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Candidate's Copy

University of Lucknow
Admit Card
Ph.D. (Regular) Entrance Examination (2024-25)

Roll Number 2424130030 Subject Name & Code [2413]

Candidate's Name ISHITA HADA


Category General Sub-Category -

Gender Female Weightage -

Photo to be
pasted by
Date of Birth 14/09/2002 Registration ID 202410007498
Exam Date 08/12/2024
Reporting Time 01:00 PM Exam Time 02:00 PM – 03:30 PM

Name & Address of Examination Centre [Centre Code]

Atal Block, Old Campus, University Road, University of Lucknow [102]

Signature of Candidate

Important Instructions :
1. Note : Kindly check the location of your Exam Centre before the exam.
2. Change of Examination Centre is not permitted on any ground. You must appear for the Examination at the Centre indicated in the Admit Card.
3. You should bring the following to the Exam Centre:
1. Two copies of the Examination Admit Card (printout) with your recent passport size photograph pasted on it and signed in the space provided on
both copies of your Admit Card. One copy of your admit card with photo pasted must be submitted to the invigilator during Examination.
2. Two Blue or Black ball point pens. Whitener is not allowed.
3. Your original ID proof, e.g. Aadhaar Card, Voter ID, Driving License, Passport.
4. Candidates will not be allowed to appear in the exam if they fail to bring the necessary documents.
4. No Candidate will be allowed to go out of the examination hall during the entire duration of the exam.
5. Timing
1. The Ph.D. entrance exam will be of 90 minutes.
2. Occupy your seat at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start of the examination. You will not be allowed to enter the examination hall after 15
minutes from the start of the examination.
6. Paper Pattern
1. One paper of 70 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) consisting subject specific and Research methodology.
2. Each question carries 1 mark.
3. There will be no negative marking.
7. You should occupy the seat on which your Roll Number is pasted.
8. Do not occupy a seat which has different Roll Number pasted on it, even if that seat is unoccupied.
9. Following items are NOT ALLOWED inside the Exam Centre :
1. Calculators, electronic diaries, cell phones, headphones, beepers or any similar electronic equipment, cameras and any extra pieces of paper are
not allowed inside the Exam Centre.
10. The Admit Card must be saved and produced at the time of counseling.
11. Candidates who have been expelled from any University/College/Institution and found guilty under Indian Penal Code or any disciplinary action has been
taken against them, are not eligible to apply for any course in the University of Lucknow. The result of such candidates may be withheld if needed.
12. Candidates can carry their own drinking water in transparent bottle.
13. Scan the QR Code located on top right corner through a scanner app on your mobile for Locating the
Examination Centre on Google Map.

ऐसे अभ्यर्थी, जो प्रवेश परीक्षा में सम्मिलित हो रहे हैं तथा क्षैतिज आरक्षण (PH, FF, DP) का दावा किया है, को निर्देशित किया जाता है कि वे प्रवेश परीक्षा
की तिथि के दिन दावे से सम्बंधित मूल प्रमाणपत्र तथा सभी प्रमाणपत्रों की प्रतिलिपि साथ में लाएं , जिसका परीक्षण परीक्षा कें द्र पर उपस्थित रहकर
कराना अनिवार्य है। यदि किसी अभ्यर्थी द्वारा ऐसा नहीं किया जाता है तो उसे उपरोक्त क्षैतिज आरक्षण का लाभ प्राप्त नहीं होगा।
Such candidates, who are appearing in the Entrance Examination and have claimed horizental Reservation (PH, FF, DP) are
directed to bring original certificates of claim and copies of all certificates on the date of Entrance Examination, which will be
verified by the officials at the Examination the Entrance date If any candidate fails to do so then he/she will not be
given the benefit of above horizental Reservation.

Please Sign here in presence of the Invigilator Dean/Coordinator Admission (2024-25)

University Copy

University of Lucknow
Admit Card
Ph.D. (Regular) Entrance Examination (2024-25)

Roll Number 2424130030 Subject Name & Code [2413]

Candidate's Name ISHITA HADA


Category General Sub-Category -

Gender Female Weightage -

Photo to be
Date of Birth 14/09/2002 Registration ID 202410007498
pasted by
Exam Date 08/12/2024
Reporting Time 01:00 PM Exam Time 02:00 PM – 03:30 PM

Name & Address of Examination Centre [Centre Code]

Atal Block, Old Campus, University Road, University of Lucknow [102]

Signature of Candidate

Important Instructions :
1. Note : Kindly check the location of your Exam Centre before the exam.
2. Change of Examination Centre is not permitted on any ground. You must appear for the Examination at the Centre indicated in the Admit Card.
3. You should bring the following to the Exam Centre:
1. Two copies of the Examination Admit Card (printout) with your recent passport size photograph pasted on it and signed in the space provided on
both copies of your Admit Card. One copy of your admit card with photo pasted must be submitted to the invigilator during Examination.
2. Two Blue or Black ball point pens. Whitener is not allowed.
3. Your original ID proof, e.g. Aadhaar Card, Voter ID, Driving License, Passport.
4. Candidates will not be allowed to appear in the exam if they fail to bring the necessary documents.
4. No Candidate will be allowed to go out of the examination hall during the entire duration of the exam.
5. Timing
1. The Ph.D. entrance exam will be of 90 minutes.
2. Occupy your seat at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start of the examination. You will not be allowed to enter the examination hall after 15
minutes from the start of the examination.
6. Paper Pattern
1. One paper of 70 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) consisting subject specific and Research methodology.
2. Each question carries 1 mark.
3. There will be no negative marking.
7. You should occupy the seat on which your Roll Number is pasted.
8. Do not occupy a seat which has different Roll Number pasted on it, even if that seat is unoccupied.
9. Following items are NOT ALLOWED inside the Exam Centre :
1. Calculators, electronic diaries, cell phones, headphones, beepers or any similar electronic equipment, cameras and any extra pieces of paper are
not allowed inside the Exam Centre.
10. The Admit Card must be saved and produced at the time of counseling.
11. Candidates who have been expelled from any University/College/Institution and found guilty under Indian Penal Code or any disciplinary action has been
taken against them, are not eligible to apply for any course in the University of Lucknow. The result of such candidates may be withheld if needed.
12. Candidates can carry their own drinking water in transparent bottle.
13. Candidates are supposed to follow the guidelines issued by Government related to COVID-19, strictly.

ऐसे अभ्यर्थी, जो प्रवेश परीक्षा में सम्मिलित हो रहे हैं तथा क्षैतिज आरक्षण (PH, FF, DP) का दावा किया है, को निर्देशित किया जाता है कि वे प्रवेश परीक्षा
की तिथि के दिन दावे से सम्बंधित मूल प्रमाणपत्र तथा सभी प्रमाणपत्रों की प्रतिलिपि साथ में लाएं , जिसका परीक्षण परीक्षा कें द्र पर उपस्थित रहकर
कराना अनिवार्य है। यदि किसी अभ्यर्थी द्वारा ऐसा नहीं किया जाता है तो उसे उपरोक्त क्षैतिज आरक्षण का लाभ प्राप्त नहीं होगा।
Such candidates, who are appearing in the Entrance Examination and have claimed horizental Reservation (PH, FF, DP) are
directed to bring original certificates of claim and copies of all certificates on the date of Entrance Examination, which will be
verified by the officials at the Examination the Entrance date If any candidate fails to do so then he/she will not be
given the benefit of above horizental Reservation.

Please Sign here in presence of the Invigilator Dean/Coordinator Admission (2024-25)

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