Punjab govt instructions

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FD-FP-206(PYF G)t3 t2020- t FPil Sft

Govemment of Punjab
Department of Finance
( Finance Personnel-2 Branch)

Dated, Chandigarh: lo'01, >a.t-9


All Special Chief Secretaries, Additional Chief Secretaries,

'l Financial Commissioner, Principal Secretaries &
Administrative Secretaries to Govemment of Punjab;
ii) Atl Heads of the Departments of the State;
iiD All Commissioners of Divisions;
v) The Registrar, Punjab and Haryana High Courr,
v) All Deputy Commissioners & District & Session Judges
vi) Secretary, Punjab Vidhan Sabha.

Subject:- Implementation of judgment dated 09.04.2024 passed by Hon'ble

Punjab and llaryana High court in LPA 696 of 2022 in CWP

16353 of 2020- Malagar Singh Vs State of Punjab and others -
Regarding grant of notional annual increment after retirement '


This is in reference to the earlier instruction no' FD-FP-

206(PYl'Gy3/2020-1t;P2186 dated l8-03-2021 issued by Department ol F'inancc,

in which it was clarified that no increase can be allowed in the pay of Govemment
cmployee after the day he/ she ceases to be a Govemment employee. lt was also

conveyed that his/ her pension cannot be calculated on any pay which is more than

the last pay drawn.

2. Now, the Hon'ble Punjab and llaryana Fligh Court in its judgmcnt
passed in I_PA 696 of 2022 in cwP 16353 of 2020 -Malagar Singh Vs State of
punjab and orhers dated 09.04.2024, has dismissed the Appeal of the State
confirming the judgment passed in cwP 32598 of 201 9 titled as Gurdev Singh vs.
State of Punjab and another (bunch matters) and has altowed the release of bcnetlt
ol notional annual incrcnrent after retiremcnt for the purpose of pensionary

The extract of order in CWP No.32598 of 2019 dated 16.03.2022 is reproduced as


"....... The respondents are directed lo Sranl the petitioners the beneJit oJ'

one notional increment so as to fix their last drawn pa1' al the time of their

retirement and their pensionary benefits be re-calculated on the basis of

said last drawn pay but petitioners, as undertaken by them will not be

entitled for the arrears up to lhe date of filing lheir respeclive petilions b'
them and rhe actuol bene/its of arrears upon re-fixation o.f their pension
will be given to the petitioners from the date of rtling of the writ petitions'

The petitioners are held not entitled for any arrears prior to the dole of
filing of the writ petitions by the petilioners as agreed by them before
Courl at the time of hearing. Let the re-fixation of the pensionary bene.fits
upon revised last pay drawn be done by the respondents within a period o;f'
tleo months from the receipt of copy of this order and the actual arrears for
which the petitioners become entitled for under this order be released lo
them within a period of one month thereafier.

3. The Government has therefore revisited these instructions as referred

in para I above, and has now decided to grant the benefit of one notional annual
increment to all the pensioners of the State Govemment who have completed l2
months of service on the date of their retirement for purpose of re-fixation of their
last drawn pay for the purpose ol computing their pensionary benefits. The

increment shall, however, be granted if otherwise admissible as per provisions of

Punjab Civil Services Rules i.e. subject to verification ofservice records.

4. As per directions of the llon'ble Punjab and Ilaryana lligh court as

mentioned above, the arrears ol pensionary beneflts shall be payable to the

petitioners only from the date of filing of their respective writ petitions.

5 The financial benefit / Arrears in cases of the pensioners (Non

petitioners) shall be payable only from the date of issuance ofthese instructions.

6. The Finance Department shall separately decide on amendment in the

relevant rules if so required.
7. All the Administrative Departments / pension sanctioning authorities

are advised to implement the above instructions meticulously in its true letter and


Yours faithfull v,

U ec retary
? la{
No. FD-FP-206(PYFGy3/20 20-tFPzl -jle Dated, Chandigarh: I O'o+'24>L1

A copy each is forwarded to:-

(i) The Principal Accountant General (AudiQ Punjab, Chandigarh
(ii) The Principal Accountant General (A&E) Punjab, Chandigarh'

o 't 4
No. FD-FP-206(PYFGy3/2020-1FP2l1gb Dated, Chandigarh: lo'o+')olq
A copy ofthe above is forwarded to the Private Secretary / Chief
Secretary, Government of Punjab for information and necessary action'

No. FD-FP-206(PYFGy3/2020-IFP2|tqq Dated,Chandigarh: fo'o?'ro)-9
A copy of the above is forwarded to the Secretary, Government of
Punjab, Department ofPersonnel for necessary action.

o ') 'b1-?
Superinte d t
No. FD-FP-206(PYFGy3/20 2o-1FW EIS Dated, Chandigarh: f 6, 6a,eaz9

Officers in the State for information and necessary action'

(o B"?
Superi nten d n
No.FD-FP-206(PYFGy3/2020-lFP2l 146 Dated,Chandigarh:lO' o?'>'oz'9
and necessary action:-

(i) Special Chief Secretary/ Chief Minister, Punjab, Chandigarh'

(ii) State Information Officer/lrllC., Puniab Civil
') 7v
Superinte n en
No. FD-FP-206(PYFGy3/20 }O-IFPU Sl? Dated, Chandigarh: lo' o+' >-or9
A copy of the above is forwarded to the Director, Public Enterprises
and Disinvestment with the request that the requisite monitoring of these
instructions applicable on the organizations may please be ensured.

Superi nte
Intemal Distribution:

(i) Directorate of Financial Resources and Economic Intelligence.

(ii) All Branches in the Department of Finance.

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