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As We Know
A Nest of Ninnies
Shadow Train (with James Schuyler)
A Wave
Selected Poems
Flow Chart
Hotel Lautréamont
Copyright © 2011 by John Ashbery
to be a mercantile career in Africa, trafficking in a dizzying
left the bulk of the edition with its printer, whom he wasn’t
his stay there with Verlaine; others date from a later Lon¬
don visit with Nouveau, who copied out some of them; still
Flood” has subsided. Here, a hare says its prayer to the rain¬
build, blood and milk flow, coffee steams in cafés, and the
Splendide Hotel is built amid the chaos of ice floes and the
polar night. In other words, business as usual.
de l’araignée.
tira les barques vers la mer étagée là-haut comme sur les
les estaminets.
spider’s web.
in old engravings.
public houses.
In the vast, still-streaming house of windows, children
amid the tangled heap of ice floes and the polar night.
the Queen, the Witch who lights her coals in the clay pot,
do not know.
sés dans le clair déluge qui sourd des prés, nudité qu’om¬
unhappy people.
ers’ lodges are vacant. The palings are so high that you
Des fleurs magiques bourdonnaient. Les talus le ber¬
vous chasse.
i v
Magical flowers were humming. The turf slopes cra¬
In the wood there is a bird, his song stops you and makes
you blush.
touche le ciel.
Les sentiers sont âpres. Les monticules se couvrent
casement window.
out for the open sea, the young farm boy in the lane,
The paths are harsh. The little hills are cloaked with
broom. The air is motionless. How far away the birds and
the springs are! It can only be the end of the world, as you
move forward.
books of no interest.
At a vast distance above my underground salon, houses
La boue est rouge ou noire. Ville monstrueuse, nuit sans
Moins haut, sont des égouts. Aux côtés, rien que
take root, mists assemble. The mud is red or black. Mon¬
Un Prince était vexé de ne s’être employé jamais qu’à la
libations.—Tous le suivaient.
died together.
age. The Prince was the Genie. The Genie was the Prince.
Des drôles très solides. Plusieurs ont exploité vos mondes.
ing luxury.
O most violent Paradise of the enraged grimace! No
the blood sings, the bones swell, tears and trickles of red
entire months.
I alone know the plan of this savage sideshow.
Gracieux fils de Pan! Autour de ton front couronné de
arms. Your heart beats in that belly where the double sex
This illustrative ballad bears the initials “M. P.” These, probably, do
not imply either a member of Parliament, or of the house of Percy.
Beneath the initials we have the legend, “Printed at London, for
Francis Coules, and are” (verses subaudiuntur) “to be sold at his
shop in the Old Bayley.” There are three woodcuts to illustrate the
text. The first represents the Earl on horseback; both peer and
charger are very heavily caparisoned, and the steed looks as
intelligent as the peer. In front of this stately, solid, and leisurely
pacing couple, is a mounted serving-man, armed with a stick, and
riding full gallop at nobody. The illustration to the second part
represents the Earl returning from Windsor in a carriage, which looks
very much like the Araba in the Turkish Exhibition. The new Knight
wears his hat, cloak, collar and star; his figure, broad-set to the
doorway, bears no distant resemblance to the knave of clubs, and
his aristocratic self-possession and serenity are remarkable,
considering the bumping he is getting, as implied by the wheels of
his chariot being several inches off the ground. The pace of the
steeds, two and twohalves of whom are visible, is not, however, very
great. They are hardly out of a walk. But perhaps the bareheaded
coachman and the as bareheaded groom have just pulled them up,
to allow the running footmen to reach the carriage. Two of these are
seen near the rear of the vehicle, running like the brace of
mythological personages in Ovid, who ran the celebrated match in
which the apples figured so largely. The tardy footmen have just
come in sight of their lord, who does not allow his serenity to be
disturbed by chiding them. The Percy wears as stupid an air as his
servants, and the only sign of intelligence anywhere in the group is
to be found in the off-side wheeler, whose head is turned back, with
a sneering cast in the face, as if he were ridiculing the idea of the
whole show, and was possessed with the conviction that he was
drawing as foolish a beast as himself.
The Earl appears to have ridden eastward, in the direction pointed
by his own lion’s tale, before he drove down to Windsor. The show
seems to have interested all ranks between the Crown and the
Conduit in Fleet street. Where Viscount Wimbledon’s house was, “in
the fairest part of the Strand,” I can not conjecture, and as I can not
find information on this point in Mr. Peter Cunningham’s “Hand-Book
of London,” I conclude that the site is not known.
In connection with Charles I. and his Garter, I will here cite a
passage from the third volume of Mr. Macaulay’s “History of
England,” page 165. “Louvois hated Lauzun. Lauzun was a favorite
at St. Germains. He wore the Garter, a badge of honor which has
very seldom been conferred on aliens who were not sovereign
princes. It was believed, indeed, in the French court, that in order to
distinguish him from the other knights of the most illustrious of
European orders, he had been decorated with that very George
which Charles I. had, on the scaffold, put into the hands of Juxon.”
Lauzun, I shall have to notice under the head of foreign knights. I
revert here to the George won by Charles and given to Lauzun. It
was a very extraordinary jewel, curiously cut in an onyx, set about
with twenty-one large table diamonds, in the fashion of a garter. On
the under side of the George was the portrait of Henrietta Maria,
“rarely well limned,” says Ashmole, “and set in a case of gold, the lid
neatly enamelled with goldsmith’s work, and surrounded with
another Garter, adorned with a like number of equal-sized diamonds,
as was the foresaid.” The onyx George of Charles I. was in the
possession of the late Duke of Wellington, and is the property of the
present Duke.
There is something quite as curious touching the history of the
Garter worn by Charles I., as what Mr. Macaulay tells concerning the
George. The diamonds upon it, forming the motto, were upward of
four hundred in number. On the day of the execution, this valuable
ornament fell into the hands of one of Cromwell’s captains of cavalry,
named Pearson. After one exchange of hands, it was sold to John
Ireton, sometime Lord-Mayor of London, for two hundred and five
pounds. At the Restoration, a commission was appointed to look
after the scattered royal property generally; and the commissioners
not only recovered some pictures belonging to Charles, from Mrs.
Cromwell, who had placed them in charge of a tradesman in Thames
street, but they discovered that Ireton held the Garter, and they
summoned him to deliver it up accordingly. It has been said that the
commissioners offered him the value of the jewel if he would
surrender it. This is not the case. The report had been founded on a
misapprehension of terms. Ireton did not deny that he possessed the
Garter by purchase, whereupon “composition was offered him,
according to the direction of the Commission, as in all other like
cases where anything could not be had in kind.” That is, he was
ordered to surrender the jewel, or if this had been destroyed, its
value, or some compensation in lieu thereof. Ireton refused the terms
altogether. The King, Charles II., thereupon sued him in the Court of
King’s Bench, where the royal plaintiff obtained a verdict for two
hundred and five pounds, and ten pounds costs of suit.
In February, 1652, the Parliament abolished all titles and honors
conferred by Charles I. since the 4th of January, two years
previously. This was done on the ground that the late King had
conferred such titles and honors, in order to promote his wicked and
treacherous designs against the parliament and people of England.
A fine of one hundred pounds was decreed against every offender,
whenever he employed the abolished title, with the exception of a
knight, who was let off at the cheaper rate of forty pounds. Any one
convicted of addressing a person by any of the titles thus done away
with, was liable to a fine of ten shillings. The Parliament treated with
silent contempt the titles and orders of knighthood conferred by
Charles I. As monarchy was defunct, these adjuncts of monarchy
were considered as defunct also. The Protector did not create a
single Knight of the Garter, nor of the Bath. “These orders,” says
Nicolas, “were never formally abolished, but they were probably
considered so inseparably united to the person, name, and office of
a king, as to render it impossible for any other authority to create
them.” Cromwell, however, made one peer, Howard, Viscount
Howard of Morpeth, ten baronets and knights, and conferred certain
degrees of precedency. It was seldom that he named an unworthy
person, considering the latter in the Protector’s own point of view,
but the Restoration was no sooner an accomplished fact, when to
ridicule one of Oliver’s knights was a matter of course with the
hilarious dramatic poets. On this subject something will be found
under the head of “Stage Knights.” Meanwhile, although there is
nothing to record touching Knights of the Garter, under the
Commonwealth, we may notice an incident showing that Garter
King-at-arms was not altogether idle. This incident will be sufficiently
explained by the following extract from the third volume of Mr.
Macaulay’s “History of England.” The author is speaking of the
regicide Ludlow, who, since the Restoration, had been living in exile
at Geneva. “The Revolution opened a new prospect to him. The right
of the people to resist oppression, a right which, during many years,
no man could assert without exposing himself to ecclesiastical
anathemas and to civil penalties, had been solemnly recognised by
the Estates of the realm, and had been proclaimed by Garter King-
at-arms, on the very spot where the memorable scaffold had been
set up.”
Charles II. did not wait for the Restoration in order to make or
unmake knights. He did not indeed hold chapters, but at St.
Germains, in Jersey, and other localities, he unknighted knights who
had forgotten their allegiance in the “late horrid rebellion,” as he
emphatically calls the Parliamentary and Cromwellian periods, and
authorized other individuals to wear the insignia, while he exhorted
them to wait patiently and hopefully for their installations at Windsor.
At St. Germains, he gave the Garter to his favorite Buckingham; and
from Jersey he sent it to two far better men—Montrose, and Stanley,
Earl of Derby. The worst enemies of these men could not deny their
chivalrous qualities. Montrose on the scaffold, when they hung (in
derision) from his neck the book in which were recorded his many
brave deeds, very aptly said that he wore the record of his courage
with as much pride as he ever wore the Garter. Stanley’s chivalry
was never more remarkable than in the skirmish previous to
Worcester, when in the hot affray, he received seven shots in his
breast-plate, thirteen cuts on his beaver, five or six wounds on his
arms and shoulders, and had two horses killed under him. When he
was about to die, he returned the Garter, by the hands of a faithful
servant, to the king, “in all humility and gratitude,” as he remarked,
“spotless and free from any stain, as he received it, according to the
honorable example of my ancestors.”
Charles made knights of the Garter of General Monk and Admiral
Montague. The chapter for election was held in the Abbey of St.
Augustine’s at Canterbury. It was the first convenient place which the
king could find for such a purpose after landing. “They were the only
two,” says Pepys, “for many years who had the Garter given them
before they had honor of earldom, or the like, excepting only the
Duke of Buckingham, who was only Sir George Villiers when he was
made a knight of the Garter.” The honor was offered to Clarendon,
but declined as above his deserts, and likely to create him enemies.
James, Duke of York, however, angrily attributed Clarendon’s
objection to being elected to the Garter to the fact that James himself
had asked it for him, and that the Chancellor was foolishly unwilling
to accept any honor that was to be gained by the Duke’s mediation.
Before proceeding to the next reign, let me remark that the George
and Garter of Charles II. had as many adventures or misadventures
as those of his father. In the fight at Worcester his collar and garter
became the booty of Cromwell, who despatched a messenger with
them to the Parliament, as a sign and trophy of victory. The king’s
lesser George, set with diamonds, was preserved by Colonel
Blague. It passed through several hands with much risk. It at length
fell again into the hands of the Colonel when he was a prisoner in
the Tower. Blague, “considering it had already passed so many
dangers, was persuaded it could yet secure one hazardous attempt
of his own.” The enthusiastic royalist looked upon it as a talisman
that would rescue him from captivity. Right or wrong in his sentiment,
the result was favorable. He succeeded in making his escape, and
had the gratification of restoring the George to his sovereign.
The short reign of James II. offers nothing worthy of the notice of the
general reader with respect to this decoration; and the same may be
said of the longer reign of William III. The little interest in the history
of the order under Queen Anne, is in connection with her foreign
nominations, of which due notice will be found in the succeeding
section. Small, too, is the interest connected with these matters in
the reign of George I., saving, indeed, that under him we find the last
instance of the degradation of a knight of the garter, in the person of
James, Duke of Ormund, who had been attainted of high treason.
His degradation took place on the 12th July, 1716. The elections
were numerous during this reign. The only one that seems to
demand particular notice is that of Sir Robert Walpole, First Lord of
the Treasury. He gave up the Bath on receiving the Garter in 1726,
and he was the only commoner who had received the distinction
since Sir George Monk and Sir Edward Montague were created,
sixty-six years previously.
The first circumstance worthy of record under George II. is, that the
color of the garter and ribbon was changed from light blue to dark, or
“Garter-blue,” as it is called. This was done in order to distinguish the
companions made by Brunswick from those assumed to be
fraudulently created by the Pretender Stuart. Another change was
effected, but much less felicitously. What with religious, social, and
political revolution, it was found that the knights were swearing to
statutes which they could not observe. Their consciences were
disturbed thereat—at least they said so; but their sovereign set them
at ease by enacting that in future all knights should promise to break
no statutes, except on dispensation from the sovereign! This left the
matter exactly where it had been previously.
The first circumstance worthy of attention in the reign of George III.,
was that of the election of Earl Gower, president of the council, in
1771. The sharp eye of Junius discovered that the election was a
farce, for in place of the sovereign and at least six knights being
present, as the statutes required, there were only four knights
present, the Dukes of Gloucester, Newcastle, Northumberland, and
the Earl of Hertford. The first duke too was there against his will. He
had, says Junius, “entreated, begged, and implored,” to be excused
from attending that chapter—but all in vain. The new knight seems to
have been illegally elected, and as illegally installed. The only
disagreeable result was to the poor knights of Windsor. People
interested in the subject had made remarks, and while the illegal
election of the president of the council was most properly put before
the King, representation was made to him that the poor knights had
been wickedly contravening their statutes, for a very long period.
They had for years been permitted to reside with their families
wherever they chose to fix their residence. This was pronounced
irregular, and George III., so lax with regard to Lord Gower, was very
strict with respect to these poor knights. They were all commanded
to reside in their apartments attached to Windsor Castle, and there
keep up the poor dignity of their noble order, by going to church
twice every day in full uniform. There were some of them at that
period who would as soon have gone out twice a day to meet the
The order of the Garter was certainly ill-used by this sovereign. In
order to admit all his sons, he abolished the statute of Edward (who
had as many sons as George had when he made the absurd
innovation, but who did not care to make knights of them because
they were his sons), confining the number of companions to twenty-
five. Henceforward, the sovereign’s sons were to reckon only as over
and above that number. As if this was not sufficiently absurd, the
king subsequently decreed eligibility of election to an indefinite
number of persons, provided only that they could trace their descent
from King George II.!
No Companion so well deserved the honor conferred upon him as he
who was the most illustrious of the English knights created during
the sway of the successor of George III., as Regent; namely, the late
Duke of Wellington. Mr. Macaulay, when detailing the services and
honors conferred on Schomberg, has a passage in which he brings
the names of these two warriors, dukes, and knights of the Garter,
together. “The House of Commons had, with general approbation,
compensated the losses of Schomberg, and rewarded his services
by a grant of a hundred thousand pounds. Before he set out for
Ireland, he requested permission to express his gratitude for this
magnificent present. A chair was set for him within the bar. He took
his seat there with the mace at his right hand, rose, and in a few
graceful words returned his thanks and took his leave. The Speaker
replied that the Commons could never forget the obligation under
which they already lay to his Grace, that they saw him with pleasure
at the head of an English army, that they felt entire confidence in his
zeal and ability, and that at whatever distance he might be he would
always be, in a peculiar manner, an object of their care. The
precedent set on this interesting occasion was followed with the
utmost minuteness, a hundred and twenty-five years later, on an
occasion more interesting still. Exactly on the same spot, on which,
in July, 1689, Schomberg had acknowledged the liberality of the
nation, a chair was set in July, 1814, for a still more illustrious
warrior, who came to return thanks for a still more splendid mark of
public gratitude.”
There is nothing calling for particular notice in the history of the
Order since the election of the last-named knight. Not one on whose
shoulders has been placed “the robe of heavenly color,” earned so
hardly and so well the honor of companionship. This honor, however,
costs every knight who submits to the demand, not less than one
hundred and eight pounds sterling, in fees. It is, in itself, a heavy fine
inflicted on those who render extraordinary service to the country,
and to whom are presented the order of the Garter, and an order
from the Garter King-at-arms to pay something more than a hundred
guineas in return. The fine, however, is generally paid with alacrity;
for, though the non-payment does not unmake a knight, it has the
effect of keeping his name from the register.
I have already observed that Mr. Macaulay, in his recently-published
History, has asserted that very few foreigners, except they were
sovereign princes, were ever admitted into the companionship of the
Garter. Let us, then, look over the roll of illustrious aliens, and see
how far this assertion is correct.
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