Macromolecues 1996 4397-4405
Macromolecues 1996 4397-4405
Macromolecues 1996 4397-4405
ABSTRACT: The crystal structures of a series of optically active polyamides derived from L-tartaric acid
and 1,n-alkanediamines (n ) 2, 4, 6, and 8) have been investigated. Experimental data provided by
X-ray diffraction of powders and fibers as well as by electron diffraction of single crystals were used to
determine the lattice parameters for each polymer. A triclinic unit cell with space group P1 was found
to be shared by the whole series. Semiempirical quantum mechanical calculations revealed that the
preferred conformation for these polytartaramides entailed the tartaric acid moiety in a gauche
arrangement with the amide groups rotated out of the plane containing the all-trans polymethylene
segment. Crystal models compatible with the crystallographic data were built and refined against X-ray
diffraction intensities with the linked-atom least-squares (LALS) methodology. The favored structure
appeared to consist of hydrogen-bonded pleated sheets packed with a stagger similar to that found in the
R-form of nylon 66. Modeling performed with CERIUS, a program enabling on-line observation of the
simulated X-ray and electron scattering as the molecular model is adjusted, led to substantially similar
Macromolecules, Vol. 29, No. 12, 1996 Crystal Structures of Optically Active Polyamides 4399
Table 2. Interplanar Spacings (dhld) and Crystal Lattice Parameters (Å) of Polyamides PnDMLT
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Table 4. Observed and Calculated Spacings (dhkl, in Å) Table 5. Unit Cell Parameters, Conformational Angles,
and Structure Factors (F) for the P1 Model of P6DMLT and Hydrogen-Bond Geometriesa for the P1 and C2
Crystal Models of P6DMLT
Fobsd -
spot h k l dobsd Fobsd dcalcd Fcalcd Fcalcd LALS CERIUS
Equator P1 C2 P1 C2
1 0 1 0 5.53 11.48 5.46 10.89 0.59
unit cell parameters
2 1 0 0 4.54
a 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
1 0 4.57 19.37 4.55 20.24
b 6.84 12.65 6.84 12.6
-1 -0.87
3 1 1 0 2.95
c 13.20 13.20 13.20 13.20
2 0 4.66 2.94 6.80
61.5 60.0 61.5 60.0
-1 -2.14
4 0 2 0 3.48 2.73 3.85
â 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0
5 1 0 2.50 0.89 2.50 1.76
γ 111.6 90.0 111.6 90.0
-2 -0.87
First Layer Line torsional angles
6 0 0 1 11.20 37.07 11.33 42.54 -5.47 Ψ -76.2 -86.5 -50.2 -80.0
7 0 1 1 6.40 10.60 6.35 13.76 -3.16 υ -179.0 177.0 180.0 180.0
8 1 0 1 4.57 Ψ′ 76.2 -86.5 50.2 -80.0
-1 1 1 4.60 29.30 4.57 25.93 3.37 ø1 -131.7 110.3 -101.0 85.0
9 0 -1 1 4.17 19.49 4.15 21.43 -1.94 ø2 ) ø3 ) ø4 ) ø2′ ) ø3′ 180.0 180.0 180.0 180.0
10 1 1 1 3.20 c1′ 131.7 110.3 101.0 85.0
-1 2 1 3.20 14.28 3.19 13.02 1.26 H-bond geometry
11 1 -1 1 2.61 d(H‚‚‚O) 1.92 3.42 1.89 2.52
-1 -2 1 16.47 2.60 12.90 3.57 d(N‚‚‚O) 2.93 3.77 2.90 3.29
Second Layer Line ∠N-H‚‚‚O 173.8 102.5 170.0 146.6
12 0 0 2 5.66 R factor, % 14.5 >50
0 1 2 5.67 13.98 5.63 18.56 -4.58 a Distances in Å and angles in deg.
13 1 0 2 3.98
-1 1 2 4.00 18.46 3.98 20.64 -2.18 Table 6. Cartesian coordinates of one residue of model
14 0 2 2 3.18 P1 of P6DMLT
2 0 2 3.18
0 -1 2 3.20 atom x y z
1 1 2 3.21 N1 -6.895 -7.851 -10.478
1 -1 2 3.22 H-N1 -6.536 -7.619 -11.393
-1 2 2 3.15 9.17 3.22 8.83 0.34 C1 -6.594 -7.210 -9.190
Third Layer Line H1-C1 -7.125 -6.261 -9.123
15 0 1 3 3.27 H2-C1 -6.912 -7.862 -8.376
-1 1 3 3.26 11.45 3.27 12.15 -0.70 C2 -5.078 -6.959 -9.082
H1-C2 -4.758 -6.306 -9.895
Fourth Layer Line H2-C2 -4.546 -7.908 -9.148
16 1 0 4 3.30 6.67 3.30 10.50 -3.83 C3 -4.762 -6.288 -7.732
H1-C3 -5.081 -6.938 -6.918
chains in g conformation. These findings enabled us to H2-C3 -5.294 -5.337 -7.665
discard the model based on conformation a (C2 model) C4 -3.246 -6.035 -7.624
and to consider the triclinic lattice in space group P1
-2.927 -5.383 -8.437
H2-C4 -2.714 -6.984 -7.690
as the preferred model (P1 model) for the crystal C5 -2.931 -5.363 -6.274
structure of P6DMLT. H1-C5 -3.249 -6.015 -5.460
The P1 model was refined against X-ray intensities H2-C5 -3.462 -4.413 -6.207
measured on the fiber diffraction pattern shown in H1-C6
-1.414 -5.111 -6.166
Figure 3a. Sixteen independent spots were used for
-1.095 -4.460 -6.979
H2-C6 -0.882 -6.060 -6.232
refinement, leading to a satisfactory R factor of 14.5%. N2 -1.007 -4.470 -4.907
Observed and calculated spacings and structure factors H-N2 -1.437 -4.843 -4.083
for all the reflections used in the refinement process are CdO2 -0.132 -3.468 -4.877
compared in Table 4. When the C2 model was subjected O2 0.391 -3.018 -5.908
C7 0.153
to similar refinement, an R factor well out of acceptable
-2.947 -3.484
O-C7 0.272 -3.985 -2.630
limits was obtained. A comparative description of H-C7 1.081 -2.374 -3.492
models C2 and P1, including conformational and crystal C8 -1.005 -2.039 -3.027
parameters as well as the geometry of the optimized O-C8 -2.147 -2.758 -2.973
hydrogen bonds, is given in Table 5. The Cartesian H-C8 -1.126 -1.219 -3.735
coordinates for all the atoms included in the asymmetric C9 0.527 -3.521 -1.388
H1-C9 0.625
unit of P6DMLT in the P1 model are given in Table 6.
-4.360 -0.699
H2-C9 1.455 -2.949 -1.396
The three projections (a, b, and c) of model P1 drawn H3-C9 -0.292 -2.879 -1.065
by means of the ORTEP program34 are depicted in C10 -3.162 -1.963 -2.573
Figure 9. H1-C10 -4.083 -2.543 -2.530
Features of the crystal structure of P6DMLT which
-2.940 -1.560 -1.585
H-C10 -3.282 -1.143 -3.281
are worth noting are as follows: CdO1 -7.758 -8.842 -10.268
(1) The conformation of the molecule is certainly O1 -8.189 -9.112 -9.137
complex, with the tartaric unit arranged as gauche, the array of 5.0 × 12.6 Å; this accounts for the orthogonality
diamine unit twisted at the HN-CH2 bond, and the observed in the electron diffraction patterns.
polymethylene segment in the all-trans conformation; (3) Hydrogen bonding takes place along the a direc-
the result is a compressed chain describing a wavy tion of the crystal, giving rise to nonpolar sheets
trajectory which follows the c axis of the structure. composed of chains spaced out 5.0 Å; this distance is
(2) Although the formal unit cell is triclinic because significantly larger than that normally found in hydro-
of the lack of symmetry of the molecule in the g gen-bonded sheets of polyamides30 and polypeptides,35
conformation, the chains are positioned in a rectangular which used to be in the range 4.6-4.9 Å.
+ +
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