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Louis Nirenberg

Louis Nirenberg (February 28, 1925 – January 26,

2020) was a Canadian-American mathematician, Louis Nirenberg
considered one of the most outstanding
mathematicians of the 20th century.

Nearly all of his work was in the field of partial

differential equations. Many of his contributions are
now regarded as fundamental to the field, such as his
strong maximum principle for second-order parabolic
partial differential equations and the Newlander–
Nirenberg theorem in complex geometry. He is
regarded as a foundational figure in the field of
geometric analysis, with many of his works being
closely related to the study of complex analysis and
differential geometry.[4]

Biography Nirenberg in 1975

Born February 28, 1925
Nirenberg was born in Hamilton, Ontario to Ukrainian
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Jewish immigrants. He attended Baron Byng High
School and McGill University, completing his BS in Died January 26, 2020 (aged 94)
both mathematics and physics in 1945. Through a Manhattan, New York, U.S.
summer job at the National Research Council of Citizenship Canadian and American
Canada, he came to know Ernest Courant's wife Sara Alma mater McGill University (BS, 1945)
Paul. She spoke to Courant's father, the eminent New York University (PhD,
mathematician Richard Courant, for advice on where 1950)
Nirenberg should apply to study theoretical physics.
Known for Partial differential equations
Following their discussion, Nirenberg was invited to
enter graduate school at the Courant Institute of
interpolation inequality
Mathematical Sciences at New York University. In
1949, he obtained his doctorate in mathematics, under
the direction of James Stoker. In his doctoral work, he
Bounded mean oscillation
solved the "Weyl problem" in differential geometry,
(John–Nirenberg space)
which had been a well-known open problem since
Nirenberg's conjecture[1]
Awards Bôcher Memorial Prize (1959)
Following his doctorate, he became a professor at the Crafoord Prize (1982)
Courant Institute, where he remained for the rest of his Steele Prize (1994, 2014)
career. He was the advisor of 45 PhD students, and National Medal of Science
published over 150 papers with a number of coauthors, (1995)
including notable collaborations with Henri Chern Medal (2010)
Berestycki, Haïm Brezis, Luis Caffarelli, and Yanyan Abel Prize in Mathematics
Li, among many others. He continued to carry out (2015)
mathematical research until the age of 87. On January Scientific career
26, 2020, Nirenberg died at the age of 94.[5][6][7] Fields Mathematics

Nirenberg's work was widely recognized, including the Institutions New York University
following awards and honors: Thesis The determination of a closed
convex surface having given
Bôcher Memorial Prize (1959)[8] line elements (1949)
Elected member of the American Academy of
Doctoral James Stoker
Arts and Sciences (1965)[9]
Elected member of the United States National
Doctoral Walter Craig
Academy of Sciences (1969)[10]
students Peter B. Gilkey
Crafoord Prize (1982)[11]
Jeffery–Williams Prize (1987)[12] Djairo Guedes de Figueiredo
Elected member of the American Sergiu Klainerman
Philosophical Society (1987)[13] YanYan Li
Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement Chang-Shou Lin
Wei-Ming Ni
National Medal of Science (1995)[15]
Martin Schechter
Chern Medal (2010)[16]
Gabriella Tarantello
Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to
Research (2014), with Luis Caffarelli and Notes
Robert Kohn, for their article [CKN82] on the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Navier-Stokes equations
Abel Prize (2015)[17]

Mathematical achievements
Nirenberg is especially known for his collaboration with Shmuel Agmon and Avron Douglis in which
they extended the Schauder theory, as previously understood for second-order elliptic partial differential
equations, to the general setting of elliptic systems. With Basilis Gidas and Wei-Ming Ni he made
innovative uses of the maximum principle to prove symmetry of many solutions of differential equations.
The study of the BMO function space was initiated by Nirenberg and Fritz John in 1961; while it was
originally introduced by John in the study of elastic materials, it has also been applied to games of chance
known as martingales.[18] His 1982 work with Luis Caffarelli and Robert Kohn made a seminal
contribution to the Navier–Stokes existence and smoothness, in the field of mathematical fluid

Other achievements include the resolution of the Minkowski problem in two-dimensions, the Gagliardo–
Nirenberg interpolation inequality, the Newlander-Nirenberg theorem in complex geometry, and the
development of pseudo-differential operators with Joseph Kohn.

Navier-Stokes equations
The Navier-Stokes equations were developed in the early 1800s to model the physics of fluid mechanics.
Jean Leray, in a seminal achievement in the 1930s, formulated an influential notion of weak solution for
the equations and proved their existence.[19] His work was later put into the setting of a boundary value
problem by Eberhard Hopf.[20]

A breakthrough came with work of Vladimir Scheffer in the 1970s. He showed that if a smooth solution
of the Navier−Stokes equations approaches a singular time, then the solution can be extended
continuously to the singular time away from, roughly speaking, a curve in space.[21] Without making such
a conditional assumption on smoothness, he established the existence of Leray−Hopf solutions which are
smooth away from a two-dimensional surface in spacetime.[22] Such results are referred to as "partial
regularity." Soon afterwards, Luis Caffarelli, Robert Kohn, and Nirenberg localized and sharpened
Scheffer's analysis.[CKN82] The key tool of Scheffer's analysis was an energy inequality providing
localized integral control of solutions. It is not automatically satisfied by Leray−Hopf solutions, but
Scheffer and Caffarelli−Kohn−Nirenberg established existence theorems for solutions satisfying such
inequalities. With such "a priori" control as a starting point, Caffarelli−Kohn−Nirenberg were able to
prove a purely local result on smoothness away from a curve in spacetime, improving Scheffer's partial

Similar results were later found by Michael Struwe, and a simplified version of
Caffarelli−Kohn−Nirenberg's analysis was later found by Fang-Hua Lin.[23][24] In 2014, the American
Mathematical Society recognized Caffarelli−Kohn−Nirenberg's paper with the Steele Prize for Seminal
Contribution to Research, saying that their work was a "landmark" providing a "source of inspiration for
a generation of mathematicians." The further analysis of the regularity theory of the Navier−Stokes
equations is, as of 2021, a well-known open problem.

Nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations

In the 1930s, Charles Morrey found the basic regularity theory of quasilinear elliptic partial differential
equations for functions on two-dimensional domains.[25] Nirenberg, as part of his Ph.D. thesis, extended
Morrey's results to the setting of fully nonlinear elliptic equations.[N53a] The works of Morrey and
Nirenberg made extensive use of two-dimensionality, and the understanding of elliptic equations with
higher-dimensional domains was an outstanding open problem.

The Monge-Ampère equation, in the form of prescribing the determinant of the hessian of a function, is
one of the standard examples of a fully nonlinear elliptic equation. In an invited lecture at the 1974
International Congress of Mathematicians, Nirenberg announced results obtained with Eugenio Calabi on
the boundary-value problem for the Monge−Ampère equation, based upon boundary regularity estimates
and a method of continuity.[26] However, they soon realized their proofs to be incomplete.[26] In 1977,
Shiu-Yuen Cheng and Shing-Tung Yau resolved the existence and interior regularity for the Monge-
Ampère equation, showing in particular that if the determinant of the hessian of a function is smooth,
then the function itself must be smooth as well.[27] Their work was based upon the relation via the
Legendre transform to the Minkowski problem, which they had previously resolved by differential-
geometric estimates.[28] In particular, their work did not make use of boundary regularity, and their results
left such questions unresolved.
In collaboration with Luis Caffarelli and Joel Spruck, Nirenberg resolved such questions, directly
establishing boundary regularity and using it to build a direct approach to the Monge−Ampère equation
based upon the method of continuity.[CNS84] Calabi and Nirenberg had successfully demonstrated
uniform control of the first two derivatives; the key for the method of continuity is the more powerful
uniform Hölder continuity of the second derivatives. Caffarelli, Nirenberg, and Spruck established a
delicate version of this along the boundary,[29] which they were able to establish as sufficient by using
Calabi's third-derivative estimates in the interior.[30] With Joseph Kohn, they found analogous results in
the setting of the complex Monge−Ampère equation.[C+85] In such general situations, the Evans−Krylov
theory[29] is a more flexible tool than the computation-based calculations of Calabi.

Caffarelli, Nirenberg, and Spruck were able to extend their methods to more general classes of fully
nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations, in which one studies functions for which certain relations
between the hessian's eigenvalues are prescribed.[CNS85] As a particular case of their new class of
equations, they were able to partially resolve the boundary-value problem for special Lagrangians.

Linear elliptic systems

Nirenberg's most renowned work from the 1950s deals with "elliptic regularity." With Avron Douglis,
Nirenberg extended the Schauder estimates, as discovered in the 1930s in the context of second-order
elliptic equations, to general elliptic systems of arbitrary order.[DN55] In collaboration with Shmuel
Agmon and Douglis, Nirenberg proved boundary regularity for elliptic equations of arbitrary order.
[ADN59] They later extended their results to elliptic systems of arbitrary order.[ADN64] With Morrey,

Nirenberg proved that solutions of elliptic systems with analytic coefficients are themselves analytic,
extending to the boundary earlier known work.[MN57] These contributions to elliptic regularity are now
considered as part of a "standard package" of information, and are covered in many textbooks. The
Douglis−Nirenberg and Agmon−Douglis−Nirenberg estimates, in particular, are among the most widely-
used tools in elliptic partial differential equations.[31]

With Yanyan Li, and motivated by composite materials in elasticity theory, Nirenberg studied linear
elliptic systems in which the coefficients are Hölder continuous in the interior but possibly discontinuous
on the boundary. Their result is that the gradient of the solution is Hölder continuous, with a L∞ estimate
for the gradient which is independent of the distance from the boundary.[LN03]

Maximum principle and its applications

In the case of harmonic functions, the maximum principle was known in the 1800s, and was used by Carl
Friedrich Gauss.[32][33] In the early 1900s, complicated extensions to general second-order elliptic partial
differential equations were found by Sergei Bernstein, Leon Lichtenstein, and Émile Picard; it was not
until the 1920s that the simple modern proof was found by Eberhard Hopf.[34] In one of his earliest
works, Nirenberg adapted Hopf's proof to second-order parabolic partial differential equations, thereby
establishing the strong maximum principle in that context.[N53b] As in the earlier work, such a result had
various uniqueness and comparison theorems as corollaries. Nirenberg's work is now regarded as one of
the foundations of the field of parabolic partial differential equations, and is ubiquitous across the
standard textbooks.[35][36][37][38][39][40]
In the 1950s, A.D. Alexandrov introduced an elegant "moving plane" reflection method, which he used as
the context for applying the maximum principle to characterize the standard sphere as the only closed
hypersurface of Euclidean space with constant mean curvature. In 1971, James Serrin utilized
Alexandrov's technique to prove that highly symmetric solutions of certain second-order elliptic partial
differential equations must be supported on symmetric domains. Nirenberg realized that Serrin's work
could be reformulated so as to prove that solutions of second-order elliptic partial differential equations
inherit symmetries of their domain and of the equation itself. Such results do not hold automatically, and
it is nontrivial to identify which special features of a given problem are relevant. For example, there are
many harmonic functions on Euclidean space which fail to be rotationally symmetric, despite the
rotational symmetry of the Laplacian and of Euclidean space.

Nirenberg's first results on this problem were obtained in collaboration with Basilis Gidas and Wei-Ming
Ni. They developed a precise form of Alexandrov and Serrin's technique, applicable even to fully
nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations.[GNN79] In a later work, they developed a version of the Hopf
lemma applicable on unbounded domains, thereby improving their work in the case of equations on such
domains.[GNN81] Their main applications deal with rotational symmetry. Due to such results, in many
cases of geometric or physical interest, it is sufficient to study ordinary differential equations rather than
partial differential equations.

Later, with Henri Berestycki, Nirenberg used the Alexandrov−Bakelman−Pucci estimate[29] to improve
and modify the methods of Gidas−Ni−Nirenberg, significantly reducing the need to assume regularity of
the domain.[BN91a] In an important result with Srinivasa Varadhan, Berestycki and Nirenberg continued
the study of domains with no assumed regularity. For linear operators, they related the validity of the
maximum principle to positivity of a first eigenvalue and existence of a first eigenfunction.[BNV94] With
Luis Caffarelli, Berestycki and Nirenberg applied their results to symmetry of functions on cylindrical
domains.[BCN96] They obtained in particular a partial resolution of a well-known conjecture of Ennio De
Giorgi on translational symmetry, which was later fully resolved in Ovidiu Savin's Ph.D. thesis.
[BCN97b][41][42] They further applied their method to obtain qualitative phenomena on general unbounded

domains, extending earlier works of Maria Esteban and Pierre-Louis Lions.[BCN97a]

Functional inequalities
Nirenberg and Emilio Gagliardo independently proved fundamental inequalities for Sobolev spaces, now
known as the Gagliardo–Nirenberg–Sobolev inequality and the Gagliardo–Nirenberg interpolation
inequalities.[N59] They are used ubiquitously throughout the literature on partial differential equations; as
such, it has been of great interest to extend and adapt them to various situations. Nirenberg himself would
later clarify the possible exponents which can appear in the interpolation inequality.[N66] With Luis
Caffarelli and Robert Kohn, Nirenberg would establish corresponding inequalities for certain weighted
norms.[CKN84] Caffarelli, Kohn, and Nirenberg's norms were later investigated more fully in notable work
by Florin Catrina and Zhi-Qiang Wang.[43]

Immediately following Fritz John's introduction of the bounded mean oscillation (BMO) function space
in the theory of elasticity, he and Nirenberg gave a further study of the space, proving in particular the
"John−Nirenberg inequality," which constrains the size of the set on which a BMO function is far from its
average value.[JN61] Their work, which is an application of the Calderon−Zygmund decomposition, has
become a part of the standard mathematical literature. Expositions are contained in standard textbooks on
probability,[44] complex analysis,[45] harmonic analysis,[46] Fourier analysis,[47] and partial differential
equations.[29] Among other applications, it is particularly fundamental to Jürgen Moser's Harnack
inequality and subsequent work.[48][49][29]

The John−Nirenberg inequality and the more general foundations of the BMO theory were worked out by
Nirenberg and Haïm Brézis in the context of maps between Riemannian manifolds.[BN95] Among other
results, they were able to establish that smooth maps which are close in BMO norm have the same
topological degree, and hence that degree can be meaningfully defined for mappings of vanishing mean
oscillation (VMO).

Calculus of variations
In the setting of topological vector spaces, Ky Fan developed a minimax theorem with applications in
game theory.[50][51] With Haïm Brezis and Guido Stampacchia, Nirenberg derived results extending both
Fan's theory and Stampacchia's generalization of the Lax-Milgram theorem.[BNS72][52] Their work has
applications to the subject of variational inequalities.[53]

By adapting the Dirichlet energy, it is standard to recognize solutions of certain wave equations as critical
points of functionals. With Brezis and Jean-Michel Coron, Nirenberg found a novel functional whose
critical points can be directly used to construct solutions of wave equations.[BCN80] They were able to
apply the mountain pass theorem to their new functional, thereby establishing the existence of periodic
solutions of certain wave equations, extending a result of Paul Rabinowitz.[54] Part of their work involved
small extensions of the standard mountain pass theorem and Palais-Smale condition, which have become
standard in textbooks.[55][56][57] In 1991, Brezis and Nirenberg showed how Ekeland's variational
principle could be applied to extend the mountain pass theorem, with the effect that almost-critical points
can be found without requiring the Palais−Smale condition.[BN91b][57]

A fundamental contribution of Brezis and Nirenberg to critical point theory dealt with local minimizers.
[BN93] In principle, the choice of function space is highly relevant, and a function could minimize among

smooth functions without minimizing among the broader class of Sobolev functions. Making use of an
earlier regularity result of Brezis and Tosio Kato, Brezis and Nirenberg ruled out such phenomena for a
certain class of Dirichlet-type functionals.[58] Their work was later extended by Jesús García Azorero,
Juan Manfredi, and Ireneo Peral.[59]

In one of Nirenberg's most widely cited papers, he and Brézis studied the Dirichlet problem for Yamabe-
type equations on Euclidean spaces, following part of Thierry Aubin's work on the Yamabe problem.
[BN83] With Berestycki and Italo Capuzzo-Dolcetta, Nirenberg studied superlinear equations of Yamabe

type, giving various existence and non-existence results.[BCN94]

Nonlinear functional analysis

Agmon and Nirenberg made an extensive study of ordinary differential equations in Banach spaces,
relating asymptotic representations and the behavior at infinity of solutions to
to the spectral properties of the operator A. Applications include the study of rather general parabolic and
elliptic-parabolic problems.[AN63]

Brezis and Nirenberg gave a study of the perturbation theory of nonlinear perturbations of noninvertible
transformations between Hilbert spaces; applications include existence results for periodic solutions of
some semilinear wave equations.[BN78a][BN78b]

In John Nash's work on the isometric embedding problem, the key step is a small perturbation result,
highly reminiscent of an implicit function theorem; his proof used a novel combination of Newton's
method (in an infinitesimal form) with smoothing operators.[60] Nirenberg was one of many
mathematicians to put Nash's ideas into systematic and abstract frameworks, referred to as Nash-Moser
theorems. Nirenberg's formulation is particularly simple, isolating the basic analytic ideas underlying the
analysis of most Nash-Moser iteration schemes.[N72] Within a similar framework, he proved an abstract
form of the Cauchy–Kowalevski theorem, as a particular case of a theorem on solvability of ordinary
differential equations in families of Banach spaces.[N72] His work was later simplified by Takaaki Nishida
and used in an analysis of the Boltzmann equation.[61][62]

Geometric problems
Making use of his work on fully nonlinear elliptic equations[N53a], Nirenberg's Ph.D. thesis provided a
resolution of the Weyl problem and Minkowski problem in the field of differential geometry.[N53c] The
former asks for the existence of isometric embeddings of positively curved Riemannian metrics on the
two-dimensional sphere into three-dimensional Euclidean space, while the latter asks for closed surfaces
in three-dimensional Euclidean space for which the Gauss map prescribes the Gaussian curvature. The
key is that the "Darboux equation" from surface theory is of Monge−Ampère type, so that Nirenberg's
regularity theory becomes useful in the method of continuity. John Nash's well-known isometric
embedding theorems, established soon afterwards, have no apparent relation to the Weyl problem, which
deals simultaneously with high-regularity embeddings and low codimension.[63][60] Nirenberg's work on
the Minkowski problem was extended to Riemannian settings by Aleksei Pogorelov. In higher
dimensions, the Minkowski problem was resolved by Shiu-Yuen Cheng and Shing-Tung Yau.[28] Other
approaches to the Minkowski problem have developed from Caffarelli, Nirenberg, and Spruck's
fundamental contributions to the theory of nonlinear elliptic equations.[CNS85]

In one of his very few articles not centered on analysis, Nirenberg and Philip Hartman characterized the
cylinders in Euclidean space as the only complete hypersurfaces which are intrinsically flat.[HN59] This
can also be viewed as resolving a question on the isometric embedding of flat manifolds as hypersurfaces.
Such questions and natural generalizations were later taken up by Cheng, Yau, and Harold Rosenberg,
among others.[64][65]

Answering a question posed to Nirenberg by Shiing-Shen Chern and André Weil, Nirenberg and his
doctoral student August Newlander proved what is now known as the Newlander-Nirenberg theorem,
which provides the precise algebraic condition under which an almost complex structure arises from a
holomorphic coordinate atlas.[NN57] The Newlander-Nirenberg theorem is now considered as a
foundational result in complex geometry, although the result itself is far better known than the proof,
which is not usually covered in introductory texts, as it relies on advanced methods in partial differential
equations. Nirenberg and Joseph Kohn, following earlier work by Kohn, studied the ∂-Neumann problem
on pseudoconvex domains, and demonstrated the relation of the regularity theory to the existence of
subelliptic estimates for the ∂ operator.[KN65b]

The classical Poincaré disk model assigns the metric of hyperbolic space to the unit ball. Nirenberg and
Charles Loewner studied the more general means of naturally assigning a complete Riemannian metric to
bounded open subsets of Euclidean space.[LN74] Geometric calculations show that solutions of certain
semilinear Yamabe-type equations can be used to define metrics of constant scalar curvature, and that the
metric is complete if the solution diverges to infinity near the boundary. Loewner and Nirenberg
established existence of such solutions on certain domains. Similarly, they studied a certain
Monge−Ampère equation with the property that, for any negative solution extending continuously to zero
at the boundary, one can define a complete Riemannian metric via the hessian. These metrics have the
special property of projective invariance, so that projective transformation from one given domain to
another becomes an isometry of the corresponding metrics.

Pseudo-differential operators
Joseph Kohn and Nirenberg introduced the notion of pseudo-differential operators.[KN65a] Nirenberg and
François Trèves investigated the famous Lewy's example for a non-solvable linear PDE of second order,
and discovered the conditions under which it is solvable, in the context of both partial differential
operators and pseudo-differential operators.[NT63][NT70] Their introduction of local solvability conditions
with analytic coefficients has become a focus for researchers such as R. Beals, C. Fefferman, R.D. Moyer,
Lars Hörmander, and Nils Dencker who solved the pseudo-differential condition for Lewy's equation.
This opened up further doors into the local solvability of linear partial differential equations.

Major publications
Books and surveys.

N73. Nirenberg, Louis (1973). Lectures on linear partial differential equations.

Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences Regional Conference Series in
Mathematics. Vol. 17. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society.
doi:10.1090/cbms/017 (https://doi.org/10.1090%2Fcbms%2F017). ISBN 978-0-
8218-1667-7. MR 0450755 (https://mathscinet.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=04
50755). Zbl 0267.35001 (https://zbmath.org/?format=complete&q=an:0267.35001).

N81. Nirenberg, L. (1981). "Variational and topological methods in nonlinear problems"

(https://doi.org/10.1090%2FS0273-0979-1981-14888-6). Bulletin of the American
Mathematical Society. New Series. 4 (3): 267–302. doi:10.1090/S0273-0979-1981-
14888-6 (https://doi.org/10.1090%2FS0273-0979-1981-14888-6). MR 0609039 (htt
ps://mathscinet.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=0609039). Zbl 0468.47040 (http
N94. Nirenberg, Louis (1994). "Partial differential equations in the first half of the
century". In Pier, Jean-Paul (ed.). Development of Mathematics 1900–1950.
Symposium held in Luxembourg, June 1992. Basel: Birkhäuser. pp. 479–515.
ISBN 3-7643-2821-5. MR 1298641 (https://mathscinet.ams.org/mathscinet-getite
m?mr=1298641). Zbl 0807.01017 (https://zbmath.org/?format=complete&q=an:080

N01. Nirenberg, Louis (2001). Topics in nonlinear functional analysis. Courant Lecture
Notes in Mathematics. Vol. 6. Chapter 6 by E. Zehnder. Notes by R. A. Artino
(Revised reprint of the 1974 original ed.). New York: New York University, Courant
Institute of Mathematical Sciences. doi:10.1090/cln/006 (https://doi.org/10.1090%2
Fcln%2F006). ISBN 0-8218-2819-3. MR 0488102 (https://mathscinet.ams.org/math
scinet-getitem?mr=0488102). Zbl 0286.47037 (https://zbmath.org/?format=complet
N18. Nirenberg, Louis (2018). Lectures on differential equations and differential
geometry. Classical Topics in Mathematics. Vol. 7. With a preface by Shiu-Yuen
Cheng and Lizhen Ji. Beijing: Higher Education Press. ISBN 978-7-04-050302-9.
MR 3889014 (https://mathscinet.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=3889014).
Zbl 1465.35001 (https://zbmath.org/?format=complete&q=an:1465.35001).


N53a. Nirenberg, Louis (1953). "On nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations and
Hölder continuity". Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics. 6 (1): 103–
156. doi:10.1002/cpa.3160060105 (https://doi.org/10.1002%2Fcpa.3160060105).
MR 0064986 (https://mathscinet.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=0064986).
Zbl 0050.09801 (https://zbmath.org/?format=complete&q=an:0050.09801).
(Erratum: doi:10.1002/cpa.3160060304 (https://doi.org/10.1002%2Fcpa.316006030

N53b. Nirenberg, Louis (1953). "A strong maximum principle for parabolic equations".
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics. 6 (2): 167–177.
doi:10.1002/cpa.3160060202 (https://doi.org/10.1002%2Fcpa.3160060202).
MR 0055544 (https://mathscinet.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=0055544).
Zbl 0050.09601 (https://zbmath.org/?format=complete&q=an:0050.09601).
N53c. Nirenberg, Louis (1953). "The Weyl and Minkowski problems in differential
geometry in the large". Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics. 6 (3):
337–394. doi:10.1002/cpa.3160060303 (https://doi.org/10.1002%2Fcpa.31600603
03). MR 0058265 (https://mathscinet.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=0058265).
Zbl 0051.12402 (https://zbmath.org/?format=complete&q=an:0051.12402).

DN55. Douglis, Avron; Nirenberg, Louis (1955). "Interior estimates for elliptic systems of
partial differential equations". Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics.
8 (4): 503–538. doi:10.1002/cpa.3160080406 (https://doi.org/10.1002%2Fcpa.3160
080406). MR 0075417 (https://mathscinet.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=007541
7). Zbl 0066.08002 (https://zbmath.org/?format=complete&q=an:0066.08002).
N55. Nirenberg, Louis (1955). "Remarks on strongly elliptic partial differential equations".
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics. 8 (4): 649–675.
doi:10.1002/cpa.3160080414 (https://doi.org/10.1002%2Fcpa.3160080414).
MR 0075415 (https://mathscinet.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=0075415).
Zbl 0067.07602 (https://zbmath.org/?format=complete&q=an:0067.07602).

MN57. Morrey, C. B. Jr.; Nirenberg, L. (1957). "On the analyticity of the solutions of linear
elliptic systems of partial differential equations". Communications on Pure and
Applied Mathematics. 10 (2): 271–290. doi:10.1002/cpa.3160100204 (https://doi.or
g/10.1002%2Fcpa.3160100204). MR 0089334 (https://mathscinet.ams.org/mathsci
net-getitem?mr=0089334). Zbl 0082.09402 (https://zbmath.org/?format=complete&
NN57. Newlander, A.; Nirenberg, L. (1957). "Complex analytic coordinates in almost
complex manifolds". Annals of Mathematics. Second Series. 65 (3): 391–404.
doi:10.2307/1970051 (https://doi.org/10.2307%2F1970051). JSTOR 1970051 (http
s://www.jstor.org/stable/1970051). MR 0088770 (https://mathscinet.ams.org/maths
cinet-getitem?mr=0088770). Zbl 0079.16102 (https://zbmath.org/?format=complete

ADN59. Agmon, S.; Douglis, A.; Nirenberg, L. (1959). "Estimates near the boundary for
solutions of elliptic partial differential equations satisfying general boundary
conditions. I". Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics. 12 (4): 623–
727. doi:10.1002/cpa.3160120405 (https://doi.org/10.1002%2Fcpa.3160120405).
MR 0125307 (https://mathscinet.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=0125307).
Zbl 0093.10401 (https://zbmath.org/?format=complete&q=an:0093.10401).

HN59. Hartman, Philip; Nirenberg, Louis (1959). "On spherical image maps whose
Jacobians do not change sign". American Journal of Mathematics. 81 (4): 901–
920. doi:10.2307/2372995 (https://doi.org/10.2307%2F2372995). JSTOR 2372995
(https://www.jstor.org/stable/2372995). MR 0126812 (https://mathscinet.ams.org/m
athscinet-getitem?mr=0126812). Zbl 0094.16303 (https://zbmath.org/?format=com
N59. Nirenberg, L. (1959). "On elliptic partial differential equations" (http://www.numdam.
org/item/ASNSP_1959_3_13_2_115_0). Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di
Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie III. 13 (2): 115–162. MR 0109940 (https://mathscine
t.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=0109940). Zbl 0088.07601 (https://zbmath.org/?f

JN61. John, F.; Nirenberg, L. (1961). "On functions of bounded mean oscillation".
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics. 14 (3): 415–426.
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NT70. Nirenberg, Louis; Trèves, François (1970). "On local solvability of linear partial
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LN74. Loewner, Charles; Nirenberg, Louis (1974). "Partial differential equations invariant
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BCN80. Brézis, Haïm; Coron, Jean-Michel; Nirenberg, Louis (1980). "Free vibrations for a
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BNV94. Berestycki, H.; Nirenberg, L.; Varadhan, S. R. S. (1994). "The principal eigenvalue
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BCN95. Berestycki, Henri; Capuzzo-Dolcetta, Italo; Nirenberg, Louis (1995). "Variational
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BN95. Brezis, H.; Nirenberg, L. (1995). "Degree theory and BMO. I. Compact manifolds
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BCN97a. Berestycki, H.; Caffarelli, L. A.; Nirenberg, L. (1997). "Monotonicity for elliptic
equations in unbounded Lipschitz domains". Communications on Pure and Applied
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LN03. Li, Yanyan; Nirenberg, Louis (2003). "Estimates for elliptic systems from composite
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External links
Homepage of Louis Nirenberg (http://www.math.nyu.edu/faculty/nirenl/)
Simons Foundation, Science Lives: Louis Nirenberg (https://www.simonsfoundation.org/scie
Allyn Jackson. Interview with Louis Nirenberg. (https://www.ams.org/notices/200204/fea-nire
nberg.pdf) Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 49 (2002), no. 4, 441–449.
YanYan Li. The work of Louis Nirenberg. (http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi
= Proceedings of the International Congress of
Mathematicians. Volume I, 127–137, Hindustan Book Agency, New Delhi, 2010.
Simon Donaldson. On the work of Louis Nirenberg. (https://www.ams.org/journals/notices/20
1103/rtx110300469p.pdf) Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 58 (2011), no. 3, 469–472.
Tristan Rivière. Exploring the unknown: the work of Louis Nirenberg on partial differential
equations. (https://www.ams.org/publications/journals/notices/201602/rnoti-p119.pdf)
Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 63 (2016), no. 2, 120–125.
Recent applications of Nirenberg's classical ideas. (https://www.ams.org/journals/notices/20
1602/rnoti-p126.pdf) Communicated by Christina Sormani. Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 63
(2016), no. 2, 126–134.
Martin Raussen and Christian Skau. Interview with Louis Nirenberg. (https://www.ams.org/jo
urnals/notices/201602/rnoti-p135.pdf) Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 63 (2016), no. 2, 135–140.
(Coordinated by Robert V. Kohn and Yanyan Li.) Louis Nirenberg (1925–2020). (https://ww
w.ams.org/notices/202106/rnoti-p959.pdf) Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 68 (2021), no. 6, 959–

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