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Previous Year Examination Questions

Question 1.
Most of the digestion and absorption of the food takes place in the
(a) small intestine
(b) liver
(c) stomach
(d) large intestine. (2020)
(a) small intestine

Question 2.
Mention the raw materials required for photosynthesis. (Board Term I, 2016)
Raw materials required for photosynthesis are carbon dioxide (CO2), water, light and

Question 3.
State the location and function of gastric glands. (Board Term I, 2014)
Gastrifc glands are present in the wall of the stomach. They secrete gastric juices
containing mucus, protein digesting enzymes pepsin, rennin and hydrochloric acid

Question 4.
Name the glands present in the wall of the stomach that release secretions for
digestion of food. Write the three components of secretion that are released by
these glands. (Board Term I, 2014)
Stomach’s muscular wall contains gastric glands. These glands secrete gastric
juices which contain dilute hydrochloric acid, mucus and two protein digesting
enzymes rennin and pepsin.

Question 5.
Complete the following flow chart as per the given instructions.

a – Hydrochloric acid (HCl)

b – Protein digesting enzyme pepsin
c – Mucus
d – HCl makes medium acidic for the activation of an enzyme pepsin.
e – Pepsin acts in acidic medium which breaks down proteins into peptones.
f – Mucus protects the inner lining of stomach from corroding action of HCl.

Question 6.
(a) State the role played by the following in the process of digestion :
(i) Enzyme trypsin
(ii) Enzyme lipase-
(b) List two functions of finger-like projections present in the small intestine. (2020)
(a) (i) Enzyme trypsin : This enzyme is produced by the pancreas in an inactive form
called trypsinogen. Trypsin converts remaining proteins into peptones and the
peptones into peptides and amino acids.
(ii) Enzyme lipase : It is secreted by pancreas and small intestine. Lipase converts
fats into fatty acids and glycerol.

(b) Internally, the wall of the small intestine is provided with long finger-like
projections called villi. Two functions of villi are :
(i) The villi greatly increase the absorptive surface area of the inner lining of small
(ii) The large surface area of small intestine helps in rapid absorption of digested

Question 7.
Explain the significance of photosynthesis. Writd the balanced chemical equation
involved in the process. (Board Term I, 2017)
Photosynthesis is important for a number of reasons:
(i) Food : By photosynthesis, green plants synthesise food from simple raw materials
like CO2 and H2O. Thus, it sustains life on earth.
(ii) Oxygen : Oxygen released during the process of photosynthesis is needed by
animals and humans for respiration. It is also required for respiration of microbes.
Oxygen also supports combustion of fuels.
(iii) Fuels : Fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas are forms of stored solar energy
synthesised millions of years ago through photosynthesis. Balanced chemical
equation involved in the process of photosynthesis is given as :

Question 8.
Differentiate between autotrophs and hetero- trophs and give one example of each.
(Board Term 1,2017)

Autotrophs Heterotrophs

(i) These organisms are able to form organic They cannot produce organic compounds from inorganic

substances from simple inorganic substances such sources and therefore completely rely on consuming other

as CO2 and H2S and water. organisms for its food requirement.

(ii) They have chlorophyll to trap solar energy. Chlorophyll is absent, so they cannot trap solar energy.

(iii) They can be chemoautotroph and They can be saprophytic, parasitic and holozoic in mode of

photoautotroph. nutrition.

(iv) Autotrophs are placed at the bottom of the food Heterotrophs are placed above autotrophs in the food chain

chain as producers. as consumers.

(v) Green plants, some bacteria and some protists Mushrooms, Euglena, cow, goat, etc., are examples of

like Euglena are examples of autotrophs. heterotrophs.

Differences between autotrophs and hetero- trophs are as follows:

Question 9.
Explain with the help of neat and well labelled diagrams the different steps involved
in nutrition in Amoeba. (Board Term I, 2015)
The mode of nutrition in Amoeba is holozoic. The process of obtaining food by
Amoeba is called phagocytosis.

1. Amoeba ingests food by using its finger-like projections called

2. The food is engulfed with a little surrounding water to form a food
vacuole inside the Amoeba. The food is digested inside food vacuole by
digestive enzymes.
3. Food is absorbed directly into the cytoplasm of Amoeba by diffusion.
4. Food is used to obtain energy and growth of Amoeba.
5. When considerable amount of undigested food collects inside Amoeba
then its cell membrane ruptures at any place to throw out this
undigested food.

Diagrammatic representation of different stages in the holozoic nutrition (feeding) of

Amoeba is as follows:

Question 10.
(a) What is peristaltic movement?
(b) ‘Stomata remain closed in desert plants during daytime’. How do they do
photosynthesis? (Board Term I, 2013)
(a) The relaxation of gut muscles to move the partially digested food downwards
throughout the alimentary canal is called peristaltic movement.
(b) In desert plants, stomata open at night and take in carbon dioxide (CO2). Stomata
remain closed during daytime to prevent the loss of water by transpiration. They
store the CO2 in their cells until the sun comes out so that they can carry on with
photosynthesis during the daytime.

Question 11.
(a) Why is nutrition necessary for the human body?
(b) What causes movement of food inside the alimentary canal?
(c) Why is small intestine in herbivores longer than in carnivores?
(d) What will happen if mucus is not secreted by the gastric glands? (2020)
(a) Human body continuously require energy for their life activities like respiration,
circulation, excretion, etc. Energy is required even we are sleeping because a number
of biological processes keep on occurring. All these processes require energy and
this energy is obtained from nutrition. Nutrition is also needed for growth and repair
of human body.

(b) The wall of alimentary tract contains muscles which can contract and expand
alternately. The contraction and expansion movement of the walls of foodpipe is
called peristaltic movement. The peristaltic movement moves the partially digested
food in all the digestive organs throughout the alimentary canal.

(c) Herbivores eat plants which is rich in cellulose. Cellulose takes longer time for
complete digestion by the enzymes present in symbiotic bacteria. Therefore, they
have longer small intestine. Carnivores, feed on flesh which is easier to digest and
do not contain cellulose also. Therefore, they have shorter intestine for digestion of
food eaten by them.

(d) Gastric glands secrete HCl, mucus, rennin and pepsin enzymes. Mucus protects
the inner lining of stomach from the action of HCl and enzymes. In the absence of
mucus, there would be erosion of inner lining of stomach leading to acidity and

Question 12.
(a) State the form in which the following are stored:
(i) Unused carbohydrates in plants.
(ii) The energy derived from food in humans,
(b) Describe the process of nutrition in Amoeba with the help of diagram. (Board
Term I, 2016)
(a) (i) Unused carbohydrates in plants are stored in the form of complex sugar
known as starch. They are later broken down into simple sugars (glucose) when
energy is needed.
(ii) The assimilated food molecules hold energy in their chemical bonds. Their bond
energy is released by oxidation in the cell. This energy is trapped by forming bonds
between ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and inorganic phosphate (Pi) to synthesise
ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) molecules. These bonds are later broken by
enzymatic hydrolysis and the energy released is utilised for cellular processes.

(b) Amoeba is a unicellular animal. Amoeba eats tiny (microscopic) plants and
animals which float in water. The mode of nutrition in Amoeba is holozoic. The
process of obtaining food by Amoeba is called phagocytosis. When a food particle
comes close to Amoeba, it ingests the food particle by forming temporary finger-like
projections called pseudopodia around it. The food is engulfed with a little
surrounding water to form a food vacuole inside the Amoeba. The food is digested
inside food vacuole by digestive enzymes and absorbed directly into the cytoplasm
of Amoeba cell by diffusion. A part of absorbed food is used to obtain energy and
the remaining part is utilised for growth of Amoeba. When considerable amount of
undigested food collects inside Amoeba then its cell membrane ruptures at any
place to throw out this undigested food. This process is called egestion.

Refer to answer 9 for figure.

Question 13.
Anaerobic process
(a) takes place in yeast during fermentation
(b) takes place in the presence of oxygen
(c) produces only energy in the muscles of human beings
(d) produces ethanol, oxygen and energy. (2020)
(a) takes place in yeast during fermentation

Question 14.
Diffusion is insufficient to meet the oxygen requirement of multicellular organisms
like human. State reason. (Board Term 1,2017)
Due to higher metabolic rate and the volume of human body is so large that oxygen
cannot diffuse into all cells of the body quickly as oxygen will have to travel large
distances to reach each and every cell. So diffusion is insufficient to meet the
oxygen demand of multicellular organisms.

Question 15.
Write two different ways in which glucose is oxidised to provide energy in human
body. Write the products formed in each case. (Delhi 2019)
The two different ways by which glucose is oxidised to provide energy in human
body are:
(i) Aerobic respiration : The end products in aerobic respiration are carbon dioxide,
water and energy.

Question 16.
(a) In the process of respiration, state the function of alveoli.
(b) Rate of breathing in aquatic organisms is much faster than that in terrestrial
organisms. Give reasons.
(c) Complete the following pathway showing the breakdown of glucose.

(a) Functions of alveoli are :
(i) They increase the surface area for exchange of gases.
(ii) The thin walls of alveoli facilitate rapid exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
between alveolar air and blood.

(b) Aquatic animals like fishes obtain oxygen from water present in the dissolved
form through their gills. The amount of dissolved oxygen is quite small as compared
to the amount of oxygen in the air. Therefore, to obtain required oxygen from water,
aquatic animals have to breathe much faster than the terrestrial organisms.

Question 17.
Write three points of difference between breathing and respiration. (Board Term I,
Differences between breathing and respiration are as follows:
Breathing Respiration

(i) It is a physical process. It involves inhalation of It is a biochemical process. It involves exchange of

fresh air and exhalation of foul air. respiratory gases and also oxidation of food.

It is both an extracellular as well as intracellular

(ii) It is an extracellular process.

(iii) It does not involve enzyme action rather two types It involves a number of enzymes required for oxidation

of muscles are involved in this process. of food.

(iv) It does not release energy, infact it consumes

It releases energy.

(v) It is confined to certain organs only. It occurs in all the cells of the body.

Question 18.
Draw a flow chart to show the breakdown of glucose by various pathways. (Board
Term I, 2016)
Breakdown of glucose by various pathways:
Plant respiration Animal respiration

(i) All parts of plants, like roots, stem and leaves, perform
Animal performs respiration as a single unit.
respiration individually.

(ii) There is little transport of respiratory gases from one Respiratory gases are usually transported over long

part to the other during respiration. distance inside an animal during respiration.

(iii) Respiration occurs at a very slow rate. It is a fast process in animals.

Gases are transported by specialised blood vascular

(iv) There is no special gas transport system.

(v) Respiratory organ in plants are generally stomata in Respiratory organ in animals are generally lungs

leaves, lenticels in stem and general surface of roots. and gills.

Question 19.
Write three points of difference between respiration in plants and respiration in
animals. (Board Term I, 2014)
Differences between respiration in plants and animals are as follows:

Question 20.
(a) Why is there a difference in the rate of breathing between aquatic organisms and
terrestrial organisms? Explain
(b) Draw a diagram of human respiratory system and label – pharynx, trachea, lungs,
diaphragm and alveolar sac on it. (2020)
(a) Terrestrial organisms inspire atmospheric oxygen, while aquatic organisms thrive
on the dissolved oxygen present in water. Air contains about 21% of oxygen while
water has less than 1% oxygen in dissolved state. Oxygen diffuses through water at
a much slower rate as compared to air. A terrestrial organism has the advantage of
utilising greater amount of oxygen at a faster rate with lesser effort whereas, aquatic
organisms have to put more effort to obtain the same amount of oxygen, therefore
breathing in aquatic organisms is much faster than the terrestrial organisms.

(b) The labelled diagram of human respiratory system is a follows :

Question 21.
(a) State reasons for the following:
(i) Herbivores need a longer small intestine while carnivores have shorter small
(ii) The lungs are designed in human beings to maximise the area for exchange of
(b) The rate of breathing in aquatic organisms’is much faster than that seen in
terrestrial organisms. (Board Term 1,2016)
(a) (i) Herbivores need a longer small intestine than that of carnivores because their
diet is mostly grass and plants, that contains more fibres and cellulose which are
hard to digest. Longer small intestine also hosts many small bacteria that process
and break down cellulose into glucose which is a source of energy. Carnivores diet is
not rich in cellulose so, they do not need to harbour bacteria for cellulose digestion.

(ii) Human lungs have a highly branched network of respiratory tubes. A primary
bronchus divides into secondary bronchus, which in turn forms tertiary bronchus.
Tertiary bronchus divides repeatedly into bronchioles which finally terminate into
alveoli. Alveoli are small, rounded polyhedral pouches which are extremely thin-
walled and possess a network of capillaries, for the exchange of gases. Due to vast
surface area of alveoli, exchange of gases becomes a fast and effective process.
Oxygen diffuses from alveoli into pulmonary blood capillaries and CO2 diffuses out
from capillaries into alveoli.

(b) Refer to answer 20(a).

Question 22.
Draw a flow chart showing the three different pathways involved in the breakdown of
glucose in different organisms. Name the respiratory pigment present in human
beings. State the function of rings of cartilage present in our throat. (Board Term I,
Refer to answer 18.
Respiratory pigment present in human beings is haemoglobin.
Rings of cartilage are C in shape, stacked one on top of the other. These
cartilaginous rings prevent the trachea from collapsing and blocking the airway.

Question 23.
(a) Draw a diagram of human respiratory system and label: Trachea, Bronchi and
(b) Give reasons for the following:
(i) Lungs always contain residual volume.
(ii) Nostrils are lined with mucus. (Board Term I, 2013)
(a) Refer to answer 20(b).

(b) (i) Lungs always contain residual volume so that during the breathing cycle, when
air is inhaled and exhaled, there must be sufficient time for oxygen to be absorbed
and for the carbon dioxide to be released. It is also important as it prevents the lungs
from collapsing.
(ii) Mucus and hair present in nostrils help in filtration of inhaled air. It traps harmful
substances and germs present in air.

Question 24.
Which one of the following statements is correct about the human circulatory
(a) Blood transports only oxygen and not carbon dioxide.
(b) Human heart has five chambers.
(c) Valves ensure that the blood does not flow backwards.
(d) Both oxygen – rich and oxygen – deficient blood gets mixed in the heart. (2020)
(c) Valves ensure that the blood does not flow backwards.

Question 25.
Name the vein which brings blood to left atrium from lungs. (Board Term I, 2017)
Pulmonary vein carries oxygenated blood from lungs to left atrium of heart.

Question 26.
Define translocation in reference to plants. (Board Term I, 2016)
The transport of food prepared in the leaves, by the process of photosynthesis, to
various parts (roots, stem, branches, etc.) of the plant is called translocation.

Question 27.
Write three types of blood vessels. Give one important feature of each. (Delhi 2019)
The three types of blood vessels in human body are: (i) arteries, (ii) veins and (iii)
(i) Arteries are the blood vessels which carry blood from heart to various parts of the
body. The walls of arteries are thick, elastic and muscular that enables them to dilate
but not rupture when the heart contracts and forces blood into them.

(ii) Veins are thin walled blood vessels which bring blood from the body back to the
heart. They are larger and hold more blood than the arteries. The lumen of veins are
provided with valves to prevent the backflow of blood.

(iii) Capillaries are thin walled and extremely narrow blood vessels which occur at
the terminals of artery and vein. The wall of capillaries are permeable to water and
dissolved substances so that the exchange of materials between the blood and body
cells can take place.

Question 28.
(a) Write two water conducting tissues present in plants. How does water enter
continuously into the root xylem?
(b) Explain why plants have low energy needs as compared to animals. (AI 2019)
(a) Xylem tracheids and vessels are two water conducting tissues present in plants
that help in rapid movement of water. In xylem tissue, vessels and tracheids of the
roots, stems and leaves are interconnected to form a continuous system of water
conducting channels reaching all parts of the plant.
Minerals and water needed by the plants are absorbed by root hairs from the soil by
the process of osmosis and take in minerals by the process of diffusion. Thus, a
difference in concentration of ions is created between the roots and the soil which
enables the water to enter into roots to compensate the difference in concentration.
The water, alongwith dissolved minerals from root hairs, passes into xylem vessels
through cells of the cortex, endodermis and pericycle and then ascent of sap (i.e.,
upward movement of water and mineral salts from roots to the aerial parts of the
plant against the gravitational force) takes place from xylem of the roots to the
xylem of stem and leaves through vessels and tracheids. Evaporation of water
molecules from the cells of leaves creates a suction pressure which pulls the water
from xylem cells.

(b) Plants are autotrophic and do not have to move from one place to another in
search of their food. Movements in a plant are usually at the cellular level and hence
they required less amount of energy. Whereas animals are heterotrophic and
locomote in search of food and other activities, hence require higher amount of
energy than of plants.

Question 29.
Explain how the translocation of materials in phloem tissue in plants is achieved by
utilising energy. (Board Term I, 2017)
The phloem cells transport the soluble food materials to all parts of plant. The
transport of food from leaves to different parts of plant is termed as translocation.
Components of phloem are sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem parenchyma and
phloem fibres. The food is manufactured in the mesophyll cells (or photosynthetic
cells) of a leaf. The manufactured food enters into sieve tubes of the phloem and is
transported as a dilute aqueous solution either in upward or downward direction.
Food is transported to all non-green parts of the plant for their growth and metabolic
activities. Besides food molecules, phloem also transports amino acids, hormones
synthesised in the shoot tips and root tips and other metabolites.

In this process, glucose is transferred to phloem tissue using energy from ATP. This
increases the osmotic pressure of the tissue causing the water to move into it
(endosmosis). Soluble material is then transferred from phloem tissue to other
tissues which have less pressure than in the phloem. Thus, according to plants
requirement, the material is translocated from higher osmotic pressure areas to
lower osmotic pressure areas.

Question 30.
What do the following transport?
(i) Xylem
(ii) Phloem
(iii) Pulmonary vein
(iv) Vena cava
(v) Pulmonary artery
(vi) Aorta (Board Term I, 2014)
(i) Xylem is a specialised plant conducting tissue that transports water and minerals
from roots to all aerial parts of plants which occurs against gravitational force with
the help of ascent of sap.
(ii) Phloem transports food that is prepared in the leaves, through photosynthesis, to
various parts of plant. This process is called translocation. Phloem also transports
amino acids, hormones synthesised in the shoot tips and root tips and other
(iii) Pulmonary vein present in human circulatory system brings oxygenated blood
from lungs to the left atrium of heart.
(iv) Vena cava transport deoxygenated blood collected by all veins of body except
pulmonary vein and pass it to the right atrium of heart.
(v) Pulmonary artery transports deoxygenated blood from right atrium of heart to
lungs for oxygenation.
(vi) Aorta transports oxygenated blood from left atrium to systemic arteries which
further take the blood to various body parts and organs.

Question 31.
Explain giving any three reasons the significance of transpiration in plants. (Board
Term I, 2014)
Significance of transpiration in plants:
(i) The absorbed water is transported from roots to leaves through xylem vessels
which is greatly influenced by transpiration pull.
(ii) The water stream moving upwards carries dissolved minerals with it.
Transpiration also helps in distributing these minerals throughout the plant.
(iii) The evaporation of water during transpiration provide cooling effect to the

Question 32.
List in tabular form three differences between arteries and veins. (Board Term I,
Differences between arteries and veins are as follows:

Arteries Veins

(i) Arteries are the blood vessels which carry blood Veins are blood vessels which bring blood from the

away from the heart for distribution to the body. back to the heart.
Their walls are thin and valves are present to preven
(ii) Arteriei walls are thick and valves are absent.
back flow of blood.

(iii) Blood passing through narrow lumen of arteries The blood passing through wide lumen of veins is

is mostly oxygenated and has a considerable deoxygenated (except in pulmonary veins) and has

pressure. pressure.

(iv) More elastic and placed deeply. Less elastic and superficially placed.

Question 33.
Give reasons:
(a) Ventricles have thicker muscular walls than atria.
(b) Transport system in plants is slow.
(c) Circulation of blood in aquatic vertebrates differs from that in terrestrial
(d) During the daytime, water and minerals travel faster through xylem as compared
to the night.
(e) Veins have valves whereas arteries do not. (2020)
(a) Since ventricles have to pump blood into various organs with high pressure, they
have thicker walls than atria.
(b) Transport system in plants is less elaborate than in animals, as plants are less
active, so their cells do not need to be supplied with materials so quickly.
(c) The aquatic vertebrates like fish have gills to oxygenate blood. The flow of blood
in a fish is single circulation because the blood passes through the heart only once in
one complete cycle of body. The terrestrial vertebrates like birds and humans have
double circulation as the blood travels heart twice in one complete cycle of blood
and they have lungs for oxygenation of blood.
(d) It is because during daytime rate of transpiration is higher.
(e) The lumen of veins have valves, which allow the blood in them to flow in only one
direction. Thus prevent back flow of blood.

Question 34.
(a) “Blood circulation in fishes is different from the blood circulation in human
beings”. Justify the statement.
(b) Describe “blood circulation” in human beings. (2020)
(a) Fishes have only two chambers in their heart, the blood is pumped to the gills to
get oxygenated blood and from there it passes directly to rest of the body. Thus, the
blood goes only once through the heart during one cycle of passage through the
body. This type of circulation is termed as single circulation.

In human beings, during circulation blood travels twice through the heart in one
complete cycle of the body and is called double circulation. The pathway of blood
from the heart to the lungs and back to the heart is called pulmonary circulation and
the pathway of blood from the heart to the rest of the body and back to heart is
called systemic circulation.

(b) Deoxygenated blood from the body tissues is poured into right atrium.
Contraction of heart forces it into right ventricle. From right ventricle, deoxygenated
blood flows to the lungs through pulmonary artery. Oxygenated blood from lungs is
returned into left atrium and then into left ventricle. The left ventricle forces the
oxygenated blood to the whole body. Thus, for making one complete round or
circulation circuit around all body parts, the blood passes through the heart twice.
This is known as double circulation of blood.

Question 35.
(a) Mention any two components of blood.
(b) Trace the movement of oxygenated blood in the body.
(c) Write the function of valves present in between atria and ventricles.
(d) Write one structural difference between the composition of artery and veins.
(a) Two components of blood are blood plasma and blood corpuscles.
(b) Deoxygenated blood gets oxygenated in the lungs, from there it moves to heart
and pumped to different parts of the body. Its path can be traced out as
Lungs → Pulmonary veins → Left atrium of heart → Aorta → Arteries → Body parts
(c) When blood is pumped, valves prevent back flow of blood between ventricles and
atria. They open and allow the right amount of blood to flow from one chamber to
the other.
(d) Structural difference between veins and arteries is as follows:
Veins have thin, less elastic and less muscular walls. They have valves to prevent
back flow of blood.

Arteries have thick, elastic and muscular walls with no valves.

Question 36.
Draw a diagram of human excretory system and label kidneys, ureters on it. (Board
Term I, 2017)
Diagram of human excretory system is as follows:

Question 37.
Draw a neat diagram of excretory system of human beings and label on it:
(i) Left kidney
(ii) Urinary bladder. (Board Term I, 2016)
Refer to answer 36.

Question 38.
Describe the structure and function of nephron with the help of diagram. (Board
Term I, 2014)
Structure of nephron is as follows:

The function of nephron is filtration of blood and elimination of waste material from
it. Blood is filtered from the blood capillaries into Bowmans capsule and pour the
filtrate into the renal tubule. In this part, large amount of water and useful
substances like glucose, amino acid, minerals ions, etc., are reabsorbed.
Nitrogenous waste along with little amount of water is sent to the urinary bladder,
which later expels the urine to the outside through urethra.

Question 39.
(a) Name four types of metabolic wastes produced by humans.
(b) Name any two human excretory organs other than kidney. (Board Term I, 2013)
(a) Four types of metabolic wastes produced by human are urea, carbon dioxide,
water and salts.

(b) Two human excretory organs other than kidneys are:

(i) Lungs : They help to eliminate carbon dioxide.
(ii) Liver : It is an excretory organ as it converts harmful amino acids to harmless
urea and haemoglobin of worn out RBCs to bilirubin and biliverdin that can be
excreted out of the body.

Question 40.
(a) Name the organs that form the excretory system in human beings.
(b) Describe in brief how urine is produced in human body. (2020)
(a) Excretory system (Urinary system) in human beings consists of a pair of kidneys,
a pair of ureters, urinary bladder and urethra.

(b) In the kidney, the wastes are converted to urine by three processes :
(i) Ultrafiltration : In it, large amount of water along with certain harmful substances
like urea, uric acid, K+, ammonium salts, creatinine, etc., and certain useful
substances like glucose, amino acids, Na+, etc., pass through glomerular capillaries
and glomerular membrane into cavity of Bowman’s capsule of nephrons under
pressure. The filtrate so formed is called nephric filtrate which is moved towards

(ii) Selective reabsorption : In it, large amount of water and sodium, whole of glucose
and amino acids and small amount of urea are passed back from nephric filtrate into
blood capillaries. It occurs either by back diffusion (i.e., water and urea) or active
transport (i.e., Na+, glucose and amino acids). It generally occurs in PCT (Proximal
convoluted tubule) of nephrons.

(iii) Tubular secretion : In this, certain harmful chemicals like uric acid, creatinine, K+,
etc., are passed from blood capillaries surrounding the nephron into nephric filtrate
by active transport. It generally occurs in DCT (Distal convoluted tubule) of nephrons.
Now, the fluid is termed as urine and is excreted out of the excretory organs.

Question 41.
(a) Define excretion.
(b) Name the basic filtration unit present in the kidney.
(c) Draw excretory system in human beings and label the following organs of
excretory system which perform following functions:
(i) form urine
(ii) is a long tube which collects urine from kidney
(iii) store urine until it is passed out. (2018)
(a) The biological process involved in the removal of wastes, produced during
various metabolic activities in the body from the body of an organism is called
excretion. The wastes are non-gaseous nitrogenous wastes like ammonia, urea, uric
acid, etc., along with excess of water, salts and pigments.

(b) Basic filtration unit present in kidney is nephron.

(c) Refer to answer 36.

(i) Kidney
(ii) Ureter
(iii) Urinary bladder

Question 42.
(a) Draw a neat diagram of the human excretory system and label following parts:
(i) Urethra
(ii) Kidney
(iii) Ureter
(iv) Urinary bladder
(b) What are nephrons ? How is a nephron involved in the filtration of blood and
formation of urine? (Board Term I, 2015)
(a) Refer to answer 36 for figure.

(b) Nephrons are the functional unit of kidney. Each kidney has about one million
nephrons. Each nephron consists of a cup-shaped structure called Bowman’s
capsule containing a bunch of capillaries called glomerulus. Bowman’s capsule
leads into tubular structure which ultimately joins the transverse collecting tubule.
Filtration of blood and formation of urine in nephron involves the following steps:
(i) The blood along with waste and excess water is brought to kidney by renal
arteries. Blood is filtered from the blood capillaries into Bowmans capsule.
(ii) As the nephric filtrate passes through the tubular part of nephron, useful
substances like glucose, amino acid, mineral ions, water, etc., are reabsorbed by
blood capillaries surrounding the nephron.
(iii) Tubular secretion occurs mainly in the renal tubule and the collecting duct of the
nephron where additional wastes are excreted from the blood stream into the
(iv) The fluid that flows through collecting tubule is urine which consists of water,
urea, uric acid, mineral ions like sodium, potassium, chloride, phosphates, etc.

Question 43.
(a) Draw a well-labelled diagram of structural and functional unit of kidney.
(b) Explain the mechanism of the urine formation. (Board Term I, 2013)
(a) Structural and functional unit of kidney is nephron. Its structure is as follows:

(b) Main function of nephron is to form urine. The three main processes involved in
the urine formation are:
(i) Ultrafiltration: It is the filtration of body fluids and solutes from the blood, out of
the glomerular capillaries into the Bowmans capsule due to the pressure of the
glomerulus. All substances from the blood are filtered out except the large protein
molecules and blood corpuscles. This fluid in the glomerular capsule is called
glomerular filtrate. It consists of water, urea, salts, glucose and other plasma

(ii) Selective reabsorption : Glomerular filtrate contains a lot of useful materials like
water, glucose and salts such as sodium. These substances are reabsorbed by
blood capillaries surrounding the nephron from the renal tubule at various levels and
to various extents.

(iii) Tubular secretion : This occurs mainly in the renal tubule and the collecting duct
of the nephron. It is a process performed by the cells of the cuboidal epithelium
lining the tubules which excrete additional wastes from the blood stream into the
filtrate by active transport. In this process substances like potassium, hydrogen,
creatinine and certain drugs like phenol, penicillin, etc., are directly excreted by the
tubular cells from the blood. The fluid which now flows through collecting tubule is
urine which consists of water, urea, uric acid, mineral ions like sodium, potassium,
chloride, phosphates, etc.

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