Key Points Chemistry Electrochemistry (1)
Key Points Chemistry Electrochemistry (1)
Key Points Chemistry Electrochemistry (1)
The Academy of Toppers
For Basic medium, add H2O to balance “H” & add “OH–” to balance “O”.
13. In acidic medium K2Cr2O7, Cr changes from +6 to +3 (3 𝑒𝑛 ̅̅̅ gained). While KMnO4 , Mn
Changes from +7 to +2 ( 5 𝑒𝑛 ̅̅̅ gained).
14. H2S & SO2 are good reducing agents like NaH, LiAIH4 etc.
15. The plate / rod/ wire having +ve /-ve charge in a certain cell is known as electrode. At anode oxidn occur & at cathode ,
redn occur ALWAYS. Anode is +ve & cathode is – ve for electrolytic cell but its opposite is true for voltaic / galvanic
16. An electrode may either loss or gain 𝑒𝑛 ̅̅̅ when connected to another electrode. It is termed as oxidn potential or Red
potential respectively. (𝐸𝑜𝑥𝑖 𝑜𝑟 𝐸𝑟𝑒𝑑 ) If it is measured at 298k in 1 molar solution then it is termed as standard electrode
potential (𝐸 0 ).
17. SHE ( standard hydrogen electrode) is a primary reference electrode. It have H2(g) adsorbed on pt – rod dipped in 1M
HCI solution ( H2⇌ 2H+ + 2𝑒̅n) & arbitrarily Eox = Ered = 0.00V for H2. Above 500C, this can’t work b/c H2 catches fire.
Hence Ag/AgCI or other 2ndry reference electrodes are used then.
18. Salt bridge is u – shaped tube consisting of KCI or NH4NO3 concentrated solution. Its function is (i) to complete the
circuit of a cell (ii) to keep both half-cell solution Neutral.
19. The Eoxid of Zn=+0.76V (& Ered = - 0.76V) while Eoxid of Cu = - 0.34V (Ered = +.34 V)
20. Descending order of red potential F2> Au+3> CI2> Ag+1> Fe+3> H2> Pb+2> Fe+2> Zn+2> Mn+2.
21. E0Cell = Eox +Ered e.g E0cell (zn/cu cell) = 0.76 +0.34 = 1.10V
22. Cell reaction is represented as oxidn// redn e.g Zn /Zn+2// Cu++ / Cu
(Oxidation) (Reduction)
23. Basically electrochemical cells are being divided into 2 types.
i. Voltaic or galvanic cell(chem energy →electrical energy cenvertor)
ii. Electrolytic cell (electrical → chem energy convertor .g Down’s cell, Nelson’s cell etc)
24. In voltaic cell, a spontaneous reaction take place while in electrolytic cell,s non – spontaneous change is brought by
using electrical power.
25. In electrolysis of molten NaCI, at cathode Na is obtained / deposited. But in electrolysis of aqueous NaCI , at cathode
“H2” gas is liberated since reduction potential of H+> Na+. that’s why Na+ is not reduced.
26. Electrolysis of Aq. NaCI is carried out in NELSON CELL to get NaOH ( caustic soda), H2& CI2 respectively on
commercial scale.
27. During recharging , lead storage battery , mobile battery act as electrolytic cell. Similarly galvanization
(Zn – plating) Ni,Cr etc plating are done in an electrolytic cell.
28. When a voltaic cell is recharge – able, it is termed as 2ndry cell. while primary cell is not rechargeable
29. In Dry cell , zn is Anode, MnO2 supported (adsorbed) on graphite rod act as cathode (oxid. Agent) While NH4CI
( Acidic salt) is electrolyte of the cell. This is an irreversible primary cell.
30. In lead storage battery, H2SO4⇒ Electrolyte& PbO2⇒Cathode (during discharging) and Pb= Anode With the passage of
time, Anode become thin H2SO4 become dilute.
31. The special cell, excessively used in space technology, that continuously convert chem energy to electrical energy via
continuous supply of reactants (fuels) is known as fuel cell. Its react can be gas, liqd or solids. Their life time is
unlimited. In H2/O2 fuel cell, H2: anode , O2: cathode & KOH : electrolyte (Basic cell).
Its Effeciency = 75% & drawback : very expensive
32. Corrosion or rusting of metal is due to environmental pollution.
Pure iron can’t corrode. During iron rusting , the depressed (trough) act as a cup, where H2CO3: electrolyte, O2: cathode
& bulged out ( Crust) part of iron (pure) act as Anode. Rusted iron is hydrated ferric oxide Fe(oH)3. Corrosion can be
prevented via oil, greasing, Cr – plating, conversion into steel, cathodic bath dipping, painting, etc.