Manual book SpeedVac SPD2030
Manual book SpeedVac SPD2030
Manual book SpeedVac SPD2030
Vacuum Concentrator
CAUTION All internal adjustments and maintenance must be performed by qualified service personnel.
DISCLAIMER Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. does not accept any responsibility for any damage caused to its
products by unauthorized personnel.
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. provides this document to its customers with a product purchase to use in the
product operation. This document is copyright protected and any reproduction of the whole or any part of this
document is strictly prohibited, except with the written authorization of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
The contents of this document are subject to change without notice. All technical information in this document
is for reference purposes only. System configurations and specifications in this document supersede all
previous information received by the purchaser.
Operating Standards.................................................... 3
Product Specifications ............................................. 3
Environmental Conditions......................................... 4
Installation.................................................................... 5
Contents .................................................................. 5
Operation..................................................................... 6
Description of Control Panel ..................................... 7
Manual Run.............................................................. 8
Auto Run.................................................................. 9
Drying Rate .............................................................. 10
Preset Program Settings .......................................... 10
Exporting Live Run Data........................................... 10
HyperTerminal Configuration .................................... 11
Lid Stay Mechanism................................................. 11
Other Topics ............................................................ 11
Simple System Integrity Test .................................... 12
Application................................................................... 13
Devising Protocols/Application ................................. 13
Secondary Vapor Trapping....................................... 13
Accessories ............................................................. 13
Warranty ...................................................................... 17
Thermo Scientific Integrated SpeedVac™ Systems are
complete systems for solvent evaporation, sample
concentration and drying. SPD systems use a technique that
combines centrifugal force, vacuum and applied heat to
eliminate sample bumping and foaming. Application of
thermal energy to the sample during concentration
counteracts the natural evaporative cooling effect that slows
the drying rate.
SPD1030 and SPD2030 systems integrate a SpeedVac™
concentrator, an oil-free vacuum pump, and a refrigerated
vapour trap into a single compact package. The SPD2030 is
a high capacity system for processing up to four 500 ml
samples. The SPD1030 features a smaller chamber capable
of processing up to four 100 ml samples. Both units feature
an advanced front panel with dual timer for automatic or
manual control of run conditions, it also features preset and
user defined programs which enables user to retrieve and
store application protocols for future use.
This symbol when used alone indicates WARNING: Disconnect the unit from all power
important operating instructions which reduce sources before cleaning, troubleshooting, or
the risk of injury or poor performance of the unit. performing other maintenance on the product or
its controls.
CAUTION: This symbol, in the context of a
CAUTION, indicates a potentially hazardous WARNING: Do not use this device in
situation which if not avoided could result in radioactive, highly reactive or explosive
minor to moderate injury or damage to the atmosphere.
equipment. Do not use this device to process any explosive,
radioactive, highly reactive or explosive
WARNING: This symbol, in the context of a
atmosphere creating substances.
WARNING, indicates potentially hazardous
situations which, if not avoided, could result in
serious injury or death.
Vacuum Chamber TEFLON® coated aluminium casting TEFLON® coated aluminium casting
Maximum vacuum <10 Torr (13 mbar,1.3 kPa) <10 Torr (13 mbar,1.3 kPa)
Vacuum Level Control 30 to 5.1 Torr in 0.1 increments 30 to 5.1 Torr in 0.1 increments
25 in x 26 in x 16 in 31 in x 28 in x 21 in
Size (W x D x H)
64 cm x 66 cm x 41 cm 79 cm x 71 cm x 53 cm
*Dependent upon ambient temperature, line voltage fluctuation, and load capacity.
Main supply voltage fluctuations not to exceed ±10% of the nominal voltage.
Transient overvoltages per Installation Categories II.
Note: Do not use any detachable power cord that is not ade-
quately rated for the unit.
1. Lid locked - Indicates whether or not the lid of the 4. Temperature display - Indicates the set temperature or
concentrator is locked, the indicator will be illuminated the actual temperature during run in °C. The temperature
when locked. set point can be set from 35°C to 80°C at a 5°C interval.
In addition, it is possible to set the temperature to “no”
2. Preset buttons - Preset programs that are not
which means that heating will not be applied during the
run. The temperature setting of “no” can be reached
Loading a preset is achieved by pressing the under 35°C or over 80°C.
corresponding Preset button. The following parameters
5. Time display - Indicates the heat timer or the run timer
are automatically loaded on to the screen.
set points. During a run, it indicates the elapsed or
• Temperature set point remaining run time or the remaining heat time left. The
range for these timers is from 0.01 [1 min.] to 9.59 [9
• Heat time
hours, 59 minutes] at a 1-minute interval. In addition, it is
• Run time possible to set the heat time to “CCC” (continual heating),
which represents a continuous heating throughout the
• Vacuum pressure
execution of a run.
• Vacuum ramp
The setting of “CCC” can be reached under 0.01 [1 min.]
3. Program buttons - 3 programs that are modifiable. or over 9.59 [9 hours, 59 minutes].
Loading a user-defined program is achieved by pressing 6. Vacuum display - Indicates either the vacuum pressure
the corresponding Program Button. The following set point (in torrs or millitors) or the selected vacuum
parameters are automatically loaded on to the screen. ramp based on the vacuum type setting (see point 12).
During a run, it indicates either the actual vacuum
• Temperature set point
pressure or the selected vacuum ramp.
• Heat time
• Run time
• The atmospheric pressure is represented by “HPr”
• Vacuum pressure
• A decimal point indicates a vacuum pressure in Torr
• Vacuum ramp
• No decimal point indicates a vacuum pressure in
Saving a user defined program is achieved by pressing mTorr
and holding down corresponding Program button for 3
7. Select - Press this button to select the parameters to be
seconds. The parameters displayed in the screen are
modified. The selection is from left to right, in a cyclic
stored into the program and can be loaded for use at a
manner. The selected parameters are shown by the
later time.
corresponding indicator that is illuminated.
14. Manual run - Starts a “Manual” run based on the • Default values:
parameters loaded in the screen, use manual run - Temperature 45°C
function if you do not want to set a fixed run time.
- Run Time 2.00 hours
15. Auto run - Starts an “Automated” run based on the
parameters loaded in the screen, use auto run function if - Vacuum Pressure 5.1 Torr
Temperature: 45°C
Heat time: 0.30
When a run is ongoing, the unit exports the following
Preset 1 Water Run time: 2.00 information via the USB port every minute.
Vacuum level: 14 Torr • The live temperature applied to the samples chamber
Vacuum ramp: 5
• The remaining heat time for the run (“CCC” indicates con-
Temperature: 65°C tinuous heating)
Heat time: 0.30 • The remaining or elapsed run time, depending on the run
“Low Boiling” type (manual or automatic)
Preset 2 Run time: 2.00
• The vacuum pressure in the samples chamber
Vacuum level: 5.1 Torr
Vacuum ramp: 5 The data are sent at a fixed baud rate of 115200 and are
comma-separated as shown in the format: <temperature>,
Temperature: “no” <heat time>, <run time>, <vacuum pressure>
HPLC Heat time: 0.01* • The temperature is represented as a 2-digit integer in °C
Preset 3 H2O + Low Boil Run time: 2.00 • The heat time is expressed as a 3-digit integer in minutes
solvent +.1% (or “CCC” for continuous heating)
acid Vacuum level: 5.1 Torr
Vacuum ramp: 5 • The runtime is expressed as a 3-digit integer in minutes
• The vacuum pressure is represented as a floating-point
*When the temperature is set to “no”, the heat time is
number in Torr (or as “HPr” to represent a high pressure).
defaulted to “0.00” while executing the run.
Note: The preset programs are for convenience In case of a communication failure between the
only. Prior to use, users are advised to conduct a monitoring program of the computer and the
risk assessment to confirm that the preset product, user can re-establish the connection by
program parameters meet the user’s application disconnecting and reconnecting the USB cable.
specific needs and conditions. Users accept the Note: The following section details the step-by-step proce-
risks associated with using the preset programs. dures for configuring Microsoft® HyperTerminal running on a
host computer using Windows® XP. These instructions may
need to be modified to be used with a different terminal emu-
1. Power up the host computer and close any running
2. Open the HyperTerminal application by clicking on Start \
“Programs” \ “Accessories” \”Communications” \
3. In the “Connection Description” box, enter the name
“SPD1030 or SPD2030” based on the model and
choose an icon and click OK.
4. Connect to the virtual COM port that is linked with the
SpeedVac™ concentrator attached to the computer
(USB virtual com port). WARNING: Device lid can crush your fingers.
5. In the “COM Port Properties” box \ “Port Settings” folder Keep away: Do not reach between the device
select the following options: and lid when opening or closing the device lid.
Bits per second: _ 115200
Data bits: _ 8 Other Topics
Parity: _ None
Chamber Cover. The cover must be closed before
Stop bits: _ 1 beginning a run. If you press Manual Run or Auto Run and
Flow control _ None the cover is open, the display shows “lid” to remind you to
close the cover. The run will start immediately after closing the
After verifying the above settings, click OK. cover.
6. In the main dialog box click on File \ Save. If a user tries to open the lid at the start of the run, when the
7. Exit the program by clicking on File \ Exit \ Yes. lid has already been locked, the unit will automatically abort
the run and signal the user with the ''Lid'' message on the
8. Verify the program was saved by going to Start \ display and an error tone. Otherwise, during a run the user
“Programs” \ “Accessories” \ “Communications” \ cannot open the cover due to vacuum in the concentration
“HyperTerminal” \ “SPD1030 or SPD2030” based on the chamber. The cover is locked down at all times during a run
model and whenever power to the unit is interrupted.
9. This completes the configuration of HyperTerminal. The cover lock is an additional safety feature that reduces the
10. Turn on SpeedVac™ system and connect to the virtual risk of injury or damage from the spinning rotor. Do NOT
COM port that is linked with the SpeedVac™ attached to bypass the cover lock to conduct a run with the cover open.
the computer. If removal of samples from the concentrator chamber during
11. Start HyperTerminal by clicking on SPD1030 or a power failure is required, insert cover lock emergency
SPD2030 based on the model. release tool into the vertical slot at the base of the front of the
unit. Press the object gently into the slot until the lock
12. Initiate the run and SpeedVac™ will screen print releases. The cover can then be opened.
<temperature>, <heat time>, <run time>, <vacuum
Secondary Vapor Trapping The chemical trap requires periodic checking and
cartridge replacement to ensure its continued
When processing solvents with a lower freezing point of -
55°C, it is recommended to install the Thermo Scientific CAUTION: Risk to health from escaping
SCT120 Chemical Trap on the exhaust port to capture substances, No vapours from toxic liquids and
residual evaporated solvent vapours. This trap, installed in pathogenic germs must escape, ensure sufficient
addition to the integral refrigerated trap, provides more separation of vapor via correct chemical trap.
complete solvent trapping. The SCT120 accepts a variety of
disposable cartridges that are designed to adsorb vapours
that may exhaust from the SpeedVac™. The Thermo
Scientific DTK120R Chemical Trap Kit, which includes the
trap, a disposable cartridge (DC120R), tubing and fitting, has
an activated-charcoal cartridge that traps radioactive vapours
and is effective for containing residual quantities of organic DTK120R Chemical Trap. for drying samples containing
solvent vapours. (This is the same medium commonly used in radiolabelled biomolecules, the chemical trap with activated
fume hoods). The DTK120A Chemical Trap Kit is carbon cartridge is strongly recommended. Attach to the
recommended for low pH vapours from samples involving vacuum pump exhaust recovery vessel. This set-up traps
acid hydrolysis of peptides or other acidic samples. This kit volatile radioactivity, preventing its release to the laboratory
contains trap, tubing, fitting, and DC120A cartridge to environment.
neutralize acids. ANT100 Ammonia Neutralizing Trap, for drying samples
To install a trap on the SpeedVac™ exhaust, remove the such as synthetic oligonucleotides in ammonium hydroxide.
muffler and the rubber tubing from the SOLVENT VAPOR The ANT100 includes a cup-mounting bracket, which
EXHAUST PORT. Attach a piece of vacuum tubing to this attaches to the left side of the SPD SpeedVac ™ at the
fitting. Attach the other end to the chemical trap. exhaust port. The trap also includes four bottles of Ammonia
Neutralizing Solution (ANS121/4). This trapping system
Note: Refer to the manual shipped with each Chemical Trap effectively neutralizes ammonia gas, and eliminates exhaust of
Kit for full details and installation instructions. unpleasant odours.
System trips circuit Short circuit to ground in one of the Call Technical Service.
breaker or main line fuse. components.
Flask cap plugged with ice. Remove blockage and install a dry flask.
Condensation flask full past 3/4 mark. Replace with new dry flask.
Rotor makes a loud clattering Hold-down knob has been over- Tighten knob only until it makes contact
noise on initial start-up. tightened. with rotor. Do not over-tighten.
Chamber does not seal Cracked or fouled cover gasket. Clean or replace cover gasket.
properly. Automatic bleeder valve malfunction Call Technical Service.
Chamber does not reach Radiant lamp burned out. Replace lamp or call Technical Service.
operating temperature. Heater control or element malfunction. Call Technical Service.
Large ice build-up which expands during Change and clean the glass condensation flask
thawing. daily.
Glass condensation
flask breakage. Trap contents allowed to thaw and Leave the main power switch ON between runs
refreeze. and change the flask daily.
Flask cap sealed improperly. Verify that the cap is pressed securely over the
Vacuum leak at flask mouth of the glass condensation flask.
Flask cap worn or fouled. Replace cap.
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