organism and population - Copy
organism and population - Copy
organism and population - Copy
By Aashish maurya
Ecology is the branch of biology that deals with the
interactions among organisms and between the organism
and its physical (abiotic) environment .
Autoecology (i.e. ecology of an individual species)
Synecology (i.e. ecology of a community with more than
one species).
Ecology is concerned with four levels of biological
organisation: organisms, populations, communities and
Population is defined as the total number of
individuals of a species in a specific geographical
area; can interbreed under natural conditions to
produce fertile offsprings and functions as a unit of
biotic community.
all the frogs (Rana tigrina) and water hyacinth
(Eichhornia-an aquatic weed) plants found in a pond
form the populations of frog and water hyacinth of
that pond.
Population attribution
1.Population size and population density.
Population size indicates the total number of organisms of a
specific species present in a specific geographical area at a
specific time.
Population size depends upon - food availability ,predation
pressure and weather condition.
Low during stressful condition and very high during favourable
Ex. for Siberian cranes at Bharatpur wetlands, the population
size is less than 10 in any year, while for locusts in African
countries, the population size may be in millions during
swarming or that of Chlamydomonas in a pond
Population density is the number of individuals of a
species per unit area or volume.
e.g. number of animals per square kilometre; number
of trees per hectare; number of phytoplanktons per
cubic litre of water.
Population density (P.D.) can be calculated as :
P.D. = N/S
Where N = Number of individuals in a region.
S = Number of unit areas in a region.
2. Birth or Natality rate.
Birth or Natality rate. It is generally expressed as
number of births per 1,000 individuals of a
population per year.