Curriculum Annual Plan 2012

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2012 ANNUAL PLAN - CURRICULUM, CLUSTER COLLABORATION AND TEACHING AS INQUIRY Link to Strategic Plan: Goal 1: To focus on high quality learning and teaching and to encourage and support the growth of Tikanga Maori. Goal 3: To sustain, grow and further encourage whanau and community partnerships within our rural environment (whanaungatanga). Goal 5: To engage in regular self-review and to monitor and evaluate areas.

Explanation: The New Zealand Curriculum sets the policy and direction for learning and teaching in New Zealand. Alongside this, the National Standards support and compliment the learning and teaching and goals of the New Zealand Curriculum. Through their Charters, schools have the opportunity to design and implement the Curriculum to best meet the needs of their children and community. We acknowledge that our children should have access to a rich, broad and motivational curriculum through high quality learning and teaching and engaging experiences. Children learn best when they can make cross-curricular connections and we endeavour to provide a balanced, enjoyable learning experience. Teaching as Inquiry is a key component of the New Zealand Curriculum focused on teacher effectiveness and the teaching and learning process. It requires teachers to review and reflect on their pedagogy and inquire into the impact of their teaching on their students. We know that this process heightens reflection and review and adds value to teaching and learning and the improved outcomes of students. Annual Aims: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Continuation of the Teaching as Inquiry Cycle to grow and develop teacher effectiveness and pedagogy. Consolidating and building on the principles of Formative Assessment/Formative Practice. Increase the number of children achieving At or Above the National Standards. Learning and Teaching that provides a broad, balanced and meaningful curriculum. Initiate and Build Cluster Collaboration to support Teaching as Inquiry and student learning.

Link to School Targets:

1. Writing Target - Increasing the number of Year 7 and Year 8 children At or Above the National Standard. 2. Maths Target - Increase the number of Year 5, 6, 7, 8 children At or Above the National Standard. Increase the number of Year 6 and Year 7 girls At or Above the National Standard. 3. Reading Target - Increase the number of Year 6 and Year 8 children At or Above the National Standard.

Koputaroa School Annual Plans 2012

2012 ANNUAL PLAN - CURRICULUM, CLUSTER COLLABORATION AND TEACHING AS INQUIRY Planned Actions Development of the Manaaki Cluster, with emphases on: - Teaching as Inquiry - E-Learning Development - Formative Practice - Student Engagement Timing Term 1 - Term 4 Pod Leader Days and Pod Development Days Term 1 Responsibility Regan and Leadership Team Resourcing $5,000 (Carol Lynch - Tim White Consulting) Evaluation/Reflection

Intensive 3 Days Staff Professional Learning, Development, Consolidation and Induction Initiation and Development of the Teaching as Inquiry Process: - Gathering Data - Identifying a focus area - Planning - Implementation and Review - Presentation of Inquiry Plans Learning Walks conducted by Leadership focused on school wide professional learning development coaching and mentoring Critical Friend Established as part of TAI Process and Cluster Collaboration. Active reflection with Critical Friend. Teacher Only Day between Cluster Schools focused on Professional Development and Learning and Writing Moderation.

Regan and Leadership Team


Term 1 - Term 4 Pod Leader Days and Pod Development Days Term 1 - Term 4 Leadership Team

Term 1 - Term 4

Whole School

Friday June 1


Koputaroa School Annual Plans 2012

2012 ANNUAL PLAN - CURRICULUM, CLUSTER COLLABORATION AND TEACHING AS INQUIRY Planned Actions Consolidation and building on principles of Formative Practice (learning intentions, success criteria, self and peer assessment) Focused and Strategic buying of literacy resources to engage and motivate children in reading and writing (Availll, Junior Readers, Senior Readers) Focused and Strategic buying of maths resources to engage and motivate children and build number knowledge. Use of National Standards Exemplars and on-line web training to support the professional development of staff and consistent understanding of Standards. Unpacking of the Values and Key Competencies as expressed in NZC and our School Charter. Timing Term 1 - Term 4 Staff and Team Meetings Term 1- Term 2 Responsibility Regan and Leadership Team Angela, Dan and Sue $4,000 Resourcing Evaluation/Reection

Term 1- Term 2

Leadership Team


Term 1 - Term 4 Staff and Team Meetings


Term 1 - Term 4 Staff and Team Meetings

Leadership Team

Writing Moderation against the Koputaroa Writing Matrix (as aligned to NS) to build staff consistency. Provision for second language learning - New Zealand Sign Language.

Term 2 and Term 3 Staff Meetings Term 2 and Term 3


Regan and Angela


Koputaroa School Annual Plans 2012

2012 ANNUAL PLAN - CURRICULUM, CLUSTER COLLABORATION AND TEACHING AS INQUIRY Planned Actions Continue to review and build our Conceptual Curriculum. Only one Concept for the year? Development of Coordinated Lunch time sport to involve and engage our children in a variety of sports. Embedding of Modules Teaching to add depth, breadth and extension to the Curriculum. Staff Readings to deepen staff pedagogy and teacher effectiveness Continuation of Koputaroa School HOT Learning Model Numeracy Delivery Plan. Review of effective practice. Literacy Development Plan. Review of literacy practice at our school. Sustaining and building e-learning planning and teaching throughout the school. Purchase of Macbooks, iPods and iPads to support the development of e-learning. PLD on e-learning with guest presenter, Jo Fothergill Establishment and sustaining of Class Blogs as a window into classes to share student learning. Timing Term 1 Retreat Term 1- Term 4 Responsibility Regan Resourcing Evaluation/Reection

Regan and Robyn Dan and Angela


Term 1 and Term 3 Term 1 - Term 4 Term 1 - Term 4 Term 1- Term 4 Staff Meetings Term 1- Term 4 Staff Meetings Term 1- Term 4

$1,400 ($200 per teacher/ $100 per term) $80

Regan Whole Staff Regan Dan Regan and Sonia


Staff Retreat Term 1 - Term 4

Regan Whole Staff


Koputaroa School Annual Plans 2012

2012 ANNUAL PLAN - CURRICULUM, CLUSTER COLLABORATION AND TEACHING AS INQUIRY Planned Actions Continue to meet the aims and intent of our Koputaroa e-Learning Development Plan. Timing Term 1 - Term 4 Responsibility Regan Resourcing (as above $26,000) Evaluation/Reection

Koputaroa School Annual Plans 2012

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