We present an axisymmetric failed supernova simulation beyond black hole formation, for the first time with numerical relativity
and two-moment multi energy neutrino transport. To ensure stable numerical evolution, we use an excision method for neutrino
radiation-hydrodynamics within the inner part of black hole domain. We demonstrate that our excision method is capable to
stably evolve the radiation-hydrodynamics in dynamical black hole spacetime. As a remarkable signature of the final moment
of PNS, we find the emergence of high energy neutrinos. Those high energy neutrinos are associated with the proto-neutron star
shock surface being swallowed by the central black hole and could be a possible observable of failed supernovae.
Key words: (stars:) supernovae: general – stars: black holes – neutrinos – gravitational waves
Figure 3. Post BH formation evolution of: (a) the irreducible mass 𝑀irr and
2-norm of Hamiltonian constraint violation | | 𝐻 | | 2, (b) neutrino luminosities,
and (c) mean neutrino energies, as a function of 𝑡BH . In panels (b) and (c),
the color represents neutrino species: electron type neutrino (black), electron
type antineutrino (red), and heavy lepton type neutrino (blue).
Figure 4. From left: (a) the distribution function 𝑓 𝜀 for 𝜈¯𝑒 (black lines) and 𝜈𝑥 (red lines) at three different time slices: 𝑡BH = 0 ms, 3 ms (corresponding to the
time when high energy neutrinos are observed), and 7 ms, (b) time evolution of distribution function 𝑓 𝜀 for all energy bins higher than 𝜀 ≥ 52 MeV (this time,
52, 78, 117, 176, and 265 MeV) (solid lines) and mean energy h 𝜀i (dashed line) for 𝜈¯𝑒 , and (c) same as the panel (b) but for 𝜈𝑥 . All these values are measured
at 𝑟 = 400 km.
Figure 5. From top: (a) the neutrino detection rate Γ of Hyper-Kamiokande
We have presented a results of 2D axisymmetric CCSN simulation
(HK); (b) Γ of IceCube (IC); (c) matter origin GWs 𝐷ℎ+ ; and (d) spectrogram
for a massive star with 70 M⊙ . Our core-collapse supernova model is
of ℎ+ obtained by a short-time Fourier transform. We assume a source distance
of 𝐷 = 10 kpc. based on numerical relativity, which solves the GR neutrino-radiation
hydrodynamics equations together with the two-moment (M1) neu-
trino transport equations of Kuroda et al. (2016). We used up-to-
roughly comparable values. Another remarkable feature is rapid in- date neutrino opacities following Kotake et al. (2018) and employed
crease of Γ𝜈¯ 𝑥 →𝜈¯𝑒 (red lines) as the PNS approaches BH formation the DD2 EOS of Typel et al. (2010). In this framework, we follow
(𝑡pb & 150 ms). It is a clear signature of the increasing behavior of for the first time “beyond BH formation”. To ensure stable numer-
both 𝐿 𝜈𝑥 and h𝜀 𝜈𝑥 i shown in Fig. 1. We also discuss if the high en- ical evolution, we use an excision method for neutrino radiation-
ergy heavy lepton type neutrinos, as a possible signature of the shock hydrodynamics, while we evolve the geometrical variables for entire
surface being swallowed by BH, could be observed. From insets, we computational domain.
can marginally observe a slight increase for Γ𝜈¯ 𝑥 →𝜈¯𝑒 (red lines) at Our results showed consistent PNS evolution and multi-messenger
𝑡BH ∼ 3 ms, which is more visible for IC. This time is consistent with signals during the PNS contraction phase with previous studies, for
the emission time of high energy neutrinos (see panel (c) in Fig. 3). which the same progenitor model was used (Kuroda et al. 2018;
If we could observe such a tentative increase of neutrino detection Shibagaki et al. 2021; Kuroda et al. 2022). The current non-rotating
during the exponential decay, it could be a possible signature of the PNS model exceeds the maximum NS mass for DD2 EOS at ∼ 100 ms
aforementioned final moment of the PNS shock surface. after bounce. Subsequently, it initiates the second gravitational col-
Bottom two panels show the emitted GWs. We see essentially the lapse, resulting in BH formation at 𝑡pb ∼ 177 ms. After we identify
same features as have been discussed for model 𝑧70 in Kuroda et al. the AH, our excision technique demonstrates its capability to stably
(2022). During the first ∼ 50 ms after bounce, relatively large and evolve the radiation-hydrodynamics in dynamical BH spacetime. We
low frequency GWs originated from postbounce convective motions solve the full neutrino-matter interactions taking into account the
are observed, whose amplitudes and frequencies reach ∼ 50 cm and gravitational redshift and Doppler terms from the AH down to the
∼ 100 Hz, respectively. Afterward the gravitational waveform shows excision domain, so that spurious oscillations often appearing around
a considerable subsidence, which is then disrupted at 𝑡pb & 120 ms. the excision surface do not leak outside the AH. We also mention
At the moment of BH formation, burst like GWs of the order of that our current numerical method satisfies the Hamiltonian con-