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Indian Institute of Information Technology
Design and Manufacturing Kurnool
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
1. DS101 Differential and Integral Calculus BSC 3 0 3
2. DS102 Engineering Physics BSC 3 0 3
3. ME101 Engineering Mechanics BEC 3 0 3
4. EC101 Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering BEC 3 0 3
5. CS101 Problem Solving and Computer Programming BEC 3 0 3
6. DS103 Technical and Professional Communication HMC 2 2 3
7. DS104 Engineering Physics Practice BSC 0 3 2
8. CS102 Problem Solving and Computer Programming Practice BEC 0 3 2
9. ME102 Engineering Skills Practice BEC 0 3 2
10. ID101 NSS/NSO/NCC HMC 0 0 0
Total No. of Credits 24
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
1. DS151 Probability and Statistics BSC 3 0 3
2. DS152 Linear Algebra BSC 3 0 3
3. DS153 Modern Physics BSC 3 0 3
4. DSxxx Design Elective DES 2 0 2
5. DSxxx Humanities Elective HMC 2 0 0
6. ME151 Concepts in Engineering Design DES 3 0 3
7. ME152 Design Realization Practice DES 0 3 2
8. DS154 Modern Physics Practice BSC 0 3 2
9. CS151 Digital Logic Design BEC 2 3 4
10. CS152 Python Programming Practice BEC 0 3 2
11. ID101 NSS/NCC/NSO HMC 0 0 0
Total No. of Credits 24
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
1. DS201 Random Variables and Stochastic Processes BSC 3 0 3
2. CS201 Discrete Mathematics PEC 3 0 3
3. CS202 Data Structures PEC 3 0 3
4. CS203 Computer Organization and Architecture PEC 3 0 3
5. CS204 Design and Analysis of Algorithms PEC 3 0 3
6. CS205 Data Structures Practice PEC 0 3 2
7. CS206 Computer Organization and Architecture Practice PEC 0 3 2
8. CS207 Design and Analysis of Algorithms Practice PEC 0 3 2
9. IDxxx Self-Improvement Course I HMC 0 0 0
Total No. of Credits 21
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
1. CS251 Automata Theory and Compiler Design PEC 3 0 3
2. CS252 Artificial Intelligence PEC 3 0 3
3. CS253 Operating Systems PEC 3 0 3
4. CS254 Data Communication and Computer Networking PEC 3 0 3
5. CS255 Embedded Systems and IoT PEC 2 2 3
6. CS256 Automata and Compiler Design Practice PEC 0 3 2
7. CS257 Operating Systems Practice PEC 0 3 2
8. CS258 Computer Networks Practice PEC 0 3 2
9. XXxxx Skill Development Course I PCD 2 0 2
10. IDxxx Self-Improvement Course II HMC 0 0 0
Total No. of Credits 23
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
1. DS301 Managerial Economics and Financial Accountancy HMC 3 0 3
2. CS301 Machine Learning PEC 3 0 3
3. CS302 Database Management Systems PEC 3 0 3
4. CS303 Software Engineering PEC 3 0 3
5. CS304 Data Mining PEC 3 0 3
6. CS305 Machine Learning Practice PEC 0 3 2
7. CS306 Database Management Systems Practice PEC 0 3 2
8. CS307 Software Engineering Practice PEC 0 3 2
9. IDxxx Self-Improvement Course III HMC 0 0 0
Total No. of Credits 21
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
1. DS351 Entrepreneurship and Management Functions PEC 3 0 3
2. CS351 High Performance and GPU Computing PEC 3 0 3
3. CS352 Computer Vision PES 3 0 3
4. CSxxx Department Elective I PEC 3 0 3
5. XXxxx Free Elective I PEC 3 0 3
6. CS353 High Performance and GPU Computing Practice PEC 0 3 2
7. CS354 Computer Vision Practice PEC 0 3 2
8. ID351 Product Design Practice DES 0 3 2
9. XXxxx Skill Development Course II PCD 2 0 2
9. IDxxx Self-Improvement Course IV HMC 0 0 0
Total No. of Credits 23
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
1. CS498 Project Phase I PCD - - 3
2. CSxxx Department Elective II PEC 3 0 3
3. CSxxx Department Elective III PEC 3 0 3
4. CSxxx Department Elective IV PEC 3 0 3
5. XXxxx Free Elective II PEC 3 0 3
6. CS496 Seminar PCD - 2 1
Total No. of Credits 16
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
1. CS499 Project Phase II PCD - - 8
2. CS497 Internship PCD - - 3
Total No. of Credits 11
Elective Courses
22 CS422 Simulation and Modelling PEC 3 0 3
23 CS423 Decision Science PEC 3 0 3
24 CS424 Quantum Computing PEC 3 0 3
25 CS425 Software Testing PEC 3 0 3
26 CS426 Soft Computing PEC 3 0 3
27 CS427 Data Science PEC 3 0 3
28 CS428 Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms PEC 3 0 3
29 CS429 Graph Theory PEC 3 0 3
30 CS430 Approximation and Randomized Algorithms PEC 3 0 3
31 CS431 Digital Image Processing PEC 3 0 3
32 CS432 Mobile Computing PEC 3 0 3
33 CS433 Pattern Recognition PEC 3 0 3
34 CS434 Cloud Computing PEC 3 0 3
35 CS435 Parallel and Distributed Systems PEC 3 0 3
36 CS436 Business Intelligence PEC 3 0 3
37 CS437 Service Oriented Architecture PEC 3 0 3
38 CS438 Real-time Systems PEC 3 0 3
39 CS439 Big Data Analytics PEC 3 0 3
40 CS440 Fault-Tolerant Systems PEC 3 0 3
41 CS441 Computer Graphics and Multimedia PEC 3 0 3
42 CS442 Scalable Data Science PEC 3 0 3
43 CS443 Optimization Techniques PEC 3 0 3
44 CS444 Embedded Systems PEC 3 0 3
45 CS445 Data Privacy PEC 3 0 3
46 CS446 Marketing Science and Predictive Analysis PEC 3 0 3
47 CS447 Cyber Forensics PEC 3 0 3
48 CS448 Statistical Learning PEC 3 0 3
49 CS449 Financial Analytics PEC 3 0 3
50 CS450 Data Analysis and Visualization PEC 3 0 3
51 CS451 Tools and Data Management PEC 3 0 3
52 CS452 Decision Support Systems PEC 3 0 3
53 CS453 Immersive Technologies PEC 3 0 3
54 CS454 Bio-Inspired Computing PEC 3 0 3
55 CS455 Bioinformatics PEC 3 0 3
56 CS456 Advanced Data Mining PEC 3 0 3
57 CS457 Computational Learning Theory PEC 3 0 3
58 CS458 Algorithmic Techniques for Big Data PEC 3 0 3
59 CS459 Mining of Massive Datasets PEC 3 0 3
60 CS460 Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality PEC 3 0 3
61 CS461 Cluster Computing PEC 3 0 3
62 CS462 Wireless Networked Systems PEC 3 0 3
63 CS463 Post Quantum Cryptography PEC 3 0 3
64 CS464 Modern Computational Algebra PEC 3 0 3
65 CS465 Web Technologies PEC 3 0 3
66 CS466 Cryptography and Network Security PEC 3 0 3
67 CS467 Principles of Programming PEC 3 0 3
68 CS468 Remote Sensing and GIS PEC 3 0 3
69 CS469 Gen AI PEC 3 0 3
Self-Improvement Courses
List of Self Improvement Courses
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
5. ID405 Passion (Any passion of the student not registered earlier) HMC 0 0 0
2. CS382 Full Stack Development PCD 2 0 2
3. CS383 DevOps Toolchain PCD 2 0 2
4. CS384 Digital Marketing PCD 2 0 2
5. CS385 Graphic Design and Editing PCD 2 0 2
6. CS386 Product Automation PCD 2 0 2
7. CS387 Systems Programming PCD 2 0 2
8. CS388 Software Toolbox PCD 2 0 2
9. CS389 Mobile app Development PCD 2 0 2
10. CS390 Ethical Hacking PCD 2 0 2
11. CS391 Low Code Development PCD 2 0 2
12. ME381 Data Science for Engineers PCD 2 0 2
13. ME382 Basics of Finite Element Analysis PCD 2 0 2
14. ME383 Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network PCD 2 0 2
15. ME384 Design, Technology and Innovation PCD 2 0 2
16. ME385 Manufacturing Guidelines for Product Design PCD 2 0 2
17. ME386 Artificial Intelligence for Mechanical Engineers PCD 2 0 2
18. ME387 Database Management System PCD 2 0 2
19. ME388 Failure Analysis and prevention PCD 2 0 2
20. EC381 Industry 4.0 PCD 2 0 2
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
1. DS101 Differential and Integral Calculus BSC 3 0 3
2. DS102 Engineering Physics BSC 3 0 3
3. ME101 Engineering Mechanics BEC 3 0 3
4. EC101 Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering BEC 3 0 3
5. CS101 Problem Solving and Computer Programming BEC 3 0 3
6. DS103 Technical and Professional Communication HMC 2 2 3
7. DS104 Engineering Physics Practice BSC 0 3 2
8. CS102 Problem Solving and Computer Programming Practice BEC 0 3 2
9. ME102 Engineering Skills Practice BEC 0 3 2
10. ID101 NSS/NSO/NCC HMC 0 0 0
Total No. of Credits 24
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
1. DS151 Probability and Statistics BSC 3 0 3
2. DS152 Linear Algebra BSC 3 0 3
3. DS153 Modern Physics BSC 3 0 3
4. DSxxx Design Elective DES 2 0 2
5. DSxxx Humanities Elective HMC 2 0 0
6. ME151 Concepts in Engineering Design DES 3 0 3
7. ME152 Design Realization Practice DES 0 3 2
8. DS154 Modern Physics Practice BSC 0 3 2
9. AD151 Digital Logic Design BEC 2 3 4
10. AD152 Python Programming Practice BEC 0 3 2
11. ID101 NSS/NCC/NSO HMC 0 0 0
Total No. of Credits 24
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
1. DS201 Random Variables and Stochastic Processes BSC 3 0 3
2. AD201 Discrete Mathematics PEC 3 0 3
3. AD202 Data Structures PEC 3 0 3
4. AD203 Computer Organization and Architecture PEC 3 0 3
5. AD204 Design and Analysis of Algorithms PEC 3 0 3
6. AD205 Data Structures Practice PEC 0 3 2
7. AD206 Computer Organization and Architecture Practice PEC 0 3 2
8. AD207 Design and Analysis of Algorithms Practice PEC 0 3 2
9. IDxxx Self-Improvement Course I HMC 0 0 0
Total No. of Credits 21
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
1. AD251 Database Management Systems PEC 3 0 3
2. AD252 Operating Systems PEC 3 0 3
3. AD253 Automata Theory and Compiler Design PEC 3 0 3
4. AD254 Data Communication and Computer Networking PEC 3 0 3
5. AD255 Artificial Intelligence PEC 2 2 3
6. AD256 Database Management Systems Practice PEC 0 3 2
7. AD257 Operating Systems Practice PEC 0 3 2
8. AD258 Computer Networks Practice PEC 0 3 2
9. XXxxx Skill Development Course I PCD 2 0 2
10. IDxxx Self-Improvement Course II HMC 0 0 0
Total No. of Credits 23
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
1. DS301 Managerial Economics and Financial Accountancy HMC 3 0 3
2. AD301 Machine Learning PEC 3 0 3
3. AD302 Data Analysis and Visualization PEC 3 0 3
4. AD303 Data Mining PEC 3 0 3
5. AD304 Artificial Intelligence in Software Engineering PEC 3 0 3
6. AD305 Machine Learning Practice PEC 0 3 2
7. AD306 Data Analysis and Visualization Practice PEC 0 3 2
8. AD307 Data Mining Practice PEC 0 3 2
9. IDxxx Self-Improvement Course III HMC 0 0 0
Total No. of Credits 21
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
1. DS351 Entrepreneurship and Management Functions PEC 3 0 3
2. AD351 Big Data Systems PEC 3 0 3
3. AD352 Natural Language Processing PES 3 0 3
4. ADxxx Department Elective I PEC 3 0 3
5. XXxxx Free Elective I PEC 3 0 3
6. AD353 Big Data Systems Practice PEC 0 3 2
7. AD354 Natural Language Processing Practice PEC 0 3 2
8. ID351 Product Design Practice DES 0 3 2
9. XXxxx Skill Development Course II PCD 2 0 2
10. IDxxx Self-Improvement Course IV HMC 0 0 0
Total No. of Credits 23
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
1. AD498 Project Phase I PCD - - 3
2. ADxxx Department Elective II PEC 3 0 3
3. ADxxx Department Elective III PEC 3 0 3
4. ADxxx Department Elective IV PEC 3 0 3
5. XXxxx Free Elective II PEC 3 0 3
6. CS496 Seminar PCD - 2 1
Total No. of Credits 16
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
1. AD499 Project Phase II PCD - - 8
2. AD497 Internship PCD - - 3
Total No. of Credits 11
Elective Courses
List of Design Electives
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
1. DS131 Design History DES 2 0 2
2. DS132 Sociology of Design DES 2 0 2
3. DS133 Earth, Environment and Design DES 2 0 2
23 AD423 Decision Science PEC 3 0 3
24 AD424 Quantum Computing PEC 3 0 3
25 AD425 Software Testing PEC 3 0 3
26 AD426 Soft Computing PEC 3 0 3
27 AD427 Data Science PEC 3 0 3
28 AD428 Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms PEC 3 0 3
29 AD429 Graph Theory PEC 3 0 3
30 AD430 Approximation and Randomized Algorithms PEC 3 0 3
31 AD431 Digital Image Processing PEC 3 0 3
32 AD432 Mobile Computing PEC 3 0 3
33 AD433 Pattern Recognition PEC 3 0 3
34 AD434 Cloud Computing PEC 3 0 3
35 AD435 Parallel and Distributed Systems PEC 3 0 3
36 AD436 Business Intelligence PEC 3 0 3
37 AD437 Service Oriented Architecture PEC 3 0 3
38 AD438 Real-time Systems PEC 3 0 3
39 AD439 Computer Vision PEC 3 0 3
40 AD440 Fault-Tolerant Systems PEC 3 0 3
41 AD441 Computer Graphics and Multimedia PEC 3 0 3
42 AD442 Scalable Data Science PEC 3 0 3
43 AD443 Optimization Techniques PEC 3 0 3
44 AD444 Embedded Systems PEC 3 0 3
45 AD445 HPC and GPU Computing PEC 3 0 3
46 AD446 Marketing Science and Predictive Analysis PEC 3 0 3
47 AD447 Artificial Intelligence in Forensics PEC 3 0 3
48 AD448 Statistical Learning PEC 3 0 3
49 AD449 Financial Analytics PEC 3 0 3
50 AD450 Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare PEC 3 0 3
51 AD451 Tools and Data Management PEC 3 0 3
52 AD452 Decision Support Systems PEC 3 0 3
53 AD453 Immersive Technologies PEC 3 0 3
54 AD454 Bio-Inspired Computing PEC 3 0 3
55 AD455 Bioinformatics PEC 3 0 3
56 AD456 Advanced Data Mining PEC 3 0 3
57 AD457 Computational Learning Theory PEC 3 0 3
58 AD458 Algorithmic Techniques for Big Data PEC 3 0 3
59 AD459 Mining of Massive Datasets PEC 3 0 3
60 AD460 Cluster Computing PEC 3 0 3
61 AD461 Wireless Networked Systems PEC 3 0 3
62 AD462 Web Technologies PEC 3 0 3
63 AD463 Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing PEC 3 0 3
64 AD464 Remote Sensing and GIS PEC 3 0 3
65 AD465 Deep Learning PEC 3 0 3
66 AD466 Reinforcement Learning PEC 3 0 3
67 AD467 Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture PEC 3 0 3
68 AD468 Artificial Intelligence in Agile Development PEC 3 0 3
69 AD469 Artificial Intelligence in Additive Manufacturing PEC 3 0 3
70 AD470 Gen AI PEC 3 0 3
Self-Improvement Courses
List of Self Improvement Courses
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
5. ID405 Passion (Any passion of the student not registered earlier) HMC 0 0 0
2. CS382 Full Stack Development PCD 2 0 2
3. CS383 DevOps Toolchain PCD 2 0 2
4. CS384 Digital Marketing PCD 2 0 2
5. CS385 Graphic Design and Editing PCD 2 0 2
6. CS386 Product Automation PCD 2 0 2
7. CS387 Systems Programming PCD 2 0 2
8. CS388 Software Toolbox PCD 2 0 2
9. CS389 Mobile app Development PCD 2 0 2
10. CS390 Ethical Hacking PCD 2 0 2
11. CS391 Low Code Development PCD 2 0 2
12. ME381 Data Science for Engineers PCD 2 0 2
13. ME382 Basics of Finite Element Analysis PCD 2 0 2
14. ME383 Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network PCD 2 0 2
15. ME384 Design, Technology and Innovation PCD 2 0 2
16. ME385 Manufacturing Guidelines for Product Design PCD 2 0 2
17. ME386 Artificial Intelligence for Mechanical Engineers PCD 2 0 2
18. ME387 Database Management System PCD 2 0 2
19. ME388 Failure Analysis and prevention PCD 2 0 2
20. EC381 Industry 4.0 PCD 2 0 2
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
1. DS101 Differential and Integral Calculus BSC 3 0 3
2. DS102 Engineering Physics BSC 3 0 3
3. ME101 Engineering Mechanics BEC 3 0 3
4. EC101 Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering BEC 3 0 3
5. CS101 Problem Solving and Computer Programming BEC 3 0 3
6. DS103 Technical and Professional Communication HMC 2 2 3
7. DS104 Engineering Physics Practice BSC 0 3 2
8. CS102 Problem Solving and Computer Programming Practice BEC 0 3 2
9. ME102 Engineering Skills Practice BEC 0 3 2
10. ID101 NSS/NSO/NCC HMC 0 0 0
Total No. of Credits 24
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
1. DS155 Differential Equations BSC 3 0 3
2. DS153 Modern Physics BSC 3 0 3
3. DSxxx Design Elective DES 2 0 2
4. DSxxx Humanities Elective HMC 2 0 0
5. ME151 Concepts in Engineering Design DES 3 0 3
6. ME152 Design Realization Practice DES 0 3 2
7. ME153 Engineering Graphics DES 1 3 3
8. DS154 Modern Physics Practice BSC 0 3 2
9. EC151 Electronic Devices and Circuits BEC 3 0 3
10. EC152 Signals and systems BEC 3 0 3
11. ID101 NSS/NCC/NSO HMC 0 0 0
Total No. of Credits 24
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
1. DS152 Linear Algebra BSC 3 0 3
2. EC201 Digital Logic Circuits PEC 3 0 3
3. EC202 Analog Electronics PEC 3 0 3
4. EC203 Fundamentals of Data structures and Algorithms PEC 3 0 3
5. EC204 Electromagnetic Waves and Transmission Lines PEC 3 0 3
6. EC205 Digital Logic Circuits Practice PEC 0 3 2
7. EC206 Analog Electronics Practice PEC 0 3 2
8. EC207 Fundamentals of Data structures and Algorithms Practice PEC 0 3 2
9. IDxxx Self-Improvement Course I HMC 0 0 0
Total No. of Credits 21
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
1. DS151 Probability and Statistics BSC 3 0 3
2. EC251 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers PEC 3 0 3
3. EC252 Analog and Digital Communications PEC 3 0 3
4. EC253 Digital Signal processing PEC 3 0 3
5. EC254 Control Systems PEC 3 0 3
6. EC255 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Practice PEC 0 3 2
7. EC256 Analog and Digital Communications Practice PEC 0 3 2
8. EC257 Digital Signal Processing Practice PEC 0 3 2
9. XXxxx Skill Development Course I PCD 2 0 2
10. IDxxx Self-Improvement Course II HMC 0 0 0
Total No. of Credits 23
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
1. DS301 Managerial Economics and Financial Accountancy HMC 3 0 3
2. EC301 Wireless Communication PEC 3 0 3
3. EC302 Electronic Manufacturing and Prototyping PEC 3 0 3
4. EC303 VLSI System Design PEC 3 0 3
5. EC304 Data Communication and Networking PEC 3 0 3
6. EC305 Wireless Communication Practice PEC 0 3 2
7. EC306 Electronic Manufacturing and Prototyping Practice PEC 0 3 2
8. EC307 VLSI System Design Practice PEC 0 3 2
9. IDxxx Self-Improvement Course III HMC 0 0 0
Total No. of Credits 21
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
1. DS351 Entrepreneurship and Management Functions PEC 3 0 3
2. EC351 Antenna and Microwave Circuits Design PEC 3 0 3
3. EC352 Information Theory and Coding PES 3 0 3
4. ECxxx Department Elective I PEC 3 0 3
5. XXxxx Free Elective I PEC 3 0 3
6. EC353 Antenna and Microwave Circuits Design Practice PEC 0 3 2
7. EC354 Information Theory and Coding Practice PEC 0 3 2
8. ID351 Product Design Practice DES 0 3 2
9. XXxxx Skill Development Course II PCD 2 0 2
10. IDxxx Self-Improvement Course IV HMC 0 0 0
Total No. of Credits 23
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
1. EC498 Project Phase I PCD - - 3
2. ECxxx Department Elective II PEC 3 0 3
3. ECxxx Department Elective III PEC 3 0 3
4. ECxxx Department Elective IV PEC 3 0 3
5. XXxxx Free Elective II PEC 3 0 3
6. EC496 Seminar PCD - 2 1
Total No. of Credits 16
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
1. EC499 Project Phase II PCD - - 8
2. EC497 Internship PCD - - 3
Total No. of Credits 11
Elective Courses
List of Free Electives
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
1. EC470 Design of IoT System PEC 3 0 3
2. EC471 Electric Vehicle Technology PEC 3 0 3
3. EC472 Navigation System PEC 3 0 3
5. DS471 Materials and Devices for Quantum Technologies PEC 3 0 3
6. DS472 Numerical Methods PEC 3 0 3
7. DS473 Quantum Computing PEC 3 0 3
8. DS474 Sustainable Design PEC 3 0 3
Self-Improvement Courses
List of Self Improvement Courses
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
5. ID405 Passion (Any passion of the student not registered earlier) HMC 0 0 0
9. CS389 Mobile app Development PCD 2 0 2
10. CS390 Ethical Hacking PCD 2 0 2
11. CS391 Low Code Development PCD 2 0 2
12. ME381 Data Science for Engineers PCD 2 0 2
13. ME382 Basics of Finite Element Analysis PCD 2 0 2
14. ME383 Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network PCD 2 0 2
15. ME384 Design, Technology and Innovation PCD 2 0 2
16. ME385 Manufacturing Guidelines for Product Design PCD 2 0 2
17. ME386 Artificial Intelligence for Mechanical Engineers PCD 2 0 2
18. ME387 Database Management System PCD 2 0 2
19. ME388 Failure Analysis and prevention PCD 2 0 2
20. EC381 Industry 4.0 PCD 2 0 2
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
1. DS101 Differential and Integral Calculus BSC 3 0 3
2. DS102 Engineering Physics BSC 3 0 3
3. ME101 Engineering Mechanics BEC 3 0 3
4. EC101 Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering BEC 3 0 3
5. CS101 Problem Solving and Computer Programming BEC 3 0 3
6. DS103 Technical and Professional Communication HMC 2 2 3
7. DS104 Engineering Physics Practice BSC 0 3 2
8. CS102 Problem Solving and Computer Programming Practice BEC 0 3 2
9. ME102 Engineering Skills Practice BEC 0 3 2
10. ID101 NSS/NSO/NCC HMC 0 0 0
Total No. of Credits 24
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
1. DS155 Differential Equations BSC 3 0 3
2. DS153 Modern Physics BSC 3 0 3
3. DSxxx Design Elective DES 2 0 2
4. DSxxx Humanities Elective HMC 2 0 0
5. ME151 Concepts in Engineering Design DES 3 0 3
6. ME152 Design Realization Practice DES 0 3 2
7. ME153 Engineering Graphics DES 1 3 3
8. DS154 Modern Physics Practice BSC 0 3 2
9. ME154 Material Science and Metallurgy BEC 3 0 3
10. ME155 Thermodynamics BEC 3 0 3
11. ID101 NSS/NCC/NSO HMC 0 0 0
Total No. of Credits 24
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
1. DS152 Linear Algebra BSC 3 0 3
2. ME201 Mechanics of Materials PEC 3 0 3
3. ME202 Kinematics of Machines PEC 3 0 3
4. ME203 Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery PEC 3 0 3
5. ME204 Electrical Drives, Sensors, and Microprocessor PEC 3 0 3
6. ME205 Materials and Mechanics Practice PEC 0 3 2
7. ME206 Electrical Drives, Sensors, and Microprocessor Practice PEC 0 3 2
8. ME207 Machine Drawing & Manufacturability Analysis Practice PEC 0 3 2
9. IDxxx Self-Improvement Course I HMC 0 0 0
Total No. of Credits 21
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
1. DS151 Probability and Statistics BSC 3 0 3
2. ME251 Basic Concepts in Manufacturing Processes PEC 3 0 3
3. ME252 Dynamics of Machines PEC 3 0 3
4. ME253 Design of Machine Elements PEC 3 0 3
5. ME254 Heat Transfer PEC 3 0 3
6. ME255 Basic Concepts in Manufacturing Processes Practice PEC 0 3 2
7. ME256 Dynamics of Machines Practice PEC 0 3 2
8. ME257 Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer Practice PEC 0 3 2
9. XXxxx Skill Development Course I PCD 2 0 2
10. IDxxx Self-Improvement Course II HMC 0 0 0
Total No. of Credits 23
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
1. DS301 Managerial Economics and Financial Accountancy HMC 3 0 3
2. ME301 Quality Inspection and Product Validation PEC 3 0 3
3. ME302 Automation in Manufacturing PEC 3 0 3
4. ME303 Thermal Engineering PEC 3 0 3
5. ME304 Operation Research PEC 3 0 3
6. ME305 Quality Inspection and Product Validation Practice PEC 0 3 2
7. ME306 Automation in Manufacturing Practice PEC 0 3 2
8. ME307 Thermal Engineering Practice PEC 0 3 2
9. IDxxx Self-Improvement Course III HMC 0 0 0
Total No. of Credits 21
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
1. DS351 Entrepreneurship and Management Functions PEC 3 0 3
2. ME351 Computational Methods in Engineering PEC 3 0 3
3. ME352 Machine Tool Technology PES 3 0 3
4. MExxx Department Elective I PEC 3 0 3
5. XXxxx Free Elective I PEC 3 0 3
6. ME353 Computational Methods in Engineering Practice PEC 0 3 2
7. ME354 Machine Tool Technology Practice PEC 0 3 2
8. ID351 Product Design Practice DES 0 3 2
9. XXxxx Skill Development Course II PCD 2 0 2
10. IDxxx Self-Improvement Course IV HMC 0 0 0
Total No. of Credits 23
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
1. ME498 Project Phase I PCD - - 3
2. MExxx Department Elective II PEC 3 0 3
3. MExxx Department Elective III PEC 3 0 3
4. MExxx Department Elective IV PEC 3 0 3
5. XXxxx Free Elective II PEC 3 0 3
6. ME496 Seminar PCD 0 2 1
Total No. of Credits 16
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code
1. ME499 Project Phase II PCD - - 8
2. ME497 Internship PCD - - 3
Total No. of Credits 11
Elective Courses
Self-Improvement Courses
List of Self Improvement Courses
S. Course Category
Course Name I P C
No. Code Code