By Δy = , sin =
C is incorrect. =
When the new grating is used, the angular
position of the 1st-order bright fringe is = 3.34 106 m
given by: The grating spacing is 3.34 106 m.
(b) By d sin = n, when n = 2,
sin = 1
sin =
sin = = sin
D is correct. = 20.7
8 (a) From about 400 nm to 700 nm Angle between the second-order and
(b) Red light has the longest wavelength third-order diffracted beams
while violet light has the shortest = 32 20.7
wavelength. = 11.3
9 No, as the two light sources are not coherent,
13 (a) Δy = = = 0.0022
an observable interference pattern cannot be
produced. m
10 Light of different colours produces bright Separation between the 4th-order bright
fringes at different positions. Using fringe and the central bright fringe
monochromatic light can avoid different = 4 Δy
coloured bright fringes overlapping each = 4 0.0022
other. Therefore, a sharp and clear = 0.0088 m
interference pattern can be observed. (b) Path difference = 4
11 Fringe separation y = = 4 550 109
= 2.2 106 m
= 0.008 m
14 (a) By d sin = n,
By Δy = ,
(iii) Decrease
(b) (i) According to Δy = , Δy
= 15.77 = 0.13 m
By d sin = n, For the first-order fringe of 700-nm light,
sin = = = 0.28
= 16.3
Distance from the central fringe
= 5.13 107 m
= 0.8 tan 16.3
= 513 nm
= 0.23 m
The wavelength of the laser light is 513 nm.
Width of the first-order spectrum
11 B
= 0.23 0.13
12 B
= 0.10 m
13 D
= 10 cm
Apply d sin = n.
15 B
(1): According to d sin = n, sin is directly
For the first-order maximum,
proportional to while is not.
sin = = = 0.165
When grating X is used, the angular position
of the 3rd-order maximum is given by:
= 9.50
d sin = 3
For the second-order maximum,
sin =
sin = = 0.33
where d is the grating spacing of X and is
the wavelength of light.
= 19.27
When grating Y is used, the angular position
Angle between the first-order maximum and
of the 1st-order maximum is given by:
second-order maximum
= 19.27 9.50 sin = 1
= 9.77
sin = = sin
14 A
Apply d sin = n. =
For the first-order fringe of 400-nm light, (3):
When grating X is used, the angular position
sin = = = 0.16 of the 2nd-order maximum is given by:
d sin = 2
= 9.21
sin =
Distance from the central fringe
= 0.8 tan 9.21
When grating Y is used, the angular position The diffracted microwaves from the slits
of the 2nd-order maximum is given by: interfere. 1A
sin = 2 The peaks in the graph correspond to the
positions where constructive interference
sin = 3 = 3 sin occurs. 1A
(b) The path difference at Q is 2.
2 = 25 21 1M
16 (HKALE 2011 Paper 2 Q13)
= 2 cm 1A
17 (HKDSE 2012 Paper 1A Q17)
The wavelength of the microwaves is
18 (HKDSE 2012 Paper 1A Q20)
2 cm.
19 (HKDSE 2013 Paper 1A Q23)
= = = 3.32 m 1A (c)
= 2.5 106 m 1A =
(b) By d sin = n, 1M
= 3.5 107 m 1A
sin = = The wavelength of light is 3.5 10 m. 7
= 6.3 107 m 1A
sin = = =
The wavelength is 6.3 10 m. 7
= 45 m 1A
For the 2nd measurement,
= 3.00 108 300.24 109
= 45.036 m 1A