It has been suggested that glycogen functions not only in carbohydrate energy storage, but also as molecular sensors
capable of activating lipolysis. This study aimed to compare the variation in liver and muscle glycogen during the day
due to different timing of exercise. Nine healthy young men participated in two trials in which they performed a sin-
gle bout of exercise at 70% of their individual maximal oxygen uptake for 60 min in the post-absorptive (morning) or
post-prandial (afternoon) state. Liver and muscles glycogen levels were measured using carbon magnetic resonance
spectroscopy (13C MRS). Diurnal variations in liver and muscle glycogen compared to baseline levels were significantly
different depending on the timing of exercise. The effect of the timing of exercise on glycogen fluctuation is known
to be related to a variety of metabolic signals, and the results of this study will be useful for future research on energy
Keywords: Liver, Muscle, Glycogen, Post-absorptive exercise, Post-prandial exercise
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Iwayama et al. The Journal of Physiological Sciences (2021) 71:35 Page 2 of 8
intake since the supper of the previous night, moreover, day (day 2), two meals (breakfast at 09:00 and lunch at
overnight fasting is the only way to induce a post-absorp- 13:00) were provided, and participants ran at 70% of their
tive state in people with traditional eating habits of three VO2max for 60 min, beginning at 07:00 (morning) or 16:00
meals daily. During overnight fasting, substrate oxidation (afternoon) on a treadmill. Participants were instructed
predominantly shifts from glycogenolysis to fatty acid to remain awake and to maintain a sedentary position,
oxidation [30], and hormonal changes activate several except when performing prescribed exercise sessions.
transcription factors and regulate gene expression [11].
A possible physiological background for these aspects is
that glycogen variability is involved in whole-body energy Participants
metabolism. Glycogen in the liver and muscles is a stor- Nine healthy young men were recruited for the present
age source of energy and its quantity affects whole-body study after providing written informed consent. Partici-
energy metabolism. Specifically, decreased liver glyco- pants’ mean physical characteristics were as follows: age,
gen levels stimulate lipolysis in adipose tissue through 23.4 ± 1.3 years; height, 170.1 ± 1.5 cm; body weight,
a central nervous system-mediated mechanism [20], 59.3 ± 1.0 kg; and body fat, 10.1 ± 0.7%, maximal oxygen
and decreased muscle glycogen levels trigger sequential uptake ( VO2max) was 60.7 ± 1.4 ml/kg/min. At the time
events, including the dissociation of the AMP-activated of the study, no participant had any medical condition
protein kinase (AMPK–glycogen interaction, enhanced or was taking medications or smoking. This study was
activity and altered intracellular localization of AMPK; approved by the Ethics Committee of the Japan Institute
and the upregulated expression of genes associated with of Sports Sciences (IRS-2017-048).
fat oxidation, such as carnitine palmitoyltransferase,
fatty acid translocase, and hormone-sensitive lipase [26].
In this way, in the liver and muscle glycogen is not only Pre‑study evaluation
a source of energy, but also a regulator of whole-body To determine the workload corresponding to 70% of the
energy metabolism. Nevertheless, none of the previ- individual VO2max, all participants performed a graded
ous studies has reported fluctuations in liver and muscle exercise test including submaximal and maximal tests
glycogen levels due to post-absorptive or post-prandial using a treadmill (Ohtake Root Kogyo, Japan) at least
exercise. 1 week before the main experiment. The initial running
This study aimed to clarify the effect of exercise in the speed was set at 9.0 km/h and was then increased by
morning or afternoon, i.e., post-absorptive or post-pran- 1.2 km/h every 3 min at each subsequent stage up to a
dial, on liver and muscle glycogen fluctuations during lactate concentration exceeding 4.0 mmol/L. Each stage
the day. Liver and muscle glycogen levels were measured was separated by a 1-min rest, and the rest was extended
over two trials, including a 60-min exercise session in the to 3 min when the lactate concentration exceeded
morning before breakfast or in the afternoon using car- 4.0 mmol/L. Then, the following running speed was set
bon magnetic resonance spectroscopy (13C MRS), which to the stage before the lactate concentration exceeded
is non-invasive. 4.0 mmol/L and was increased by 0.6 km/h every 1 min
until the participants reached voluntary exhaustion. A
Methods capillary blood sample was taken from fingertips to ana-
This study entailed a randomized repeated measures lyze the lactate concentration (Lactate Pro 2, Arkray Co.,
design including two trials with exercise sessions per- Ltd., Kyoto, Japan) immediately before the test, after each
formed in the morning or afternoon; the two trials were running stage, and after 1, 3, and 5 min of exercise to
separated for at least 1 week. exhaustion.
Each trial consisted of two consecutive days. On the Oxygen uptake was considered to be maximal when at
first day (day 1) of each experiment, participants were least two of the following four criteria were met: (1) VO2
permitted to engage in normal activities, such as walk- reached a plateau; (2) heart rate exceeded 90% of the age-
ing up and down stairs, until arriving at the laboratory. predicted maximal value; (3) respiratory exchange ratio
Thereafter, they were instructed to refrain from per- increased above 1.10, and (4) ratings of perceived exer-
forming strenuous exercise and consuming beverages, tion at the end of the test ≥ 19. The highest V
O2 for two
such as energy, caffeinated, or alcoholic drinks, except consecutive 15 s during the test was taken as the V O2max.
for experimental meals. Participants arrived at the labo- Respiratory gas was continuously collected using the
ratory before 17:30. Their body composition was sub- breath-by-breath method (AE310S, Minato Medical Sci-
sequently measured using the bioimpedance method ence Co., Osaka, Japan). Regression analysis revealed that
(InBody 770; InBody, Tokyo, Japan). They consumed the relative oxygen uptake and treadmill running velocity
supper at 18:30 and went to bed at 23:00. On the second corresponded to 70% of the individual VO2max.
Iwayama et al. The Journal of Physiological Sciences (2021) 71:35 Page 3 of 8
During the experimental exercises in the two trials, time (P < 0.01) and time and trial interactions (P < 0.01)
participants ran on a treadmill at a speed equivalent were observed for change from baseline in muscle glyco-
to 70% of their VO2max for 60 min (12.3 ± 0.4 km/h). gen, although the main effect of trial (P = 0.11) was not
This intensity was lower than the lactate threshold statistically significant. Similarly, significant main effects
of each individual calculated in the pre-study evalu- of trial (P < 0.05), time (P < 0.01) and time and trial inter-
ation (14.8 ± 0.6 km/h). No significant differences actions (P < 0.01) were observed for change from baseline
were observed in the average heart rate (morning, in liver glycogen.
153 ± 4 bpm; and afternoon, 150 ± 3 bpm; P = 0.12), post- Significant main effects of trial (P < 0.05) and time
exercise blood lactate (morning, 1.7 ± 0.4 mM; and after- (P < 0.01) were observed for blood glucose levels,
noon, 1.5 ± 0.3 mM; P = 0.16), and the rating of perceived although the main effect of trial and time interaction
exertion (morning, 11.3 ± 0.9; and afternoon, 11.1 ± 0.7; was not statistically significant (Fig. 2a). Significant
P = 0.65) between trials. The results of respiratory analy- main effects of time were observed on serum insulin lev-
sis during exercise are shown Table 1. els (P < 0.01), although the main effect of trial and time
Table 2 shows the time course of glycogen levels in interaction was not statistically significant (Fig. 2b). Sig-
the muscle and liver. Significant main effects of trial nificant main effects of time (P < 0.01) and trial and time
(P < 0.05) and time (P < 0.01) and time and trial interac- interactions (P < 0.05) were observed on serum triglycer-
tions (P < 0.01) were observed for muscle glycogen lev- ide levels. At 15:30, serum triglyceride levels were signifi-
els. Significant main effects of time (P < 0.01) and trial cantly higher in the afternoon than in the morning trial
and time interactions (P < 0.01) and a significant trial (P < 0.05, Fig. 2c).
tendency (P = 0.06) were observed when analyzing liver Participants maintained an inactive and sedentary life-
glycogen levels. Figure 1 shows the change from baseline style during both experimental days, except when they con-
in muscle and liver glycogen. Significant main effects of ducted exercises. No significant differences were observed
O2 uptake (ml/min)
Morning 2494 ± 51 2623 ± 52 2618 ± 51 2620 ± 54 2614 ± 56 2624 ± 55 2599 ± 51*
Afternoon 2470 ± 45 2577 ± 46 2569 ± 50 2566 ± 54 2564 ± 55 2561 ± 54 2551 ± 49
CO2 production (ml/min)
Morning 2315 ± 70 2439 ± 65 2423 ± 65 2414 ± 72 2414 ± 73 2419 ± 71 2404 ± 68**
Afternoon 2408 ± 66 2541 ± 67 2531 ± 67 2521 ± 73 2508 ± 75 2506 ± 77 2502 ± 69
Ventilation (L/min)
Morning 66.8 ± 3.2 72.0 ± 3.2 73.6 ± 3.5 74.5 ± 4.0 75.1 ± 4.2 75.4 ± 4.2 72.9 ± 3.6
Afternoon 68.6 ± 3.1 74.6 ± 3.2 75.3 ± 3.2 75.1 ± 3.2 75.3 ± 3.5 75.8 ± 3.5 74.1 ± 3.2
Respiratory exchange ratio
Morning 0.93 ± 0.02 0.93 ± 0.01 0.92 ± 0.01 0.92 ± 0.01 0.92 ± 0.01 0.92 ± 0.01 0.92 ± 0.01**
Afternoon 0.97 ± 0.01 0.99 ± 0.01 0.98 ± 0.01 0.98 ± 0.01 0.98 ± 0.01 0.98 ± 0.01 0.98 ± 0.01
Values are shown as mean ± standard errors. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 vs afternoon trial
Exercise / Rest
Exercise / Rest
Muscle glycogen (mM)
-20 *,‡
18:00 22:00 2:00 6:00 10:00 14:00 18:00
Time (h)
Exercise / Rest
Exercise / Rest
Liver glycogen (mM)
0 †
**, ‡
-100 *, ‡
**, ‡
18:00 22:00 2:00 6:00 10:00 14:00 18:00
Time (h)
Fig. 1 Change from baseline (at 20:00 on day 1) in muscle (a) and liver (b) glycogen in the morning (closed circles) and afternoon trials (open
circles). Values are shown as means ± SEs. *P < 0.05 vs. afternoon trial. **P < 0.01 vs. afternoon trial. †P < 0.05 vs. baseline. ‡P < 0.05 vs. baseline
between the morning and afternoon trials in non-exercise in the morning was associated with relatively lower liver
physical activity (day 1, 325 ± 27, 317 ± 24 counts/min, and muscle glycogen during the day compared to exercise
P = 0.81; and day 2; 139 ± 9, 138 ± 5 counts/min, P = 0.86) in the afternoon.
and step counts (day 1, 6746 ± 735, 6687 ± 651, P = 0.94; Compared with baseline values (i.e., at 20:00 on day
day 2, 1733 ± 239, 1639 ± 176, P = 0.28). 1), liver glycogen levels decreased after overnight fast-
ing in the morning (-23%) and afternoon (-21%) trials.
Discussion A key function of liver glycogen is to maintain blood
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of glucose levels by releasing glucose into the bloodstream
the timing of exercise on fluctuations in liver and mus- [12]; therefore, its degradation after overnight fasting
cle glycogen levels. Our main findings were that exercise is reasonable [18]. The morning trial induced further
Iwayama et al. The Journal of Physiological Sciences (2021) 71:35 Page 6 of 8
in white adipose tissue by activating a liver–brain–adi-
pose neurocircuitry, this demonstrates the presence of
a “glycogen depletion signal” [20, 40]. The fat utilization
50 signal may continue to increase fat oxidation after exer-
cise in the morning as decreased liver glycogen levels
tion to fat metabolism, plasma glucose clearance rates
6:00 8:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 are higher in the morning compared with the evening in
Time (h) response to similar glucose intake [34]. Since increased
30 liver glycogen synthesis leads to improved glucose tol-
glucose tolerance, it is potentially beneficial to know the may also be applied to consider the optimal exercise tim-
timing of exercise and muscle glycogen fluctuations. ing for patients with diabetes.
In summary, the diurnal fluctuations in liver and mus-
cles glycogen varied depending on the timing of exercise. Not applicable.
Previous studies suggest that the timing of exercise may
affect energy metabolism over 24 h by altering the pat- Authors’ contributions
KI and FT conceived and designed research. KI analyzed data, interpreted
tern of glycogen fluctuations [15, 16, 31]. Furthermore, results of experiments and prepared figures; KI, YT, and TO performed experi-
acute [8, 32] and chronic [24, 38] post-absorptive exercise ments; KI and HT drafted manuscript, edited and revised manuscript. All
have been observed to induce different metabolic adap- authors approved final version of manuscript.
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