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Tender No: DADN-SWD-RKGC-12 Closing Date/Time: 31/07/2024 15:00

DYCE-C-I-IND acting for and on behalf of The President of India invites E-Tenders against Tender No DADN-SWD-RKGC-12 Closing
Date/Time 31/07/2024 15:00 Hrs. Bidders will be able to submit their original/revised bids upto closing date and time only. Manual offers
are not allowed against this tender, and any such manual offer received shall be ignored.


(i) Earthwork & Blanketing in embankment /cutting in formation of BG line including Bridge &
Tunnel approaches etc., Construction of bridge work (Major/Minor - sub structure and super
structure) as per Railway's approved Design and Drawing, Construction of Approach
Road/Retaining/Boundary/Toe wall/Diversion Drain, Supply & spreading of machine crushed
stone ballast, Laying and linking of BG track for Main line, loop lines and Points & Crossing
etc. in section, Transportation of P.Way materials, Welding of Rails, and other incidental
Name of Work
miscellaneous works etc. between Rajpura (Excluding) (Ch:41320)- Choral (Excluding)
(Ch:49520) Block Section in connection with Gauge Conversion of Dr. Ambedkar nagar
(Mhow) - Sanawad section in Ratlam Division of Western Railway. (ii) Construction of Single
line BG Tunnel No.13 (Length: 1.6 Km Ch:42800 to Ch:44400 in Rajpura-Choral Section) &
Tunnel No.14 (Length: 2.29 Km Ch:55700 to Ch:57990 in Choral-Mukhtiyara Balwada
Section) including Ballastless Track (BLT).
Bidding type Two Stage Reverse Auction
Tender Type Open Bidding System Two Packet System
Tender Closing Date Time 31/07/2024 15:00 Date Time Of Uploading Tender 05/06/2024 18:23
Pre-Bid Conference
Yes Pre-Bid Conference Date Time 18/06/2024 11:00
Advertised Value 4686541748.89 Tendering Section TENDER
Bidding Style Single Rate for Each Schedule Bidding Unit
Earnest Money (Rs.) 10000000.00 Validity of Offer ( Days) 90
Tender Doc. Cost (Rs.) 0.00 Period of Completion 24 Months
Contract Type Works Contract Category Expenditure
Are Joint Venture (JV) firms
Bidding Start Date 17/07/2024 Yes
allowed to bid
Ranking Order For Bids Lowest to Highest Expenditure Type Capital (Works)

Auto Elimination rules

Yes Minimum Decrement (%) .1
Initial Cooling Off Period Subsequent Cooling Off
04:00 00:30
(HH:MM) Period (HH:MM)


S.No. Item Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Code Unit
Please see Item Breakup for details. 26896256.15 (-) 25.00 20172192.11
Lump Sum 537925.00 (-) 25.00 403443.75
2 Description :- Any other misc. items other than prescribed chapters of above schedules requiring successful
completion of the work under CPWD-DSR items -2021 Edition.

S.No. Item Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Code Unit
Schedule B-EARTHWORK IN FORMATION 321163435.78
Please see Item Breakup for details. 650953304.85 (-) 51.63 314866113.56
Lump Sum 13019066.00 (-) 51.63 6297322.22
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Tender No: DADN-SWD-RKGC-12 Closing Date/Time: 31/07/2024 15:00

2 Description :- Any other misc. items other than prescribed chapters of above schedules requiring successful
completion of the work under USSOR items -2021 Edition.

S.No. Item Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Code Unit
Schedule C-Earthwork in Cutting in Formation 173616277.72
Please see Item Breakup for details. 323412573.10 (-) 47.37 170212037.22
Description:- Earthwork in Cutting in Formation
Lump Sum 6468251.00 (-) 47.37 3404240.50
2 Description :- Any other misc. items other than prescribed chapters of above schedules requiring successful
completion of the work under USSOR items -2021 Edition

S.No. Item Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Code Unit
Schedule D-Bridge Work Sub Structures 301781846.93
Please see Item Breakup for details. 460131502.09 (-) 35.70 295864555.84
Description:- Bridge Work Sub Structures
Lump Sum 9202630.00 (-) 35.70 5917291.09
2 Description :- Any other misc. items other than prescribed chapters of above schedules requiring successful
completion of the work under USSOR items -2021 Edition

S.No. Item Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Code Unit
Schedule E-Bridge Work Super Structures 24159311.54
Please see Item Breakup for details. 32330875.23 (-) 26.74 23685599.19
Description:- Bridge Work Super Structures
Lump Sum 646618.00 (-) 26.74 473712.35
2 Description :- Any other misc. items other than prescribed chapters of above schedules requiring successful
completion of the work under USSOR items -2021 Edition

S.No. Item Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Code Unit
Schedule F-Bridge Works Super Structures-Steel 230443594.10
Please see Item Breakup for details. 249889494.70 (-) 9.59 225925092.16
Description:- Bridge Works Super Structures-Steel
Lump Sum 4997790.00 (-) 9.59 4518501.94
2 Description :- Any other misc. items other than prescribed chapters of above schedules requiring successful
completion of the work under USSOR items -2021 Edition.

S.No. Item Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Code Unit
Schedule G- Bridge works Miscllaneous 121080062.06
Please see Item Breakup for details. 196761052.92 (-) 39.67 118705943.23
Description:- Bridge works Miscllaneous
Lump Sum 3935221.00 (-) 39.67 2374118.83
2 Description :- Any other misc. items other than prescribed chapters of above schedules requiring successful
completion of the work under USSOR items -2021 Edition.

S.No. Item Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Code Unit
Schedule H-Supplying & utilising Cement 248613678.50
Please see Item Breakup for details. 290470473.77 (-) 14.41 248613678.50

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Tender No: DADN-SWD-RKGC-12 Closing Date/Time: 31/07/2024 15:00

Description:- Supplying & utilising Cement

S.No. Item Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Code Unit
Schedule I-Supplying & Utilising of HYSD Bars 1147323571.39
Please see Item Breakup for details. 1710891099.60 (-) 32.94 1147323571.39

S.No. Item Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Code Unit
Schedule J-P-Way Work 50612565.06
Please see Item Breakup for details. 49245892.89 0.76 49620161.68
Description:- USSSOR 2021 items of P-Way Work
Lump Sum 984918.00 0.76 992403.38
2 Description :- Any other misc. items other than prescribed chapters of above schedules requiring successful
completion of the work under USSOR items -2021 Edition

S.No. Item Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Code Unit
Schedule K-NS Items for Bridge Work 11556698.00
NS 1 81.00 MT 97258.00 7877898.00 AT Par 7877898.00
Description:- Providing Sacrificial shuttering for deck slab made up with galvanized Cold rolled cold annealed
(CRCA) steel of 310 MPA Grade with all contractor's material, labour, erection, fixing, welding etc. complete with all
1 lead and lift and all safety precautions. Rate is inclusive of structural design of the sacrificial shuttering by
contractor at their own cost. Note: (i) Rate of sacrificial shuttering (galvanised CRCA 310 MPa Minimum 1.20 mm
thick) for deck slab is inclusive of preparation of detailed structural drawing supported with required calculation duly
proof checked by Govt. Engineering College. No extra payment for development of design and drawing of decking
sheet or its proof checking is admissible.
NS 2 2700.00 Sqm 527.00 1422900.00 AT Par 1422900.00
Description:- Providing & laying a layer of three dimensional cellular confinement system GEOCELL made of
ultrasonically welded HDPE strips, which acts as a subgrade/subbase improving reinforcement mat weld distance
2 of each cell=356mm, depth of cell=150mm) between formation and track structure in bridge approaches as per
specifications & conditions attached as per IS-17483.The rate is inclusive of all labour, materials, leads, lifts
crossing of tracks, transport, including all labour, fuel, tools and plants etc., complete. No payment for wastages will
be made, and rate may be quoted accordingly.
NS 3 132700.00 cum 17.00 2255900.00 AT Par 2255900.00
Description:- Extra for mechanical compaction of soil in embankment with contractor's rollers of suitable capacity,
3 type and size to achieve specified density as per specification, testing as per IS codes including cost of water, T&P,
consumable and all labour as a complete job. The work is to be executed as per Latest edition of "Guidelines for
Earthwork in Railway Projects" issued by RDSO, Lucknow.

S.No. Item Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Code Unit
Schedule L-NS Items for P-Way Work 25937547.17
NS1A 5614.62 MT 491.00 2756778.42 AT Par 2756778.42
Description:- Loading, transporting and unloading of Rails 52 Kg/ 60 Kg /90R/ 75R, New/ SH/ Release, SEJ/
Glued Joints/ Check Rails, Points-Xings, Tie Bars, Fittings and all types of sleeper etc. from Any Location with
contractors own means of transport i.e Truck / Trailors, crane, labour, diesel, T&P, etc. to Various Locations on this
1 Section in yards and between stations along the Track, including all operations involving lifting, transporting,
unloading, stacking/ spreading on cess at specified or as directed by the Engineer In Charge complete in all
respect. Note: If Loading and unloading of other than Rails and sleepers will be done by without mechanical
means, the payment shall be made @ 50% of accepted rate for this item.( a ) Lead up to 1Km including loading,
unloading & stacking.
NS1B 4632.52 MT 301.00 1394388.52 AT Par 1394388.52

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Tender No: DADN-SWD-RKGC-12 Closing Date/Time: 31/07/2024 15:00

Description:- Loading, transporting and unloading of Rails 52 Kg/ 60 Kg /90R/ 75R, New/ SH/ Release, SEJ/
2 Glued Joints/ Check Rails, Points-Xings, Tie Bars, Fittings and all types of sleeper etc. from Any Location with
contractors own means of transport i.e Truck / Trailors, crane, labour, diesel, T&P, etc. to Various Locations on this
Section in yards and between stations along the Track, including all operations involving lifting, transporting,
unloading, stacking/ spreading on cess at specified or as directed by the Engineer In Charge complete in all
respect. Note: If Loading and unloading of other than Rails and sleepers will be done by without mechanical
means, the payment shall be made @ 50% of accepted rate for this item. (b)Lead up to 1Km including unloading &
stacking if sleepers loading done by factory.
NS1C 2694997.30 MT-Km 5.44 14660785.31 AT Par 14660785.31
Description:- Loading, transporting and unloading of Rails 52 Kg/ 60 Kg /90R/ 75R, New/ SH/ Release, SEJ/
Glued Joints/ Check Rails, Points-Xings, Tie Bars, Fittings and all types of sleeper etc. from Any Location with
contractors own means of transport i.e Truck / Trailors, crane, labour, diesel, T&P, etc. to Various Locations on this
3 Section in yards and between stations along the Track, including all operations involving lifting, transporting,
unloading, stacking/ spreading on cess at specified or as directed by the Engineer In Charge complete in all
respect. Note: If Loading and unloading of other than Rails and sleepers will be done by without mechanical
means, the payment shall be made @ 50% of accepted rate for this item. (c) For each additional 1 Km. or part
thereof (Average approx. lead 250 Kms)
NS2A 19164.00 cum 182.47 3496855.08 AT Par 3496855.08
Description:- Picking up of stone ballast from Railway stack and leading the same including spreading uniformly
on BG/MG formation as per BG /MG standard profile as per IRPWM and LWR manual including dressing and
boxing etc. complete including crossing of track.(A) with a lead up to 100 M including crossing of track.
NS2B 7666.00 cum 17.63 135151.58 AT Par 135151.58
Description:- Picking up of stone ballast from Railway stack and leading the same including spreading uniformly
on BG/MG formation as per BG /MG standard profile as per IRPWM and LWR manual including dressing and
boxing etc. complete including crossing of track.(B) Extra for leads beyond 100 M but upto 500 M
NS2C 6707.00 cum 31.69 212544.83 AT Par 212544.83

6 Description:- Picking up of stone ballast from Railway stack and leading the same including spreading uniformly
on BG/MG formation as per BG /MG standard profile as per IRPWM and LWR manual including dressing and
boxing etc. complete including crossing of track.(C) Extra for lead beyond 500 M but up to 1000 M.
NS2D 4791.00 cum 47.21 226183.11 AT Par 226183.11

7 Description:- Picking up of stone ballast from Railway stack and leading the same including spreading uniformly
on BG/MG formation as per BG /MG standard profile as per IRPWM and LWR manual including dressing and
boxing etc. complete including crossing of track.(D) Extra for lead beyond 1000 M but up to 3000 M.
NS3 12.00 Month 56804.70 681656.40 AT Par 681656.40
Description:- Hiring and operating Multi-Utility vehicle of loading capacity one MT with sitting capacity of 4/6
persons, 4 strokes, 4 cylinders engine, factory-built metal body, cargo box type or passenger cabin type or both
8 (with 24 hours availability), including cost of fuel, lubricants, major/minor repairs, salary of driver, toll tax, all other
tax complete, operation and maintenance including running upto 1200 km in a month. The vehicle shall run on
pucca, kutcha road and along the track. The contractor shall arrange road permit for vehicles for all the States of
operation, as per instructions of engineer incharge and vehicle shall not be more than three years old. NOTE: This
item to be executed through Special tender.
NS4 4800.00 Kilometre 7.88 37824.00 AT Par 37824.00
9 Description:- Extra over above NS item No. NS/3 for every additional Km or part there of over 1200 Km in a
NS5A 12000.00 Numbers 13.09 157080.00 AT Par 157080.00
Description:- Extra for leading PSC sleepers beyond the initial lead of 150 M for linking out side the station limit.
10 (A)Lead beyond 150 M to 500 M. Note: (i) The sleepers may have to be taken from the block sections to nearest
stations and for this extra payments @ Rs.3.0 per sleeper per KM or part their of over and above this item if lead
exceeds 2.5 Kms. This item is for a maximum lead of 10 Kms including the initial lead of 2.5 KMs.(ii) If lead
exceeds more than 10 Kms. then payment will be paid separately under relevant NS item.
NS5B 10000.00 Numbers 27.00 270000.00 AT Par 270000.00
Description:- Extra for leading PSC sleepers beyond the initial lead of 150 M for linking outside the station limit.(B)
11 Lead beyond 500 M to 1500 M. Note: (i) The sleepers may have to be taken from the block sections to nearest
stations and for this extra payments @ Rs.3.0 per sleeper per KM or part their of over and above this item if lead
exceeds 2.5 Kms. This item is for a maximum lead of 10 Kms including the initial lead of 2.5 KMs.(ii) If lead
exceeds more than 10 Kms. then payment will be paid separately under relevant NS item
NS5C 8000.00 Numbers 48.99 391920.00 AT Par 391920.00


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Tender No: DADN-SWD-RKGC-12 Closing Date/Time: 31/07/2024 15:00

Description:- Extra for leading PSC sleepers beyond the initial lead of 150 M for linking out side the station limit.
(C) Lead beyond 1500 M to 2500 M. Note: (i) The sleepers may have to be taken from the block sections to
nearest stations and for this extra payments @ Rs.3.0 per sleeper per KM or part their of over and above this item
if lead exceeds 2.5 Kms. This item is for a maximum lead of 10 Kms including the initial lead of 2.5 KMs.(ii) If lead
exceeds more than 10 Kms. then payment will be paid separately under relevant NS item.
Per Track
NS6A 18338.00 43.39 795685.82 AT Par 795685.82
Description:- Tamping of the newly laid BG track on PSC /Wooden /ST sleepers with Railway's Tie Tamping
machines including picking up slacks to raise the speed in stages. The Railways shall provide Tie tamping machine
along with Crews but the cost of consumable items viz. diesel, HSD oil, lubricants, cotton etc. shall be borne by
contractor. The rate is also inclusive of cost of day to day routine maintenance of Tie tamping machine. The
contractor shall also provide his own laborers for Pre/During/Post tamping operations.(A)Ist round tamping. Note:
13 (a) The machine required for packing shall be supplied by Railway free. (b) The diesel, hydraulic oil and
consumable like grease, cotton waste etc. shall be supplied by the contractor.(c) The rate is also inclusive of cost
of day to day routine maintenance of the tamping machine.(d) The labour for all pre and post tamping operation
after each round of packing shall be supplied by contractor.(e) No deduction shall be made for main line portion of
points & crossing zone. In case Unimate is not available, manual packing shall have to be done in main line of
Points & Xing.(f) The length of track in point zone shall be taken as 1.5 times the straight length of ordinary track.
(g) In case contractor is not able to deploy necessary labour, deduction @Rs.320/- per day per labour, will be done
and Railway labour shall be deployed.
Per Track
NS6B 14190.00 26.23 372203.70 AT Par 372203.70
Description:- Tamping of the newly laid BG track on PSC /Wooden /ST sleepers with Railway's Tie Tamping
machines including picking up slacks to raise the speed in stages. The Railways shall provide Tie tamping machine
along with Crews but the cost of consumable items viz. diesel, HSD oil, lubricants, cotton etc. shall be borne by
contractor. The rate is also inclusive of cost of day to day routine maintenance of Tie tamping machine. The
contractor shall also provide his own laborers for Pre/During/Post tamping operations.(B) IInd round tamping. Note:
14 (a) The machine required for packing shall be supplied by Railway free. (b) The diesel, hydraulic oil and
consumable like grease, cotton waste etc. shall be supplied by the contractor.(c) The rate is also inclusive of cost
of day to day routine maintenance of the tamping machine.(d) The labour for all pre and post tamping operation
after each round of packing shall be supplied by contractor.(e) No deduction shall be made for main line portion of
points & crossing zone. In case Unimate is not available, manual packing shall have to be done in main line of
Points & Xing.(f) The length of track in point zone shall be taken as 1.5 times the straight length of ordinary track.
(g) In case contractor is not able to deploy necessary labour, deduction @Rs.320/- per day per labour, will be done
and Railway labour shall be deployed.
Per Track
NS6C 19190.00 18.16 348490.40 AT Par 348490.40
Description:- Tamping of the newly laid BG track on PSC /Wooden /ST sleepers with Railway's Tie Tamping
machines including picking up slacks to raise the speed in stages. The Railways shall provide Tie tamping machine
along with Crews but the cost of consumable items viz. diesel, HSD oil, lubricants, cotton etc. shall be borne by
contractor. The rate is also inclusive of cost of day to day routine maintenance of Tie tamping machine. The
contractor shall also provide his own laborers for Pre/During/Post tamping operations.(C)IIIrd and subsequent
15 round tamping. Note: (a) The machine required for packing shall be supplied by Railway free. (b) The diesel,
hydraulic oil and consumable like grease, cotton waste etc. shall be supplied by the contractor.(c) The rate is also
inclusive of cost of day to day routine maintenance of the tamping machine.(d) The labour for all pre and post
tamping operation after each round of packing shall be supplied by contractor.(e) No deduction shall be made for
main line portion of points & crossing zone. In case Unimate is not available, manual packing shall have to be done
in main line of Points & Xing.(f) The length of track in point zone shall be taken as 1.5 times the straight length of
ordinary track.(g) In case contractor is not able to deploy necessary labour, deduction @Rs.320/- per day per
labour, will be done and Railway labour shall be deployed.

S.No. Item Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Code Unit
Schedule M-Underground Excavation Inside Tunnel 494005527.26
NS1A 143920.00 cum 2046.68 294558185.60 AT Par 294558185.60
Description:- Underground excavation for tunnel, including temporary provision at the portal for the start of tunnel
excavation like canopy structure (false portal) etc., including drilling, blasting, or other means of excavation
including widening of top heading footings, breaking of shotcrete, lining in temporary invert, provision of surface
1 drainage, construction ventilation, lighting arrangement during construction, temporary backfilling for traffic in
tunnel, profiling / reprofiling of tunnel as per approved cross sections, removal and disposal of excavated material
including temporary backfill to dumping site with all lifts and leads up to 2 kms from portals from portals and
rehandling of muck as per approved drawings as a complete job as per specifications and as directed by Engineer-
in-Charge. Note-1: Tunnel can be excavated in full face or sequential excavation (Top heading ,Benching).
(b)Excavation in rock Class III.

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Tender No: DADN-SWD-RKGC-12 Closing Date/Time: 31/07/2024 15:00

NS 1B 50400.00 cum 2618.44 131969376.00 AT Par 131969376.00

Description:- Underground excavation for tunnel, including temporary provision at the portal for the start of tunnel
excavation like canopy structure (false portal) etc., including drilling, blasting, or other means of excavation
including widening of top heading footings, breaking of shotcrete, lining in temporary invert, provision of surface
2 drainage, construction ventilation, lighting arrangement during construction, temporary backfilling for traffic in
tunnel, profiling / reprofiling of tunnel as per approved cross sections, removal and disposal of excavated material
including temporary backfill to dumping site with all lifts and leads up to 2 kms from portals from portals and
rehandling of muck as per approved drawings as a complete job as per specifications and as directed by Engineer-
in-Charge. Note-1: Tunnel can be excavated in full face or sequential excavation (Top heading ,Benching).
(b)Excavation in rock Class IV.
NS 1C 15680.00 cum 2833.08 44422694.40 AT Par 44422694.40
Description:- Underground excavation for tunnel, including temporary provision at the portal for the start of tunnel
excavation like canopy structure (false portal) etc., including drilling, blasting, or other means of excavation
including widening of top heading footings, breaking of shotcrete, lining in temporary invert, provision of surface
3 drainage, construction ventilation, lighting arrangement during construction, temporary backfilling for traffic in
tunnel, profiling / reprofiling of tunnel as per approved cross sections, removal and disposal of excavated material
including temporary backfill to dumping site with all lifts and leads up to 2 kms from portals from portals and
rehandling of muck as per approved drawings as a complete job as per specifications and as directed by Engineer-
in-Charge. Note-1: Tunnel can be excavated in full face or sequential excavation (Top heading ,Benching).
(c)Excavation in rock Class V.
NS 1D 3458.70 cum 3099.87 10721520.37 AT Par 10721520.37
Description:- Underground excavation for tunnel, including temporary provision at the portal for the start of tunnel
excavation like canopy structure (false portal) etc, including drilling, blasting, or other means of excavation
including widening of top heading footings, breaking of shotcrete, lining in temporary invert, provision of surface
4 drainage, construction ventilation, lighting arrangement during construction, temporary backfilling for traffic in
tunnel, profiling / reprofiling of tunnel as per approved cross sections, removal and disposal of excavated material
including temporary backfill to dumping site with all lifts and leads up to 2 kms from portals from portals and
rehandling of muck as per approved drawings as a complete job as per specifications and as directed by Engineer-
in-Charge. Note-1: Tunnel can be excavated in full face or sequential excavation (Top heading ,Benching).
(d)Excavation in rock Class VI.
NS 2 2230.36 cum 3058.97 6822604.33 AT Par 6822604.33
Description:- Excavation for CP and Niches works in all class categories.
NS 3 167971.55 cum-km 32.81 5511146.56 AT Par 5511146.56
6 Description:- Extra-over for transportation of spoil from underground excavation for distances from tunnel portal
heads to the center of gravity of muck deposits in excess of 2.0km (one way).

S.No. Item Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Code Unit
Schedule N-Support System of Tunnel 393710316.27
NS 1A 3758.00 Metre 1043.52 3921548.16 AT Par 3921548.16

01 Description:- SN Bolts (25mm dia.) : Supply, drilling, installation and grouting of SN type rock bolts of the specified
length, Fy greater than or equal to 500 MPa (slopes, tunnel support & face bolts) with contractors men, material,
consumables, plants, equipments, machineries, including all lead & lifts loading , unloading. (a) Length 3m.
NS 1B 72466.00 Metre 1043.52 75619720.32 AT Par 75619720.32
Description:- SN Bolts (25mm dia.) : Supply, drilling, installation and grouting of SN type rock bolts of the specified
length, Fy greater than or equal to 500 MPa (slopes, tunnel support & face bolts) with contractors men, material,
consumables, plants, equipments, machineries, including all lead & lifts loading , unloading. (b) Length 4m.
NS 1C 6696.00 Metre 1043.52 6987409.92 AT Par 6987409.92

03 Description:- SN Bolts (25mm dia.) : Supply, drilling, installation and grouting of SN type rock bolts of the specified
length, Fy greater than or equal to 500 MPa (slopes, tunnel support & face bolts) with contractors men, material,
consumables, plants, equipments, machineries, including all lead & lifts loading , unloading. (c) Length 6m.
NS 1D 100.00 Metre 1043.52 104352.00 AT Par 104352.00

04 Description:- SN Bolts (25mm dia.) : Supply, drilling, installation and grouting of SN type rock bolts of the specified
length, Fy greater than or equal to 500 MPa (slopes, tunnel support & face bolts) with contractors men, material,
consumables, plants, equipments, machineries, including all lead & lifts loading , unloading. (d) Length 9m.
NS 2A 6783.00 Metre 2366.32 16050748.56 AT Par 16050748.56
Description:- SDA Bolts: Supply, drilling, installation and grouting of R32 Self- drilling anchor (SDA) bolts of the
specified length, Fy greater than or equal to 230 KN with contractors men, material, consumables (including grout
coupling), tools & plants, equipments, machineries, including all lead & lifts, loading, unloading. (a) Length 3m.
NS 2B 30928.00 Metre 2366.32 73185544.96 AT Par 73185544.96

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Tender No: DADN-SWD-RKGC-12 Closing Date/Time: 31/07/2024 15:00

06 Description:- SDA Bolts: Supply, drilling, installation and grouting of R32 Self- drilling anchor (SDA) bolts of the
specified length, Fy greater than or equal to 230 KN with contractors men, material, consumables (including grout
coupling), tools & plants, equipments, machineries, including all lead & lifts, loading, unloading. (b) Length 4m.
NS 2C 16280.00 Metre 2366.32 38523689.60 AT Par 38523689.60

07 Description:- SDA Bolts: Supply, drilling, installation and grouting of R32 Self- drilling anchor (SDA) bolts of the
specified length, Fy greater than or equal to 230 KN with contractors men, material, consumables (including grout
coupling), tools & plants, equipments, machineries, including all lead & lifts, loading, unloading. (c) Length 6m.
NS 2D 100.00 Metre 2366.32 236632.00 AT Par 236632.00
Description:- SDA Bolts: Supply, drilling, installation and grouting of R32 Self- drilling anchor (SDA) bolts of the
specified length, Fy greater than or equal to 230 KN with contractors men, material, consumables (including grout
coupling), tools & plants, equipments, machineries, including all lead & lifts, loading, unloading. (c) Length 9m.
NS 2E 100.00 Metre 2366.32 236632.00 AT Par 236632.00

09 Description:- SDA Bolts: Supply, drilling, installation and grouting of R32 Self- drilling anchor (SDA) bolts of the
specified length, Fy greater than or equal to 230 KN with contractors men, material, consumables (including grout
coupling), tools & plants, equipments, machineries, including all lead & lifts, loading, unloading. (c) Length 12m.
NS 3 2550.00 Metre 1694.75 4321612.50 AT Par 4321612.50
Description:- Fiber glass bolts: Supply, transporting to site, drilling, installation, testing and grouting of Fiber glass
10 bolts of the specified length, 32/15, Fy greater than or equal to 500 KN with contractors men, material,
consumables, tools & plants, equipments, machineries, including all lead & lifts, loading , unloading.( Specifications
to be followed for details)
NS 4 500.00 Metre 3340.03 1670015.00 AT Par 1670015.00
Description:- Water Inflatable bolts : Supply, drilling and installation of Water Inflatable bolts (Swellex or similar) of
11 the specified length, Fy greater than or equal to 200 KN (tunnel support) with contractor's men, material,
consumables, tools & plants, equipments, machineries, including all lead & lifts, loading, unloading.( Specefications
to be followed for details)
NS 5 5411.00 Metre 13380.03 72399342.33 AT Par 72399342.33
Description:- Supply, drilling hole, installation and grouting of pre-support elements (Pipe roofing) Seamless pipe,
OD 114.3mm, 6.3mm thick, Yield load greater than or equal to 1200KN up to 15m long with conventional drilling
12 techniques at a shallow look out angle from the tunnel axis with specialised drill bit and casing systems providing
direction control and installation accuracy with contractors men, material, consumables including grout coupling),
tools & plants, equipment's , machineries, including all lead & lifts loading , unloading etc. required for the complete
job.( Specifications to be followed for details)
NS 6A 122.00 Metre 1194.38 145714.36 AT Par 145714.36
Description:- Supply, drilling hole, installation and grouting of Light Forepoling elements with contractor's men,
material, consumables (including grout coupling where required) , tools & plants, equipments, machineries,
including all lead & lifts, loading , unloading. (a) SN Type 32 mm dia., 3m length.
NS 6B 6098.00 Metre 1194.38 7283329.24 AT Par 7283329.24

14 Description:- Supply, drilling hole, installation and grouting of Light Forepoling elements with contractor's men,
material, consumables (including grout coupling where required) , tools & plants, equipments, machineries,
including all lead & lifts, loading , unloading. (b) SN Type 32 mm dia., 4m length.
NS 6C 9382.00 Metre 1194.38 11205673.16 AT Par 11205673.16

15 Description:- Supply, drilling hole, installation and grouting of Light Forepoling elements with contractor's men,
material, consumables (including grout coupling where required) , tools & plants, equipments, machineries,
including all lead & lifts, loading , unloading. (c) SN Type 25 mm dia., 4m length.
NS 6D 1563.00 Metre 2608.30 4076772.90 AT Par 4076772.90
Description:- Supply, drilling hole, installation and grouting of Light Forepoling elements with contractor's men,
material, consumables (including grout coupling where required) , tools & plants, equipments, machineries,
including all lead & lifts, loading , unloading. (d) SD Type 32 mm dia., 3m length.
NS 6E 1563.00 Metre 2608.30 4076772.90 AT Par 4076772.90

17 Description:- Supply, drilling hole, installation and grouting of Light Forepoling elements with contractor's men,
material, consumables (including grout coupling where required) , tools & plants, equipments, machineries,
including all lead & lifts, loading , unloading. (d) SD Type 32 mm dia., 6m length.
NS 7 242.00 MT 98237.98 23773591.16 AT Par 23773591.16


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Tender No: DADN-SWD-RKGC-12 Closing Date/Time: 31/07/2024 15:00

Description:- Lattice Girders: Supply, Fabrication and erection of lattice girders using high strength reinforcing
steel Fe500D with all accessories such as bolt/nuts, washers, plates, tie rods etc., including all lead, lift, wastage,
storing, drilling holes, fixing in phases etc. and installation of accessories for joining the Lattice girder segments
and fixing into place as per approved workshop drawings o f Contractor & a s p e r technical specification with
contractor's men, material, consumables, tools and plants, equipments, machineries, including all lead and lift,
loading, unloading as directed by Engineer-in-Charge etc. complete. Rate to cover supports & scaffoldings
required during the course of erection including additional cost for enlargement of top heading footing etc.
NS 8 268.00 MT 102654.40 27511379.20 AT Par 27511379.20
Description:- Wire Mesh: Supply, cutting, placing and fixing into position with appropriate anchors of 150x150x6
19 mm or 150x150x8mm welded wire fabric of Fy=500 MPa as reinforcement in primary lining & inner lining a s per
approved drawings & a s p e r technical specification with contractors men, material, cost of pins, hooks,
consumables , tools & plants, equipments, machineries, including all lead & lifts, loading , unloading, handling,
wastage complete as directed by Engineer - in -Charge.
NS 9 200.00 MT 111899.18 22379836.00 AT Par 22379836.00
Description:- Steel Ribs: Supply , Fabrication and erection in position permanent tunnel steel ribs including of
variable geometry and or member size as per design/assembly, using structural steel Grade A, Yield stress greater
than or equal to 250MPa with all accessories such as bolt/nuts, washers, plates, tie rods etc., including cutting,
20 drilling, cold bending, welding, threading, leveling, aligning and fixing in position of all rods, gusset/ wall plates, pre-
stressing by blocking against rock-surface etc. as per approved drawings and Specifications or as directed by
Engineer with contractor's men, material, consumables, tools and plants, equipments, machineries, including all
lead and lift, loading, unloading. Rate to cover supports & scaffoldings required during the course of erection etc.

S.No. Item Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Code Unit
Schedule O-Supplying and Utilising Steel fibers Inside Tunnel 6399550.50
NS1 30.00 MT 213318.35 6399550.50 AT Par 6399550.50
Description:- Supply and mixing of steel fibers of approved quality and make, for shortcrete as reinforcement in
1 primary lining & Inner lining as per approved drawings & specifications or as directed by Engineer. The rate shall
include all labour, materials, lead. lift, handling, wastage complete with contractors's own equipment for complete
job as per specifications and as directed by Engineer-in-charge.

S.No. Item Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Code Unit
Schedule P-Underground Concrete Work IN TUNNEL 593049554.04
NS 1 10233.00 cum 15355.36 157131398.88 AT Par 157131398.88
Description:- Sprayed concrete/ Shotcreting : Spraying concrete with designed mix of minimum grade M25/30 in
following works, as per approved drawings & as per technical specification with contractors men, material,
consumables (including additives), tools & plants, equipments , machineries, including all lead & lifts, loading,
01 unloading, wastages, rebound, curing etc. as directed by Engineer - in -Charge , etc. complete. Primary lining:
sprayed concrete for primary (outer) lining of Tunnel Crosspage Niches, grade designed mix of minimum grade
M30, including face sealing sprayed concrete, temporary invert, widening of top heading footing in tunnel, filling of
saw-tooth profile etc. Note : i) Payment for supply of steel fibres will be made separately & as per actual
consumption of approved proportions (nominal/ design).
NS 2A 24507.00 cum 9562.04 234336914.28 AT Par 234336914.28
Description:- M 30 Concrete: Design mix cement concrete as per approved drawings and Specifications or as
directed by Engineer, in following works including machine mixed, machine batched, machine vibrated with
contractor's men, material, consumables (including additives), tools & plants, equipments, machineries, all lead &
02 lifts, loading, unloading, wastages etc complete. The rate includes cost of form work, shuttering, centering,
scaffolding, fixing and removing thereof, levelling, finishing of exposed surfaces, curing etc. Note : i) Rates are
inclusive of Cement. ii) Payment for fabrication and supply of reinforcement steel / fibers (including all wastages)
shall be paid as per approved drawing separately. (a) M30 RCC for Final (Inner) lining of main tunnel & niches with
Movable Shutter with hydraulic moving and adjustment facilities.
NS 2B 17505.00 cum 8949.76 156665548.80 AT Par 156665548.80

Pa g e 8 o f 43 Ru n Da te/Time: 11/0 7/2 0 2 4 18 :40 :2 3
Tender No: DADN-SWD-RKGC-12 Closing Date/Time: 31/07/2024 15:00

Description:- M30 Concrete: Design mix cement concrete as per approved drawings and Specifications or as
directed by Engineer, in following works including machine mixed, machine batched, machine vibrated with
contractor's men, material, consumables (including additives), tools & plants, equipments, machineries, all lead &
lifts, loading, unloading, wastages etc complete. The rate includes cost of form work, shuttering, centering,
scaffolding, fixing and removing thereof, levelling, finishing of exposed surfaces, curing etc. Note : i) Rates are
inclusive of Cement. ii) Payment for fabrication and supply of reinforcement steel / fibers (including all wastages)
shall be paid as per approved drawing separately. (b) M30 RCC for Final (Inner) lining of main tunnel & niches
(Invert slab, foundation beams).
NS 2C 2417.00 cum 9206.31 22251651.27 AT Par 22251651.27
Description:- M30 Concrete: Design mix cement concrete as per approved drawings and Specifications or as
directed by Engineer, in following works including machine mixed, machine batched, machine vibrated with
contractor's men, material, consumables (including additives), tools & plants, equipments, machineries, all lead &
04 lifts, loading, unloading, wastages etc complete. The rate includes cost of form work, shuttering, centering,
scaffolding, fixing and removing thereof, levelling, finishing of exposed surfaces, curing etc. Note : i) Rates are
inclusive of Cement. ii) Payment for fabrication and supply of reinforcement steel / fibers (including all wastages)
shall be paid as per approved drawing separately. (c) M30 RCC for small cast in place or precast, lightly reinforced
concrete structures such as: manholes, drainage channels or gutters, cable troughts, concrete covers etc. Price
includes supply and installation of cement mortar bed for levelling of precast elements.
NS 3 1300.00 cum 9518.18 12373634.00 AT Par 12373634.00
Description:- M30 concrete for Primary (outer) lining of Tunnel or Niches, temporary invert or back fill concrete or
05 in lieu of shotcrete where shotcrete can not be applied because conditions in the tunnels will not allow it. The rate
includes cost of form work, shuttering, centering, scaffolding, fixing and removing thereof, levelling, finishing of
exposed surfaces, curing etc. Note: Rates are inclusive of Cement.
NS 4A 450.00 cum 7963.14 3583413.00 AT Par 3583413.00
Description:- M15 Concrete: Design M ix cement concrete M 15 i n following PC C works including mechanically
mixed, machine batched, machine vibrated as per technical specification and drawings with contractors men,
06 material, consumables (including additives), tools & plants, equipments, machineries, all lead & lifts, loading ,
unloading, wastages and as directed by Engineer - in -Charge , etc complete. The rate includes cost of form work,
shuttering, centering, scaffolding, fixing and removing thereof, levelling, finishing of exposed surfaces, curing etc.
(For application below base slab) (a) Fill concrete in tunnel. Note: Rates are inclusive of Cement.
NS 4B 380.00 cum 7413.92 2817289.60 AT Par 2817289.60
Description:- M15 Concrete: Design Mix cement concrete M15 in following PCC works including mechanically
mixed, machine batched, machine vibrated as per technical specification and drawings with contractors men,
07 material, consumables (including additives), tools & plants, equipments, machineries, all lead & lifts, loading ,
unloading, wastages and as directed by Engineer - in -Charge , etc complete. The rate includes cost of form work,
shuttering, centering, scaffolding, fixing and removing thereof, levelling, finishing of exposed surfaces, curing etc.
(For application below base slab) (b) Blinding concrete in tunnel, lean concrete etc. Note: Rates are inclusive of
NS 4C 413.00 cum 9418.17 3889704.21 AT Par 3889704.21
Description:- M15 Concrete: Design Mix cement concrete M15 in following PCC works including mechanically
mixed, machine batched, machine vibrated as per technical specification and drawings with contractors men,
08 material, consumables (including additives), tools & plants, equipments, machineries, all lead & lifts, loading ,
unloading, wastages and as directed by Engineer - in -Charge , etc complete. The rate includes cost of form work,
shuttering, centering, scaffolding, fixing and removing thereof, levelling, finishing of exposed surfaces, curing etc.
(For application below base slab) (c) No-fines porous concrete in tunnel. Note: Rates are inclusive of Cement.

S.No. Item Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Code Unit
Schedule Q-Supplying and Utilising PU Grout in Tunnel 9054921.45
NS1 15.00 MT 603661.43 9054921.45 AT Par 9054921.45
1 Description:- Supply of two component PU grout like MastreRoc 364 Flex or TamPur 116T or similar (More than
35 Mpa compressive strength)

S.No. Item Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Code Unit
Schedule R-Drainage & Other Misc. Works IN TUNNEL 266237523.25
NS 1A 973.00 Metre 89.63 87209.99 AT Par 87209.99
Description:- Providing and installing PVC pipes of following diameters in the tunnel including the cost of all
01 materials, labour, equipments etc. required for the completion of job as per approved drawings as a complete job
as per IS Code 13592 and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. (a) 75 mm internal diameter PVC pipe

Pa g e 9 o f 43 Ru n Da te/Time: 11/0 7/2 0 2 4 18 :40 :2 3

Tender No: DADN-SWD-RKGC-12 Closing Date/Time: 31/07/2024 15:00

NS 1B 973.00 Metre 164.52 160077.96 AT Par 160077.96

02 Description:- Providing and installing PVC pipes of following diameters in the tunnel including the cost of all
materials, labour, equipments etc. required for the completion of job as per approved drawings as a complete job
as per IS Code 13592 and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. (b) 110 mm internal diameter PVC pipe.
NS 2A 38279.00 Metre 176.97 6774234.63 AT Par 6774234.63

03 Description:- Providing and installing of perforated PVC drainage pipes wrapped in geotextile membrane in the
tunnel/Open area of following diameters as per approved drawings & specifications and as directed by Engineer
(a) 50 mm
NS 2B 19140.00 Metre 251.18 4807585.20 AT Par 4807585.20
Description:- Providing and installing of perforated PVC drainage pipes wrapped in geotextile membrane in the
tunnel/Open area of following diameters as per approved drawings & specifications and as directed by Engineer
(b) 80 mm
NS 3 375000.00 Per Unit 28.49 10683750.00 AT Par 10683750.00
Description:- Pumping of water by transporting, installing the equipment & system including electric pumps as per
05 the requirement and as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer. (Note: Payment will be made only for
actual use for dewatering as payable as per specifications and as per the certified Logbook for each pump by the
NS 4 18000.00 Metre 354.25 6376500.00 AT Par 6376500.00

06 Description:- Drilling of 50-80 mm dia. holes (rotary-percussion drilling) in sprayed concrete lining as weep holes /
relief holes, drainage bore holes of required length in any direction as per approved drawings & specifications and
as directed by Engineer.(Applicable for Sch-R Item No. NS 2A & 2B)
NS 5A 1652.00 Metre 3099.53 5120423.56 AT Par 5120423.56
Description:- Exploratory drilling & Drainage holes, up to 35m length, 10m overlap as per approved drawings as a
complete job as per specifications and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. (In Tunnel & Open Excavation) The rate
07 shall include drilling through walls, boulders and hard rock also in presence of water in any depth .The drilling shall
be simple rotatory or rotatory percussive .Rate also includes costs of all materials, labour, equipments, temporary
shuttering/scaffolding that should be required for drilling at any height etc. required for the complete job as per
specifications and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. (a)Horizontal/ Sub horizontal in all kinds of soft ground
diameter 50 to 90mm.
NS 5B 3598.00 Metre 4810.06 17306595.88 AT Par 17306595.88
Description:- Exploratory drilling & Drainage holes, up to 35m length, 10m overlap as per approved drawings as a
complete job as per specifications and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. (In Tunnel & Open Excavation) The rate
08 shall include drilling through walls, boulders and hard rock also in presence of water in any depth .The drilling shall
be simple rotatory or rotatory percussive .Rate also includes costs of all materials, labour, equipments, temporary
shuttering/scaffolding that should be required for drilling at any height etc. required for the complete job as per
specifications and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. (b)Horizontal/ Sub horizontal in all kinds of soft ground
diameter more than 90mm.
NS 5C 540.00 Metre 1497.16 808466.40 AT Par 808466.40
Description:- Exploratory drilling & Drainage holes, up to 35m length, 10m overlap as per approved drawings as a
complete job as per specifications and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. (In Tunnel & Open Excavation) The rate
09 shall include drilling through walls, boulders and hard rock also in presence of water in any depth .The drilling shall
be simple rotatory or rotatory percussive .Rate also includes costs of all materials, labour, equipments, temporary
shuttering/scaffolding that should be required for drilling at any height etc. required for the complete job as per
specifications and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. (c)Horizontal/ Sub horizontal in all kinds of rocks, diameter
50 to 90mm.
NS 5D 247.00 Metre 1815.25 448366.75 AT Par 448366.75
Description:- Exploratory drilling & Drainage holes, up to 35m length, 10m overlap as per approved drawings as a
complete job as per specifications and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. (In Tunnel & Open Excavation) The rate
10 shall include drilling through walls, boulders and hard rock also in presence of water in any depth .The drilling shall
be simple rotatory or rotatory percussive .Rate also includes costs of all materials, labour, equipments, temporary
shuttering/scaffolding that should be required for drilling at any height etc. required for the complete job as per
specifications and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. (d)Horizontal/ Sub horizontal in all kinds of rocks, more than
NS 6 1180.00 RM 5549.42 6548315.60 AT Par 6548315.60

11 Description:- Supplying and fixing of 100 to 150mm dia. MS pipe ('C' class) in bore holes for cavity concreting/
fixing with contractors men, material, consumables, tools and plants, equipments, machineries , including all lead
and lift, loading , unloading etc. complete.
NS 7A 3890.00 Metre 3380.22 13149055.80 AT Par 13149055.80


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Tender No: DADN-SWD-RKGC-12 Closing Date/Time: 31/07/2024 15:00

Description:- Drainage pipe: Providing and laying of pipe of following diameters as main collector pipe, connection
pipes, cleaning access pipes, pipe sleeves and all fittings e.g. elbows, Tee's etc., including the cost of all materials,
labour, equipments etc. required for the completion of job as per approved drawings & specifications and as per IS
: 14333 (Pressure Rating of PN-2.5) and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge (a) 400 mm dia. pipe (main collector).
NS 7B 7780.00 Metre 2404.44 18706543.20 AT Par 18706543.20
Description:- Drainage pipe: Providing and laying of pipe of following diameters as main collector pipe, connection
13 pipes, cleaning access pipes, pipe sleeves and all fittings e.g. elbows, Tee's etc., including the cost of all materials,
labour, equipments etc. required for the completion of job as per approved drawings & specifications and as per IS
: 14333 (Pressure Rating of PN-2.5) and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge (b)200 mm dia. pipe.
NS 7C 374.00 Metre 1804.22 674778.28 AT Par 674778.28
Description:- Drainage pipe: Providing and laying of pipe of following diameters as main collector pipe, connection
14 pipes, cleaning access pipes, pipe sleeves and all fittings e.g. elbows, Tee's etc., including the cost of all materials,
labour, equipments etc. required for the completion of job as per approved drawings & specifications and as per IS
: 14333 (Pressure Rating of PN-2.5) and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge (c)160 mm dia. pipe (connection
pipes, cleaning access pipes).
NS 8 82100.00 Sqm 412.14 33836694.00 AT Par 33836694.00
Description:- Geotextile: Providing, laying and fixing of protective felt (geotextile) with a minimum weight of 700
15 g/m2 for protection of the waterproofing membranes & drainage on the finished outer lining surface including the
cost of all materials, labour, equipments etc. required for the completion of job as per specifications and as
directed by Engineer-in-charge.
NS 9 82100.00 Sqm 1587.16 130305836.00 AT Par 130305836.00
16 Description:- Membrane: Providing, placing, welding of 2mm thick PVC or ECB Water Proofing membrane
including the cost of all materials, labour, equipments, etc. required for the completion of job.
NS 10 21000.00 Metre 497.29 10443090.00 AT Par 10443090.00
Description:- Waterstops: Supply and installation of PVC waterbars and Hydrophilic waterstops with all
17 accessories and special junctions for splicing, securing into place and protecting during concreting works ,
including the cost of all materials and junction pieces, labour, equipments, etc. required for the completion of job.
(a) Construction Joints: PVC waterstop at the Circle (240 mm wide, 8-11mm thick)

S.No. Item Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Code Unit
Schedule S-Design, Supply & Installation of Ballastless Track in Tunnel 246177057.21
NS 1 1.00 Job 9000895.64 9000895.64 AT Par 9000895.64
Description:- Design of Ballastless track using Contractor's own fastening system for axle loads and speeds as
specified in The Technical Requirements & Technical Specifications, including submission of Design criteria,
Calculations, Design Methodology, Detailed design, detailed drawings, construction Methodology, QAP,
01 maintenance manuals, damage rectification methodology, including all its various components as per various input
parameter and characteristics of various component of fastening system, etc as a complete job and as directed by
Engineer in charge. The design will be property of Western Railway. (i) For track in straight and curves In tunnels &
over bridges including transition at approaches. (ii) For Switch Expansion Joints (SEJ) including transition portion if
any. (iii) For track in straight and curves on formations (cutting/filing) including transition portion. (iv) For point and
crossings (1:8.5,1:12 & 1:16) including transition portion if any.
NS 2 14572.00 Set 5481.17 79871609.24 AT Par 79871609.24
02 Description:- Supply of Track fittings for straight track and track in curves as per the design supplied and
approved. (One set of track fittings will include fitting for one Rail Seat)
Per Track
NS 3 3990.00 31830.20 127002498.00 AT Par 127002498.00
Description:- Laying of track slab and installation of track work for plain track including transitions with UIC 60 kg
rails with all fittings and fastenings etc. complete in tunnels, Cut & Cover, Bridges & formation (cutting/filling) etc.
complete as per technical specification and directions of Engineer-in-charge with the designed grade of
concrete(M35), reinforcement, etc. complete, including all provisions including cement etc. such as providing of
03 sleepers (if envisaged in the design, etc.), leading of rails from stockyard, shear connectors, etc. as per design
provided by the agency and approved by the client. The work shall include destressing of Rails on completion of
work. Track slab will have to cover the entire width between pathways on both side (i.e. approx 3100mm to
3700mm) and depth upto 527mm from rail top and nothing extra will be payable for concrete & reinforcement
within 527mm of Rail Top. [ Note: 1. 60kg rail for main line will be provided by WR free of cost from stockyard.
Note: 2. The rate for the above item includes the Concreting (M-35) for slab portion upto 527 mm from rail top and
upto 3700mm in width. No extra payment will be done for concreting upto 527mm from rail top and in a width of
NS 4 3241.00 cum 8406.57 27245693.37 AT Par 27245693.37

Pa g e 11 o f 43 Ru n Da te/Time: 11/0 7/2 0 2 4 18 :40 :2 3

Tender No: DADN-SWD-RKGC-12 Closing Date/Time: 31/07/2024 15:00

04 Description:- Design mix Cement Concrete grade M20 in PCC works including Cement, admixture etc.,
mechanically mixed, machine mixed, machine batched, machine pumped, machine vibrated, form work inside the
tunnel and in transitions, including all lead, lift etc. as a complete job as per specifications & drawings and as
directed by Engineer-incharge.
NS 5 160.00 cum 9267.45 1482792.00 AT Par 1482792.00
Description:- Design mix Cement Concrete grade M30 in RCC works including Cement, admixture etc., machine
05 mixed, machine batched, machine pumped, machine vibrated, form work inside the tunnel and in transitions,
including all lead, lift etc. nut excluding cost of reinforcement as a complete job as per specifications & drawings
and as directed by Engineer-incharge.
NS 6A 20.00 Numbers 7261.08 145221.60 AT Par 145221.60
Description:- Welding of UIC 60 kg 1080 grade HH rails. (a) Flash butt welds
NS 6B 60.00 Numbers 7230.03 433801.80 AT Par 433801.80
Description:- Welding of UIC 60 kg 1080 grade HH rails. (a) Alumino Thermic welds
NS 7 3890.00 TRM 230.70 897423.00 AT Par 897423.00
Description:- Painting of rails with anti- corrosive bitumen paint as per IS: 9862
NS 8A 92.00 Metre 334.11 30738.12 AT Par 30738.12
Description:- Providing and laying cable duct with PVC pipe including bends, tees, cross or any other type of
connection as per approved drawings and specifications including arrangements for cross connection as per
complete job and as directed by Engineer-in-charge (a) Cable duct dia. 110mm (O/d) PVC pipe.
NS 8B 92.00 Metre 498.82 45891.44 AT Par 45891.44
Description:- Providing and laying cable duct with PVC pipe including bends, tees, cross or any other type of
connection as per approved drawings and specifications including arrangements for cross connection as per
complete job and as directed by Engineer-in-charge (a) Cable duct dia. 160mm (O/d) PVC pipe.
NS 9 92.00 Metre 222.75 20493.00 AT Par 20493.00

11 Description:- Supplying and laying of following size DWC HDPE pipe ISI marked along with all accessories like
socket, bend, couplers etc. confirming to IS 14930 Part II complete with fitting and cutting, jointing etc. in the
existing trench complete as required. (a) 120mm dia. (OD-120 mm & ID-103mm nominal).

S.No. Item Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Code Unit
Schedule T-Environment Management Plan 1043074.80
NS 1 40.00 9778.97 391158.80 AT Par 391158.80
Description:- Air Quality (Ambient Air Quality monitoring, as per NAAQM guide lines) and assess parameters such
as Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), Oxides of Nitrogen (NOX), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Hydro-Carbons (HC), Suspended
Particulate Matter (SPM), Respirable Particulate Matter (RPM), Ammonia (NH3), Ozone (O3), Lead (Pb), Benzo (a)
pyrene (BaP), Arsenic (As) and Nickel (Ni)). (a) Monitoring of Air Quality.
NS 2 40.00 6518.93 260757.20 AT Par 260757.20
Description:- Noise Levels (Noise level monitoring for monitoring Noise level on db (A) scale as per CPCB
standard specifications). (a) Monitoring of Noise Levels at Equipment Yards
NS 3 40.00 9778.97 391158.80 AT Par 391158.80
03 Description:- Water Quality (Water Quality (As per IS 10500 and IS 2296) for parameters such as pH, BOD, COD,
TDS, Pb, Oil & Grease and detergents for surface water, Water pH, TDS, Total hardness, Sulphate, Chloride, Fe
and Pb ). (a) Monitoring of Water Quality



S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount

Pa g e 12 o f 43 Ru n Da te/Time: 11/0 7/2 0 2 4 18 :40 :2 3

Tender No: DADN-SWD-RKGC-12 Closing Date/Time: 31/07/2024 15:00

Earth work in excavation by mechanical means

(Hydraulic excavator)/manual means over areas
(exceeding 30 cm in depth, 1.5 m in width as well
as 10 sqm on plan) including getting out and
disposal of excavated earth lead upto 50 m and
lift upto 1.5 m, as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
1 2.6.1 All kinds of soil cum 812.5 205.45 166928.13
Earth work in excavation by mechanical means
(Hydraulic excavator)/manual means over areas
(exceeding 30 cm in depth, 1.5 m in width as well
as 10 sqm on plan) including getting out and
disposal of excavated earth lead upto 50 m and
lift upto 1.5 m, as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
2 2.7.1 Ordinary rock cum 5687.5 412.95 2348653.13
3 2.7.2 Hard rock (requiring blasting) cum 8937.5 711.35 6357690.63
4 2.7.3 Hard rock (blasting prohibited) cum 812.5 1184.3 962243.75
Extra for every additional lift of 1.5 m or part
2.26 thereof in excavation / banking excavated or
stacked materials.
5 2.26.1 All kinds of soil cum 812.5 104.5 84906.25
6 2.26.2 Ordinary or hard rock cum 5687.5 187.4 1065837.5
Providing and laying in position cement concrete
4.1 of specified grade excluding the cost of centering
and shuttering - All work up to plinth level :
4.1.3 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand (zone-III) derived cum 62.5 7365.15 460321.88
from natural sources : 4 graded stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size derived from natural
Providing and laying cement concrete in retaining
walls, return walls, walls (any thickness) including
attached pilasters, columns, piers, abutments,
pillars, posts, struts, buttresses, string or lacing
courses, parapets, coping, bed blocks, anchor
blocks, plain window sills, fillets, sunken floor etc.,
up to floor five level, excluding the cost of
centering, shuttering and finishing:
4.2.2 1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand (zone-III) cum 105 9793.75 1028343.75
derived from natural sources : 3 graded stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size derived from
natural sources).
4.2.3 1:2:4 (1 Cement : 2 coarse sand (zone-III) cum 26.25 9375.2 246099
derived from natural sources : 4 graded stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size derived from
natural sources)
Centering and shuttering including strutting,
propping etc. and removal of form work for :
4.3.2 Retaining walls, return walls, walls (any thickness) Sqm 120 669.55 80346
10 including attached pilasters, buttresses, plinth and
string courses fillets, kerbs and steps etc.
Random rubble masonry with hard stone in
foundation and plinth including levelling up with
7.1 cement concrete 1:6:12 (1 cement : 6 coarse
sand : 12 graded stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal size) upto plinth level with :
11 7.1.1 Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) cum 97.5 6653.45 648711.38

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Tender No: DADN-SWD-RKGC-12 Closing Date/Time: 31/07/2024 15:00

16.1 Preparation and consolidation of sub grade with Sqm 6500 180.5 1173250
power road roller of 8 to 12 tonne capacity after
excavating earth to an average of 22.5 cm depth,
12 dressing to camber and consolidating with road
roller including making good the undulations etc.
and re-rolling the sub grade and disposal of
surplus earthwith lead upto 50 metres.
Providing and applying tack coat using hot
straight run bitumen of grade VG - 10, including
heating the bitumen, spraying the bitumen with
mechanically operated spray unit fitted on
bitumen boiler, cleaning and preparing the
existing road surface as per specifications :
13 16.30.1 On W.B.M. @ 0.75 Kg / sqm Sqm 3500 45.2 158200
14 16.30.2 On bituminous surface @ 0.50 Kg / sqm Sqm 3500 36.6 128100
Providing and laying Dense Graded Bituminous
Macadam using crushed stone aggregates of
specified grading, premixed with bituminous
binder and filler, transporting the hot mix to work
site by tippers, laying with paver finisher equiped
16.54 with electronic sensor to the required grade, level
and alignment and rolling with smooth wheeled,
vibratory and tandem rollers as per specifications
to achieve the desired compaction and density,
complete as per specificatons and directions of
16.54.1 50 to 100 mm average compacted thickness with cum 245 10013.3 2453258.5
bitumen of grade VG-30 @ 5% (percentage by
weight of total mix) and lime filler @ 2%
(percentage by weight of Aggregate) prepared in
Batch Type Hot Mix Plant of 100-120 TPH
Providing and laying Bituminous concrete using
crushed stone aggregates of specified grading,
premixed with bituminous binder and filler,
transporting the hot mix to work site by tippers,
laying with paver finisher equiped with electronic
sensor to the required grade, level and alignment
and rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and
tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction
and density as per specification, complete and as
per directions of Engineer-in-Charge.
16.57.1 40/50 mm compacted thickness with bitumen of cum 140 10870.75 1521905
grade VG-30 @ 5.5% (percentage by weight of
16 total mix) and lime filler @ 3% (percentage by
weight of Aggregate) prepared in Batch Type Hot
Mix Plant of 100-120 TPH capacity.
Construction of granular sub-base by providing
close graded Material conforming to
specifications, mixing in a mechanical mix plant at
OMC, carriage of mixed material by tippers to
work site, for all leads & lifts, spreading in uniform
layers of specified thickness with motor grader on
prepared surface and compacting with vibratory
power roller to achieve the desired density,
complete as per specifications and directions of
16.78.1 With material conforming to Grade-I (size range cum 1300 2658.1 3455530
75 mm to 0.075 mm) having CBR Value-30

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16.79 Providing, laying, spreading and compacting cum 1625 2803.65 4555931.25
graded stone aggregate (size range 53 mm to
0.075 mm ) to wet mix macadam (WMM)
specification including premixing the material with
water at OMC in for all leads & lifts, laying in
18 uniform layers with mechanical paverfinisher in
sub- base / base course on well prepared surface
and compacting with vibratory roller of 8 to 10
tonne capacity to achievethe desired density,
complete as per specifications and directions of
Total 26896256.15
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
Earthwork in filling in embankment, guide bunds,
around buried type abutments, bridge gaps,
trolley refuges, platforms etc. with contractor's
own earth conforming to Soil Quality Class
SQ1/SQ2/SQ3, after preparation of foundations
as applicable, benching in existing banks
wherever required, spreading in layers with motor
grader, bringing the moisture content to OMC,
mechanical compaction to specified density and
dressing of bank to final profile as per RDSO
Specifications: RDSO/2020/GE: IRS-0004 with
latest correction slips. Note: 1) Foundation
preparation, Benching including additional
earthwork on account of this, wherever required,
shall be paid extra under relevant schedule item
for benching. 2) Payment for Earthwork under this
item shall be made based on the cross section
measurements calculated (i) with original ground
profile of existing bank based on initial ground
levels before doing benching and (ii) final profile
of the bank worked out with final levels as per
prevailing guidelines.
1 011031 Using Soil Class SQ1 cum 1076400.00 504.44 542979216.00
2 011032 Using Soil Class SQ2 cum 59800.00 529.05 31637190.00
3 011033 Using Soil Class SQ3 cum 59800.00 553.17 33079566.00

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Earthwork in cutting in formation, trolley refuges,

side drains, level crossing approaches, platforms,
catch water drains, diversion of nallah & finishing
to required dimension and slopes to obtain a neat
appearance to standard profile inclusive of all
labour, materials, plant & machinery, leading all
cut spoils either to make spoil dumps or for filling
in embankment with leads within 2 km on either
side of edge of the cutting(s) including all lifts,
ascent, descent, loading, unloading, bailing &
pumping out water, if required, clearance of site
and all other works incidental thereto for
completing the work as per RDSO Specification
No. RDSO/2020/GE: IRS-0004 with latest
updated correction slips and to the satisfaction of
the Engineer-in-Charge. Note: (i) All usable earth
arising from cut spoils shall be led into bank
formation and Unusable spoils shall be dumped /
stacked away from toe of embankment. (ii) All
hard rock /and boulders not fit for filling will be
stacked by the contractor and will be property of
the Railways. (iii)Cut trees shall be property of
Railways and to be deposited in the railway
godown unless specified otherwise in the
Conditions of Contract.
4 012015 Extra for leading of Cut spoil every one km cum 391669.89 5.89 2306935.65
beyond original lead of 2 km over item nos.
012011 to 012014
5 012030 Mechanical manufacturing of blanketing material cum 12500.00 2162.18 27027250.00
by using only hard and durable stone crushed in
mechanical crusher to different gradations, wet
mixing of the same in designed proportion in Pug
mill or wet mix plant to have uniform gradation
including all incidental transportation, laying over
finished formation in uniform layer(s) with motor
grader, compaction with suitable vibratory roller to
specified density and finishing to correct profile,
complete as per RDSO Specification No.
RDSO/2020/GE: IRS-0004 with latest correction
slips. Note: This item shall be used only when
entire constituent of blanketing material is
mechanically manufactured by crushing of hard
and durable stone into desired gradation of
designed proportion.
Felling trees of girth (measured at a height of 1.0
m above ground level) including leading and
stacking of material within 100m. Note : 1. When
stumps are grubbed up in addition, the rates shall
be doubled for trees cut and grubbed 2. Payment
for grubbing shall only be made where specially
ordered. 3. Grubbing shall be ordered only where
it is essential to remove the stumps, including the
roots, as per specification. 4. Grubbing shall
include removal of roots of trees and saplings to a
depth of 60cm below ground level or 30 cm below
formation level or 15 cm below sub grade level,
whichever is lower.
6 013011 Girth over 30 cm and up to 60 cm Each 100.00 376.63 37663.00
7 013012 Girth over 60 cm and up to 1.5m Each 100.00 1042.52 104252.00
8 013013 Girth over 1.5m up to 3 m Each 100.00 2078.35 207835.00
9 013014 Girth over 3 m Each 100.00 3484.12 348412.00

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Turfing / planting, including all lead & lift and

watering as required until properly rooted with.
Note: Initially payment of only 40% will be made.
Balance 60% will be paid after 3 months of
maintenance period, only if the turfing is properly
rooted on entire turfed area.
10 013021 Turfing with sods, 10cm thick and 20cm square 100 Sqm 100000.00 6888.37 6888370.00
closely laid.
Providing portable fencing along running track
where work is to be done in close vicinity of track,
maintaining during execution of work and
removing after completion of the work as per
direction of the Engineer. Fencing shall consist of
self supporting steel angles of size 50mm x
50mm x 6mm, 1.5m long provided with hooks etc.
and embedded in CC 1:2:4 block of size 0.23m x
0.23m x 0.23m placed at c/c distance of 2m along
track. 12mm dia rods in three horizontal layers
shall be tack welded with angle posts. Note :
Released material will be property of the
contractor after completion of work. Cost of
cement required for CC blocks shall be paid
11 013041 With provision of one 50mm wide retro-reflective Metre 10000.00 248.25 2482500.00
tape in horizontal direction, duly secured/tight with
vertical posts.
Supplying, laying Non-woven Needle Punched
and Mechanically or Thermally bonded type
Geotextile for use as Separator/Filtration for
Railway formation as per RDSO Specification No.
RDSO/2018/GE:IRS-0004 - Part I made of
Polypropylene / Polyethylene / Polyamide or
combination there of having apparent opening
size of less than or equal to 85 microns and
elongation at failure more than 50% in both
directions including transportation labour, lead &
lift complete as directed by Engineer in-charge.
12 013091 On top of subgrade or prepared subgrade before Sqm 28500.00 135.05 3848925.00
laying blanketing layer with minimum strengths in
Grab test, Trapezoidal Tear test and Puncture
test of 700N, 250 N and 1800 N respectively.
Slope stability calculation and design for Railways
Embankment / Cutting more than 6 meters height
based on soil materials & parameters as per
RDSO's latest standards and specifications, duly
conducting relevant lab test, e.g. cohesion and
angle of internal friction etc. and submitting report
for approval duly showing the cross-section
dimensions for embankment / cutting for each
cross section.
13 112011 Embankment Each 5.00 462.79 2313.95
14 112012 Cutting Each 5.00 575.25 2876.25
Total 650953304.85
Schedule Schedule C-Earthwork in Cutting in Formation
Item- 1 Earthwork in Cutting in Formation
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount

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Earthwork in cutting in formation, trolley refuges,

side drains, level crossing approaches, platforms,
catch water drains, diversion of nallah & finishing
to required dimension and slopes to obtain a neat
appearance to standard profile inclusive of all
labour, materials, plant & machinery, leading all
cut spoils either to make spoil dumps or for filling
in embankment with leads within 2 km on either
side of edge of the cutting(s) including all lifts,
ascent, descent, loading, unloading, bailing &
pumping out water, if required, clearance of site
and all other works incidental thereto for
completing the work as per RDSO Specification
No. RDSO/2020/GE: IRS-0004 with latest
updated correction slips and to the satisfaction of
the Engineer-in-Charge. Note: (i) All usable earth
arising from cut spoils shall be led into bank
formation and Unusable spoils shall be dumped /
stacked away from toe of embankment. (ii) All
hard rock /and boulders not fit for filling will be
stacked by the contractor and will be property of
the Railways. (iii)Cut trees shall be property of
Railways and to be deposited in the railway
godown unless specified otherwise in the
Conditions of Contract.
1 012011 In all conditions and classifications of soil except cum 64290.00 112.71 7246125.90
2 012012 Soft rock not requiring blasting cum 103220.00 259.59 26794879.80
3 012013 In hard rock requiring blasting cum 280100.00 451.25 126395125.00
4 012014 In hard rock with hammer / chisel / pavement cum 163980.00 993.88 162976442.40
breaker etc. where blasting is not permitted due
to special circumstances and if specifically
ordered in writing including drilling and all
incidental works thereto.
Total 323412573.10
Schedule Schedule D-Bridge Work Sub Structures
Item- 1 Bridge Work Sub Structures
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
Earthwork in excavation by mechanical means
(Hydraulic Excavator)/Manual Means for
foundations and floors of the bridges, retaining
walls etc. including setting out, dressing of sides,
ramming of bottom, getting out the excavated
material, back filling in layers with approved
material and consolidation of the layers by
ramming and watering etc. including all lift,
disposal of surplus soil up to a lead of 300m, all
types of shoring and strutting with all labour and
material complete as per drawing and technical
specification as directed by Engineer in charge.
Note: This item will be used for excavation work in
connection with other miscellaneous works also
like side drains, foundation for OHE masts and
other miscellaneous structures in connection with
Gauge Conversion, Doubling, New lines.
1 022011 All kinds of soils cum 19975.00 213.47 4264063.25
2 022012 Soft rock (not requiring blasting) cum 17379.00 443.05 7699765.95
3 022013 Hard rock (requiring blasting) cum 2957.80 853.76 2525251.33
4 022014 Hard rock (blasting prohibited ) cum 2957.80 1226.30 3627150.14

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Tender No: DADN-SWD-RKGC-12 Closing Date/Time: 31/07/2024 15:00

Providing and laying in position Plain cement

concrete of specified Nominal Mix for
miscellaneous works like side drains, foundation
for OHE masts and other miscellaneous
structures excluding the cost of Cement,
centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth
level :
5 022031 1:1½:3 (1 Cement: 1½ coarse sand (zone-III) : 3 cum 5230.00 3857.51 20174777.30
graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size)
6 022040 Providing and laying in position machine batched, cum 20539.00 4115.74 84533183.86
machine mixed and machine vibrated Cement
Concrete of specified grade as per approved
Design Mix (mixed in Mobile Concrete
Batching/Mixing Plant at site or RMC from
approved plants) using 20mm graded crushed
stone aggregate and coarse sand of approved
quality in RCC raft foundation & Pile cap including
finishing, using Plasticiser in approved
proportions (as per IS:9103), to modify workability
without impairing strength and durability complete
as per specifications and direction of the Engineer
in charge. N o t e : 1. Payment for cement,
reinforcement and shuttering shall be made extra
under relevant item. 2. Plasticiser shall invariably
be used in approved proportion to increase
workability with minimum possible quantity of
cement for all grade of Design Mix Concrete
unless it is specifically approved citing reasons for
not using plasticiser at the stage of Mix Design
and in that case deduction shall be made as per
relevant item.
Providing and laying in position machine batched,
machine mixed and machine vibrated Cement
Concrete of specified grade as per approved
Design Mix (mixed in Mobile Concrete
Batching/Mixing Plant at site or RMC from
approved plants) using 20mm graded crushed
stone aggregate and coarse sand of approved
quality for the following Reinforced cement
concrete structural elements up to height of 9.0 m
from foundation top level, including finishing,
using Plasticiser in approved proportions (as per
IS:9103), to modify workability without impairing
strength and durability complete as per
specifications and direction of the Engineer in
c h a r g e . N o t e : 1. Payment for cement,
reinforcement and shuttering shall be made extra
under relevant item. 2. Plasticiser shall invariably
be used in approved proportion to increase
workability with minimum possible quantity of
cement for all grade of Design Mix Concrete
unless it is specifically approved citing reasons for
not using plasticiser at the stage of Mix Design
and in that case deduction shall be made as per
relevant item.
7 022051 Abutment & Pier cum 6325.00 4242.71 26835140.75
8 022052 Wing wall and Return wall cum 28137.00 4242.71 119377131.27
9 022053 Abutment cap, Pier Cap, Inspection Platform & cum 676.00 4306.20 2910991.20
Pedestal over Pier cap, Fender wall, Diaphragm
wall etc.
10 022054 Approach slab at formation level, Dirt wall/ ballast cum 681.00 4179.23 2846055.63
wall at formation level
11 022055 Extra for every increase of 1m or part thereof in cum 97462.00 126.98 12375724.76
the height above 9.0 m

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12 022070 Providing and fixing Weep Holes in Abutments, Metre 28822.00 274.89 7922879.58
Wing walls and Return walls etc., of new bridges
with 110mm dia UPVC pipe Type A ISI marked
with all contractor's men, material, transportation,
all taxes as per specifications and as directed by
13 024010 Providing and casting machine batched, machine cum 10105.00 4527.31 45748467.55
mixed and machine vibrated Cement Concrete of
specified grade as per approved Design Mix,
mixed in Mobile Concrete Batching/Mixing Plant
at site or RMC from approved plants, (Cast in-
Situ/Pre-cast) in bottom/top slab, side walls, toe
wall and sumps haunch filling head walls, thrust
bed or any other component using 20mm graded
crushed stone aggregate and coarse sand of
approved quality of RCC box of any size including
finishing, Plasticiser in approved proportions (as
per IS:9103), to modify workability without
impairing strength and durability, complete as per
drawings and technical specifications as directed
by Engineer in charge. No te : 1. Payment for
cement, reinforcement and shuttering shall be
made extra under relevant item. 2. Plasticiser
shall invariably be used in approved proportion to
increase workability with minimum possible
quantity of cement for all grade of Design Mix
Concrete unless it is specifically approved citing
reasons at the stage of Mix Design and in that
case deduction shall be made as per relevant
14 025020 Providing and applying two coats of coal tar or Sqm 21009.80 162.33 3410520.83
bitumen confirming to IS:3117- latest version on
the top and sides of RCC box/slabs @ 1.70
kg/sqm after cleaning the surface with all labour
and materials complete job as directed by the
Centering and shuttering including strutting,
propping etc. and removal of form for :
15 025031 All types of bridge sub-structures, e.g. pier, Sqm 83135.00 746.30 62043650.50
abutment, wing wall, retaining wall, RCC box type
foundations, Abutment cap, Pier Cap, Inspection
Platform & Pedestal over Pier cap, Fender wall,
Diaphragm wall etc. up to 5m above ground level
16 025032 All types of bridge super-structures, e.g. slabs, I- Sqm 1132.00 969.34 1097292.88
girders, T-girders, Box girders etc. up to 5m
above ground level.
17 025033 Extra for additional height over item no. 025031 & Sqm 443077.00 119.03 52739455.31
025032 wherever required with adequate bracing,
propping etc. over initial height of 5 metres for
every additional height of 1 metre or part thereof.
Total 460131502.09
Schedule Schedule E-Bridge Work Super Structures
Item- 1 Bridge Work Super Structures
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount

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1 031020 Providing and launching in position machine cum 205.00 4115.74 843726.70
batched, machine mixed and machine vibrated
Cement Concrete of specified grade as per
approved Design Mix (mixed in Mobile Concrete
Batching/Mixing Plant at site or RMC from
approved plants) using 20mm graded crushed
stone aggregate and coarse sand of approved
quality for the Precast Prestressed (Post-
tensioned) Concrete Girder/Box Girders/Slabs in
contactor's casting yard in the vicinity of worksite,
including finishing, using Plasticiser in approved
proportions (as per IS:9103), to modify workability
without impairing strength and durability,
complete as per drawings, specifications and
direction of the Engineer. Note: 1. Payment for
Shuttering, Cement, Reinforcement, HTS cables,
Sheathing, Anchorage Cones, stressing of cables,
grouting of the ducts and launching of girder/slab
in position shall be made extra under relevant
items. However, deduction shall be made in case
of slab as per relevant item. 2. For pre-cast item,
loading in transport vehicle in casting yard is
included and shall not be paid extra. 3. Plasticiser
shall invariably be used in approved proportion to
increase workability with minimum possible
quantity of cement for all grade of Design Mix
Concrete unless it is specifically approved citing
reasons at the stage of Mix Design and in that
case deduction shall be made as per relevant
2 031090 Design, manufacturing, supplying and fixing in Cubic 3857800.00 0.73 2816194.00
position elastomeric bearing true to line and level Centimetre
conforming to IS:3400, IS:226, BS-5400 under
prestressed concrete girders/ Steel Girders, for
Pre-cast as well as cast-in-situ girders as per
approved drawing. The rate shall include cost of
load test of one no. bearing from Railway
approved firms and all fixing materials,
equipments, machineries, labour, taxes, loading,
unloading, leading, lifting etc. complete. Rates
include getting the drawing approved from
Railway and cost of inspection during
manufacturing from railway approved
organization.Note : 1. The rate is for finished item
complete and paid only after fixing in position
below the girder. 2. The volume shall be as given
in the drawing and no deduction shall be made
for inserted steel plates etc.
Load testing of one or more spans of bridge as
selected by the Engineer as per approved load
test procedure following relevant IS/IRC/Railway
codes with contractor's labour, deflection
measuring instruments, loading materials,
recording and analyzing the load testing results
including all lead & lift, etc. complete as required.
The rates are all inclusive and will be paid after
load test is finished and girder is cleared of the
kentledges/loading material etc. The load shall be
1.25 times the stipulated design load.
3 031111 For Span design load up to 100 MT Each 8.00 90397.76 723182.08
4 031112 Extra for every increase of 1 MT or part thereof MT 81099.00 328.84 26668595.16
over 100 MT in the span design load capacity up
to 800 MT
5 031220 Deduction in rate of 031010, 031020 and 031030 cum 205.00 -63.49 -13015.45
for casting of slab in place of Girder for any height

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Tender No: DADN-SWD-RKGC-12 Closing Date/Time: 31/07/2024 15:00

6 041190 Supply & applying two coats of bitumen emulsion Sqm 9004.20 143.51 1292192.74
of Grade RS-1, conforming to IS:8887 on the top
surface of concrete deck slab (New bridges) @
1.70 kg/sqm after cleaning surface with all
materials, labour, tools and plants, equipment etc.
Total 32330875.23
Schedule Schedule F-Bridge Works Super Structures-Steel
Item- 1 Bridge Works Super Structures-Steel
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 031040 Providing, fabricating & fixing in position to exact MT 10.63 180834.12 1922266.70
design profiles, H.T.S. cables of all classification
made from Low Relaxation strands conforming to
IS:14268- latest version in Prestressed (Post-
tensioned) Concrete girders/slabs etc. including
supplying, cutting, making into cables with
necessary spacers, colour coding, protecting with
water soluble oil at all time, anchoring of cables,
supplying and placing spiral corrugated type
galvanized metal steel ducts sheathing made up
of Cold Rolled Cold Annealed (CRCA) mild steel
conforming to IS:513 of required diameter/
thickness, vent pipe, placing, bending, routing,
fixing, stressing & grouting of cable ducts with
cement grout, Anchorage sets in required number
with provision for future prestressing if any
including all lead and lift with contractor's own
materials, labour, equipments etc. complete as
per drawings & specifications. Rate also includes
covering anchorage pads with epoxy mortar of
approved quality to avoid corrosion. Cement for
grouting to be paid separately. Payment shall be
made in terms of weight of HTS cables as per
Supplying, fabrication, assembling of all types of
steel girders of specified spans with structural
steel conforming to Quality "B0" Grade
Designation E250 conforming to IS:2062, erection
/ slewing / end launching of steel girders with
cranes or any other approved launching methods
as per site conditions (not requiring traffic block)
on sub-structure including provision of trolley
refuges etc., complete as per approved QAP and
drawings conforming to IRS-B1-2001 and other
relevant codes and specifications. Note: 1.
Detailed fabrication and erection drawings &
launching methodology will be prepared by the
contractor and got approved from Railway. 2. The
rate is all inclusive including launching in position,
complete in all respect except cost of (i) Painting /
Metalising; (ii) Bearings & (iii) HSFG bolts which
shall be paid extra under relevant item. 3. The
payment shall be made on the theoretical weight
of main components and gusset plates only. 4.
Payment Schedule: (i) Receipt of material at site:
40% (ii) Fabrication of girders: 20% (iii)
Erection/Launching: 20% (iv) Completion in all
respects: 20%
2 041011 Plate Girder/Semi Through Girder/Composite MT 570.00 151241.75 86207797.50
Girder (Steel Work)
3 041012 Open web Girder MT 679.00 188726.52 128145307.08

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Tender No: DADN-SWD-RKGC-12 Closing Date/Time: 31/07/2024 15:00

4 041020 Supplying and fixing HSFG bolts of any dia and Kg 37470.00 354.38 13278618.60
any length with suitable nuts including DTI
washers conforming to IRS-B1-2001 f o r bridges
and steel structures with contractors labour, tools
and plants and lead and lift etc., complete.
Metallizing of steel work of girders with sprayed
aluminium after surface preparation by Sand/grit
blasting, followed by one coat of etch primer
(IS:5666) & one coat of Zinc Chrome primer
(IS:104) and two coats of aluminium paint
(IS:2339) with all labour, T&P and material as a
complete job duly conforming to all relevant
specifications and process given under Clause 39
of IRS-B1-2001. Note: Nominal Thickness of
sprayed Aluminium coating shall be 150 microns.
DFT of Zinc chrome primer shall be 25-30
microns and DFT of each coat of Aluminium paint
shall be 12-14 microns.
5 041041 On new girder during fabrication Sqm 17410.00 734.30 12784163.00
6 041080 Supplying, Fabricating and fixing access ladders, MT 38.00 110841.29 4211969.02
inspection platforms, Trolley refuges etc., on
bridges with structural steel conforming to
IS:2062 including welding / bolting, priming
painting with one coat of ready mixed paint of
Zinc Chromate (IS:104) with DFT of 25-30
microns followed by one coat of Zinc Chrome Red
Oxide (IS:2074) with DFT of 25 microns with all
material, labour, T&P as a complete job. Note:
Painting shall be paid separately under relevant
7 041090 Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true to line MT 1290.70 682.01 880270.31
and level cast steel rocker/roller bearing of
different load bearing capacity conforming to IS
:7666, IS:9565, IS:1030, IS:919, IS:3073 and IRS
Bridge Code including all accessories as per
drawing and Technical Specifications with all
material, labour, T&P as a complete job. The
payment shall be made for the load bearing
capacity in Metric Tonne as per approved
8 041100 Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true to line MT 1289.70 718.55 926713.94
and level forged steel roller bearing of different
load bearing capacity conforming to IS :7666,
IS:9565, IS:1030, IS:919, IS:3073 and IRS Bridge
Code including all accessories as per drawing
and Technical Specifications with all material,
labour, T&P as a complete job. The payment shall
be made for the load bearing capacity in Metric
Tonne as per approved drawing.

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Design, supply, fitting and fixing in position true to

line and level POT-PTFE bearing of 250 MT
Capacity, consisting of a metal piston supported
by a disc or un reinforced elastomer confined
within a metal cylinder, sealing rings, dust seals,
PTFE surface sliding against stainless steel
mating surface, complete assembly to be of cast
steel / fabricated structural steel, metal and
elastomer elements complete as per IS:2062,
IS:1030, AISI:304, AISI:316, IS:6911, BS:3784,
IS:3400, IS:226, BS-5400, Bridge Code and as
per approved drawing and Technical
Specifications. The design of the bearings shall
be submitted by the manufacturers / contractor
and got approved from Railway before fixing. Test
report after inspection of the bearings shall be
submitted and got approved before the materials
are lifted from the manufacturer premises.
9 041134 POT-cum -PTFE Guided (T)Bearing Each 8.00 57873.80 462990.40
Painting of cleaned plate/composite bridge
g i r d e r s including all scaffolding along with
provision of Jhoola / hanging scaffolding ladders
etc. where required.
10 041263 With two coats of Aluminium paint in dual Sqm 480.00 116.33 55838.40
containers conforming to IS:2339 with DFT of 15 -
20 Microns for each coat.
Launching in position, by any approved method,
pre-fabricated Steel Girders, precast PSC
girders/slabs, casted at casting bed developed at
site, to correct alignment and level over the bed
block / pedestal with all required arrangements,
complete in all respect.
11 041321 PSC girders / slabs MT 513.00 1975.75 1013559.75
Total 249889494.70
Schedule Schedule G- Bridge works Miscllaneous
Item- 1 Bridge works Miscllaneous
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 051030 Supplying of stone boulders weighing not less cum 25511.00 1953.39 49832932.29
than 35 kg each at specified bridge locations.
2 051060 Providing and laying Pitching with Stone Boulders, cum 14736.00 2591.79 38192617.44
weighing not less than 35kg each with voids filled
with spalls on slopes, laid over prepared filter
media including boulder apron laid dry in front of
toe of embankment complete as per drawing and
Technical Specifications (filter media to be paid
separately under the relevant item).
3 051080 Providing and laying Filter Material as per RDSO cum 9824.00 4715.56 46325661.44
Specifications underneath pitching in slopes
complete as per drawing and Technical
4 052150 Providing and laying of filter media consisting of cum 11699.00 4229.27 49478229.73
granular materials of GW, GP, SW groups as per
IS:1498 (latest) in required profile behind boulder
filling of abutments, wing walls / return walls etc.
above bed level with all labour and material
complete job as per drawing and technical
specification of RDSO Guidelines.

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5 052200 Painting the HFL mark and Danger level mark, Each 82.00 318.74 26136.68
year of HFL on bridge abutments and piers with
ready mixed paint as per standard in two coats
over one coat of primer with all materials, labour,
tools, scaffolding, all lead and lift etc. including
writing complete.
6 052210 Providing cast in situ bridge number plaques as Each 42.00 1001.22 42051.24
per Railway drawing in cement concrete 1:2:4 mix
using 20mm hard stone aggregate embedded in
30mm notch in Bridge parapet coping duly
engraving the letter and figures and an arrow
indicating the direction of flow and finishing the
top exposed surface with cement mortar 1:3,
painting letters and figures with two coats of black
enamel paint on two coats of white background
with all labour, tools, cement, paint etc. with all
leads and lifts.
7 052220 Providing cast in-situ plaques for bridge Each 42.00 1262.66 53031.72
foundations details of size 45cmx45cmx5cm in
cement concrete 1:2:4 mix using 20mm hard
stone aggregate embedded in 30mm deep notch
over abutment & piers, engraving the letters &
figures with CM 1:3 and finished smooth including
painting letters and figures with 2 coats of black
enamel and plaque with white enamel with all
labour, tools, cement, paint, curing etc. as a
complete job.
8 052240 Supplying, spreading and filling coarse sand (no cum 910.00 2536.29 2308023.90
cohesive materials to be used) of approved
quality including watering and ramming in
foundation, behind the abutment, wing wall,
retaining wall in layers not exceeding 150mm
thick including its compaction as per direction of
Engineer-in-charge. The rate includes all lead, lift,
ascent, descent, crossing of Railway line etc.
complete with contractor's labour, materials, tools
and plant.
9 052250 Providing Boulder Backing behind wing wall, cum 25511.00 411.68 10502368.48
return wall, retaining wall with hand packed
boulders & cobbles with smaller size boulders
toward the back including all lead, lift, labour &
other incidental charges as complete work in all
respect. Payment for boulder/cobbles will be done
Total 196761052.92
Schedule Schedule H-Supplying & utilising Cement
Item- 1 Supplying & utilising Cement
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
Supply and using Cement at Worksite
1 025072 Ordinary Portland Cement 53 grade of approved MT 31317.47 9275.03 290470473.77
Total 290470473.77
Schedule Schedule I-Supplying & Utilising of HYSD Bars
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
Supply of steel reinforcement of approved
brands/makes for R.C.C. work including
straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position
and binding all complete.
1 025082 Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars of grade Fe- Kg 14699640.00 116.39 1710891099.60
500D or more of approved brands/makes.

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Total 1710891099.60
Schedule Schedule J-P-Way Work
Item- 1 USSSOR 2021 items of P-Way Work
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
Dismantling and removing rail of all section &
length from track, laid on any type & density of
sleeper by removing fish plates, fastenings & fish
bolts and other materials including stacking all
released materials within an average distance of
500 metres as directed by Engineer in-charge.
Note: 1.Cutting of rails shall be paid separately.
2.Work to be done under traffic block.
1 061021 For Through Rail Renewal work TRM 5590.00 48.05 268599.50
Insertion of rails of all types & length in track, laid
on any type & density of sleeper to the specified
gauge under traffic block. Rates include fastening
of rail with sleepers with standard set of
fastenings and fixing of fish plates and bolts or, if
required, providing gap for welding and stacking
of released material without infringement within
250m as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Note:
Rail drilling and cutting to be paid separately.
2 061031 For Through Rail Renewal work TRM 5590.00 49.55 276984.50
3 063110 Lubrication of gauge face of rail on curves, cross RM 3850.00 5.45 20982.50
overs, points & crossings, turn-in curves and at
locations as required with contractor's grease
graphite grade "O" IS 408 and as directed.
Gas cutting of rail of various sections with
contractor's tools & plants, as directed by
engineer in-charge :
4 064051 Rail section of 90R and below Each 500.00 90.32 45160.00
5 064052 Rail section of 52Kg and above Each 250.00 108.38 27095.00
Assembling and Laying of Improved Switch
Expansion Joint (SEJ) on PSC sleepers of any rail
section as per RDSO drawing including leading of
SEJ rails, sleepers, fittings for a free lead of 250
metres, cutting of rails, drilling of holes as
required and lubrication of SEJ, gauging, aligning
rails, providing temporary connection with
adequate welding gap with adjoining rails,
providing reference posts at SEJ, first through
packing of SEJ portion to make track geometry fit
for 30 kmph speed and making ballast profile as
per IRPWM. Note: (1) Rail cutting and hole drilling
shall be paid separately.(2) One set comprise
complete SEJ on both rails at SEJ.
6 065031 Under Conditions not requiring Traffic Block Set 10.00 7261.43 72614.30

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7 083010 Lifting and packing for regrading the existing PSC TRM 3000.00 191.65 574950.00
sleeper track to required height / level in stages
not exceeding 75mm or part thereof at a time,
providing permissible ramp for the track, insertion
of moorum / sand / stone ballast uniformly under
the existing track and placing the same to safe
approved gradient, gauge, cushion including
levelling and one round of through packing to
allow train movement at restricted speed of 30
kmph for a specified length with all leads & lifts
and fixing, marking, painting rail level pegs at
every 30m interval. Note: Lifting of track shall be
done in stages as per procedure prescribed in
latest edition of IRPWM to get the proposed final
level as per approved working profile, as directed
by Engineer in-charge.
8 083011 Extra for additional lift over 75mm for every TRM 2000.00 29.70 59400.00
50mm lift or part thereof up to 275mm for item
nos. 083010 for each TRM.
9 083030 Boxing and profiling of ballast as per procedure TRM 5590.00 28.14 157302.60
prescribed in latest edition of IRPWM including
cess dressing on both sides of track. The work
will include removing excess ballast from track
and putting the same in crib and shoulder by
leading to a maximum of 50m including crossing
of track, deweeding on ballast section etc and as
directed by Engineer-In charge.
10 084010 Loading Railway's ballast, collected at yard / cum 3500.00 42.14 147490.00
depot into Railway's BOB / BKH / any other type
of open wagon, using Mechanical Loader or any
other method with all lead and lifts, as directed by
Engineer in-charge.
Unloading of ballast from Railway's Hopper
Wagons, quantity distribution as per pre-defined
site requirement, clearing infringements/jammed
ballast, distributing the unloaded ballast uniformly
over the track, profiling and boxing following all
prescribed safety norms.
11 084042 Under Conditions not requiring Traffic Block: cum 3500.00 42.64 149240.00
Manufacturing, supply and stacking of machine
crushed Track Ballast conforming to RDSO
Specification (IRS-GE-1) with latest correction
slip s at Railway depot or nominated location.
Note: Distance of nearest quarry mentioned in
each sub-item is only for the purpose of selecting
the items for preparation of estimates/tender
schedule, based on the minimum distance
between nearest quarry and centre of supply
points and will not affect the selection of quarry
during physical supply in any way till prescribed
specification is met fully.
12 085012 When distance of nearest quarry is more than 10 cum 19164.00 951.91 18242403.24
km and up to 20 km

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25mm gap 'in-situ' welding during traffic block and

finishing of weld to meet the prescribed
tolerances and pass all stipulated tests with all
required labour, materials, consumables, tools,
equipments etc. to complete the work in all
respect as per IR's "Manual for Fusion Welding of
Rails by Alumino - Thermic Process" with latest
correction slips, including marking of welded joint,
painting weld collar with anticorrosive paint,
restoration of track near weld joint to original
position and fixing of joggled fish plate at new
weld, to be removed after passing of weld in
USFD test as directed by Engineer in charge.
Note: 1. Welding shall be carried out only by
trained welder having valid competency certificate
using RDSO approved Alumino Thermit Welding
Portions, 3 piece prefabricated mould (ZIRCON
WASHED) manually pressed, Single shot crucible
fitted with auto tapping thimble and Compressed
Air Petrol/LPG preheating technique as per RDSO
Specification No IRST/19-2020 with latest
amendment. 2. Hydraulic Weld trimmer shall be
used for chipping and profile Grinder for finishing.
3. Only required nos. of Joggled fish plates shall
be supplied by Railway at nearest P. Way Stores
and the same shall be returned at nearest P. Way
Store or at other location as per direction of
Engineer-in-Charge after release from track. All
other items required shall be supplied by the
13 092012 For 60 Kg/60EI - R260 grade Rail Each 120.00 5723.07 686768.40
Shifting & pairing of rails / panels unloaded
alongside existing running track to adjoining
formation of a new line including crossing of one
track, duly lifting & pushing rail / panel without
damaging it and taking all necessary precautions,
so as not to infringe the running track, as directed
by Engineer in-charge. Note: The rail barricading,
if disturbed during working, should be restored to
its original condition by the agency including re-
fixing & concreting as required.
14 122016 For rails/panels of more than 40m length - Under RM 7000.00 32.90 230300.00
Conditions not requiring Traffic Block
Providing Centre Line / Rail Level, reference Pegs
on formation at an interval of 30 metres on one
side or at centre of proposed / existing track, as
directed by engineer in-charge for linking of new
track / CTR / Deep Screening / Lifting / Lowering
works, duly embedding in formation including
marking with contractor's paint. Note: (1) Rails/tie
bar of suitable size bar shall be supplied by the
Railways from nearest Stores Depot. In case of
hard wood peg, the hard wood will be supplied by
the contractor. (2) Excavation and concrete work,
if required, will be paid separately.
15 123011 With Rail pegs Each 250.00 148.58 37145.00
16 123012 With Tie bar pegs Each 400.00 98.06 39224.00

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17 123030 Spreading of ballast, from existing stacks cum 19164.00 48.51 929645.64
available along formation on top or at cess, in
required uniform thickness, compaction of ballast
layer laid on new formation at all the locations
with smooth wheeled power roller of 8-10 tonne
capacity to sufficient number of passes to form
consolidated ballast bed of approximately 250mm
thickness to a width of 4m symmetrical to centre
line of proposed track in correct line & level with
all ascents & descents, as directed by Engineer
in-charge. Note: Item is inclusive of (a) providing
ramp for taking roller to formation and removing
the same & making good formation after
completion of work; (b) redistribution & leveling of
excess ballast while rolling to obtain uniform
plane cambered surface.
Linking of BG track (except at LC, Bridges and
SEJs) with any type of rail section and sleeper of
specified density, on ballast bed spread and
compacted with suitable roller, over prepared
for m ation including leading free rails/welded
panels available along the alignment on to
formation, leading and spreading all fittings and
fastenings, spreading of sleepers at specified
spacing, squaring, placing of rails over sleepers
and fixing rails to sleepers with all types of fittings
and fastenings to correct gauge & alignment,
lubrication of fittings and fastenings with
contractor's grease as per IRPWM standards with
contractors labour, tools, consumables, with all
lead, lifts etc. complete and raising, levelling and
initial packing of track to make it fit for 30 kmph
and meet other prerequisites prescribed in Indian
Railway Track Machine Manual for deployment of
Tamping Machine. Note: 1.Rail cutting and Hole
drilling shall be paid separately. 2.Spreading of
ballast and compaction shall be paid separately
under relevant item.
18 123041 For sleeper density of 1660 sleepers per km TRM 5590.00 335.55 1875724.50
19 123060 Linking of BG track (with guard rail ) over TRM 350.00 452.65 158427.50
ballasted deck bridges with any type of rail
section and PSC sleeper including leading free
rails/welded panels available along the alignment
on to bridge, leading and spreading all fittings and
fastenings, leading & spreading of sleepers at
specified spacing, squaring, placing of rails over
sleepers and fixing rails & guard rails to sleepers
with all types of fittings and fastenings to correct
gauge & alignment, lubrication of fittings and
fastenings with contractor's grease as per IRPWM
standards with contractors labour, tools,
consumables, with all lead, lifts etc. complete and
raising, levelling and initial packing of track to
make it fit for 30 kmph and meet other
prerequisites prescribed in Indian Railway Track
Machine Manual for deployment of Tamping
Machine. Note: 1.Rail cutting and Hole drilling
shall be paid separately. 2.Spreading of ballast
and compaction shall be paid separately under
relevant item. 3. This item shall be applicable only
when track is with Guard Rail. Linking without
guard rail be paid under relevant item for plain
track linking.

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20 123070 Linking of track on Girder Bridge with Steel TRM 195.00 627.83 122426.85
Channel/H-beam sleepers as per approved
drawings including leading of running and guard
rails, sleepers and fittings, bending of guard rails,
notching, drilling of holes, cutting of rails etc. as
per IRPWM with latest correction slips and
making track structure fit for normal speed. Note:
1) Rails, Steel Channel/H-beam sleeper and all
fittings will be supplied by Railways.
2)Transportation of track material if supplied
beyond 250m of bridge approaches, shall be paid
separately under relevant item.
Shifting / Slewing the existing or newly assembled
track of any rail section with any type of sleepers
and any density under line block to correct
locations & alignment and attending to one round
kutcha packing to run safely at 20KMPH speed
with all contractors tools and consumables
complete and as directed by Engineer in-charge.
21 123091 Maximum Shifting / Slewing up to 1 metre TRM 2000.00 221.24 442480.00
Through packing of track, as per procedure
prescribed in latest edition of Indian Railways
Permanent Way Manual
22 131011 For PSC sleeper Track with Sleeper Density of TRM 5590.00 111.67 624235.30
1540 Sleepers/Km or more
Pulling back of rails / panels on running track for
creep adjustment or other incidental activities by
removing and re-fixing all the fittings, and
fastenings including squaring of sleepers and
slack picking of displaced sleepers, as directed.
23 133012 For rail panel above 13 metre & up to 40 metre TRM 2000.00 42.51 85020.00
24 133013 For rail panel more than 40 metre length TRM 6000.00 46.40 278400.00
De-stressing of LWR/CWR track of any density
under traffic line block with contractor's labours,
tools, equipments and consumables inclusive of
all lead & lift. Activities include cutting of
LWR/CWR into convenient panels of specified
length, removal of ERCs, liners, greasing of ERCs
and liner contact area, lifting rails and keeping
them on rollers provided at every 15 sleepers,
working out elongation of rail ends depending on
prevailing site conditions, pulling rails with the
help of Hydraulic Tensor to achieve the desired
elongation, cutting rails, as required, removing
rollers and placing rail in position, re-fixing ERCs
& liners and adjustment of gap at SEJs : Note: (1)
Welding of rail joints will be paid separately. (2)
Rail cutting and Hole drilling shall be paid
separately. (3) Opening and closing of LC if
required will be paid separately. (4) As per
procedure prescribed in latest edition of IRPWM &
CE's Circulars for destressing of LWR/CWR, if
25 135013 Without Rail tensor TRM 5590.00 47.35 264686.50
Fixing Joggled Fish Plates with bolt / clamp
(supplied by Railway from nearest SSE Store) in
running track conditions at welds on rail, as
directed by engineer in-charge (drilling of holes in
rail, if required, shall be paid separately).
26 136011 With 2 bolts Set 200.00 117.37 23474.00
27 136013 With Clamps Set 60.00 166.97 10018.20

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Anti-corrosive painting of rail outside track on rail

bottom, web, foot and fishing plane with two coats
of thickness of 100 microns each by bituminous
black paint confirms to IS-9862 of reputed make
including surface preparation, as a complete job
as per procedure prescribed in latest edition of
28 137011 For 60 Kg Rails RM 14380.00 95.59 1374584.20
Painting 2 coats to various P.Way Reference
Post, Structures etc. with enamel paint of
approved make with 2 coats of different colours &
letters, as directed by Engineer in-charge.
29 137086 Curve Post Each 24.00 118.41 2841.84
30 137090 Curve details, SE, Versine, Station Nos. etc. per Each 383.00 63.61 24362.63
31 157010 Carrying out various miscellaneous works, for Shift 100.00 1493.14 149314.00
proper upkeep of crew rest van / rest room as
directed by machine in-charge of Track Machines
by providing a team of 2 labours for 12 hours
shift, broadly mentioned hereunder: (1) Bringing
water from nearby source and cleaning machine
with water jet or any suitable means; (2) Fuelling
machine duly bringing diesel / hydraulic oil from
the stacked drums; (3) Bringing water to staff rest
van or staff rest room, cleaning rest van / rest
room, cooking food for Track Machine staff or
bringing food from outside (cost of food shall be
borne by the staff concerned).; (4) Guarding &
watching machines, spare parts, oils, grease etc.
during day and night time at all locations,
wherever necessary, as instructed by the
machine in-charge; (5) In case, contractor
provides less no. of Labour/Mate, payment will be
deducted for each such person @ 75% of the
accepted item rate.
Providing lighting arrangements with halogen
lamps on and around machine during machine
working in night time blocks, with contractor's
generator, consumables, all necessary electrical
fittings, operators etc. Note: 1. Lighting
arrangement is to be provided as per advance
planning of Night Blocks and written
communication. 2. In case lighting arrangement is
made available but not used due to non-
availability of block, payment @ 60% of the item
rate shall be made. 3. In place of Halogen, LED
lamps of equal lumen capacity may be used with
the approval of Engineer -in-Charge. 4. If lighting
arrangement fails during block, recovery shall be
made twice the rate per day.
32 157031 BCM/FRM/UNIMAT (7.5 KVA generator and Night 25.00 5082.83 127070.75
12x500 W)
33 157032 CSM / DUO / 3X with or without DGS (7.5 KVA Night 30.00 4601.17 138035.10
generator and 8x500 W)
Quick cutting with abrasive rail cutter of all types
of rail sections including wear resistant, head
hardened rails up to 110 UTS, with contractors
tools & plants, equipment, consumable with all
lead & lift etc. complete as directed by Engineer
in-charge. Abrasive Rail Cutter will be as per
RDSO Specification No. TM/SM/1 (Rev. 01 of
2012) with latest status of RDSO; Rail Cutting
Wheel Abrasive Disc will be as per RDSO
Specification No.TM/SM/2 (Rev. 01 of 2020)
34 161011 60 Kg - 110/90 UTS - Outside Track Each 460.00 242.54 111568.40

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35 161012 52 Kg - 90 UTS - Outside Track Each 2450.00 219.77 538436.50

36 161013 52 Kg - 72 UTS & other rails - Outside Track Each 350.00 134.22 46977.00
37 161014 60 Kg - 110/90 UTS - On Running Line Each 200.00 310.82 62164.00
38 161015 52 Kg - 90 UTS- On Running Line Each 100.00 252.81 25281.00
Drilling holes of 16 mm to 32 mm dia. with Rail
Drilling machine including chamfering with
appropriate chamfering tools in all types of rail
section with contractor's tools & plants,
equipment, consumable with all lead & lift etc.
complete, as directed by Engineer in-charge. Rail
Drilling Machine will be as per RDSO Specification
No. TM/SM/3, dated 24.04.1991.
39 161041 Outside Track Each 2250.00 61.48 138330.00
40 161042 On Running Line Each 500.00 78.70 39350.00
Unloading of all type of rails of length 130 metre
and beyond from end unloading rake and keep
the panels in head-up position at specified
distance from centre of track clear from any
infringement.. Note: Contractor has to keep
Oxygen and Acetylene gas with cutter as standby
during the period of work.
41 171072 Not involving traffic block MT 914.75 26.20 23966.45
42 194020 Providing and fixing of flared portion of guard rails Set 26.00 3922.16 101976.16
of any rail section over PSC sleepers including
fixing of with all fittings, including leading of rails
and fittings, squaring and adjusting spacing of
sleepers as required, providing nose blocks duly
cutting wooden blocks supplied by railways and
fixing it with bolts of 16mm dia as directed
complete and finished as per RDSO's approved
drawing. Note: 1.One set consists of LH & RH
side rails of one end. 2.Required P.Way fittings
will be supplied at SSE stores depot.
43 195020 Fabrication & supply of Galvanized H-beam MT 60.00 140021.52 8401291.20
Sleepers made out of the materials confirming to
IS 2062 of standard Rolled sections as per
approved drawing Nos RDSO/B/1636/4/R,5&9
complete and as directed by Engineer-in charge.
Note: Cost of steel fittings and GRSP shall be
paid separately.
44 195030 Supply of 25mm thick new rubber pads of RDSO Each 780.00 2234.18 1742660.40
drawing no B/1636/I/R2 from approved sources of
RDSO and replacement with old crushed rubber
pads of 10mm thickness and fixing by approved
adhesive on steel channel sleepers on bridges
complete, as directed by Engineer In-charge.
Supplying & fixing Gang pathway of MS /Stainless
Steel chequered plates between guard rails on
un-ballasted deck bridge for gang pathway,
overlapping at regular intervals of 2m to 2.5m
with bolts duly drilling holes in chequered plate,
as directed on new bridge or replacement of
existing gangway on old bridge including removal
of old chequered plates and stacking near
approaches of bridge clear from all infringement..
Note: Overlapping of chequered plates shall not
fall in between sleepers.
45 195041 MS chequered plates 6 to 8mm thick on new Kg 13800.00 111.36 1536768.00

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Tender No: DADN-SWD-RKGC-12 Closing Date/Time: 31/07/2024 15:00

46 195070 Fabrication, supplying and fixing 600mm x Each 42.00 3801.55 159665.10
450mm Bridge Board made from 16 SWG MS
Sheet duly welded or riveted to back support of
two 600mm long horizontal angles of size 25mm
x 25mm x 3mm & two numbers 2.5 metre long
vertical support of MS Angle of size 50mm x
50mm x 5mm, welded / rivetted to board. Vertical
supports shall have split ends for proper fixing in
ground. Vertical supports of board shall be
embedded in ground in M 20 Cement Concrete
blocks of size 300mm x 300mm x 300mm,
complete job including painting & writing of
subject matter on bridge board, as directed by
Engineer - In charge Note: Excavation & concrete
work will be paid separately.
47 201050 Manufacturing and supplying Galvanised MS Set 732.00 971.44 711094.08
Inner and Outer Clips for Steel Channel Sleeper
(RDSO Drg. No. T-6150 & T-6151) from RDSO
approved sources. Note: One set constitutes two
inner & two outer clips.
48 201060 Manufacture, supply & fixing of galvanised steel Set 400.00 5799.93 2319972.00
fittings of insulated galvanised steel channel
sleeper for 60 Kg running rails & 52 Kg Guard
Rail as per RDSO drawing no. RDSO/T-5155 to
5164 with up-to-date correction slips and
specifications from RDSO approved sources with
all contractor's lead, lift, labour, tools, plant,
transportation etc. complete and instructions of
Engineer in-charge.
Manufacturing, fabricating and supplying retro-
reflective Engineering Indicator boards, made of
2mm thick aluminium sheet or 3mm thick
aluminium composite sheet, face to be fully
covered with high intensity encapsulated type
heat activated retro-reflective sheeting
conforming to type-IV of ASTM-D4956-01 in
yellow & black or other colour combination
including subject matter, message, symbols,
borders etc. as approved by Engineer In-charge
or as per IRPWM guidelines, pasted on substrate
by an adhesive backing which shall be activated
by applying heat and pressure conforming to
class-2 of ASTM-D-4956-01 and fixing the same
with suitable sized aluminium alloy rivets @ 20 cm
c/c to back-support frame of M.S. angle iron of
size 25mm x25mm x 3mmprovided all along the
edges of board with theft resistant measures back
side of board shall be with non-peelable
weatherproof paint, consisting of one coat of zinc
chromate primer and two coats of epoxy paint.
Vertical post shall have black & white anti-
corrosive paint or powder coating complete, as
49 202021 Caution Indicator Board of size 1400mmx400mm Each 20.00 6908.11 138162.20
with back support frame fixed to vertical post of
MS angle of size 50mmx50mmx6mm of 3650 mm
50 202022 Speed Indicator Board of equilateral triangular Each 20.00 5917.10 118342.00
shape having each side of 1000mm with back
support frame fixed to vertical post of MS angle of
size 50mmx50mmx6mm of 3650 mm long
51 202023 Stop Indicator Board of size 1400mmx400mm Each 10.00 6908.11 69081.10
with back support frame fixed to vertical post of
MS angle of size 50mmx50mmx6mm of 3650 mm

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Tender No: DADN-SWD-RKGC-12 Closing Date/Time: 31/07/2024 15:00

52 202024 Termination Indicator Board of Circular shape Each 40.00 8361.59 334463.60
having diameter of 1000mm with back support
frame welded to vertical post of MS angle of size
50mmx50mmx6mm of 3950 mm long
53 202030 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing Curve Each 42.00 1171.89 49219.38
Indicator / Point Indicator / SEJ Boards to be
provided at various locations on formation, made
out of MS sheet 2mm thick of size 450mm x
300mm duly fixed with MS frame of 25mm x
25mm x 3mm angle welded to 50mm x 50mm x
3mm MS angle, 1000mm long post split and bent
100mm at bottom end with all lead & lift as per
specification and including painting of details with
enamel paint, as directed by Engineer in-charge
(Earthwork & concreting will be paid separately)
Painting and fixing MS Indicator Boards of curves,
SEJs, Points & Crossings, Gang/section
jurisdiction and similar as per standard design
including excavation, refilling, concreting in
foundation and painting two coats with enamel
and luminous paints as directed by Engineer in-
charge. Note: Excavation, concrete work and
lettering shall be paid separately.
54 211011 Boards with single post Each 42.00 644.57 27071.94
Erection or removal of temporary Engineering
Indicator Board or any other board at specified
locations without causing infringement to track
etc. complete and as directed.
55 211021 For erection Each 42.00 272.40 11440.80
56 211022 For removal Each 42.00 223.30 9378.60
57 211120 Fixing vertically the unserviceable PSC sleepers Each 200.00 161.09 32218.00
at locations of tress-passing, railway boundary or
to make temporary store by excavating trench,
fixing PSC sleeper in trench and filling back open
58 211130 Providing and fixing Trolley Refuge of size 3.0m Each 42.00 4788.41 201113.22
x3.0m on cess, placing with released
unserviceable PSC sleepers and keeping them at
all four sides of refuge and also placing as
matting inside the refuge by keeping them in
upside down position with a minimum of 14
sleepers including levelling with earth, excavation,
all lead and lift, crossing of tracks, leading the
sleepers with in a free lead and lift, handling etc.,
with all contractor's men material complete and
as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Note:
Earth-work will to be paid separately under
relevant item.
Hiring of machinery for minor miscellaneous
works for short duration including operator/driver,
fuel, lubricants and consumable. The contractor
shall arrange all statutory permits as required by
rules and regulations prevailing in the area of
work. Payment shall be made for actual working
hours at site.
59 211201 JCB Backhoe Loaders 3DX Plus or similar with Hour 250.00 846.09 211522.50
minimum 1.10 cum bucket capacity
60 211202 Hydra or similar tyre mounted Pick-n-Carry crane Hour 200.00 2118.40 423680.00
of 12T capacity for misc. works of handling of
61 211203 Tractor with Trolley for local transportation or Hour 250.00 599.84 149960.00
other misc. works.

Pa g e 34 o f 43 Ru n Da te/Time: 11/0 7/2 0 2 4 18 :40 :2 3

Tender No: DADN-SWD-RKGC-12 Closing Date/Time: 31/07/2024 15:00

62 211210 Arranging labour as and when required by the Day 5000.00 753.26 3766300.00
Engineer in charge, for various works under
SSE/P.Way, with contractor's T&P, equipments,
hand signal flags, etc. as per specifications,
special conditions and detailed scope of work as
furnished in the tender and as directed by the
Engineer in charge. Note: Item shall be operated
with prior approval of concerned Sr. DEN / DEN in
63 211250 Manufacturing and fixing buffer stop with Railway Each 2.00 18844.36 37688.72
supplied rails, cutting, including bending of rails
as per plan ,with all contractor's labour, materials,
tools, plants etc. and all lead and lift including
crossing of track where necessary and as
directed by Engineer in charge at site. Note:
Excavation, fixing rails in cement concrete, drilling
of holes will be paid separately.
64 211260 Manufacture and supply of Precast Kilometer Each 7.00 610.59 4274.13
Posts of size 1.15 x 0.50 x 0.075 m in RCC 1:2:4
mix, engraving letters and leading to work spot,
fixing in position with CC 1:3:6 concrete duly
making pits of size as required, painting the post,
writing the letters on both sides of the post with 2
coats of enamel paint of approved quality to the
Railways drawings/IRPWM with contractor's
materials, cement, steel, labour, tools, plant, with
all lead and lifts etc., complete as per
specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-
charge. Note: Excavation, Concrete and steel
work will be paid under relevant items.
65 211270 Manufacture and supply of Precast gradient Posts Each 20.00 819.35 16387.00
of size 1.65 x 0.60 x 0.075 m in RCC 1:2:4 mix,
engraving letters and leading to work spot, fixing
in position with CC 1:3:6 concrete duly making
pits of size as required, painting the post, writing
the letters on both sides of posts in 2 coats with
enamel paint of approved quality to the Railways
drawings/IRPWM with contractor's materials,
cement, steel, labour, tools, plant, with all lead
and lifts etc., complete as per specifications and
as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Note:
Excavation, Concrete and steel work will be paid
under relevant items.
66 211280 Manufacture and supply of Precast Each 72.00 273.38 19683.36
Hectometer/TP Repeater posts of size
0.90Mx0.30 mx0.30Mx0.30M Triangular size in
RCC 1:2:4 mix, engraving letters, leading to work
spot, and fixing in position with CC 1:3:6 concrete,
duly making pits of size as required, painting the
post with two coats, letters on the both sides of
posts with enamel paint of approved quality as
per IRPWM/Railways drawings complete with
contractor's materials, cement, steel, labour,
tools, plant, with all lead and lifts etc., complete as
per specifications and as directed by the
Engineer-in-charge. Note: Excavation, Concrete
and steel work will be paid under relevant items.
Total 49245892.89


Important : All documents uploaded and remarks / confirmation entered by the bidders against any eligibility condition
shall be opened as part of technical bid only

Special Financial Criteria

Pa g e 35 o f 43 Ru n Da te/Time: 11/0 7/2 0 2 4 18 :40 :2 3

Tender No: DADN-SWD-RKGC-12 Closing Date/Time: 31/07/2024 15:00

S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents

Required Allowed Uploading
The tenderer must have minimum average annual contractual turnover of V/N or 'V'
whichever is less, where V= Advertised value of the tender in crores of Rupees N=
Number of years prescribed for completion of work for which bids have been invited. The
average annual contractual turnover shall be calculated as an average of ''total
contractual payments'' in the previous three financial years, as per the audited balance
1 sheet. However, in case balance sheet of the previous year is yet to be prepared/ No No
audited, the audited balance sheet of the fourth previous year shall be considered for
calculating average annual contractual turnover. The tenderers shall submit requisite
information as per Annexure-VIB, along with copies of Audited Balance Sheets duly
certified by the Chartered Accountant/ Certificate from Chartered Accountant duly
supported by Audited Balance Sheet.

Special Technical Criteria

S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents

Required Allowed Uploading
(a)The tenderer must have successfully completed or substantially completed any one of
the following categories of work(s) during last 07 (seven) years, ending last day of month
previous to the one in which tender is invited: (i)Three similar works each costing not
1 less than the amount equal to 30% of advertised value of the tender, or (ii) Two similar No No
works each costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of advertised value of the
tender, or (i)One similar work costing not less than the amount equal to 60% of
advertised value of the tender.
The similar nature of work as mentioned above means that the work of 1. For Earthwork,
Bridge Work & P.way Linking Work - "Any Civil Engineering work involving "Earthwork in
formation"/ "Building Construction (should have Track Works experience in other work)"/
"Steel Railway Bridge"/ "Concrete Railway Bridge"/ "Composite Railway Bridge"/
"Railway Over Bridge"/ "Foot Over Bridge" Rs.226,36,76,554.51 /-. 2. For Tunnel No 13
1.1 & 14 - "Tunnelling work for Railways, Highways/Roadways and Hydro-Power Projects" No No
Note: (a) For similar nature of work as described above, tunnel constructed exclusively
with Cut & Cover method and tunnel constructed with TBM shall not be considered. (b)
The tenderer should have experience of successfully completing tunnelling work by
NATM (New Austrian Tunnelling Method) with minimum finished cross- sectional area of
25 Sqm." Rs.242,28,65,194.38 /- .

Bidders shall confirm and certify on the behalf of the tenderer including its constituents as under:

S.No. Description
1 I/we the tenderer (s) am/are signing this document after carefully reading the contents.
2 I/We the tenderer(s) also accept all the conditions of the tender and have signed all the pages in confirmation thereof.
I/we hereby declare that I/we have downloaded the tender documents from Indian Railway website www.ireps.gov.in . I/we have
verified the content of the document from the website and there is no addition, no deletion or no alteration to the content of the
tender document. In case of any discrepancy noticed at any stage i.e. evaluation of tenders, execution of work or final payment
of the contract, the master copy available with the railway Administration shall be final and binding upon me/us.
I/we declare and certify that I/we have not made any misleading or false representation in the forms, statements and
attachments in proof of the qualification requirements.
I/We also understand that my/our offer will be evaluated based on the documents/credentials submitted along with the offer and
same shall be binding upon me/us.
I/We declare that the information and documents submitted along with the tender by me/us are correct and I/we are fully
responsible for the correctness of the information and documents, submitted by us.
I/we certify that I/we the tenderer(s) is/are not blacklisted or debarred by Railways or any other Ministry / Department of Govt.
7 of India from participation in tender on the date of submission of bids, either in individual capacity or as a HUF/ member of the
partnership firm/LLP/JV/Society/Trust.
I/we understand that if the contents of the certificate submitted by us are found to be forged/false at any time during process for
evaluation of tenders, it shall lead to forfeiture of the Bid Security and may also lead to any other action provided in the contract
including banning of business for a period of upto two year. Further, I/we and all my/our constituents understand that my/our
offer shall be summarily rejected.
I/we also understand that if the contents of the certificate submitted by us are found to be false/forged at any time after the
award of the contract, it will lead to termination of the contract, along with forfeiture of Bid Security/Security Deposit and
Performance guarantee and may also lead to any other action provided in the contract including banning of business for a
period of upto two year.
I/We have read the clause regarding restriction on procurement from a bidder of a country which shares a land border with India
and certify that I am/We are not from such a country or, if from such a country, have been registered with the competent
Authority. I/We hereby certify that I/we fulfil all the requirements in this regard and am/are eligible to be considered (evidence of
valid registration by the competent authority is enclosed)

Pa g e 36 o f 43 Ru n Da te/Time: 11/0 7/2 0 2 4 18 :40 :2 3

Tender No: DADN-SWD-RKGC-12 Closing Date/Time: 31/07/2024 15:00

Partnership firm/Joint Venture (JV) / Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) / Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) etc.

S.No. Description
Partnership firm/Joint Venture (JV) / Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) / Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) etc. Please
submit a certificate in the prescribed format (please download the format from the link given below). Non submission of the
1 certificate, or submission of certificate either not properly filled in, or in a format other than the prescribed format shall lead to
summary rejection of your offer.
( Click here to download the Format of Self Certification)


Important : All documents uploaded and remarks / confirmation entered by the bidders against any compliance
condition shall be opened as part of technical bid only.

Check Lst

S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents

Required Allowed Uploading
1 Submission of Earnest money/ Bid Security No No Not Allowed
Uploading of valid credential documents in support of technical as well as
2 No No Not Allowed
financial eligibility criterion.
3 Submission of Bank details, PAN Number No No Not Allowed
4 Submission of Complete Address of the tenderer. No No Not Allowed
Scanned copy/copies of proof(s) of Technical Eligibility Criteria as mentioned
5 No No Not Allowed
in Standard Technical Criteria
Scanned copy/copies of proof(s) of Financial Eligibility Criteria as mentioned in
6 No No Not Allowed
Standard Financial Criteria
Required documents in case of Proprietary Firm / Concern OR Partnership
7 Firm OR Limited Company OR Joint Venture Firm as mentioned in No No Not Allowed
Commercial Compliance (If Applicable and whichever is applicable)


S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents

Required Allowed Uploading
Tenderers are required to quote their Permanent Account Number in the Allowed
1 Yes Yes
tender document. (Mandatory)
Tenderers are required to submit their bank details i.e. Name of the Bank
2 along with Bank Branch Code, Account Number, IFSC Code, and PAN Yes Yes
Central Government/State Government/Local bodies, Sales tax/Commercial
tax/GST at the rate prescribed by the Government of India/Madhya Pradesh Allowed
3 Yes Yes
state government for works contracts will be recovered from the bills from time (Mandatory)
to time for works carried out in the state of Madhya Pradesh.
Please enter the percentage of local content in the material being offered.
Please enter 0 for fully imported items, and 100 for fully indigenous items. The Allowed
4 Yes Yes
definition and calculation of local content shall be in accordance with the Make (Optional)
in India policy as incorporated in the tender conditions
5 Status of firm (Perform I) No No
Please enter the percentage of local content in the material being offered.
Please enter 0 for fully imported items, and 100 for fully indigenous items. The Allowed
6 No Yes
definition and calculation of local content shall be in accordance with the Make (Optional)
in India policy as incorporated in the tender conditions.

General Instructions

S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents

Required Allowed Uploading
1 Permission of Joint Venture No No Not Allowed
Tenderers are required to quote rates in the Financial Offer Tab provided for
2 No No Not Allowed
this purpose during submission of E-tender.

Pa g e 37 o f 43 Ru n Da te/Time: 11/0 7/2 0 2 4 18 :40 :2 3

Tender No: DADN-SWD-RKGC-12 Closing Date/Time: 31/07/2024 15:00

Tenderers are requested to visit the web site https//www.ireps.gov.in

3 No No Not Allowed
frequently till the closing date and time for any update.
For those conditions for which standard formats have been given in the
4 uploaded document titled-Formats for uploading of various format. The No No Not Allowed
information should only be submitted in these standard formats.
Rates are inclusive of all taxes/octroi, license fee, royalty charges, GST etc.
5 No No Not Allowed
legally leviable by State, Central Govt. and/or any other local authority
In addition to General condition of contract April 2022 and Indian Railways
6 Unified standard specification Works Materials Volume I II 2019, revised upto No No Not Allowed
date, special condition attached shall also apply.
GST/Sales tax/Business tax will be recovered as per extant instruction on the
7 No No Not Allowed
It shall not be obligatory on the said authority to accept the lowest tender and
8 no tenderer/tenderers shall demand any explanation for the cause of rejection No No Not Allowed
of his/their tender.
If the tenderers deliberately gives/give wrong information in his/their tender or
9 creates/create circumstances for the acceptance of his/their tender, the No No Not Allowed
Railway reserves the right to reject such tender at any stage.
The Railway reserves the right of not to invite tenders for any of the railway
work or works or to invite open or limited tenders and when tenders are called,
10 No No Not Allowed
to accept a tender in whole or in part or reject any tender or all tenders without
assigning reasons for such action.
11 PVC is applicable as per GCC Clause and as detailed in the tender document No No Not Allowed
The Joint Venture [JV] is permitted for the work as per the guidelines in the
tender document. In case of joint venture firms participating in the tender, all
conditions mentioned in Para 15 of Chapter II[A] [Guidelines for participation of
joint venture [JV] Firms] are to be strictly adhered to, and all necessary
documents should be enclosed by JV Firm along with the tender. EMD and
12 cost of tender document in acceptable form as mentioned in the tender No No Not Allowed
document must be submitted in Technical Bid Document Envelope only.
Technical Bid and Price Bid must be submitted in two different sealed
envelopes clearly super scribing on each envelope type of bid i.e. Technical
Bid or Price Bid alongwith the name of firm/tenderer, Tender Notice No and
Name of Work as per requirement given in the tender document.
For Two Packet System Tender- Check List of Important Documents,
Declaration from Tenderers, Vendor Mandate Form, Top Sheet, Certificate of
Familiarisation, Self Certificate in support of site visit, Instructions to
13 Tenderers, General Conditions of Contract, Notes on Schedules, Safety Rules, No No Not Allowed
Special Conditions etc. have been uploaded which are integral part of the
etender. Tenderers are requested to see the above uploaded documents and
act accordingly.
Important instruction to tenderer : (a) Regarding Uploading of documents :
Tenderer shall upload the documents in pdf form serial numberd. If any
document required to be uploaded at more than one ANNEXURE than he/they
have to upload documents only once and at another required place they have
to upload the Sr.No. & Name/Heading of already uploaded documents in a
tabular form. (b) Regarding uploading of T&P and machinery documents :
14 No No Not Allowed
Tenderer shall upload only the list of T&P and machinery will be used in this
work in a tabular form showing the ownership of machinery/T&P. However it
required at a later stage by Railway, after opening of tender, the tenderer have
to submit the self certificate copy for prof of availability of machinery with his
(which will be used in this work) in the form of purchase/hiring documents with
in seven days of deman by railway.
All documents in support of fulfilment of eligibility criteria with respect to
completion of Similar nature of work for Technical Eligibility Criteria and Total
contract value for Financial Eligibility Criteria should be furnished along with
the tender and should be submitted online at the time of tender bidding.
Tenders not accompanied by documentary evidence in support of ligibility
15 criteria will be summarily rejected. No post tender communication, in any form No No Not Allowed
will be made or entertained, after opening of tender box, in this regard.
Railways may however call for the originals of the credentials for verification or
any clarifications/confirmations on the contents of the documents submitted.
Similar Nataure of work: " Bridge work involving Construction of Bridge with
Steel or Composite Girder on nPile/well foundation."

Pa g e 38 o f 43 Ru n Da te/Time: 11/0 7/2 0 2 4 18 :40 :2 3

Tender No: DADN-SWD-RKGC-12 Closing Date/Time: 31/07/2024 15:00

Bid Security shall be deposited either in case through e-payment gateway or

submitted as Bank Guarantee bond from a scheduled commercial bank of
India or as mentioned in tender documents. The Bank Guarantee Bond shall
16 No No Not Allowed
be as per Annexure-VIA and shall be valid for a period 90 days beyond the bid
validity period: Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR) will not be accepted as Bid
Security for tenders invited on IREPS (e-tender portal).
Before submitting a tender, the tenderer will be deemed to have satisfied
himself by actual inspection of the site and locality of the works, that all
conditions liable to be encountered during the execution of the works are
taken into account and that the rates he enters in the tender forms are
adequate and all-inclusive to accord with the provisions in 'Clause37 of
17 IRSGCC Part-II (with all correction slips issued till date of invitation of tender)' No No Not Allowed
for the completion of works to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer. Authority
representative will be available for the Site Visit on date: 15/06/2024. Link for
Tentative Drawings, KMZ & MP4 file is
Link for pre-bid meeting can be obtained by contacting Dy.Chief Engineer
18 (construction)I-Indore on mobile No. 9752492250 and E-Mail id No No Not Allowed

Special Conditions

S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents

Required Allowed Uploading
Unless specifically mentioned in the schedule of rates all materials required for
1 execution of work will be supplied by the contractor free of cost as per No No Not Allowed
standard specifications and approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
All works are to be done as per programme fixed by the Engineer-in-charge or
2 No No Not Allowed
his authorised representative and as per their direction only
All materials to be supplied by the contractor should be got approved by the
3 No No Not Allowed
Engineer-in-charge before use in the work.
No compensation towards any accident what s o ever will be paid by the
4 No No Not Allowed
Contractor shall not start any work without the presence of the IOW or PWI at
site. In case the contractors representative starts any work in absence of IOW
5 No No Not Allowed
or PWI, it shall be treated as unauthorised and illegal tampering with the track
and shall be liable for action.
The contractor should mobillse to do night depot working for which they will be
6 required to have their own sufficient lighting arrangement. No extra payment No No Not Allowed
will be admissible on this account.
All the works,which are to be done under traffic block,in electrified territory,
7 contractor will have to take all precautions for safety of track and running trains No No Not Allowed
as well as safety of his labour in terms of Indian Railways P.Way manual
The Contractor with the help of his Engineer or Diploma holder , as the case
be , shall make necessary Drawings, sketches, plotting, peg markings etc. as
8 No No Not Allowed
desired by the Engineer-in-charge. No extra cost shall be claimed on this
The work will be executed under supervision of Railway Engineer- in charge or
9 No No Not Allowed
his authorized representative at site.
The agency should depute a trained and certified supervisor duly certified by
10 No No Not Allowed
The Contractor should be make available all the necessary tools, plants and
11 No No Not Allowed
equipment for execution of the above work at site during execution of work
The vehicles and equipment of contractors can be drafted by Railway
Administration in case of Accidents or Natural calamities involving human lives,
12 No No Not Allowed
and payment in respect of that would be made by operating the item as a non
scheduled item.
Tenderer or contractor will have to execute the work taking necessary
13 No No Not Allowed
precautions for safety of works,Passenger,traffic etc.

Pa g e 39 o f 43 Ru n Da te/Time: 11/0 7/2 0 2 4 18 :40 :2 3

Tender No: DADN-SWD-RKGC-12 Closing Date/Time: 31/07/2024 15:00

Note no. (i) & (ii) under item No 12010 i.e. Earthwork in cutting in formation will
be replaced as below a) All usable earth arising from cut spoil must be led into
bank formation and unusable spoil shall be disposed off by contractor outside
railway at his own cost with the approval of railway authority. b) All excavated
material from cutting (Item no. 012013 & 012014 of IRUSSOR-2021) will be
property of contractor and to be disposed off by contractor outside railway
boundary with permission of railway authority at his own cost. c) Recovery of
14 all such excavated material from railway boundary (under item no. 012013 & No No Not Allowed
012014 of IRUSSOR-2021) will be done at the rate of Rs 127/- per cum. d)
Royalties/levies if any as per bye laws/ state and central government laws to
be paid by contractor to concerned government Authority. e) Cutting area
mostly falls in forest area. Contractor will co-ordinate with officials (Forest,
State, Central etc.) for plying of vehicles and any such permission required for
execution of work. Working hour in forest area shall be as per forest Bye-
Laws. f) Cutting should be preferably done before filling.
Note for Underground Excavation inside Tunnel a) All excavated material from
Underground Excavation inside tunnel will be property of contractor and to be
disposed off by contractor outside railway boundary with permission of railway
authority at his own cost. b) Recovery of all such excavated material from
railway boundary will be done at the rate of Rs 127/- per cum. c)
15 Royalties/levies if any as per bye laws/ state and central government laws to No No Not Allowed
be paid by contractor to concerned government Authority. d) Cutting area
mostly falls in forest area. Contractor will co-ordinate with the officials (Forest,
State, Central etc.) for plying of vehicles and any such permission required for
execution of work. Working hour in forest area shall be as per forest Bye-


S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents

Required Allowed Uploading
Annesure-V & V(A)- Undertaking for not blacklisted ( GCC Annexure V and VA)
In case Tenderer is failed to submit these Annexures in prescribed proforma, Allowed
1 No No
their/ his offer shall be considered as incomplete and will be REJECTED (Mandatory)
Annexure XI - Bid capacity In case Tenderer is failed to submit these
2 Annexures in prescribed proforma, their/ his offer shall be considered as No No
incomplete and will be REJECTED SUMMARILY .
Annexure-VI(A) - Bid Security In case Tenderer is failed to submit these
Annexures in prescribed proforma, their/ his offer shall be considered as Allowed
3 No No
incomplete and will be REJECTED SUMMARILY . The Tenderer who pays Bid (Mandatory)
Security through payment gate, its details to be uploaded.
Annexure-VI(B)-Annual Contractual Turnover Data for the previous 3/4 years (
Contractual Payment only)- Each Bidder or each member of JV must fill in this
4 form separately ; In case Tenderer is failed to submit these Annexures in No No
prescribed proforma, their/ his offer shall be considered as incomplete and will
5 Annexure -I- Tender Form - 1 (Cover Letter) No No
6 Annexure-II- Tender Form -2 (General information of the Tenderer) No No
7 Annexure- III- Tender Form - 3 (Power of Attorney) No No
Annexure-IV- Details Of All The Works Completed In Last 7 YearsIncluding
Current Year In case Tenderer is failed to submit these Annexures in Allowed
8 No No
prescribed proforma, their/ his offer shall be considered as incomplete and will (Mandatory)
Annexure-VIII -Completion Certificate of Similar Nature of Works In case
9 Tenderer is failed to submit these Annexures in prescribed proforma, their/ his No No
offer shall be considered as incomplete and will be REJECTED SUMMARILY

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Tender No: DADN-SWD-RKGC-12 Closing Date/Time: 31/07/2024 15:00

Annexure-XII - Annual Contractual turnover for the period of 3 / 4 years

(Contractual Payment only) alongwith copies of Audited Balance Sheet duly
certified by the Chartered Accountant/ Certificate from CA duly supplied by Allowed
10 No No
ABS. In case Tenderer is failed to submit these Annexures in prescribed (Mandatory)
proforma, their/ his offer shall be considered as incomplete and will be
Annexure-XIII - Proforma of Bid Capacity-Value of Existing Commitments duly
certified by the Chartered Accountant. In case Tenderer is failed to submit Allowed
11 No No
these Annexures in prescribed proforma, their/ his offer shall be considered as (Mandatory)
incomplete and will be REJECTED SUMMARILY
12 Annexure- XIV- Memorandum of Understanding for Joint VentureAgreement No No
Annexure-XV- Certificate of Information Regarding Employment/Partnership Allowed
13 No No
etc. of Retired railway Employees with the tenderer (Mandatory)
Annexure- XIV - Certificate of No Relative being an Employee of Western Allowed
14 No No
Railway. (Mandatory)
Uploading of List of the Arbitration Cases during the last 3 years. Please see
15 detailed instruction in relevant paragraphs of General Condition of Contract No No
Uploading of List of the Court Cases during the last 3 years. Please see
16 detailed instruction in relevant paragraphs of General Condition of Contract No No
The tenderer should upload the scan copy of EPFO and ESI registration
number. However EPFO and ESI registration would be mandatory and Allowed
17 No No
documents towards EPFO and ESI registration must be submitted before (Mandatory)
execution of the agreement.
Uploading of Documents for Eligibility in case of constitution of firm by the Sole
18 Proprietor Firm/ Partnership firm/ JV/ Society/ Companies / HUF etc. as No No
prescribed in Para 3.6 of Standard Tender Document
Please enter the percentage of local content in the material being offered.
Please enter 0 for fully imported items, and 100 for fully indigenous items. The
definition and calculation of local content shall be in accordance with the Make Allowed
19 No No
in India policy as incorporated in the tender conditions. Note: In case non (Mandatory)
submission of information, it will be assumed that indigenous items shall be
used for work.
20 Signed copy of Checklist as per tender document should be uploaded No No
21 Any other documents No No


S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents

Required Allowed Uploading
1 I have read the entire tender document including uploaded documents. No No Not Allowed
I/ We have visited the works site and I / We am / are aware of the site
2 No No Not Allowed


S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents

Required Allowed Uploading

Pa g e 41 o f 43 Ru n Da te/Time: 11/0 7/2 0 2 4 18 :40 :2 3

Tender No: DADN-SWD-RKGC-12 Closing Date/Time: 31/07/2024 15:00


advertised value more than Rs 20 crore wherein eligibility criteria includes bid
capacity also, the tenderer will be qualified only if its available bid capacity is
equal to or more than the total value of the present tender. The available bid
capacity shall be calculated as under: Available Bid Capacity = [A x N x 2 ] -
0.33xNxB Where A = Maximum value of construction works executed and
payment received in any one of the previous three financial year or the current
financial year (up to date of inviting tender), taking into account the completed
as well as works in progress. N= Number of years prescribed for completion of
work for which bids has been invited. B =Existing commitment and balance
amount of ongoing work with tenderer as per the prescribed proforma of
Railway for statement of all works in progress and also the works which are
awarded to tenderer but yet not started upto the date of inviting of tender
Note: (a)The Tenderer(s) shall furnish the details of- (i)Maximum value of
construction works executed and payment received in any one of the previous
three financial years or the current financial year (up to date of inviting tender)
for calculating A, and. (ii) Existing commitments and balance amount of
ongoing works with tenderer as per the prescribed proforma of Railway for
statement of all works in progress and also the works which are awarded to
tenderer but yet not started upto the date of inviting of tender for calculating B'.
In case of no works in hand, a 'NIL' statement should be furnished The
submitted details for (i) and (ii) above should be duly verified by chartered
Accountant. (b)In case if a bidder is JV, the tenderer(s) must furnish the details Allowed
1 No No
of- (i)Maximum value of construction works executed and payment received in (Mandatory)
any one of the previous three financial years or the current financial year (up
to date of inviting tender) by each member of JV for calculating A, and (ii)
Existing commitments and balance amount of ongoing works with each
member of JV either in individual capacity or as a member of other JV as per
the prescribed proforma of Railway for statement of all works in progress and
also the works which are awarded to each member of JV either in individual
capacity or as member of other JV but yet not started upto the date of inviting
of tender for calculating B. In case of no works in hand, a 'NIL' statement
should be furnished' The submitted details for (i) and (ii) above should be duly
verified by Chartered Accountant' . (c)Value of a completed work/work in
progress/work awarded but yet not started for a Member in an earlier JV shall
be reckoned only to the extent of the concerned member's share in that JV for
the purpose of satisfying his/her compliance to the above-mentioned technical
eligibility criteria in the tender under consideration. (d)The arithmetic sum of
individual "bid capacity" of all the members shall be taken as JV's "bid
capacity". (e)In case, the tenderer/s failed to submit the above statement
along with offer, their/his offer shall be considered as incomplete and will be
rejected summarily. (f)The available bid capacity of tenderer shall be assessed
based on the details submitted by the tenderer. In case, the available Bid
Capacity is lesser than estimated cost of work put to tender, his offer shall not
be considered even if he has been found eligible in other eligibility
criteria/tender requirement

6. Documents attached with tender

S.No. Document Name Document Description

1 TentativeDrawingsforTunnelNo.13.pdf Tentative Drawings for Tunnel No 13
2 TentativeDrawingsforTunnelNo.14.pdf Tentative Drawings for Tunnel No 14
3 Revised Tender Documents DADN SWD RKGC 12
4 ReplyofPreBidQueries.pdf Reply to Prebid Queries
5 Tunnelingspecification.pdf Tunneling specification
6 SpecificationofBLT.pdf BLT specification

This tender complies with Public Procurement Policy (Make in India) Order 2017, dated 15/06/2017, issued by
Department of Industrial Promotion and Policy, Ministry of Commerce, circulated vide Railway Board letter no.
2015/RS(G)/779/5 dated 03/08/2017 and 27/12/2017 and amendments/ revisions thereof.

As a Tender Inviting Authority, the undersigned has ensured that the issue of this tender does not violate provisions of
GFR regarding procurement through GeM.

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Tender No: DADN-SWD-RKGC-12 Closing Date/Time: 31/07/2024 15:00


Designation : Dy.CE-C-1-IND

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