Obesity an Ideological and Discursive Analysis

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Review Article ISSN 2641-4317

International Journal of Psychiatry Research

Obesity: An Ideological and Discursive Analysis

Lic. Alan Suresh Vázquez Raposo1*, Dr. Maria de los Angeles Dichi Romero2, Dr. Luis Rey Garcia
Cortes3, Dr. Pedro Alberto Muñoz Reyna4, Dr. Eugenia del Rocio Rivera Tello5,
Dr. Karen Atzimba Tapia Payne6 and Dr. Elizabeth Ruiz López7
External collaborator in the Auxiliary Medical Coordination of Health
Research, Deconcentrated Regional Administrative Operation Organ
of the State of Mexico East of the Mexican Institute of Social Security
(Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social).
Head of the Head of Medical Benefits Services, Deconcentrated

Administrative Operation Body, Regional State of Mexico East of the

Mexican Institute of Social Security.
Assistant Medical Coordinator of Health Research Administrative
Operation Organ Regional Deconcentrated Regional State of Mexico
Alan Suresh Vázquez Raposo, External collaborator in
East of the Mexican Institute of Social Security.
the Auxiliary Medical Coordination of Health Research,
Assistant Medical Coordinator of Health Education Administrative
Deconcentrated Regional Administrative Operation Organ of the
Operation Organ Regional Deconcentrated Regional State of Mexico State of Mexico East of the Mexican Institute of Social Security
East of the Mexican Institute of Social Security. (Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social), Mexico.
Family Physician Hospital of Gynecology and Obstetrics with Family
Medicine Unit No. 60 Regional Deconcentrated Administrative Operation Organ Received: 04 November 2021; Accepted: 01 December 2021
Regional State of Mexico East of the Mexican Institute of Social Security.
Professor of the Specialization Course in Family Medicine UMF 55
Zumpango Regional Deconcentrated Administrative Operation Organ
Regional State of Mexico East of the Mexican Institute of Social Security.
Assistant Professor of the Specialization Course in Family Medicine

UMF 55 Zumpango Regional Decentralized Administrative Operation Organ

Regional State of Mexico East of the Mexican Institute of Social Security.

Citation: Raposo ASV, Romero MD, Cortes LRG, et al. Obesity: An Ideological and Discursive Analysis. Int J Psychiatr Res
2021; 4(6): 1-7.

The importance of discourse for society is enormous since they fall into communicative processes which, through reflections,
use the elaboration of ideas that appear in the collective imagination, since socio-political and economic conditions dictate
the schemes by which the discourse generates processes of meaning, interpretation and reproduction of everyday life. With
this approach we can observe that aspects of national interest such as education and health, for example, are crossed by the
way in which phenomena in these fields are explained, described or problematized. The objective is to make an analysis on the
influence of discourse for the perpetuity of obesity, to account for how groups console and support obesity and to understand
the impact that obesity generates on the subject itself, from generic aspects such as aesthetics, identity and belonging and
specifics such as health and nutrition. To understand why Obesity is an important phenomenon, it is necessary to highlight the
fact that it is not only a medical aspect, Torres and Rojas [1] assure “Although overweight and obesity impact people, it also
has consequences on development. economic and human capital of countries, mainly low-income, ranging from productivity to
the costs generated by its treatment. "From the social point of view, it is significant to denote the impact that the groups generate
on the subject since they insert discourses of" tolerant hedonism ", since for this the practice of any habit is allowed for the
benefit of pleasures, obesity discursively it could be part of a pressure to satisfy oneself voraciously, since everyone's dream is
to be without prejudice. Obesity is undoubtedly not only a behavior that uncovers the passions for food, it is the duty of health
professionals to find the causes even when they are not properly medical.

Int J Psychiatr Res, 2021 Volume 4 | Issue 6 | 1 of 7

Keywords one wants to seize" [3]. If there is a discourse to take possession of,
Obesity, Discourse, Ideology, Behavior, Idea. we can denote that their transformations are directed by a certain
interest and whoever dictates the position also suggests a control.
Discourse, Ideology and Obesity: An in / divisible triangulation
There is always a way of addressing the subjects, the relationships Therefore, “Discourse is a logically organized sequence of
in which the intention of domination is played (be it through the actions. Its character is verbal and non-verbal, interactive and
means of production, from the devices or ideological apparatuses) communicative. Its fundamental dimensions are form, meaning,
serve to subdue certain populations, a matter that has a discursive interaction, cognition, and context. The latter can be described in
basis. At the end of the Second World War, the creation of terms of social, locative and sociocultural structures of knowledge”
international institutions that would support an ideological [4]. The importance of discourse for society is enormous since they
project gave its origin. Even with the failures and successes that fall into communicative processes which, through reflections, use
its implementation implied, the free trade project got under way, the elaboration of ideas that appear in the collective imagination,
says Hobsbawm [2]. The "lessons" of the Great Depression (the since socio-political and economic conditions dictate the
word appears constantly in the discourse of the 1940s) were at schemes by which the discourse generates processes of meaning,
least partially translated into concrete institutional arrangements. interpretation and reproduction of everyday life.
The supremacy of the United States was a fact, and the political
pressures prompting action came from Washington, although The phenomena that affect the health of an individual and that are
many of the ideas and initiatives came from Great Britain, and the axis of Public Health not only have a pathological origin, but
in case of disagreement, as between Keynes and the American also a historical, political and discursive one. These intersections
spokesman Harry White, regarding the newly created International are related to the theory of Van Dijk [5] that proposes a triangularity
Monetary Fund (IMF), the American point of view prevailed. since it mentions: “the abuse of power that racism or xenophobia
But the original project of the new planetary liberal economic supposes can be described and explained from a triangular theory
order included it within the new international political order, also that relates discursive, cognitive and social. My own contribution
projected in the last years of war as the United Nations, and it was to this triangular and multidisciplinary theory raises the exploration
not until the collapse of the original model of the UN with the of some notions, so diverse but related, of power, ideology, context
cold war that the The only two international institutions that had and knowledge and their applications to the studies of discursive
actually come into operation under the Bretton Woods agreements racism, especially in the discourse of symbolic elites: the political
of 1944, the World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction discourse, the press and textbooks”.
and Development) and the IMF, which still exist, were in fact
subordinated to the policy of the United States. These institutions With this approach we can observe that aspects of national interest
were intended to facilitate long-term international investment and such as education and health, for example, are crossed by the way
maintain monetary stability, in addition to addressing balance of in which phenomena in these fields are explained, described or
payments problems. Other items on the international agenda did problematized. In this sense, the objective is to make an analysis on
not give rise to specific organizations (for example, for controlling the influence of discourse for the perpetuity of obesity, to account
the prices of basic necessities and for the adoption of measures for how groups console and support obesity and to understand
aimed at maintaining full employment), or were incompletely the impact that obesity generates on the subject itself, from the
carried out. The proposal for an International Trade Organization generic aspects such as aesthetics, identity and belonging and
ended in the much humbler General Agreement on Tariffs and specifics such as health and nutrition. “Overweight and obesity are
Trade (GATT).” defined as an abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat that can
be detrimental to health. The body mass index (BMI) is a simple
The social, cultural, political and economic impact implied by indicator of the relationship between weight and height that is
the opening of a new trade to ‘new freedoms’ destines the large frequently used to identify overweight and obesity in adults. It is
populations to reproduce the implanted schemes, science and calculated by dividing a person's weight in kilos by the square of
technology are involved in said discourse. Thus, the importance their height in meters (kg/m2)” [6].
of understanding the flow of discourse in today's societies is of
vital importance, because it is precisely marked according to the To understand why Obesity is an important phenomenon, it is
benefit of whoever is a power. To say about it, “As much as the necessary to highlight the fact that it is not only a medical aspect,
discourse may appear to be a small thing, the prohibitions that fall Torres and Rojas [1] assure “Although overweight and obesity
on it reveal very quickly, quickly, its connection with desire and impact people, it also has consequences on development. economic
power. And this is not surprising, since discourse - psychoanalysis and human capital of countries, mainly low-income, ranging from
has shown us productivity to the costs generated by its treatment. Due to its
- is not simply what manifests (or conceals) desire; it is also the relevance as a public health problem, various approaches have
object of desire; for emerged that seek to explain this problem. The approaches go
- history does not stop teaching us- the discourse is not simply that beyond the medical perspective to the extent that the economy-
which translates the struggles or the systems of domination, but food-health framework requires the addition of other components
rather that for which, and through which one fights, that power that of social life for its understanding, including the cultural or
Int J Psychiatr Res, 2021 Volume 4 | Issue 6 | 2 of 7
behavioral, but mainly the economic one. In addition, the existence a virtue shine in medicine as good health. Even with the criticism
of negative structural factors in development, goes beyond the implied by the notion of capitalism and consumption, it is necessary
medical-epidemiological approach that only focuses on diagnosis, to consider the disease-health aspect that thinness implies, explains
treatment and prevention campaigns.” Lipovetsky [8]. “We are in the anti-aging and anti-weight era...
Today the aesthetics of thinness occupies a preponderant role
The deformation of the body occurs gradually, such an imbalance (…). For a long time the care dedicated to the physical aspect was
of body mass occurs between energy intake and expenditure that dominated by the obsession of the face; today it is the body and its
occurs during the day, an aspect that is clearly linked to genetic maintenance that mobilizes more and more passions and aesthetic
aspects that little by little cause a change in metabolism. “The energy (…). Thinness has become a mass market; the industries
complex systems approach has also been proposed for the study related to this purpose: press, cosmetics, plastic surgeries, diets,
of obesity, in which the way in which individual and contextual sports clubs, remedy books, dietary supplements, girdles, spas,
factors are related is analyzed, and how this interaction generates etc., have seen their sales grow exponentially”. The seriousness
properties that cannot be explained from standard epidemiological lies in the fact that the oblivion for the imposition of thinness has
analysis procedures, or within the eco-social model. Thus, the changed, obesity is clearly a health problem that generates costs
problem of obesity is a dynamic phenomenon that needs to be and obstacles for the development of a person. It is not a question
approached with a comprehensive approach to overcome the risk of whether the media or designers demand a certain body, it is a
factors of the health-disease process and also the direct influence medical aspect that has to be approached in a different way.
of the socioeconomic and cultural environment.” [1]. The
function of discourse in obesity is given from the socio-cultural The normalization of obesity suggests the oblivion of medicine
and historical aspects, the interpretations and the treatment of for the good and satisfaction of the person, freedom, that freedom
obesity have changed as time passes, it is true that the canons have that began with the free trade agreements and with the creation of
defined aspects of beauty, body regime, discrimination and status institutions also put the health of the subjects at risk. There is a
However, it is necessary to understand that each phenomenon, real problem that arises from the need for control, the subject has
before its appearance, has its repercussions. been involved in a sea of pleasures that blind him to reflect on the
health implications it entails. It is not a matter of eroticizing and
What is the problem of obesity at the social level and what has romanticizing health as a transcendent aspect but as a day-to-day
been the influence of the discourse? Some of the speeches suggest life that allows the subject to develop and carry out the necessary
an imposition on the part of the system, being rigorous with the socio-cultural practices. "The ideal of thinness, therefore, has
bodies, trying to advocate a freedom of choice about how to look, become a goal to be pursued by most people, as it is constantly
about the way in which they produce the body, etc. The problem reinforced by those individuals who exert the most influence on
is that the confusion of these discourses that can fall into the the lives of individuals. The pressure generated by the fact that
category of "liberals" also promote obesity as a way to normalize such ideals are promoted in so many contexts, including the
it, although fashion houses, designers, magazines and the media in closest ones such as family and peers" [9]. Just as thinness is part
general tried to show off bodies in a "thin" way, the intention now of an ideal which axiomatically negates obesity, obesity would be
is to show the opposite following the discourse of acceptance and part of that which is intended to be maintained. Just as thinness
inclusion, however, they forget to take into account the medical is part of an ideal which axiomatically negates obesity, obesity
aspect, the health problems that obesity implies. would be part of that which is intended to be maintained. The UK
Cosmopolitan magazine issued on the cover of the August 2018
A study by Meza and Moral de la Rubia [7] asserts that “Talking issue an image of an overweight model, matching the interests
about obesity beyond the cultural standard of beauty defined by of society may fail because before the coarse opinion of people
thinness allows us to recognize that it is a health problem that cannot agree to the common, the reference of the magazine could
seriously worries the community. In the case analyzed, a group be seen as an attempt to resort to discourses of inclusion and
of young adult women is observed who share a constant concern without stereotypes, however it refers to forgetting the aspects of
about the issue, given that all of them are overweight or obese health and what is promoted with it.
(BMI ≥ 25). Even though each one has professional training and
are economically independent women, they meet to discuss their Ideology is part of this discursive process of normalization,
different life experiences seeking the consensus of their friends since “If we use Marx and Engels' architectural metaphor of
to assess their current point of view on the alternative of surgical the building with a foundation or base and a superstructure that
intervention as a solution to the problem of obesity, so they negotiate is built on this foundation, we can say that ideology belongs to
the meanings that each of them associates with this condition and the superstructure. But ideology is not limited to being only one
with the different surgical alternatives they know.” This scenario instance of the superstructure, it also slides through the other parts
reflects the way in which discourses permeate cognition to signify of the social edifice, it is like the cement that ensures the cohesion
a phenomenon. of the building. Ideology coheses individuals in their roles, in their
functions and in their social relations” [10]. The intentionality
Thinness demands rituals of preservation and procuration, an of the "pro-obesity" discourses indicate precisely an ideological
obsession to maintain a healthy image. This value that is given as interest, they construct, under their desires and interpretations, the
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conditions to satisfy the need for acceptance, they generate spaces also be included); whatever the level of the social group, it must
that allow reflection by aspects of satisfaction instead of raising the be understood that these groups generate an ideal and an identity
aspects around health. in the person, since we signify the effects of the discourse. "Each
of the identities represents a different perspective of us about
When introducing Ideology as a field of analysis within the the living space, and precisely their mutual interaction, and the
phenomenon of obesity we can observe that Althusser [11] refers to resulting effect, reaches interpersonal communication. It has arisen
the Ideological State Apparatuses as “a certain number of realities from environmental communications, and has in turn influenced
that present themselves to the immediate observer under the form the transition of personal communication. This judgment leads to a
of distinct and specialized institutions.” Among these institutions practical awareness of the relationship between one's own identity
the family, information (here he refers to the media), religious and and communicative behaviors, offering insight into the behavior of
cultural institutions are part of the daily order of a subject, within others and alternative explanations for the communicator himself.
these institutions interpersonal relationships are also generated, Personal, social and ideal identity are linked in a continuously
that is to say that the whole social edifice is subject to the Ideology dynamic way" [12]. Since personal identity implies the look
that prevails at that moment. towards oneself, while social identity implies a direct relationship
with the other, in how it is supposed to observe and the judgment
How does ideology work in obesity? that according to makes and the ideal is what we seek to feel at
From the social point of view, it is significant to denote the impact ease and that others notice.
that groups generate in the subject since they insert discourses
of "tolerant hedonism", since for this purpose the practice of any Now, referring to why it matters and how the obesity discourse
habit is allowed for the benefit of pleasures, obesity discursively works, emphasizing the changes that have been made via
could be inscribed in a pressure to satisfy oneself voraciously, ideology and the appreciation of the phenomena from alternative
since everyone's dream is to be without prejudice. perspectives that sometimes tend to demonize the discourses of
rejection of their positions, it is necessary to understand that the
The groups where a subject with obesity develops generally tend function of the discourse as long as it has interests is manifested
to reaffirm the idealizations about the body, since, in the first in society, obesity among many factors can be thought from a
instance, the group of belonging is chosen by fulfilling the demands medical-social way.
(implicit or explicit) that the subject has, the subject must accept
the conditions of the group, thus creating an intrinsic relationship The obese subject: a clinical psychological perspective
between the groups and the subjects, satisfying unconscious We have highlighted the aspect of the obese subject's identity and
conditions. its relationship with discourse and ideology; however, identity is
a process with greater attributions since it is part of the subject
The first contact with the world is the family "Man is born in the itself and determines its relationship with the environment and
bosom of the family, the first social cell, which in addition to caring with other people. Normalizing a problem as evident as obesity
for and stimulating the development of the child, has to procure his puts in check the practice of health professionals, since even
education, collaborating with the institutions in order to favor the with the attack strategies to reduce the impact that this health
personalization and happiness of its offspring. problem represents, they do not contemplate aspects that surround
the subject since "The beliefs and values that every society or
The family communication and influence are decisive in the human community has, establish which foods are accepted or not. But
orientation of the children. In it a deep socialization influence we can also find individual preferences articulated to an infinity of
is lived: communication and conjugal love, respect among events. Some examples would be: because that food was produced
the members that integrate the family, solidarity, upbringing, in a unique or special way for the person; when it is linked to the
education and attention to their descendants. In addition to the care presence of a close and important figure from the point of view
of the body, the experience and internalization of religious, moral, of affections; or to a certain mood; when its consumption was
cultural, patriotic values, relationships with other family members, received as a reward; in cases where the food has been associated
friendships, in which the parents participate [12]. Thus, we can with the relief that occurs at the end of a stressful situation; for
infer that its discursiveness crosses the body of the infant made being frequently consumed on occasions of family or friendly
subject, subject of the codes of language. The social structure meetings and especially if people are no longer accessible due to
takes on such relevance in a pathology such as obesity since it is death, travel or other circumstances" [13].
from this that it is prevented, intervened or denied, while assuming
the moral condition that implies the reproduction of a historical Undoubtedly, obesity is not only a behavior that uncovers the
discourse. passions for food, it is the duty of health professionals to find the
causes even when these are not strictly medical. The relationship
The subject is challenged by a discourse, an ideology and a device with the psychological aspect is born because when faced with the
such as the family (within this framework, secondary groups such clear expression of a problem "Many patients come to consultation
as friendships or love relationships or academic education and with the idea that obesity is solved by following a diet, without
tertiary groups such as the practice of sports, the arts, etc., can considering other areas of their lives. Sometimes this attitude
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can be favored by the professional, who focuses all the patient's sufficient motivation to allow them to change behavior." Denia,
attention on weight loss, leaving aside the need for modification 2011 [14], due to dissatisfaction factors, people end up deserting
of lifestyle and behavioral habits [14]". Habits are built as we medical-nutritional treatments and psychological consultation,
relate to our life history, so talking about obesity in a space where therefore it is always necessary to contemplate elements that are
it is associated only with aesthetics gives rise to normalizing related, that help to maintain a healthy behavior and that support
the phenomenon. Such a situation in consultation is reflected in the improvement of health.
the very arguments that in therapies with health professionals is
necessary to contemplate. Some of the problems faced by a subject with obesity is the search
for immediate results, since the patient suffers from pressure when
"The overall approach to treatment focuses on changing lifestyle trying to comply with aesthetic standards and not finding immediate
and this change is preferably aimed at three aspects: eating results, he/she desists from any intervention. For Denia [14] there
behavior, itself, the modification of sedentary life by a regular are two important keys to compliance with obesity treatments:
increase in physical exercise and modification of the factors motivation and psychoeducation. The first says "The focus in the
of emotional life that affect obesity [14]". A mood to take into first interviews is in terms of physical achievements, such as losing
account what the patient prospects in the consultation, since in the weight and regulating it in a stable way, but to achieve weight
medical-nutritional clinic is often overlooked what surrounds the stabilization, feelings and emotions must be properly channeled
subject in relation to their obesity, considering how necessary it is without using food as an intermediary or as a goal. This behavior
to give this comprehensive approach, contemplating in the clinic reflects in the patient a difficulty in expressing emotions, which
the subject as a recipient of disease does not benefit the practice or it is desirable to improve through psychological help, so that it
the patient himself. does not have a negative impact on his or her weight. However,
the objective of participating in a psychotherapy group is not in
García [15] comments: "Although edo chronological, hypothalamic their approach from the beginning and this possibility is usually
or genetic causes are adduced, the most frequent obesity, the not immediately accepted".
so-called exogenous obesity, is explained by a higher caloric
intake than necessary. However, according to some statistics, Consider the position of motivation, in relation to the discourse
Spaniards ingest 10% fewer calories than 10 years ago, and yet that has developed in the patient. The attitudes, beliefs and
the phenomenon of obesity seems to be growing. How can this behaviors that are broken down from the ideological discursive
apparent contradiction be explained? In principle, the contradiction system put the patient in a doubtful notion about whether the
is resolved by appealing to two different types of interrelated treatment works or not, however, it is possible to make him/her see
causes: profound changes in society and in food consumption". that given the relief of options that are presented to him/her, it is
Adding emphatically the factor of the obese subject's cognitions, necessary to adapt in a habitual way to the indications, promoting
the discourse he/she receives from the media, the ideology that the disintegration of bad habits and beliefs that hinder the clinical
is sustained from the family are entirely captured and processed process. The expectations of the clinical process generated by the
by the subject who in turn has to reproduce the information, his/ patient, in this sense, are distorted by the research presented or by
her perception, ideal and image are entirely related to the social the intention and urgency to lose weight.
approach, the integral clinic would focus on elucidating the
majority of problematic issues. The second point that Denia [14] specifies is "Psychoeducation",
which refers to a restructuring of thoughts and desires in relation
The conditions that arise from obesity are discrimination, to obesity, "Most people with obesity who come for treatment have
depression, and difficulties in psychological maturation. Ortega been on numerous diets with generally poor results. They usually
[16] asserted that "some studies have mentioned obesity as a risk have excessive and inadequate information about diets, healthy
factor for eating behavior disorders (ED). Excess weight is one eating, slimming process and, in addition, they are immersed in
of the predisposing factors for both anorexia nervosa and bulimia the society of thinness. They expect marked and rapid weight
nervosa. In addition, obesity is associated with low self-esteem, changes with almost any diet, the schemes are defined more by
fasting behaviors and affective disorders that act as predisposing weight loss to be thin looking for a change of image to be more
or maintenance factors of the disorder. successful, self-acceptance and acceptance by others and not so
much for health reasons (...). It should be understood that adequate
Some studies point to an indirect relationship between obesity and physical activity and exercise are sufficient and regular to promote
academic performance, due to the relationship between obesity health and weight maintenance. The family will receive a detailed
and sleep disorders and the deleterious effect of the latter on school explanation of the program procedures".
Taking into account these two points are essential to understand
There are factors that allow an improvement in the subject with and analyze obesity in its composition, a study made by the
obesity, since, it does not only imply maintaining a diet or a Federal Government [17] comments "Overweight and obesity
pharmacological treatment. Agents such as motivation work have increased in all ages, regions and socioeconomic groups,
inexorably. "People with obesity often have difficulty finding which has led our country to occupy second place in the world
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in adult obesity and first place in childhood obesity.", clarifying discourse in which everything is achievable, everything is possible
the correlation of obesity with other types of chronic diseases and the subject places the limitations, the principle of ideology
which are: Diabetes, Dyslipidemias, Arteriosclerosis, Arterial and the discourse of power used is that: Make everything possible.
Hypertension, Cardiovascular, Osteomuscular ailments, Cancer. The patient with obesity problems undoubtedly perceives (without
These crossovers between chronic diseases and obesity reveal that realizing it) that all the food he wants is his.
well-being, functional capacity, life expectancy and quality of life
decrease, which increases mortality rates. We must also consider There are analyses that show the correlation between the economic
the fact that by generating ideas, beliefs and appropriate behaviors and political problems of a country or region with food practices;
around the treatment of obesity in the subjects, it is possible to however, it is not a determining factor in its totality, since social
reduce costs. aspects have an influence. Undoubtedly, a better management of
laws to regulate the purchase and sale of food would help to reduce
Psychoeducation becomes relevant in the clinical aspect since it the phenomenon of obesity.
distorts the way in which the subject means the information on
obesity, since risk factors such as sedentary lifestyles, the intake The aspects of ideological discourse and obesity are reflected in
of energy-dense foods, the marketing of such foods, increase intake, although the essay has focused on obesity, it is not exempt
the probabilities of suffering from obesity or of perpetuating it. from extrapolating to conditions such as bulimia or anorexia,
Villaseñor et al. [18] state: "Obesity is a pathology of multifactorial however, the analysis suggests a social proposal to address a health
etiology (genetic, neurochemical, metabolic, cellular, hormonal, problem. Involving social aspects in the clinic suggests a wider scope
psychological, social and cultural) ... Therefore, it is necessary to elucidate the treatment, improvements and the clinic to be imparted.
to address this problem psychologically with an approach that
considers both the etiology and the maintenance of obesity, The living conditions of a subject are, therefore, the greatest
cognitive variables (beliefs), affective variables (management risk; obesity is the result of poor living conditions, poor use of
of unpleasant emotional states) and environmental variables purchasing power, and how the subject perceives his or her
(customs, habits, etc.)". environment. "The health promotion model, faced with what it
conceives as a pandemic, has chosen to generalize about the causes
Conclusion and consequences of being fat, and this entails certain difficulties.
When we refer to obesity confrontation tactics, it is imperative to The main one is to deal with the effects of its particular conception
contemplate the interdisciplinarity that enunciates the areas, having of the problem. Without questioning, from the outset, the causality
an integral posture that allows the practice of all professionals. and the figures offered by epidemiological studies, but putting
Obesity, in fact, is a health problem and also a daily cultural some distance given the theoretical-methodological diversity used
activity, that is, not only the person faces a biological problem, to present the problem, we understand that this ideation derives, in
this is of vital importance because we just argue the look at a bio- part, from a limited - insufficient and/or partial - understanding of
psycho-social approach. fatness, nutrition and culture. Such limitation demonstrates, in any
case, the need to broaden the respective views of each discipline,
The responsibility of the great discourses should be committed and include an integrative and transdisciplinary perspective, or
to the promotion of health, the idea that bodies are as they are what Claude Fischler calls an indisciplinary attitude that allows
misrepresenting the notion of health, an obese body is a sick body, us to bring together these fragmented images of the human being
not because of biological conditions or imposition, but because of (biological and social) and the problems that concern him/her."
the obsession to maintain a liberal idea that should not be allowed, Obesity should not be considered only as an isolated health
not from the field of health. The approach to this notion is not based problem, but as a symptom of social aspects that are a thread that
on any aesthetic stance. Obesity, as we have reviewed, is a serious spins the progress or not of a society.
problem that must be addressed by analyzing sociopolitical aspects
and discourse. Indeed, it is necessary to confront the promotion of The clinic to reduce obesity and discard normalization needs a
hatred or racism, but we must not forget that the body suffers from structure that allows them to position integrative visions, because
obesity, as we have argued, an obese body is ultimately always related as we have reviewed, as the spectrum of the origin is so broad,
to chronic diseases from which the subject can lose his or her life. contemplating it from different edges, a more stable cure or
control would be appreciated. There is no health phenomenon
There are consumption practices that highlight that the subject that is not crossed by ideology and discourse, and obesity, being
does not only represent a health problem, eating is not only about a multifactorial result, needs to be thought of in this way. Health
satisfying a need, food intake by the review that we have seen personnel need broader perspectives.
is affected by beliefs, the discourse that supports obesity would
imply a "enjoyment for the sake of enjoyment", an aspect that References
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© 2021 Raposo ASV, et al. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Int J Psychiatr Res, 2021 Volume 4 | Issue 6 | 7 of 7

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