Magic Datasheet

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General Description: Surface Preparation:

MAS MAGIC is a water based and transpiring New Concrete:
decorative paint with particular and fascinating  Surface must be clean, structurally
bicolour effect. Easy application and wide range sound, and free from all contaminants
of colours helps to redecorate internal walls of including curing compounds, form
houses, villas, shops, flats into sophisticated release agent, dust, dirt, oil, old coatings
and exceptional scenery of renaissance and paint.
palaces. This product is created to give new  New concrete and masonry surfaces
decorative solutions for interiors in order to should be cured for at least 28 days.
make your environment unique for their refine Provide an absorptive surface on all
elegance. substrates including smooth precast or
Major Uses: formed concrete.
Best applied for interior masonry walls,  The moisture content of the concrete
gypsum, concrete and mineral surfaces should be below 4% by weight.
General Characteristics and  All laitance must be removed prior to the
Physical Properties: next step in surface preparation.
 Remove form marks and other
Appearance As per catalogue protrusions.
 Ensure that the surface is fully dry prior
Specific Weight 1.00 kg. / lit. to the application of corresponding
primer and subsequent coating.
Dilution Ready to use (you can add 5% if Old Concrete:
needed)  Old concrete should be clean and in
good condition. Cracks, holes and other
Coverage 5 - 6 m /liter
irregularities should be filled in.
0  All blistered, cracks and peeled-off paints
Drying Time 3 - 4 hrs. at 20 C
should be removed either by grit
5 C - 30 C
0 blasting, mechanical sanding or paint
temperature stripper.
Good resistance for abrasion  Penetrated paint must be cleaned and
Resistance once hardened treated with ammonia solution.
 Glossy finish coat must be sanded.
Washability Good after hardened using water  Oils and greases are best removed by
and normal detergent steam cleaning in conjunction with a
Stability Approximately one (1) year min. detergent solution. Thorough scrubbing
into the packaging. with hot caustic solutions will also
VOC 40 g/L remove mineral oils and greases.

The above information is given to the best of our knowledge based on laboratory test and practical experience. However, as the paint is often used under
condition beyond our control, we cannot guarantee anything but the quality of the paint itself. We reserve the right to change the given data without prior notice.


TEL NO: 009716 5311777; FAX: 009716 5311330
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Old Wood, Old Iron:
 Previously painted with alkyds and P.U. horizontally and vertically for about 15-20 cm.
paints. long in all directions with small amount of
 Remove grease from the surface and pressure to achieve a crushed and small
sand well. particles thus creating a classical chromatic
 Smoothen with 280 – 300 grit sand effect.
paper to facilitate the adhesion of Brush + Spatula
subsequent primer. This classic effect can also be achieved by
New Iron: applying MAS MAGIC with a suitable brush in
all directions for about 8-12 cm. long, moving
 Smoothen the surface with sandpaper.
from right to left and vice versa, and from bottom
 Remove traces of oil, grease and other
to top and vice versa, leaving a thin layer of the
contaminants and apply one (1) coat of
product, which is more or less uneven. Let it dry
Standard Deruster.
for 20 minutes, smoothen the coated surface
 Apply one (1) coat of anti corrosive
with stainless steel trowel, moving in all
primer to protect the surface from rust.
directions. After 5-6 hours, apply the second
Application Procedure: coat of MAS MAGIC with the brush, with the
Please ensure that the surface is properly same method as the first coat.
prepared with the application of MAS Masonry Note:
AR Primer as an impregnating sealer to protect The product itself is intended for interior
the concrete from efflorescence. application, however, if applied for outdoors,
MAS PVA Wall Filler (if necessary to even up please ensure that all the preparatory coats are
surface irregularities.) and Mascryl (as for exterior coating. MAS MAGIC must be fully
specified) as an intermediate coat prior to the dry prior to the application of MAS Protect as a
application of MAS MAGIC. protective coating.
It is imperative to ensure that the surface to be
coated should be free from other contaminants,
oil, grease and concrete laitance. Normally 4 kg, and 20 kg in plastic bucket are
Classic Effect: available upon request.
Spatula Colours Availability:
Ensure that the surface is fully dry, clean and - Basecoat ( Mascryl)
free from any contaminants. - MAS Magic
Apply Mascryl (specified colour) using the
special brush and keep it dry.
Physiological Hazards:
MAS MAGIC is water-based paint, nevertheless,
Apply MAS MAGIC with stainless steel trowel,
good ventilation in working rooms is
using uneven stroke between 15 – 30 cm. long
recommended as well as the use of safety tools
in all directions, leaving a thin and irregular
and equipment. MAS MAGIC is harmful if
layer of the product on the surface. After 5-6
swallowed. If contact with eyes or skin occurs,
hours, apply the second coat, using the same
wash well with fresh water and seek immediate
method as for the first coat. Wait for
medical advice.
approximately 1 hour and smoothen the coated
surface with the same trowel

The above information is given to the best of our knowledge based on laboratory test and practical experience. However, as the paint is often used under
condition beyond our control, we cannot guarantee anything but the quality of the paint itself. We reserve the right to change the given data without prior notice.


TEL NO: 009716 5311777; FAX: 009716 5311330
Website :
Email :

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