Psychic Training Regimen

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Energy Awakening

Training Regimen
I will recommend a training regimen for you to follow so that you can gain level 2 awareness. I
know there are a ton of exercises in this course so it can be very difficult to choose what to do
first or in what order you should go. This exercise guide should help map out the exercises for
you. I will mention though that these exercises will mainly be for gaining mastery in energy
awareness and control.
This is completely subjective and does not have to be followed to the tee. It is only a suggestion
of a training regimen that if you follow should lead you to mastery. You can practice much more
if you’d like or even practice less. It’s all up to what you feel comfortable with. Take breaks in
between. 7 days a week of energy stimulation is fine so as long as you give certain parts of
yourself breaks in between.
Couple of pointers:
- If you feel you haven’t fully mastered a certain practice, continue doing it constantly. This is a
very condensed regiment of the practices and it is likely you won’t master some in 2 or 3 weeks.
But the order in which the practices are shown should give you a good idea as to what you
should be practicing first so that you can move onto the next practices. The previous practices
generally help you gain enough skill to do the next one.
- You do these practices for longer periods of time. You can even do them for shorter periods of
time (provided you get the intended results). But most importantly, move at your own pace.
There are some people that can do many more practices a day and perhaps do the exercises for
hours a week. That level of dedication will certainly get them very far. There are others who will
choose to focus on only one to two practices at a time. That is completely fine also. This isn’t a
race and the development from this course will take months. True mastery will come with
consistent practice over a period of months to years… as is the same with any skill in the world.
Default Training Regimen:
1st Week:
Meditation: Every day at least 5 minutes a day
Sensing Energy (Mobile Body Awareness. Pinch or scratch). 3 days (at least 10-15 minutes per
Hand Exercise Stimulation. 4 days (At least 10-15 minutes per session)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

2nd Week:
Meditation: Everyday at least 10 minutes a day
Hand Exercise Stimulation - 4 days ((At least 10-15 minutes per session)
Individual Body Parts Stimulation : AT LEAST 1 day left and right leg, 1 day left and right arm, 1
day pelvis to head. (At least 10-15 minutes per session)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

3rd week:
Meditation: Everyday at least 15 minutes a day
Hand Exercise - 3 days (At least 10-15 minutes per session)
Individual Body Part Stimulation- AT LEAST 2 day left and right leg, 1 day left and right arm, 1
day pelvis to head. (At least 10-15 minutes per session) (can do 3-4 in same session)
Chakra Sensing – 2 days ( At least 10-15 minutes per session) (root and navel chakra)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
4th Week:
Meditation: Everyday at least 20 minutes a day (can space out throughout the day… but I’m
sure you can find at least 20 minutes)
Hand Exercise- 2 days (At least 10-15 minutes per session)
Whole Body Stimulation- At least 3 days a week (20-30 minutes per session)
Chakra sensing- 3 days (At least 10-15 minutes per session) (Solar Plexus and Heart)
Chakra Clearing (Chakra Tears) - 2 days (At least 10-15 minutes per session) (root and navel
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

5th Week:
Meditation: Everyday at least 20 minutes a day
Whole Body Stimulation - At least 3 days a week (20-30 minutes per session)
Chakra Sensing - 2 days (At least 10-15 minutes per session) (Throat and Third eye)
Chakra Clearing (chakra tears) - 2 days (At least 10-15 minutes per session) ) (Solar Plexus and
Hand Exercise Stimulation – 2 days ( Right before whole body stimulation or on other occasions)
Pranayama- 2 days (at least 10 minutes)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
W Body.

6th Week:
Meditation: Everyday at least 20 minutes a day
Whole Body Stimulation - At least 2 days a week (20-30 minutes per session)
Chakra Sensing - 2 days (At least 10-15 minutes per session) (Crown Chakra)
Chakra Clearing (chakra tears) - 2 days (At least 10-15 minutes per session) (Throat and Third
Energy Raising (foot) – 2 days ( At least 10-15 minutes per session)
Pranayama- 2 day- (At least 10 minutes)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
F Raise.

7th Week:
Meditation: Everyday at least 20 minutes a day
Whole Body Stimulation - At least 2 days a week (20-30 minutes per session)
Chakra Sensing - 2 days (At least 10-15 minutes per session) (3 -4 chakras per session)
Chakra Clearing (chakra tears) - 2 days (At least 10-15 minutes per session) (Crown Chakra)
Energy Raising (foot) – 2 days ( At least 10-15 minutes per session)
Energy Raising (arms) – 2 days (At least 10-15 minutes per session)
Pranayama- 2 days- (At least 10 minutes)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
F Raise.
A Raise.

8th Week:
Meditation: Everyday at least 20 minutes a day
Whole Body Stimulation - At least 1 day a week (20-30 minutes per session)
Chakra Sensing - 2 days (At least 10-15 minutes per session) (3-4 chakras per session)
Energy Raising (foot) – 2 days ( At least 10-15 minutes per session)
Energy Raising (arms) – 2 days (At least 10-15 minutes per session)
Microyama- 2 days- (At least 10 minutes)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
F Raise.
A Raise.

9th Week:
Meditation: Everyday at least 20 minutes a day
Whole Body Stimulation - At least 1 day a week (20-30 minutes per session)
Chakra Sensing - 2 days (At least 10-15 minutes per session) (3-4 chakras per session)
Energy Raising (foot) – 2 days ( At least 10-15 minutes per session)
Energy Raising (arms) – 2 days (At least 10-15 minutes per session)
Microyama- 2 days- (At least 10 minutes)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

W Body.
F Raise.
A Raise.

10th Week:
Meditation: Everyday at least 20 minutes a day
Whole Body Stimulation - At least 1 day a week (20-30 minutes per session)
Chakra Sensing - 2 days (At least 10-15 minutes per session) (3-4 chakras per session)
Energy Raising (Whole Body – 2 days (At least 10-15 minutes per session)
Microyama- 2 days- (At least 10 minutes)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
W Body.
E Raise.

Beyond this, continue following these exercises until you reach full mastery. Mix and match
however you see best fit. If you have questions or suggestions, let them be known at

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