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3 authors:
Vahid Khatibikamal
University of Tehran
All content following this page was uploaded by Vahid Khatibikamal on 14 October 2017.
BACKGROUND: The present study describes an electrocoagulation process for treating laundry waste-water using aluminum
plates. The effect of various parameters such pH, voltage, hydraulic retention time (HRT), and number of aluminum plates
between the anode and cathode on efficiency of treatment are investigated.
RESULTS: Experimental results showed that by increasing HRT, treatment efficiency increases but beyond 45 min changes are
negligible. Among the results for chemical oxygen demand (COD), phosphorus, detergent, colour and turbidity, the lowest
decrease was found for phosphorus. The larger the HRT, the greater the electrical current needed to achieve constant voltage
and temperature in the system. The pH of the influent is a very significant variable which affects the treatment of laundry
waste-water considerably, the optimal range being 6.0–8.0. In addition, it was found that the pH increases from 8.3 to more
than 10 over the first hour of treatment after which the pH remains relatively constant. Finally, kinetic analysis indicates that
the adsorption system obeys a second-order kinetic model.
CONCLUSION: The aluminum hydroxide generated in the cell decreases the concentration of pollutants in laundry waste-water
to a permissible level. It is concluded that, compared with other treatment processes, electrocoagulation is more effective in
treating laundry waste-water under appropriate conditions.
c 2011 Society of Chemical Industry
Keywords: electrocoagulation; laundry waste-water; aluminum plates; hydraulic retention time; adsorption kinetics
c 2011 Society of Chemical Industry J Chem Technol Biotechnol (2011)
Treatment of laundry waste-water by electrocoagulation www.soci.org
c 2011 Society of Chemical Industry J Chem Technol Biotechnol (2011)
Treatment of laundry waste-water by electrocoagulation www.soci.org
Table 2. Removal efficiencies of COD, phosphorus, detergent, colour and turbidity as a function of voltage (two extra plates; distance between
plates, 1.5 cm)
Phosphorus removal Detergent removal
COD removal (%) (%) (%) Colour removal (%) Turbidity removal (%)
Time (min) 10 V 20 V 30 V 10 V 20 V 30 V 10 V 20 V 30 V 10 V 20 V 30 V 10 V 20 V 30 V
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 41.4 47.1 79.7 39.1 43.5 53.6 34.3 47.1 59.8 33.1 49.4 69.1 26.7 47.3 88.4
30 52.7 67.2 81.6 55.1 54.7 66.3 44.7 67.2 75.8 42.4 56.6 73 45.7 63.4 91.4
45 56.1 73.2 88.6 69.2 73.6 83.3 51.2 73.2 89.6 48.1 71.2 85.2 51.4 69.1 92.8
60 61.4 79.5 89.3 79 84.1 88.4 55.9 79.5 93.3 55.4 78.9 88 57.2 70.8 94.4
75 66 82.1 89.8 76.8 87.3 90.6 60.7 82.1 95 61.4 80.1 93.1 62.1 74.1 96.7
90 67.3 82.7 89.9 81.2 88 90.9 62 82.7 95.5 65.3 81 94 65.4 75 97
operational parameter, affecting not only the system’s response electrocoagulation, two distinct processes take place: generation
time, but also strongly influencing the dominant mode of pollutant of flocs (electro-dissolution) and adsorption of pollutant on the
separation. Second, these results indicate that running the reactor generated flocs (physical adsorption). The removal of pollutant by
at the highest allowable current density may not be the most adsorption onto flocs is very similar to conventional adsorption
efficient mode of operation. For any specific application, the except for the generation of flocs. The electrode consumption and
optimal current density will invariably involve a trade-off between concentration of generated flocs can be estimated according to
operating costs and efficient use of the introduced coagulant. Faraday’s Law. Since the amount of coagulant can be determined
Moreover, changes in electrical current with fixed voltage were for a given time, the pollutant removal can be modeled by
evaluated and with voltages of 5, 10, 20 and 30 V, the current adsorption phenomenon. Experimental isotherms provide a useful
would be 0.15, 0.49, 0.81 and 1.32 A, respectively. tool to describe the adsorption capacity of a specific adsorbent and
moreover, play a vital role for the analysis and design of adsorption
systems and for modeling and simulation of adsorption processes.
Effect of distance between anode, cathode and extra plates
Many theoretical models have been developed to describe the
The effect of distance between anode, cathode and extra plates experimental data corresponding to adsorption isotherms, but
is presented in Table 3. The results show that, with all other one of these, the Lagergren model, has been widely used to
parameters constant, removal efficiencies of all pollutants increase describe the behaviour of adsorbent–adsorbate. So, in this study
when the distance between the plates is decreased. The main the adsorption kinetic data for COD, phosphorus and detergent
reason for this is that resistance between plates at constant are analyzed using the Lagergren rate equation. The first-order
voltage is decreased so the current increases thus increasing the Lagergren model is:35
concentration of coagulants and bubbles.
= k1 (qe − q) (11)
Effect of extra plates between cathode and anode on dt
performance of electrocoagulation process where qe and q are the adsorption capacities at equilibrium and
The variation of COD, phosphorus, detergent, colour and turbidity at time t (min), respectively; k1 (min−1 ) is the rate constant of
with electrolysis time and the effect of increasing the number first-order adsorption. The integrated form of the above equation
of plates between electrode plates is shown in Fig. 4. Increasing is:
the number of plates increases the removal efficiencies of the k1 t
log(qe − q) = log(qe ) − (12)
pollutants. When two and four extra plates are located between 2.303
anode and cathode, the performance of the electrocoagulation The values of qe and k1 were calculated from the slope of the
process is enhanced because the amount of coagulants rises plots of log (qe − q) versus time (t). A straight line was obtained
and so the removal efficiencies increase. It is clear that this suggesting the applicability of this kinetic model. However, it was
increase in efficiency in a bipolar reactor is better than those found found that the calculated qe values were not compatible with the
with a monopolar reactor, and is connected to concentration of experimental values (data not shown), so the adsorption does not
coagulants produced in both cells. Increasing the number of plates obey first-order kinetics adsorption.36
in a bipolar reactor has a negative influence on removal efficiency The linearized second-order kinetic model is expressed as:
because the extra plates increase the resistance of the system
and consequently the current and concentration of coagulants dq
= k2 (qe − q)2 (13)
decrease. Thus, in each investigation, determination of optimum dt
number of extra plates is essential.
where k2 is the rate constant for second-order adsorption. The
integrated form of Equation (13) is
Adsorption kinetics
Contrary to conventional batch adsorption processes in which the 1 1
= + k2 t (14)
adsorption capacity and pollution concentration reach a maximum qe − q qe
simultaneously, in an electrocoagulation process the amount of t 1 t
= + (15)
insoluble Al(OH)3 particles starts from zero. As stated earlier, in q k2 q2e qe
Table 3. Effect of distance between anode, cathode and extra plates on performance of electrocoagulation (two extra plates; voltage, 30 V)
Phosphorus removal Detergent removal Turbidity removal
COD removal (%) (%) (%) Colour removal (%) (%)
(min) 1.5 cm 3 cm 1.5 cm 3 cm 1.5 cm 3 cm 1.5 cm 3 cm 1.5 cm 3 cm
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 79.7 61.3 53.6 50.4 59.8 38.3 69.1 46.8 88.4 84.8
30 81.6 79.6 66.3 64.3 75.8 55.9 73 57.1 91.4 90.3
45 88.6 85.6 83.3 79.3 89.6 67.6 85.2 72.8 92.8 91.3
60 89.3 87.3 88.4 83.3 93.3 71.5 88 78.6 94.4 92.7
75 89.8 87.6 90.6 89.5 95 72.0 93.1 78.9 96.7 95.0
90 89.9 87.6 90.9 89.2 95.5 72.3 94 79.2 97 95.5
Figure 4. Effect of varying number of extra plates on COD (a), phosphorus (b), detergent (c), colour (d), and turbidity (e) removal (voltage, 30 V; distance
between plates, 15 mm).
c 2011 Society of Chemical Industry J Chem Technol Biotechnol (2011)
Treatment of laundry waste-water by electrocoagulation www.soci.org
Figure 5. Second-order kinetic model of COD (a), phosphorus (b), detergent (c) removal with electrolysis time (voltage, 30 V; distance between
plates, 15 mm).
Table 4. Comparison between calculated qe and K2 for COD, phosphorus and detergent in second-order adsorption isotherm (voltage, 30 V;
distance between plates, 15 mm)
The plots of t/q versus time (t) (Fig. 5) are straight lines and the The experimental results show that COD, phosphorus, detergent,
values of qe and k2 were calculated from the slope and intercept colour, and turbidity removal efficiencies were enhanced by in-
of these plots. Correlation coefficients for the second-order kinetic creasing voltage, HRT, and the addition of extra aluminum plates
model obtained in bipolar reactor studies were >0.96. Table 4 between the anode and cathode. After treatment, the removal
shows the computed results obtained and these indicate that the percentages of COD, phosphorus, detergent, colour, and turbidity
adsorption system follows a second-order kinetic model. Also, it is were 93.2%, 96.7%, 93.5%, 90.1% and 95.9%, respectively, from
obvious that the kinetic of electrocoagulation is fast, so coagulant initial concentrations of 4155 mg L−1 , 27.6 mg L−1 , 463 mg L−1 ,
generation and the adsorption of pollutants are started rapidly. 1430 mg L−1 , and 245 mg L−1 , respectively. The adsorption ki-
netic data analyzed using the Lagergren rate equation showed
that the adsorption follows second-order kinetics.
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