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Back Pain
Learn To Use Your Body
To Overcome Pain
To say that back pain is an HUGE PROB-
LEM is an understatement! the most
common type of pain that people expe-
rience and the leading cause of disabili-
ty worldwide. Upwards of 85% of people
will sufferer from back pain over the
course of their lifetime.[1] Unfortunately,
once you’ve experienced back pain, the
odds are very good that you’re going to
have it again.

Back pain is nasty for a lot of reasons but one of the worst things about it has to be the recurrence
rate. Remember Arnold Schwarzenegger’s famous line: “I’ll be back.” Back pain is a lot like that - the
vast majority of the time, even when back pain goes away, it comes back, again and again in a
vicious cycle. After an exhaustive review of all the data, the American Journal of the Medical Scienc-
es, found that even when back pain subsides it comes back a staggering 85% of the time. [2] One
very large-scale study out of Europe found that just 6% of back pain sufferers experience a single,
non-recurrent episode. [3]

Over the past 15 years of clinical practice, I’ve seen firsthand that a significant portion of chronic pain
sufferers – and people with back pain in particular - are unknowingly creating and perpetuating their
problem(s) with the movements, positions and activities they perform on a daily basis.

Many of the patients in my clinic tell a similar story. They arrive at the clinic feeling worn out, defeated,
frustrated and very often confused because they’ve been putting in time and effort towards resolving
their problem for months or years and they are not getting better. They’ve tried to fix their problem.
They’ve already been to see other doctors and they’ve worked with physiotherapists - the average
number of practitioners a new patient in my practice has seen before they arrive at my clinic is six!
Strategies that have worked in other aspects of their life - like powering through -don’t work (and
usually end up making things worse). More often than not, by the time people get to me they’re at the
end of their rope. They’ve already had advanced imaging, they’ve tried the drugs and the injections.
Many have already had a surgical consultation and are seriously considering going under the knife in
a last-ditch attempt to resolve their problem.

The truth is that most of these problems can be resolved without surgery. Often, the only thing that’s
needed is some education and training to ensure that the person’s therapy/rehabilitation efforts and
their activities of daily living are pointed in the same direction as their goals.

Key Points
The vast majority of mechanical back problems can be resolved through under-
standing your individual pain mechanism, properly applied rehabilitation and
activity adjustment/ modification

Indeed, a limited or incomplete understanding of their individual pain mechanism (and pain in gener-
al) is probably the one unifying theme that all my chronic patients have in common. Many have
gotten themselves to this place by following bad advice about the types of exercises and stretches
that they choose to use to try and improve their problem.


I have to admit, I’m a little jealous of what the dental
profession has been able to accomplish. They just don’t
see the same issues with tooth pain that are so common
with back. For decades, the dental profession has
presented the same clear and concise message to the
general public –
“Avoid sugary drinks / food and brush and floss your
teeth 3 times a day.”

As a direct result of this campaign, there is huge amount

of public awareness about what causes problems with
teeth and gums as well as what’s required, on their part,
to prevent and avoid these problems. It would not come
as a surprise to most people if, when they go in for a
check-up, their dentist says something like: “Oh, there’s a
problem here. Have you been brushing and flossing?”
My aim in writing this book is to clear up the confusion
and provide you and the 1.5 billion other people in the
world currently suffering with chronic pain [4], with a
rock-solid methodology for understanding your situation.
I’m also going give you a simple, cohesive strategy that
you can put into practice immediately that will help you
to move easier, feel better and finally get rid of your
chronic pain.


We are living in a time that in an anomaly in many

ways when compared to any other period in the
history of our species. Nowhere is this more apparent
than when it comes to patterns of physical activity.
Most jobs nowadays are sedentary. A 2013 study
tracked the movement patterns of office workers and
found that over 80% of the work day was spent
seated at a desk. [5] Three-quarters of Americans
adults fail to meet even the bare minimum recom-
mendation for physical activity (30 minutes
5X/week). [6] Making matters worse is the fact that
instead of moving our bodies, people in modern Hands in a closed / grasping position
societies around the world are spending an inordi-
nate portion of their lives in what are called “flex-
ion-based positions”.

Flexion-based positions (like the one pictured here)

are positions in which:

- You’re seated
- Your head is down
- Arms are out in front of you
- Shoulders are internally rotated A
- Upper back is rounded
- Lower back is rounded
- Hips are folded inward
I think that any time of great pain is a time of
transformation, a fertile time to plant new seeds
-Debbie Ford

The flexion-based position that people nowa-
days spend so much time in nowadays bears a
striking resemblance to a position that you were
once very accustomed to – a long time ago. Just
look at the striking resemblance between a
flexion-based position and the fetal position.
Fetal position is a necessity in the earliest stages
of your life. The only curve that’s present in this
position is the primary “C”- shaped curve. For as
long as you are in this shape, prior to the forma-
tion of your secondary curves (neck, lower back
and foot arches), you are completely dependent
on others to fulfill even your most basic needs.
It’s not until the first of your 3 secondary curves
from that you develop the ability to begin doing
things for yourself. The formation of you second-
ary curves is what sets the stage for all your
future functionality and independence.

Flexion-based positions create a cluster of biomechanical problems which challenge your ability
to become/remain a fully functional human being. First and foremost, the normal secondary
curves of the spine are reduced or lost altogether by going into a flexion-based position. Second,
the pressure inside of your spinal discs is radically increased – by as much as 190% [7]. Third, it
weakens the muscles responsible for stabilizing and supporting your spine by placing them in a
mechanically disadvantaged position. [5] Fourth, it elongates the ligmentous support structures
at the back of your spine that are responsible for maintaining stability of the spine – these liga-
ments are your body’s last line of defense.

It is for exactly those reasons that flexion-based positions are so closely tied to back pain. This is
critically important to understand because once you know this - you can make way better choic-
es when it comes to the movements and the exercises that you use to overcome your pain. Let's
go through some of those movements right now.


By far, the most effective way to treat back pain

is to stop it before it starts. So, the first thing to do
is to immediately discontinue and avoid all move-
ments where you’re actively moving your body
into a flexion-based position. This would include
things like the standing toe touch, the old classic,
the seated toe touch, which is a modified version
of the same movement that people are often
given, and then things like a Figure 4 Stretch
where you cross the leg and reach down and in

For a person with back pain, unsupported bend-

ing forward at the waist is a disaster waiting to
happen. Among other things, bending like this
neurologically down-regulates and places the
muscles responsible for supporting your spine
into a weakened position. This position also
creates a massive increase pressure in your
spinal discs while simultaneously forcing the
gelatinous center (nucleus) in the very direction
where discs are the weakest. The posterior
aspect of the disc is the most susceptible to
damage and this is the same region where most
disc bulges and herniations occur.

One of the reasons that people get sucked into

performing movements like these is because
they provide some short term pain relief. Doing
these kinds of stretches is the equivalent of
scratching when you have Chicken Pox. As
satisfying as it feels, it makes things worse for you
in the long run. These kinds of stretches will
absolutely stretch out tight muscles. But like I
always tell my patients: Before rushing in to
stretch a tight muscle, you need to ask “why is
the muscle tight?”

Key Points
Before stretching a tight muscle, you need to ask “why is the muscle tight?”

Muscle tone is regulated centrally, by your brain, and the resting tension in your muscles is
based on demand. When one of your muscles is very, very tight (when compared to the other
muscles in your body) there’s always a reason. Maybe the muscle was overworked and dam-
aged. Maybe the joint that the muscle crosses was injured (like when you sprain your ankle and
your body tightens surrounding muscles). This is your body’s way of protecting you and
preventing the damaged tissue from being damaged further - like putting on cast. The point is
that when a muscle is tight – the tightness was put there on purpose.

Very often with chronic back pain, the increased muscle tension occurs is your body’s attempt
to try and stabilize a chronically unstable structure. If you recognize this pattern in your body
then it becomes easy to understand that the last thing in the world you’d ever want to do is
spend time and effort with stretches or exercises that will further destabilize an already unstable

Anytime you're flat on your back and you're drawing one or both hips toward your torso
(or vice versa) that means you’re going into flexion. When you do that, especially against
resistance, you are actively pushing your spinal discs backwards on every repetition.
Doing this repeatedly, over time will only serve to weaken the structure of your spinal
discs and destabilize an already unstable lower back. So make sure to eliminate those
types of movements from your routine.

- Sit-Ups
- Crunches
- Leg Lifts
- Flutter Kicks

Anytime you're flat on your back and you're drawing one or both hips toward your torso
(or vice versa) that means you’re going into flexion. When you do that, especially against
resistance, you are actively pushing your spinal discs backwards on every repetition.
Doing this repeatedly, over time will only serve to weaken the structure of your spinal
discs and destabilize an already unstable lower back. So make sure to eliminate those
types of movements from your routine.

Training the core of your body is often a catch 22 especially if you suffer from back pain.
On the one hand, having strong muscles in this area is critically important for stabilizing
and protecting your spine. On the other hand, many of the most popular exercises (like
the ones we just covered), put a ton of strain on the body and can actually cause damage.

Removing these motions altogether is one option and, it’s one that I often use when I start
out working with someone to break their pain cycle. Eventually, though those muscles
will need to be strengthened. Thankfully, there are some exercise options out there like
the Curl Up, that allow you to get all of the benefits of core strengthening with none of the


The Curl Up is a classic modification strategy that allows you to preserve the normal
curve in your spine while strengthening the muscles responsible for preserving
optimal upright posture.

Part of the upside of the Curl Up is that can be done without any equipment. The only
thing you're going to need is a comfortable surface to lie on.

The Curl Up is a classic modification strategy that allows you to preserve the normal
curve in your spine while strengthening the muscles responsible for preserving
optimal upright posture.
Part of the upside of the Curl Up is that can be done without any equipment. The only
thing you're going to need is a comfortable surface to lie on.

From there, you're going to slide your hands underneath the small of your back. Placing
your hands here is going to provide mechanical support to your lumbar spine – acting to
preserve your secondary curve in much the same way an orthotic maintains the arch in
your foot.

If you need a reference point for your hand position, you're going to find the wing
bone just over your hip called the iliac crest – slide your hands inward (towards the
spine) – notice how those bones extend almost all the way across your back. You
want to make sure your hands are resting right above those bones. This is going to
place them at the apex of the normal lumbar curve. Having your hands here is one of
the critical differentiating factors of the Curl Up. Doing this will allow you to maintain
the normal curve in your spine throughout the movement.

Now that you’ve got the correct starting position, to perform the Curl Up, you just lift
your elbows off the floor - one to two inches. This is going to make sure that you don't
cheat by using accessory muscles. Then, you will elevate your head and shoulders
one to two inches off the floor while maintaining perfect alignment of your chin and
forehead. Be sure that your tongue is pressed up to the roof of your mouth while
you're performing the curl up and that you're breathing deeply through the nose.

Hold for a count of 10 at the top of the movement and then slowly return your head
and shoulders to the ground and allow the elbows to rest. You should rest for about
30 seconds and then repeat.

Key Points
Keep Your Chin Down – Your forehead and chin should be in line with one another

Your hands must be positioned underneath the small of your back

Keep one leg straight and bend the other (at the knee) to 90°

Don’t Cheat! – Left Your elbows off the ground before engaging your abdominals.

Slowly lift your head, shoulders and upper back 1-2 inches off the floor
Keep your forehead and chin are in line the entire time

Breathe deeply.

Feel the muscles in the front part of your neck and your abdominal wall all the way down to
your pubic bone working.

Hold for a count of 10, down, and rest. (repeat 2-6 times)

For further instruction on this great strength building movement :

Click Here

Aristotle once said: “We are what we repeatedly
do.” Well, in modern society, what people repeat-
edly do is engage in marathon-length bouts of
flexion-based activities on a daily basis. “Posture Prolapse” is the progressive
deterioration and collapse of all of
There are consequences to spending so much
time in this position and one of them is the deteri- your body’s secondary curves and the
oration of your physical structure. Nearly 70% of
people nowadays are walking around with a corresponding loss of functionality
Forward Head Position and other overt signs of that’s associated with having those
major postural dysfunction. [8,9,10,11,12] These
physical signs are indicative of a much bigger curves.
problem, something I call “Posture Prolapse”.
-Dr. Yoni Whitten

People in modern society are losing their second-

ary curves at a rate that is downright scary. And,
as a consequence of this they're shrinking back
into that shrimp-like fetal position with which
we’re born into the world. Posture Prolapse
doesn’t just look bad; it can actually be used as a
means of predicting future health problems and
even mortality! [13

Long before those issues show up, people with

Posture Prolapse have to deal with a host of other
problems – starting with aches and pains that
never seem to go away.

Long before those issues show up, people with Posture Prolapse have to deal with a host of
other problems – starting with aches and pains that never seem to go away.

Posture Prolapse has been linked to the most common chronic pain conditions in the world. It’s
been tied to everything from headaches & migraines, to TMJ, to various neck and back
syndromes, to rotator cuff tears, to chronic muscle strain, disc problems (bulges & herniations)
as well as nerve compression syndromes like thoracic outlet and carpal tunnel.

Thankfully, before you get to these really serious health conditions, there are little signs along
the way. Things like loss of functionality, decreased range of motion, stiffness and difficulty
performing your activities of daily living – things that used to be easy for you become difficult.
New patients will often report things like: struggling to turn their head to back out of the drive-
way or change lanes while driving, difficulty reaching to grab something on a high shelf or an
inability to get down and up from the floor.

When this happens a person’s world shrinks and an ever-growing list of positions and activities,
things that used to be effortless, now become not only difficult to do but, actually scary. So, the
natural response is to avoid and stop doing these scary things. And this is the beginning of the
end. Once you begin avoiding the simple activities of daily living, your quality of life tends to
deteriorate pretty rapidly.


In the last few years, sitting has received a ton

of negative press. Government health agencies
around the world have even started using a
catchy new phrase: “Sitting is the new smok-
ing”. [22,23] So at this point, pretty much every-
body has heard that sitting is not good for you.

Sitting is harmful to your health in several ways:

- Cardiovascular health – Reduced muscles activity allows body to pool and leads to a massive
increase in risk for blood clots
- Metabolic health – Prolonged sitting in traditional chairs diminishes muscle activity and contributes to
insulin resistance
- Body Composition – Stagnation combined with external support leads to increased body fat storage

All of those issues are, of course, critically important. But while they’re stealing the spotlight in main-
stream media, something insidious is lurking below the surface, contributing to multitude of chronic
pain conditions and ruining lives of hundreds of thousands of people.
So what is this hidden monster that’s causing so many problems? It’s the destructive effect that sitting
has on your physical structural. You see, sitting rots your spine in the same way that sugar rots your

Here's the spine in its normal shape. Notice how the spine curves inward in the neck and lower back
and how that curve contrast with the outward bowing curves of the midback and pelvic regions?
Those inward curves are critically important to your ability to feel good and function normally.
A reduction or loss of those normal inward curves - what are called “secondary” curves - is directly
linked to pain. Reduction or loss of these curves has been tied to:

- Eighteen times more likely to suffer chronic neck pain [16]

- Twenty-Two times more likely to tear a rotator cuff [20]
- Greater frequency, intensity & duration of headaches [15]
- Significant increases in Mid & Lower Back pain [14]

The normal (neutral) position for a human being is standing. When a person is in a standing posi-
tion, the curve in the lumbar spine should be about 49° from top to bottom. [24] In this position there
is 100kg of pressure pressing down on your lumbar spinal discs. [25]

Any time you sit, you are automatically taking the spine out of its’ neutral position. Let’s take as an
example what happens when you sit in traditional chair with a hard back: your hips go into flexion,
your legs move toward your torso and your butt tucks up underneath you.

The amount of curve in your lower back can be reduced by as much 70% in a seated position. [24]
And the pressure in your spinal discs can increase by as much as 190% in a seated position. [25] To
make matters worse, research has shown that the further forward you bend (into flexion), the less
active the support muscles along your spine become. [5] This is why the natural tendency for many
people is to lean back and/or arch their back to get some relief. When you do this, you’re activating
the muscles that have been shut down, reducing pressure in the spinal discs and most importantly,
pushing the normal curve back into your spine.

The problems people experience when sitting don’t stop in the lower back. Sitting sets off a chain
reaction of harmful effects throughout the body. Anytime you sit, you are, to some degree, pulling
the normal curve out of your spine. [24] One of the side effects of decreasing the amount of curve in
your lower back is that your head and neck will shift forward. Take a walk around any office and
you’ll see that by the end of the day, many people’s heads have fallen so far forward that their faces
are practically pressed against the screen.

I am going to give you one simple strategy that

you can use to make sitting way healthier. But
first, let's do a little experiment:

1) Stand in front of a chair and place both hands

in the small of your back.

2) Slowly sit down onto the chair.

3) Feel what happens to the curve in your lower

back as your weight transitions onto the seat of
the chair.

Assuming you had your hands in the correct place, what you will feel when you go through this
movement is the concavity (or inward curve) of your lower back will push outward. When you sit,
depending on the chair/position you use, your back will either flatten out or push in the opposite
direction completely – the concavity will actually become a convexity.

When you sit, not only are you training the curve out
of the lower back and pushing the discs backwards -
the most common direction that disc bulges occur -
but you're also pushing the curve out of the neck
and pushing the head into a forward head position.
And by staying in that position for six to eight hours a
day, five days a week, for months, years and
decades, you will effectively train your body into
Posture Prolapse.

What we need to avoid this problem, is a way of maintaining the normal curve in the lower back while
sitting, even when we're not using the best chair. Thankfully, there’s a simple, inexpensive device that
accomplishes that. That device is a seat wedge. This awesome tool is something we use and recom-
mend to patients every day in my clinic.

Perhaps because of its’ simple design, the seat wedge is totally unappreciated but do not discount
what this tool can do for you if you’ve got chronic back pain. We use it for everybody that has Posture
Prolapse as well as for most people with chronic disc problems. The seat looks just like a normal piece
of foam when you're looking at it from the top or bottom, but when viewed from the side you can see
that this piece of foam is cut in a very specific way. A seat wedge is designed to be thicker and wider
on the back and to taper to a very narrow front end. This unique shape enables you to maintain the
normal curves in your spine while sitting.

A seat wedge works by angling your pelvis downward (into an anterior pelvic tilt) and this allows your
knees to drop below the level of your hips – closer to the position that your hips and pelvis are in
when standing – while you’re seated. You’ll notice when using a seat wedge, that if you repeat the
same sitting experiment, you will retain a pronounced curve in your lower back curve even after your
weight has settled onto the seat. This simple tool can help you turn a very harmful activity into some-
thing that can even be helpful for somebody who has a history of disc problems in the neck or the
lower back and certainly, anybody with Posture Prolapse.

For more information on the best position to be in while sitting:

Click Here


Back in 2016, The Journal of the American Medical

Association (JAMA) set out to find the answer to a
very big question: “What is the most effective
method for preventing back pain?” To figure out the
answer, these researchers performed an exhaustive
review including more than 20 large-scale, random-
ized controlled clinical trials and 30,850 participants.

Walking strengthens and increases stamina of the

muscles responsible for stabilizing and supporting
your spine. Your core, diaphragm, pack extensors,
pelvic floor and gluteal muscles all play a role in the
creation and maintenance
of upright posture. These muscles are also responsi-
ble for the enormously complex task of keeping you
stable as you move through life.

The modern lifestyle and flexion-based activities in particular, have a devastating effect on
these muscles. When the majority of your day is spent in flexion-based activities, these muscles
weaken and atrophy which leads to an inability to hold yourself in an upright position and an
inability to stabilize your spine. Over time, this stagnation day-in and day-out leads to progres-
sive weakening and shrinkage of your muscles and connective tissue as well as a build-up of
metabolic waste products (toxins).[28,29] These tissues will now fatigue and reach the point of
failure even faster which almost inevitably results in injury, and pain. [28]
Walking by itself can help you to prevent and even reverse many of these degenerative chang-

Among other things, walking leads to:

Improved Fluid Dynamics: Lack of physical activity causes stasis of your blood.
When your blood isn’t moving nutrients can’t get into your cells and waste products
can’t get out. This is what those pamphlets on airplanes warn you about when they
give you the exercises to perform in your seat when you fly. You see, humans were
made to move constantly. Veins can only move blood in the presence of muscular
action and when we stay still for too long, blood flow into and out of tissue is reduced
which starves your body of critical nutrients (and puts you at risk for clotting). The
rhythmic movement of walking dilates blood vessels and creates muscular contrac-
tions of some of the most powerful muscles you’ve got which dramatically increases
the supply of oxygen and nutrients to cells throughout your body. It’s also critically
important for flushing out metabolic waste products/toxins.

Increased “Kinetic Flow”: Did you know that much of the power needed to operate
your brain and nervous system actually comes from movement? That’s right – your
brain functions in much the same way that an automatic watch does.

Automatic watches run based on movement of an internal rotor. Any time the watch
wearer moves his or her wrist, the rotor spins and this spinning motion is converted to
energy that winds the watch’s motor. As long as the watch is being worn daily (and/or
moved on a daily basis), everything works great. But if you take that same watch and
leave on the dresser for several days, it stops running. No movement, no power.
Your brain works in exactly the same way. Rhythmic movement of the body (especial-
ly of your spine) creates a massive influx of neurological input - this is what I call
“Kinetic Flow”. These waves of Kinetic Flow provide the raw fuel that’s required to
“power” your brain & nervous system.
To get an idea of how important Kinetic Flow is to your body, know that more than ½
your spinal cord functions as a dedicated pipeline for delivering this nutrient to your
brain! [30] World-renowned medical authors Guyton and Nolte have indicated that if
Kinetic Flow signaling were ever to be cut off completely, the body would be incapa-
ble of functioning in a conscious manner and would actually approach a permanent
state of coma. [31]
Because the interruption of Kinetic Flow is so catastrophic to your health /survivabili-
ty, your body has intelligently developed a warning system to let you know if and
when things are heading in the wrong direction. The body does this with all essential
nutrients – if you’re starved of oxygen – like when you hold your breath under water –
your torso will begin to ache as your diaphragm rapidly convulses and contracts. Your
muscles will start to burn and you’ll begin to shake uncontrollably as they involuntari-
ly contract. [32] Your body does all this to try and force you to breath – and it stems
from our innate drive for self-preservation.

The moment you get to the surface and take that first breath of air, the state of panic in
your body and the pain associated with it, disappear instantly and a state of euphoria
washes over you to replace it.
The same type of warning system is in place to protect us from insufficient input of
Kinetic Flow. When you fail to move your enough, your body will begin sending your
warning signals to try and get you to move.

Tissue Conditioning: Lack of physical activity allows the muscles, ligaments and joints in
throughout your body to stiffen and shorten. When your tissues are unused, your liga-
ments and joint capsules contract in on themselves (via a process called ligamentous
creep). When they are not expanded and contracted, your muscles and tendons accumu-
late little deposits of scar tissue in them called adhesions. You can think of adhesions like
cobwebs in a room that never gets used. They can cause pain and prevent your tissues
moving the way they would normally.
In your spine, the shortening of connective tissue can progress to the point where it actu-
ally alters the shape of your spine, blocks normal movement, increases the pressure in
your spinal discs, and accelerates the degenerative process. [33]

Walking rhythmically moves the joints in your feet, ankles, legs, pelvis, spine, shoulders
and arms (yes, your upper body also moves when you walk) through a range of motion
in expands and contracts muscle tissue throughout your body. This back and forth
between pulling your tissues apart and pushing them back together prevents ligamen-
tous creep and the formation of adhesions.The net result of all this motion is more flexi-
bility, greater range of motion, stronger ligaments & bone as well as increased strength
and endurance. [33,34,35]

Key Points
Your walking speed can influence pain levels – be sure use a pace that feels good to you

Your stride length also influences pain levels: shorter strides can be used to reduce the
demand on your body’s stabilizing system and decrease pain (as your comfort and strength
levels increase, you can try to lengthen your stride a little)

Start off slow. If you’re not accustomed to walking and especially if you’re in a lot of pain, go

Try walking for 1-2 minutes. If that’s too easy, shoot for 3-5 minutes.

Once that’s comfortable, you can slowly increase the duration of your walks, but you should
absolutely avoid exhaustion. The goal would be to finish the walk and be feeling good.

For people with back pain, I will usually cap walking time at 15-20 minutes per outing.

Multiple short walks throughout the day are better than one long walk.

Here’s a quick and easy rhythmic movement routine you can use to increase Kinetic Flow
every day:
Click Here

One of the most damaging effects of the modern
lifestyle is very little muscular effort is required
these days to get through life. You remember what
happens when you don’t use stuff, right? When
you combine this with spending hours every day in
flexion-based positions that stretch out the mus-
cles along the backside of your body, you’ve got a
recipe for disaster. The muscles on the back side of
your body are collectively known as the “Posterior
Chain” and they are responsible for supporting
and stabilizing your spine in an upright position all
day long. Unfortunately the modern lifestyle allows
those tissues become weaker and weaker and
weaker, and then one day, you bend down to put
on your socks, and BAM, you can't get up.

If you want to eliminate back pain, achieve and maintain beautiful upright posture and help ensure the
longevity of your spinal joints throughout your lifetime, you need to place some heavy emphasis on
maintaining the normal secondary curves of your spine every single day. A multi-layered approach
using the tools and strategies we’ve talked about so far – finding ways of sitting that cause less
damage, keeping the spinal joint mobile in the right direction, and moving regularly throughout the
day are all part of the equation.
But what you’re up against here is gravity. Gravity is constant and relentless. If you are going to stay
upright and keep the secondary curves intact, you’re going to need strength and you’re going to need
stamina. Specifically, you’re going to need to enhance the fitness level in the muscles of your “posteri-
or chain”. Your “posterior chain” includes all the muscles on the back half of your body. Thie major
players here are the calf muscles, the glutes and the muscles that run along the sides of your spine –
the spinal erectors. One of the main responsibilities of these muscles is to resist the pull of gravity and
keep you upright (erect).
The muscles of this chain must be accustomed to dealing with loads greater than what’s required to
hold you up again gravity – and they must be trained this way 2-4 times per week. There are lots of
fantastic exercises for developing these muscles but when it comes to simplicity and effectiveness, the
Hip Up & Hold has to be placed near the top of the list.

The only things that you need to perform this movement are a comfortable surface to lie on and a
sturdy chair or couch. Once you've got those two things, simply position the chair out in front of you
and lie flat on your back. From this position, elevate your feet on top of the seat of your chair. Place
your hands out to the sides of your body about 30° to 45° outward. Your palms should be facing down
and your head and neck should be completely relaxed and resting comfortably.

There should be zero tension from the top of your chest up. Once you're in this position, you're going
to squeeze your butt muscles as hard as you can. Before any body movement is initiated, you should
be slowly ramping up a strong contraction in your rear-end - clenching the muscles together. Some-
times it helps to pretend like you're holding a pencil in between your butt cheeks, you're going to feel
that tension build and build and build. Eventually, it'll be enough to raise your hips and your lower
back up off the floor.

Your feet may want to turn outward (externally rotate) as your butt muscles shorten and this is okay.
Allow your feet to go there. At the apex of the movement, your abdomen and your thighs should be in
line with one another. Once you're here, continue squeezing your gluteal muscles and using that
tension to keep you up off the ground. Then you're just going to hold. A good starting point for time
would be 20 to 30 seconds of continuous holding, with big squeeze going on here in your rear end.
Once you get good and comfortable with this motion and your stamina begins to increase, you can
push as high as 90 seconds or even two minutes.

If you find that the Hip Up & Hold is too challenging for you, you've got a couple of different options to
make this movement workable. First, you can reduce your time. I've started patients off with as little as
a 1-2 second hold on this movement. Another option to make the movement easier is to move your
body closer to the chair or couch. By moving closer to the chair, you slide more of your leg onto the
chair/couch and this will reduce the amount of weight that you’re lifting and it make the movement
much easier.

With people who are deconditioned, I will often set them up so their entire lower leg is supported on
the couch. The back of their knee or lower hamstring is positioned at the edge of the cushion. This is a
great way to build confidence and increase your strength early on. Then as you get stronger, you
would progressively increase your time in this position. When you get to the point where you can hold
this position for 60 seconds, you would move yourself further away from the chair/couch, reduce your
time and start with 10-15 seconds and build up again.

For a more-detailed explanation of this important strength builder:

Click Here

If you’re struggling with back pain and you’re ready to get rid of it. You got to begin by asking and
answering some basic questions. When is your pain at its worst? What activities, movements or posi-
tions were you doing before it got so bad? When does your pain impact you the least? What activities,
movements, or positions were you in before that happened? What I described here, is the most
common chronic pain pattern seen in the modern world today. Posture Prolapse is affecting 70% of the
population nowadays. If you can identify, avoid and/or find ways to modify the activities that are caus-
ing/contributing to your problem while simultaneously introducing therapeutic movements that can
restore normal function and balance to your body tissues and overall structure, you’ll be well on your
way to resolving your chronic pain.

Chronic pain is a complex, multifaceted problem and if you want to get rid of it for good – you need a
strategy that is made up of several different “layers”. Some of those “layers” require more effort and are
more time-intensive than others. One of the most important concepts that I’m constantly touting with
my patients is to grab as much “low hanging fruit” as you possibly can. By that, I mean having 2-3
techniques and “hacks” that you use each day to push you in the direction of pain-free with very little
effort and even less time commitment.
That’s why I created a presentation called 17-Essential Nutrients For Eliminating Pain to show you the
hard science behind using a classic “low hanging fruit” strategy to break your pain cycle. The benefit
you gain from having these nutrients working for you on daily basis really stack up over time and they
can make an HUGE difference not only in the way you feel but, in getting you to your ultimate goal of
pain-free as fast as possible.

Click Here To Find Out More


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