Biochemistry Lab Manual
Biochemistry Lab Manual
Biochemistry Lab Manual
Co-ordinator Dr A K Harith
Dr AK Singhal
Associate Professor
Members Dr Diravyaseelan M
Assistant Professor
Dr Nidhi Thakur
Assistant Professor
Dr Vivek Sharma
Dr Alka Yadav
Priya Koundal
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Medicine, Faridabad.
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Roll No. has satisfactorily carried out the practical work in Biochemistry as
prescribed by Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Faridabad for I M.B.B.S. Examination.
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2nd Term:
Teacher in Charge
Department of Biochemistry
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and Determination of A:G ratio BI11.22
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The marked increase in the number and availability of laboratory diagnostic procedures has helped
rapidly diagnose and manage many clinical conditions. Usually, combinations of lab tests are done;
individual lab tests are rarely ordered. The Physician, however, should be judicious in selecting the
tests. A trend is also emerging to conduct certain biochemical investigations, which could reveal a
predisposition to specific disease processes in healthy individuals. The physician can then suggest
preventive measures to the person, e.g., elevated plasma cholesterol levels persisting for a long time
contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases. These individuals should be advised for
appropriate dietary and lifestyle modifications to prevent or delay the development of a serious
Metabolic changes associated with specific disorders may give rise to a change in the biochemical
profile of a body fluid, e.g., blood Glucose in Diabetes Mellitus, serum Creatinine in renal failure,
etc. Hence, specific investigations are performed in body fluids when a particular disease is
From a clinical point of view, one purpose of performing a test could be to corroborate a diagnosis or
rule it out. Other tests may be done to assess the severity of a disease process or monitor its progress.
Still, others may evaluate or monitor a therapeutic regimen's effectiveness or potential side effects;
specific tests can explain the prognosis of the disease and its probable outcome.
The final interpretation of the results of investigations, whether biochemical or of any other category
should be aligned with the overall context of the disease process and the patient’s clinical profile.
Biological samples
Some of the body fluids that are used for biochemical investigations are given below.
Body fluid Method of collection Examples of Investigations performed
anticoagulant, centrifuged
after clotting; the
supernatant is serum.
Urine Directly passed into a Glucose, proteins, bile salts, bile pigments, blood,
container or through a and steroids
catheter introduced into the
Cerebrospinal Lumbar puncture from Glucose and protein
fluid subarachnoid space
Gastric juice Aspiration by Ryle’s tube HCl, blood
Serous fluids Needle puncture to the Proteins
serous space (e.g. Pleural
and peritoneal)
Sweat Soaked into a filter paper Chloride
Table 1.1 List of biological samples used for biochemical investigations.
Presentation of results
1. Metabolites (glucose, urea, etc.) are expressed as mg/dL or mmol/L.
2. Electrolytes (Na+, K+) as mmol/L or mEq/L.
3. Enzyme activity is expressed as International Unit per liter (IU/L).
Enzyme activity is sometimes expressed in conventional units (e.g., amylase in Somogyi units and
phosphatase in King-Armstrong units)
Chemical units
Molar solutions: Contain 1g molecular weight of the solute/L of solution. 1 Molar solution
of H2SO4 contains 98.08 g H2SO4/L (MW of H2SO4 = 98.08).
Normal solution: Contain 1g equivalent weight of the solute/liter. 1 mole HCl, 0.5 mole
H2SO4, and 0.333 mole H3PO4 in 1000 mL of solution in water have a normality of 1.
The unit of measure commonly used to express the concentrations of electrolytes in plasma is
milliequivalents (mEq/L) or millimoles (mmol/L).
Example: If serum sodium is 322 mg/100 mL [3220 mg/L], the atomic weight of Na = 23, valency =
1 mEq/L = (322 x 10 x 1) / 23 = 140
Enzyme activity When enzymes are quantitated relative to their activity rather than directly
measuring their concentration, activity units report enzyme levels. International unit (IU) is defined
as the amount of enzyme that will catalyze the reaction of 1 μmol of substrate per minute under
specified conditions of temperature, pH, substrates, and activators. The enzyme concentration is
usually expressed in international units per liter (IU/L). The unit of enzyme recognized by the
International System of Units is the katal (mol/s).
Interpretation of results
Values obtained with a particular parameter are interpreted as increased, decreased, or within the
normal (reference) range.
Reference values
Values obtained from individuals in good health as judged by other clinical and laboratory parameters
after suitable standardization and statistical analysis under definite laboratory conditions.
Precision: Refers to the reproducibility of the results. It is expressed in terms of Standard
Deviation(SD). The smaller the SD observed, the better the precision is. However, it is important to
note that Precision alone does not guarantee the Accuracy of the result.
Laboratory hazards
Biological hazards: Every patient’s specimen must be treated as potentially infectious. Blood
samples from high-risk patients (like AIDS, Hepatitis B, etc.) should be collected, transported,
handled & processed using strict precautions. Gloves, masks, and gowns should be worn.
Specimens should remain “capped” during centrifugation to prevent the formation of infective
Physical & chemical hazards: Careless handling of apparatus and reagents is a common
cause of laboratory accidents resulting in burns or fires that must be reported and treated
promptly. Hence, it is necessary to ensure the safety of self, personnel, and equipment.
A vacuum-assisted blood collection tube is a sterile glass or plastic tube with a closure that is
evacuated to create a vacuum inside the tube, facilitating the draw of a predetermined volume of
sample. These tubes are widely utilized in healthcare settings for drawing blood samples for various
laboratory tests. They are available in different sizes with specific color-coded tops indicating the
tube content.
Most blood collection tubes contain an additive that either accelerates the clotting of the blood (clot
activator) or prevents the blood from clotting (anticoagulant).
1. Red
2. Yellow
3. Light Blue
4. Green
5. Lavender
6. Grey
Tube additives
Most sample collection tubes contain additives. If the additive is an anticoagulant, the blood will not
clot, and the specimen will be whole blood that can be centrifuged to obtain plasma. All other
additives and additive-free tubes (e.g., glass red top) produce serum specimens.
An additive functions optimally when the tube is filled to its stated volume and gently inverted
immediately after collection to mix the additive with the blood. Specimen quality can be
compromised if a tube is partially filled. Shaking or vigorous mixing can haemolyse the blood,
making it unsuitable for testing. Additive reliability is guaranteed until expiration if the tube is
handled and stored correctly. Expiration dates should be checked, and expired tubes should be
Anti glycolytic agents: They prevent glycolysis, which can decrease glucose concentration by up to
10 mg/dL per hour. The most commonly used antiglycolytic agent is Sodium Fluoride (NaF) which
preserves glucose for up to 3 days and inhibits bacterial growth. NaF inhibits the enzyme Enolase in
the glycolytic pathway. Inhibitors of the Glycolytic pathway is used because RBCs do not have
Mitochondria. NaF is often combined with Potassium Oxalate as an anticoagulant for the collection
of plasma specimens for glucose estimation.
Clot activators: Pro-coagulation factors (thrombin) and substances like silica enhance clotting by
providing more surface area for platelet activation. The clot activators in gel separator tubes and
plastic red-top tubes are typically silica.
Thixotropic gel separators (Yellow Tube) are inert substances in or near specific tubes' bottoms.
During centrifugation, the gel lodges between the cells and the fluid, forming a physical barrier
preventing cells from metabolizing substances in the serum or plasma.
Order of draw
The order of draw is a particular sequence of tube collection that reduces the risk of specimen
contamination either by microorganisms (e.g., blood cultures) or additive used in the sample
collection tube. For example Potassium salt of EDTA is used in the Lavender tube. If the Red Tube
(for serum) is collected after the Lavender tube then there is chances that the Potassium of the
anticoagulant contaminates the sample in the serum tube giving falsely high results of Potassium in
the patient. To prevent such occurrence, we have to follow the correct order of draw.
The sequence of collection of evacuated tubes in a multi-draw should be in the order as follows:
Different types of blood collection tubes
Bio-medical waste is any waste generated during human beings' diagnosis, treatment, immunization,
or research activity. The waste produced during healthcare activities carries a higher potential for
infection and injury than any other type of waste. Hence, proper disposal of biomedical waste is of
utmost importance.
Bio-medical waste management rules recommend using appropriate color-coded containers in which
the various types of biomedical waste must be disposed of. Figure 2.1 depicts the current biomedical
waste management protocol at Amrita Hospital.
Category Type of waste Treatment and disposal Type of
blades, or any other contam-
inated sharp objects that
may cause punctures and
Blue 1. Glassware and metallic Cleaning followed by Puncture-proof,
body implants: broken or disinfection or leak-proof, and
discarded and contaminated autoclaving, then send for tamper-proof
glass, including medicine vi- recycling container.
als and ampules, except
those contaminated with cy-
totoxic wastes.
Black 1. General solid waste: office Disposal on secured Black-colored
waste like paper, plastic co- landfill plastic bags/
vers, and disposable con- containers.
Table 2.1 Biomedical waste management protocol.
Blank page
Glassware is made up of complex silicates containing boron dioxide. They resist acid, alkali,
temperature, and radiation corrosion and have a low expansion coefficient. Some of the most used
glassware in the biochemistry laboratory are:
1. Flasks
a. Conical flasks – for heating/boiling fluids
b. Volumetric flasks – it is graduated to measure the exact volumes of liquids. Standard
solutions are prepared by using the volumetric flask. It is available in different vol-
umes from 10 mL to 5 L.
c. Round and flat-bottomed flasks - for preparing solutions.
2. Beaker: a cylindrical container for storing, mixing, and heating liquids. It can also be used to
estimate volume.
3. Bottles: different kinds of bottles include:
a. Specimen bottles with top screws.
b. Reagent bottles.
4. Funnel: It holds filter papers to transfer liquids or fine-grained substances into containers with
small openings.
5. Measuring jar/measuring cylinder: commonly used for measuring liquids and preparation
of reagents. There are available in different volumes. While measuring liquids, the upper me-
niscus is considered for colored solutions, and the lower meniscus is considered for colorless
6. Test tubes: small glass tubes used to handle chemicals, especially for qualitative experiments
and assays.
7. Pipettes: Pipettes are used to transfer the measured volume of liquid. Types of pipettes in-
a. Serological/blowout pipettes: marking is right up to the tip of the lower end. Contents
must be blown out till the last drop.
b. Mohr pipette/non-blowout pipette: no graduation till the last, and the contents will not
be delivered until the last marking.
c. Volumetric pipette/bulb pipette: It has a large bulb with an extended narrow portion
above it with a single graduation mark.
d. Micro pipettes/auto pipettes: variable and fixed micropipettes are available to transfer
small quantities of samples.
e. Micro syringes: used for precision sampling in chromatography (like high-perfor-
mance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography)
f. Pasteur pipettes: plastic or glass pipettes used to transfer small amounts of liquids.
Pasteur pipettes are not graduated.
g. Transfer pipettes/Beral pipettes: They are like Pasteur pipettes but are made from a
single piece of plastic, and their bulb can serve as liquid-holding chambers.
h. Ostwald Folin pipette: A special pipette used in measuring viscous fluids such as
whole blood.
Commonly used laboratory equipment
1. Centrifuge
Centrifugation is a technique used to separate particles using a centrifugal field. The particles are
suspended in a liquid medium and placed in a centrifuge. The tube is then placed in a rotor and
rotated at a certain speed. Rotation of the rotor about a central axis generates a centrifugal force
upon the particles in the suspension. Particles that differ in density, size, or shape sediment at
different rates. The rate of sedimentation depends upon:
1. The applied centrifugal field
2. Density and radius of the particle
3. Density and viscosity of the suspending medium
The tubes/centrifuge cups in the rotor head must be balanced before centrifugation. Tubes should be
capped appropriately, and the centrifuge lid should be closed during centrifugation. This will prevent the
release of infectious material inside the centrifuge by aerosol formation.
Uses: Separation of serum or plasma in clinical biochemistry laboratories.
2. Water bath
It is a device that maintains water at a constant temperature. It can provide temperatures ranging
from room temperature to 100°C.
Uses: To incubate samples in water at a constant temperature.
3. Weighing balance
Weighing balances are used for measuring large quantities of materials, while analytical balances
are used for accurately weighing small quantities. Chemicals should be weighed in a container/wax
paper, not directly on the pan.
4. Hot air oven
It is a double-walled steel chamber controlled thermostatically and electrically heated to dry and
sterilize the lab glassware. Sterilizing time varies through – 3hrs at 140°C, 1hr at 160°C, 30min at
180°C. Hot air ovens are unsuitable for sterilizing culture plates, masks, etc.
5. Autoclave
It utilizes steam under high pressure for sterilizing.
Uses: For sterilization purposes - surgical instruments, culture media, rubber material, gowns, and
dressings, and pre-disposal treatment and sterilization of biomedical waste material.
6. Magnetic stirrer
A magnetic stirrer employs a rotating magnetic field to cause a stir bar immersed in a liquid to spin
quickly, thus stirring it.
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When light passes through a colored solution, specific wavelengths are selectively absorbed. The plot
of absorbance (A) also called Optical Density (OD) against wavelength (λ) is called the absorption
spectrum of the compound in solution. The wavelength at which maximum absorption occurs is called
that compound's absorption maximum (λ max). The light that is not absorbed is transmitted through
the solution and gives the solution its color. This is called transmittance (T).
If the concentration of the substance in solution is increased linearly, absorbance rises linearly, and
transmittance decreases exponentially. Hence absorbance is directly proportional to the concentration
of the substance and inversely proportional to transmittance. The term absorbance can be defined as
𝐴𝑏𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑏𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒(𝐴) = 𝑙𝑜𝑔
Absorbance has no units. Photometric instruments electronically convert the measured transmittance
to absorbance values.
𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑚𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑇 =
Thus photometry is chiefly governed by two laws: When a parallel beam of monochromatic light
passes through a solution, the absorbance (A) of the solution is directly proportional to the
concentration (c) of the compound in the solution. This is Beer's law.
Each successive solution layer absorbs a constant proportion of the light entering the solution,
although the absolute amount entering each layer diminishes progressively. Therefore, absorbance is
directly proportional to the thickness or length of the light path (l) through the solution. This is
Lambert's law.
A = ε c l
It is specific for a given substance at a given wavelength. It is the absorbance of one molar solution
of a substance with a light path of one centimeter. Beer's law applies only to dilute solutions. In
colorimetry, the absorption coefficient is not usually used. The concentration of an unknown solution
can be determined by using equation 1, which is derived as follows:
The absorbance of the standard sample (As) = ε x concentration of the standard (Cs) x l
𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑐. 𝑜𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡(𝐶𝑡) = × 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑐. 𝑜𝑓𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑(𝐶𝑠)
The light path, l, is usually kept constant in photometric measurements at 1 cm. This is the diameter
of the tube (called the cuvette) containing the solution.
A standard (or calibrator) represents the substance whose concentration is sought to be determined.
The concentration of the compound in the test sample is obtained by comparing its absorbance with
that of a known concentration of a standard solution. Ideally, a series of standards of known
concentration are prepared to get a standard (calibration) curve. This helps to determine the range of
concentrations over which Beer's law is obeyed.
Appropriate blanks to exclude the absorbance contributed by the solvents and reagents used- i.e., by
anything other than the compound of interest- are also essential for any photometric measurement.
Colorimetry uses the basic principles of photometry, but the solutions must be colored, i.e., absorb
light in the visible range. To utilize this principle in clinical biochemistry tests, colorless compounds
are converted into colored compounds using chemical reactions. Under defined reaction conditions,
the color formed is proportional to the amount of the original colorless compound.
Spectrophotometry works on the same principle as colorimetry, but it covers a broad range of
wavelengths (ultraviolet, visible, and infrared)
Photometric instruments
A Colorimeter measures the intensity of light transmitted through a colored solution. It uses light in
the visible range. Light from a tungsten lamp is passed through a suitable filter to obtain light of a
desired wavelength, then passed through the solution in a cuvette. Transmitted light falls on a
photocell, generating a current proportional to the light intensity. The photocell is connected to a
galvanometer, which is used to measure percentage transmission or absorbance (Figure 4.1).
Use of the standard solution: It is the solution of the known concentration of the substance in pure
form to be estimated. The concentration and OD of the standard solution are known; therefore, the
unknown concentration can be calculated.
Operation steps
1. Proper filter is selected.
2. Instrument is set to zero O.D or 100% T with distilled water blank.
3. O.D. of reagent blank is read.
4. O.D. of standard and unknown solutions are read.
In contrast to a colorimeter, a spectrophotometer is more sensitive and covers a broad range of
wavelengths. Spectrophotometer uses light sources that emit light in the spectrum's ultraviolet,
visible, and infrared regions. The desired wavelength is selected using a prism or diffraction grating,
and narrower bandwidths than what is possible in a colorimeter can be chosen. Since light in the
ultraviolet and infrared ranges is also emitted, the compound to be estimated does not necessarily
have to be colored. It can be measured directly if they significantly absorb, even at these wavelengths.
This offers a significant advantage over the colorimeter, which is restricted to the visible range. Using
a narrower bandwidth than is available with ordinary filters, the absorbance is often higher, and the
relation between absorbance and concentration remains linear over a wide range in a
spectrophotometer compared to a colorimeter. A spectrophotometer is usually required if very dilute
solutions are to be measured.
Analytical methods depending on ultraviolet absorption are commonly used in clinical chemistry and
research. Examples include serum enzyme assays of glucose, urea, uric acid, etc., which take
advantage of the UV absorption of NADH and NADPH coenzymes at 340 nm. For such methods, a
spectrophotometer is essential.
Microplate reader
A microplate reader is a modification of the spectrophotometer, which enables the quantitation of up
to 96 samples per microplate. Microplates usually have a 12 x 8 well format. (Figure 4.2).
and mixing. They help in the processing, transportation, and testing of many clinical specimens in an
efficient manner.
Blank page
When light passes through a colored solution, specific wavelengths are selectively absorbed. The plot
of absorbance (A) against wavelength (λ) is called the absorption spectrum of the compound in
solution. The wavelength at which maximum absorption occurs is called that compound's absorption
maximum (λmax).
1. Set the filter at the lowest available wavelength. (e.g., 400nm)
2. Take DW as blank and adjust the absorbance of the instrument to zero.
3. Record the absorbance of the standard solution (KMNO4 solution of 12mg/dL)
4. Repeat the same procedure for subsequent wavelengths in the colorimeter (e.g., 450nm,
500nm, etc.).
5. Plot the Wavelength (X-axis) vs Absorbance (Y-axis) in a graph sheet.
6. The wavelength that gives maximum absorbance is the λmax of the test solution.
A standard curve, also known as a calibration curve, is a graphical representation of the relationship
between the concentration of a substance (analyte) and a measurable response. It is a fundamental
tool in biochemistry and is used to quantify the concentration of unknown samples based on their
measured response.
To create a standard curve, a series of samples with known analyte concentrations are prepared and
analyzed using an analytical method, such as Colorimetry or Spectrophotometry. The instrument's
response (e.g., absorbance) to each known concentration is plotted on a graph, usually with the
concentrations on the x-axis and the instrument's response on the y-axis.
The resulting curve is typically linear, although it can be other shapes depending on the nature of the
analyte and the detection method. This curve serves as a reference, allowing us to determine the
concentration of an unknown sample by measuring its response and then using the standard curve to
interpolate or extrapolate the corresponding concentration.
The standard solution of KMnO4 given to you has a concentration of 12 mg/dL. Plot a standard curve
using different concentrations of KMnO4 by making dilutions of 1.2, 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, and 12mg/dL (10
mL each).
1. Set the filter at the predetermined λ max of the test solution (ref to the results of chapter 6)
2. Set the instrument using the DW as BLANK
3. Record the absorbance of the test solution at different dilutions.
4. Start measuring the most dilute solution continuing through the most concentrated.
Table for making dilutions for KMNO4 solution
2 2.4 mg/dL 10 mL
3 4.8 mg/dL 10 mL
4 9.6 mg/dL 10 mL
5 12 mg/dL 10 mL 0 mL 10 mL
Concentration Absorbance
1 1.2 mg/dL
2 2.4 mg/dL
3 4.8 mg/dL
4 9.6 mg/dL
5 12 mg/dL
Plot the absorbance (Y-axis) vs. concentration (X-axis) graph and obtain the standard curve.
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Measurement of pH
All the biochemical reactions in the body take place in an aqueous environment, and enzymes catalyze
most of these reactions. Enzymes are optimally active at a particular H+ ion concentration. The H+
ion concentration varies very little in any biochemical fluid or environment. Depending on the
situation, this variation is arrested by some bases or acids which absorb or donate H+ ions. This
phenomenon is called buffering.
H+ ions can be measured and expressed as mol/L. However, there is a more convenient way to express
H+ ion concentration, i.e., pH. pH is defined as the negative logarithm of H+ ion concentration.
pH = - log [H+]
In aqueous solutions, the pH ranges from 0 to 14. The H+ or OH- ion molar concentration in pure
water is 1 x I0-7mol/L. Pure water is considered neutral, with a pH close to 7.0 at 25 °C. With water,
at a neutral point, [H+] = [OH-] = 10-7 mol/L. pH at a neutral point is -log [10-7mol/L], So neutral pH=
7. pH above 7 indicates that the solution is alkaline, and pH less than 7 is acidic. 1M HCl would give
a pH of 0. 1M NaOH would give a pH of 14.
The pH of blood is tightly regulated between 7.35 and 7.45 (slightly alkaline), while gastric juice has
a pH of ~1.0 (highly acidic).
pH meter
The most accurate method for routine pH measurement is the pH meter, in which a change in [H+] is
measured as a change in electrical potential. If a metal rod is placed in a solution of its salt, it acquires
some electric potential. If two dissimilar metals are dipped into their salts' solutions, the potential
difference can be measured or calculated from the two separate potentials generated. A standard
electrode is thus required, against which the potential of all other electrodes can be compared. This
is the standard hydrogen electrode, consisting of a platinum rod dipped in an aqueous solution with a
given H+ activity in which hydrogen gas is bubbled continuously at 1-atmosphere pressure. But, as
this is too cumbersome to be used as a reference electrode for routine use, other secondary reference
electrodes of known potential in relation to the standard hydrogen electrodes are used.
The most commonly used secondary reference electrode is the calomel electrode, consisting of
mercury-mercurous chloride in contact with a saturated solution of KCl. Its potential is pH-
independent. The other secondary reference electrode is silver-silver chloride in contact with a
saturated KCl solution.
The glass electrode is the most commonly used pH-dependent unit in the pH meter. Certain types of
borosilicate glass are permeable to H+ but not to other cations and anions. Therefore, if a thin glass
membrane separates two solutions of different pH, a potential difference is generated across the
membrane, the magnitude of which is given by the equation
𝐸 = 2.303 𝑙𝑜𝑔
F = Faraday constant, [H+]i = concentration on the inside which is fixed (0.1N HCl), and [H+]o =
concentration on the outside (test sample).
The voltage measured by such a system is primarily the difference between the glass and the reference
electrodes. It is linearly related to the pH of the test solution, i.e., [H+]o. The system, therefore, consists
of the glass electrode in contact with the solution to be measured, the calomel reference electrode, a
KCl bridge (the KCl should flow slowly into the sample), and the measuring device (meter) (Figure
1). These are designed so that pH 7 gives a zero potential. High resistances are used, so that little
current is drawn from the circuit (a sizeable current flow could change the ionic concentration).
Certain precautions have to be observed while using a pH meter. The glass electrode is fragile and
must be handled with care. It must not be left to dry. It is usually kept dipped in 3M KCl.
The temperature compensation dial must be set before calibrating, as the potential produced depends
on temperature. The meter must be calibrated first with a standard buffer of pH 7, then with a standard
of pH 4 (if the test sample is acidic), or with a standard of pH 9 or 10 ( if the test sample is basic).
Figure 7.1 pH meter (A) and the schematic diagram of a pH meter (B)
Ion-Selective Electrodes
An ion-selective electrode (ISE), also known as a specific ion electrode, is a transducer that converts
the concentration of a particular ion dissolved in a solution into an electrical potential. ISEs can
measure the concentrations of various ions, such as hydrogen, sodium, potassium, calcium, and
An ion-selective electrode consists of an ion-selective membrane, an inner reference electrode, and a
reference electrode in contact with the sample solution. The ion-selective membrane is a barrier
between the sample solution and the two electrodes, allowing only the specific ion of interest to
penetrate. The reference electrode allows a reliable measure of the ion activity in the solution,
regardless of any changes in the sample’s pH or temperature. The inner reference electrode provides
a fixed electrical reference point and compares the ion activity in the sample solution against a
predetermined ion concentration.
The critical component of the ion-selective electrode is the ion-selective membrane, which consists
of an insoluble material permeable to a specific ion. This permeability facilitates an ion exchange
between the sample solution and the membrane, creating an equilibrium between the two components.
3. Sample preparation: Ensure your sample is at room temperature. Stir or mix the sample
gently to homogenize it.
4. Measuring pH: Immerse the clean electrode into the sample solution. Avoid hitting the sides
or bottom of the container. Allow the reading to stabilize. pH values typically stabilize within
a few seconds to a minute. Record the pH reading from the meter's display.
5. Cleaning and storage: Rinse the electrode with distilled water after each measurement. If the
electrode is not used immediately, store it in a storage solution. Properly clean the electrode
at the end of the day or when switching to a different sample type.
Amyloclastic method
These assays monitor the decrease in substrate concentration, i.e., starch. This can be done by
Iodimetry. In Iodimetry, large starch chains in helical form react with molecular iodine to form a deep
blue starch-iodine complex. The hydrolysis of starch is accompanied by a gradual loss of ability to
bind iodine and hence a decrease in color.
Saccharogenic method
Amylase hydrolyses starch to Maltose. The amount of Maltose produced is estimated by measuring
the reduction. In the following procedure, reduction of 3,5- Dinitro Salicylic Acid (DNSA) is used
to assess the Maltose (a reducing sugar) formed in the reaction.
Chromogenic method
These assays use artificially synthesized dye-labeled amylase substrates. These substrates are
synthesized by linking amylose or amylopectin to indicator groups like 4-Nitrophenol. The amount
of dye released into the solution is directly proportional to the amylase activity. This is the currently
recommended method by the IFCC (International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory
Medicine) for estimating serum amylase activity.
The activity of enzymes is generally expressed in International Units per Litre of serum (IU/L)
1. Avoid pipetting by mouth to prevent contamination by salivary amylase.
2. Avoid anticoagulants that chelate calcium, such as oxalate, citrate, and EDTA.
Reagents: Buffer, starch solution of pH 7, chromogen solution containing DNSA, and a stop solution
consisting of NaOH
B (mL) S (mL) T (mL) C (mL)
Substrate 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
DDW 0.5 - - -
Serum - - 0.5 -
Serum - - - 0.5
Keep in a boiling water bath for 5 minutes. Measure the absorbance at 540 nm.
The activity of the enzyme =
𝑂𝐷𝑜𝑓𝑇 − 𝑂𝐷𝑜𝑓𝐶
× 𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑜𝑓𝑠𝑡𝑑.× 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 × 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟
𝑂𝐷𝑜𝑓𝑆 − 𝑂𝐷𝑜𝑓𝐵
Normal Range
Serum Amylase activity
Amylase activity in serum: 31 - 107 IU/L (by IFCC method)
Clinical significance
Serum amylase measurement is used as a screening test for acute pancreatitis in patients with acute
abdominal pain or back pain and other features suggestive of acute pancreatitis. The rise of serum
amylase levels in acute pancreatitis is rapid and transient, reaching a peak within the first 12 – 72 hrs
after onset and returning to normal, usually in 3-4 days. The serum amylase activity rises 4 to 6-fold
over the reference range. Hence, it is a sensitive marker of acute pancreatitis. However, serum
amylase levels also rise in several other clinical conditions (mentioned below), some of which mimic
acute pancreatitis clinically. Thus, amylase is not a specific marker for acute pancreatitis. That is why
serum lipase is used to confirm the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis. Serum lipase is both highly
sensitive and highly specific for acute pancreatitis.
If other causes of hyperamylasaemia are ruled out, serum amylase activity more than the reference
range usually leads to the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis. However, diagnosing any clinical condition
depends not entirely on biochemical investigations alone. The physician must consider all the
available information (i.e., clinical history of the patient, clinical examination findings, radiology
findings, biochemical investigations, etc.) to arrive at a diagnosis.
Causes of hyperamylasaemia and hyperamylasuria are:
1. Pancreatic disease
a. Acute pancreatitis
b. Chronic ductal obstruction
c. Pancreatic trauma
d. Pancreatic carcinoma
2. Non-pancreatic disorders
a. Salivary gland lesions
i. Mumps
ii. Calculus
b. Renal insufficiency
c. Tumor hyperamylasemia
i. Carcinoma of the lung
ii. Carcinoma of the esophagus
iii. Breast carcinoma
iv. Ovarian carcinoma
d. Peritonitis
Reagents: Buffers of pH 7 and 4, starch solution, EDTA, chromogen solution containing DNSA, and
stop solution consisting of NaOH.
B (mL) S (mL) T1 (mL) T2 (mL) T3 (mL) C (mL)
Pre-incubate at 40°C for 3 minutes.
The activity of the enzyme =
𝑂𝐷𝑜𝑓𝑇 − 𝑂𝐷𝑜𝑓𝐶
× 𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑜𝑓𝑠𝑡𝑑.× 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 × 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟
𝑂𝐷𝑜𝑓𝑆 − 𝑂𝐷𝑜𝑓𝐵
Estimating glucose in the blood has become a routine investigation in clinical practice for screening
and following up on metabolic disorders like diabetes mellitus. It is usually measured in the plasma.
In some point-of-care testing devices like glucometers, capillary blood (whole blood) can also be
used to measure glucose. However, being arterial blood, the values are slightly higher than that of
plasma venous blood.
Methods of estimation
1. Enzymatic method (preferred method)
a. Glucose oxidase and Peroxidase (GOD-POD) method
b. Hexokinase method
2. Non-enzymatic method
a. Folin Wu method
b. King and Asatoor (modification of Folin Wu)
c. Ortho-toluidine method
Glucose oxidase method
Glucose is oxidized by glucose oxidase to gluconic acid and H2O2. The peroxidase enzyme reduces
H2O2 to produce water and nascent oxygen [O]. [O] reacts with 4 amino antipyrine (4 AAP) to give
pink colored compound, which is measured colorimetrically at 530 nm.
Glucose oxidase
Glucose Gluconic acid + H2O2
H2O2 H2O + [O]
H2O2 + 4AAP + 3,5-DHBS Quinoneimine dye + 2H2O
4-AAP - 4 Aminoantipyrine
DHBS - 3, 5-Dicholoro-2-hydroxybenzene sulfonate
1. Color reagent: glucose oxidase, peroxidase & 4-aminophenazone
2. Standard glucose: 100 mg/dL
Standardization of a semi-auto biochemistry analyser:
Standardizing a semi-auto analyzer is critical in ensuring laboratory test results' accuracy, precision,
and reliability. It involves a calibration procedure to establish a consistent relationship between the
instrument's measurements and the actual concentrations of analytes. After washing the flowcell of
the semi autoanalyser we run the reagent blank. We instruct the instrument to assume the OD of the
reagent blank as zero value. Then we run a standard of known concentration and instruct the
equipment to assign the OD of the standard to the concentration of the standard. A factor is created
by dividing the value of the concentration of the Standard with that of the OD of the standard. This
factor is then multiplied to the OD of all the test to determine the concentration of the analyte in the
test sample.
Instrument care
1. Use the instrument within 10-35°C; maximum humidity: 85% at 30°C.
2. Turn the instrument OFF & cover it with a dust cover when unused.
3. Never use highly acidic/alkali reagents or solutions to be aspirated in the flow cell.
4. Don’t allow the reactive reagent to stay in the flow cell; always wash the flow cell with dis-
tilled water after use.
Follow the given protocol for the development of color and estimation of optical densities.
Blood Glucose (mg/dL)
× 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑐. 𝑜𝑓𝑆𝑡𝑑. (𝑚𝑔⁄𝑑𝐿)
= mg/dL
Normal Range
Fasting blood glucose: 70-100 mg/dL (plasma)
Post prandial blood glucose: 70 - 140 mg/dL
Hyperglycaemia: when the plasma glucose level is equal to or exceeds 100 mg/dL during fasting
conditions or 2-hr post-prandial glucose level equivalent to or exceeds 140 mg/dL on more than one
It is found in the following conditions:
1. Physiological
a. Alimentary: After a high carbohydrate diet
b. Emotional: stress, anger, anxiety
c. Pregnancy
2. Pathological
a. Diabetes mellitus
b. Hyperthyroidism
c. Hyperadrenalism
d. Hyperpituitarism
e. Diseases of the pancreas, like pancreatitis and carcinoma
f. Cerebrovascular accidents
Hypoglycaemia: when the plasma glucose level falls below 70 mg/dL. It is found in the following
1. Physiological
a. During starvation
b. After severe exercise
2. Pathological
a. Due to excess insulin e.g.
i. Excessive dose of insulin
ii. No food intake after insulin administration
iii. Tumours of the pancreas (insulinoma)
b. Inborn Errors of Metabolism: Glycogen Storage Disease 1, Galactosemia.
American Diabetes Association (ADA) criteria for diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus:
In the absence of symptoms of hyperglycaemia, the first three criteria listed above should be
confirmed by repeat testing on a different day.
Glucose tolerance is defined as the capacity of the body to tolerate an extra load of glucose. Usually,
the blood glucose level remains relatively constant, the fasting being <100 mg/dL. After a meal, there
is a temporary rise to about 160 mg/dL, which returns to normal within 2 hrs. The initial test of choice
for diagnosis of Diabetes is Glucose fasting and 2HPG. However, in cases of impaired glucose
tolerance in borderline cases of Diabetes Mellitus or in the diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes, Oral
Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) is done.
Two opposing forces are responsible for the time course of the glucose concentration in OGTT:
a) Gastric emptying rates and intestinal absorption determine the initial rate of increase.
b) Increase in glucose concentration stimulates insulin release from the pancreas. The rate of
fall in blood glucose is determined by insulin response.
Indication of GTT
1. Patients with transient or sustained glycosuria, with no symptoms of diabetes mellitus, with
normal fasting or PP blood glucose.
2. Patients with symptoms of DM but no glycosuria and normal fasting blood glucose.
3. Patients with a strong family history of diabetes mellitus.
1. The patient should be on an unrestricted diet (150 g of carbohydrates/day) for at least three
2. Fasting should not be less than 8 hrs. Only water is permitted after dinner.
3. The patient should not be taking drugs that affect carbohydrate metabolism.
4. During the test, the patient’s activity should be mild to moderate, and abstain from smoking.
The patient should be at rest mentally.
Sample collection: The following venous samples using fluoride as an anticoagulant are collected for
estimating venous plasma glucose:
1. A fasting sample: A fasting state is between 8 to 10 hrs of the last feed. The period is chosen
when the liver's glycogen stores are depleted, and gluconeogenesis has not started.
2. Samples at half an hour intervals for a total period of 2 hrs.
Graph: The values of the venous plasma glucose are plotted against time.
• Normal response: Fasting blood sugar is normal. At 1 hour reaches a peak but remains below
the renal threshold of 180 mg/dL. It returns to normal fasting level within 2 hrs and 30
• Diabetic curve: Fasting levels are 126 mg/dL or more. The highest value is usually reached
after 1 to 1.5 hrs. Glycosuria is generally seen. The blood glucose level does not return to the
fasting level at any time within 2 hrs and 30 minutes.
• Renal glycosuria: Due to the lowering of renal threshold, one or more urine samples contain
glucose. It is usually an accidental discovery & is often asymptomatic. Causes are late stages
of pregnancy, acute kidney disease, etc.
• Lag/alimentary curve: Fasting blood glucose is normal. Due to rapid absorption, the
maximum level is reached within 30 minutes, which crosses the renal threshold, so the
corresponding urine samples show glycosuria. Hypoglycemic levels may be reached at the
end of 2 hrs. It is assumed that a greater rise in plasma glucose is due to a delay in the insulin
mechanism coming into action or an increased rate of glucose absorption from the intestine
following the rapid emptying of the stomach.
• The flat curve of enhanced glucose tolerance: The fasting plasma glucose is normal.
Throughout the test, glucose level does not vary ± 20 mg/dL. Causes are impaired
carbohydrate absorption, hypothyroidism, hypoadrenocorticism, hypopituitarism, etc.
DIPSI (Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group India) guidelines
Test for diagnosis: “A Single Test Procedure” (Recommended by Ministry of Health
Government of India)
Target population: All pregnant women need to be screened for GDM twice:
1st test is done during first ANC visit.
If first test is negative and was done before 24 weeks, 2nd test is done between 24-28th weeks.
It is important to ensure second test as most of the pregnant women develop blood sugar
intolerance during this period.
Step 1: 75 g glucose is to be given orally after dissolving in approximately 300 ml water irrespective
of the fasting state. The intake of the solution has to be completed within 5-10 minutes.
Step 2: Plasma glucose level should be evaluated 2 hours after the oral glucose load.
If vomiting occurs within 30 minutes of oral glucose intake, the test has to be repeated the next day.
If vomiting occurs after 30 minutes, the test continues.
Interpretation: The threshold plasma glucose level of ≥140 mg/dL is taken as cut off for diagnosis
of GDM
Triglycerides (TG) or triacylglycerols are esters of glycerol with fatty acids. They comprise three
molecules of fatty acids attached to a single molecule of glycerol by ester bonds.
They are the storage form of lipids in the adipose tissue and constitute 95% of tissue storage fat; they
also form the core lipid component of lipoproteins and are the predominant form of glyceryl ester
found in plasma. Their primary function is to provide energy in conditions like starvation.
Triglycerides form the major proportion of dietary fat. After ingestion, triglycerides are digested
(hydrolysed) in the duodenum and the proximal ileum. Through the action of pancreatic and intestinal
lipases and in the presence of bile acids, which activate lipases, they are hydrolysed to glycerol,
monoglycerides and fatty acids. After absorption, triglycerides are resembled from glycerol,
monoglycerides and fatty acids in the intestinal epithelial cells and are combined with cholesterol and
Apo B-48 to form chylomicrons.
The reagent mix consists of lipoprotein lipase, glycerol kinase, glycerol phosphate oxidase,
peroxidase, chromogenic substrate (4-amino antipyrine), and buffer (pH 7.0)
Materials provided
1. Enzyme reagent
2. Triglyceride standard (200 mg/dl)
Follow the given protocol for the development of color and estimation of optical densities.
Triglycerides (mg/dL) = Abs of Test X Conc. of standard (mg/dL)
Abs of Standard
= mg/dL
As per the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP ATP III)
guidelines, the desirable level of Triglycerides should be less than 150 mg/dL.
Reference Intervals
Category Serum TG levels
Desired level < 150mg/dL
Borderline 150–200 mg/dL
High 200–500 mg/dL
Very high > 500 mg/dL
Clinical significance
Patient preparation: Triglyceride levels must be measured only after 12-14 hrs of strict fasting.
The patient must sit comfortably in a well-ventilated & lightened room for 5 min.
Hypertriglyceridemia: Hypertriglyceridemia can be a consequence of genetic abnormalities, called
familial hypertriglyceridemia, or the result of secondary causes, such as hormonal abnormalities
associated with the pancreas, adrenal glands, and pituitary
Genetic Disorders
1. Familial Hypertriglyceridemia
2. Familial Combined Hyperlipoproteinemia.
Blank Page
Estimating Serum Cholesterol is important since increased serum cholesterol is one of the main
causative factors for atherosclerotic heart diseases like myocardial infarction, cerebral haemorrhage
& thrombosis. Cholesterol is the most abundant sterol in human tissues & body fluids. It is present in
blood in two forms: free (30%) and esterified (70%). It is transported bound to lipoproteins, mainly
HDL & LDL. It has many important functions in the body.
High-density lipoprotein (HDL) transports cholesterol from peripheral tissues to the liver for
excretion. The measurement of HDL cholesterol provides valuable information for assessing
coronary heart diseases.
Cholesterol ester + H2O Cholesterol + Free fatty acid
Cholesterol + O2 Cholesterol-4 ene-3 one + H2O2
H2O2 + Phenol + 4-amino antipyrine Quinoneimine + H2O
The reagent mix contains Cholesterol Esterase, Cholesterol Oxidase, Peroxidase, Chromogenic
Substrate (4 – Amino Antipyrine), And Buffer.
Cholesterol standard: 200 mg/dL
Follow the given protocol for the development of color and estimation of optical densities.
× 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑐. 𝑜𝑓𝑆𝑡𝑑(𝑚𝑔⁄𝑑𝐿)
= mg/dL
Normal range
Summary of the Third Report of the National Cholesterol Education Programme (NCEP)
Expert Panel on Detecting and Evaluating Blood Cholesterol in Adults
Hypercholesterolemia: Abnormally high levels of serum cholesterol lead to the deposition of
cholesterol in the arterial walls (atherosclerosis). It may be observed in:
1. Diabetes mellitus
2. Nephrotic syndrome
3. Obstructive jaundice
4. Hypothyroidism:
HDL cholesterol by PEG/CHOD - PAP method
When the serum is reacted with polyethylene glycol (PEG) in precipitating reagent, LDL and VLDL
cholesterol precipitates. HDL cholesterol in the supernatant reacts with cholesterol oxidase (CHOD)
and cholesterol esterase (CHER) to produce H2O2. H2O2, and quinine dye, react with Peroxidase
producing a color that is measured colorimetrically.
HDL Fatty Acid Cholesterol-4 ene-3 one + H2O2+ Free fatty acid
Reagent 1 contains Polyethylene-Glycol-Methyl Ester and Buffer. Reagent 2 contains Cholesterol
Esterase, Cholesterol Oxidase, Peroxidase, Chromogenic Substrate (4-Amino Antipyrine), Detergent,
and Buffer.
1. Dilution of serum and standard
Take 0.2 mL of serum and standards in two separate test tubes. Add 1.8 mL normal saline to
each and mix.
2. Colour development
Follow the given protocol for the development of color and estimation of optical densities.
STEP 1. Blank (B) Standard (S) Unknown (U)
Reagent R1 375 μL 375 μL 375 μL
Standard - 5 μL -
Serum - - 5 μL
Distilled Water 5 μL - -
STEP 2. Mix well and incubate at 37°C for 5 minutes.
STEP 3. Reagent R2 125 μL 125 μL 125 μL
STEP 4. Mix well and incubate at 37°C for 5 minutes.
STEP 5. Add 2.5 mL of Distilled Water
STEP 6 Read final absorbance at 600/700 nm filter against reagent blank.
× 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑐. 𝑜𝑓𝑆𝑡𝑑(𝑚𝑔⁄𝑑𝐿)
= mg/dL
High-density lipoproteins (HDL) are one of the significant classes of plasma lipoproteins. They are
synthesized in the liver as complexes of apolipoprotein and phospholipid. They can pick up
cholesterol from arteries to the liver, which is converted to bile acids and excreted in the intestine.
HDL cholesterol is a marker for risk assessment for atherogenic plaque formation. An inverse
relationship exists between HDL Cholesterol (HDL C) levels in serum and the incidence/prevalence
of coronary heart disease (CHD).
Blank page
Urine: A clear, pale yellow, slightly acidic, aromatic fluid with a specific gravity (1.010-1.022) of
miscellaneous composition. This includes dissolved compounds, fragments of cells, intact cells,
proteinaceous casts and crystals.
Water, inorganic salts (sulphates, phosphates and chlorides of Na+/K+, ammonia, etc.), nitrogenous
organic compounds - urea, uric acid, Creatinine, hippuric acid, etc.), organic sulphur containing
compounds - Ethereal sulphates, conjugated bile acids and salts, etc.), ketone bodies, proteins, bile
pigments are the usual constituents.
The biochemical tests done in this part is for substances detectable in amounts not usually
associated with a disease state with the assays used.
Physical characteristics:
(a) Volume: Normal volume of urine excreted is 800-1800mL/24 hr.
(b) Colour: Normal urine is pale yellow coloured due to the pigment – urochrome.
(c) Appearance: Freshly voided urine is clear, but becomes turbid on standing due to
precipitation of phosphates and urates.
(d) Odour: Normally aromatic, but turns ammoniacal on standing due to urea
splitting organisms liberating ammonia.
(e) Specific gravity: The specific gravity of urine is measured using Urinometer. The
instrument is calibrated at 150C and hence, temperature correction is applied for room
temperature, which is as follows:
(i) For every 30C rise in room temperature, add 0.001 to the observed specific gravity.
(ii) For every 30C fall in room temperature, subtract 0.001 from the observed specific
gravity. The normal specific gravity is 1.010 to 1.022.
(f) Total solids: Last 2 digits of specific gravity are multiplied by 2.66 (Long’s
coefficient). The units for total solids are G/L.
(g) pH: The pH of freshly voided urine is slightly acidic (approximately 5-6), but becomes
alkaline on standing. Very often urine excreted after ingestion of vegetarian diet may be
alkaline and that excreted after intake of non- vegetarian diet may be acidic.
I. Inorganic constituents:
Cations like Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ are excreted as salts in association with anions like Cl-, SO42-,
PO42- etc.
(a) Chlorides: are excreted mainly in the form of sodium chloride. The amount of sodium
chloride excreted varies between 5 to 25 g per day depending upon the dietary intake.
(b) Sulphates: is ingested from sulphur containing amino acids cystine, cysteine, methionine
and also from chondroitin sulphates. The sulphur is metabolized and excreted in two
forms such as:
i. Ethereal sulphates
ii. Inorganic sulphates
(c) Phosphates: are derived chiefly from the metabolism of foods containing the element and
tissue components such as phosphoproteins, nucleoproteins, nucleotides and
phospholipids. The quantity excreted is extremely variable as it depends on the nature of
the diet. Phosphorus is excreted in urine largely as inorganic phosphate and to a small
extent in organic form (< 4% of total).
(d) Calcium: Under normal dietary intake, urinary excretion accounts for about 5–40% of total
calcium, the remainder being excreted in the faeces. An adult excretes an average of 200–
300 mg of calcium daily.
(e) Ammonia: Under normal dietary conditions, an adult excretes about 0.3 to 1.2 g (average
0.7 g) of ammonia nitrogen daily which is derived from dietary amino acids.
(a) Ethereal sulphates: Ethereal sulphates consist of sodium and potassium salts of sulphuric
acid esters of phenols such as indoxyl, skatoxyl, phenol and cresol. These are
detoxication compounds of phenols and are formed in liver. Indoxyl and skatoxyl
sulphates are formed by putrefactive decomposition of tryptophan in the intestine.
(b) Urea: Urea is the principal end product of protein (amino acid) metabolism. About 30g
urea is excreted per day. The amount excreted depends on the protein intake.
(c) Uric acid: Uric acid is the chief end product of purine catabolism. The quantity of uric
acid excreted in urine generally varies between 0.5 to 1.0 g/24 hrs. On the purine free
diet, the uric acid excretion may fall to 0.1g/day, while on a high purine diet, the daily
excretion may rise to 2.0 g.
(d) Creatinine: is an excretory product formed during muscle metabolism from creatine
phosphate. It is an internal anhydride of creatine. The amount of Creatinine excreted in
urine is 1.2-1.7 g/24 hrs. It is purely endogenous and does not depend on the dietary
intake of proteins. The amount of Creatinine excreted in urine is dependent on muscle
(e) Hippuric acid: represents a detoxification product of benzoic acid with glycine. The
benzoic acid is present in many fruits, vegetables and also as food preservative. The
amount of hippuric acid excreted per day in urine varies between 0.1 to 1.0 g/24 hrs with
an average of about 0.7 g/24 hrs.
Tests Observations
a) Volume
b) Colour
c) Appearance
d) Odour
e) pH
f) Specific gravity
Room temperature
Calibration temperature
Temperature difference
Phosphates present react with
Acidify 3ml of urine with 2- Canary yellow turbidity
ammonium molybdate to form
3 drops of concentrated
ammonium phosphomolybdate.
HNO3. Add 3ml of
ammonium molybdate
solution and heat.
Test: To 5ml of urine Orange colored Creatinine present in sample (as
sample, add 2ml of saturated solution seen. Creatinine picrate)
picric acid solution and a
few drops of 10% NaOH.
Negative control: A blank
may be put up by taking 5ml No change in color.
of water and adding picric
acid and NaOH to it.
Uric acid
Take 2 ml of urine sample,
add a few drops of
Well-developed blue Uric acid present in sample (as
phosphotungstic acid and a complex with tungstan blue).
color seen.
few drops of 20% sodium
Hippuric acid
2 mL urine + dilute FeCl3
drop by drop. Cream colored Precipitate of ferric hippurate.
Ethereal sulphate
2mL urine + 2mL Baryta White colored turbidity Ethereal sulphates present in sample.
mixture. Add 2mL conc. (dissociation on boiling with conc.
HCl. and boil for 2 minutes HCl. liberates inorganic sulphates,
in beaker and cool at room which form white precipitate of barium
temperature sulphate).
Blank page
Under pathological conditions, urine excreted by patient shows the presence of constituents present
in amounts indicative of disease.
The biochemical tests done in this part is for substances detectable in amounts usually
associated with a disease state with the assays used.
These include tests for proteins, sugar, blood, bile salts, bile pigments and ketone bodies.
Physical Characteristics:
1. Volume:
2. Appearance:
(a) Dark yellow in high fever (due to concentrated urine) and jaundice
(b) Smoky red due to the presence of RBCs
(c) Yellowish brown or greenish due to the presence of bile pigments
(d) Dark brown/black in Alkaptonuria
4. Odour:
(c) Mousy odour in Phenylketonuria
(d) Smell of maple syrup in congenital Maple syrup urine disease
5. pH:
*Note: On addition of chlorophenol red
a) If the colour of urine becomes yellow (pH is acidic), add 2% Na2CO3 till colour turns
b) If the colour of urine becomes red (pH is alkaline), add 1% acetic acid till colour turns
Presence of proteins in urine is generally called as Proteinuria.
(a) Glomerulonephritis
(b) Nephrotic Syndrome
(c) Acute and chronic kidney disease
(d) Urinary tract infection.
(e) Bence Jones proteinuria seen in multiple myeloma.
(f) Proteinuria in pregnancy suggests bad prognosis.
Note: As long as the glomerulus is intact, proteinuria is unlikely.
Bence Jones Proteinuria occurs due to excretion of light chain of immunoglobulin (kappa / lambda)
seen in Immunoglobulin producing tumors of plasma cells called Multiple Myeloma. On heating
urine from room temperature to 100oC, these proteins precipitate at around 60oC and then re-solubilise
once again at around 80oC. When the urine is cooled, they precipitate once again at around 60oC and
disappear at around 40oC. Now a days direct immune-turbidometric tests are available for proper
quantification of individual light chains in the urine.
Tamm-Horsfall protein: This protein is normally found in urine but not in serum. It is a mucoprotein
that is produced in the renal tubules. It is the major protein constituent of urinary casts. Its
concentration in urine is around 40 mg/ day.
Test Observation Inference
Control: To check for the presence of any
reducing substances already
5ml Benedict’s reagent and boil No change in colour
present in the reagent. If the
colour of the control changes then
the Benedicts reagent is
Presence of glucose in urine is called as glycosuria. Colour of the precipitate indicates severity of
glycosuria as follows:
Control: To 3mL of urine add Colour remain The colour of this is the colour of the
3mL of Benzidine reagent. Add greyish brown urine with the reagent. Absence of
1mL of water in place of H2O2. H2O2 does no result in production of
any additional colour.
Presence of blood and intact RBCs in urine is called haematuria, while presence of haemoglobin in
urine is called is haemoglobinuria.
Haematuria is seen in:
(a) Acute glomerulonephritis
(b) Urinary Tract infection.
(c) Trauma to urinary tract
(d) Cancer of the urinary bladder (painless hematuria)
Haemoglobinuria is due to intravascular haemolysis of RBCs, which occurs in:
a) Malaria
b) Severe burns
c) Haemolytic jaundice
Differentiating Myoglobinuria from Haemoglobinuria:
a) Appearance – Reddish brown to black.
b) Demonstrate that colour produced is due to protein. Treat urine with TCA/SSA and centrifuge.
If the colour disappears then it is confirmed that the colour was due to protein.
c) Perform Benzidine test. If the result is protein, then it confirms that the protein is either
Haemoglobinuria / Myoglobinuria.
d) Salting out by fully saturated Ammonium SO4: Saturate the urine with Ammonium Sulfate.
Shake and then centrifuge. Ammonium Sulfate salts out Hemoglobin but not Myoglobin as
Hemoglobin is a large molecule with 4 side chains. If after centrifuging the colour disappears
than it is due to Hemoglobin. If the colour persists then it is due to Myoglobinuria.
4. Test for bile salts and bile pigments:
(a) Tests for bile salts:
Bile salts undergo enterohepatic circulation. In normal persons, there is only a trace of bile salts in
urine. Cholestasis leads to an increased concentration of bile salts in serum & results in its excretion
in considerable amounts e.g. in obstruction of common bile duct & in drug induced cholestasis.
Bilirubin is found in the urine in extrahepatic obstructive jaundice and in those types of hepatic
jaundice in which there is cholestasis. It is thus an indicator of regurgitation of conjugated bilirubin
which, being water soluble, passes into the urine. It is not present in the urine in prehepatic jaundice.
Urinary Findings in Jaundice
5. Tests for ketone bodies
a) Rothera’s test: 5mL urine + A deep purple ring is Acetone and acetoacetic acid
solid (NH4)2SO4 until observed at the junction present. Na-nitroprusside
saturation + a drop of of two layers reacts with both acetone
freshly prepared sodium and acetoacetic acid to
nitroprusside. Mix and add produce a purple coloured
0.5mL strong ammonia compound.
carefully by the side of the
b) Gerhardt’s test: 3mL Portwine red colour Acetoacetic acid present.
urine + Ferric chloride drop Acetoacetic acid reacts with
wise ferric chloride to form ferric
Ketone bodies excreted are acetone, acetoacetic acid and β-hydroxybutyric acid. Excessive excretion
of ketone bodies occurs in a state of ketosis, characterized by a fruity odour of breath due to acetone
exhalation. The unifying thing between starvation and severe Diabetes is intracellular structure with
arrest of the TCA cycle which is seen in:
(a) Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
(b) Starvation
(c) Severe vomiting
1) All tests for abnormal constituents of urine may not always be positive in a given urine sample.
Blank Page
Urea reacts with DAM in strongly acidic condition at nearly 1000C to give a pink coloured product
which is measured colorimetrically at 540nm. Thiosemicarbazide and ferric chloride are added to
catalyse the reaction and stabilize the intensity of colour. Advantages of this method are that it
measures urea directly, therefore ammonia present in reagents and in atmosphere does not interfere.
This method requires deproteinization and boiling. This method is linear upto 300mg% urea. For
higher values, the blood sample should be diluted.
Mix. Keep at room temperature for 5 minutes and filter. Treat standards in the same way as blood.
2. Color development:
Follow the given protocol for development of color and estimation of optical densities
STEP 1. Blank (B) Standard (S) Unknown (U)
Distilled water 1.0 mL - -
Protein free filtrate - - 1.0 mL
Urea standard diluted - 1.0 mL -
Urea acid reagent 2.5 mL 2.5 mL 2.5 mL
Urea colour reagent 2.5 mL 2.5 mL 2.5 mL
STEP 2. Keep in boiling water bath for 20 minutes. Cool slowly to room temperature.
STEP 3. Read colorimetrically at 540 nm (green filter).
Blood urea (mg/dL)
= ODU-ODB x Conc. of Std (mg/dL) x Vol. of Std.
ODS-ODB Vol. of Plasma
= mg/dL
Conversion of Blood Urea to BUN:
Urea contains two atoms of nitrogen and its molecular weight is 60, of which 28 is due to nitrogen.
Hence, the relationship of total blood urea to Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) is given by the ratio
= 2.14
Blood urea nitrogen (mg/dL) = Blood urea (mg/dL)
i.e. Blood urea (mg/dL) = Blood urea nitrogen (mg/dL) x 2.14
Blood urea nitrogen = mg /dL
Blood urea = mg/dL
Normal Range
On ordinary diet, the normal range for Blood urea nitrogen is 7 – 20 mg /dL and that of Blood urea
is 15 – 40 mg/dL.
Urea is the main end product of protein catabolism. Its blood level depends on dietary intake of
protein. It is synthesized in liver and constitutes a major non-protein nitrogenous (NPN) substance.
Causes of raised urea levels:
a) Dehydration: Low blood volume will result in a low GFR. The rate of urine flow will be
low. Substantial amount of urea gets reabsorbed in the loop of Henle causing a raised Urea.
b) Shock: Reasons same as above.
c) Renal disorders / Pathology -
Acute Kidney Injury.
Obstructive disorders of the Urinary tract – e.g. stones / tumors
Physical variations:-
Post renal: - Obstruction to urine flow e.g. stones, cancer of urinary tract, hypertrophy of prostate.
Rarely seen. May be on the lower side of normal. True low urea are very rare. In very severe liver
diseases, where the Urea cycle stops, Urea may be low (the serum ammonia levels are high in this
Since route of urea excretion is through kidneys, blood urea level is estimated to assess renal function.
As blood urea level is affected by dietary protein and other pre-renal factors, serum Creatinine
estimation should also be done simultaneously.
Enzymatic methods-
Urea is decomposed to ammonia and carbon dioxide in the presence of enzyme urease.
1. Nessler’s method- gives low results at higher values of urea, so not preferred.
2. Berthelot’s reaction- the ammonia formed from urease action reacts with phenol in the presence of
hypochlorite to form an indophenol, which with alkali gives a blue coloured compound.
3. Kinetic Assay using glutamate dehydrogenase- Ammonia, formed from urease action, in the
presence of glutamate dehydrogenase combines with alpha keto glutarate to form glutamate.
In this reaction utilization of NADH+ results in a decrease in absorbance at 340 nm, which is
measured to calculate urea concentration.
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Proteins are precipitated from serum using Sodium Tungstate. Creatinine present in protein free
filtrate reacts with Alkaline Picrate solution to form a reddish orange coloured complex of Creatinine
picrate, the intensity of which is measured colorimetrically at 540 nm. A standard Creatinine solution
is treated similarly and the colour intensities are compared.
2. Color development:
Follow the given protocol for development of color and estimation of optical densities
**Alkaline picrate is prepared by mixing 10mL of saturated picric acid with 2mL of 10% NaOH.
= x Conc. of Std (mg/dL) x Vol. of Std
Vol. of serum
The two chief disadvantages with this method are:-
1. Lack of specificity: - Only 80% of the colour is due to creatinine in serum. The remaining colour
is due to the presence of non-specific chromogens that react with picric acid e.g. ketone bodies, uric
acid, urea, protein, pyruvate, ascorbate and glucose, hence false values may be obtained.
2. Sensitivity: - Sensitivity to certain variables like pH, temperature, etc.
Normal Range
The normal range for serum Creatinine is 0.6 – 1.2 mg/dL (for males)
Jaffe’s method is a non-specific method. Non Creatinine Chromogens found in serum and urine
samples can falsely react with Picric acid and give colours. To overcome this problem there are two
a) Kinetic Jaffe’s method: Two readings are taken after 20 and 80 sec of mixing the reagents and
sample and then the concentration of Serum Creatinine is estimated.
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Diluted urine is treated with alkaline picrate solution to form a reddish orange coloured complex of
Creatinine picrate, the intensity of which is measured colorimetrically at 540nm. A standard
Creatinine solution is treated similarly and the colour intensities are compared. The colour intensity
is directly proportional to the concentration of Creatinine. For creatinine clearance, a 24 hour urine
specimen is collected and one blood sample is taken during the day.
I. Dilution of urine:
Dilute urine 1:100 with distilled water. Treat the standards in the same way as the blood.
II. Colour development:
Urine Creatinine (g/L)
= ODU-ODB x Conc. of Std.(mg/L) x Vol. of Std.
ODS-ODB Volume of Urine x 1000
= g/L
Urinary excretion of Creatinine per 24 hrs can be calculated as follows:
Urine Creatinine (g/24 hrs) = Urine Creatinine (g/L) x Volume of urine excreted/24 hrs (L)
Normal Range
The normal range for urine Creatinine is 0.8 – 1.5 g/24 hrs
High urine Creatinine levels are observed in Acromegaly, gigantism & Diabetes mellitus
Urine creatinine and serum creatinine share an inverse relationship. Conditions which increase the
serum creatinine levels will invariably result in decreased urine creatinine levels.
Urine Creatinine = g/L
Creatinine is filtered at glomerulus and is neither reabsorbed nor secreted by the renal tubules except
when the plasma Creatinine levels are very high. Hence, the Creatinine clearance can be estimated
to measure glomerular filtration rate (GFR).
Creatinine clearance is defined as the quantity of blood or plasma completely cleared of Creatinine
per unit time.
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The metal complexing dye OCPC binds tightly with calcium in an alkaline medium pH-10.0 to form
a pink-colored complex absorbance of which is measured at 578 nm. 8 hydroxyquinolene prevents
interference by Mg2+.
1. Calcium standard 10 mg/dL
2. Colouring reagent: Contains OCPC along with hydroxyquinoline, urea, ethanol, and acetic
acid diethanolamine buffer (2M), pH 11.7.
Serum _ _ 0.01mL
= x Conc. of Std (mg/dL)
(ODs- ODB)
= mg/dL
mg/dL of calcium x 10 x valency
(b) Serum Calcium (mEq/L) =
Atomic weight of calcium
mg/dL of calcium x 10 x 2
mg/dL of calcium
= mEq/L
= mEq/L
Normal range
Normal range for serum - Total Calcium is 8.7 – 10.2 mg/dL
- Ionized Calcium is 4.5 – 5.3 mg/dL
Serum calcium below 7 mg/dL causes tetany, which results in severe convulsions and could be fatal.
Calcium in blood exists in three forms:
1. 50% is free ionized calcium, the physiologically active form.
2. 45% is bound to plasma proteins (80% to Albumin; 20% to Globulin)
3. Remainder (5%) forms a complex with small organic molecules.
NOTE: The ionic calcium can bind to / disassociate from the plasma proteins based on the pH of the
blood. In alkalosis, the proteins are more negatively charged and hence a larger fraction of the ionic
calcium bind to the plasma proteins creating a decrease in the ionic calcium levels. This is the basis
of tetany seen in hysterical patients who hyperventilate (respiratory alkalosis). It is important to note
that the total calcium levels in these patients even in the presence of frank tetany would be normal as
there is a reduction in the ionic calcium concentration due to binding with plasma protein.
In acidosis, the exact opposite occurs.
Serum calcium concentration is affected by:
1. Absorption of calcium from the gastrointestinal tract
2. Parathyroid hormone secretion and
3. Changes in serum phosphorous concentration
A. Hypercalcemia is observed in
1. Multiple Myeloma – because of an increase in the gamma globulin fraction
2. Hyperparathyroidism
3. Hypervitaminosis D
4. Neoplastic disease of the bone
5. Raised serum protein (because calcium is bound to serum proteins)
B. Hypocalcemia is observed in
1. Hypoparathyroidism
2. Hypovitaminosis D (Rickets, Osteomalacia)
3. Chronic renal failure
4. Malabsorption
1) Indirect titration: - Calcium is precipitated as oxalate and then estimated by titration with
2) Fluorescent method: - Based on titration of calcium fluorescent complexes.
3) Atomic absorption spectrometry: - Sensitive and specific method.
4) Ion selective electrode: - Measures ionized calcium.
Note: Clinical symptoms of hypercalcemia or hypocalcaemia occur mainly due to the free ionic
calcium in the blood. Serum calcium is not a good indicator of the ionic calcium in the blood. The
hormonal regulation of calcium is mainly sensitive to ionic calcium and not the total serum calcium.
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Phosphate reacts with ammonium molybdate to form Ammonium phosphomolybdate which is
reduced by reducer ANSA (Amino Naphthol Sulphonic acid) to molybdenum blue. The blue colour
is measured colorimetrically at 670nm.
1. Trichloracetic acid (TCA), 10 %
2. Molybdate l (Higher acidity)
3. Molybdate II (Lower acidity)
4. 1,2,4-amino naphthol sulphonic acid (ANSA)
5. Working phosphorus standard (2.5, 5.0, 10.0 mg/dL)
1. Preparation of protein-free filtrate (PFF):
a. Serum 1.0 mL
b. 10% Trichloroacetic acid 9.0 mL
Mix. Incubate at room temperature for 10 minutes. Filter and use. Treat the standards in the same way as
the blood.
2. Color development:
Follow the given protocol for the development of color and estimation of optical densities.
STEP 1. Blank (B) Standard (S) Unknown (U)
Serum inorganic phosphorus (mg/dL)
= x Conc. of Std (mg/dL) x Vol. of Std
Vol. of Serum
Serum inorganic phosphorus = mg/dL
Normal range
The normal range for serum inorganic phosphorus is 2.5 – 4.5 mg/dL. Children have a slightly higher
normal range, i.e., 4 – 6 mg/dL.
Inorganic phosphorus in blood exists as the phosphates of the alkali and alkaline earth metals like
Na3PO4, Na2HPO4, Ca3PO4, Ca (OH)2, and Ca2HPO4.
The product of Ca x P usually is 40.
A. Hyperphosphatemia is seen in:
1. Chronic nephritis: With increasing renal failure, the serum inorganic phosphorus rises
2. Hypoparathyroidism: An increase in serum inorganic phosphorus level is associated with low
serum calcium level.
3. Hypervitaminosis D
B. Hypophosphatemia is seen in:
1. Hyperparathyroidism
2. Fanconi’s syndrome: decreased renal tubular reabsorption.
3. Hypovitaminosis D (rickets, osteomalacia)
4. Renal rickets
5. Physiological fall occurs whenever there is increased carbohydrate utilization, e.g., in the
treatment of diabetic coma by injection of insulin.
Uric acid in the protein-free serum filtrate reduces phosphotungstic acid reagent in the presence of an
alkaline medium (sodium carbonate) to form a blue-colored phosphotungstic complex (tungsten
blue). The color intensity of the complex is measured colorimetrically at 670 nm and compared with
a uric acid standard treated similarly. The color intensity is directly proportional to the concentration
of the uric acid.
1. Sodium tungstate, 10%
2. Sulphuric acid, 2/3 N
3. Sodium carbonate, 14 %
4. Phosphotungstic acid
5. Standard uric acid solution (3.0, 6.0, 12.0 mg/dL)
Preparation of protein-free filtrate:
1. Distilled water 8.0 mL
2. Serum 1.0 mL
3. 10% Sodium tungstate 0.5 mL
4. 2/3 N H2SO4 0.5 mL
Mix. Keep at room temperature for 5 minutes and filter. Treat the standards in the same way as the
Color development:
Follow the given protocol for the development of color and estimation of absorbance.
STEP 1. Blank (B) Standard (S) Unknown (U)
STEP 2. Mix well. Keep at room temperature for 15 minutes.
Serum uric acid (mg/dL)
= x Conc. of Std (mg/dL) x Vol. of Std
Vol. of Serum
Normal Range
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Screening procedure:
Urine examination: Presence of Proteins and urinary casts highly suggestive of renal disease.
Serum Urea and Creatinine: Derangement of these parameters suggests of renal disease.
Note: these parameters can be normal even in cases of renal diseases as the kidney has a high
functional reserve.
Clearance is calculated by the formula
eGFR : Large number of studies done to evaluate renal function has come up with a formula where
the GFR can be estimated (eGFR) from the serum Creatinine levels.
This test offers an advantage in that a single serum Creatinine estimation can give a rough
estimation of the eGFR.
a) Water Deprivation test: In case a person is deprived of water for a long period of time (say
6 to 8 hrs), the body tries to conserve the water by increasing tubular absorption of water. This
in turn reflects as a raise in the urine specific gravity. Classically, the early morning urine
sample specific gravity is tests and a high Specific gravity indicates that the kidneys ability to
concentrate urine is good.
b) Water loading test: In case the body is loaded with water, say 1 to 2 litres of fluid, the body
will try to excrete the excess of water in the urine. This will bring down the specific gravity
of the urine showing the tubules ability to loose water.
Questions for which answers need to be found out:
a) Why is urea high in cases of dehydration?
b) Other substances which have been used for clearance studies
c) Role of Cystatin C in evaluating renal function.
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Serum bilirubin can be present in two forms: conjugated (with glucuronic acid) or Direct and
Unconjugated or Indirect bilirubin. Total Bilirubin is sum of the Conjugated and Unconjugated
The test is based on the Van den Bergh reaction. Bilirubin in serum couples with diazotized
sulphanilic acid to form a pink-colored compound, azobilirubin. The intensity of color produced is
measured colorimetrically at 530 nm. The color intensity is directly proportional to the concentration
of the bilirubin.
Bilirubin glucuronide (direct or conjugated bilirubin) reacts with the diazo reagent in an aqueous
solution, whereas unconjugated bilirubin requires solubilization (by methanol, caffeine, etc.) to react.
Adding alcohol solubilizes unconjugated bilirubin, which then combines with the diazo reagent to
form azobilirubin.
The following optical readings will be measured to estimate Direct and Total bilirubin levels.
1. Sc: Serum Control (Serum Blank)
2. S: Bilirubin standard
3. Cc: Conjugated Bilirubin control
4. Cu: Conjugated Bilirubin unknown
5. Tc: Total Bilirubin control
6. Tu: Total Bilirubin unknown
1. Diazo reagent: Sulphanilic acid and sodium nitrite in hydrochloric acid.
2. Hydrochloric acid, 0.15 N (used as Diazo blank)
3. Methanol (ice-cold)
4. Working standard, Methyl red solution: O.D. of given methyl red standard corresponds to
O.D. of azobilirubin formed in serum sample containing 2.0, 4.0, 8.0 mg/dL bilirubin.
Color development: Follow the given protocol for the development of color and estimation of optical
Sc S Cc Cu Tc Tu
STEP 3. Incubate the tests in the dark (Direct – 5 min, Total – 15 min)
O.D. of methyl red solution used as standard corresponds to O.D. of azobilirubin formed in serum
containing 7 mg/dL of bilirubin treated with diazo reagent. Hence,
= mg/dL
(b) Total bilirubin (mg/dL)
x Conc. of Std (mg/dL)
= mg/dL
= mg/dL
Total bilirubin = mg/dL
Conjugated bilirubin = mg/dL
Normal range
The normal range for total bilirubin is 0.1 – 1.0 mg/dL.
Conjugated Bilirubin: 0.1 – 0.4 mg/dL (bilirubin maybe up to 30% of the total)
Unconjugated Bilirubin: 0.2 – 0.9 mg/dL.
Two unique features of this test:
a) Use of serum control: When the bilirubin levels increase, the colour of the serum also
increases and this would impact the final readings of the absorbance. Hence to know how
much additional colour was produced by the reaction, we cannot use a plain reagent blank –
which does not have the colour of the serum. So a serum blank is made which contains serum,
and the reagent (less a colorless vital ingredient) which will have the same characteristics of
the reagent and the serum but the reaction will not occur due to the lack of the vital ingredient.
In this case the diazo reagent has HCL and Sulphanalic acid. For the control we use the same
Diazo reagent minus the Sulphanalic acid i.e. HCL only.
b) Use of Artificial Standard: Bilirubin is an unstable compound and liable to photo degradation.
Methyl red dye has the same absorbance characteristics of Azobilirubin, and is used as an
artificial standard.
Normal serum bilirubin is less than 1.0 mg/dL. Hyperbilirubinemia of more than 2 mg/dl results in
clinical jaundice. Subclinical jaundice is between 1-2 mg/dl. Hyperbilirubinemia may be due to:
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(a) Biuret reagent: Sodium-potassium tartarate, copper sulphate, potassium iodide and
sodium hydroxide
(b) Normal saline
(c) Protein Standard
Serum total proteins (g/dL)
Vol. of Std.
ODB x Conc. of Std (g/dL) x
Vol. of Serum
= g/dL
4. Colour development:
Follow the given protocol for development of color and estimation of optical densities.
STEP 1. Blank (B) Standard (S) Unknown (U)
Serum Albumin (g/dL)
= ODU-ODB ODS-x Conc. of Std (g/dL) x Vol. of Std.
Vol. of Serum
= g/dL
Serum Globulin (g/dL) = Serum Total Proteins (g/dL) – Serum Albumin (g/dL)
= g/dL
A/G ratio = Serum Albumin
Serum Globulin
Serum total protein = g/dL
Serum albumin = g/dL
Serum globulin = g/dL
A/G ratio =
Normal Range
Serum total Protein: 6 g/dL – 8 g/dL
Serum Albumin : 3.5 g/dL – 5.5 g/dL
Serum Globulin : 2.0 g/dL - 3.5 g/dL
A/G ratio : 1.2 – 2.5
Elevated serum total protein concentration is seen in following conditions:
(a) Haemoconcentration:
i) In dehydration due to inadequate water intake
ii) Excessive water loss as in severe vomiting, diarrhoea
iii) Prolonged use of tourniquet while collecting the sample.
(b) Infections: Due to increase in the Gamma globulin fraction from the immune competent cells
– the plasma cells and lymphocytes.
(c) Kala Azar is classical disease where there is a substantial rise in the plasma proteins.
(d) Multiple Myeloma: Tumor of the plasma cells. Results in unregulated and gross increase of
monoclonal antibodies.
Hypoproteinaemia is often due to decreased serum albumin concentration. It occurs in following
(a) Chronic Liver Disease: Liver is the main organ that produces most of the plasma
proteins (apart from the immunoglobulins)
(b) Haemodilution due to water intoxication or salt retention.
(c) Loss of proteins from blood:
(i) In urine, due to nephritic syndrome, chronic glomerulonephritis and diabetes
(ii) From skin in severe burns
(d) Malnutrition disorders when protein intake is diminished - Kwashiokar.
A/G ratio:
A/G ratio can be altered when
a) There is a decrease in albumin relative to Globulin
(ii) Severe liver disease – where the synthesis of Albumin is less
(iii) Nephrotic syndrome and other renal disease where the loss of albumin by the kidney
is more.
b) There is an increase in immunoglobulin content :
(i) Severe infection (Kala Azar)
(ii) Multiple Myeloma
Note: In the olden times the AG ratio was very important in differentiating between acute and chronic
liver disease. However, now a days, the AG ratio does not have much significance. A value of serum
albumin of less than 3.2 g/dL indicate that the liver disease is chronic.
Other Methods of Serum Protein Estimation:
Bradford method: Coomassie Brilliant Blue complexes with protein (Absorption maxima - 595 nm).
Free dye binds with basic amino acids (arginine and lysine) in the protein. This method is simple and
very sensitive. Colour development is rapid but not very stable. Sensitivity is 20 µg/ ml.
Lowry’s method: This is also a sensitive method. It involves the formation of a copper-protein
complex in alkaline solution as in the Biuret reaction and the reduction of phosphotungstic and
phosphomolybdic acids into tungsten blue and molybdenum blue respectively, by the copper
catalysed oxidation of aromatic amino acids (tyrosine and tryptophan). λmax is 660 nm. Sensitivity
is 10 µg/ ml.
BCA method: Proteins reduce alkaline Cu (II) to Cu (I) in a concentration dependent manner.
Bicinchoninic Acid (BCA) is a highly specific chromogenic reagent for Cu (I), forming a complex
with an absorbance maximum at 562 nm. Because of this property, the resultant absorbance at 562
nm, is directly proportional to the protein concentration. Sensitivity is 0.5 µg/ ml.
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Aspartate transaminase
α Ketoglutarate + L-Aspartate Glutamate + Oxaloacetate
Spontaneous decarboxylation
Oxaloacetate Pyruvate
The pyruvate produced by transamination reacts with 2, 4 dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH) in an
alkaline medium to form reddish-brown colored hydrazone, which is measured colorimetrically at
530 nm and compared with a pyruvate standard treated similarly.
1. Phosphate buffer (pH 7.4)
2. SGPT substrate containing L-alanine and α-ketoglutarate
3. SGOT substrate containing L-aspartate and α-ketoglutarate
4. 2,4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine (DNPH)
5. 0.4 N NaOH
6. Standard sodium pyruvate solution (22 mg/dL, i.e. 2000 μmol/L)
Label four test tubes as ‘Blank,’ ‘Standard,’ ‘Control,’ and ‘Unknown’ and make the following
Step 5 Incubate at 370 C for 30 min for SGPT & 60 min for SGOT.
Step 10 Mix and keep room temperature for 10 minutes and read at 530 nm / green filter.
The activity of transaminases is expressed in terms of International Units.
Definition of International Units/Litre (IU/L):
The international unit is defined as micromoles of pyruvate formed at 370C in one minute by enzyme
activity in 1000mL of serum.
Vol. of Std 1
= ODU-ODc ODS-x Conc. of Std (μmol/L) x x
ODB Vol. of Serum Incubation Period (min)
1 1
= x 2000 x 0.2 x x
ODB 0.2 30 (SGPT) or 60 (SGOT)
= IU/L
= IU/L
Normal range
Both transaminases (SGPT and SGOT) are widely distributed in the heart, liver, skeletal muscles, and
kidneys. However, the liver and heart are particularly rich in AST/SGOT. Any damage to these
organs that involves necrosis of the cells or increased cell permeability can be expected to raise the
serum enzyme activity. AST/SGOT is also expressed in the RBCs. A slight increase in AST relative
to ALT is noted whenever there is a destruction of RBCs, as in haemolytic anaemia.
SGOT activity
In Viral Hepatitis and other forms of liver disease associated with hepatic necrosis, serum SGOT and
SGPT levels are elevated even before the clinical signs and symptoms of the disease, such as jaundice,
appear. SGPT activity is often higher than SGOT activity. Raised SGOT activity is also observed in
hepatocellular damage due to hepatotoxic drugs, infective hepatitis, and primary or secondary liver
cancer. Still, a rise in SGOT activity in these conditions is much less than SGPT activity. After acute
myocardial infarction, increased SGOT activity appears in serum because of high SGOT
concentration in the heart muscle. SGOT may also be high in case of Muscular disorder and
haemolytic anaemia (because SGOT is present even in the RBCs). In alcohol induced liver disease
the SGOT levels are higher than the SGPT levels as alcohol is a mitochondrial poison and the SGOT
from the mitochondrial fraction is also released increasing the total SGOT level.
SGPT activity
The chief application of determination of SGPT activity is in the diagnosis of hepatobiliary diseases.
A marked rise in SGPT activity is seen in infective hepatitis and other inflammatory conditions of the
liver. A moderate increase in SGPT activity is observed in obstructive jaundice. Moderately raised
SGPT levels are also seen in biliary cirrhosis, primary and secondary liver cancer. Rise is also seen
in toxic hepatitis due to drugs and heavy metals. SGPT has a longer half-life than SGOT, and the
levels remain higher than SGOT. SGPT is not expressed significantly in other tissues. Hence it is a
good maker for liver disease.
Liver enzymes in fulminant hepatic failure: Whenever there is a massive necrosis of the
hepatocytes, as in Fulminant Hepatitis, initially, the SGOT and SGPT levels will be very high, as they
are released from the massive hepatocyte necrosis. Over a while, when most of the viable hepatocytes
are destroyed, no hepatocytes will be available to release the enzymes, and one can observe
paradoxically low AST and ALT levels on the background of increasing serum bilirubin and
deteriorating patient condition. Hence the serum transaminase levels (and, for that matter, any clinical
enzymology results) should be evaluated based on the patient's clinical condition.
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Alkaline phosphatase
The liberated phenol reacts with 4-amino antipyrine and potassium ferricyanide, to give reddish-
brown color. The color intensity is read colorimetrically at 530 nm and compared with a standard
phenol solution treated similarly.
Blank (B) Standard (S) Control (C) Unknown (U)
Serum - - 0.1mL -
Serum alkaline phosphatase activity is expressed in King Armstrong (KA) units and International
Units (IU/L).
= x Conc. of Std (mg/dL) x Vol. of Std.
Vol. of Serum
= x 1x
International Units/L (IU/L)
IU/L is defined as micromoles of phenol liberated by enzyme activity in 1000mL of serum at 37 0C
in 1 minute.
Normal range
The normal range for serum alkaline phosphatase activity is 50 - 130 IU/L in adults & is up to about
two & a half times greater in children particularly during periods of active growth.
Alkaline phosphatase are expressed in liver, bone, placenta, intestinal epithelial cells and kidney in
significant quantity. They exist as Isoenzymes and also as Isoforms.
Use or enzyme control: In this test an enzyme control is also used. In the Enzyme Control we do the
test in the similar way that the other test tubes are treated, except that the serum is added to this test
tube after the incubation step. In this way, in the control no additional products will be formed, and
this test tube will serve as a serum blank.
Increased serum alkaline phosphatase activity is seen in various physiological and pathological
Physiological conditions:
1. Slightly higher levels are found in late pregnancy & after parturition (due to placental fraction)
2. High values are found in children, particularly during the growth period (due to the bone
fraction involved in bone growth and remodeling)
3. Post prandial samples would also have a high Alkaline Phosphatase level owing the intestinal
fraction being released into the serum.
Pathological conditions:
Bone diseases with high osteoblastic activity:
1. Paget’s disease
2. Hyperparathyroidism with bone involvement
3. Rickets
4. Osteomalacia
5. Bone tumors
Hepatobiliary diseases:
1. Obstructive jaundice
2. Infective hepatitis
3. Biliary cirrhosis
The liver is the pivotal organ of metabolism in the body. It has many functions and equally large
reserves, so liver function abnormalities indicate substantial derangement of liver function.
While most liver diseases present with loss of appetite, yellowish discoloration of the eye, and dark
urine, this clinical presentation can represent:
Chronic liver disease: Seen in cases of Hepatitis B or C virus. In this, the virus enters the body and
starts destroying the liver. The initial presentation may not be clinically visible. The destruction
process is gradual and continuous; if the liver reserves are not destroyed, the patient does not present
with any abnormalities. Over 10 – 20 years, when substantial damage to the liver has been done, the
patient presents with jaundice. While the presentation history is only a few days old, the liver has
been progressively destroyed for 10 – 20 years, indicative of chronic disease.
6. Is the patient responding to my treatment?
*Isolated GGT may be due to intake of alcohol or enzyme induction by drugs (barbiturates & Dilantin)
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The CSF is a clear, colorless fluid formed as an ultrafiltrate of plasma by the choroid plexus. The
CSF acts as a cushion that protects the brain from shocks. It also has a vital role in providing nutrition
to the brain.
Composition of CSF
The composition of CSF is essentially the same as that of brain ECF and is primarily determined at
the cell surfaces on which it is produced (choroid plexus) and where it is absorbed (arachnoid villi).
Its ionic composition is the same as that of plasma for some components and different for others. In
general, CSF glucose concentration is 60% of serum. Sodium, chloride, and magnesium are the same
or greater than serum, but potassium, calcium, and glucose are lower than serum. Active transport in
and out of the CSF space is probably responsible for maintaining this difference.
1. Total volume = 150 ml
2. Specific gravity = 1.006-1.008
3. pH = 7.31 -7.40
4. Normal pressure = 60-250 mm of water, or 7-20 mm of Hg
5. Color = colorless
6. Transparency = clear, free of clots ; Osmolarity = 292-297mOsm/l
7. Cellularity = nil or less than 5 lymphocytes or monocyte / mm3
8. Glucose = 40-70 mg/dl
9. Protein = 15-50 mg/dl
10. Na+ = 138-150 mEq/L
11. CI - = 116-122 mEq/L
12. HCO3 = 20-24 mmol/L
13. CSF proteins' normal A: G ratio is 3: 1.
14. Ratio of serum: CSF protein is 200: 1.
The total volume of CSF is about 150ml (30ml within cerebral ventricles and 120 ml in subarachnoid
space. In the subarachnoid space, 85ml of the total is in the spinal part, and 35 ml is in the cranial part).
CSF collection
Quinke first developed the lumbar puncture (LP) technique or spinal tap in 1891. CSF is collected by
lumbar puncture in which a fine bore needle (22 or 24 L.P needle) is passed between the 3rd and 4th
lumbar vertebrae into the subarachnoid space with the patient lying in the lateral decubitus position
and the fluid allowed to flow automatically. The whole procedure is done under strict asepsis. The
first few drops of the fluid are discarded, and the rest is collected in sterile containers. The specimen
is divided into 3 aliquots:
In neonates, before the closure of the Anterior Fontanelle, CSF can be collected from the lateral
ventricles by passing the needle through the Anterior Fontanelle. Important to note that there is some
difference in the composition of the CSF in the lumbar region and the lateral ventricle and this has to
be kept in mind while interpreting the result.
Traumatic CSF Tap:
A traumatic CSF tap, also called a "bloody tap," occurs when the needle punctures a blood vessel in
the area surrounding the spinal canal, mixing blood with the collected cerebrospinal fluid sample.
This can happen for various reasons, such as improper technique, difficult anatomy, or using larger
needles. A traumatic tap can lead to a falsely elevated white blood cell count, red blood cell count,
and protein levels in the collected CSF sample. This could complicate the interpretation of the test
results and lead to unnecessary further investigations. In a traumatic tap, the initial few samples may
show reddish colour with gradually decreases to a clear colour.
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The estimation of CSF proteins is based on the principle of turbidimetry. Turbidity causes the
decrease in intensity of the incident beam of light as it passes through a solution of particles, which
do not show a tendency to settle. The measurement of this decrease in intensity of the incident light
beam caused by scattering, reflectance, and absorption of the light is called turbidimetry. Proteins are
precipitated from CSF using trichloroacetic acid. The turbidity is then read at 620 nm and compared
with the turbidity produced in a standard protein solution treated similarly.
(a) Trichloroacetic acid, 3%
(b) Standard protein solution (50 mg/dL)
Label three test tubes as ‘Blank,’ ‘Standard,’ and ‘Unknown’ and make the following additions.
Optical density:
= x Conc. of Std (mg/dL) x Vol. of Std
Vol. of Serum
= mg/dL
CSF protein = mg/dL
Normal range
The concentration of CSF proteins increases due to the increased blood-brain barrier permeability to
plasma proteins. The increase in CSF proteins is observed in the following conditions:
1. Inflammation due to
a. Bacterial Meningitis
b. Viral meningitis
c. Encephalitis
d. Poliomyelitis
2. Obstruction to the flow of CSF
3. GB Syndrome (associated with albumino-cytological disassociation)
4. Hemorrhage
5. High intracranial pressure due to brain tumors
6. Traumatic injury
Glucose oxidase catalyzes the oxidation of glucose to glucuronic acid & hydrogen peroxide. This
hydrogen peroxide is broken down to water & nascent oxygen by peroxidase in the presence of an
oxygen acceptor, which itself is converted to a colored compound, the amount of which can be
measured colorimetrically at 530 nm. This method is similar to the one used in estimating plasma
Glucose oxidase
Glucose Gluconic acid + H2O2
H2O2 + Chromogenic O2 acceptor Chromogen (measured) + H2O
1. Color Reagent: Glucose oxidase, peroxidase & 4-aminophenazone
2. Standard Glucose Reagent: 100 mg/dL
Follow the given protocol for the development of color and estimation of optical densities.
Blank (B) Standard (S) Test (T)
Distilled Water 20 μL - -
Glucose standard - 20 μL -
Test - - 20 μL
Enzyme Reagent 1000 μL 1000 μL 1000 μL
STEP 2. Mix well & incubate for 25 minutes at 15-25°C or 10 minutes at 37°C.
STEP 3. Read colorimetrically at 530 nm.
STEP 4: Optical density:
= mg/dL
Normal range
The normal range for CSF glucose level is approximately 2/3rd of the plasma glucose when the patient
has been fasting for over 4 hrs. In a non-diabetic patient, the CSF glucose is usually 50-80 mg/dL.
An increase in CSF glucose is observed in the following conditions:
(a) Diabetes mellitus
(b) CNS tumors
(c) CNS syphilis
A decrease in CSF glucose is observed in the following conditions:
a) Bacterial meningitis: Very low values are observed as the inflammatory cells consume
all the glucose.
b) T.B. Meningitis: Lower levels are observed.
c) Viral meningitis: Occasionally, lower levels are observed.
For clinical diagnosis of different kinds of meningitis, the following parameters are assessed in the
(cobweb coagulum)
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Chromatography is the process of separation of components of a mixture based on differential
distribution between two immiscible phases:
1. Stationary phase
2. Mobile phase
The porous medium through which the mobile phase migrates is called the support.
1. Stationary phase: In some chromatographic techniques, solid support forms the stationary
phase, while in others, it adsorbs the liquid phase, which acts as a stationary phase. Thus, the
stationary phase is either solid or liquid.
2. Mobile phase: Mobile phase is the one that flows over or through the stationary phase and
carries the sample along with it when the separation of its components results. It is liquid or
a. Cation exchange resins contain negatively charged ions and retain positively charged
ions, e.g., Dowax 50 b
b. Anion exchange resins contain positively charged ions and retain negatively charged
ions, e.g., DEAE and cellulose.
Techniques of chromatography
1. Paper chromatography
a. Ascending: Mobile phase moves up.
b. Descending: Mobile phase moves down
c. Radial: Circular sheet of paper is kept horizontally, and the mobile phase moves radi-
d. Two-dimensional – see discussion below.
Support medium: A sheet of Whatman filter paper no. 3 (square or circular) is soaked in an
aqueous solvent.
The solvent mixture contains non-polar and polar solvents (Butanol: Acetic acid: Water). The
paper absorbs a polar solvent and acts as a stationary phase, whereas the non-polar solvent acts as
the mobile phase.
Paper is soaked in the solvent mixture in a tray, which absorbs the aqueous part of the solvent
mixture. The sample, the components of which are to be separated, is spotted near the lower edge
of the filter paper along with known standards. The samples are applied repeatedly (allowing
drying in between) with the help of fine capillaries. The size of the spot should be tiny. The paper
is then mounted on a stand and kept in a solvent tray inside an air-tight chromatography chamber.
The solvent mixture is allowed to run almost to the upper edge of the paper. After the run, the
paper is removed, dried, and sprayed with the appropriate staining solution. The colored spots are
identified based on Rf values specific to different substances.
For quantitation, the spots may be cut out and eluted, i.e., dissolved in a suitable solvent, and the
intensity of the color is measured on a photoelectric colorimeter.
Two-dimensional paper chromatography:
This technique is used for the separation of substances with similar Rf values. Separation is first
done in ascending direction with one solvent mixture. The paper is then removed, turned through
the right angle, and the run is repeated with a different solvent mixture.
Thin-layer chromatography and paper chromatography are related techniques concerning sample
application, development, detection, and quantitation. In TLC, a thin layer of adsorbent, such as
silica gel, usually 0.2 mm thick, is applied uniformly to a glass or plastic plate.
Uses of TLC:
Separation of neutral lipids and phospholipids
For determination of lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio in cases of respiratory distress syndrome
Rapid identification of compounds in cases of poisoning.
3. Gas chromatography
It is used for separating volatile mixtures or after forming volatile derivatives. It is divided into
two types:
1. Gas-solid chromatography: The stationary phase is solid with a large surface area.
2. Gas-liquid chromatography: The stationary phase is a non-volatile liquid coated on an inert
In both, the mobile phase is an inert gas, which carries the solute molecules to be separated, e.g.,
Applications of chromatography
1. Adsorption chromatography separates compounds like carotenoids, lipids, and fat-soluble
2. Partition chromatography: Used to separate amino acids and sugars.
3. Gel-filtration chromatography: Used to separate and purify proteins and enzymes, polysac-
charides, and nucleic acids.
Electrophoresis is a technique used to separate a mixture of charged particles by migration under the
influence of an electric field. Many important biological molecules like proteins, nucleotides,
nucleoproteins, etc., possess ionizable groups, which can act as cations or anions at a given pH and
migrate towards oppositely charged electrodes.
Types of electrophoresis:
Electrophoresis is carried out in a tank suitable for supporting medium, e.g., paper or gel. The
significant parts of the tank include:
1. Buffer chambers
2. Electrodes
3. Electrical connections to the power supply
4. Space for keeping support medium, e.g., paper and slides of agar gel
1. Densitometry
2. Elution followed by colorimetry or spectrophotometry of the eluted fractions.
M Spike
Gel electrophoresis:
Separation is based on the
1. Charge
2. Molecular size
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The acid-base and electrolyte balance governs the homeostatic mechanism of the body. Measuring
blood pH, pCO2, and pO2 aids in the assessment of an individual’s acid-base status. Blood gases and
pH are determined electrochemically by the blood gas analyser.
The blood gas analyzer is designed to quantitatively determine 125μl of a blood sample for pH, pCO2,
pO2, and Hb by the electrode and a potentiometer. Based on these, it can calculate additional
parameters like plasma HCO3-, actual base excess, total CO2, oxygen saturation and oxygen content
in the blood. In some instruments, a single blood sample is simultaneously in contact with pH, pCO2,
and pO2 electrodes. In others the electrodes are in contact with separate sub-samples.
Capillary samples, in addition to arterial blood samples can also be used. The sample required is 50μl.
Most accurate results are obtained using arterial blood collected with small amount of heparin
(1mg/mL) as an anticoagulant and read as soon as possible.
Analysis of pH
Modern pH electrode measuring systems comprise a glass electrode, a reference electrode, and a
liquid junction between the two electrodes. Reference electrodes are usually Ag/AgCl electrodes and
calomel electrodes.
The potential of the glass electrodes varies with changes in the pH. H+ in the blood sample will
exchange with metallic ions in the glass membrane of the glass electrode. The glass layer of the
electrode must be hydrated for the electrode to function correctly.
Analysis of pCO2
One measures pCO2 by isolating a glass electrode in a weak bicarbonate buffer and separating this
buffer from the blood sample by a membrane permeable to CO2 in the specimen. The CO2 diffuses
into a bicarbonate buffer solution inside the electrode, and the following reaction occurs:
CO2 + H2O H2CO3 H+ + HCO3-
The change in H+ concentration in the buffer is measured inside the pCO2 electrode by same type of
components found in the pH electrode. The gas-permeable membrane of the pCO2 electrode excludes
H+ in the solution so that the pH of the specimen will not affect the observed pH change inside the
pO2 electrode induced by diffusion of CO2 from the specimen into the electrode.
Analysis of pO2
Measurement of pO2 relies on the electrochemical measurement of O2 that diffuses across a gas-
permeable membrane into an electrolyte within a Clark electrode, comprising a silver anode and
platinum cathode immersed in an electrolyte buffer. The buffer solution consists of KCl and
phosphate buffer or buffered KOH in water. The electrical potential of the cathode is held constant
with respect to that of the anode. O2 present in the blood sample diffuses across the gas-permeable
membrane into the electrolyte buffer, where it is reduced at platinum cathode as follows:
The reduction of oxygen at the cathode results in the current flow between the cathode and the anode.
The amount of current flow is measured and related to the amount of O2 in the sample.
A pO2 and pCO2 electrode can be calibrated with a flowing gas or a liquid sample that has been
equilibrated with gas. The gases used for instrument calibration are usually humidified at 37 0C to
saturate the gases with water vapor. Saturating the gases with water is necessary to eliminate the
problem of maintaining dry gas for instrument calibration.
Measured values
1. Air pressure (PL): The current air pressure is measured continuously by an integrated air
pressure sensor. The value of pO2 and pCO2 are dependent on the current air pressure. This
is taken into account when the electrodes are calibrated. The air pressure measured at the time
of the calibration is considered for the measurements.
2. Partial pressure of oxygen (pO2): Measured in mmHg / Kpa.
3. Partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2): Parameter for the respiratory component of
the acid-base balance. It is measured in mmHg / Kpa.
4. pH
5. Electrolytes like K+, Na+ Ca++, Li+, Cl -
6. Haemoglobin
Calculated parameters
1. Actual bicarbonate (HCO3- ): Parameter for the non-respiratory component of the acid-base
balance, influenced by the lung function and calculated from pH & pCO2 using Henderson-
Hasselbalch equation.
2. Standard bicarbonate (HCO3-S): Parameter for a non-respiratory component of acid-base
balance. It measures bicarbonate concentration in plasma at a pCO2 of 40mmHg, a
temperature of 370C & complete O2 saturation of Hb.
3. Base excess (BE): BE is defined as a titrable base on titration to normal pH (7.4) at normal
pCO2 (40mmHg) and normal temperature (370C) and is expressed in mmol/L. It is positive
if there is actual excess of base or deficit of acid.
4. Total carbon dioxide (TCO2): Total CO2 is that liberated from dissolved CO2 and HCO3-
present in plasma when blood is drawn anaerobically and not further treated. This method
relies on the colour change of an indicator in a carbonate-bicarbonate buffer following a
release of CO2 on acidification of the sample.
5. Buffer bases (BB): BB shows the sum of all buffer’s anion concentrations in blood (Hb,
HCO3-, proteins, phosphate).
6. Oxygen saturation of hemoglobin (O2 SAT): O2 saturation shows the percentage of possible
bonding points of the Hb occupied by O2. O2 saturation is independent of Hb concentration.
7. Oxygen concentration (O2 CT): O2 CT is the sum of physically dissolved & chemically
bonded O2 & is mainly determined by pO2 and Hb.
8. P50 (Semi saturation pressure): The semi-saturation pressure P50 shows the oxygen partial
pressure at which the Hb is 50% loaded with O2.
9. Alveolar–arterial oxygen pressure difference is defined as the difference in O2 content
between alveolar air and the arterial blood (measured pO2).
10. Hematocrit is defined as the percentage of red blood cells to the total blood volume.
Reference values
Base excess of blood -2.3 to 2.3 mmol/L
pH 7.36 to 7.45
When the ‘Sample Light’ turns on, open the flap and inject the sample by pressing the aspirator
button. The ‘Ready Light’ turns on, and the flap is closed. Sample details are fed with the help of a
keyboard, i.e., body temperature in centigrade, arterial/venous blood, and patient identification. Wait
for the machine to give results on the screen.
1. Arterial blood is to be used. Capillary blood is similar to arterial. However, it can only be
assumed to be so if circulation is good. If hands are cold, warm them to 45 – 500C for at least
4 minutes before taking the sample. On pricking the skin, the blood should be freely flowing.
2. Blood must not be exposed to air. This can be avoided when collecting directly into capillary
3. Fear and painful arterial puncture may induce hyperventilation. If patient is hyperventilating
then don’t attempt ABG immediately. Reassure the patient.
4. A correction can be made for low body temperature in hypothermia. The measurements are
made at 370C. Then if ‘T’ is the actual body temp pH at T0C = pH at 370C + 0.014(37 – T)
1. Metabolic acidosis: Primary decrease in HCO3- with compensatory increase arise either from
increased production of acids or decreased removal of acid, which depletes HCO3-.
2. Respiratory acidosis: Increased pCO2 arises when there is impaired excretion of CO2 from
breathing and rebreathing air containing CO2.
3. Metabolic alkalosis: Primary increase in plasma HCO3- is due to accumulation of base or
loss of acid other than H2CO3. This can occur if an excessive dose of NaHCO3 is given in
treating metabolic acidosis or with massive blood transfusion with blood containing sodium
4. Respiratory alkalosis: The primary decrease in pCO2 is due to excessive ventilation. This
occurs physiologically at high altitudes. The stimulus is oxygen lack, but it can be produced
by excessive rapid and deep respiration in normal persons. It can be clinically seen in patients
a. Encephalitis.
b. Hysterical attacks.
Interpretation of acid-base disorder
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Abnormalities of thyroid function: Among the endocrine glands, thyroid is the most susceptible
for hypo- or hyperfunction.
Three abnormalities associated with thyroid functions are known.
1. Goitre: Any abnormal increase in the size of the thyroid gland is known as Goitre. Enlargement
of thyroid gland is mostly to compensate the decreased synthesis of thyroid hormones and is
associated with elevated TSH. Goitre is primarily due to a failure in the autoregulation of T3 and
T4 synthesis. This may be caused by deficiency or excess of iodide
3. Hypothyroidism: This is due to impairment in the function of thyroid gland that often causes
decreased circulatory levels of T3 and T4. Hypothyroidism is characterized by reduced BMR,
sensitivity to cold, dry skin etc. Hypothyroidism in children is known as cretinism while in adult
myxoedema. Serum cholesterol level is increased in hypothyroidism (increased synthesis by
stimulating the HMG CoA reductase enzyme & decreased catabolism). It diagnosed by
estimation of T4 (decreased) and TSH (elevated) in plasma. Thus, Cholesterol estimation may
be utilized for monitoring thyroid therapy.
Secretion, Metabolism & Regulation of Thyroid Hormone
Flow chart to evaluate Thyroid Function
Low High
Measure FT4
Positive Negative
Autoimmune Non- Autoimmune
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Inborn Errors of Metabolism (IEM) is not a single disease entity, but a collection of different clinical
conditions having a similar cause – deficiency of a key enzyme in a metabolic pathway. Because of
the deficiency of a key enzyme the patient has the following:
Individually these IEM diseases is rare. But if the whole spectrum of IEM is taken as one single entity,
the disease is very common. They are detected most frequently in infancy, often fatal at an early age,
and if untreated, they cause irreversible damage to the organs. Also, the disease can be inherited by
the next offspring.
Manifestations of these disorders differ widely, and these can be prevented or mitigated if diagnosis
is achieved early and appropriate treatment is instituted promptly. Several screening tests are
available to detect a suspected case. Still, the final diagnosis is only possible by measuring the enzyme
levels/activity in the patients WBCs, cultured fibroblast cells or cultured cells from the amniotic fluid.
The latter gives the physician a prenatal diagnosis. Molecular genetic techniques are increasingly
being adopted to diagnose inheritable metabolic disease at the level of DNA or RNA, with the help
of chorionic villus sampling or amniocentesis. Currently extensive research is being done in trying to
detect genetic diseases of the developing foetus by examining cell free DNA of the foetus circulating
in the maternal serum.
Phenylketonuria is the most common metabolic error (1:10,000 live births). It shows an autosomal
recessive pattern of inheritance. It is caused by phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency or absence,
leading to phenylalanine accumulation. Excess phenylalanine is converted to phenylpyruvate,
phenylacetate, and phenyl-lactate, giving rise to neurotoxic symptoms. Accumulated phenylalanine
is a competitive inhibitor of tyrosinase, the key enzyme in melanin synthesis, which leads to
As shown above, a tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) deficiency in the presence of normal phenylalanine
hydroxylase can lead to PKU. This condition is known as malignant PKU.
Clinical features: Mental retardation, seizures, psychotic behaviour, eczema, the mousy odour of
urine, hypopigmentation.
This was the first disease identified as an inborn error of metabolism. Alkaptonuria is an autosomal
recessive amino acid storage disorder due to the deficiency of homogentisic acid oxidase.
Accumulation of alkapton bodies in the connective tissues leads to blackish discolouration of
cartilages and skin known as ‘Ochronosis’.
Clinical Features: Generally, the disease manifests in middle age, as degenerative arthritis, renal
stones, or nephrosis, due to the accumulation of homogentisic acid in respective tissues. Deposits
may also be seen in the sclera, ears, heart, tympanic membrane, and larynx.
One of the key features of this disease is the fact that the urine turns black on prolonged standing.
Patients have only a minimal increase in the concentration of homogentisic acid in their blood because
the kidneys rapidly filter it.
Presenting symptoms are commonly of the CNS. Babies may be normal at birth but subsequently
present with poor feeding, lethargy, vomiting, ataxia, convulsions, and spasticity. These are due to
the accumulation of toxic metabolites in the brain. The characteristic feature is the smell of maple
syrup (burnt sugar) in the urine due to keto acids.
G6PD deficiency is an X-linked recessive disorder. In this enzyme deficiency, the life span of the
RBC is decreased due to oxidative damage leading to haemolytic anaemia. During oxidant stress, the
RBC cannot generate NADPH in large amounts, leading to haemolysis. Drugs causing haemolysis in
G6PD deficient individuals include:
(a) Sulfonamides
(b) Chloroquine, primaquine
(c) Phenacetin
(d) Para-amino salicylic acid
(e) Nalidixic acid
(f) Quinine
(g) Probenecid
Screening test
Methylene blue reduction test: Sodium nitrite and methylene blue are added to a citrated blood
sample. The sodium nitrite changes Hb2+ to Hb3+ which makes the sample brown. Methylene blue
induces the enzyme G6PD to produce NADPH which converts the Hb3+ back to Hb2+making the
sample red once again. Deficiency leads to the persistence of the brown color.
Confirmatory test: The spectrophotometric method for detecting NADPH levels in the sample is
This refers to any of the three inborn enzyme deficiencies of the galactose utilization pathways.
Classical Galactosemia: This is due to the enzyme galactose-1 phosphate uridyl transferase, which
is typically associated with cataracts, mental retardation, and cirrhosis. It is an autosomal recessive
The second disorder, galactokinase deficiency, primarily leads to cataract formation. The third and
rarest is UDP-galactose 4-epimerase deficiency. The galactose is converted to galactitol in the lens
by Aldol reductase, leading to cataract formation.
The clinical features present within days of birth. The infant shows reluctance to feed, vomiting, poor
nutrition, and failure to thrive. Jaundice and hepatomegaly may develop. Cataracts are usually absent
at birth, and mental retardation, which develops, is irreversible even after omitting milk feeds. The
cause of death is generally sepsis.
Screening tests - Beutler enzyme spot test is done to detect reducing sugars in the urine other than
Galactose -1- phosphate uridyl transferase activity is monitored on blood dried on a filter disc with
the aid of Galactose-1-PO4, UDP-glucose, NADP+, phosphoglucomutase, glucose-6-phosphate
dehydrogenase followed by measurement of the absorbance of reduced NADP+ under UV light.
Clinical features
The general phenotype includes coarse facies, corneal clouding, hepatosplenomegaly, joint stiffness,
hernias, dysostosis multiplex, and mucopolysaccharide excretion in the urine. Acidic
mucopolysaccharides yield acetyl hexosamine and a hexose.
Diagnosis: This may be done by identification of metachromatic staining of Reilly bodies from
leucocytes and bone marrow. It may also be done by measurement of 24 hrs of uronic acid in urine.
Screening of Inborn errors of metabolism by tandem mass spectrometry
Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) is an essential tool for neonatal screening and diagnosis of
inborn errors of metabolism. It permits detecting and quantifying many IEMs in a single blood spot.
Furthermore, in a single analytical run, multiple metabolites can be measured.
Mass spectrometry identifies and quantifies analytes based on their molecular mass and charge. For
analysis by a mass spectrometer, the analyte of interest must be converted into ions. An
electromagnetic field separates these ions, and the separated ions are detected by a quantitative
method and processed into mass spectra according to their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z).
Figure 1 MS/MS amino acid profiles from neonatal specimens tested negative (normal, left panel)
and confirmed PKU-positive (right panel).
Dinitrophenyl hydrazine
test (DNPH):
To 2 mL urine, add an equal
The appearance of a yellow Presence of Ketoacids
volume of DNPH & mix it.
precipitate (phenylpyruvate)
Examine after 10 min.
Benedict’s test:
Heat 5mL of Benedict’s The appearance of a brown Homogentisic acid may be
reagent to check for the color present.
presence of any reducing
substances already present
in the reagent. Then add 0.5
mL (8 drops) of urine. Boil
Dinitrophenyl hydrazine
test (DNPH):
To 2 mL urine, add an equal
The appearance of a yellow Presence of ketoacids
volume of DNPH & mix it.
Examine after 10 mins.
Take 5 drops of urine in a
watch glass. Add a drop of
ammonium hydroxide & 2
drops of sodium cyanide.
Deep red color Cystine & Homocysteine
Mix & wait for 10 mins.
Then add a drop of 1%
sodium nitroprusside.
Bials test:
Take 1 mL of urine and add Blue-green color Pentose is present
2 mL of Bials reagent. Heat
on a flame till boiling
Benedict’s test:
Heat 5mL of Benedict’s A reddish-brown color is Reducing sugars may be
reagent to check for the obtained. present.
presence of any reducing
substances already present
in the reagent. Then add 0.5
mL (8 drops) of urine. Boil
Methylamine test:
Add 5 mL of urine to 1 mL Appearance of red color Presence of Galactose
of methylamine
hydrochloride solution and 2
mL of 20% NaOH. Heat at
56 C for 30 min. cool
Alcian test:
10 mL urine is dried on filter Blue spot appears Mucopolysaccharides
paper, and Alcian blue is present (Conc.: >100 µ/dL)
added. After rinsing it in
distilled water, wash it in
glacial acetic acid followed
by distilled water.
Cetyl trimethyl
ammonium bromide
(CTAB) test:
Turbidity appears within Presence of
Place 5 mL of urine in a
5mins mucopolysaccharides
tube. Add 1 mL 5% CTAB
in citrate buffer.
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DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the double helical hereditary material in humans and almost all
other organisms. Nearly every cell in a person’s body has the same DNA. Most of the DNA is located
in the cell nucleus (nuclear DNA), but a small amount can also be found in the mitochondria
(mitochondrial DNA or mt DNA).
DNA can be isolated from any nucleated cell. The commonly used samples are leucocytes from
peripheral blood, bone marrow, amniotic fluid cells, chorionic villi cells, muscles biopsy & saliva.
This method relies on phase separation by centrifuging a mix of the aqueous sample and a solution
containing water-saturated phenol chloroform.
First, the cells are lysed using a lysis buffer containing detergent at a high temperature. The lysis
buffer contains Proteinase K, which denatures all the intracellular proteins released during the process
of cell lysis. This is important as many proteins (including haemoglobin) inhibit PCR reactions.
After lysis of the cells and denaturation of the proteins, the DNA is extracted in the aqueous phase by
treating the sample with Phenol, Chloroform Isoamyl alcohol mixture [Note:
Phenol/Chloroform/Isoamyl alcohol mixture is made in a ratio of 25:24:1]. The DNA remains in the
aqueous phase, while the cell debris and proteins are trapped in the organic phase.
The DNA in the upper aqueous phase is recovered by precipitation with ice-cold ethanol or
isopropanol. After drying the DNA sample, it is reconstituted in tris buffer. The DNA extracted is
checked for quality and quantity using a nanodrop/picodrop analyzer or electrophoresis.
(a) Slow, labor-intensive, and involves toxic chemicals (phenol and chloroform).
PCR is a molecular technique by which a specific sequence of a DNA molecule can be amplified.
This can be a single gene, a part of a gene, or a non-coding sequence. Most PCR methods amplify
DNA fragments of up to 10 kilobase pairs (kb). The basic principle behind the polymerase chain
reaction is in vitro enzymatic replication. The DNA generated in this replication is used as a template
as PCR progresses, setting in motion a chain reaction in which the DNA target is exponentially
amplified. With PCR, it is thus possible to amplify a single or few copies of a piece of DNA across
several orders of magnitude, generating millions or more copies of the DNA piece of interest.
Materials required
Primer pair: A primer is a nucleic acid strand or a related molecule that is a starting point for DNA
replication. A primer is required because most DNA polymerases, enzymes that catalyze the
replication of DNA, cannot begin synthesizing a new DNA strand but can only add to an existing
strand of nucleotides.
These are the oligonucleotides, 18-25 bp in length, each complementary to a stretch of DNA (in the
flanking region) to the 3' side of the region to be amplified.
Buffer: Tris-Cl buffer adjusts this reaction's optimum pH (8.3 to 8.8 at room temperature).
Taq polymerase: The DNA polymerase used in PCR is derived from Thermus aquaticus, which is
stable even at prolonged exposures at 95°C. This removes the requirement of adding the enzyme after
every cycle.
dNTPs: Usually, equimolar concentrations (200-250 µM each) of dATP, dCTP, dGTP, and dTTP
are used. Taq adds these dNTPs to the growing DNA strands according to the complementarity of the
template DNA strand.
Template DNA: 50-100 ng of pure DNA is the starting material for any PCR reaction. The DNA
should be free of any contaminating proteins which can inhibit the reaction.
PCR machines or thermal cyclers vary the temperatures cyclically, thus helping to automate the
process. After the ‘n’ number of cycles, theoretically, 2n number of copies of the target DNA will be
formed from each initial template.
a. Denaturing
b. Annealing
c. Chain elongation
3. Final Elongation – 72oC for 5 minutes
4. Visualization of PCR products
The entire cycle is repeated nearly 30 – 40 times, with each cycle producing 2n copies at the end of
‘n’ cycles.
During the PCR cycle, there are chances that a few strands would not have been wholly synthesized.
This will result in PCR fragments of varying sizes. A 10-minute final chain elongation step is given
at 70oC for 10 minutes to create uniformity. All the incomplete strands would be completed at this
stage resulting in the uniform size of the PCR fragments.
At the end of the PCR cycle, even if the target DNA is amplified, it is not visible. To detect the PCR
products, we need to do gel electrophoresis of the PCR mixture and visualize it under UV light using
suitable dyes. As UV light harms the eyes, visualization is done in a gel documentation system, and
digital images are taken and evaluated.
Application of PCR
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Values for Glycated hemoglobin are usually expressed as percent of total blood hemoglobin.
Non-diabetic: <5.7%
Impaired glucose tolerance: 5.7% - 6.4%
Diabetic: > or = 6.5%
Goal of Treatment for glycaemic control in Diabetics: < 7%
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When placed in an electric field, molecules with a net charge, such as proteins, move towards
one electrode or the other, a phenomenon known as electrophoresis.
In polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis the molecular separation is based on the size as well
as net charge. Gels are commonly made up of polyacrylamide, which is chemically inert and
polymerizes rapidly. The pore size is controlled by appropriate concentration of acrylamide
and the cross-linking reagent, methylene bisacrylamide. Higher the concentration of
acrylamide, smaller the pore size in the gel. In simplest native PAGE, the buffer has a pH of
approximately 9 therefore; proteins have net negative charges and migrate towards anode.
It is the most widely used method for analysing protein mixtures qualitatively. SDS (sodium
dodecyl sulphate) is an anionic detergent which denatures proteins and confers a negative
charge to the polypeptide chains. So the protein or polypeptides are separated on the basis
of their molecular mass.
In this proteins are separated by electrophoresis in a pH gradient in a gel. Each protein
migrates through the gel until it reaches the point where it has no net charge i.e. its
isoelectric pH.
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Immunological reactions between antigen and antibody from the basis of a diverse range of
sensitive & specific clinical assays. Antigens or immunogens are defined as substances that
induce an immune response. The proteins that combine specifically with antigens are
termed antibodies. Antibodies are produced by plasma cell.
In vitro antigen antibody reactions provide methods for the diagnosis of disease and for the
identification and quantitation of antigens or antibodies. Antigen antibody reaction is
affected by antigen antibody binding, the antibody affinity & avidity and cross reactivity.
Antigen antibody binding forces are like Van der Wall forces, hydrogen bonds and ionic
bonds. These in turn are affected by environmental factors like pH, temperature and salt
Antibody Affinity- It is sum total of all non-covalent interactions between Ag and Ab.
Stronger the bonds, higher the affinity.
Antibody Avidity- Interaction of one epitope with Ab enhances the chances of interaction of
another epitope of an immunogen. Multivalent Ab IgM has higher avidity than IgG though
IgM has low affinity than IgG.
Cross Reactivity- Sometimes Ab raised against one antigen (x) reacts with unrelated Ag (y),
if this Ag (y) has similar epitope as of ‘x’. This is called cross creativity. Affinity of cross
reactivity is generally low.
When a soluble Ag having atleast two Ab binding epitopes react with corresponding
antibodies, it leads to formation of large Ag- Ab complexes visible to naked eye as
precipitates. This happens because of cross linking of Ag through Ab. Such antibodies are
known as Precipitins. For precipitation reaction to occur, both Ag and Ab have to be in
optimal concentration. If either Ag or Ab is in excess, it leads to small complexes which fail
to precipitate.
Zone of Equivalence- If increasing amount of Ag is added to different test tubes containing
fixed amount of Ab the tubes showing maximum precipitation indicates optimal
concentration of Ag and Ab. In graphical representation, this zone of optimal ratio is called
as Zone of Equivalence (ZOE).
a) Double immunodiffusion (Ouchterlony method) – Antigen and serum containing antibodies are
placed on a separate wells that are cut into gel. Ag and Ab (if present) diffuse towards each other
through the agar and form band of precipitates.
b) Immunoelectrophoresis (IEP) – Here the Ag mixture is first separated by electrophoresis on agarose
gel e.g. HIV antigens. Then a trough is cut parallel to line of electrophoresis. Patient’s serum is put
in this trough. If antibody against any Ag is present in serum, it will be seen as precipitation band.
a) Radial immunodiffusion (Mancini Method) – Ag is placed in a well and allowed to diffuse into agar
containing Ab to produce radial precipitation zone in form of a circle. Its area is proportional to the
concentration of Ag. Concentration of unknown Ag can be known by comparing it with standard
curve which is obtained using known concentration of Ag.
b) Rocket immunoelectrophoresis – Wells are cut in gel containing Ab. Then Ag (serum) is put in this
well and electrophoresis is done. Precipitation appears in the form of ‘Rocket’ and height being
proportional to concentration. This can be compared with standard curve obtained by using
increasing concentration of Ag.
When the Ag is of a particulate nature its reaction with specific Ab leads to formation of
visible clumping due to cross linking. This reaction is called agglutination. The Ab producing
these reactons are called agglutinins.
Excess of Ab does not allow agglutination as it leads to univalent binding with antigen
without crosslinking of antigen. This phenomenon is called as prozone effect.
These reactions are used in blood grouping, diagnosing infections like typhoid, syphilis and
autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.
2. BACTERIAL AGGLUTINATION: This is used to detect bacterial infections. Infection leads to antibody
synthesis in body, so serum samples of patient is placed in increasing dilution in different test tubes.
The bacteria ex. S. Typhi which causes typhoid is added to each test tube. If sample has antibody
against S. Typhi, agglutination can be seen. This test is known as WIDAL test. The test tube with
maximum dilution showing agglutination indicates the titre of antibody. If tube with 1: 200 dilution
shows agglutination and next tube of 1:400 dilution does not show, then their titre is 200. So
agglutination titre is defined as the reciprocal of greatest serum dilution showing agglutination.
B) INDIRECT AGGLUTINATION TEST- In this method, soluble antigen which normally do not cause
agglutination are used. They are coated on synthetic beads like latex particles. These are then used
to detect antibodies in serum e.g. VDRL for Syphilis and Rheumatoid factor for Rheumatoid arthritis.
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Radioimmunoassay (RIA) was first developed by Yalow & Berson in 1959 as a sensitive and
specific technique for measuring insulin levels, for which Yalow received Nobel Prize in 1977.
In this technique specific Ab against the hormone is attached to the plate. Fixed amount of
Labelled Hormone (labelled Ag) and patient’s sample containing Unlabelled Hormone
(unlabelled Ag) is added. After incubation excess is washed. Competition between the
unlabelled hormones in the patient’s sample and the added labelled hormone for limited
number of Ag binding sites forms the basis of assay. Using various concentrations of
unlabelled Hormone (Ag) a standard curve can be drawn which will allow hormone
quantitation of any unknown sample. When radioactivity is measured in the bound Ag*Ab
fraction, it will be inversely proportional to (Ag).
Radioactive labels:
ϒ-Emitters-most commonly used is 𝐼125 with half-life of 60 days. Others are cobalt, selenium.
Β-Emitters- not commonly used examples are tritium (𝐻 3 ) or 𝐶 14 very long half-life.
1) Highly sensitive technique.
2) Same equipment and operating system can be used for different substances and if necessary the
technique can be automated to handle larger workloads.
3) Can be used to assay many non-protein compounds also for which Ab can be produced, e.g.
hormones & drugs.
4) It is most commonly used to estimate the levels of insulin and other hormones.
1) High cost of equipment.
2) Requirement of trained personnel.
3) Misleading results if the antigen has a well-defined biological activity.
4) Hazards of handling radioactive material.
- Hormone assay.
- Tumor Marker assay etc.
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Serum or sample containing primary Ab1 is added to an Ag coated microtitre well and
allowed to react with the bound Ag. After any free Ab is washed away the presence of Ab
bound to Ag is detected by adding an enzyme conjugate Ab (anti-isotype Ab, secondary)
which binds to the primary Ab. Any free Ab is washed away & a substrate for the enzyme is
added. The coloured reaction product that forms is measured by specialized
Spectrophotometeric plate readers.
The colour developed is proportionate to Ab concentration in Patient’s Serum. Serum Ab to
HIV can be detected within 6 wks of infection.
Ag can be detected or quantitated by this ELISA. In this technique the Ab (rather than Ag) is
immobilized on a microtitre well. Sample containing Ag is added & allowed to react with
bound Ab and washed. Then 2nd Ab to which enzyme is linked is added. Excess washed off
and substrate is added and color developed is measured.
Ab is first incubated in solution with a sample containing Ag. The Ag-Ab mixture is then added
to an Ag coated microtitre well. The more the Ag present in sample. The less free Ab will be
available to bind the Ag coated well. Addition of an enzyme conjugated secondary Ab
specifically for the isotype of the primary Ab can be used to quantitate the amount of
primary Ab bound to the well as in the indirect ELISA. In the competitive assay however the
higher the concentration of Ag in the original sample, the lower the absorbance.
1) Photometry: Used for compounds, which can be measured photometrically. This is
popular because of availability of compact, high performance photometers which are
versatile, reliable, simple to operate and relatively inexpensive.
2) Fluorescent & chemiluminescent measurements.
- Diagnosis of infections
- Hormone assays
- Tumor marker assay.
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The main objective the lab is to have accurate values of all biochemical
parameters. Lab results have to be reliable and accurate to fulfil their role in prevention,
screening diagnosis and treatment. Strict quality control needs to be maintained in the lab.
Total quality management is the foundation by which clinical laboratories are operated and
quality improvement.
The performance of analytical method can be monitored by analyzing
samples whose concentration are known and then by comparing the observed values with
the known values. These controls or standards (Known value) are run on the daily basis
before analyzing patient’s samples to know the performance of the test.
Controls or standards should be-
Stable materials
Same matrix as the serum sample
Bovine materials are used because of safety and ready availability. Concentration of
analyte should be in normal and abnormal ranges to monitor the performance of the test.
Control Sera are supplied as lyophilized or freeze dried materials that are reconstituted by
adding distilled water or specific diluents.
INTERNAL QC- Pooled sera or material intended for quality control can be used as IQC.
It is required for the daily monitoring of the precision and the accuracy of the analytical
test method.
EXTERNAL QC- Quality control materials supplied by external agency and the results
provided by the lab are compared with other lab using the same method and instrument
for that analyte. It is important for maintaining the long-term accuracy. It is sent by an
external agency like CMC vellore to the labs.
Control charts are graphically displays showing the observed results versus the
time when the observations were made. To monitor the results on daily and periodic basis,
the values of IQC are represented on chart by line of upper and lower control limits. When
the plotted points fall within the control limit it indicates some problem.
LEVEY JENNINGS CONTROL CHARTS- Mostly labs follow these charts. The
control materials are analysed for at least 20 different days to calculate the mean and
standard deviation. When the value exceeds the control limits, the test is out of control
and should not be reported.
2) Analytical errors-
Instrument not calibrated properly.
Quality control not proper.
Specimen mix up.
Insufficient volume of specimen.
Interfering substance present.
Types of errors:
1. SYSTEMATIC ERROR- Due to calibration problem and is reflected as a shift in mean
value of test.
2. RANDOM ERROR- Lack of reproducibility may be caused because of errors in:
Dissolving reagent
Lack of stability of temperature in water bath
Timing regulation
Photometric and other sensors
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Creatinine, Serum
Glucose, Blood
Fasting 70 - 100 mg/dL
Inorganic Phosphorus
Adults 2.5 – 4.5 mg/dL
Parameters Normal Range
Uric acid
Males 3.1 – 7.0 mg/dL