Predictibilidad alineadores
Predictibilidad alineadores
Predictibilidad alineadores
Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the predictability of F22 aligners (Sweden & Martina, Due
Carrare, Italy) in guiding teeth into the positions planned using digital orthodontic setup.
Methods: Sixteen adult patients (6 males and 10 females, mean age 28 years 7 months) were selected, and a total
of 345 teeth were analysed. Pre-treatment, ideal post-treatment—as planned on digital setup—and real post-
treatment models were analysed using VAM software (Vectra, Canfield Scientific, Fairfield, NJ, USA). Prescribed and
real rotation, mesiodistal tip and vestibulolingual tip were calculated for each tooth and, subsequently, analysed by
tooth type (right and left upper and lower incisors, canines, premolars and molars) to identify the mean error and
accuracy of each type of movement achieved with the aligner with respect to those planned using the setup.
Results: The mean predictability of movements achieved using F22 aligners was 73.6%. Mesiodistal tipping showed the
most predictability, at 82.5% with respect to the ideal; this was followed by vestibulolingual tipping (72.9%) and finally
rotation (66.8%). In particular, mesiodistal tip on the upper molars and lower premolars were achieved with the most
predictability (93.4 and 96.7%, respectively), while rotation on the lower canines was the least efficaciously achieved (54.2%).
Conclusions: Without the use of auxiliaries, orthodontic aligners are unable to achieve programmed movement with 100%
predictability. In particular, although tipping movements were efficaciously achieved, especially at the molars and
premolars, rotation of the lower canines was an extremely unpredictable movement.
Keywords: F22 aligner, Orthodontic movement, Movement accuracy, Predictability
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Lombardo et al. Progress in Orthodontics (2017) 18:35 Page 2 of 12
been developed since Align Technology’s patent expired. day, excepting mealtimes and oral hygiene procedures.
These alternative aligner systems differ from Invisalign in Aligners were replaced every 14 days.
terms of construction material [10], production process, mar- Pre-treatment, ideal post-treatment (according to setup)
gin finishing and STL model precision, but perhaps the most and real post-treatment digital models of the upper and
influential difference is the professionals charged with execut- lower jaws of each patient were analysed. Pre-treatment
ing treatment planning and setup (IT specialists, dental tech- and post-treatment models were acquired using a Trios
nicians or professional orthodontists) [11]. intraoral scanner (3Shape, Copenhagen, Denmark), and
As regards treatment outcomes, Align Technology re- setups were constructed using Orthoanalyzer software
ports that roughly 20–30% of Invisalign patients require (3Shape, Copenhagen, Denmark).
mid-course correction or post-alignment finishing in
order to achieve the results prescribed on the setup [12].
This figure, however, contrasts with that reported by or- Measurement of digital models
thodontists, who indicate that the number of patients Digital models pertaining to each patient were analysed in
who require some unplanned correction or even re- .stl format by a single operator using VAM software (Vectra,
course to fixed orthodontics, is closer to 70–80% [1, 13]. Canfield Scientific, Fairfield, NJ, USA). This enabled the
In fact, Kravitz [14] reported that Invisalign aligners had a identification of anatomical reference points, planes and
mean accuracy of 41% in terms of achieving planned out- axes on the digital models, required, in turn, for calculation
comes, with the most predictable movement being lingual of the angulation, inclination and vestibular prominence of
contraction (47.1%), and the least predictable, extrusion each tooth, as well as linear and angular measurements, for
(29.6%). In a systematic review of the literature, Rossini and example, the intra-arch diameters [16]. Measurement was
Castroflorio confirmed that the most problematic move- based on a method originally involving the identification of
ment for Invisalign was extrusion, followed by rotation [15]. a total of 60 reference points per model (excluding second
However, these authors also emphasised the paucity of molars). However, in this case, we also included the second
reliable literature on the subject, and the aim of this molars in the digital measurements, thereby expanding the
study was therefore to compare planned and achieved number of reference points to 100 per model (Fig. 1).
tipping and rotation in patients using F22 aligners Once the 100 reference points had been marked, their
(Sweden & Martina, Due Carrare, Italy) in order to pro- three-dimensional coordinates were extrapolated and
vide data on their effective clinical predictability. exported, first into a .txt file, and then onto a dedicated
spreadsheet provided with the software. This spreadsheet
enabled extrapolation of the mesiodistal and vestibulo-
Methods lingual tip and rotation (Figs. 2, 3, and 4) of each tooth
Sample selection with respect to a 3D Cartesian grid based on the occlu-
Sixteen adult Caucasian patients (6 males and 10 females, of sal reference plane, which was obtained by means of the
mean age 28 years and 7 months) treated by means of F22 following points: (Fig. 5):
aligners at the University of Ferrara Postgraduate School of
Orthodontics Clinic were retrospectively selected. Inclusion Reference points at the mediovestibular cusps of
and exclusion criteria are reported in Table 1. Treatment teeth 16 in the maxilla and 46 in the mandible
staging, i.e. the maximum movement planned for each Reference points at the mediovestibular cusps of
aligner, had been 2° rotation, 2.5° vestibulolingual and mesio- teeth 26 in the maxilla and 36 in the mandible
distal tip, and 0.2-mm linear displacement. No auxiliaries of The centroid of all occlusal points of the FACC (the
any kind had been used (intermaxillary elastics, buttons, facial axis of the clinical crown) of teeth 15, 14, 12,
chains), although the use of F22 system Grip Points (attach- 11, 21, 22, 24 and 25 in the maxilla and 35, 34, 32,
ments) and anterior and/or posterior stripping was allowed. 31, 41, 42, 44 and 45 in the mandible; canines were
Patients were instructed to wear their aligners for 22 h per excluded from this calculation as their occlusal
Fig. 1 Positioning of the 100 reference points per arch (Upper jaw)
FACC point is generally outside the occlusal plane ∣prescription ∣ ¼ ∣ideal posttreatment−pretreatment∣
identified by the other teeth.
Fig. 2 Vestibulolingual tipping: labiolingual inclination of the FACC Fig. 3 Mesiodistal tipping: mesiodistal inclination of the FACC with
with respect to the occlusal plane of reference respect to the occlusal plane of reference
Lombardo et al. Progress in Orthodontics (2017) 18:35 Page 4 of 12
treatment with aligners. In addition, the upper jaw teeth Thus, an index of the accuracy of each movement was
were divided from the mandibular ones, due to the differ- obtained: the closer the value to 1, the more precise the
ent type and compactness of the bone, which can greatly dental movement achieved by the aligner series (100% of
influence the orthodontic movement. the prescription). The mean accuracy index, standard de-
Movements with a prescription of less than 2° were ex- viation and mean standard error were calculated for each
cluded from the analysis. This sensitivity threshold was type of movement in each tooth category, and Student’s t
determined from the mean intra-operator error pertain- test for single samples (p < 0.05) was applied in cases in
ing to measurements made using the VAM software, which the predictability of any type of movement/tooth
which has been previously published in the study valid- was significantly different to 1, i.e. significantly lower than
ating the method [16]. 100% of the prescription. Finally, F ANOVA (p < 0.05) and
Thus a database containing measurements of 345 Bonferroni’s post hoc tests were applied if there was a sta-
teeth, subdivided into the following types, was obtained: tistically significant difference in the predictability among
the different types of tooth movement.
57 upper incisors
29 upper canines Results
53 upper premolars Measurement method analysis confirmed that there were
37 upper molars no systematic measurement errors in any of the mesiodis-
64 lower incisors tal tip, vestibulolingual tip or rotation values (Table 2).
30 lower canines Table 3 shows the absolute values for the mean prescrip-
52 lower premolars tion and mean imprecision of each movement of each
23 lower molars tooth, alongside the median, relative interquartile and stat-
istical significance. In the upper arch, the least precise
movement in terms of absolute values was incisor rotation
(imprecision, 5.0° ± 5.3°), while the most precise move-
ment was vestibulolingual tipping of the canines (impreci-
sion, 2.5° ± 1.5°). In the lower arch, on the other hand, the
least precision was recorded for premolar rotation (impre-
cision, 5.4° ± 5.8°), while the most precise movement was
vestibulolingual tipping of the molars (imprecision,
1.3° ± 0.9°). In the upper arch, there was no statistically
significant difference in imprecision between the different
types of tooth movements, whereas in the lower arch the
canines showed a significantly greater error in terms of
rotation of the canines (6.9° ± 5.4°) with respect to the
incisors (3.4° ± 2.5°) and molars (2.0° ± 1.8°). Likewise, the
lower molar rotation imprecision was significantly more
precise than the lower incisor rotation.
Table 4 shows the mean accuracy, its standard deviation
Fig. 5 Occlusal plane of reference
and standard error, and the statistical significance calculated
Lombardo et al. Progress in Orthodontics (2017) 18:35 Page 5 of 12
for each type of tooth and tooth movement. In the upper Table 5 compares the mean accuracy among all tooth/
arch, the inferential statistical analysis performed showed movement combinations. This comparison revealed only
that neither the mesiodistal tip on the canines, premolars one statistically significant difference. In other words, there
and molars, nor the rotation of the molars were significantly was no greater precision statistically demonstrable in terms
different from 1 (p < 0.05), chosen as the reference value to of one tooth movement with respect to another, with the
indicate 100% achievement of the planned movement. That exception of the lower incisors, whose rotation accuracy
being said, all other tooth movements displayed a (0.40) was significantly lower than that of the lower premo-
predictability that was significantly lower than 100%. lars (0.87).
In contrast, in the lower arch, mesiodistal tipping and
rotation of the canines and rotation of the incisors Discussion
were significantly less accurate than 100%, while all It is a common experience among clinicians that some tooth
other tooth movements achieved were not statistically movements can be achieved more easily than others with
different from the target movement. aligners. However, the precise degree to which the achieved
Lombardo et al. Progress in Orthodontics (2017) 18:35 Page 6 of 12
movements differ from the ideal movements planned using and any teeth used as anchorage may be subject to reaction-
digital setups is difficult to quantify experimentally. First and ary displacement [20].
foremost, it is necessary to identify stable structures within The method of tooth position measurement proposed by
the oral cavity that can be used as reference points for Huanca [16], on the other hand, is based on the occlusal
superimposition of digital images. Among these, the palatine plane as a point of reference. Calculated as the plane pass-
folds are the most frequently chosen [17], even though ing through the mesiovestibular cusps of the first molars
several studies have shown that their position and/or dimen- and the centroid of the FACC of all of the other teeth, with
sions may vary in certain clinical conditions [18]. Further- the exception of canines, the occlusal plane is a reference
more, palatal structures may only be used as reference that enables the measurement error due to tooth move-
points in the upper jaw. This is one of the reasons why ment during orthodontic treatment to be minimised. More-
superimposition on stable teeth has been selected as the over, it is applicable to both arches in all individuals, and
method of choice for evaluating the accuracy of Invisalign allows evaluation of orthodontic movement of all teeth,
by several authors [14, 19, 20]. However, that method may both anterior and posterior. What is more, the reliability of
only be used in cases in which orthodontic treatment in- this method has been demonstrated for tooth movements
volves the displacement of only some teeth; moreover, even greater than 2°, at which it displays no measurement or
if this is the case, collateral effects on the position of other systematic error.
teeth cannot be ruled out. Indeed, intrusion may occur due Using this method, we demonstrate that the mean accuracy
to the masticatory forces exerted when wearing aligners, of orthodontic movement provided by the F22 aligner is
Lombardo et al. Progress in Orthodontics (2017) 18:35 Page 7 of 12
predictability percentage was higher than that reported in central and lateral incisors); Nguyen and Cheng [21] too
the literature for other aligner systems (54.2%, SD = 73.9). confirm this finding, reporting a mean incisor rotation of
Furthermore, the F22 aligners achieved an accuracy index 60%. This parallels our figure of 61.5% (SD = 28.5%), but
not significantly different from 1, i.e. 100% of the pre- with F22 aligners, we found that the best rotation accuracy
scribed movement, for rotation of the upper molars (0.78, was achieved at the lower molars (85.4%, SD = 67.4) and
SD = 0.61), lower premolars (0.83, SD = 1.27) and lower lower premolars (82.7%, SD = 138)—teeth that were not
molars (0.85, SD = 0.67). considered in Kravitz’s analysis—albeit with a high standard
That being said, comparison of all movements achieved deviation.
by F22 in all tooth categories shows that, with respect to
the prescription, the mean rotation of the upper incisors Mesiodistal and vestibulolingual tipping
appeared significantly more accurate than the mean rota- Kravitz’s 2009 study [14] repeated a mean accuracy of 41%
tion of the lower premolars. This is in line with several for mesiodistal tipping, which was most accurate at both
literature reports on other aligner systems, for example the upper (43%) and lower (49%) lateral incisors; mesio-
Djeu et al.’s Invisalign study [22], in which they noted that distal tipping of the upper (35%) and lower (27%) canines
one of the strengths of the system was the ability to correct and the upper central incisors (39%) was the least accur-
the rotation of anterior teeth and level the incisor margins. ate. Our F22 results are in line with these findings, in that
Kravitz [14] also showed that the greatest rotation accuracy the least predictable movements achieved in the anterior
is achieved at the upper incisors (mean accuracy 48.8% for sector were the upper canines and incisors, although once
again, our accuracy scores were markedly higher. Indeed, we evaluated outcomes achieved by the F22 Grip Points
the mesiodistal tip achieved at neither the upper canines (attachments) and stripping alone. It is conceivable that in
(0.78, SD = 0.5), nor the upper premolars (0.7, SD = 0.78), the hands of an experienced orthodontist, with a full array
upper molars (0.93, SD = 1.02), lower incisors (0.88, of auxiliaries at their disposal, the accuracy percentages
SD = 0.86), lower canines (0.87, SD = 0.82), lower premo- we revealed could be further improved upon.
lars (0.97, SD = 0.97) or lower molars (0.62, SD = 0.82)
was significantly different from 1, considered full achieve-
ment of the outcomes predicted by the setup. As regards
Our analysis of the predictability of orthodontic move-
vestibulolingual tipping, on the other hand, neither the
ments that can be achieved using F22 aligners, without
lower incisors (0.86, SD = 0.64), nor the lower premolars
auxiliaries, enables us to state that
(0.9, SD = 0.81) or lower molars (0.86, SD = 0.5) exhibited
an accuracy index not significantly different from 1.
The mean accuracy of rotation, mesiodistal tipping
The orthodontic movement is a multifactorial issue.
and vestibulolingual tipping was 70.6% in the
There are many parameters that can affect the ability to
anterior sector and 73.6% across both full arches.
reach the goal planned in the setup. The crown anatomy,
Mesiodistal tipping was the most predictable
the root length and bone density were taken in consider-
movement, reaching a mean accuracy of 82.5%;
ation in this study dividing the sample into different groups
vestibulolingual tipping and rotation reached 72.9
by dental typology. Other parameters like sex and age of
and 66.8% of the prescribed movement, respectively.
the patient could also influence the response to the aligners’
The least predictable movement was rotation of the
application, as suggested by literature [23]. In addition, the
lower canines (54.2%), while the most predictable
characteristics of the material, thickness, alignment proto-
movements were mesiodistal tipping of the upper molars
col application and staging may affect the efficiency of the
and lower premolars (respectively 93.4 and 96.7%).
orthodontic movement. All these parameters will need to
The mean rotation error was significantly greater at the
be thoroughly investigated in future research.
lower canines than at the lower incisors and molars.
There were several limitations to this study. First and fore-
In the upper arch, mesiodistal tipping of the canines,
most, it would have benefitted from a larger sample. Only 16
premolars and molars displayed a very high accuracy
patients remained after the selection process, giving a poten-
index, not significantly different from 1. This was
tial 448 teeth to be analysed. However, once movements of
also true of vestibulolingual tipping of the molars.
prescription lower than 2° were excluded, this number fell to
In the lower arch, the accuracy index was not
346. Second point, as this is a retrospective study, the cases
significantly different from 1 for mesiodistal tipping
with complete records are more likely to be those that com-
of all teeth, vestibulolingual tipping of the incisors,
pleted treatment, rather than truly representative of those
premolars and molars, and rotation of the premolars
who started treatment with aligners. This could overestimate
and molars.
the effectiveness of the treatment.
There were no significant differences in the accuracy
Furthermore, we analysed only three types of tooth
index between tooth movements, with the exception
movement: rotation, mesiodistal tipping and vestibulolin-
of upper incisor rotation, which was significantly
gual tipping; as digital models rather than radiographs were
lower to that achieved at the lower premolars.
used for measurements, there was no information regard-
Further research on the topic using such a precise
ing root position from which to derive torque values.
and reproducible means of model superimposition
Nevertheless, the method of measurement we used, with
and measurement is required and should involve
the aid of VAM software, did enable us to analyse both an-
larger samples in order to shed light on the potential
terior and posterior teeth, relying as it did on an “average”
benefits and drawbacks of aligner systems.
occlusal plane, passing through the centroids of the FACC
points of all teeth (except for the canines) as a reference. In-
Authors’ contributions
deed, this plane is only minimally affected by the tooth FR analysed the dataset. AA recruited and treated the patients. LHG
movements achieved during treatment. That being said, the developed the analytical method. LL designed the study. GS supervised the
occlusal plane cannot be considered entirely stable and, research. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
moreover, it is difficult to compare the results of this type
of analysis with those in the literature, which derive from Ethics approval and consent to participate
superimpositions of the palatine folds and posterior teeth. The study was performed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki.
It is a retrospective analysis, and the protocol was approved by the Chairman
Finally, it is worth noting that the study design did not of Postgraduate School of Orthodontics, University of Ferrara.
enable us to explore the full potential of F22 aligner treat-
ment. Indeed, complex movements are usually aided by Competing interests
the use of auxiliaries such as elastics or chains, whereas The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Lombardo et al. Progress in Orthodontics (2017) 18:35 Page 12 of 12
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Author details
Postgraduate School of Orthodontics, University of Ferrara, Via Fossato di
Mortara, 44100 Ferrara, Italy. 2Department of Biomedical Sciences and Health,
University of Milan, Milan, Italy.
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