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Questionnaire for VeggieVoyage

Name-:_________________ Occupation-:___________________


1.What is your dietary preference?

☐ Vegetarian ☐ Vegan

☐ Non-vegetarian ☐ Flexitarian

2.How often do you prepare vegetarian meals at home?

☐ Daily ☐ A few times a week

☐ Occasionally ☐ Rarely

3.How important is convenience in your meal planning and preparation?

☐ Very Important ☐ Important

☐ Neutral ☐ Not Important

4.Do you currently use any meal kit or recipe subscription services?

☐ Yes ☐ No

5.What is the most important factor when choosing meal kits?

☐ Cost ☐ Quality of Ingredients

☐ Variety ☐ Customization

6.Would you be interested in a vegetarian meal subscription service like VeggieVoyage?

☐ Yes ☐ No

7.What features would you find most useful in a vegetarian meal subscription service?

☐ Customized Meal Plans ☐ Recipe Generator

☐ Nutrition Tracking ☐ Community Engagement

8.What types of meal categories interest you the most?

☐ Keto-Friendly ☐ Jain Diet

☐ High-Protein Meals ☐ Vegan

9.Would you prefer single-serve meals or family-sized portions?

☐ Single-Serve Meals ☐ Family-Sized Portions

10.How much are you willing to spend on a monthly meal subscription plan?

☐ ₹1,000-₹2,000 ☐ ₹2,000-₹4,000

☐ ₹4,000-₹6,000 ☐ ₹6,000 and above

11.How often would you like your meals to be delivered?

☐ Daily ☐ Weekly

☐ Bi-weekly ☐ Monthly

12.Do you consider sustainability important in meal kits?

☐ Yes ☐ No

13.Would eco-friendly packaging influence your purchase decision?

☐ Yes ☐ No

14.How important is it for a meal kit to cater to specific dietary preferences (e.g., Jain, Keto)?

☐ Very Important ☐ Important

☐ Neutral ☐ Not Important

15.Do you often struggle to find vegetarian recipes tailored to your preferences?

☐ Yes ☐ No

16.Would a recipe generator that uses your available ingredients be helpful?

☐ Yes ☐ No

17.What is your primary reason for choosing vegetarian meals?

☐ Health ☐ Ethical Values. ☐ Environment ☐ Taste Preferences

18.Would you be interested in tracking your nutrition and health goals within the app?

☐ Yes ☐ No

19.How likely are you to recommend VeggieVoyage to friends and family?

☐ Very Likely ☐ Likely ☐ Neutral ☐ Unlikely

20. Do you have any suggestions or features you’d like to see in VeggieVoyage?

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