Ambient air quality monitoring: Ambient air quality monitoring refers to the systematic and
continuous assessment of the quality of the air in the outdoor environment, typically in urban,
suburban, and rural areas. It involves the measurement and analysis of various air pollutants and
their concentrations in the atmosphere. The primary goal of ambient air quality monitoring is to
gather accurate and up-to-date data on pollutants present in the air, such as particulate matter
(PM2.5 and PM10), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO),
ozone (O3), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
This monitoring process involves the deployment of specialized instruments and sensors at
designated monitoring stations across different geographical locations. These stations collect
real-time data on pollutant levels, which are then analyzed and interpreted to assess the overall
air quality of a particular area. The data obtained from ambient air quality monitoring is used by
environmental agencies, policymakers, researchers, and the public to make informed decisions
about pollution control strategies, public health interventions, and regulatory measures aimed at
improving air quality and safeguarding human health and the environment.
High and low volume air samplers: High and low volume air samplers are instruments used to
collect samples of air particles. The difference between high and low volume air samplers is the
amount of air sampled. High volume air samplers typically sample more than 1500 cubic metres
(m3) of air over a 24-hour period, while low volume air samplers draw through only 24m3 of air,
or less.
Total suspended particulate matter (TSP): Total suspended particulate matter (TSP) monitoring
measures the total amount of particles suspended in the atmosphere.
Particles less than 10 micrometres in diameter (PM10): Particles smaller than 10µm are
especially concerning as these particles can enter the human respiratory syst system
em and penetrate
deeply into the lungs, causing adverse health effects. Motor vehicles and other combustion
processes that burn fossil fuels such as power stations, industrial processes and domestic heaters,
generate PM10. Dust storms and smoke particles ffrom rom bushfires can also be another source of
PM10 missions. Instruments used to measure PM10 are either a high or low volume air sampler
or a tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM). The PM10 high or low volume air
sampler is similar to that describ
ed above for TSP, except that the air sample passes through a
size-selective inlet.
There are several types of flue-gas stack based on fuel injections. Eg. DG set stack, flue gas
stack, process stack, furnace stack, boiler stack, chimney etc
Perfect Pollution Services is a stack emission testing company having more than 30 years of
experienced experts. They know how to carry out these tasks in an efficient manner.
To determine the quality and quantity of air pollutants emitted by the source.
To measure the effectiveness of pollutants controller equipment before and after
To measure the effectiveness of pollutants controller equipment for a given condition.
To compare results with emission standards to take required action.
To compare changes in emission with the changes in processes or raw materials.
Stack Monitoring kit used to find gaseous pollutants in emission from a stationary source
such as Boiler Chimney, Process outlets, Scrubber outlets Etc by stack emission testing
It also can be used to determine physical parameters such as exit emission velocity from
stack, temperature & flow of Air emission.
Determination of total particulate matter using isokinetic Sampling Technique.
Analysis of gaseous contaminants like SO2, SO3, NOx, Cl2, HCL, NH3 etc by using a
gas monitoring system.
Velocity Measuring Kit: Consist of the inclined manometer, Digital Temperature Indicator,
‘S’ type Pitot tube & thermocouple.
Particulate Sampling Train: Thimble Holder & set ooff nozzles, condenser, Rotameter, Dry
Gas Meter, Time indicator & power source for synchronizing vacuum pump with sampling
Multigas Sampling Train: Consists of four glass impingers housed in FRP casing with
Rotameter for gaseous sampling.
Electrostatic Precipitator:
An Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) is a widely used air pollution control device that removes
particles, dust, and other airborne pollutants from industrial exhaust gases. It operates on the
principle of electrostatic attraction to separate particles from the gas stream, ensuring cleaner
emissions and improved air quality. Here's an overview of how an electrostatic precipitator
works: Principle of Operation: ”An ESP utilizes the forces of electrostatic attraction and
repulsion to remove particulate matter from the gas stream”. The device consists of several key
1. Charging Section (Corona Discharge): The gas stream containing particles is passed
through an ionization section, also known as the charging section. In this section, high-
voltage electrodes, typically called discharge electrodes or corona wires, generate a
corona discharge. This discharge produces ions (charged particles) that attach themselves
to the particles present in the gas stream, giving the particles a net electric charge.
2. Collection Plates (Precipitator Plates): The charged particles are then directed towards a
series of collection plates, also known as precipitator plates or collector electrodes. These
plates are arranged in a vertical configuration within the ESP. The collection plates are
grounded, creating an electric field between the charged particles and the plates.
3. Electric Field and Particle Migration:The electric field created between the charged
particles and the grounded plates causes the charged particles to migrate towards the
plates. The particles are attracted to the plates with an opposite charge and repelled by
plates with the same charge. As the particles move toward the plates, they collide with
other particles and agglomerate, forming larger masses.
Electrostatic precipitators play a crucial role in reducing air pollution by capturing particulate
matter from industrial processes. They contribute to cleaner air and improved environmental
Cyclone Separator:
Cyclone separators or simply cyclones are separation devices (dry scrubbers) that use the
principle of inertia to remove particulate matter from flue gases. Cyclone separators are one of
many air pollution control devices known as pre cleaners since they generally remove larger
pieces of particulate matter. This prevents finer filtration methods from having to deal with large,
more abrasive particles later on. In addition, several cyclone separators can operate in parallel,
and this system is known as a multi-cyclone
It is important to note that cyclones can vary drastically in their size. The size of the cyclone
depends largely on how much flue gas must be filtered, thus larger operations tend to need larger
cyclones. For example, several different models of one cyclone type can exist, and the sizes can
range from a relatively small 1.2-1.5 meters tall (about 4-5 feet) to around 9 meters (30 feet)
which is about as tall as a three story building.
1. Mechanical Shaking or Vibrating: This method involves physically shaking or vibrating the
filter to dislodge the accumulated particles. The filter is typically mounted on a frame that can be
shaken or vibrated using mechanical means. The vibrations cause the particles to loosen and fall
off the filter surface, allowing them to be collected and removed. This method is commonly used
for cleaning fabric filters and bag house filters.
2. Reverse Air Flow (Back flushing): In this method, the direction of airflow through the filter is
temporarily reversed. The filtered air becomes the cleaning agent as it flows backward through
the filter, dislodging the collected particles. The particles are then collected in a hopper or
collection chamber. Reverse air flow is often used for pulse-jet bag house filters.
3. Pulse Jet Cleaning: Pulse jet cleaning is commonly used in bag house filters. Compressed air
is released in short bursts through nozzles located above the filters. The sudden pressure increase
causes the filter bags to flex or expand, which dislodges the accumulated particles. The particles
fall into a collection hopper for disposal.
4. Sonic Cleaning: Sonic cleaning involves the use of high-frequency sound waves to create
vibrations within the filter media. These vibrations dislodge the particles adhering to the filter
surface. This method is particularly effective for removing finer particles that might be difficult
to remove using mechanical shaking alone.
5. Ultrasonic Cleaning: Ultrasonic cleaning uses ultrasonic waves to generate tiny, high-
frequency bubbles in a cleaning solution. When these bubbles collapse, they create micro-shock
waves that help dislodge particles from the filter surface. This method is often used for cleaning
very fine filters or delicate surfaces.
6. Chemical Cleaning: Chemical cleaning involves the use of cleaning agents or solvents to
dissolve or loosen the particles clinging to the filter surface. The cleaning solution is introduced
7. Manual Cleaning: For certain filters, particularly smaller ones, manual cleaning can be done
by physically removing the filter element and using metho
ds such as brushing or tapping to
remove the accumulated particles.
The mixing of unwanted and undesirable substances into our surroundings thatcause
undesirable effects on both living and non-living things is known as pollution.
Air pollution is defined as the addition of unwanted and undesirable things to our
atmosphere that have harmful effect upon our planned life.
1. Automotive Engines
2. Electrical power generating stations
3. Industrial and domestic fuel consumption
4. Refuse burning of industrial processing, wastes etc.,
Emittance as a Pollutant:
An Emittance is said to be a pollutant when it has some harmful effect upon our
The primary source of energy for our automotive vehicles is crude oil from
underground which typically contains varying amounts of Sulphur. Much of the Sulphur is
removed during refining of automotive fuels. Thus the final fuel is hydrocarbon with onlya
small amount of Sulphur. If we neglect Sulphur and consider complete combustion, only water
and carbon dioxide would appear in the exhaust.
Water is not generally considered undesirable and therefore it is not considered as a
pollutant. Likewise, carbon dioxide is also not considered as pollutant in earlier days. But due
to increase in global warming due to CO2 which is a greenhouse gas, now a days CO2 is also
considered as unwanted one.
Then apart from this we get Sulphur dioxide a pollutant which is a product of complete
combustion. Apart from this all the compounds currently considered as pollutants are the result
of imperfect or incomplete combustion.
Smoke combines with fog and forms a dense invisible layer in the atmosphere
which is known as Smog. The effect of Smog is that it reduces visibility.
Effect of Pollutants on Environment:
b. Carbon monoxide:
Carbon monoxide is formed during combustion in engine only when there is
insufficient supply of air. The main source is the engine exhaust.
The toxicity of carbon monoxide is well known. The hemoglobin the human
blood which carries oxygen to various parts of the body has great affinity towards carbon
monoxide than for oxygen. When a human is exposed to an atmosphere containing
carbon monoxide, the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood is reduced and results in
the formation of carboxy hemoglobin. Due to this the human is subjected to various ill
effects and ultimately leads to death.
The toxic effects of carbon monoxide are dependent both on time and
concentration as shown in the diagram.
c. Sulphur dioxide:
Sulphur dioxide from automotive vehicle is very less when compared to that
emitted by burning coal. Sulphur dioxide combines with moisture in atmosphere and
forms sulphuric acid at higher temperatures. This comes to the earth as acid rain.
Much of the Sulphur dioxide combines with other materials in the atmosphere
and forms sulphates which ultimately form particulate matter.
d. Particulates:
Particulate matter comes from hydrocarbons, lead additives and Sulphur dioxide.
If lead is used with the fuel to control combustion almost 70% of the lead is airborne
with the exhaust gasses. In that 30% of the particulates rapidly settle to the ground while
remaining remains in the atmosphere. Lead is well known toxic compound
Certainly, gaseous pollution control methods are essential for mitigating the negative impacts of
various pollutants released into the atmosphere. Here's an overview of the three methods you
mentioned: absorption, adsorption, and combustion processes.
1. Absorption:
Absorption involves the transfer of pollutants from a gas phase into a liquid phase. This is
typically accomplished by passing the polluted gas through a liquid scrubbing solution. The
pollutants dissolve in the liquid, thereby removing them from the gas phase. Common absorption
methods include:
Wet Scrubbing: Polluted gas is passed through a liquid (usually water or a chemical solution)
that captures and dissolves pollutants.
Chemical Absorption: Specific chemicals are used to react with and remove particular
pollutants from the gas stream.
2. Adsorption:
Adsorption is the process of adhering pollutants to the surface of a solid material, known as an
adsorbent. The gas passes through a bed or layer of the adsorbent material, and the pollutants
stick to its surface. Adsorption is widely used for removing volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
and other gaseous pollutants.
Common adsorption methods include: Activated Carbon Adsorption: Polluted gas passes through
a bed of activated carbon, which has a highly porous structure that can capture pollutants on its
Zeolite Adsorption: Zeolite materials with specific structures are used to adsorb certain
pollutants due to their molecular sieving properties.
3. Combustion Processes:
Combustion is a process in which pollutants are oxidized and converted into less harmful
substances through controlled burning. This method is particularly effective for pollutants that
are combustible. Common combustion-based methods include:
Flares: Gaseous pollutants are burned at the top of a tall stack to ensure complete combustion
and dispersion of the resulting gases.
Thermal Oxidizers: Polluted gas is exposed to high temperatures in a controlled environment,
promoting complete oxidation of pollutants into carbon dioxide and water vapor.
It's important to note that the choice of pollution control method depends on various factors such
as the type of pollutants, their concentrations, regulatory requirements, economic feasibility, and
available technology. Additionally, some processes, such as combustion, can result in the
formation of other pollutants, so careful consideration is needed to ensure the overall
environmental impact is minimized.
Auto exhausts, also known as vehicle emissions, consist of a complex mixture of gases and
particulate matter released from the combustion of fuels in internal combustion engines. The
composition of auto exhausts can vary depending on factors such as the type of fuel used, engine
technology, driving conditions, and emission control systems. However, some common
components of auto exhausts include:
Nitrogen Oxides (NOx): These are a group of nitrogen and oxygen compounds, including nitric
oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). They contribute to smog formation, acid rain, and
respiratory issues.
Carbon Monoxide (CO): A colorless, odorless gas formed due to incomplete combustion of
carbon-containing fuels. It reduces the ability of blood to transport oxygen, leading to health
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): These are various hydrocarbons released from fuel
combustion. VOCs contribute to the formation of ground-level ozone and smog.
Particulate Matter (PM): PM includes tiny particles suspended in the exhaust, such as soot and
other combustion byproducts. These particles can be harmful to respiratory health.
Hydrocarbons (HC): Unburned or partially burned hydrocarbons are released as emissions. They
contribute to smog and can be toxic.
Control methods:
Control methods for auto exhaust emissions are crucial for reducing the negative environmental
and health impacts. Some common control methods include:
Catalytic Converters: These devices use catalysts to facilitate chemical reactions that convert
harmful gases like CO, NOx, and unburned hydrocarbons into less harmful substances like
carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and water vapor.
Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR): EGR systems recirculate a portion of exhaust gases back into
the engine's combustion chamber. This reduces combustion temperatures, thereby lowering the
formation of NOx.
Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR): Commonly used in diesel engines, SCR involves injecting
a urea-based solution into the exhaust stream. This reacts with NOx to form harmless nitrogen
and water.
Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: By eliminating or reducing the reliance on internal combustion
engines, these vehicles significantly reduce tailpipe emissions.
Tighter Emission Standards: Governments and regulatory bodies impose strict emission
standards that manufacturers must adhere to, promoting the development and implementation of
cleaner engine technologies.
Alternative Fuels: Using cleaner fuels like natural gas, propane, or hydrogen can reduce certain
emissions and improve air quality.
It's worth noting that a combination of these methods and ongoing advancements in engine and
exhaust system technologies are crucial to effectively control auto exhaust emissions and
minimize their impact on the environment and public health.
Emission Inventories:
Developing comprehensive inventories of pollutant emissions from various sources (industries,
transportation, residential, etc.) is crucial. These inventories help identify major sources of
pollution and guide targeted mitigation efforts.
Source Control:
Implementing measures to reduce emissions directly at the source is a primary strategy for air
quality management. This includes enforcing emission standards for vehicles, industrial
processes, power plants, and other pollution sources.
Transportation Management:
The transportation sector is a major contributor to air pollution. Encouraging public
transportation, promoting electric vehicles, improving traffic management, and implementing
vehicle emission testing programs can help reduce transportation-related emissions.
Regional Collaboration:
Air quality issues often transcend political boundaries. Collaborative efforts between
neighboring regions and countries are crucial for addressing transboundary air pollution.
Air quality management requires a multi-faceted approach that involves government agencies,
industries, communities, and individuals working together to achieve cleaner and healthier air for
present and future generations.
Monitoring and regulating the emissions of suspended particulate matter (SPM), sulfur dioxide
(SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and carbon monoxide (CO) are crucial for ensuring good air
quality. Governments and regulatory bodies around the world set emission standards for these
pollutants to protect public health and the environment. These standards define the maximum
allowable levels of these pollutants in the air, and monitoring is conducted to ensure compliance.
Here's an overview of monitoring and emission standards for each of these pollutants:
Emission Standards: Emission standards for SPM typically specify the maximum allowable
concentration of PM10 or PM2.5 emitted from various sources, such as industries, power
plants, and vehicles.
Emission Standards: Emission standards for NO2 set the maximum allowable concentration
of NO2 emissions, often on an hourly or annual basis, depending on the regulatory
Monitoring methods for these pollutants involve deploying air quality monitoring stations
equipped with specialized instruments. These instruments analyze air samples for the presence
and concentration of pollutants. Monitoring data is used to assess air quality, track trends,
identify pollution sources, and ensure compliance with emission standards.
It's important to note that emission standards vary by country and region, and they are often
updated to reflect advancements in technology and scientific understanding of pollutant impacts
on health and the environment. Regular monitoring and adherence to these standards are
essential for achieving and maintaining good air quality and reducing the adverse effects of air