BCS-054 (2)

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of Printed Pages : 7 BCS–054



Term-End Examination

December, 2023



Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : (i) Any calculator is allowed during


(ii) Question No. 1 is compulsory.

(iii) Attempt any three more from the next

four questions.

P. T. O.
[2] BCS–054

1. (a) Use Gauss Elimination method to solve the

system of linear equations given below : 6
x1  4 x2  x3  7
x1  6 x2  x3  13
2 x1  x2  2 x3  5

(b) Use Gauss-Seidel method to solve the

system of linear equations given below
(results should be correct upto two decimal
places only) : 6

4 x1  x2  10 x3  21

5 x1  x2  x3  14

2 x1  8 x2  x3  7

(c) Use Regula-Falsi method to find positive

root of the equation x3  4 x 2  10  0 , correct

upto two places of decimal. 6

(d) Perform the following : 6

(i) Express operator  in terms of

operator 

(ii) Express operator  in terms of

operator 
[3] BCS–054

(e) Determine the Newton’s forward difference

interpolating polynomial that satisfies the
data tabulated below : 6

x f(x)
1 10
2 19
3 40
4 79
5 142
6 235

Also, find the value of f(x), at x = 1.5.

(f) Use Newton’s Forward Difference (FD)

formula to compute f ( x) and f ( x) at

x = 2.0, for the data given below : 5

x f(x)

1.5 1.2247

2.0 1.4142

2.5 1.5811

3.0 1.7320

3.5 1.8708

P. T. O.
[4] BCS–054

(g) Calculate the value of the integral

4 log x dx , using Simpson’s 1/3 rule.

(Assume h = 0.2). 5

2. (a) Using Euler’s method tabulate the solution

of IVP (Initial Value Problem) y  2ty 2 ,

y  0  1 in the interval [0,0.8], taking

h = 0.2. 8

(b) Find the Taylor’s series for 1  x 1 at

x  0. 4

(c) Perform four iterations of Secant method

for finding the root of the equation

x3  4 x 2  10  0 near x0 and x 1.

Compute upto two decimal places only. 8

3. (a) Write Newton-Raphson scheme for finding

qth root of a positive number N. Hence

[5] BCS–054

find cube root of 10 correct up to 3 places of

decimal taking initial estimate as 2.0. 8

(b) Write expression for E, ,  , μ operators in

terms of  operator. 4

(c) Use Lagrange’s method of interpolation to

find the value of y when x = 2.5 from the

following data : 8

x y

0 –6

0.5 –1.875

1.5 0.375

3.0 0

Compute upto four places of decimal


4. (a) Use divided difference table to find the

value of f (a, b, c), for f (x) = x2. 4

P. T. O.
[6] BCS–054

(b) Determine first and second derivatives of

y  f ( x) at x  1.1 from the data tabulated

below : 10

x y = f (x)

1.0 0.0000

1.2 0.1280

1.4 0.5440

1.6 1.2960

1.8 2.4320

2.0 4.0000

(c) Evaluate  1  x2 using Trapezoidal rule,

subdivide the interval (0, 1) into 6 equal

parts. 6

5. (a) Use modified Euler’s method to find the

value of y for x = 0.1 and 0.2 from the

[7] BCS–054

differential equation  x2  y 2  2 ;

y (0) = 1. Compute upto 3 places of decimal

only. 10

(b) Use fourth order classical Runge-Kutta

method to solve the initial value problem

u  2tu 2 with u  0  1 and h  0.2 on the

interval [0,1]. 10


P. T. O.

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