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CJA 2379 No.

of Pages 38
18 July 2022
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, (2022), xxx(xx): xxx–xxx

Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics
& Beihang University
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics

3 Recent advances and trends in roll bonding process
and bonding model: A review


5 Zixuan LI a, Shahed REZAEI b, Tao WANG a,*, Jianchao HAN a, Xuedao SHU c,
6 Zbigniew PATER d, Qingxue HUANG a

7 College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030002, China
8 Institute of Materials Science, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt 64287, Germany
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Lublin University of Technology, Lublin, 20618, Poland

11 Received 24 March 2022; revised 25 April 2022; accepted 25 May 2022

14 KEYWORDS Abstract This review presents a thorough survey of the roll bonding process with a focus on the

16 Bimetallic; bimetallic bars/tubes as well as the bonding models and criteria. The review aims to provide insight
17 Bonding mechanism; into cold, hot and cryogenic bonding mechanisms at the micro and atomic scale and act as a guide
18 Bonding model; for researchers working on roll bonding, other joining processes and bonding simulation. Mean-
19 Numerical simulation; while, the shortcomings of roll bonding processes are presented from the aspect of formable shapes,
20 Roll bonding process while bonding models are shown from the aspect of calculation time, convergence, interface behav-

ior of dissimilar materials as well as hot bonding status prediction. Two well-accepted numerical
methodologies of bonding models, namely the contact algorithm and cohesive zone model
(CZM) of bonding models and in simulations of the bonding process are highlighted. Particularly,
recent advances and trends in the application of the combination of mechanical interlocking and

metallurgical bonding, special energy fields, gradient structure, novel materials, green technology
and soft computing method in the roll bonding process are also discussed. The challenges for
advancing and prospects of the roll bonding process and bonding model are presented in an attempt
to shed some light on the future research direction.

1. Introduction 22

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: twang@tyut.edu.cn (T. WANG). There is still a long way to achieve the Paris climate goals. As 23
Peer review under responsibility of Editorial Committee of CJA. the data investigated by Ren et al.,1 the iron and steel industry 24
accounted for 22% of industrial energy use and 28% of indus- 25
trial carbon emissions in 2019. Carbon neutrality and carbon 26
peaking have become a goal all over the world. To improve 27
Production and hosting by Elsevier this situation, the use of lightweight constructions and 28


Please cite this article in press as: LI Z et al. Recent advances and trends in roll bonding process and bonding model: A review, Chin J Aeronaut (2022), https://doi.org/
CJA 2379 No. of Pages 38
18 July 2022
2 Z. LI et al.

29 materials is an effective method to limit CO2 emissions. As which can be used in hydrogen storage areas. Li et al.18 91
30 demonstrated by Cheah,2 every 10% total weight reduction produced Ti/steel bimetal plate by hot roll bonding which 92
31 in a vehicle can bring 4.9% fuel economy improvement. Thus, can be used for corrosion resistance. Ma et al.19 thought the 93
32 more and more metal composites have been applied to replace Ti/Al composites have great potential for industrial applica- 94
33 the traditional mechanical parts. tions because of their high strength, corrosion resistance, and 95
34 Metallic composites, which consist of multi-material and low density. Based on the effect of ‘‘complementing each 96
35 hybrid structures, can increase both performance and func- other’s weakness”, metal composites can be widely applied in 97
36 tionality, as stated by Martinsen et al.3 Except for the light- aerospace, nuclear power, shipbuilding, and military fields. 98
37 weight function, it can also save precious metals and achieve Currently, as overviewed by Jamaati and Toroghinejad,20 99
38 the effect of ‘‘1 + 1 > 2”. Bay et al.4 regarded that the regular roll bonding of metal composites can be mainly summarized 100
39 welding process cannot meet the high requirement of dissimilar as the bonding mechanism of different metals, the influence 101
40 material bonding and alternative bonding methods must be of different process parameters on the bonding quality, the 102
applied. Generally, as Ji and Huang5 introduced, the bimetallic

41 microstructure evolution law of the substrate metal, and the 103
42 bonding processes can be mainly divided into solid–solid properties of the interface. However, there are still only a 104
43 bonding, solid–liquid bonding, and liquid–liquid bonding. few studies focusing on the bimetallic rod or tube bonding pro- 105
44 Some typical solid–solid bonding processes are as follows: In cess. In addition, metal composites are formed by the longitu- 106
45 explosive welding, the metallurgical bond can be generated dinal rolling process, while rods or tubes are formed by 107

46 with a wave interface. As Findik6 introduced, sheets, pipes, continuous rolling, skew rolling or pilger rolling processes. 108
47 tubes, and rods are common applications. In spin-bonding For metal composites rolling, the non-uniform deformation 109
48 process, bimetallic tubes with ultra-fine grains can be of heterogeneous metals is mainly reflected in the rolling direc- 110

49 obtained.7 A similar phenomenon can also be found in the tion, resulting in the inconsistent length of heterogeneous 111
50 accumulative extrusion bonding process which was proposed metal composites in the rolling direction. Different from metal 112
51 by Standley and Knezevic.8 Some complex geometry of parts composites rolling, the non-uniform deformation of tube or 113
52 can be produced by magnetic pulse welding because the size rod rolling is reflected in both axial and circumferential direc- 114
53 and shape are controlled by the coil or field shaper, as demon- tions. The axial non-uniform deformation leads to length 115
54 strated by Kapil and Sharma. For solid–liquid bonding, Ji ed inconsistency, and the circumferential non-uniform deforma- 116
55 et al.9 fabricated Cu/Al bimetallic pipes by the solid–liquid tion easily leads to the separation of heterogeneous metals at 117
56 cast-rolling bonding process. The bonding shape of this pro- the roll gap, which affects the bonding effect. Moreover, the 118
57 cess is usually simple and mainly determined by the roll pass geometrical and mechanical properties of the circumferential 119
58 design. As for liquid-phase bonding, the bond strength can and axial interface of the composite tube or rod are still not 120
59 be stronger than the explosive welding. Greß et al.10 adopted clear. In addition, the method of binding nodes or gluing the 121
60 vertical continuous compound casting to produce Cu/Al interface in the existing finite element model cannot truly char- 122
61 bimetallic rods. But as Guo et al.11 stated in the centrifugal acterize the roll bonding state, and a typical basic bonding cri- 123
62 casting process, the size of bimetallic products is limited by terion is the comparison of compressive stress in the contact 124
63 the molds. surface and the material deformation resistance, as Tian and 125
64 Another division method stated by Chen et al.12 is based on Huang21 implemented in the simulation of bimetallic bushes 126

65 the different bonding materials. Thus, metal composites can roll bonding process and Gao et al.22 demonstrated in the clad- 127
66 also be divided into ferrous metal/ferrous metal (such as car- ding rods rolling simulation. This kind of simple bonding cri- 128
67 bon steel/stainless steel), non-ferrous metal/ferrous metal (such terion does however not consider other key parameters of 129
68 as Mg/steel, Ti/steel), non-ferrous metal/non-ferrous metal bonding except the pressure. Moreover, research on the predic- 130
(e.g. Al/Mg, Ti/Al, Cu/Al). As illustrated by Chen et al.,13 divi- tion model of the roll bonding process is still relatively sparse.

69 131
70 sion can also be according to functions as structural, thermal Therefore, this review first overviews some main solid–solid 132
71 expansion management, thermomechanical control, electrical, bonding, solid–liquid bonding, and liquid–liquid bonding pro- 133
72 magnetic, corrosion resistance, joining, and cosmetic applica- cesses. In addition, a thorough overview of the roll bonding 134
73 tions. For example, carbon steel can be used as structural func- processes for plates, rods and tubes is investigated; followed 135

74 tion material with a well-accepted economy, while stainless by the related bonding mechanisms and limitations of this pro- 136
75 steel has excellent performance and high price. As investigated cess. Going a step further, the bonding models, bonding crite- 137
76 by Li et al.,14 compared with traditional single stainless steel, ria in the joining processes and the limitations are highlighted. 138
77 the cost of carbon steel/stainless steel composite can be Finally, future development directions of the roll bonding pro- 139
78 reduced by 42.5–54%. In addition, as stated by Li et al.,15 pre- cess and bonding models are discussed in the future trends. 140
cious alloy elements in stainless steel are also saved. Mg is the

80 lightest available metal structural material with poor corrosion 2. Brief overview of bonding methods 141
81 resistance and strength, while Al can overcome the disadvan-
82 tages of Mg. Al/Mg/Al laminates show both advantages of Previous reviews have divided and introduced the joining pro- 142
83 Mg and Al. Thus, it can be applied in engine cylinder blocks cesses in detail. Mori et al.23 mainly overviewed welding, rivet- 143
84 and body sheets of new energy vehicles to reduce the weight ing, and clinching, and some joining by forming processes and 144
85 and enhance buffering capacity. Huo et al.16 proposed a hard pointed out that plastic deformation in joining plays a more 145
86 plate rolling method to improve the bonding ability of Al/Mg/ and more important role in high productivity, high dimen- 146
87 Al laminates. They found the interface layer thickness can be sional accuracy, high strength, and low-cost solutions. Woh- 147
88 increased greatly which makes the laminates have more poten- letz and Groche24 presented the main mechanical bonding 148
89 tial applications. Also, Danaie et al.17 fabricated Mg/Ti and and metallurgical bonding processes. They regarded the 149
90 Mg/steel multilayer composites by accumulative roll bonding

Please cite this article in press as: LI Z et al. Recent advances and trends in roll bonding process and bonding model: A review, Chin J Aeronaut (2022), https://doi.org/
CJA 2379 No. of Pages 38
18 July 2022
Recent advances and trends in roll bonding process and bonding model 3

150 accurate prediction of joint’s properties is impossible. There the special shape of a bi-layered tube (Alaswad et al.27) can be 180
151 are still gaps between joining knowledge and industrial appli- manufactured by hydroforming. In Fig. 1(b), Weber et al.28 181
152 cations. Weber et al.25 mainly overviewed some currently novel extended the die-less hydroforming to join rectangular profiles. 182
153 joining by forming processes, such as chip extrusion, incremen- Hashemi et al.29 produced bimetallic cup of Al1050/St 14 (see 183
154 tal tube forming, and polymer injection forming. The division Fig. 1(c)). But generally, the interface can only get mechanical 184
155 was based on geometries. In this chapter, some main processes bonding. 185
156 of solid–solid bonding, solid–liquid bonding, and liquid–liquid Based on the complex designed dies, the hydroforming pro- 186
157 bonding are overviewed. cess has the ability to create complex geometries with better 187
surface quality and mechanical properties. As stated by Bell 188
158 2.1. Solid-solid bonding process et al.,30 the produced workpieces are closer to the final shape 189
and rework is less required. However, one pair of dies for 190

159 In the solid–solid bonding process, both metals are in solid- one type of product is the main limitation of this process which 191

160 state. In general, the billets need to be assembled together first can induce high cost. In addition, strain hardening may cause 192

161 and then after several different hot/cold deformation processes less ductility and sharp radii are hard to obtain. 193

162 to join them together. Based on Wohletz and Groche 240 s divi-
163 sion, the main solid-state bonding processes are clinching, 2.1.2. Spin-bonding process 194

welding(such as friction stir welding, impact welding process), The metal spinning process is a single-point high-pressure

164 195
165 forging, extrusion, hemming, hydroforming, riveting, rolling, rotary forming process.31 For both the conventional spinning 196
166 spinning, swaging, and so on. However, in this section, only and power spinning processes, the general application is to 197
form the workpiece with a designed roller trace.32 Mohebbi

167 some typical solid–solid bonding processes with plastic defor- 198
168 mation such as hydroforming, spin-bonding, extrusion bond- and Akbarzadeh7 first proposed a novel spin-bonding process 199
169 ing, impact welding are chosen to overview. to manufacture bimetal tubes using the flow forming process. 200
The mechanism of the spin-bonding process is shown in 201
170 2.1.1. Hydroforming process Fig. 2(a). In order to get better bonding strength, Samandari 202

171 As stated by Yuan,26 the hydroforming process is a kind of et al.33 eliminated the oxide film between the inner and outer 203

172 technology that uses a fluid medium to load and deform work- tube interface by brushing before assembly and bonding. The 204

pieces into complex shapes. For the hydroforming process, the
complexity of the workpiece is determined by the shape of
ed bonding mechanism of the cold spin-bonding process is similar
to that demonstrated in the cold welding process by Bay34 (see
Fig. 2(b)). Furthermore, the hot spin-bonding process can also
175 forming tools. For hydroforming of bimetal workpieces, two
176 workpieces should be assembled first. After the workpieces be used to manufacture bimetal tubes, as demonstrated in Xu 208

177 are put into the forming tools, the cover layer is flooded. Next, et al.350 s work. The tensile shear test result shows that the inter- 209
face bond strength exceeds the lower yield strength of the 210
178 axial and fluid pressure increases so that the cover layer can
179 bond together with the parent workpiece. As Fig. 1(a) shows, material36 (see Fig. 2(c)). Thus, for cold spin-bonding, 211

Fig. 1 Bimetallic hydroforming process.

Please cite this article in press as: LI Z et al. Recent advances and trends in roll bonding process and bonding model: A review, Chin J Aeronaut (2022), https://doi.org/
CJA 2379 No. of Pages 38
18 July 2022
4 Z. LI et al.

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Fig. 2 Diagram of bimetal spin-bonding process.
212 mechanical bonding can be obtained on the interface. While Fan et al.40 found that the traditional extrusion method 239
213 for hot spin-bonding, the metallurgical bonding can be stron- cannot well remove the oxidation and impurities on the initial 240
214 ger than the weaker metal strength. interface of the bimetal parts, thereby affecting its bonding 241
215 Spin-bonding has the advantages of low roller force, good performance. Based on this defect, some new methods are pro- 242

216 dimensional accuracy, simple tooling and low cost, and high posed such as the porthole die extrusion (PDE) process and 243
217 material utilization. The mechanical properties of the product semisolid extrusion bonding. For PDE bonding, as shown in 244
218 can also be improved. However, the forming length is limited Fig. 3(b), two streams of fresh metal (without oxidation and 245
219 by the mandrel. Although Arai37 produced spun parts with impurities) are bonded together in the lower die with high tem- 246
complex shapes by non-circular spinning, few reports have perature, high pressure, and almost vacuum atmosphere.

220 247
221 been found on non-circular spin-bonding process. Thus, cur- For the traditional solid–solid extrusion process, a large 248
222 rent bonding geometry is limited to the circular shapes. number of materials extrude through gaps among the cracked 249
oxide layers to obtain metallurgical bonding. However, semi- 250
223 2.1.3. Extrusion bonding process solid extrusion breaks the oxide film under temperature and 251

As Qamar et al. stated, extrusion is a multi-faceted manufac- pressure to achieve metallurgical bonding. The latter point ver- 252

225 turing process because of its versatility and net-shape ability. ified by Zhao and Li41 shows better tensile strength than solid– 253

226 The metal flows in a closed space with high pressure, high fric- solid and solid–liquid extrusion bonding (see Fig. 3(c)). 254

227 tion, and other complex boundary conditions in the extrusion Extrusion bonding can form complex shapes with high 255

228 process. However, for the bimetal extrusion process, only dimensional accuracy.42 Because of the high compressive stres- 256
ses in the container and die, less ductile metals can be formed. 257

229 when the two materials flow at the same velocity near the inter-
230 face, can they bond together with compressive stress inside the However, short service life and high cost are the main limita- 258

231 tools, which has been demonstrated by Khosravifard and tions of extrusion tools. Unremoved oxidation and impurities 259

232 Ebrahimi.39 on the interface may affect the bonding strength. 260

233 Currently, an accumulative extrusion bonding (AEB)

234 method is adopted by Standley and Knezevic8 to manufacture 2.1.4. High velocity impact welding process 261
235 ultrafine microstructure multilayered bimetallic products As stated by Wang HM and Wang YL, the two typical char- 262
236 because of the significantly improved strength, thermal stabil- acteristics of high-velocity impact welding are low bonding 263
237 ity, resistance to shock damage, and radiation damage (see temperature and high bonding velocity. As a typical high- 264
238 Fig. 3(a)). velocity impact welding process, explosive welding (EXW) 265
has been widely used in the joining of tubes, bars, and plates 266

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CJA 2379 No. of Pages 38
18 July 2022
Recent advances and trends in roll bonding process and bonding model 5

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Fig. 3 Novel extrusion bonding processes.

267 (such as heat exchangers and pressure vessels, as shown in were found on the armor of the tanks. The phenomenon of 271
268 Crossland440 s work). In the First World War, people found EXW was however not recognized until Carl45 proposed this 272
269 that the fragments of shells can be bonded firmly with metal conception. As a kind of solid-state bonding process, EXW 273
270 parts, while in the Second World War, many metal fragments uses energy generated by explosives to impact the workpiece. 274

Please cite this article in press as: LI Z et al. Recent advances and trends in roll bonding process and bonding model: A review, Chin J Aeronaut (2022), https://doi.org/
CJA 2379 No. of Pages 38
18 July 2022
6 Z. LI et al.

275 Three critical conditions must exist for the welding to occur: fabricated Cu/Al bimetallic tubes with this SLCRB process 322
276 jetting, sufficient impact pressure, and stand-off distance. (see Fig. 6(c)). Compared with bimetallic strips produced by 323
277 The wave interface formation is a consequence of the SLCRB, the deformation changes from 2D to 3D, the bonding 324
278 Kelvin-Helmholtz mechanism.46 The mechanism of EXW47 is mechanisms are also different.9 During the SLCRB process, 325
279 shown in Fig. 4. the metal state changes from solid-liquid, solid-semisolid to 326
280 As stated by Findik,6 high bond strength can be achieved solid–solid, while the interface also goes through four stages: 327
281 because of the Kelvin-Helmholtz waves in explosive welding. contact, cast-bonding, roll-bonding, and diffusion welding. 328
282 However, because of the high-velocity impact effect, the metals Solid-liquid bonding processes have the advantage of sound 329
283 must have enough thickness, impact resistance, and ductility. bonding strength. But pores and cracks can always be found 330
284 While complex geometries are hard to be welded together. on the interface.53 In addition, as stated by Zare et al.,55 if 331
285 Noise, pollution, and low production efficiency are the other the oxide layer of the solid part is not removed, only limited 332
286 drawbacks of this process. and local bonding can be obtained. 333

287 Similar to explosive welding, magnetic pulse welding
288 (MPW) is another kind of high-velocity impact welding pro- 2.3. Liquid-liquid bonding process 334
289 cess. The bonding in both processes is achieved by the jetting
290 phenomenon. Different from explosives, the MPW is driven In the liquid–liquid bonding process, both kinds of metals are 335
291 by electromagnetic forces, as stated by Kapil and Sharma.48 in the liquid-state. In Fig. 7(a), Wang et al.56 produced Cu/Al

292 The joining mechanism of MPW is shown in Fig. 5(a).49 As bimetallic plates by horizontal continuous composite casting 337
293 shown in Psyk et al.500 s work, in tube compression or tube (HCCC) process. They found that inappropriate temperature 338
294 bonding processes, a field shaper in Fig. 5(a) is always adopted

causes the generation of intermetallic compounds on the inter- 339
295 between the tool coil and workpiece to obtain higher current face which may cause crack during the following rolling pro- 340
296 density and higher field strength. As demonstrated by Yan cess. While in Fig. 7(b), Japanese company KUBOTA 341
297 et al.,51 for the field shaper with one slot, the defect occurs adopted multi-layer centrifugal casting to fabricate triple- 342
298 at the slot because of the different contact-free force in this layer composite roll to obtain better properties.57 Guo et al.11 343
299 area (see Fig. 5(b)),52 while multi-slot field shaper has better introduced a centrifugal casting process to obtain composite 344
300 forming uniformity (see Fig. 5(c)).51 ed billets, which has been adopted by Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes 345
301 Although MPW is also a kind of impact welding process, Co., Ltd. to produce various specifications of bimetallic tubes. 346
302 the driven force is contact-free. It can join not only metals But this technology may cause mixed melting, layering, 347
303 but also members of glass and polymers. The bonding occurs nonuniform thickness, and other defects. 348
304 without lubrication and heating. Meanwhile, a clean work- Strong metallurgical bonding can be generated during this 349
305 piece surface can be obtained. As studied by Psyk et al.,50 process. But when two kinds of liquid metals combine 350
306 springback is significantly reduced after MPW. However, together, mixed melting may occur. Different solidification 351
307 MPW is only suitable for materials with high electrical conduc- temperatures can bring difficulties to the bonding quality. In 352
308 tivity and low flow stress. The bonding geometry and size are addition, accurate dimensions and surface quality are hard 353
309 controlled by the coil or field shaper. Low energy efficiency to be controlled. In order to get the final product, the following 354
310 and safety problems are the other drawbacks. processes such as cutting are needed. Thus, the recovery rate of 355

the metal is not high. 356

311 2.2. Solid-liquid bonding process
2.4. Joining processes comparison 357
312 In the solid–liquid bonding process, one kind of metal is in

313 solid-state, while another is in the liquid-state. Li et al.53 fabri- After the overview of different bonding processes. The com- 358
314 cated Cu/Al composites by the solid–liquid compound casting parison of the above-introduced bonding processes and roll 359
315 (SLCC) method. They found that graded interfaces formed bonding process together with their advantages, limitations 360
316 during the interdiffusion of Cu and Al. The reaction–diffusion and applications are summarized in Table 1. 361
317 of the interface is the dominant effect in SLCC (see Fig. 6(a)).

318 Huang et al.54 found similar results when they adopted the 3. Roll bonding process and bonding mechanisms 362
319 solid–liquid cast-rolling bonding (SLCRB) process to produce
320 Ti/Al strips (see Fig. 6(b)). The solid–liquid or semisolid-liquid
321 reaction can help get a better bonding effect. In addition, they The roll bonding process is the most typical process of solid– 363
solid bonding, which makes the two bimetallic plates break 364
the oxide film on the contact surface of different metals under 365

the high rolling pressure, and facilitates plastic flow in the 366
whole contact surface. The fresh metal flows together through 367
the surface crack and then produces a micro-scale atomic reac- 368
tion. Finally, a certain strength of metallurgical bonding 369
occurs at the contact interface between the metal layers to real- 370
ize the welding effect.58 According to the different bonding 371
temperatures, it can be divided into cold roll bonding and 372
hot roll bonding processes. In the cold roll bonding process, 373
film theory is the main bonding mechanism. While in the hot 374
Fig. 4 Mechanism of explosive welding with Kelvin-Helmholtz roll bonding process, diffusion is the dominant bonding mech- 375
waves.47 anism, intermetallic compounds layer may be generated. In 376

Please cite this article in press as: LI Z et al. Recent advances and trends in roll bonding process and bonding model: A review, Chin J Aeronaut (2022), https://doi.org/
CJA 2379 No. of Pages 38
18 July 2022
Recent advances and trends in roll bonding process and bonding model 7

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Fig. 5 Magnetic pulse welding of bimetallic tubes.

377 this chapter, some main roll bonding processes and bonding the interface is the highest. After rolling, the thickness of the 398
378 mechanisms are overviewed. composite plates becomes thinner, the wavy interface changes 399
to a less wavy type, and the shear strength of the interface

379 3.1. Roll bonding process decreases greatly. 401
Based on this defect, as shown in Fig. 8(d), Huang et al.62 402
380 3.1.1. Roll bonding of bimetallic plates proposed a corrugated flat rolling (CFR) process to obtain a 403

381 Currently, the main focuses of the roll bonding process are on corrugation bonding interface similar to explosive welding, 404

382 the composite plates. Thus, as stated by Yu et al.,59 several dif- which greatly improved the interfacial shear strength of com- 405

383 ferent rolling processes have been developed, such as hot roll posite plates. The schematic of CFR is shown in Fig. 9, in 406

384 bonding, cold roll bonding, different temperature roll bonding, the CFR process, there are more than two cross shear zones 407

385 accumulative roll bonding, asymmetrical roll bonding, (depending on the roll profile). While only one cross shear zone 408

386 explosive-rolling, solid–liquid cast-rolling bonding, hot-pack in the general flat rolling process. Thus, CFR can increase the 409
friction stress and the cross shear zones greatly.63 In their

387 rolling, brazing/hot-rolling, electrically-assisted roll bonding,
388 electrochemical-assisted roll bonding, and some other another work64 of Mg/Al composites manufactured by CFR, 411

389 processes. the micro bonding mechanism of CFR is illustrated. During 412

390 Although the conventional roll bonding process can realize corrugated rolling, the larger strain at the trough position will 413

391 the metallurgical bonding of the composite plates, the interface accelerate the breaking of the oxide film and work hardening 414

392 line is linear, the carbide zone is generated on the stainless steel layer on the interface, and realize metallurgical bonding. Dur- 415

393 side, while the decarburized zone is formed on the carbon steel ing flat rolling, the compounds at the wave peak and wave 416

394 side. But the bond strength of the interface is still lower than trough break, and the virgin metal is squeezed into the inter- 417

395 those of the explosive welding process with wavy bonding face, which improves the interface bonding area. In addition, 418

396 interface (see Fig. 8(a)–(c)).60,61 In their work, before rolling, Wang et al.65 adopted CFR to fabricate Cu/Al composites 419

397 there is an obvious wavy interface, and the shear strength of and found that under the same conditions (40% reduction), 420

Please cite this article in press as: LI Z et al. Recent advances and trends in roll bonding process and bonding model: A review, Chin J Aeronaut (2022), https://doi.org/
CJA 2379 No. of Pages 38
18 July 2022
8 Z. LI et al.

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Fig. 6 Solid-liquid bonding processes.
421 the shear strength of flat rolling is about 20 MPa, the shear poor joining capacity with concrete (see Fig. 11(a)); (ii) the 450
422 strength of CFR is up to 70 MPa. Similar results also verified thickness of the stainless steel layer is nonuniform (see 451
423 in work.66 Fig. 11(b)); (iii) the production process is complex and the cost 452
is high (the product price can be 70–75% of the pure stainless 453

424 3.1.2. Roll bonding of bimetallic rods/tubes steel rebars). 454

425 Unlike in the bimetallic plates, the thickness and deformation Except for this method, the ‘‘bonding process + forming 455

426 along the circumferential direction of the rods are not uniform process” is another mainstream approach to produce the 456

427 under the roll bonding process, and the bonding interface is bimetallic rods. Dyja et al.71 simulated the rolling process of 457

428 wavy and curved. Among all the bimetallic rods/tubes, carbon Cu/steel rods in edge oval-oval series manufactured by explo- 458

429 steel/stainless steel rods/tubes are commonly used in many sive welding. Berski et al.72 found the effects of die shape and 459

430 fields such as oil gas pipeline, first loop pipe of the nuclear extrusion ratio during the extrusion process of explosive weld- 460

431 power plant, etc. For this kind of bonding, both Liu et al.67 ing of Cu/Al rods. Mroz et al.73 analyzed the thickness layer 461

432 and Mujtaba et al.68 found duplex structures (mainly marten- distribution of Cu/Al rods during the rolling process. They 462
found that a correctly designed rolling process can assure the

433 site and ferrite) at the transition zone in the vicinity of the 463

434 stainless steel. As can be seen in Fig. 10(a) and (b), the inter- bonding quality similar to that of the explosive welding pro- 464

435 face microhardness shows a gradient distribution. The cess. Liu et al.74 manufactured Cr13/HRB400E rebar by metal 465

436 microstructure evolution in the vicinity of the bonding inter- deposition and hot rolling method. They stated that the thick- 466

437 face can be predicted through the Schaeffler diagram in ness of the Cr13 layer at the root of the rib is the thinnest and 467

438 Fig. 10(c). the top of the rib is the thickest. 468

439 The continual mandrel rolling process is mainly used for Based on the defects of Fig. 11, Wu et al.75 adopted vacuum 469

440 continuous rolling, tube sizing and clad rods bonding. It is treatment and plasma welding to obtain the 316/HRB400 470

441 suitable for the roll bonding of soft materials such as copper, bimetallic billets and rolled through 18 passes. The yield 471

442 and aluminum, but it is difficult to ensure the roll bonding strength of the produced bimetallic rebars can reach 472

443 effect of hard materials such as stainless steel. For example, 470 MPa, the tensile strength is about 600 MPa and the elon- 473

444 Cacace69 proposed a method of rolling a heated hollow tube gation is larger than 25%, which shows better bonding proper- 474

445 filled with the carbon steel swarf. Based on this method, ties than the previously produced rebars. 475

446 NXInfrastructure Limited and Stelax Industries Ltd. can pro- Except for the continuous rolling process, the skew rolling 476

447 duce the clad rebars. However, as mentioned by Xiang et al.,70 process can also be applied in the bonding process. The cold 477

448 this method has the following defects: (i) there are cracks on skew rolling process has the characteristics of large deforma- 478

449 the bonding interface, and the rib height is low which shows tion, short process route, high efficiency, and low energy con- 479

Please cite this article in press as: LI Z et al. Recent advances and trends in roll bonding process and bonding model: A review, Chin J Aeronaut (2022), https://doi.org/
CJA 2379 No. of Pages 38
18 July 2022
Recent advances and trends in roll bonding process and bonding model 9

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Fig. 7 Liquid-liquid bonding processes.

480 sumption. It has been proved that the small-diameter and thin- stresses can induce voids to nucleate, grow and coalesce to 502

481 walled bimetallic tubes can be bonded successfully. However, macro fracture. 503
482 in the cold rolling process, it is difficult to activate the interface In addition, for the skew roll bonding process of different 504
483 atoms to achieve atomic diffusion and metallurgical bonding. tubes or rods, the uncoordinated deformation in both axial 505
484 As a result, Qin et al.76 found that the metallic tube can only and circumferential directions is obvious. The deformation 506
realize mechanical bonding, and the application place is can be divided into three stages (see Fig. 12): (i) in the initial

485 507
486 greatly limited. bite zone, only the diameters of the outer and inner tube are 508
487 Given the shortcomings of the cold skew rolling process, reduced; (ii) the diameter and wall thickness of the outer tube 509
488 the pilger hot rolling process came into being. However, He is reduced, while only the diameter of the inner tube is 510
489 et al.77 found that due to the periodic movement in a pilger reduced; (iii) both the diameter and wall thickness of inner 511
490 rolling mill, the work hardening of stainless steel in the form- and outer tubes are reduced. As analyzed by Teterin,81 in 512

491 ing process is larger than that of carbon steel, and the deforma- the axial direction, the uncoordinated deformation will cause 513
492 tion is more difficult, which leads to the more inconsistent the different elongation of the metal tubes or rods, while in 514
493 thickness of inner and outer tube, and it is difficult to ensure the circumferential direction, the triangle effect will occur, 515
494 the forming accuracy. The process of hot three skew rolling which will cause the gap between the inner and outer tubes 516
495 of a carbon steel/stainless steel rod can facilitate metallurgical at the triangle roll gap area under the effect of three- 517
496 bonding.78 As introduced by Wang et al.,79 the hot skew roll- dimensional compressive stresses. Recent studies on different 518
497 ing process has the advantages of large deformation and high applications of bimetallic rods/tubes rolling methods are 519
498 efficiency and avoids the technical shortcomings of the listed in Table 2.82–86 520
499 mechanical bonding in cold forming processes. However, Except for the above roll processes, the authors proposed a 521
500 Yamane et al.80 found that internal fractures easily occurred novel tube roll bonding process called ‘‘three-skew corrugated 522
501 during the skew rolling process because the tensile and shear flat stagger rolling” (TSCFSR) (see Fig. 13(a)). In this process, 523

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10 Z. LI et al.

Table 1 Joining processes comparison.

Division Process Bonding Advantages Limitations Applications
Solid- Hydroforming Mechanical The ability to create more One pair of forming tools for one Complex bimetallic tubes
solid bonding bonding complex geometries, reduced type of product, dimension (such as three-way tube),
bonding thinning limited by dies cups, special-shaped joints,
Better surface finish and High equipment investment etc
mechanical properties Difficult to obtain sharp radii
Closer to the final shape and Less ductility because of strain
less required rework hardening
Spin-bonding Mechanical/ Low forming loads Only simple shape can be formed Bimetallic tubes, cups
metallurgical Simple tooling and low cost The forming length is limited by

bonding Good dimensional the mandrel
accuracyGood bond strength
(especially in hot spin-
bonding process)
Improved mechanical

properties than original billet
High material utilization
Extrusion Mechanical/ High compressive stresses in Short service life and high cost of Mainly composite tubes and

bonding metallurgical the container and die, less extrusion tools rods
bonding ductile metals can be formed Unremoved oxidation and
Complex forming shapes, no impurities on the interface affect
length limitation the bonding strength
High dimensional accuracy Batch process, cannot realize
continuous operation
Explosive Metallurgical Achieve high bond strength
ed Because of the high-velocity Transition joints, bimetallic
welding bonding because of the Kelvin- impact effect, the metals must plates, rods, and tubes, etc
Helmoltz waves have enough thickness, impact
Obtain large bonding area resistance and ductility
No length limitation, but thin Complex geometries cannot be
wall thickness may crack welded together
Noise and blast because of the
Low production efficiency and
difficult to realize mass
Magnetic pulse Metallurgical Due to the character of Only suitable for materials with a Bimetallic tubes, joining of

welding bonding contact-free force, no high electrical conductivity and different metal parts (such as
impureness or imprint occurs low flow stress sealed connection of tubes
on the workpiece surface Low energy efficiency because and metal tips)
It is an environmentally only a small part of energy is
friendly process without used for plastic deformation

lubrication, heating and Safety problems because of high

necessity of cleaning voltages and field strength
Joining not only metals, but Geometry and size are controlled
also members of glass and by the coil or field shaper

Springback is significantly
Roll bonding Metallurgical Local loading and axial Only simple shapes can be Bimetallic plates, strips,
bonding forming process with no formed tubes and rods
forming length limitation Surface treatment must be done
High production efficiency before bonding

and high material utilization Bond strength is not high enough

Stable quality and suitable
for mass production
Solid- Solid-liquid Metallurgical High production efficiency Rough surface, shrinkage cavity Engine cylinders, hammer
liquid compound bonding and short process, suitable and porosity heads, etc
bonding casting for industrial production
Wide chosen range of metals
Complex geometries
determined by the dies
Solid-liquid Metallurgical High production efficiency Hard to produce large size Bimetallic products with

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Recent advances and trends in roll bonding process and bonding model 11

Table 1 (continued)
Division Process Bonding Advantages Limitations Applications
cast-rolling bonding and short process products circular, square and rectangle
bonding Good bonding strength Nonuniform mechanical sections
properties, and interfacial
bonding strength
Simple geometries
Liquid- Horizontal Metallurgical Fine grain size, high density Simple geometries Bimetallic plates, rods (clad
liquid continuous bonding and good mechanical Casting defects such as porosity, wires)
bonding composite properties segregation, inclusion
casting Smooth surface, accurate size

and small machining
High production efficiency
No length limitation

Multi-layer Metallurgical High production efficiency Rough surface Composite rolls, bimetallic
centrifugal bonding and short process Rotary geometries limited by the tubes, etc
casting Good bonding strength dies

Directional crystallization Mixed melting, cavity
Interface layer with brittle phase


Fig. 8 Interface comparison of different processes.


524 three rolls rotate in the same direction and drive the heated the bimetallic tube changes its diameter and wall thickness. 534
525 bimetal tube with a mandrel inside to rotate and feed. The Three kinds of increasing corrugations that are gradually dee- 535
526 two tubes are ends welded together. Among them, the corruga- per and wider are rolled on the surface of the outer tube, and 536
527 tions of the three corrugated rolls are arranged in the wall the three kinds of corrugations are located on the same spiral 537
528 thickness reducing section (Fig. 13(b)). The stagger distance line (see Fig. 13(d)). Meanwhile, the corrugations are transmit- 538
529 between corrugations is the same as the axial feeding distance ted to the inner tube through the flattening section of the rolls. 539
530 of the tube, and the corrugation area can gradually increase Corrugation occurs at the interface and the corrugations at the 540
531 along the rolling direction. The relationship between stagger outer surface of the outer tube are flattened (see Fig. 13(e)). 541
532 distance and increasing corrugations are shown in Fig. 13(c). The advantages of the proposed three-skew corrugated flat 542
533 Under the action of the thickness reducing section of the rolls, stagger rolling process are as follows: 543

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12 Z. LI et al.

o of
Fig. 9 Schematic of CFR process and cross shear zone.63

Fig. 10 Interface hardness and microstructure evolution.67

(i) As a local loading and axial continuous forming process, 544

skew rolling has the advantages of low rolling force, 545

high production efficiency and energy saving. The pro- 546

duction and manufacturing costs are significantly 547
reduced. 548
(ii) Axial forming solves the difficulty that the size of 549
bimetallic tube is constrained by the size of die and 550
equipment in the traditional joining process. The rolled 551
part is placed outside the equipment, which significantly 552
saves the rolling space of the equipment, and reduces the 553
size of the equipment body. 554

Fig. 11 Section of stainless steel/carbon steel clad rebar.70

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Recent advances and trends in roll bonding process and bonding model 13

o of
Fig. 12 Axial and circumferential deformation of bimetallic tube.

555 (iii) By setting corrugations in the thickness reducing section the roll is designed unreasonable, several defects such as 585
556 of the roll, the skew rolling process can realize the multi- corrugation on the outer surface cannot be flattened or corru- 586
557 pass rolling process in a single stand. The corrugation gation malalignment may occur (see Fig. 14(c)). Thus, the 587
558 bonding interface can greatly improve the bonding design criteria of corrugated roll and the TSCFSR process still 588
559 strength. need further studies. 589

560 (iv) The corrugations at the outer surface of the bimetallic

561 tube can be realized by arranging the increasing corruga- 3.2. Bonding mechanism 590
562 tions on the three rolls at a stagger distance. Finally, a
563 single spiral corrugation bonding interface between the Li et al.87 concluded the bonding mechanism as the film the- 591

564 inner and outer tube is formed. The increasing corruga- ory, energy barrier theory, diffusion bonding theory, and 592
565 tions can share the deformation and improve the biting recrystallization theory. As stated by Mohamed and Wash- 593
566 quality, which not only avoids the biting difficulty and burn,88 the film theory proposes that bonding will be created 594
567 rolling seizing caused by too high corrugations, but also if two clean metal surfaces are in close contact. In the energy 595
568 prevents the indentation caused by too low corrugation barrier theory, besides the contact of two clean metal surfaces,

569 is too shallow, which affects the forming effect of corru- bonding can only occur when the existing energy barrier has 597
570 gation bonding interface and significantly improves the been overcome. This energy barrier was considered as recrys- 598
571 bonding effect. tallization or diffusion, while Semenov89 pointed out that the 599
energy comes from the misorientation of the crystals at the 600
573 Fig. 14(a) shows the whole process of TSCFSR. During the interface. The reason is that metal can be bonded together at 601

574 rolling process, corrugations first appeared on the outer sur- liquid nitrogen temperature where diffusion or recrystalliza- 602
575 face of both outer and inner tube. After the flattening section, tion could not occur. Thus, diffusion or recrystallization can 603
576 the outer surface of the outer tube changes to flat and the be considered as the energy to motivate the bonding. In this 604
577 bonding interface is still corrugated shape. Fig. 14(b) shows respect, the diffusion bonding theory and the recrystallization 605
578 the 3D view of the corrugation interface. From the effective theory are parts of the energy barrier theory. 606
579 strain distribution of the inner tube’s outer surface, we can
580 see, there is a threaded corrugation interface in the bimetallic 3.2.1. Cold bonding mechanism 607
581 tube. For the hot roll bonding process, this type of bonding
Similar to the cold welding process, the mechanism of the cold 608
582 interface can not only generate metallurgical bonding but also
roll bonding process can be well described by the ‘‘film the- 609
583 mechanical interlocking, which can increase both axial and cir-
ory”. In general, virgin metal is covered by a thin oxide layer 610
584 cumferential bonding strength. However, if the corrugation on
and other contaminants, which will prevent metallic bonding. 611

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14 Z. LI et al.

Table 2 Different rolling methods and treatment of bimetallic billets.

Rolling method Bonding mechanism Treatment of the bimetallic billets Reference
Continuous rolling Metallurgical bonding Liquid-solid casting 67,74
Surface smoothing, the two ends are welded and sealed 68, 70, 75
under vacuum
Explosive welding 71, 73
Surface smoothing and drawing, then the two ends are 82
Pilger rolling Mechanical/metallurgical bonding Surface smoothing, the two ends are welded and sealed 77
(depending on the rolling temperature) under vacuum
Unknown 83

Skew rolling Mechanical/metallurgical bonding Interference fit (H7/p6), hold by a gripper 84
(depending on the rolling temperature) Only simulation 78, 79
Solid-liquid cast- Metallurgical bonding Surface cleaning of the solid metal, shielding gas is used to 9, 85
rolling bonding protect the interface from oxidation

Ring rolling Mechanical/metallurgical bonding Surface cleaning, expanding, bulging and eliminating 21
(depending on the rolling temperature) interface gap, and then blooming
Interference fit of 2 mm (only outer ring heated), front edges 86

are welded

612 Compared with the metal substrate, the oxide layer is brittle. reaches a certain threshold (an energy barrier) (see Fig. 16 649
613 This cover layer may crack easily when the interface expands (b)). The driving force of under-developed dislocation accumu- 650
614 under pressure. As shown in Fig. 15, when the composite lation cannot induce bulging or recrystallization at a low level 651
plates contact with rolls, the oxide film breaks as the substrate
metal stretches along the rolling direction. The virgin metal
ed of strain. This phenomenon is considered strain-induced grain
boundary migration (SIBM). Generally, with the increasing
617 can extrude together in the oxide film crack channels within strain, the stored energy of dislocations is also increasing, 654
618 atomic distances. Thus, metallurgical bonding is established.90 which causes the increasing stored energy difference. This 655
619 According to this mechanism, increasing cracked contact inter- can decrease the critical radius of the nucleus. The nucleus 656
face can increase bonding area. Processes such as CFR or can be formed when this radius is smaller than the cells, as
620 657
621 asymmetric rolling can increase the shear deformation of the shown in Fig. 16(c), because the cell may bulge into the near 658
622 contact surface, help to break the surface oxide film and pro- grains. Fig. 16(d)–(f) show the bonding interface microstruc- 659
623 mote the exposure of fresh metal compared with flat roll bond- tures of the IN718 based on the above mechanism. With the 660
ing process. To enhance the bonding quality, as stated by increasing bulging and DRXed grains, the initial bonding line

624 661
625 Jamaati and Toroghinejad20 in the solid-phase bonding pro- disappears (see Fig. 16(g)), which results in higher bond 662
626 cess, the reduction, the type of bond materials (different mate- strength. The two different mechanisms are shown in Fig. 16 663
627 rial combinations were implemented in Bay et al.910 s work of (h)–(k). 664
628 cold welding process), surface roughness (Zhang et al.92 stud- The above mechanism has also been verified by Xu et al.97 665

629 ied the surface roughness effect in the hot isostatic pressing in their work on 2196 Al-Cu-Li alloy hot compression. How- 666
630 process of 304/Q235), pre-rolling and post-rolling annealing ever, Gao et al.98 found that increasing temperature and reduc- 667
631 treatment, initial thickness, rolling speed, rolling direction, ing bonding strain rate can improve the bond strength of 668
632 friction as well as particles should be considered carefully. HCCI/LCS prepared by the hot compressive bonding process. 669
The strain rate law for dissimilar materials is different from 670

633 3.2.2. Hot bonding mechanism Zhou et al.990 s work of 14Cr ferrite steel. 671

634 For hot bonding, the bonding mechanism of the same and dif- For bonding of different materials, which are commonly 672

635 ferent materials are different. For bonding the same materials, adopted in the roll bonding process, the bonding mechanisms 673

636 the initial bond interface can be eliminated under the required of different metals are quite different. For some metal combi- 674

637 temperature, contact time, pressure, and deformation. As nations such as Ti/steel and steel/Cu, the bonding is hard to 675

638 Huang et al.93,94 investigated, for a superplastic alloy, grain obtain. The following example shows the basic diffusion mech- 676

639 growth was the main reason to remove the initial bond inter- anism of the carbon steel/stainless steel in the hot roll bonding 677

640 face; while for a hot-rolled alloy, the reason changed to recrys- process: 678

641 tallization, Wang et al.95 also demonstrated this view. Zhang When the oxide film on both sides of the interface is 679

642 et al.96 found that at the initial bonding stage, heterogeneous deformed and broken, the substrate metal diffuses to expose 680

643 strain inside the interfacial grains appeared because of the the atoms on the interface, and when the gap of the metallic 681

644 small plastic deformation. Hence, more and more different plate is close to the atomic radius scale under the rolling force, 682

645 density dislocations in the vicinity of the interface appear in C has larger mobility because the atomic radius of C 683

646 the deformed grains (see Fig. 16(a)). With the continuous (0.077 nm) is far smaller than other elements. C migrates from 684

647 increase of the strain, bulging in the interfacial grain bound- the carbon steel side to the interface and accumulates around 685

648 aries (IGB) occurs because the dislocation accumulation the interface, forming a carbon layer, Cr, Ni, and other ele- 686

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Recent advances and trends in roll bonding process and bonding model 15

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Fig. 13 Forming mechanism of three-skew corrugated flat stagger rolling.


687 ments also migrate to various degrees from the stainless steel Fig. 10(c), Wang et al.105 found that the martensite layer 706
688 side to the interface and carbon steel side, which leads to the may be generated under a low rolling reduction ratio, which 707
gradual disappearance of the original contact interface and can cause interface delamination (see Fig. 17(b)). With increas-

689 708
690 the formation of the interface with gradient distribution of ele- ing rolling reduction ratio and over the diffusion of Cr, the 709
691 ments, similar results can be found in Xie et al.100 and Dhib thickness of the martensite layer decreased and finally disap- 710
692 et al.1010 s work. peared (see Fig. 17(c)–(d)). 711
693 However, hot rolling will inevitably leave oxygen atoms on As opposed to the cold roll bonding process, Mittelman 712
694 the contact surface of the prefabricated composite plate, and et al.106 enhanced that the dominant mechanism in the hot roll 713

695 then generate dispersed fine oxides on the contact surface dur- bonding process is solid-state diffusion. Diffusion leads to the 714
696 ing the heating process of the composite plate.102 According to mixing of atoms or molecules because of the Brownian motion. 715
697 the WDS analysis, Feng et al.103 showed that the oxides at the Studies have been done on the parameters that may affect the 716
698 interface are Si-Mn composite oxide, MnCr2O4 oxide, and diffusion: 717
699 MnS inclusion (see Fig. 17(a)). They claimed that large defor- Hosseini et al.107 adopted the roll bonded Cu/Cu strips to 718
700 mation causes large fragmentation of interface inclusions, study the effect of thickness reduction, rolling temperature, 719
701 which is easier for the bonding. In addition, decarburization and scratch brushed layer on the bond strength. Apart from 720
702 and diffusion of C elements on the carbon steel side may cause the above parameters, Jamaati and Toroghinejad108 also stud- 721
703 defects in the decarburized zone and reduce the strength of the ied the effect of pre-rolling annealing, post-rolling annealing, 722
704 composite plate, as demonstrated in Tomczak et al.1040 s work rolling speed, and rolling direction on the bond strength of 723
705 of skew rolling. However, due to the Schaeffler diagram in Al/Al strips. Sheng et al.109 studied deeply the heat treatment 724

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16 Z. LI et al.

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Fig. 14 Simulation of TSCFSR process.


Fig. 15 Schematic illustration of oxide film and roll bonding process.90


725 of Cu/Al composites and found that low-temperature heat one type of energy can be replaced by another89 (e.g. if the 743
726 treatment can improve the bond strength. Different from the temperature is higher, pressure and deformation can be smal- 744

727 bimetallic plates, Manesh and Shahabi110 studied a sandwich ler). To obtain a sound bonding quality in hot bonding pro- 745
728 structure of Al/St/Al strips. They discussed the effect of inter- cess, not only the above parameters but also the composition 746
729 nal layer thickness, yield strength, and the friction between roll of the interface layer should be considered. 747
730 and strips.
731 In addition, another interesting phenomenon is about the 3.2.3. Cryogenic bonding mechanism 748

732 relationship between diffusion layer and bond strength. The Only a few works focus on the cryogenic rolling bonding pro- 749
733 bond strength increasing with the thicker diffusion layer first. cess. The bond mechanism has not been fully revealed. In Yu 750
734 But with the increasing interface thickness, the ductile diffu- et al.1110 s work, the bonding mechanism of Al/Ti at room tem- 751
735 sion layer transferred into brittle diffusion layer with massive perature (RT) and cryogenic temperature are compared (see 752
736 pores, which will cause a huge decreasing of bond strength. Fig. 18). Soft layer (Al in this work) interfacial grain refine- 753
737 Thus, the temperature, bonding pressure, time of contact, ment is more easily to occur at cryogenic temperature because 754
738 forming velocity, annealing treatment, and initial surface qual- the temperature limits the dynamic recovery behavior 755
739 ity are the key parameters that control the diffusion, which (RT:186.3 nm/cryogenic:47.8 nm). With increasing pressure 756
740 also determine the bond strength. As mentioned above, some and thickness reduction, the grains grow to ultrafine grain, 757
741 of the parameters (e.g. temperature, pressure, and time) are and nano grain and the soft layer bonded with the hard layer 758
742 also the key factors to overcome the energy barrier. Thus, (RT:398.7 nm/cryogenic:386.8 nm). 759

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Recent advances and trends in roll bonding process and bonding model 17

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Fig. 16 Mechanism of solid-state plastic deformation bonding process.96


Fig. 17 Schematic diagram of bonding interface formation process of carbon steel/stainless steel plate.105

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18 Z. LI et al.

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Fig. 18 Cryogenic bonding mechanism of Al/Ti/Al laminate plate.111

760 3.2.4. Atomic level bonding mechanism oxygen-rich zones. Fe ions are reduced to elemental Fe at 778

761 Extensive investigations have been done on micro-level bond- the expense of the more reactive metallic Al. Meanwhile, oxy- 779

762 ing mechanisms, but the atomic-level bonding phenomena gen ions play a charge carrier role in this process. In zone 1, 780

763 remains unclear. Czelej and Kurzydłowski112 proposed that elemental Fe and Al can obtain a closer bond by sharing their 781

764 brittle intermetallic phases at the interface region may promote electrons under the oxygen-free and high-pressure conditions 782

765 failure and induce poor interface quality under low strain
ed (see Fig. 19(d)). The above phenomenon described the Bay the- 783

766 levels. To eliminate the inclusion on the interface, Hoppe ory at the atomic level. 784

767 et al.113 promoted the interface cohesion of Cu and Al-based In addition, Czelej and Kurzydłowski112 found the interfa- 785

768 on ultra-thin mercapto-propyl (trimethoxy) silane film. The cial bonds formation and their impact on the bond strength 786

769 film helps to form stable Cu-S and Si-O-Al interfacial bonds based on the density functional theory. A thorough survey 787

770 at the atomic scale. on the atomic level bonding mechanism can show the effect 788

771 To understand the micro bonding mechanism, Peter et al.114 of alloying elements on the bond strength clearly (e.g. effects 789
772 investigated the steel/Al cold extrusion process at the atomic of residual stress, oxidation, and interface structure115). It also 790

773 level, the process is shown in Fig. 19(a). Micro asperities get helps to provide suggestions on the selection of constituent 791

774 in contact first under the pressure (see Fig. 19(b)). With the alloys. 792

775 increasing pressure, the oxide film cracked into brittles where According to Fig. 20 from Rezaei et al.1160 work, as soon as 793

776 virgin metals extruded into the gaps, as illustrated in Sec- the atomistic distance between the two neighboring aluminum 794

777 tion 3.1. Zone 1 and 2 in Fig. 19(c) are the oxygen-free and grains is smaller than a certain value, new bonds will form. 795

Fig. 19 Schematic of the atomic level bonding mechanism.114

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18 July 2022
Recent advances and trends in roll bonding process and bonding model 19

Here h0 is the initial and h1 is the rolled thickness, R denotes 820

the roll radius, while / means the angular position in the roll 821
gap. The surface expansion threshold and the relationship 822
between surface expansion and bond strength of different 823
metal combinations are given in Fig. 21. Thus, surface expan- 824
sion can be an index to reflect the bond status. Bonding can 825
only occur when the surface expansion exceeds the threshold. 826
In fact, the surface status is more complex than they imag- 827
ined. Based on their other work,118 two cases of the true sur- 828
face exposure are discussed because of the different types of 829
surface film: (i) cover layer and (ii) contaminant films. For case 830
(i): 831

A1  AC
YC ¼ ð3Þ
A1 834

where, AC denotes the area remaining with the cover layer. 835

Fig. 20 Bond formation at the atomistic scale.116 For case (ii) we have: 836

A1  A
YF ¼ ð4Þ
796 This critical distance can be related to the cut-off distance in A1 839

the atomistic simulation which is a basic material property. 0
797 where A means the threshold surface area to expose virgin 840
798 Note that in the loading part, a crack is created at the grain surface. 841
799 boundary and all the bonds are fully damaged. Upon unload- Based on the investigation of Conrad and Rice,119 the bond 842
800 ing, freshly created bonding is observed. strength on the clean interface is approximately equal to the 843
applied pressure. However, in the real roll bonding process, 844
801 4. Modeling of bonding in joining process ed both types of surface film exist. Thus, the bond strength can 845
be described as: 846
802 4.1. Contact algorithm method rB ¼ b0 YF pB þ ð1  b0 ÞYC ðpB  pE Þ ð5Þ 849

803 4.1.1. Zhang-Bay model According to Bay s work, the fraction b0 weighting the 850

117 two mechanisms can be obtained by micro-observation. While 851

804 As earlier proposed in the extrusion process by Akeret, the
pB denotes the normal pressure, and pE represents the extru- 852
805 bonding occurs when the normal contact stress is larger than a
sion pressure. However, as mentioned by Bambach et al.,120 853
806 certain limit. Later, Bay34 defined the surface expansion Y in
there is no true internal variable in Eq. (5) that can reflect 854
807 the cold welding process. In the rolling process, they also pro-
the interface status. According to the balance of energy dissi- 855
808 posed that the surface expansion equals the thickness reduc-
pation, pE includes the following three terms: 856
809 tion r (see Eq. (1)). Only when a threshold Y is reached, the 857

810 bonding occurs. Therefore, one can write: pE ¼ pi þ pf þ pr ð6Þ 859

A1  A0 where pi is the internal power dissipation in the deformation 860
Y¼ ¼r ð1Þ
813 A1 zone, pf denotes the frictional power dissipation along the dead 861
zone, and pr represents the redundant power dissipation (see 862

814 where A0 denotes the initial area of the surface and A1 repre-
Fig. 22).121 The detailed parameters of Eq. (7) can be found 863
815 sents the final area of the surface. In addition, the local surface
in the model of Zhang and Bay.118 864
816 expansion in the roll gap is estimated by Bay et al.91: 865
h0  ðh1 þ R sin / tan /Þ
YL ¼ ð2Þ

819 h0

Fig. 21 Bond strength of different metal combinations in rolling Fig. 22 Deformation zone of extrusion through cracks in
as a function of surface expansion.91 interface layer.121

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18 July 2022
20 Z. LI et al.
8 hR Rx i
> x
pi ¼ 2 tan a xE0 es0x dx þ 0 E es0x dx underestimates the bond strengths because the diffusion mech- 918
Rx anism is not considered. 919
pf ¼ cos12 a xE0 es0x dx ð7Þ
> Based on Cooper’s model, to describe the less adverse effect 920
: pffiffia ½CðB þ ex¼0 Þ þ CðB þ ex¼0 þ ex¼x Þ 
n n
of the oxides, Wang et al.95 adopted a strain-amplifying factor
867 pr ¼ tan
2 3 E
in the Equation: 922
868 To estimate the bond strength in Eq. (5), two maximum 923

869 limits must be applied, as discussed by Bay et al.91: da ¼ 1=ð1  Cmm  ðe0 =ðe0 þ kl ÞÞÞ ð11Þ 925

870 8  Here, Cm-m shows the material contact condition with the 926
< rrB0 ¼ p2ffiffi3 Y oxide fractures, the term e0/(e0 + kl) represents the dispersion 927
  max 1
ð8Þ of the oxide fragments. The variable e0 is the gap between brit- 928
: rrB ¼1
872 0 max 2
tle oxides while kl denotes the length of fragments (assumed as 929
constant). The authors adopted three contact pairs in the 930
873 Here, r0 is the yield stress of the deformed material. First of model, which are oxide-oxide, oxide-metal, and metal–metal.

874 Eq. (8) represents a condition that the maximum bond strength The proposed model can predict the total bond ratio of above 932
875 equals the yield strength of the bonding occurring in the three contact pairs in a hot compressive bonding experiment. 933
876 cracks. Second of Eq. (8) shows that the maximum bond However, the experiments were only verified in the same mate- 934
877 strength equals the yield stress of the weaker material. rial (Inconel 718) and the shear strain was not considered in 935

878 In fact, rB shows the bond strength in the normal direction this process. 936
879 of the interface. The bond strength in tangential direction can
880 be described as: 4.1.3. Bambach et al.’ model 937

 n To implement the bond strength model in a finite element 938
rB C 2
sB ¼ pffiffiffi B  pffiffiffi ln ð1  rÞ ð9Þ model, Bambach et al.120 adopted the normal bond strength 939
883 r0 3 3
model of Zhang and Bay118 and also extended the tangential 940
884 where C, B and n are material parameters of Swift hardening bond strength model in the ABAQUS UINTER subroutine.125 941
885 law.122 They first modeled the normal contact with a gap function h. 942
To avoid the penetration, the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) 943


4.1.2. Cooper and Allwood model
In the general rolling process, perpendicular compressive
ed conditions must be applied.
<h P 0

888 strain is the reason for surface expansion. The film theory does pB  rB 6 0 ð12Þ
889 not consider the shear effect. But for some special rolling pro- hðpB  rB Þ ¼ 0 947
890 cesses (e.g. asynchronous rolling), the cross-shear zone appears
891 because of the shear stress. The above model cannot well A linear pressure-gap relationship is used in Bambach 948

892 reflect the bonding in the situation with shear effect, tempera- et al.1200 s model where kp is the stiffness parameter and h 949

893 ture, and strain rate. Thus, Cooper and Allwood123 derived a denotes the gap distance: 950
894 model considering key parameters (e.g. normal contact stress, pB ¼ kp h ð13Þ 953

895 temperature, strain rate, strain) of bonding to predict bond

896 shear strength: In general, the bond strength rB represents a uniaxial stress 954
897 condition, but for multi-axial stresses or 3D conditions, the 955
1 0:8 bond strength rB is compared with the von Mises stress when 956
sN ¼ pffiffiffi p2B þ 3 sapp  mP0
3 rF 61
the contact surface is in tensile state. 957

For the tangential component, the critical tangential stress 958

pB  pEX
 0:8  r0 ð10Þ scrit and the equivalent frictional stress seq can be determined 959
899 rF 61 via: 960
900 Here rF is the flow stress, sapp means the nominal shear stress, scrit ¼ min ðlpB ; smax Þ
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð14Þ

901 v denotes the fraction of the final contact area that is exposed seq ¼ s21 þ s22 963
902 fresh metal without the oxide film and pB is normal contact
903 stress as mentioned before, while pEX is the pressure that can where si (i = 1, 2) is the interface shear stress components, 964

904 extrude the substrate metal through the cracks (a typical value l denotes the friction coefficient and smax represents the shear 965

905 for aluminium is 95 MPa). Kolpak et al.124 divided this model flow stress of the weaker metal. 966

into three terms: (i) the first term considering the true contact The tangential displacements can be divided into two cases 967

907 micro-surface which is affected by normal pressure pB and (as shown in Eq. (15)): (i) when seq < scrit, no slip occurs, the 968

908 nominal shear stress sapp; (ii) The second term (with variable whole increment is elastic (ii) when seq = scrit, slip occurs, the 969

909 v, a typical value is 0.3) contains the strain threshold to initiate additional new slip increments Dcisl is needed. The relationship 970

910 crack of the oxide film; (iii) The third term determines the nec- of the tangential displacements is shown in Fig. 24(a)–(b). 971

911 essary pressure to start micro extrusion of fresh metal into x Once the two substrates can slip relative to each other, the clas- 972

912 (see Fig. 22). To verify this model, they designed a special sical Coulomb friction model can be adopted. When the shear 973

913 device on the tensile test machine (see Fig. 23(a)) to stretch stress is larger than the shear bond strength, as shown in 974

914 two adjacent aluminium strips with crosshead 7 and simultane- Fig. 24(c), the debonding occurs. 975
( 976
915 ously press in the horizontal direction with ceramic plates 6. celi ¼ t celi þ Dci seq < scrit
916 The proposed Equation can predict the trends correctly, but ð15Þ
917 for higher temperatures (see 473 Kelvin in Fig. 23(b)) it celi þ Dcsli ¼ t celi þ Dci seq ¼ scrit 978

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Recent advances and trends in roll bonding process and bonding model 21

o of
Fig. 23 Solid-state aluminium bonding process.123


Fig. 24 Constitutive relations.120


979 Thus, the interface shear stress can be calculated as: 4.1.4. Hot bonding empirical model 990
980 However, diffusion effect and multi-pass roll bonding process 991
ci þ Dci
t el
are not considered in the above models. In addition, for the
si ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi scrit ð16Þ 992
ð t c1 þ Dc1 Þ þ ð t cel2 þ Dc2 Þ
el 2 rotary part roll bonding process (such as rings, tubes and 993
rods), attention should be paid on whether a previously 994
bonded area ruptures under the axial and circumferential 995

983 where i = 1, 2. Based on Eqs. (13) and (16), the interface stiff-
non-uniform deformation conditions. Thus, Mikloweit et al.126 996
984 ness matrix can be obtained. The Eq. (17) is necessary for the
and Guenther et al.127 adopted plastometer and specially 997
985 UINTER subroutine:
designed samples to determine the bond strength with an 998
2 3 empirical model (see Fig. 25(a)–(d)) in the hot joining-by- 999
lkp 0 0
2 3 2 3 forming processes. Although many key factors may affect
DpB 6 c 2   7 Dh 1000
6 7 6
6 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
1 ffi lkp 1 c1

 c1 c2
 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 7
76  7
4 Ds1 5 ¼ 6 2 2
c 1 þc 2
2 2
c 1 þc 2 2 2
c 1 þc 2
2 2
c 1 þc 2 2 2
c 1 þc 2 74 Dc 1 5 the bond strength in the hot bonding process, the empirical 1001
6 7 
Ds2 4 c   2 5 Dc 2 model in Fig. 25(b) simplifies the complex coupling relation- 1002
2 2
ffi lkp  c1 c2
2 2  pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
2 2
ffi 1  2 c2
crit ffi
2 2
c 1 þc 2 c 1 þc 2 c 1 þc 2 c 1 þc 2 c 1 þc 2 ship into a linear relationship between surface expansion and 1003
988 ð17Þ bond strength (For stronger slope in this model, the turning 1004
point bond strength is 45 MPa). 1005

989 Here c i ¼ t celi þ Dci .

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22 Z. LI et al.

o of
Fig. 25
Hot bonding empirical model and application in ring rolling process.

1006 4.1.5. Bonding model applications postprocessing result. Furthermore, Rahmati et al.132 1021

1007 Bambach et al. 120,128

only verified the bond criterion in 2D predicted the superficial oxide layer removal and the position 1022
1008 implicit models. Thus, Pietryga et al.129 modified this model of localized metallic bonding in the cold spray process with 1023

1009 to describe the bond formation and failure. Due to the above coupled VUINTERACTION and VUSLFD subroutine, the 1024

1010 model not taking the temperature influence into account, Liu simulation and experimental results can be seen in Fig. 27. 1025

1011 et al.130 proposed a FE framework to simulate the 2D hot roll As concluded by Guenther et al.86 in ABAQUS, for implicit 1026

1012 bonding process. They coupled UINTER and UHARD in the UINTER, the subroutine is called for every node of the con- 1027

1013 FE model and obtained both bond strength and interface tem- tacting surfaces separately, while for explicit VUINTER, the 1028

1014 perature distributions (see Fig. 26(a)–(b)). subroutine is only called once per increment. In addition, the 1029

1015 Based on the Zhang-Bay model, Rahmati and Jodoin131 stiffness matrix is not necessary for the VUINTER subroutine. 1030
They did the same calculation as Eq. (17) to obtain the normal

1016 adopted a VUINTER subroutine in ABAQUS/Explicit to pre- 1031

1017 dict the bonded area of the particles in the cold spray process. and tangential stresses in the composite ring rolling process. 1032

1018 The authors developed a python script to extract the bond sta- Based on Bambach et al.’s model, Guenther et al.86 changed 1033

1019 tus (which is defined as a state variable in VUINTER) of the the simulation from implicit to explicit as well as 2D–3D (see 1034

1020 contact surface nodes from VUINTER and present it in the Fig. 25(c)). If a strong bonding slope is adopted in the 1035

Fig. 26 Coupled thermal-stress FE model.130

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Recent advances and trends in roll bonding process and bonding model 23

o of
Fig. 27 Experimental and numerical bond status in cold spray process.131,132

1036 simulation, no debonding occurs during the ring rolling pro- pled mechanical-thermal fields. Based on this criterion, Ceretti 1075
1037 cess. When the weak bonding slope is used, the established et al.136 determined the threshold value via the interpolated 1076
1038 bonding cracks during the process (see Fig. 25(d)). method in hot roll bonding experiments of AA6061 plates 1077
1039 In conclude, Zhang-Bay model is suitable for normal pres- and predicted the bonding phenomena in the PDE process 1078
1040 sure dominated joining process. When considering the shear (see Fig. 28(a)). To describe the diffusion effect on the void clo- 1079
1041 effect, Cooper, Bambach’s model will predict the bond sure, Yu et al.137 introduced a diffusion integration and pro- 1080
strength more accurate. However, above models cannot pre- posed a J criterion in the PDE process as follows:
dict the bond strength well in diffusion effect dominated join-
ing process. Guenther et al.86 provided a potential solution
ed J¼
Z t
rm _
e exp
Rg T
dt ð20Þ

1045 with empirical model, but it is not a general model (for differ-
1046 ent bonding metals, parameter calibration with plastometer is Here ks denotes a coefficient related to material and the surface 1085
1047 needed). conditions of metal for bonding, rm shows the mean normal 1086

stress, e_ is the effective strain rate, R represents the universal


g 1087
1048 4.2. Bonding criteria and applications gas constant, T is the absolute temperature, and QD is the diffu- 1088
sion activation energy. The schematic diagram of the PDE pro- 1089

1049 Except for the above theories, some researchers adopted other cess is shown in Fig. 3(b). The prediction of the bonding status of 1090

1050 criteria to predict the bonding. Zhang et al.133 proposed a five points and the critical line can be seen in Fig. 28(b). 1091

1051 bond criterion for the hot roll bonding process: The above bonding criteria although can be used in both 1092
1052 cold and hot bonding processes, only bond status (bonded 1093
e P et and debonded) can be obtained. The bond strength of the 1094
rformed P rr bonding zone is hard to be predicted. In addition, the shear

1054 1095
effect is not considered in these criteria. Thus, for processes 1096
1055 where et denotes a threshold strain, rformed means the bond with large interfacial shear stress or bonding of different yield 1097
1056 strength formed in the bonded interface forming period, and stress metals, these criteria may not be suitable. 1098
1057 rr is a critical bonding strength to avoid the interface ruptures

1058 in hot rolling. The proposed bond criterion does not consider 4.3. Cohesive zone model method 1099
1059 the diffusion effect and key parameters such as temperature
1060 and the surface condition. Rezaii et al.134 based on their work 4.3.1. Bonding interface element model 1100
1061 of the equal velocities of the different steel/Al composites to
1062 predict the bonding start point in ABAQUS with UVARM In addition to the above-mentioned models which utilize the 1101

1063 subroutine. Mittelman et al.106 demonstrated that 2D FEM contact method to implement the roll bonding process, some 1102

1064 cannot describe the interface conditions compared with 3D researchers make use of a layer of interface elements between 1103

1065 FEM analysis. They also adopted a Q criterion proposed by the two contact surfaces to describe the bonding and debond- 1104

1066 Plata and Piwnik,135 which is based on the energy barrier ing process. This specific interface element is also known as the 1105

1067 theory: cohesive zone element. 1106

1068 Z Generally, as stated by Alfano and Crisfield,138 CZM is 1107
P applied to describe the nonlinear fracture process in engineer- 1108
Q¼ dt P const ð19Þ
1070 t rmises ing materials, while Park and Paulino139 divided them into 1109
nonpotential-based and potential-based models. However, 1110
1071 where P represents the welding pressure, rmises is the Von mises the focus of this paper is not on the traditional fracture behav- 1111
1072 effective stress of the material. The authors also claimed that ior of the CZM, but on the modified CZM that considers the 1112
1073 the governing Equations of the roll bonding process can only bonding process. 1113
1074 be solved by numerical methods because of the strongly cou-

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24 Z. LI et al.

Fig. 28 Application of Q criterion and J criterion.

1114 Kebriaei et al.140 developed a zero-thickness cohesive zone interface stiffness, the parameter b is a scalar that controls 1138

1115 element which makes it possible to describe bonding and the contribution of the shear components in the traction vector 1139
1116 debonding behavior within the traction-separation law of (the presented Eq. (22) is slightly improved compared to the 1140
1117 Needleman.141 The normal and tangential tractions rtn and one in Rezaei et al.’s work.144 For the details of the derivation 1141

1118 rts used in their model are: see Appendix A). The relationship for the evolution of the 1142
1119 8
>  2  2 damage parameter d is shown below: 1143
> 8 1144
< rtn ¼ rt max  expðnÞ  dn0 w1 exp  ds0 þ w2 1  exp 
dn ds dn

k < k0

   2  2 >
: rts ¼ st max  expðnÞ  ds0s 1 þ dn0n
d d
w3 exp  dds0s þ w4 1  exp  dn
dn0 d ¼ kf kkf
k0 < k < kf ð23Þ
: 0 k
1121 ed ð21Þ 1 kf < k 1146

1122 Here dn and ds are the relative opening displacement, dn0 and ds0 where the effective separation k considering the Macaulay 1147
1123 denote material parameters and w1, w2, w3 and w4 are the weight- brackets hi ¼ ðj  j þ Þ=2 is written as follows: 1148
1124 ing parameters determined by experimental tests (w1 = 0.31, qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1149

1125 w2 = 0.69, w3 = 0.12 and w4 = 0.88 are adopted in their work k ¼ hgn i2 þ b2 g2s ð24Þ 1151
1126 of welding AA5754/AA1050). The index tmax represents the max-
1127 imum normal or tangential traction reached under loading. The In addition, based on Khaledi et al.’s work,90 they extended 1152
1128 tangential vector considering interface friction is computed based four cases of the stiffness matrix including initially separated, 1153

1129 on Wriggers et al.142 and Buczkowski and Kleiber.143 contact, bonding formed, and separation. They utilized a finite 1154

1130 Then, Rezaei et al.116,144 deduced the detail stiffness matrix element analysis program (FEAP) to implement the model of 1155

1131 Cmatrix for the zero-thickness, two-dimensional cohesive zone the roll bonding process (see Eq. (25)): 1156

8 1157
1132 element based on the positive and negative normal gap: >
> 0 0
1133 8 >
> Cmatrix1 ¼ 0 0
> ð1  dÞk0 0 >
> Cmatrix ¼ >
> kp mgn m1 0
> 0 ð1  dÞk0 b2 >
> Cmatrix1 ¼
> " # 0 k0 b 2

>   ð25Þ
> b2 gn gs > k0 0

> k0 k0 kf g2n >
> Cmatrix1 ¼
>   2
< gn P 0; k0 < k < kf >
> 0 k0 b2
k k kf  k0 b2 gn gs b4 g2s >
>   " #
> ð1  dÞk0 0 gn 2 b2 gn gs
> > Cmatrix1 ¼
k0 k0
> kp 0 : ð1  dÞk0 b2 k k 2 kf k0 2
b4 g s 2
> 0 b gn gs 1159
> Cmatrix ¼
> 0 ð 1  dÞk0 b2
> Parameters in Eq. (25) have been explained in the above 1160

> k0 k0 kf 0 0
:  2  gn < 0; k0 < k < kf equations. 1161
k kf  k0 0 b3 gs
1135 ð22Þ 4.3.2. Cohesive zone model applications 1162

1136 Here, gn and gs are the normal and tangential components of Compared to the contact algorithm method, the cohesive zone 1163

the gap vector along the interface (see Fig. 29),145 k0 is the model method has the advantage to present the debonding 1164

behavior. Based on the damage evolution relationship and 1165
the predicted bond strength, the debonding model matches 1166
the peel test very well in Kebriaei et al.’s work140 (see Fig. 30). 1167
Thus, the roll bonding process and the peel test can be 1168
described in Fig. 31.146 O-A is the initial stage 1 without con- 1169
tact, the normal gap reduces but the normal traction is still 1170
kept zero; in stage 2 (A–B), where contact occurs, the contact 1171
pressure is increasing to the peak value (bonding occurs in this 1172
stage). Compared to stage 1, bond strength keeps constant and 1173

Fig. 29 Relationship between gap vector, traction vector and the crack density is also high.90 New cracks of the surface 1174

parameter b.145 make more fresh metal extruded together to get the bonding; 1175

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Recent advances and trends in roll bonding process and bonding model 25

Fig. 30 Peel test and simulation showing debonding behavior of rolled structures.140

Fig. 31 Interface traction-separation relation during roll bonding and debonding process.90,146

1176 in stage 3 (B–A), the bimetal plates leave the roll bite zone phenomenon at the contact interface, the authors established 1185
1177 which causes the contact pressure to reduce to zero; in stage the model of oxide-oxide and substrate-oxide behavior during 1186
1178 4 (A–C), peel test begins and the normal traction increases compression and separation processes. Only similar metals 1187
1179 with the increasing gap (the threshold is the maximum bond were verified in the simulation. 1188

1180 strength); in stage 5 (C–D), damage evolution in Eq. (23) is Based on Eq. (25), the metal roll bonding process can be 1189
1181 intervened and the traction decreases; finally in stage 6 (D– divided into three cases: (i) substrate 1 and substrate 2 are of 1190
1182 E), the bimetal plates debonded. the same material with equal yield stresses and elongations, 1191
1183 Khaledi et al.145 established the metallic bonding process at as shown in Fig. 33(a). Thus, the shape of the metal composite 1192
1184 the microscale (see Fig. 32). To describe the metal flow is straight and the flatness is good; (ii) substrate 1 and 1193

Fig. 32 Metal flow direction of oxide-substrate interface under extrusion and bonded metal–metal substrates.145

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26 Z. LI et al.

o of
Fig. 33 Roll bonding simulation with different materials.

1194 substrate 2 are similar materials with different yield stresses of the interface and bonding nature can be reproduced by 1218
1195 and elongations. In this case, the upper and lower rolls contact using this methodology. 1219
1196 with different materials which causes different friction along In conclude, the bonding theory behind the CZM method is 1220
1197 upper and lower surfaces. Furthermore, due to the different similar as introduced in Section 4.1. And because it can be used 1221

1198 temperatures of the two surfaces, warping may occur during to describe the fracture process well, CZM method can better 1222
1199 the roll bonding process as verified by Yoshii et al.147 The describe the debonding process compared with contact algo- 1223
1200 metal composite in Fig. 33(b) is produced by continuous clad rithm method. General CZM method is only suitable for same 1224
1201 casting, while the warping is obvious in both simulation and and similar metals, while the nonlocal method with ‘‘traction 1225
experiment;148,149 iii) when the yield stress and elongation of

1202 density” is a potential solution for different metal bonding 1226

1203 the two materials are significantly different (see Fig. 33(c)), process. 1227
1204 the interface elements such as CZM is not suitable for the roll
1205 bonding process anymore because of the heavy deformation. 5. Limitations and future trends 1228
1206 As case iii illustrated, when the shear stress is too large to be
1207 neglected, the contribution of shear stress to the bonding can- Based on the above overview, some main joining processes,

1208 not be well described by current models. Based on these short- different roll bonding processes, bonding mechanisms and dif- 1230
1209 comings, Rezaei et al.116 proposed a nonlocal method to model ferent bonding models are presented. The brief points of main 1231
1210 the interface. They introduced a new quantity measure called limitations of roll bonding process (Section 3.3), bonding 1232
1211 ‘‘traction density” to capture the complex behavior of the model (Section 4.4) and future directions are shown in 1233
1212 interface (see Fig. 34(a)). In this modeling approach, the trac- Fig. 35. For traditional roll bonding process, only simple shape 1234
1213 tion vector for the CZM is obtained by integrating the traction products (such as plate and tube) can be produced. For tube 1235
1214 density vector over a nonlocal region which constantly can be bonding, the axial and circumferential mechanical properties, 1236
1215 updated to capture the active contact or bonding area (see microstructures and bond strengths are still hard to be consis- 1237
1216 Fig. 34(b)). Certainly, the computational effort, in this case, tent (temperature gradient has important effect on the product 1238
1217 can get higher but it is shown that much interesting physics axial performance). Furthermore, the bond strength of line 1239

Please cite this article in press as: LI Z et al. Recent advances and trends in roll bonding process and bonding model: A review, Chin J Aeronaut (2022), https://doi.org/
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18 July 2022
Recent advances and trends in roll bonding process and bonding model 27

o of
Fig. 34 A nonlocal method for modeling interface.116


Fig. 35 Limitations and future directions in roll bonding processes and bonding models.

1240 bonding interface generated by traditional roll bonding model challenges, how to implement these models into 1256
1241 process is not as high as other joining processes such as explo- simulations are still facing difficulties: the convergence prob- 1257
1242 sive welding or centrifugal casting. Thus, future trends of roll lem in 3D complex bonding simulation, dissimilar materials 1258
1243 bonding process should focus on how to manufacture high bonding with big nodes displacements problem. In addition, 1259
1244 quality (mechanical interlocking/metallurgical bonding, cryo- the bonding mechanism at atomic level and cryogenic temper- 1260

1245 genic rolling, and rolling under special energy fields) and var- ature also need further studies. 1261
1246 ious products (novel materials, structures, ultra-thin composite
1247 strips, complex geometries) with low emission (green bonding 5.1. Limitations of roll bonding process and bonding model 1262
1248 process). As for bonding models, how to accurately predict
1249 the bond strength, especially in hot bonding processes is still 5.1.1. Limitations of roll bonding process 1263
1250 unknown. The deep reasons behind this limitation are: (i) The main advantages of roll bonding processes are the high 1264
1251 how to characterize the diffusion mechanism in theoretical production efficiency and simple technological processing, 1265
1252 bonding model is unknown, (ii) the complex various factors which can bring more profit in industrial applications. How- 1266
1253 coupling relationship that may affect the bond strength is still ever, as mentioned in Table 1, the biggest shortcoming of this 1267
1254 unclear. A potential solution is using the data driven model or technique is the limitation of forming shapes (only plates, rods 1268
1255 data combine physical model. Except for the above bonding or tubes can be produced). Forming more complex shapes 1269

Please cite this article in press as: LI Z et al. Recent advances and trends in roll bonding process and bonding model: A review, Chin J Aeronaut (2022), https://doi.org/
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18 July 2022
28 Z. LI et al.

1270 requires more flexible forming processes.150 In recent years, the affect the microstructure evolution as well as the diffusion 1309
1271 flexible rolling process or the so-called flexible geometric vari- effect. The temperature gradient effects are still not clear. 1310
1272 ation by continuous operation has been used in rolling pro-
1273 cesses.151 Landgrebe et al.152 proposed a novel axial feed 5.1.2. Limitations of bonding model 1311
1274 cross rolling process that can produce complex part geometries At present, there are two main methods for the roll bonding 1312
1275 with simple tools (see Fig. 36(a)). Based on this technique, simulation, one is to calibrate the bonding state of each surface 1313
1276 Guilleaume and Brosius153,154 adopted cross rolling to form node and calculate the bonding strength through the contact 1314
1277 circumferential grooves and join gear wheels between the algorithm. The other is through the modified CZ element. Cur- 1315
1278 grooves (see Fig. 36(b)). The future trend may focus on the rently, debonding can be well characterized by CZM. To real- 1316
1279 solutions to break through the limitation of forming shapes ize the accurate prediction of bond strength, the CZ element 1317
1280 in the roll bonding process. For billets without rotation in has been extended. However, most of the current research 1318
1281 the axial feeding direction (such as continuous rolling), the focuses on the cold bonding model, while less attention is paid 1319

1282 complex forming shapes can be realized by the design of com- to hot bonding processes. The models are mainly implemented 1320
1283 plex tools. For billets with rotation in the axial feeding direc- in two-dimensional simulation, where the calculation time is 1321
1284 tion (such as skew rolling), the complex forming shapes can short and convergence is easiest to obtain. Only few works 1322
1285 be realized by the design of complex tool paths. When the tools refer to the three-dimensional bonding process of the cold 1323
1286 have special axial and radial feeding movements, non-circular gas dynamic spray process132 and ring rolling process.86 For

1287 shapes of the rotation billet can be obtained. Currently, for complex large plastic deformation behavior in three- 1325
1288 metal materials that are hard to be bonded in traditional roll- dimensional simulation, the price for the convergence is unac- 1326
1289 ing processes, special energy fields such as electricity, mag-

ceptable because of the extremely fine requirement of dis- 1327
1290 netism, and ultrasound have been applied to get better cretization and the long calculation time. Thus, the three- 1328
1291 bonding quality. The mechanisms of these energies are still dimensional bonding prediction model is difficult to be applied 1329
1292 needed for further investigations. in complex bonding processes. 1330
1293 Besides, some defects are still not figured out. For roll To conclude, for roll bonding of two members of the same 1331
1294 bonding of circular billets, as shown in Fig. 12, the non- metal, the interface is mainly subjected to normal pressure 1332
1295 uniform deformation mechanism, especially in the circumfer- ed which is similar to cold welding. The bonding mechanism 1333
1296 ential direction, is a key problem that affects the bonding qual- can be well described by the Zhang-Bay model. For similar 1334
1297 ity which is still not unclear yet. Moreover, in real production metals, the interface has both normal and tangential stresses 1335
1298 processes, there is temperature loss in two main stages: (i) after and the elongation difference in the rolling direction is small, 1336
1299 heating, the billet transfers to the rolling mill; (ii) the billet con- so the shear stress on the interface is not large enough to affect 1337
1300 tacts with rolls. In the first stage, heat loss occurs when the bil- the debonding process. For different metals, the shear stress on 1338
1301 let leaves the heating device because of the convection to the the interface may be larger than the shear bond strength, which 1339
1302 surrounding room temperature air. The conduction also will cause the initial bonded area to separate under the big dif- 1340
1303 occurs when the billet is on the feeding device.106 For the sec- ference in elongation along the rolling direction. In this condi- 1341
1304 ond stage, the heat is lost due to the conduction of the rolls. tion, the Zhang-Bay model cannot be fitted very well. The 1342
1305 Thus, there is a temperature across the upper and lower sur- nonlocal method for modeling the interface studied by Rezaei 1343

1306 faces of the billet (for rebars or tubes, that should be outer is an effective way to solve this problem. However, this tech- 1344
1307 and inner surfaces). There also exists a temperature gradient nique is still in the early development stage. 1345
1308 in the rolling direction. These temperature differences can As for the hot roll bonding process, the current models can- 1346
not predict the bond strength accurately. Although some work 1347

has been done at the atomic level cold bonding mechanism, the 1348
hot bonding mechanism in atomic scale is still unveiled. In 1349
addition, the bond strength is increasing first and then decreas- 1350
ing with the thicker diffusion layer because the ductile phase 1351
transfer to the brittle phase. Thus, solid diffusion is hard to 1352

describe in the model. Based on the X-ray155 and molecular 1353

dynamic (MD)156 methods, the element diffusion coefficients 1354
can be described by the Arrhenius Equation. Also, Yilmaz 1355
and Çelik157 found the influence of the bonding parameters 1356
such as temperature, pressure, surface roughness, and time 1357

can be obtained in experiments. However, the accurate math- 1358

ematical relationship between key factors and bond strength is 1359
still a ‘‘black box”, so Yu et al.137 only proposed a bonding cri- 1360
terion to judge the bond status in the extrusion process, but the 1361
prediction of bond strength is hard to achieve in this model. 1362
This is also the reason why Guenther et al.86 implemented 1363
the empirical model in the numerical analysis of composite 1364
ring rolling process. Research on the bonding of nonmetallic 1365
materials can also be a reference for the evolution modeling 1366
of hot bimetallic bonding processes, such as Levy et al.158 1367

Fig. 36 Flexible roll bonding process.

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18 July 2022
Recent advances and trends in roll bonding process and bonding model 29

1368 developed a multiphysical model to predict the evolution of the the mechanism of electroplastic effect is still not fully unveiled 1412
1369 adhesion at the interface of CF/PEI composites. now. The electron wind effect, metallic bond dissolution, Joule 1413
1370 Besides, Sun et al.159,160 proposed an element concentration heating, and magnetoplasticity are the four main existing the- 1414
1371 diffusion model that considers diffusion distance, strain, tem- ories. Perkins et al.164 showed that current can reduce the 1415
1372 perature and time to predict the concentrations of Fe, Cr material deformation resistance and enhance the forming limit. 1416
1373 and Ni. The model is verified by hot compression test and Thus, Ng et al.165 adopted electrically-assisted roll bonding 1417
1374 extrusion process with both 316L/X65 and Q235/316L (see (EARB) to fabricate Cu/Al bimetallic strip. Two current levels 1418
1375 Fig. 37). Zhang et al.161 proposed a diffusion layer thickness of 50 and 150 A are applied in their experiments. The results 1419
1376 calculation formula of Al/Mg based on Fick’s second law show that the rolling force can be decreased when the same 1420
1377 and MD simulation in the explosive welding process. If the reduction is adopted in EARB and the bonding strength can 1421
1378 relationship among interface compounds, element concentra- be 3 times larger than the conventional roll bonding (CRB) 1422
1379 tion, diffusion layer thickness, and the bond strength can be process. Ren et al.166 adopted EARB to manufacture 1423

1380 found, the hot bonding model considering diffusion mecha- TA1/304 bimetallic plate and obtained a highest bond strength 1424
1381 nism could be established. Thus, more attention should be of 356 MPa, which is much higher than CRB of 69 MPa. In 1425
1382 focused on this area. this work, the relationship of reduction rate and current den- 1426
1383 In conclusion, the analytical hot bonding models consider- sity on the bonding strength is studied. 1427
1384 ing diffusion mechanism, the thickness prediction of the inter- However, as stated by Ruszkiewicz et al.,167 the direct cur- 1428

1385 face, and the accurate bond strength prediction need further rent (DC), alternating current (AC), the different levels of cur- 1429
1386 development. rent density, the pulse frequency, pulse period, and duration, 1430
the waveform may all have effects on the material electroplas- 1431

1387 5.2. Future trends tic. In addition, the combination of above key parameters, 1432
such as low and high-frequency pulse current can also be 1433
1388 5.2.1. Combination of mechanical interlocking and metallurgical attempted in EARB. 1434
1389 bonding Except for the EARB method, the electromagnetic and 1435

1390 To enhance the bond strength of bimetallic products, an effec- ultrasonic energy-field also have particular effects on the mate- 1436

1391 tive solution is the combination of mechanical interlocking and

ed rial properties. Li et al.168 added electromagnetic field and 1437

1392 metallurgical bonding on the interface. As shown in Fig. 38, ultrasonic in the cast-rolling of AZ31B. They found that 1438

1393 Chen et al.162 proposed a method of prefabrication corruga- DRX of a special energy field can be advanced by one rolling 1439

1394 tion on the Al side of the steel/Al bimetallic plate, and then pass compared with conventional cast-rolling. The yield 1440

1395 the bimetallic plate assembly with 5083 aluminum plate to strength, tensile strength, and elongation are also higher. Liu 1441

1396 get steel/Al/Al laminated plate with an average interface shear et al.169 studied the ultrasonic effect on the AZ91 solidification 1442

1397 strength of 77.68 MPa (much higher than the Chinese standard process and found that in the nucleation stage, grain refine- 1443
1398 55 MPa). ment can be obtained because of the acoustic cavitation and 1444

1399 The proposed TSCFSR process (see Fig. 13) in this paper is flows. Besides, acoustic softening and stress superposition 1445

1400 also a kind of mechanical interlocking and metallurgical bond- can also be found in the forming process under ultrasonic 1446

1401 ing combination process. But for bimetallic products that are vibration fields.170 Thus, to solve the problem of coordinated 1447

1402 used in heat transfer areas, such as pipeline transportation of deformation of different metals, future research should focus 1448

1403 high temperature corrosive gas. Corrugation interfaces may on the roll bonding process under the special energy fields. 1449

1404 cause heat concentration in special areas, which will cause

1405 these areas more easily to get corrosion and crack. Thus, this 5.2.3. Cryogenic roll bonding process 1450

1406 combination process is limited by some special application Metals can enhance mechanical properties (such as yield 1451
1407 areas. strength, tensile strength) not only under different energy fields 1452
but also at cryogenic conditions.171 Thus, cryorolling (CR) can 1453
1408 5.2.2. Roll bonding process at special energy field also be adopted for bonding. The schematic of cryorolling is 1454

As Xu et al. 163
introduced, the special energy field forming shown in Fig. 39(a). The elongation property of typical Al 1455

1410 technology is mainly adopted electric, electromagnetic and alloys at room and cryogenic temperature are shown in 1456

1411 ultrasonic in the forming process. For the electric energy field, Fig. 39(b).172 Yu et al.111 used cryogenic roll bonding process 1457

Fig. 37 Element concentration diffusion model and its application in extrusion bonding process.160

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18 July 2022
30 Z. LI et al.

Fig. 38 Novel method of prefabricating corrugation by cold rolling and flat roller leveling by hot rolling.162

Fig. 39 Cryogenic roll bonding process.
1458 to fabricate Al/Ti/Al laminate plate. In their work, the The metal composite can get both good strength and ductility 1485
1459 ultimate tensile strength of cryogenic roll bonding sample and provides more possibilities for subsequent processing. 1486

1460 increased 36.7% compared with the room temperature bond-

1461 ing sample (see Fig. 39(c)). Takagawa et al.173 studied accumu- 5.2.5. Roll bonding of novel materials 1487
1462 lative roll bonding (ARB) and CR of Cu-Ni-Si alloy. Besides Currently, novel materials such as amorphous alloy, high 1488
1463 CR condition, cycles and pre-aging are also significant to grain entropy alloy (HEA) and shape memory alloy (SMA) have 1489
1464 refinement. However, except for the above works, few studies attracted more and more attentions. The amorphous alloy 1490

1465 focus on the cryogenic roll bonding process. has the excellent properties of high strength, good corrosion, 1491
wear resistance, and so on because of its combination of 1492
1466 5.2.4. Roll bonding of gradient structured materials short-range ordered and long-range disordered atomic 1493
1467 As studied by Lu,174 metal with gradient nanograined struc- arrangement as well as no grain boundaries and disloca- 1494

1468 tures can get both strength and ductility. Chen et al.175 fabri- tions.177 But poor plasticity and small size are the main limita- 1495
1469 cated layered and nanostructured AISI 304 SS with surface tions for industrial application.178 Thus, bonding with other 1496
1470 mechanical attrition treatment (SMAT) and warm co-rolling. ductile materials can be an effective method to solve the plas- 1497
1471 The gradient structure consists of nanocrystalline layer, ultra- ticity problem. Wang et al.179 fabricated an iron-based amor- 1498
1472 fine grained layer and micron grained layer. Yan et al.176 also phous strip/Al bimetallic plate with ultrasonic consolidation 1499
1473 adopted SMAT and ARB to produce layered and gradient method. The fracture mode was a combination of brittle and 1500

1474 structured AZ31 (see Fig. 40(a)). Results show that although ductile fracture. Based on the same bonding materials, Zhou 1501
1475 the strength of layered and gradient structured materials et al.180 adopted the vacuum hot-pressing method to produce 1502
1476 decreased a little compared with ARB samples and SMAT multilayer composites with a hardness gradient from 30 to 1503
1477 samples, the fracture elongation increased a lot (see Fig. 40 1120 HV. To break through the size limitation, Liu et al.181 1504
1478 (b)–(c)). The strength-ductility relationship has been improved fabricated large size iron-based amorphous alloy via the 1505
1479 a lot. twin-roll strip casting method. Therefore, we think the previ- 1506
1480 Roll bonding of metal composite can inherit advantages of ously introduced SLCRB process can be adopted in the bond- 1507
1481 different metals. These advantages are usually physical charac- ing of amorphous alloy/ductile metal. 1508
1482 teristics, such as corrosion resistance, lightweight, high temper- HEA has the unique properties of high temperature 1509
1483 ature resistance, etc. Roll bonding of gradient structured strength, good corrosion, wear and oxidation resistance, good 1510
1484 materials provides a method to enhance mechanical properties. plasticity, etc, due to its multi principal element composition. 1511

Please cite this article in press as: LI Z et al. Recent advances and trends in roll bonding process and bonding model: A review, Chin J Aeronaut (2022), https://doi.org/
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18 July 2022
Recent advances and trends in roll bonding process and bonding model 31

o of
Fig. 40 Producing gradient structure laminate plate of AZ31.176

Although HEA also has the size limitation problem. It can still
be bonded with other materials. Yu et al.182 adopted HEA par-
ticles to enhance the wear resistance of Cu matrix composites,
ed considerations are the four main reasons for ‘‘hard to abate
emissions” in heavy industries. Allwood and Cullen191 pre-
sented a case on manufacturing the steel car door panel, where
1515 the wear resistance can be improved by 30%. Tsai and Yeh183 the energy consumption of hot rolling is about 10%, while cold 1549
1516 pointed out HEA claddings can be fabricated by bonding rolling is only 4%, and galvanizing and pickling together 1550
1517 technologies. about 9%. As for the cold roll bonding process, bonding 1551
1518 For SMA, Inoue et al.184 produced TiNi SMA sheets by the occurs under huge pressure of the roll without heating. Emis- 1552
1519 roll bonding process. Peltier et al.185 fabricated Cu-based sand- sions and pollution may occur during the pre or post-heat 1553
1520 wich composite SMA by cold roll bonding process and heat treatment and surface cleaning processes (e.g. galvanizing 1554
1521 treatment. Wang et al.186 pointed out that the bonding materi- and pickling). For the hot roll bonding process, high tempera- 1555

1522 als with texture can be produced through the control of reac- ture heat is mostly provided by burning fossil fuels which cause 1556
1523 tion diffusion in the hot roll bonding process. Except for the carbon emission. Thus, novel techniques are needed to solve 1557
1524 above-mentioned novel materials, roll bonding of thin strips this problem. Qi et al.192 manufactured Ti/Al bimetallic sheets 1558
1525 can be another future research area. with differential forming temperatures (see Fig. 41). The mul- 1559

tilayer blank was heated by a 2100A induction current for 20 s 1560

1526 5.2.6. Green technology in roll bonding processes and roll bonded together. Heating by electricity for mass pro- 1561

1527 The greenhouse effect is more and more apparent in the world. duction is impractical and costly with today’s commercial tech- 1562

1528 Metals have a key role to play in changing for the better. nologies. Scheele et al.193 applied flameless oxyfuel technology 1563

1529 Metals are perfectly suited for a sustainable economy as they in the aluminum processing industry. Compared with the con- 1564

1530 are durable and can be infinitely recycled without degrading ventional oxyfuel method, the emission of NOx levels 1565

1531 their quality or properties. Therefore, except for reducing the decreased significantly, but industrial applications of this kind 1566

1532 CO2 emission in the production and processing of metals, of hydrogen technology are still in early stages of development. 1567

1533 green joining methods and metal composites recycling should Thus, as stated by Wang,194 zero-CO2 emission and carbon 1568

1534 also be paid attention to. To solve this problem, Silva et al.187 capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technologies should 1569

1535 proposed a green joining process to connect tubes by a ‘‘tubu- be developed for an ‘‘ecological” roll bonding process in the 1570

1536 lar lap joint”. Kolpak et al.124 used cold-compacted aluminium future. 1571

1537 chips in hot extrusion to save energy and resources and to

1538 reduce CO2 emission. Narayanan188 regarded the roll bonding 5.2.7. Use of soft computing method for prediction of bonding 1572

1539 process as a surface-to-surface sustainable and green joining strength 1573

1540 method. Soo et al.189 performed a life cycle assessment to eval- Because of the complex mechanism of the multi-factor cou- 1574
1541 uate the environmental impact of recycling different alu- pling effect in hot bonding process, the relationship between 1575
1542 minium scrap qualities. bond strength and bonding parameters is nonlinear. The bond 1576
1543 Challenges still exist in developing green joining methods. strength and bond status based on physical modeling is there- 1577
1544 As stated by the IEA,190 high-temperature heat requirements, fore hard to obtain, and it is difficult to characterize the evolu- 1578
1545 process emissions, long-lived capital assets, and trade tion of the bonding interface. One method to solve this 1579

Please cite this article in press as: LI Z et al. Recent advances and trends in roll bonding process and bonding model: A review, Chin J Aeronaut (2022), https://doi.org/
CJA 2379 No. of Pages 38
18 July 2022
32 Z. LI et al.

o of
Fig. 41 Differential temperature rolling process with induction heating.192

1580 problem is using a linear approximation to replace the the finite element method. Details of the application targets 1595
1581 nonlinear interactions (such as Cooper’s model123), but the can be seen in Fig. 42. 1596
1582 errors may affect the prediction accuracy seriously. Another Only few studies are focused on the bond strength predic- 1597
1583 method is to adopt soft computing techniques, namely artifi- tion of the metal bonding process. Gao et al.199 predicted the 1598
1584 cial neural networks (ANN), fuzzy logic, evolutionary comput- bond strength of extrusion forming of AA6061/AZ31 bimetal- 1599
1585 ing, probabilistic computing, chaotic computing, machine ed lic sheets based on the GA-BP neural network. The prediction 1600
1586 learning, or the combination method to capture the complex accuracy can be achieved as high as 99.5%. In their work, 1601
1587 interactions, which has been verified in Wang et al.195 and Fer- three extrusion parameters are considered as the input layer, 1602
1588 nández et al.1960 s work. The concept of soft computing was while the bond strength is set as the output layer (see 1603
1589 first proposed by Zadeh,197 and when the different techniques Fig. 43). As stated by Alizadeh et al.,200 the bond strength 1604
1590 blend, better results can be obtained because of the synergistic among the concrete and reinforced bars can be more accu- 1605
1591 effect. rately obtained by Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System 1606
1592 At present, the applications of soft computing methods in (ANFIS) than regulation formulas. The bond, shear, torsion, 1607
1593 metal rolling processes are mainly in the three aspects:198 (i) flexure, and damage of reinforced concrete can also be pre- 1608
1594 the evolutionary algorithm; (ii) artificial neural networks; (iii) dicted by soft computing methods.201 Based on the above 1609
works, the soft computing method application in bonding 1610

Fig. 42 Metal rolling with soft computing methods.198

Please cite this article in press as: LI Z et al. Recent advances and trends in roll bonding process and bonding model: A review, Chin J Aeronaut (2022), https://doi.org/
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18 July 2022
Recent advances and trends in roll bonding process and bonding model 33

paid attention to. In hot bonding processes, the traditional 1656

heating method should also be replaced by greener energy 1657
sources. 1658
Numerical simulation is an effective way to guide the pro- 1659
duction process, but the application in bonding processes is 1660
immature. Thus, the bonding model, bonding criteria, and 1661
bond strength prediction methods are in focus in this paper. 1662
Two main modeling methods (contact algorithm and CZM) 1663
are overviewed. Currently, the hot bonding status and bond 1664
Fig. 43 Bond strength prediction of extrusion bonding process
strength are still difficult to predict by analytical models. 1665
based on BP neural network model.199
Future works should address the complex relationship among 1666
hot bonding process parameters. Black box methods such as 1667

1611 modeling might be a future trend. It can be used to capture the soft computing and deep learning can be applied to predict 1668

1612 complex bonding parameter interactions in the hot roll bond- the bond strength. 1669

1613 ing process, which may get a better result than the empirical
1614 model86 or regulation formula.123 However, as mentioned by Declaration of Competing Interest 1670
Datta and Chattopadhyay,202 challenges also exist:

The authors declare that they have no known competing 1671
1616 (i) The bond strength prediction accuracy is critically deter- financial interests or personal relationships that could have 1672
appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

1617 mined by the dataset (mainly factors are size, content, 1673
1618 and structure). The small size of the dataset will cause
1619 low prediction accuracy and uncertainty, so the size Acknowledgements: 1674
1620 should be large enough. The data which do not come
1621 from experiments (such as FEM data) may have a differ- This study is financially supported by the National Key R&D 1675
1622 ent internal relationship structure compared with exper- Program of China (No.: 2018YFA0707300), National Natural 1676
1623 imental data because of some idealized assumptions and Science Foundation of China (No.: 51905372), Major Program 1677
boundary conditions. Thus, the dataset for training
should come from experiments and consider all possible
variables that may affect the bonding (data-driven
ed of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.:
U1710254), Fundamental Research Program of Shanxi Pro-
vince (No.: 20210302124115). 1680
1627 model). For the current studies of bonding processes, Special thanks are due to Dr. Chris Valentin Nielsen from 1681
1628 few works could satisfy this high requirement of the Technical University of Denmark for reviewing and language 1682
1629 training datasets. assistance.
1630 (ii) The combination of soft computing methods with phys-
1631 ical models can be a novel method to capture the com- Appendix A. The normal and tangential tractions defined in 1684
1632 plex relationship between bonding parameters and Rezaei et al.’s model144 are: 1685
1633 bond strength (data combined physical model), but the

1634 prediction accuracy beyond the training dataset range 1686

1635 is unknown. rtn ¼ ð1  dÞk0 hgn i  kp hgn i
rts ¼ ð1  dÞk0 gs b2 1688

1636 6. Conclusions The tangent matrix is calculated for the positive and nega- 1689

tive normal gap: 1690

1637 A comprehensive study of the research works in bonding @rt @rt @d @k
1638 mechanisms, roll bonding processes, and bonding models are Cmatrix ¼ þ   ðA2Þ
@g d @d @k @g 1693
1639 presented in this paper.

1640 Roll bonding products have the characteristics of large out- Based on the Macaulay brackets, two cases must be 1694
1641 put, various kinds and wide applications. The review of bond- considered. 1695
1642 ing mechanisms and novel roll bonding processes is more Case i: for gn P 0 andk0 < k < kf , we 1696
1643 significant for industrial production. Initially, the characteris- havehgn i ¼ gn ; hgn i ¼ 0. 1697
1644 tics of roll bonding processes are compared with some main For the first term in Eq. (A2), we can obtain: 1698
joining processes. Except reviewing some novel roll bonding " @rtn @rtn #  

@rt @g @g ð1  dÞk0 0
1646 processes in bimetallic plates, roll bonding of bimetallic bars/- ¼ @r n @r s ¼ ðA3Þ
1647 tubes are paid attention to in this paper. Further, the cold, hot @g d @g
ts 0 ð1  dÞk0 b2 1701
n s
1648 and cryogenic bonding mechanisms are introduced. In addi-
For the second term in Eq. (A2), based on Eqs. (21)–(22) we 1702
1649 tion, the bonding mechanism at the atomic scale is identified.
have: 1703
1650 The main limitations of roll bonding process and bonding ( @r 1704
1651 model are concluded. Future works should focus on more flex- @d
¼ k0 gn
1652 ible roll bonding processes to produce more complex products. @rts
¼ k0 b2 gs 1706
1653 Novel materials, gradient structure, special energy fields, cryo-
1654 genic roll bonding, as well as bonding with mechanical inter-
@d k0 kf
1655 locking and metallurgical bonding methods should also be ¼ 2 ðA5Þ
@k k kf  k0 1709

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CJA 2379 No. of Pages 38
18 July 2022
34 Z. LI et al.
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Please cite this article in press as: LI Z et al. Recent advances and trends in roll bonding process and bonding model: A review, Chin J Aeronaut (2022), https://doi.org/

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