Clojure Guides_ Ecosystem_ Web Development

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Ecosystem: Web Development

This guide covers:

popular tools and libraries for web development

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What Version of Clojure Does This Guide Cover?

This guide covers Clojure 1.11.

The web development space for Clojure is large and still evolving. Your options start with basic server-side
web applications, generating HTML from either Clojure data structures or from more traditional template
files, and can go all the way to full-stack web "frameworks" where you build a "single page application"
(SPA) in ClojureScript for the frontend and a Clojure-powered API for the backend.

This guide doesn't clam to be comprehensive, but it does try to cover the most popular and well-
maintained options, across that spectrum.

Static Sites
Before we get into web applications, it's worth mentioning that there are several Clojure-based solutions
for generating static sites.

cryogen ( - simple static site generator written in Clojure

stasis ( - some Clojure functions for creating static websites

The README for the latter lists several other options.

You can also add ClojureScript interactivity to a static site using scittle ( which
exposes the Small Clojure Interpreter ( to the browser.

Note: this can even support Reagent and re-frame, which are ClojureScript wrappers around
React, but without the complexity of a full-blown SPA. See UI-Focused options in the Frontend
Development section below.

If you're building any backend component for a web application, you're going to need a web server and
some sort of routing mechanism (mapping HTTP requests and URLs to Clojure functions that handle

Ring and Compojure

Perhaps the simplest and most minimal setup is to use only Ring and Compojure. To get started, see the
basic web development tutorial (/articles/tutorials/basic_web_development/).
In addition to the long-established Ring server library (, which has an
adapter for Jetty 11.x as the underlying web server, with WebSocket support built-in, here are some

http-kit ( - simple, high-performance, Ring-compatible web server

aleph ( - asynchronous communication server, including a
Ring-compatible web server
sunng87 ring adapter ( - Ring adapter for Jetty 12
and 11

For routing, while Compojure ( is the most well-established and

maybe most popular option, it is based on macros and some people prefer something more data-oriented,
such as reitit (

HTML Templating
If you are generating HTML pages on the server, you will want a library to simplify that task.

The two most popular options are probably:

hiccup ( - generate HTML from Clojure data structures

selmer ( - Django-inspired templating library

If you are going to collaborate with frontend developers who are not familiar with Clojure, Selmer can be
an excellent choice since the templates are written as HTML with a range of embedded variables, loops,
and conditionals that will be familiar to anyone who has used a templating library in another language.

If you are working entirely with Clojure and ClojureScript developers, you may prefer to work mainly with
Clojure data structures, and use Hiccup to generate HTML from those.

Hiccup-style data structures are also used in several ClojureScript libraries.

Frameworks and Integrated Libraries

Although Clojure eschews the idea of a "framework" in favor of composable libraries, there are a few
"framework"-like options that are popular as "batteries-included" choices for web development.

See Kit below for a more modern alternative!

Probably the most well-established choice in this category is Luminus (, which
is driven by a Leiningen template ( for creating batteries-
included web applications. In its most basic form, it uses Ring, reitit (,
Mount (, and the JBoss Undertow web server.

However, it offers options to create web application projects that use a wide variety of different libraries:

aleph, http-kit, or jetty for web servers

h2, mysql, postgres, or sqlite for traditional databases
datomic or xtdb for temporal databases with a datalog query language
mongodb for a document database
REST or GraphQL for APIs, with optional Swagger-UI support
reagent, re-frame, shadow-cljs, etc for frontend development

and many other options.

From the same author as Luminus, Kit ( is a lightweight, modular framework for
scalable web development in Clojure. It builds on the lessons learned from Luminus and should be
considered a modern alternative to it.

Unlike Luminus, it uses the Clojure CLI and clj-new ( to create and
run new projects. In its most basic form, it uses Ring, reitit (, integrant
(, aero ( (for handling configuration),
and the JBoss Undertow web server.

Like Luminus, you can add a wide variety of different libraries to your web application projects -- however,
Kit is more modular than Luminus and lets you add new libraries to your project more easily, after you
have created it, instead of having to choose all the libraries up front.

You can use HTMX ( with Kit via the ctmx module (

Biff ( is a batteries-included web framework for Clojure that is fairly opinionated about
the libraries it uses. It is based on Ring (but using the sunng87 (
adapter) adapter for the Jetty 11 web server), reitit (, XTDB
( for the database, with malli ( to provide schema
definition and validation, and produces HTML that uses HTMX ( to provide an interactive
experience without the complexity of a full-blown SPA.

Site ( is a platform for building stateful API services. It is based on XTDB
( for the database, supports OpenAPI ( and
OpenID (, and provides flexible access control.

The linked version of Site is 2.0 and has a note that it is "not yet ready for evaluation outside of JUXT" but
it is an evolution of Site 1.0 ( which is also based on XTDB and supports

Another option for backend services is Pedestal (, a sturdy and reliable base for
services and APIs. It provides its own routing and interceptor-based approach to web development, but is
based on Ring under the hood and uses Jetty 9 (currently an older 9.4.18, which is not the latest 9.4.x
release). This was originally part of a full-stack project created by Relevance back in 2013 but can be used
with various frontend options now.

Other Options
electric ( - a reactive Clojure dialect for web development that
uses a compiler to infer the frontend/backend boundary
ripley ( - server rendered UIs over WebSockets.

Frontend Development
If you plan to use ClojureScript for the frontend of your web application, you again have a range of choices
from "plain" ClojureScript up to various wrappers for React, and some other options.
Note: as a contributor to, I don't have enough experience to make
recommendations about ClojureScript so I'm mostly just listing some options here -- Sean Corfield,

You will want to start with the ClojureScript Quick Start ( and
then probably look at shadow-cljs ( as a build tool. An alternative
build tool for ClojureScript is figwheel-main (, but this seems to be less popular than
shadow-cljs these days.

The creator of shadow-cljs has written a number of good articles about various approaches to using
ClojureScript ( for frontend development, that show how to use "plain"
ClojureScript without reaching for wrappers around JavaScript frameworks. Several frontend / full-stack
options for ClojureScript wrap React.js in various ways but, as those articles show, building on top of
React is not the only option!

UI-Focused Options
reagent ( - a minimalistic ClojureScript interface to React
re-frame ( - a functional reactive framework built on top of Reagent
helix ( - a simple, easy to use library for React development in
UIx ( - an idiomatic interface into modern React

While those are all based on or wrappers around React, there are other options:

hoplon ( - a ClojureScript library that unify some of the web platform's
idiosyncrasies and present a fun way to design and build single-page web applications; hoplon
builds on javelin ( which provides spreadsheet-like dataflow
programming in ClojureScript

Full-Stack Options
fulcro ( - a library for development of single-page full-stack web
applications in clj/cljs
sitefox ( - full-stack ClojureScript development on node.js

Producing JavaScript
Although ClojureScript (and thus all of the above Frontend Development options) produce JavaScript
under the hood, there are times when you have an existing ecosystem based on HTML, CSS, and
JavaScript and you want to add some ClojureScript to that. In that case, you can either use scittle ,
mentioned above or one of these ClojureScript to JavaScript compilers:

cherry ( - experimental ClojureScript to ES6 module compiler

squint ( - experimental ClojureScript syntax to JavaScript

The former maintains ClojureScript semantics and syntax while the latter maintains only the syntax,
compiling to JavaScript semantics. These projects can both be useful for adding ClojureScript components
and modules to an existing JavaScript project.
See Also
The Clojure Toolbox ( has categorized lists of libraries including
many that are useful for web development.

The Clojure Web Stack and the CRUD Stack

( -- why web frameworks are not
common in Clojure.

A Brief Overview of the Clojure Web Stack ( --

although some libraries mentioned are outdated, this (old) article still provides a good overview of
Ring and the general architecture of web applications and APIs in Clojure.

John Gabriele, Clinton Dreisbach (original authors)
Sean Corfield (2023 rewrite)

« Ecosystem: Library Development and Distribution (/articles/ecosystem/libraries_authoring/) ||

Ecosystem: Generating Documentation » (/articles/ecosystem/generating_documentation/)

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Getting Started (/articles/tutorials/getting_started/)
Introduction to Clojure (/articles/tutorials/introduction/)
Clojure Editors (/articles/tutorials/editors/)
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Basic Web Development (/articles/tutorials/basic_web_development/)
Language: Functions (/articles/language/functions/)
Language: clojure.core (/articles/language/core_overview/)
Language: Collections and Sequences (/articles/language/collections_and_sequences/)
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Language: Java Interop (/articles/language/interop/)
Language: Polymorphism (/articles/language/polymorphism/)
Language: Concurrency and Parallelism (/articles/language/concurrency_and_parallelism/)
Language: Macros (/articles/language/macros/)
Language: Laziness (/articles/language/laziness/)
Language: Glossary (/articles/language/glossary/)
Ecosystem: Library Development and Distribution (/articles/ecosystem/libraries_authoring/)
Ecosystem: Web Development
Ecosystem: Generating Documentation (/articles/ecosystem/generating_documentation/)
Building Projects: and the Clojure CLI (/articles/cookbooks/cli_build_projects/)
Data Structures (/articles/cookbooks/data_structures/)
Strings (/articles/cookbooks/strings/)
Mathematics with Clojure (/articles/cookbooks/math/)
Date and Time (/articles/cookbooks/date_and_time/)
Working with Files and Directories in Clojure (/articles/cookbooks/files_and_directories/)
Middleware in Clojure (/articles/cookbooks/middleware/)
Parsing XML in Clojure (/articles/cookbooks/parsing_xml_with_zippers/)
Growing a DSL with Clojure (/articles/cookbooks/growing_a_dsl_with_clojure/)
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