4.51 F. Y. B.a. B.sc Mathematics CBCS
4.51 F. Y. B.a. B.sc Mathematics CBCS
4.51 F. Y. B.a. B.sc Mathematics CBCS
Semester I
Calculus I
Course Code Unit Topics Credits L/Week
Unit I Real Number system
USMT101,UAMT101 Unit II Sequences 3 3
Unit III Limits & Continuity
Algebra I
Unit I Integers & divisibility
USMT102 Unit II Functions & Equivalence relation 3 3
Unit III Polynomials
Semester II
Calculus II
Course Code Unit Topics Credits L/Week
Unit I Series
USMT201,UAMT201 Unit II Continuous functions & Differentiation 3 3
Unit III Applications of differentiation
Linear Algebra
Unit I System of Linear Equations & Matrices
USMT202 Unit II Vector spaces 3 3
Unit III Basis & Linear transformations
Teaching Pattern
1. Three lectures per week per course. Each lecture is of 1 hour duration.
2. One tutorial per week per course (the batches to be formed as prescribed
by the University)
Syllabus for Semester I & II
Note: All topics have to be covered with proof in details (unless mentioned
otherwise) and with examples.
Unit I: Real Number System (15 Lectures)
Real number system R and order properties of R, Absolute value |.| and its
Bounded sets, statement of l.u.b. axiom, g.l.b. axiom and its consequences,
Supremum and infimum, Maximum and minimum, Archimedean property and
its applications, density of rationals.
Definition of Limit lim f (x) of a function f (x), evaluation of limit of simple
functions using the −δ definition, uniqueness of limit if it exists, algebra of lim-
its , limit of composite function, sandwich theorem, left-hand-limit lim f (x),
right-hand-limit lim f (x), non-existence of limits, lim f (x), lim f (x)
x−→a+ x−→−∞ x−→∞
and lim f (x) = ±∞.
Set Theory: Set, subset, union and intersection of two sets, empty set, univer-
sal set, complement of a set, De Morgan’s laws, Cartesian product of two sets,
Relations, Permutations nP r and Combinations nC r .
Complex numbers: Addition and multiplication of complex numbers, modulus,
amplitude and conjugate of a complex number.
mial in R[X] occur in conjugate pairs, Statement of Fundamental Theorem of
Algebra, A polynomial of degree in C[X] has exactly n complex roots counted
with multiplicity, A non constant polynomial in R[X] can be expressed as a
product of linear and quadratic factors in R[X], necessary condition for a ra-
tional number to be a root of a polynomial with integer coefficients, simple
q √
consequences such as p is a irrational number where p is a prime number,
roots of unity, sum of all the roots of unity.
Reference Books
1. David M. Burton, Elementary Number Theory, Seventh Edition, McGraw
Hill Education (India) Private Ltd.
2. Norman L. Biggs, Discrete Mathematics, Revised Edition, Clarendon Press,
Oxford 1989.
Additional Reference Books
1. I. Niven and S. Zuckerman, Introduction to the theory of numbers, Third
Edition, Wiley Eastern, New Delhi, 1972.
2. G. Birkoff and S. Maclane, A Survey of Modern Algebra, Third Edition,
MacMillan, New York, 1965.
3. N. S. Gopalkrishnan, University Algebra, Ne Age International Ltd, Reprint
4. I .N. Herstein, Topics in Algebra, John Wiley, 2006.
5. P. B. Bhattacharya S. K. Jain and S. R. Nagpaul, Basic Abstract Algebra,
New Age International, 1994.
6. Kenneth Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and its applications, Mc-Graw Hill
International Edition, Mathematics Series.
1. Mathematical induction (The problems done in F.Y.J.C. may be avoided).
2. Division Algorithm and Euclidean algorithm in Z, primes and the Funda-
mental Theorem of Arithmetic. 3. Functions (direct image and inverse image),
Injective, surjective, bijective functions, finding inverses of bijective functions.
4. Congruences and Eulers-function, Fermat’s little theorem, Euler’s theorem
and Wilson’s theorem. 5. Equivalence relation. 6. Factor Theorem, rela-
tion between roots and coefficients of polynomials, factorization and reciprocal
algebra of differentiable functions.
Chain rule, Higher order derivatives, Leibnitz rule, Derivative of inverse func-
tions, Implicit differentiation (only examples).
triple product, Length (norm) of a vector.
Finite linear combinations of vectors in a vector space; the linear span L(S)
of a non-empty subset S of a vector space, S is a generating set for L(S), L(S)
is a vector subspace of V ; linearly independent/linearly dependent subsets of a
vector space, a subset {v1 , v2 , · · · , vk } of a vector space is linearly dependent if
and only if ∃ i ∈ {1, 2, · · · k} such that vi is a linear combination of the other
vectors vj0 s.
1) Solving homogeneous system of m equations in n unknowns by elimination
for (m, n) = (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 2), 2, 3), (3, 3), row echelon form.
2) Solving system Ax = b by Gauss elimination, Solutions of system of linear
3) Verifying whether given (V, +, ·) is a vector space with respect to addition
+ and scalar multiplication ·
4) Linear span of a non-empty subset of a vector space, determining whether
a given subset of a vector space is a subspace. Showing the set of convergent
real sequences is a subspace of the space of real sequences etc.
5. Finding basis of a vector space such as P3 (X), M3 (R) etc. Verifying whether
a set is a basis of a vector space. Extending basis of a subspace to a basis of a
finite dimensional vector space.
6. Verifying whether a map T : X−→Y is a linear transformation, finding kernel
of a linear transformation and matrix associated with a linear transformation,
verifying the Rank Nullity theorem.
Scheme of Examination
There will be a Semester end external Theory examination of 100 marks for
all the courses of Semester I & II.
1. Duration: The examinations shall be of 3 Hours duration.
2. Question Paper Pattern: There shall be FOUR questions. The first three
questions shall be of 25 marks on each unit, and the fourth question shall be of
25 marks based on Unit I, II, & III .
3. All the questions shall be compulsory with internal choices within the ques-
tions. Including the choices, the marks for each question shall be 38-40.
4. Questions may be subdivided into sub questions as a, b, c, d & e, etc & the
allocation of marks depends on the weightage of the topic.
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