisation that has submitted the application for funding for a
• Application means the application submitted by the applicant to the Department for funding
• Department or State means the State of Victoria through its Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry
and Regions
• Critical technologies are defined by the Australian Government as technologies that can impact
Australia’s national interest, including our: economic prosperity; national security and social
cohesion. Some of these include quantum technologies, autonomous systems and robotics,
artificial intelligence, and advanced manufacturing
• Program means Victoria-Israel Science and Technology Research and Development Program
• Project means the activities specified in the application by the applicant for which the grant is
• Grant means funding given to organisations or individuals for a specified purpose to meet
government policy objectives
• Grant Agreement means a document that details the conditions of the grant and sets out the
relationship between the parties
• Grant Recipient means the legal entity that has entered into a grant agreement with the
• New or Improved activities for a project is defined as projects that involve:
o Prototyping, evaluation and testing of new products
o Application of micro or nanotechnology to enhance existing products
o Design work
o Enhancement with material science.
• Audit Opinion is defined as an independent audit opinion on expenditure of the grant funds, in the
time and form specified in the Grant Agreement, by a person who is not an officer or employee of
the Grant Recipient

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