Lube Tech078 InfineumTrends
Lube Tech078 InfineumTrends
Lube Tech078 InfineumTrends
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Infineum Trends
Industry Drivers
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In a competitive industry that is always One growing market that is presenting low torque vehicles. However, it is the
governed by cost, it is simply more cost significant opportunity is China. Reports conventional planetary automatic – with
effective to improve conventional from the IMF indicate that in 2010 it an increasing numbers of forward gears
gasoline or diesel engines than it is to overtook Japan to become the world’s – that will continue as the dominant
move to alternative technologies. second-largest economy. auto-shifting technology.
The cost of hybrid vehicles is really quite Vehicle sales topped 18 million in 2010 –
significant compared with the environ- up 32% on the previous year. Some
mental benefits they deliver, while plug-ins 90% of last year’s economic growth was
and fuel cell vehicles depend on a carbon- driven by domestic demand, and GM
neutral energy source for any significant reported more vehicle sales in China than
environmental benefits to be achieved. in the USA. Some industry analysts
Without very significant government suggest that there could be 125 million
incentives or taxation, product cost will vehicles on China’s roads by 2020. China
rule and powertrain developments will be is a huge market and most OEMs are
evolutionary, not revolutionary. Although looking to increase sales in the region.
the powertrain picture to 2030 is far from This changing market offers opportu-
clear we think the internal combustion nities for fuel and lubricant suppliers. Historically, automatic transmissions used
engine will have a major part to play. a torque convertor and had three or four
Recognising this growing demand, global speeds – with just a handful having five.
However, as alternative power systems automakers are investing in production In North America, DEXRON® and
enter even as niche markets, they may facilities through out Asia. MERCON® fluids represented more than
bring new challenges. two-thirds of ATF volume and were
Trends 2011 looks at how Global changes typically formulated in Group I base
In the short term we see an assortment and industry challenges are impacting stocks to provide the high viscosity
of advanced internal combustion engine specifications, formulations and required.
powertrains, along with the emergence developments and aims to share Infineum’s
of a variety of hybrids and a few electric views on some of the key issues. The need for improved low temperature
vehicles. operability led to specifications which cut
Brookfield Viscosity by more than 60%.
In the medium term, electrification is Power Transmissions At the same time, requirements for
likely to take a bigger role, but advanced better fluid durability led to tougher
engines, either alone, or deployed in hybrid oxidation tests and essentially eliminated
vehicles will remain dominant in the mix. Group I base stocks from ATF
The long term trends are difficult to call. As
the demand for personal mobility continues OEMs began to look at how to minimise
and fossil fuels are replaced by alternatives losses by reducing the viscosity of
it is likely the number of electric and fuel transmission fluids. A number of low
cell vehicles will grow, but such growth viscosity fluids followed and today there
must be accompanied by fundamental are more than half a dozen low viscosity
changes in the energy supply sector. fluids in the marketplace, along with a
myriad of high viscosity fluids – making
Internal combustion engines will see Improved fuel economy, to meet tough life more complicated for service centres
downsizing, lean operation, alternative CO2 targets in Europe and escalating and lube shops.
fuel use, valve train complexity, turbo CAFE Standards in the USA, is the key
boosting, the use of new materials and driver for changes in transmissions. It is Today, there are at least ten OEMs that
improvements in emissions controls. increasingly important that both each produce over a million automatics a
Automatic transmissions will have six, transmissions and their fluids help improve year. Most make multiple transmission
seven or more gears and some regions fuel economy – while simultaneously models – each being slightly different in
will use DCT and CVT technology. enhancing other performance attributes. design, size, torque capacity and each
using different materials for gears and
Some of the technologies that started in Several alternative transmission clutches. To optimise performance, fluids
passenger cars, such as hybrid drives and technologies are currently in use, and are specified to provide exacting
exhaust aftertreatment, will expand to there is no consensus about which is the performance requirements. The net result
other vehicles segments. These changes best. DCT growth is expected in Europe is that ATF’s must be pretty much OEM-
provide opportunities for the and China, where the existing manufac- specific – or even transmission specific!
development of innovative and turing infrastructure makes production The ATF service fill business, once based
advantaged lubricants and fuels. easier. CVT are more popular with on bulk economics, is quickly becoming a
Japanese and Chinese OEMs for small business of expensive small volume fluids.
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Heavy Duty Engine Oils API DEOAP met in March 2011 to begin CO2 emissions and improve fuel
planning for this possibility. EMA economy. In the US, the EPA and NHTSA
members are not yet ready to make a have proposed harmonised limits which
formal new category request, but they will phase in from 2014 through 2018.
expect to develop a request by year end.
Several potential areas for improvement Europe is expected to impose new
were noted. They did note that CJ-4 targets later this decade. Infineum does
testing can be supported through 2015. not believe these changes will drive
‘breakthrough’ technology into the
With rising fuel prices, HD truck fuel market. However, there will be
economy and the potential contribution increased emphasis on ‘known’
of lubricants is rapidly gaining interest. technologies which are already
recognised by the EPA ‘Smartway’
As we predicted last year, 2010 was a Reduced HTHS viscosity is a powerful program.
recovery year for the heavy duty vehicle lever to improve fuel economy. However,
market. However, the rate of recovery OEM concerns about increased wear For well into the future, the four stroke
has surprised most industry observers have forced an HTHS limit of 3.5 cP cycle compression ignition engine will
with sales bouncing from a low of minimum into CJ-4 as well as many remain the power system of choice for
1.4MM units in 2009 to 2.4MM units in other global specifications. commercial vehicles, with some
2010, matching the previous high in penetration of hybrid drives for stop
2007. Changing HTHS limits will require and go service. Biodiesel usage will vary
universal support from Global engine with local mandates and taxation
builders, and that may be difficult to policies, and natural gas usage may
achieve. In addition, comments from API develop in market niches where the
staff suggest that concern over distribution infrastructure either exists or
backward compatibility could force a is installed.
change in category rather than a
‘supplement’. Individual OEMs may be
willing to make changes to allow the China Market
use of lower viscosity oils, and these
changes could represent opportunities
for oil marketers.
API CJ-4 oils were developed to protect In Europe, the ACEA HD requirements
2007 and newer engines and their were updated late last year, but the
emission control systems. Volvo Trucks changes were relatively minor.
developed their own global oil specifi-
cation using the CJ-4 tests as its core. We concentrate on oils for engines with
advanced aftertreatment systems, but
Starting last year, NOx limits were almost half of last year’s global truck
reduced for all on-highway diesel engines production was not so equipped! China
sold in the USA. Most engine manufac- is one market where this is true, and With China’s economy now holding the
turers are using SCR with DEF as their engine builders there are reluctant to number two slot globally, it seemed
primary NOx control technology. move to higher quality lubricants. appropriate to move China to a stand
However, Navistar continues its use of alone segment in Trends 2011. China’s
heavy EGR and advanced combustion The Chinese commercial vehicle market population is over 1.3 billion people
controls. The use of SCR, EGR and DPF is dominated by local producers. making it the most populous nation in
seems to be the global standard for However, these companies currently the world. One of every five people on
emission control in markets with strict cannot compete in markets with earth live in China, and if everyone lined
limits. advanced emission control requirements. up to walk past you in single file the
Recognising the importance of the line would never end.
While API CJ-4 oils are performing well, Chinese market, both Cummins and
several of the engine tests used to define Daimler have formed JVs with local In 2009 the global economic downturn
the category have experienced issues companies, and this could allow the reduced foreign demand for Chinese
with both fuel and hardware. Chinese OEMs access to advanced exports for the first time in many years
technologies and enhance their future but China rebounded quickly outper-
While there is general agreement that global competitiveness. forming all other major economies. Last
there is no short term need for a new HD year China’s GDP grew to just over $6B
category, there is a potential need In the more sophisticated markets there US – a year on year change of just over
around the middle of this decade. The will be continuing pressure to reduce 10% after correcting for inflation.
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Russia up both by plans to move to Euro V be merged into the National Electric
emissions standards and the increasing Vehicle Policy that is currently being
use of foreign vehicles requiring higher formulated.
quality lubricants.