Nano-cathode catalysts rGOHI-AcOH and rGO/Ni tested for boost-up MFCs power output.
Long-lasting eco-friendly Cathode catalyst rGOHI-AcOH for reliable operation of MFC.
Single double and Triple load considered with rGOHI-AcOH & rGO/Ni cathode catalysts.
MFC produced maximal power densities at 1691 ± 34 mW/m2 with DL rGOHI-AcOH cathodes.
rGOHI-AcOH cathode cost is 73% less than the Platinum/Carbon cathode.
Article history: Low catalytic activity, scarcity of resources, design complexity, high cost, and unfavourable
Received 10 October 2022 nature of non-traditional metal and its composites limit their utilization as cathodes in
Received in revised form microbial fuel cells (MFCs). This research aimed to identify the most effective new cathode
30 November 2022 catalyst for use in one chamber air cathode microbial fuel cells by comparing two graphite-
Accepted 6 December 2022 based nanomaterials of Reduced Graphene Oxide Hydrogen iodide - Acetic acid (rGOHI-AcOH)
Available online xxx and Reduced Graphite Oxide Nickel Nanoparticles (rGO/Ni) composite. The behavior of
microbial fuel cells was calculated using cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical
Keywords: impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Since the rGOHI-AcOH cathodes were more efficient, the MFCs
Cathode produced maximum power (>37%) than the rGO/Ni Nanoparticles cathode MFCs. The
Eco-friendly double loading (DL) rGOHI-AcOH cathodes in the Microbial Fuel Cells produced the maximal
Graphite power densities at 1691 ± 34 mW/m2 (CE ¼ 73 ± 5%), covering 78% of the power densities
Green catalyst calculated for Platinum/Carbon (Pt/C) (2203 ± 52 mW/m2; CE ¼ 82 ± 3%). With a double
Hydrogen iodide catalyst load, MFCs using rGO/Ni Nanoparticles composite anodes produced more power
Microbial fuel cells than the others (1016 ± 31 mW/m2, CE ¼ 71 ± 3%). Excellent concordance was seen between
CV and EIS and the MFC findings. Based on the results of this research, the rGOHI-AcOH
cathode loaded with two catalysts has the potential to produce long-lasting,
* Corresponding author. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saveetha School of Engineering, SIMATS, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
** Corresponding author. Department of Chemistry Education, School of Education, Can Tho University, Can Tho City, 94115, Viet Nam.
E-mail addresses: sathish.sailer@gmail.com (T. Sathish), hgbao@ctu.edu.vn (G.B. Huynh).
0360-3199/© 2022 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article as: Sathish T et al., Amplifying power generation in microbial fuel cells with cathode catalyst of graphite-based
nanomaterials, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.12.077
2 international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx
environmentally friendly materials at low cost and maintain consistent power output and
the reliable operation of MFCs throughout their useful lifetimes.
© 2022 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article as: Sathish T et al., Amplifying power generation in microbial fuel cells with cathode catalyst of graphite-based
nanomaterials, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.12.077
international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx 3
Fig. 1 e The process flow diagram for producing Reduced Graphite Oxide Hydrogen iodide and acetic acid and Reduced
Graphite Oxide Nickel Nanoparticles catalysts.
with NiCl26H2O and heated with N2H2 up to 150 C for 12 h to black in 3.31 ml isopropyl alcohol, 0.83 ml distilled water, and
activate the reaction. 6.67 ml Nafion solution for 30 min yielded an ink catalyst,
A monochromatic source of 40 mm in diameter and 30 eV which was then coated onto carbon fabric (liquid side). Wet-
in pass energy was used to obtain the XPS data, and the results proofed carbon cloth of 8 cm2 (DL) and 1.6 mg/cm2 (SL) and
were examined with an XPS instrument. Images of Raman 1.1 mg/cm2 (triple loading) was used to keep the catalyst
spectra were obtained with the help of a Raman spectrometer. loading at 0.5 mg/cm2.
In this piece of research there is no human samples involved
for investigation. So, there is no specific ethical approval MFC construction
required for this investigation.
Liquid chamber dimensions of 5 cm in span and 1.5 cm in
Synthesis of electrodes radius (fluid volume of 29 ml) were used to make cylindrical
Microbial Fuel Cells (made of acrylic glass) with an air cathode,
The electrodes were sonicated for 15 min in acetone, 1 M as previously described [31,32]. A vertical membrane sepa-
Hydrochloric, de-ionized water, and C2H5OH; after that, it was rated the cathode from the anode brush and was arranged flat
dried to clean the surfaces. A graphite brush (1.25 cm in on the other side of the cavity. A separate load was connected
radius, 2.6 cm in length, 0.23 m in surface area, 96% porosity, to the circuit using titanium wire.
and 7.2 mm in average fiber diameter) was employed as an
anode [29]. The air cathode was made using a previous Microbial fuel cells processing
research method [30]. The cathode electrode was the back-
bone of the cell, accounting for 30 wt % of the total exposed An anaerobic mud was added with the composites at a 1:9
surface area. Sonicating (1 mg of catalyst) with 10% carbon ratio and then frequently supplied over 120 h to develop
Please cite this article as: Sathish T et al., Amplifying power generation in microbial fuel cells with cathode catalyst of graphite-based
nanomaterials, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.12.077
4 international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx
biofilm growth on the anode surface of the Microbial Fuel Maximum voltages of 134 ± 0.6 mV for Single Load,
Cells. The culture medium was made by combining 50 mM 178 ± 0.2 mV for Double Load, and 166 ± 0.5 mV for Triple Load
phosphate buffered solution with 12.5 ml of metal and then cathode catalysts were achieved in rGO/Ni Nanoparticles
adding sodium acetate (1 g/L). The exact concentrations of MFCs.
each ingredient in the 50 mM PBS solution were as follows: Fig. 3 shows power density and polarization curve to the
0.14 g/L KCl, 3.34 g/L Sodium dihydrogen phosphate (NaH2- current density for various microbial fuel cells. With the
PO42H2O), 10.33 g/L Sodium phosphate dibasic dodecahydrate Platinum/Carbon cathodes, the MFCs can produce a higher
(Na2HPO412H2O). Each MFC was operated in group mode at power density (2203 ± 52 mW/m2, 1.03 ± 0.02 mA/cm2). The
30.1 . The anode biofilm produced a small amount of voltage, main reason for this difference is that on a Pt/C catalyst, ORR
and the voltage steadily grew more saturated with electro- positively proceeds via the four-electron reduction pathway.
chemically active bacteria. The voltage dropped below In contrast, on graphite-based materials, ORR happens via the
5e10 mV every time the chamber was refilled. After the ex- two-electron reduction pathway [36]. The exceptional perfor-
periments, the best MFC gives a standard growth comprising mance of Microbial Fuel Cells with a Reduced Graphite Oxide
one g/L glucose to facilitate a fair comparison with other MFCs' Hydrogen iodide and acetic acid catalyst on the cathodes is
growth under optimal conditions. highlighted in comparison to Microbial Fuel Cells using
Reduced Graphite Oxide Nickel Nanoparticles cathodes.
Investigative methods rGOHI-AcOH's excellent qualities make it well suited for MFC
system expansion [37,38].
A multimeter and data recorder was used to obtain the voltage The crumpling features with visible layers seen in the SEM
of the experimental cell. The output power was determined by image in the SEM image may be responsible for area and
using the ohms law (P]IV), and the flowing current was nanostructure (345 m2/g), as shown in Fig. 4a (i). Furthermore,
measured using formula I ¼ V/R. By using a single-cycle scanning electron microscopy images revealed the formation
approach, maximum power density for the MFC was achieved. (stacking randomly) of spherical-like Nickel Nanoparticles
Polarization of MFC during their steady state was mapped with exact size on the Reduced Graphite Oxide layers, which
out after open circuit potential (OCP) was stabilized through may inhibit aggregation (247 m2/g). As shown in Fig. 4b, the
reducing resistance from 10,000 to 20 (over 30 min) [33]. A broad scan XPS spectra of the as-prepared catalysts suggest
drenched silver/silver chloride (3 M Potassium Chloride) is that C, O, and Ni are the primary species. The oxygen-to-
placed in the reactor nearer to the cathode to measure the carbon (C/O) atomic ratio of rGOHI-AcOH is 5.17 using XPS.
voltage using a multimeter, and the potential difference of Due to their high current conductivity, graphite materials with
each electrode is recorded. a high C/O percentage propose an effective reduction tech-
The coulomb efficiency was determined by subtracting the nique. Graphite Oxide/Nickel Nanoparticles composite may
total coulomb from the theoretical quantity of the coulomb have been introduced through surface oxidation when the
based on the chemical oxygen demand eliminated from MFC sample was transported from deposition chamber to X-ray
[34,35]. A HACH DR 2500 spectrophotometer was employed to photoelectron spectroscopy, or it may have been adsorbed
measure the COD levels in both the effect and the runoff. The during the manufacture of the composite. Raman spectra
anode, counter electrode, and reference electrode connections (Fig. 4c) showed the expected 2D, D, and G bands at 1352, 1595,
were made to the cathode, while the working electrode and 2924 cm1.
connector was connected to the anode. CV was conducted at
scan rates of 10 mV/s over a potential range of þ1 V to 1 V
AUC ¼ V1 IðVÞdV. The EIS was performed at an amplitude of
0.05 mV, spanning the frequency range of 0.1 Hze1 MHz.
Please cite this article as: Sathish T et al., Amplifying power generation in microbial fuel cells with cathode catalyst of graphite-based
nanomaterials, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.12.077
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Please cite this article as: Sathish T et al., Amplifying power generation in microbial fuel cells with cathode catalyst of graphite-based
nanomaterials, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.12.077
6 international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 4 e (a) SEM images of (i) Reduced Graphite Oxide Hydrogen iodide and acetic acid catalysts and (ii) Reduced Graphite
Oxide Nickel Nanoparticles composite catalysts, (b) X-ray Photoelectron spectroscopy survey spectrum, and (c) X-ray
Photoelectron spectroscopy Raman spectrum.
Please cite this article as: Sathish T et al., Amplifying power generation in microbial fuel cells with cathode catalyst of graphite-based
nanomaterials, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.12.077
international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx 7
response (AUC ¼ 15.23 IV, limiting current ¼ 8.01 mA) sug- In contrast, R is the gas constant in Joules per molecule Kelvin,
gested both the catalytic activity of the Platinum/Carbon T is the absolute temperature in Kelvin, and A is the cathode
catalyst (Fig. 5a). The total area of MFCs with rGOHI-AcOH electrode's surface area in square centimeters (Fig. 5f).
cathodes was higher (8.16 IV AUC for Single Load, 10.14 IV AUC The increased conductivity of the Platinum/Carbon cata-
for Double Load, and 9.26 IV AUC for Triple Load) than that of lyst would lead to transfer resistance at less charge and
MFCs with rGO/Ni Nanoparticles cathodes (5.23 IV AUC for greater electrolyte diffusion by giving the transporting charge
Single Load, 7.12 IV AUC for Double Load, and 6.12 IV AUC for of electrons to the electrode with more energy. Regarding the
Triple Load). Similar to rGO/Ni Nanoparticles-cathode MFCs impedance of Platinum/Carbon Microbial Fuel Cells, the
had a limiting current of 6.05 mA for Single Load, 6.31 mA for rGOHI-AcOH cathode Microbial Fuel Cells showed lesser ohmic
Double Load, and 5.82 mA for Triple Load (Fig. 5c), rGOHI-AcOH resistance, lower charge transfer resistance, and quicker
MFCs had a limitation current of 6.31 mA for Single Load, electrolyte dispersal compared to the Reduced Graphite Oxide
6.31 mA for Double Load, and 5.73 mA for Triple Load (3.76 mA Nickel Nanoparticles MFCs. The graphite observed in rGOHI-
for Single Load, 5.08 mA for Double Load, 3.92 mA for Triple AcOH catalysts compared to rGO-based materials synthesized
Load (Fig. 5 (b)). The improved surface area and electric con- with hydrazine are likely responsible for maximum conduc-
duction of the Reduced Graphite Oxide Hydrogen iodide and tivity and catalytic activity, as shown in Fig. 4.
acetic acid catalyst are two factors. When equated to other The Reduced Graphite Oxide Hydrogen iodide and acetic
non-traditional (metal) cathode MFCs, Reduced Graphite acid Microbial Fuel cells had the best electrolyte diffusion
Oxide Hydrogen iodide and acetic acid-Double Loading Mi- (9.26 1010 cm2 s1), and the minimal ohmic resistance
crobial Fuel Cells showed maximum responses. Higher cur- (19.06U) of any MFCs tested, the tiny (invisible) charge-transfer
rent is noticed in the Reduced Graphite Oxide Nickel resistance (0.86 U). Compared to Pt/C MFCs, charge-transfer
Nanoparticle Double Loading Microbial Fuel Cells compared to resistance is low. When using more catalytic material, the
the Reduced Graphite Oxide Nickel Nanoparticles Single Load available surface area for charge transference process among
and Triple Load Microbial Fuel Cells. The current responses the material and the electrolyte was improved [43]. The
were diminished when a non-traditional (metal) catalyst was impedance study confirms the superior performance of the
used on the cathodes, even at increased concentrations. The Microbial Fuel Cells with Reduced Graphite Oxide Nickel
minimal reactions were seen in Microbial Fuel Cells with a Nanoparticles cathodes in terms of ohmic resistance (21.62U).
single catalyst loading at the cathode. Increasing the catalyst load (TL) exhibited a little detrimental
Fig. 5d shows several representative Nyquist graphs of the impact on the impedance of Microbial Fuel cell-related factors
EIS for Microbial Fuel cells with various cathode electrodes. due to catalyst layer depth and catalyst accumulation. Mi-
Due to diffusion, all plots feature a single, perceptible semi- crobial Fuel Cells with SL catalyst cathodes exhibited poor
circle in the higher frequency zone, followed by a straight line performance characteristics of impedance.
in the low-frequency area (Warburg diffusion). Each imped-
ance was calculated by fitting a linear model to the Nyquist Stabilization of the rGOHI-AcOH catalyst
plot data (Fig. 5d). Ohmic resistance of microbial fuel cells is
shown by the point where semicircle and its axis connect. These results suggest that the Reduced Graphite Oxide
Differences in ohmic resistance may be traced back to con- Hydrogen iodide and acetic acid (especially with DL) could be
ductivity and catalyst type [42] since all MFCs were run under used in place of platinum as a cathodic catalyst in MFCs. To
the same circumstances (Fig. 5 e). The RCT between an elec- verify the long-term stability of rGOHI-AcOH of the catalyst, a
trode and electrolyte is directly related to diameter of semi- steady-state stability test was conducted using sodium ace-
circle. Substrate diffusion coefficient into the cathode tate as the substrate (Fig. 6). In a 30-day timeframe, the Mi-
electrode can be evaluated using formula D ¼ 0.5 (RT/AF2sC)2. crobial Fuel Cells with the rGOHI-AcOH-DL cathode produced
Please cite this article as: Sathish T et al., Amplifying power generation in microbial fuel cells with cathode catalyst of graphite-based
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Please cite this article as: Sathish T et al., Amplifying power generation in microbial fuel cells with cathode catalyst of graphite-based
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