In this report, the business process management has been analyzed with a practical implication
by using the case of Swinburne Cares Foundation. In this case, due to the new legislation by the
government including the NDIS model, the processes of the SCF organization has been changed.
In this report, all the processes have been modeled as well as analyzed. The report includes the
analysis of the new NDIS model of funding with all its benefits as well as challenges followed
with the discussion of the “Business Process Management (BPM)” concept with several
challenges, issues as well as emerging trends. At last, all the processes, which are modelled, are
documented effectively.
Table of Contents
Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 3
Business Background.................................................................................................................... 3
Discussion...................................................................................................................................... 4
BPM Scenario.............................................................................................................................5
BPM Trends............................................................................................................................6
Models Documentation.............................................................................................................7
Conclusion................................................................................................................................... 10
References................................................................................................................................... 12
The Business Process Management (BPM) basically refers to the discipline for managing the
operations of a business organization using several methods like modelling, analysis,
optimization, etc. Over the recent decades, the BPM is been growing gradually due to its appeal
for assisting the business organizations. The concept is a combination of several ideas coming
from the management side as well as IT organizations, which provides a detailed working of
system. The most beneficial application of the BPM aspect is the development of the process
models which may help the organizations to perform sequential analysis in their process flow
and the continuous improvements could be stated (Recker & Mendling, 2015).
The purpose of the report is to understand the case of “Swinburne Cares Foundation”. This
foundation is operation for many years but due to the new legislative law, NDIS forced the
organization to have some changes. Thus, several changes are been made in the processes,
which is to be analyzed by developing models of its processes by using the Business Process
Management concept in the “Bizagi Modeler” software.
Business Background
The “Swinburne Cares Foundation” is a non-profit organization providing support to those
individuals who have any disability. It is a national business organization which is being
operated from the funding provided by government as well as from the donations which they
get from several organizations as well as individuals. It provides several services like translators,
shared homes, assistants, live-in careers, etc. Due to the existence of new government
legislation including NDIS, the operations of this organization have been changed from the
traditional model to the new model. The goals of the organization are driven educationally as
well as social. It tends to help all the people who need the support with a genuine desire. The
organization poses hierarchical structure which has vertical control levels with figure of
authority at the top. This includes non-empowerment of the employees as well avoidance of
the risk taking. On the other hand, the organization has a flexible as well as dedicated human
resource, which is much efficient for the change. Thus, due to this disparity, it is necessary to
analyze the changed process so that improvement could be done accordingly and the
operations could be facilitated.
According to the case, the SCF organization was using the traditional model for the funding
from may years. But, due to the new legislation from the government, the organization has
changed the process by acquiring the new NDIS funding model. The change in the process of
the organization is a slow process and needs so many efforts for the successful implementation.
It needs to have an effective team in the SCF business organization which is not possible being
unaffordable. Thus, the efficiency of the model is to be analyzed.
The NDIS has introduced an efficient model of funding as the cash for care. As in this model, the
middle organization has been placed between the donor and the SCF organization, this will help
in recording all the payments provided to the organization so that the efficiency of SCF
according to the donations and work done. After that, it will also help in keeping an efficient
database with accurate details of donors and donations with the government so that the policy
making as well as implementation could be easier for the government towards these
organizations and field (Carey et al., 2017).
The NDIS model of funding is more like an individualized model of funding for the allied health
support. According to the research conducted by Foley et al., this type of funding model has a
huge impact of transition on the opportunities of participation for the donors. The donors often
frame these changes in a negative manner, which lowers the participation. Thus, this creates a
barrier in the participation, which may lead less donations and less health support affecting the
government policies as well as individuals needing help (Foley et al., 2020). Thus, after adopting
the NDIS model, it is necessary to make several efforts so that the trust of the stakeholders
could be built and good participation could be increased.
BPM Scenario
The BPM or the business process management is much effective for the processes of business
operations as it combines the IT as well as management sciences. This has received much
considerable attention due to its effectiveness in cost saving as well as productivity increment.
The BPM is basically operated from the software system enacting as well as managing the
processes of businesses. The BPM is much effective in showing “how, where as well as when”.
Several use cases are provided by the BPM techniques. Using the concept of BPM, model of
several processes could be designed by which the organizations could look into its operations
with a better visualization, which will help in identifying all the flaws in the process encouraging
continuous improvement (Aalst, 2013).
As the BPM is widely adopted management concepts, there are several challenges weakening
the growth. Under the external challenges, there are several external entities, which the tools
as well as technologies of the BPM interacts with. Other than this, the BPM needs skillful
knowledge in several complex aspects. In addition, in the cross-cultural business expansion, the
challenge exists based on their cultural backgrounds. Despite the cultural challenges, several
challenges come across in the change management, which is a most necessary aspect. Thus, the
BPM is a much effective but has several challenges, which needs to be overcome (Al-Mashari,
In the BPM, there are several issues with the benefits for the organization. On the strategic
level, the misconception principle is a most prominent roadblock in the promotion of this
technology. There are several aspects and elements, which creates a misconception and ruins
the accuracy in the modelling. The issues also include the lack of customer resistance. This
states the issues raised due to the impact on the work practice of the organization with the lack
of governance in the process of deployment. In addition, on the tactical level, there are several
issues in the BPM. There are several software vendors like SAP, PeopleSoft, Oracle, etc. All
these various vendors have differences in user interface as well as process identification. This
creates an issue in the efficient use as well as accuracy in the BPM (Sadiq et al., 2007).
BPM Trends
According to change in the industry needs, the BPM has following trends:
Hence, in this report, the case of Swinburne cares Foundation organization has been discussed
with several aspects included. The organization is a not for profit organization and it is being
operated by the government funding as well as donations from several organizations and
individuals. According to the case, after using a traditional model, due to the change in
legislation, NDIS model has been adopted which has changed the processes of the organization.
This model is much beneficial for the cash for care aspect as well as for keeping the records of
all the donations going to these types of organizations. This helps the government in making
several policies in this field. Other than this, there are several challenges in the model as well,
like impact of transition on the participation opportunity which acts as a barrier and lowers
The business process management is a much effective aspect for the business organizations
providing an efficient platform for reviewing its operation and processes for the continuous
improvement. In addition, there are several challenges as well as issues in the business process
management like lack of skills as well as knowledge in this complex concept with misconception
principal acting as a roadblock. Several other challenges as well as issues are discussed in the
report. With this, several trends in the field are emergency like artificial intelligence, smart
contracts, etc. At last, all the processes have been modelled in the Bizagi modeler and discussed
in the report.
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