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What we want to achieve after the discussions

What is an addiction or what’s the meaning of addiction

2.Why education on addiction is good for the youth

Types of addiction

4.What are the things the youth are addicted to?

5.Symptoms of addiction
Primary ones
6. Causes of addiction
7. Effects of addiction
8. Treatment to addiction

What does the Bible say about Addiction

1.what is an addiction/ Addiction meaning

Addiction is a complex condition, a brain disease that is manifested by
compulsive substance use despite harmful consequence
Addiction is a term that means compulsive physiological need for and use of
a habit-forming substance (like heroin or nicotine), characterized by
tolerance and well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal; it has
also been used more broadly to refer to compulsive use of a substance
known by the user to be physically, psychologically, or socially harmful
(Maddux and Desmond, 2000).
Addiction is defined as a chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by
compulsive drug seeking, continued use despite harmful consequences, and
long-lasting changes in the brain. It is considered both a complex brain
disorder and a mental illness.

2.Why is this topic important to the youth

Because the addiction in the youth is very high almost 70% of Youth in
Ghana are addicted to something either drug, ,sex movie, ,betting
So education on addiction will help us

3.Types of Addiction in the youth

We have two types of Addiction
Physical and Behavioral Addiction

Physical Addictions

Physical addictions are the ones that are generally better known. These are
addictions to substances that are ingested or otherwise put into a person’s

Physical addictions can generally be grouped into three categories: alcohol,

illicit drugs, and prescription drugs.

Opioids ( Codeine, tramadol)
Prescription drugs
Physical addictions can generally be grouped into three categories: alcohol,
illicit drugs, and prescription drugs.

Alcohol addiction is arguably among the most common. It manifests in the

form of alcohol dependency, binge drinking, or regular heavy drinking.
Alcohol addiction often starts with social drinking and then progresses
further and further until one finds him or herself dealing with an unbreakable
addiction.( Adonko, beer, brukutu,and other alcoholic beverages)

Illicit drug addiction is an addiction to illegal substances that cause short-

term disruptions in the brain resulting in an altered perception of reality.
Illegal drugs cause long-term changes to the brain and other organs, leading
to severe addiction.( Example Opioids ( Codeine, tramadol)
, Cocaine, Marijuana,Tobacco only illegal in public places in Ghana as in
2012.), inhalants (PCP a powder illegal drug)

Prescription drug addiction is using approved medications in any way that

has not been prescribed by a doctor. This is becoming increasingly
problematic in Ghana today ( pain killers, paracetamol, Gebedol, Efpac
especially the ladies uses them in their menstrual cycle).
Behavioral Addictions

Behavioral addiction is classified as any time that one loses control of their
actions in order to engage in behaviors that result in brief feelings of
happiness. That person becomes dependent on the pleasurable feelings that
come as a result of certain behaviors and begins to compulsively act on that

Some common behavioral addictions include:

Food Addiction
Sex Addiction
Internet Addiction
Pornography Addiction
Using computers and/or cell phones
Video Game Addiction
Work Addiction
Exercise Addiction
Spiritual obsession (not to be confused with religious devotion)
Seeking pain
Shopping Addiction
Gambling Addiction ( Is Gambling a sin ?) 1 Timothy 6:9-10. proverbs 13:
11,23:4, 28:20-22

If you have an impulse control disorder, you are especially susceptible to the
compulsive behavior that could lead to a severe addiction. Similarly, mental
health issues or mental disorders can exacerbate the risk for both a substance
use disorder and a behavioral addiction.

Physical and behavioral addictions are often linked. Over half of those
suffering from addiction to one substance are also using other substances.
Additionally, those battling substance abuse disorders often suffer from
behavioral addictions as well.

There are many similarities between substance addiction and behavioral

addiction. Some of the similarities include the excitement or “high” resulting
from use or behavior, craving the “high”, development of tolerance leading
to increased use or repeated behavior, loss of control, and psychological and
physical withdrawal symptoms
Things the youth are addicted to
Prescription drugs
Food Addiction
Sex Addiction. Masturbation
Internet Addiction
Pornography Addiction
Using computers and/or cell phones
Video Game Addiction
Work Addiction
Exercise Addiction
Spiritual obsession (not to be confused with religious devotion)
Seeking pain
Shopping Addiction
Gambling Addiction

6.Symptoms of Addiction

Psychological symptoms of addictions:

Mood swings
Increased temper
Paranoia (It's a rare mental health condition in which you believe that others are
unfair, lying, or actively trying to harm you when there's no proof.)
Inability to focus or concentrate
Poor judgement
Memory problems
Diminished self-esteem and self-worth
Feelings of hopelessness
Exacerbation of any existing mental health conditions such as depression,
anxiety or stress

Behavioral and social signs of addictions:

Secretive or dishonest behavior
Poor performance and/or attendance at work or school
Withdrawing from responsibility and socializing
Losing interest in activities, hobbies or events that were once important to
Continuing to use the substance, or engage in certain behaviors, despite the
negative consequences that these cause
Trying but failing to reduce or stop misusing a substance, or engaging in
certain behaviors

Physical symptoms of addictions:

Lack of concern over physical appearance/personal hygiene

Disrupted sleep patterns, including insomnia

7.Causes of Addiction
2.Family history

Effects of Addiction
1.weakness and diseases
Heart attack, kidney failure,Abdominal pain, weight loss, lung disease
2.Behavioral effects
Aggressive,Shy,Loss of control
Sexual exposure
4.Social disorder ( problem with the law)
Financial problems
6.Increase in Injuries


Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) may be used to address thought and
behavior patterns that contribute to addictions. Other therapies that might be
used including contingency management, family therapy

. Medications
This may include medications to help treat craving and withdrawal
symptoms as well as other drugs to treat underlying mental disorders such as
anxiety or depression. Medications that may be prescribed include
methadone, buprenorphine, nicotine replacement therapies, and naltrexone.


In some cases, people may need to be hospitalized in order to treat

potentially serious complications while they detox from a substance.
Support groups and self-help: In-person and online support groups can be a
great resource for education and social support as people learn new ways to
cope during recovery



Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) may be used to address thought and
behavior patterns that contribute to addictions. Other therapies that might be
used including contingency management, family therapy

. Medications
This may include medications to help treat craving and withdrawal
symptoms as well as other drugs to treat underlying mental disorders such as
anxiety or depression. Medications that may be prescribed include
methadone, buprenorphine, nicotine replacement therapies, and naltrexone.


In some cases, people may need to be hospitalized in order to treat

potentially serious complications while they detox from a substance.
Support groups and self-help: In-person and online support groups can be a
great resource for education and social support as people learn new ways to
cope during recovery
n to aging, working too hard, or just not liking mornings. People can go for
years without realizing how dependent they are on their addiction.

Learn about addiction

. Remember help is always available. Educating yourself is a good start. You
can greatly reduce the amount of harm to yourself and those around you, and
maybe one day, you will be ready to change for good.

Develop coping skills.

The harm caused by addiction is particularly difficult to recognize when
addiction is the person’s main way of coping with other problems.
Sometimes other problems are directly related to the addiction, such as
health problems, and sometimes they are indirectly related to the addiction,
for example, relationship problems. Developing new coping skills can help
you handle life's stresses without relying on substances or behaviors.

Get support.
Social support from friends and family is important. Joining a support group
can be a great way to connect with people with shared experiences
Biblical information about about addiction
1 Corinthians 6:19-20,6:13,6:12 ,10:13
Hebrews 13:5, 4:12
1 John 2:16
John 8:24 , 8:36

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