UW Code Force
Steven Simko & Meharban Singh
What is Git?
- Distributed VCS
- Prevents Single point of Failure 2
Why use Git?
Git Initial set-up
2. You need to tell git who you are so it remembers the code you are saving. To
provide an email and username,
git config --global “Your Name”
Git terminology
Repository Branch
- Local and remote - Master
Commit Merge
Push Conflict
Some commands you will use everyday 6
Some commands you will use everyday cont. 7
What is a Commit?
How to make a Commit
- This is best described with an example. In this example, we will work with 3 files.
index.html, style.css and server.js
- We have made changes to all 3 files, and need to commit the changes.
- index.html and style.css have similar changes made, so we can commit
these together.
- git add index.html
- git add style.css
- git commit -m “Colour scheme changes”
- This will create a commit with both files, with the specified message. We can then
make another commit for the server.js file.
How to make a Commit
- Like the previous files, we will need to add it with the following commands
- git add server.js
- git commit -m “Added database dependencies”
- We can then push both these commits with git push
- Note that you can technically add all your files to one commit, but it’s best practice to add specific
messages declaring what you have changed in each file.
Pushing changes to remote
Once you have all your commits on the local, you can also push them to the remote server
by running:
git push
When you are pushing for the first time, you might need to specify what remote server
you are pushing to. So first associate a new remote to the repo:
And then permanently set this remote as the default repo to push/pull from:
Pulling changes from remote
If another developer pushed the code on the remote server, your local repo is a few
commits behind the one on remote. To update your local repo, you need to pull those
changes from the remote to your local.
git pull
This would update your local repo to match the remote repo. This is also called as
merging of the branch in your local with with branch on the remote repo.
Merge Conflicts
Most of the times when you merge two branches (push or pull changes), its flawless and
you do not have to make any adjustments in the code.
However, sometimes when pushing or pulling changes, git cannot decide how to merge
the code in some places.
This is called a merge conflict. This happens when you push/pull some changes to/from
another repo but the two repos had some changes in the same areas of the code.
Merge Conflicts: Example
Say a developer A pulls the code from the remote repo onto his local, so now he has the
most updated version of the code. Now he starts making some changes on an if condition
on line 21 in a file.
At the same time, a developer B makes some changes on his local on the same if condition
on line 21 and pushes the code on the remote.
Now the remote has some extra changes that dev A is unaware about. When he will try to
push the changes from his local to the remote repo, GitHub won’t know how to merge the
two lines since both of them change the if condition and GitHub won’t know which one
to keep. This is a merge conflict.
Example cont: solving the conflict
In such a situation, dev A needs to fetch the changes from the remote while not
affecting the changes he made. If he pulls the changes, they merge automatically - which
would give an error since we have a merge conflict.
The Workflow
- A markdown file (.md) that is used to list any details/documentation about the
- Markdown is like HTML but much faster to write.
- Has special formatting rules instead of the HTML tags.
- Example:
<h1>Heading</h1> in HTML
# Heading in markdown
- Markdown cheatsheet:
- Shows up as the first readable file in any project on GitHub.
- Good place to explain what the project is, what it does and who made it.
- Example file for uw-codeforce:
[Hint: Click Raw and you can see the document without the markdown formatting. Feel free to use the file as a