FSE_EngB_Generic Teaching Laboratories Risk Assessment
FSE_EngB_Generic Teaching Laboratories Risk Assessment
FSE_EngB_Generic Teaching Laboratories Risk Assessment
Date: Assessed by: Approved by: Building / Location: Assessment ref no: Expiry date:
22/09/2021 Martin Coram Craig Hopper Engineering Building B FSE_EngB_Teaching Laboratories 22/09/2022
2nd floor teaching Risk Assessment
Task/Premises: This risk assessment is to cover general risks for the dry teaching laboratories in Engineering Building B. Any specific tasks undertaken in this laboratory
MUST be covered by a task specific teaching risk assessment.
Key: E=essential for all high-risk areas , B=bespoke dependent on type and risk factors of work done in the area , W=work related and/or statutory requirements
Please add as appropriate once known:
Activity Hazard Who might be Existing measures to control risk Risk Result
harmed and how rating
Fire prevention Fire Staff and students, Induction arrangements cover security and fire awareness and include how to locate Low A
Activity Hazard Who might be Existing measures to control risk Risk Result
harmed and how rating
and protection visitors. and use a fire door to exit the building and the location of the fire assembly point(s).
All new staff complete fire awareness e-training.
E=essential Smoke Fire alarm system are in place and tested weekly on day at time to enable users to
If present within identify the sound of the alarm
the building during o 09:30 – Oddfellows Hall
fire o 09:45 – Engineering Building A
Death o 10:00 – Engineering Building B
o 10:15 – York Street Building
o 10:30 – North Basement
o 10:45 – South Basement
o 11:00 – Active Travel Hub
Smoke inhalation Fire evacuation practices are carried out annually
Induction covers the importance of maintaining clear fire exit routes and keeping the
doors closed unless essential. Induction also covers the need for high general
housekeeping standards.
Monthly self-inspections must highlight any fire risks.
Ready access to fire extinguishers is available for use by trained users.
Staff ‘hosts’ responsible for safety and, if required, evacuation of visitors.
Evacuation marshals attend suitable training and assist where possible during
evacuations during normal working hours.
Requests to work out of hours include emergency action in case of fire and use of fire
routes and doors.
The section on chemical storage must also be considered in a DSEAR assessment.
Action in the Not being aware Staff, students and Users are instructed and empowered to act if they suspect an emergency situation to Low A
event of an of the visitors. activate the fire alarm to trigger evacuation of the building.
emergency evacuation
Lack of awareness All incidents are reported as required to the person responsible for the area and to a
procedure in the School Safety Advisor
E=essential /unacceptable
event of an First aid notices are situated in prominent places around the building to be consulted
behaviours when
emergency. when first aid is required for appropriate response
the fire alarm
Injuries/chemical sounds may result o For life-threatening emergencies: Call emergency services on 999, then inform
contamination in assuming that Campus Security.
real alarms are o For serious injuries and illnesses (and out of hours first aid): Call Campus
Lack of practice drill and
assistance out of Security on 0161 306 9966.
subsequently delay
hours evacuation leading o For minor injuries and illnesses 9am-5pm: Locate first aider using QR code
to being trapped by located on the First aid notice
fire or other life First aid provisions within the area are checked as part of monthly self-inspections in
threatening high risk areas.
incident. Actions to take in the event of chemical spills/gas leaks are known to those concerned
Activity Hazard Who might be Existing measures to control risk Risk Result
harmed and how rating
Individuals may not see relevant sections below and may require use of an Emergency Response Team
find the first aid kit, How to contact Security using the telephone number on the back of staff/student ID
emergency cards is emphasised at Induction. Security contact details are 0161-306-9966, or 69966
showers, fire exits from an internal phone. All Security staff are first aid trained
Accessing high Individuals enter Staff, students, Access to high-risk areas is restricted by Borg locks/key locks or electronic access Low A
risk areas the area visitors and/or control. The codes/keys/card updates are only permitted for those who have received
unaware of intruders. full area induction and approved by the area responsible person.
E=essential multiple risks Doors should be closed unless the door is required to be open when passing through it.
May not be aware The entrance to each high risk area will have signage information provided by and to
of hazards and include the responsible person contact, emergency contacts, any significant hazards
controls due to and control measures there in e.g. PPE that must be worn.
Individuals enter
the area and inadequate or lack Safety signage displayed will include pictograms depicting hazard warnings (yellow
cause harm to of signage triangles) and mandatory control measures (blue circles). These must be regularly
other individuals reviewed by the responsible person and kept up to date.
Lack of
or equipment Out of hours access for staff and students is limited to those who have been granted key
knowledge /training
card access to the main entrance, corridor and area access control system. This is only
Individuals do to understand granted after Departmental health and safety induction and/or the area induction have
not know how to signage to enable been completed along with a risk assessment that includes out of hours working
interpret and/or entrants to know controls and an access request approved by the supervisor/PI
ignore high risk what hazards and Access may be revoked at any time if non-compliance, such as not signing in the log
area safety controls are book, or staying beyond time boundaries, or other rules are not followed.
signage present in an area
Entrants ignore
safety signage e.g.
not wearing safety
spectacles in
designated areas
Safety signage is
Individuals may
get/be allowed in
without access
permissions due to
doors being ajar
and people not
challenging their
presence or
noticing them.
Working in Lack of The individual and Induction, including identified specific equipment and technique training must be Low A
Activity Hazard Who might be Existing measures to control risk Risk Result
harmed and how rating
high risk areas knowledge and others in the provided by the PI/manager or competent delegate and local records kept.
experience vicinity and Training and development to a competent state must be an on-going process managed
E=essential building by the PI/Manager, competence must be recorded.
Lack of Training and competency must follow guidance set out in by the Faculty
competence Lack of Training needs analysis for any task specific and knowledge related aspects of work
and/or training competence and/or need be identified for workers in the area by the PI/Manger as required. This process
Inadequate risk must be repeated regularly to ensure competence is maintained.
assessment of Inappropriate Workspace users to be made aware of Department Health and Safety Policy, the
work and/or action or lack of contents of it and where it is located during workspace inductions
situations action could lead to
incidents and
injuries which
supervision and
training could have
Working in Thermal comfort Staff, students and Staff/students must report any failings or concerns to Estates (Helpdesk) by calling Low A
high risk areas visitors. 52424 or using the on-line reporting form.
Extremes of heat Staff/students should also report to their manager/PI.
E=essential and cold effect Failure of the Fan heaters or air conditioning units are not to be brought into the space unless
ability to system can result facilitated by Estates.
work/concentrat in uncomfortable
e/manipulate temperatures
Working in General Staff, students and High-risk areas are subject to regular air changes. Low A
high risk areas Ventilation visitors. Provision is managed and maintained by the Estates function.
Faults are reported to the Estates helpdesk by area users.
E=essential Equipment Lethargy If it is suspected that ventilation/make-up air is not functioning correctly, the contact
Discomfort number for estates is x52424 from an internal phone or 0161-2752424 from an outside
Insufficient line /mobile.
Lack of ventilation
ventilation either
decreases the
natural or forced
supply of fresh air
and could affect
temperature and/or
odour within the
area leading to
adverse health
Working in Inadequate Staff and students, Lighting levels are maintained as the building was designed and Estates maintain the Low A
high risk areas lighting Visitors. infrastructure and change/fix the lighting on request. Report any concerns to Estates
Activity Hazard Who might be Existing measures to control risk Risk Result
harmed and how rating
E=essential Eye strain (Helpdesk) by calling 52424 or using the on-line reporting form
Windows are provided for natural lighting.
Trips/falls/slips Good housekeeping is in place to minimise items that individuals may trip over if
Impact injuries lighting is low.
Use of hand Sharp cutting Users /Others in In addition to general use of equipment control measures listed above; Med A
tools (like edges proximity / Visitors
Use of ‘open bladed’ tools, e.g. scalpels is avoided if possible or substituted e.g.
Sharp / pointed
tools, Scalpel
Users make safe after each use, e.g. razor blades to be put in sharps bin after use,
blade, and so Risk of cuts and knives to be replaced into protective cover.
on). puncture injuries Items are placed in safe storage immediately after each use. Cutting tools should never
B=bespoke / be unattended.
W=work Cutting tools are not placed too close to the edge of a workstation to avoid falling off
related onto legs and feet
Use of cut resistant gloves are considered when appropriate.
Safe cutting techniques are used e.g. cut away from the body and away from the hands
and fingers
Use of Local LEV failure or Staff, Students and All users must be trained/instructed to use fume cupboards or other extraction Med A
exhaust inadequate flow Visitors equipment that relies on functioning LEV to minimise exposure as identified as part of
ventilation leading to the induction process. Users must also be instructed on how to ensure LEV is operating
(LEV) exposure to effectively, how to carry out pre-use checks and how to report issues.
hazardous Contamination or All LEV should be captured on the Allianz system and subject to statutory inspection in
E.g. in fume substances exposure to line with written scheme of examination. This is at least every 14 months.
airborne LEV must be checked prior to use as per check sheet with records kept.
substances in the LEV must have a monthly self-inspection that highlights any issues if a pre use check
area or external to has not been completed within that month.
B=bespoke / the building (e.g. LEV must have a velocity check monthly with records kept.
W=work the roof) where the Any faults identified are reported to the Estates helpdesk and Department Safety Office
related LEV vents to due to as soon as possible and the LEV put out of service until repair.
failure of the LEV, Recirculating LEVs require annual service and records recorded on labcup.
lack of knowledge, Estates contact the department to discuss potential work that may impact on LEV.
failure or lack of
alarms, inadequate
Action plan