Autosar Cp Sws Someiptransformer

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Specification of SOME/IP Transformer


Specification of SOME/IP
Document Title Transformer
Document Owner AUTOSAR
Document Responsibility AUTOSAR
Document Identification No 660

Document Status published

Part of AUTOSAR Standard Classic Platform
Part of Standard Release R24-11

Document Change History

Date Release Changed by Description
• Clarified handling of Message Types
RESPONSE(0x80) and ERROR(0x81)
AUTOSAR • Clarified handling of UTF-8 and UTF-16
2024-11-27 R24-11 Release
Management • New section ’De-serialization of
Parameters and Data Structures’

• Fix of Uptraces and Editioral Changes

• Restrict SOME/IP session handling

• Added information about use of

AUTOSAR maximum number of array elements
2023-11-23 R23-11 Release • Removed chapter "Header file structure"
• Clarification on byte order for SOME/IP
Header fields, additional fields in the
payload and parameters in payload
• implementsSOMEIPStringHandling
([SWS_SomeIpXf_00239] set to

• Reworked [SWS_SomeIpXf_00054] with

AUTOSAR regards to UTF-8
2022-11-24 R22-11 Release
Management • Clarified byte order of length fields within
SOME/IP payload

• Extended [SWS_SomeIpXf_00300] to
support uint64

1 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

• Distinguished in
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00200] use of error
messages with Messade ID ERROR not
clearly distinguished from use of
autonoumous error responses

• Bugs resolved within

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00244] and

• Resolved mismatch in the size of

Method-ID on
SWS_SOMEIPTransformer and
PRS_SOMEIPProtocol. Removed
chapters "Message ID [32 bit]", "Length [32 bit], 7.1 "Definition of
Identifiers" and 7.4 "Reserved and
special identifiers for SOME/IP and

• Editorial Changes
• Clarification on network representation

• SOME/IP Header encoded in network

byte order

• Clarification on

• Optional method arguments not


• Clarification on Interface Version

2021-11-25 R21-11 Release • Clarification on processing order of
Management header fields in AUTOSAR CP

• Removed

• Introduction on External Trigger Events

• Clarification on ISignal length of external

trigger event

• Editorial Changes

2 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

• Added call/response context to Client
Server requirements

• Constraint added for data type of length

field of variable Strings

• Added E_E2E Error to Table 7.11:

Return Codes

• Requirement added in case unvailability

of optional member in the received
serialized byte stream
• Reworked E2E communication
2020-11-30 R20-11 Release
protection for methods
• sizeOfStringLengthField introduced for
the size of the length field for dynamic
length strings

• sizeOfArrayLengthField introduced for

the size of the length field for variable
size arrays

• Fixed design issues with E2E

communication protection for methods

• Editorial Changes
• Extended Serialization for Data
Structures in SOME/IP with
tag/length/value encoding set to valid

• Removed *_ACK message types

• replaced
implementsSOMEIPStringHandling (in
2019-11-28 R19-11 Release SOMEIPTransformationSignalProps)
Management with

• Minor corrections / clarifications /

editorial changes; For details please
refer to the ChangeDocumentation

• Changed Document Status from Final to


3 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

• Checking for length of received dynamic
length strings

• Extended Serialization for Data

Structures in SOME/IP with
2018-10-31 4.4.0 Release
tag/length/value encoding
• Minor corrections / clarifications /
editorial changes; For details please
refer to the ChangeDocumentation
• Bugfixes in serialization of strings and
data with variable size
• Signatures improved
2017-12-08 4.3.1 Release
Management • Minor corrections / clarifications /
editorial changes; For details please
refer to the ChangeDocumentation
• Sizes of length fields can be configured
independently from each other
• Support of union data types
2016-11-30 4.3.0 Release
Management • Minor corrections / clarifications /
editorial changes; For details please
refer to the ChangeDocumentation
• Size of length fields is configurable

• External trigger events are

communciated as fire-and-forget
AUTOSAR methods
2015-07-31 4.2.2 Release • Autonomous error reactions of SOME/IP
Management transformer

• Minor corrections / clarifications /

editorial changes; For details please
refer to the ChangeDocumentation
2014-10-31 4.2.1 Release • Initial Release

4 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer


This work (specification and/or software implementation) and the material contained in
it, as released by AUTOSAR, is for the purpose of information only. AUTOSAR and the
companies that have contributed to it shall not be liable for any use of the work.
The material contained in this work is protected by copyright and other types of intel-
lectual property rights. The commercial exploitation of the material contained in this
work requires a license to such intellectual property rights.
This work may be utilized or reproduced without any modification, in any form or by
any means, for informational purposes only. For any other purpose, no part of the work
may be utilized or reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in
writing from the publisher.
The work has been developed for automotive applications only. It has neither been
developed, nor tested for non-automotive applications.
The word AUTOSAR and the AUTOSAR logo are registered trademarks.

5 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

1 Introduction and functional overview 9

2 Acronyms and Abbreviations 10

3 Related documentation 11
3.1 Input documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.2 Related standards and norms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.3 Related specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4 Constraints and assumptions 13
4.1 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.2 Applicability to car domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5 Dependencies to other modules 14
5.1 File structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5.1.1 Code file structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
6 Requirements Tracing 15

7 Functional specification 21
7.1 Specification of the SOME/IP on-wire format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
7.1.1 Message Length Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
7.1.2 Endianess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
7.1.3 Message format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Request ID [32 bit] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Protocol Version [8 bit] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Interface Version [8 bit] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Message Type [8 bit] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Return Code [8 bit] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Payload [variable size] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
7.1.4 Serialization of Parameters and Data Structures . . . . . . . 31 Basic Datatypes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Structured Datatypes (structs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Structured Datatypes and Arguments with Identifier
and optional Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Strings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Arrays (fixed length) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Optional Parameters / Optional Elements . . . . . . 51 Dynamic Length Arrays / Variable Size Arrays . . . . 51 Bitfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Union / Variant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
7.1.5 De-serialization of Parameters and Data Structures . . . . . 59 Structured Datatypes (structs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Structured Datatypes and Arguments with Identifier
and optional Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

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Specification of SOME/IP Transformer
AUTOSAR CP R24-11 Strings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Arrays (fixed length) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Dynamic Length Arrays / Variable Size Arrays . . . . 63 Bitfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Union / Variant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
7.2 Protocol specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
7.2.1 Client/Server Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
7.2.2 Sender/Receiver Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
7.2.3 External Trigger Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
7.2.4 Error Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Return Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Communication Errors and Handling of Communica-
tion Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
7.3 Error Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
7.3.1 Development Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
7.3.2 Runtime Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
7.3.3 Production Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
7.3.4 Extended Production Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
8 API specification 75
8.1 Imported types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
8.2 Type definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
8.3 Function definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
8.3.1 SomeIpXf_ExtractProtocolHeaderFields . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
8.3.2 SomeIpXf_<transformerId> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
8.3.3 SomeIpXf_Inv_<transformerId> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
8.3.4 SomeIpXf_Init . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
8.3.5 SomeIpXf_DeInit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
8.3.6 SomeIpXf_GetVersionInfo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
8.4 Callback notifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
8.5 Scheduled functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
8.6 Expected interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
9 Sequence diagrams 93

10 Configuration specification 94

A Change History 95
A.1 Change History R24-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
A.1.1 Added Specification Items in R24-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
A.1.2 Changed Specification Items in R24-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
A.1.3 Deleted Specification Items in R24-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
A.1.4 Added Constraints in R24-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
A.1.5 Changed Constraints in R24-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
A.1.6 Deleted Constraints in R24-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
A.2 Change History R23-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
A.2.1 Added Specification Items in R23-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

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Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

A.2.2 Changed Specification Items in R23-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

A.2.3 Deleted Specification Items in R23-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
A.2.4 Added Constraints in R23-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
A.2.5 Changed Constraints in R23-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
A.2.6 Deleted Constraints in R23-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
A.3 Change History R22-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
A.3.1 Added Specification Items in R22-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
A.3.2 Changed Specification Items in R22-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
A.3.3 Deleted Specification Items in R22-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
B Referenced Meta Classes 98

C Features of SOME/IP not supported by AUTOSAR SOME/IP transformer 121

D Examples 122
D.1 Serialization of a Client/Server Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
D.1.1 Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
D.1.2 Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

8 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

1 Introduction and functional overview

This document specifies the Scalable service-Oriented MiddlewarE over IP
(SOME/IP) Transformer. This is a transformer which linearizes data with the SOME/IP
on-the-wire format and specifies an automotive/embedded mechanism for Clien-
t/Server communication.
The only valid abbreviation is SOME/IP. Other abbreviations (e.g. Some/IP) are wrong
and shall not be used.
The basic motivation to specify "yet another Client/Server and Sender/Receiver mech-
anism" instead of using an existing infrastructure/technology is the goal to have a tech-
nology that:
• Fulfills the hard requirements regarding resource consumption in an embedded
• Is compatible through as many use-cases and communication partners as possi-
• Provides the features required by automotive use-cases
• Is scalable from tiny to large platforms
• Can be implemented on different operating system (i.e. AUTOSAR, GENIVI, and
OSEK) and even embedded devices without operating system

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Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

2 Acronyms and Abbreviations

The glossary below includes acronyms and abbreviations relevant to the SOME/IP
Transformer that are not included in the [1, AUTOSAR glossary].
Abbreviation / Acronym: Description:
The configuration and required data of a service instance another
Client-Service-Instance-Entry ECU offers shall be called Client-Service-Instance-Entry at the
ECU using this service (Client).
a field represents a status and thus has a valid value at all times
on which getter, setter and notfier act upon.
to send a SOME/IP-SD message in order to find a needed ser-
Finding a service instance
vice instance.
Getter a Request/Response call that allows read access to a field.
a method, procedure, function, or subroutine that is called/in-
sends out event message with a new value on change of the
value of the field.
Request a message of the client to the server invoking a method
a message of the server to the client transporting results of a
method invocation
SD Service Discovery (see[2])
a logical combination of zero or more methods, zero or more
Service events, and zero or more fields (empty service is allowed, e.g.
for announcing non-SOME/IP services in SOME/IP-SD)
software implementation of the service interface, which can exist
Service Instance
more than once in the vehicle and more than once on an ECU
the formal specification of the service including its methods,
Service Interface
events, and fields
Setter a Request/Response call that allows write access to a field.
Scalable service-Oriented MiddlewarE over IP

10 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

3 Related documentation

3.1 Input documents

[1] Glossary
[2] Specification of Service Discovery
[3] General Specification of Transformers
[4] Specification of Socket Adaptor
[5] Specification of RTE Software
[6] Requirements on AUTOSAR Features
[7] System Template
[8] Specification of Platform Types for Classic Platform
[9] Software Component Template
[10] UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646
[11] UTF-16, an encoding of ISO 10646
[12] Requirements on Transformer
[13] SOME/IP Protocol Specification
[14] General Specification of Basic Software Modules
[15] General Requirements on Basic Software Modules

11 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

3.2 Related standards and norms

Not applicable.

3.3 Related specification

AUTOSAR provides a General Specification on Transformers [3, ASWS Transformer
General], which is also valid for SOME/IP Transformer.
Thus, the specification SWS Transformer General shall be considered as additional
and required specification for SOME/IP Transformer.

12 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

4 Constraints and assumptions

4.1 Limitations
For the SOME/IP Transformer all general transformer limitations (see [3, ASWS Trans-
former General]) apply.
The SOME/IP transformer doesn’t implement the whole SOME/IP protocol:
• a part is implemented by [2, SWS Service Discovery]
• a part is implemented by [4, SWS Socket Adaptor]
• a part is currently not implemented in AUTOSAR. This is documented in Ap-
pendix C
• The processing order of header fields in AUTOSAR CP deviates from the pro-
cessing order defined in [PRS_SOMEIP_00195] (also Figure 4.21: Message Val-
idation and Error Handling in SOME/IP). This deviation is caused by the layered
architecture of AUTOSAR CP.

[CP_SWS_SomeIpXf_CONSTR_00001] Value of length field dIn accordance with

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00245], 2ˆ(8*sizeof(data type of length field)) shall be larger than the
number of elements given by the size indicator multiplied by the size in bytes of each
element (i.e., 1 for UTF-8 and 2 for UTF-16) and increased by the size in bytes required
by the BOM.c

[CP_SWS_SomeIpXf_CONSTR_00002] Serialization based on the network rep-

resentation dSerialization based on the network representation according to [TPS_-
SYST_02136] is currently not supported in combination with structured datatypes and
arguments with identifier and optional members, strings, dynamic length arrays / vari-
able size arrays, and unions / variants and shall therefore not be used in those combi-

Optional members according to section, Strings according to section
and, Dynamic Length Arrays / Variable Size Arrays according to section and Unions / Variants according to section

4.2 Applicability to car domains

The SOME/IP Transformer can be used for all domain applications when SOME/IP
Sender/Receiver or Client/Server communication is used.

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Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

5 Dependencies to other modules

The AUTOSAR RTE [5, SWS RTE] has to exist to execute the transformer.

5.1 File structure

5.1.1 Code file structure

The source code file structure is defined in the [3, ASWS Transformer General].

14 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

6 Requirements Tracing
The following table references the features specified in [6] and links to the fulfillments
of these.
Requirement Description Satisfied by
[SRS_BSW_00005] Modules of the µC Abstraction Layer [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
(MCAL) may not have hard coded
horizontal interfaces
[SRS_BSW_00159] All modules of the AUTOSAR Basic [SWS_SomeIpXf_00185]
Software shall support a tool based
[SRS_BSW_00161] The AUTOSAR Basic Software shall [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
provide a microcontroller abstraction
layer which provides a standardized
interface to higher software layers
[SRS_BSW_00162] The AUTOSAR Basic Software shall [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
provide a hardware abstraction layer
[SRS_BSW_00170] The AUTOSAR SW Components [SWS_SomeIpXf_00115]
shall provide information about their
dependency from faults, signal
qualities, driver demands
[SRS_BSW_00310] API naming convention [SWS_SomeIpXf_00115]
[SRS_BSW_00331] All Basic Software Modules shall [SWS_SomeIpXf_00111]
strictly separate error and status
[SRS_BSW_00336] Basic SW module shall be able to [SWS_SomeIpXf_00182]
[SRS_BSW_00337] Classification of development errors [SWS_SomeIPxf_00184]
[SRS_BSW_00345] BSW Modules shall support [SWS_SomeIpXf_00182]
pre-compile configuration
[SRS_BSW_00350] All AUTOSAR Basic Software [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
Modules shall allow the enabling/
disabling of detection and reporting of
development errors.
[SRS_BSW_00351] Encapsulation of compiler specific [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
methods to map objects
[SRS_BSW_00357] For success/failure of an API call a [SWS_SomeIpXf_00138] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00144]
standard return type shall be defined
[SRS_BSW_00358] The return type of init() functions [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
implemented by AUTOSAR Basic
Software Modules shall be void
[SRS_BSW_00369] All AUTOSAR Basic Software [SWS_SomeIpXf_00138] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00144]
Modules shall not return specific
development error codes via the API
[SRS_BSW_00383] The Basic Software Module [SWS_SomeIpXf_00144]
specifications shall specify which
other configuration files from other
modules they use at least in the
[SRS_BSW_00385] List possible error notifications [SWS_SomeIpXf_00115]
[SRS_BSW_00386] The BSW shall specify the [SWS_SomeIpXf_00115]
configuration and conditions for
detecting an error

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Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Requirement Description Satisfied by
[SRS_BSW_00388] Containers shall be used to group [SWS_SomeIpXf_00183]
configuration parameters that are
defined for the same object
[SRS_BSW_00389] Containers shall have names [SWS_SomeIpXf_00183]
[SRS_BSW_00390] Parameter content shall be unique [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
within the module
[SRS_BSW_00392] Parameters shall have a type [SWS_SomeIpXf_00138] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00144]
[SRS_BSW_00394] The Basic Software Module [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
specifications shall specify the scope
of the configuration parameters
[SRS_BSW_00395] The Basic Software Module [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
specifications shall list all
configuration parameter
[SRS_BSW_00396] The Basic Software Module [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
specifications shall specify the
supported configuration classes for
changing values and multiplicities for
each parameter/container
[SRS_BSW_00398] The link-time configuration is [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
achieved on object code basis in the
stage after compiling and before
[SRS_BSW_00399] Parameter-sets shall be located in a [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
separate segment and shall be
loaded after the code
[SRS_BSW_00401] Documentation of multiple instances [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
of configuration parameters shall be
[SRS_BSW_00403] The Basic Software Module [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
specifications shall specify for each
parameter/container whether it
supports different values or
multiplicity in different configuration
[SRS_BSW_00404] BSW Modules shall support [SWS_SomeIpXf_00183]
post-build configuration
[SRS_BSW_00407] Each BSW module shall provide a [SWS_SomeIpXf_00180] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
function to read out the version [SWS_SomeIpXf_00182]
information of a dedicated module
[SRS_BSW_00411] All AUTOSAR Basic Software [SWS_SomeIpXf_00180] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
Modules shall apply a naming rule for [SWS_SomeIpXf_00182]
enabling/disabling the existence of
the API
[SRS_BSW_00413] An index-based accessing of the [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
instances of BSW modules shall be
[SRS_BSW_00417] Software which is not part of the [SWS_SomeIpXf_00138] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00144]
SW-C shall report error events only
after the Dem is fully operational.
[SRS_BSW_00419] If a pre-compile time configuration [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
parameter is implemented as const
it should be placed into a separate
[SRS_BSW_00422] Pre-de-bouncing of error status [SWS_SomeIpXf_00138] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00144]
information is done within the Dem

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Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Requirement Description Satisfied by
[SRS_BSW_00425] The BSW module description [SWS_SomeIpXf_00172]
template shall provide means to
model the defined trigger conditions
of schedulable objects
[SRS_BSW_00432] Modules should have separate main [SWS_SomeIpXf_00138] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00144]
processing functions for read/receive [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
and write/transmit data path
[SRS_BSW_00441] Naming convention for type, macro [SWS_SomeIpXf_00183]
and function
[SRS_BSW_00448] Module SWS shall not contain [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
requirements from other modules
[SRS_BSW_00452] Classification of runtime errors [SWS_SomeIpXf_00111]
[SRS_BSW_00453] BSW Modules shall be harmonized [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
[SRS_BSW_00454] An alternative interface without a [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
parameter of category DATA_
REFERENCE shall be available.
[SRS_BSW_00456] A Header file shall be defined in order [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
to harmonize BSW Modules
[SRS_BSW_00458] Classification of production errors [SWS_SomeIpXf_00111]
[SRS_BSW_00459] It shall be possible to concurrently [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
execute a service offered by a BSW
module in different partitions
[SRS_BSW_00461] Modules called by generic modules [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
shall satisfy all interfaces requested
by the generic module
[SRS_BSW_00462] All Standardized Autosar Interfaces [SWS_SomeIpXf_00138] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00144]
shall have unique requirement Id / [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
[SRS_BSW_00466] Classification of extended production [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
[SRS_BSW_00469] Fault detection and healing of [SWS_SomeIpXf_00111]
production errors and extended
production errors
[SRS_BSW_00470] Execution frequency of production [SWS_SomeIpXf_00111]
error detection
[SRS_BSW_00471] Do not cause dead-locks on detection [SWS_SomeIpXf_00111]
of production errors - the ability to
heal from previously detected
production errors
[SRS_BSW_00472] Avoid detection of two production [SWS_SomeIpXf_00111]
errors with the same root cause.
[SRS_BSW_00478] Timing limits of main functions [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
[SRS_BSW_00479] Interfaces for handling request from [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
external devices
[SRS_BSW_00480] Null pointer errors shall follow a [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
naming rule
[SRS_BSW_00481] Invalid configuration set selection [SWS_SomeIpXf_00111]
errors shall follow a naming rule
[SRS_BSW_00482] Get version information function shall [SWS_SomeIpXf_00180]
follow a naming rule
[SRS_BSW_00483] BSW Modules shall handle buffer [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
alignments internally
[SRS_BSW_00484] Input parameters of scalar and enum [SWS_SomeIpXf_00138] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00144]
types shall be passed as a value. [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]

17 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Requirement Description Satisfied by
[SRS_BSW_00485] Input parameters of structure type [SWS_SomeIpXf_00138] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00144]
shall be passed as a reference to a [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
constant structure
[SRS_BSW_00486] Input parameters of array type shall [SWS_SomeIpXf_00138] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
be passed as a reference to the
constant array base type
[SRS_BSW_00494] ServiceInterface argument with a [SWS_SomeIpXf_00138] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00144]
pointer datatype [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
[SRS_Xfrm_00001] A transformer shall work on data [SWS_SomeIpXf_00264] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00265]
given by the Rte [SWS_SomeIpXf_00266]
[SRS_Xfrm_00002] A transformer shall provide fixed [SWS_SomeIpXf_00206] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00207]
interfaces [SWS_SomeIpXf_00208] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00209]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00210] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00211]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00214] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00296]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00297] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00298]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00299] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00301]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00302] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00303]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00304] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00305]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_91001] [SWS_SomeIpXf_91002]
[SRS_Xfrm_00004] A transformer shall support error [SWS_SomeIpXf_00264] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00265]
handling [SWS_SomeIpXf_00266]
[SRS_Xfrm_00005] A transformer shall be able to deal [SWS_SomeIpXf_00152]
with more data than expected
[SRS_Xfrm_00006] A Transformer shall support [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
concurrent execution
[SRS_Xfrm_00007] A deserializer transformer shall [SWS_SomeIpXf_00144]
support extraction of data
[SRS_Xfrm_00008] A transformer shall specify its output [SWS_SomeIpXf_00015] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00024]
format [SWS_SomeIpXf_00025] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00026]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00029] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00030]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00031] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00033]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00152] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00154]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00155] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00156]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00160] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00161]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00163] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00164]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00165] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00166]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00168] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00172]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00212] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00213]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00234] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00235]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00236] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00237]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00238] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00309]
[SRS_Xfrm_00009] A fixed set of transformer classes [SWS_SomeIpXf_00138] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00144]
shall exist
[SRS_Xfrm_00010] Each transformer class shall provide [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
a fixed set of abstract errors
[SRS_Xfrm_00011] A transformer shall belong to a [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
specific transformer class

18 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Requirement Description Satisfied by
[SRS_Xfrm_00101] The SOME/IP Transformer shall [SWS_SomeIpXf_00016] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00017]
define the serialization of atomic and [SWS_SomeIpXf_00034] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00036]
structured data elements into linear [SWS_SomeIpXf_00037] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00042]
arrays [SWS_SomeIpXf_00053] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00054]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00055] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00056]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00057] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00058]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00059] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00060]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00069] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00070]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00072] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00076]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00088] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00098]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00099] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00138]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00140] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00141]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00143] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00148]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00151] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00169]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00215] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00216]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00217] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00218]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00219] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00220]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00221] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00222]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00223] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00224]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00225] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00226]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00227] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00229]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00230] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00231]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00232] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00233]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00234] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00235]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00236] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00237]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00238] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00239]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00240] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00241]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00242] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00243]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00244] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00245]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00246] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00247]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00248] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00249]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00250] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00251]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00252] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00253]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00254] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00256]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00257] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00258]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00259] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00260]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00262] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00263]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00300] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00306]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00307] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00309]
[SRS_Xfrm_00102] The SOME/IP Transformer shall [SWS_SomeIpXf_00106] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00107]
define a protocol for inter-ECU Client/ [SWS_SomeIpXf_00108] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00111]
Server communication [SWS_SomeIpXf_00112] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00113]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00115] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00120]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00121] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00139]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00170] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00176]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00200] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00201]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00202] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00204]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00205] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00228]
[SRS_Xfrm_00103] The SOME/IP Transformer shall [SWS_SomeIpXf_00111] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00310]
support exception notification of
[SRS_Xfrm_00105] The SOME/IP Transformer shall [SWS_SomeIpXf_00203]
support autonomous error reactions
on the server side for client/server

19 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Requirement Description Satisfied by
[SRS_Xfrm_00106] The SOME/IP Transformer shall [SWS_SomeIpXf_00142] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00145]
support serialization of extensible [SWS_SomeIpXf_00146] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00147]
data structs and methods [SWS_SomeIpXf_00149] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00150]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00267] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00268]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00269] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00270]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00271] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00272]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00273] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00274]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00275] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00276]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00277] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00278]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00279] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00280]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00281] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00282]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00283] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00284]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00285] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00286]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00287] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00288]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00289] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00290]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00291] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00292]
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00293] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00294]
[SRS_Xfrm_00201] The COM Based Transformer shall [SWS_SomeIpXf_00036] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181]
define the serialization of atomic and
structured data elements into linear
arrays based on a fixed data mapping

Table 6.1: Requirements Tracing

20 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

7 Functional specification

ECU 1 Sending Application ECU 2 Receiving Application



Serializer Deserializer

Com Com

Figure 7.1: Overview of SOME/IP Transformer

When a SWC initiates an inter-ECU communication which is configured to be trans-

formed, the SWC hands the data over to the RTE. The RTE executes the configured
transformer chain which contains the SOME/IP Transformer (A transformer chain may
contain also other transformers but this is omitted in this overview for simplicity).
The SOME/IP Transformer on the sender side serializes the data of the SWC and
brings them into an linear form. The serialized data are sent via the communication
stack over the bus to the receiver(s). The RTE of the receiver executes the transformer
chain in the reverse order. The SOME/IP transformer of the receiver deserializes the
linear data back into the original data structure. These are handed over to the receiving
From the SWC’s point of view it is totally transparent whether data are transformed or
The SOME/IP transformer is a transformer of the class Serializer. It serializes struc-
tured data into a linear form. Therefore it can only be used as the first transformer on
the sending side and the last transformer on the receiving side (in execution order).
Furthermore it provides the transformer errors specified for this transformer class and
supports only out-of-place buffer handling.

21 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

The SOME/IP Transformer has no module specific EcuC because its whole configu-
ration is based on the SOMEIPTransformationDescription and SOMEIPTrans-

+ hasInternalState: Boolean [0..1]

+ needsOriginalData: Boolean [0..1]
+ protocol: String [0..1]
+ transformerClass: TransformerClassEnum [0..1]
+ version: String [0..1]

+transformer 0..1
UploadableDesignElement «atpVariation,atpSplitable»
+transformationDescription 0..1
+ dataTypePolicy: DataTypePolicyEnum [0..1]
+ iSignalType: ISignalTypeEnum [0..1]
+ length: UnlimitedInteger [0..1] TransformationDescription

+transformationISignalProps 0..*

TransformationISignalProps SOMEIPTransformationDescription

+ csErrorReaction: CSTransformerErrorReactionEnum [0..1] + alignment: PositiveInteger [0..1]

+ byteOrder: ByteOrderEnum [0..1]
+ interfaceVersion: PositiveInteger [0..1]

+ implementsLegacyStringSerialization: Boolean [0..1] CSTransformerErrorReactionEnum
+ interfaceVersion: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ isDynamicLengthFieldSize: Boolean [0..1] literals
+ messageType: SOMEIPMessageTypeEnum [0..1] autonomous
+ sizeOfArrayLengthFields: PositiveInteger [0..1] applicationOnly
+ sizeOfStringLengthFields: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ sizeOfStructLengthFields: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ sizeOfUnionLengthFields: PositiveInteger [0..1]

+ request
+ mostSignificantByteFirst
+ requestNoReturn
+ mostSignificantByteLast
+ notification
+ opaque
+ response

Figure 7.2: SOME/IP specific configuration

Class SOMEIPTransformationDescription
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::Transformer
Note The SOMEIPTransformationDescription is used to specify SOME/IP transformer specific attributes.
Base ARObject, Describable, TransformationDescription
Aggregated by TransformationTechnology.transformationDescription
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
alignment PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Defines the padding for alignment purposes that will be
added by the SOME/IP transformer after the serialized
data of the variable data length data element. The
alignment shall be specified in Bits.
byteOrder ByteOrderEnum 0..1 attr Defines which byte order shall be serialized by the
SOME/IP transformer
interfaceVersion PositiveInteger 0..1 attr The interface version the SOME/IP transformer shall use.

Table 7.1: SOMEIPTransformationDescription

22 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Class «atpVariation» SOMEIPTransformationISignalProps

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::Transformer
Note The class SOMEIPTransformationISignalProps specifies ISignal specific configuration properties for
SOME/IP transformer attributes.
Base ARObject, Describable, TransformationISignalProps
Aggregated by ISignal.transformationISignalProps, ISignalGroup.transformationISignalProps
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
implements Boolean 0..1 attr This attribute indicates that Strings in the SOME/IP
LegacyString message shall NOT be serialized according to the SOME/
Serialization IP specification for Strings.
If this attribute is set to true, BOM and null-termination
shall NOT be added in the serialization for Strings in the
payload. If this attribute is set to false (or not set) BOM
and null-termination shall be added in the serialization for
Strings in the payload according to the SOME/IP
specification for Strings.
NOTE! This attribute is not future safe, and will be
removed in an upcoming AUTOSAR release!"
Tags: atp.Status=obsolete
interfaceVersion PositiveInteger 0..1 attr The interface version the SOME/IP transformer shall use.
isDynamic Boolean 0..1 attr This attribute shall be used to determine the wire type in
LengthFieldSize the context of using the TLV encoding.
messageType SOMEIPMessageType 0..1 attr The Message Type which shall be placed into the SOME/
Enum IP header.
sizeOfArray PositiveInteger 0..1 attr The size of all length fields (in Bytes) of fixed-size arrays
LengthFields or dynamic size arrays in the SOME/IP message. This
attribute is valid for all available occurrences of fixed-size
arrays or dynamic size arrays in the SOME/IP message.
sizeOfString PositiveInteger 0..1 attr The size of all length fields (in Bytes) of dynamic length
LengthFields strings in the SOME/IP message. This attribute is valid for
all available occurrences of strings in the SOME/IP
sizeOfStruct PositiveInteger 0..1 attr The size of all length fields (in Bytes) of structs in the
LengthFields SOME/IP message. This attribute is valid for all available
occurrences of structures in the SOME/IP message. For
a more fine granular modeling on the level of Data
Prototypes the DataPrototypeTransformationProps shall
be used.
sizeOfUnion PositiveInteger 0..1 attr The size of all length fields (in Bytes) of unions in the
LengthFields SOME/IP message. This attribute is valid for all available
occurrences of Unions in the SOME/IP message. For a
more fine granular modeling on the level of Data
Prototypes the DataPrototypeTransformationProps shall
be used.
tlvDataId TlvDataIdDefinitionSet * ref This reference identifies the TlvDataIdDefinitions relevant
Definition for the enclosing SOMEIPTransformationISignalProps

Table 7.2: SOMEIPTransformationISignalProps

Enumeration ByteOrderEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::PrimitiveTypes
Note When more than one byte is stored in the memory the order of those bytes may differ depending on
the architecture of the processing unit. If the least significant byte is stored at the lowest address, this
architecture is called little endian and otherwise it is called big endian.
ByteOrder is very important in case of communication between different PUs or ECUs.

23 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Enumeration ByteOrderEnum
Aggregated by ApSomeipTransformationProps.byteOrder, BaseTypeDirectDefinition.byteOrder, DiagnosticCommon
Props.defaultEndianness, ISignalToIPduMapping.packingByteOrder, MultiplexedIPdu.selectorField
ByteOrder, PduToFrameMapping.packingByteOrder, SegmentPosition.segmentByteOrder, SOMEIP
TransformationDescription.byteOrder, System.containerIPduHeaderByteOrder
Literal Description
mostSignificantByte Most significant byte shall come at the lowest address (also known as BigEndian or as
First Motorola-Format)
Tags: atp.EnumerationLiteralIndex=0
mostSignificantByte Most significant byte shall come highest address (also known as LittleEndian or as Intel-Format)
Tags: atp.EnumerationLiteralIndex=1
opaque For opaque data endianness conversion has to be configured to Opaque. See AUTOSAR COM
Specification for more details.
Tags: atp.EnumerationLiteralIndex=2

Table 7.3: ByteOrderEnum

Enumeration SOMEIPMessageTypeEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::Transformer
Note Depending on the style of the communication different message types shall be set in the header of a
SOME/IP message.
Aggregated by SOMEIPTransformationISignalProps.messageType
Literal Description
notification A request of a notification expecting no response.
Tags: atp.EnumerationLiteralIndex=1
request A request expecting a response.
Tags: atp.EnumerationLiteralIndex=2
requestNoReturn A fire&forget request.
Tags: atp.EnumerationLiteralIndex=3
response The response message.
Tags: atp.EnumerationLiteralIndex=4

Table 7.4: SOMEIPMessageTypeEnum

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dThe SOME/IP transformer defined in this document shall be used as a transformer if

• the attribute protocol of the TransformationTechnology is set to SOMEIP
• and the attribute version of the TransformationTechnology is set to 1
• and the attribute transformerClass of the TransformationTechnology is
set to serializer

24 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

7.1 Specification of the SOME/IP on-wire format

Serialization describes the way data is represented in protocol data units (PDUs) trans-
ported over an automotive in-vehicle network.

7.1.1 Message Length Limitations

The usage of TCP allows for larger streams of data to transport SOME/IP header and
payload. However, current transport protocols for CAN and FlexRay limit messages
to 4095 Bytes. When compatibility to those has to be achieved, SOME/IP messages
including the SOME/IP header shall not exceed 4095 Bytes.

7.1.2 Endianess

The byte order of the SOME/IP header fields is defined as network byte order by
The byte order of additional fields in the SOME/IP payload is defined as network byte
order by [PRS_SOMEIP_00759].

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00008, SRS_BSW_00425

dThe byte order of the parameters inside the payload shall be defined according to
[PRS_SOMEIP_00369] by byteOrder of SOMEIPTransformationDescription.c

7.1.3 Message format

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00008, SRS_Xfrm_00005

dFor interoperability reasons the message format layout shall be identical for all imple-
mentations of SOME/IP and is described as follows:
1. Message ID (Service ID / Method ID) [32 bit]
2. Length [32 bit]
3. Additional information:
(a) Protocol Version [8 bit]
(b) Interface Version [8 bit]
(c) Message Type [8 bit]

25 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

(d) Return Code [8 bit]

4. Payload [variable size]
The fields are presented in transmission order; i.e. the fields on the top are transmitted
first. In the following sections the different message format fields and their usage is
being described.c

Layout is also shown in Figure 7.3.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 bit offset

Message ID (Service ID / Method ID) [32 bit]

Length [32 bit]

Request ID (Client ID / Session ID) [32 bit]

Covered by Length
Protocol Version [8 bit] Interface Version [8 bit] Message Type [8 bit] Return Code [8 bit]

Payload [variable size]

Figure 7.3: SOME/IP Message Format

Figure 7.3 shows the complete SOME/IP message format. The SOME/IP transformer
only implements the lower part (all except Message ID and Length).

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00008

dThe SOME/IP transformer shall implement all fields of the header except Message ID
and Length.c

Message-ID and Length are not covered since this allows the AUTOSAR Socket Adap-
tor header mode to work.
These are added by other modules in the AUTOSAR BSW. Nonetheless they are con-
tained in Figure 7.3 to show the whole on-wire-format.

26 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer
AUTOSAR CP R24-11 Request ID [32 bit]

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00008

dThe Request ID field shall be 32 bit long.c

The Request ID shall be the unique identifier for the calling client inside the ECU. Its
values are chosen by the RTE and handed over to the SOME/IP transformer.

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00024] Request ID construction by Client ID and Session ID

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00008

Client ID [16 bits] Session ID [16 bits]

Both are chosen by RTE and handed over to the transformer as


Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00008

dThe clientId inside the Rte_Cs_TransactionHandleType handed over from

RTE shall be used for the value of the Client ID.c

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00008

dThe sequenceCounter inside the Rte_Cs_TransactionHandleType handed

over from RTE shall be used for the value of the Session ID.c

For details of Rte_Cs_TransactionHandleType see [SWS_Rte_08732].

The Request ID allows a client to differentiate multiple calls to the same method. There-
fore, the Request ID has to be unique for a single client and server combination only.
When generating a response message, the server has to copy the Request ID from
the request to the response message. This allows the client to map a response to the
issued request even with more than one request outstanding.
Request IDs may be reused as soon as the response arrived or is not expected to
arrive anymore (timeout).

27 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer
AUTOSAR CP R24-11 Protocol Version [8 bit]

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00008

dThe Protocol Version field shall be 8 bit long.c

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00008

dThe Protocol Version field shall contain the SOME/IP protocol version.c

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00008

dThe Protocol Version shall be set to 0x01.c Interface Version [8 bit]

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00008

dThe Interface Version field shall be 8 bit long.c

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00008

dThe Interface Version field shall contain the Version of the Service Interface.c

Rationale: This is required to catch mismatches in Service definitions and allows de-
bugging tools to identify the Service Interface used, if version is used.
The Version of the corresponding Service Discovery service has to match the
version of the Service Interface, i.e. SdServerServiceMajorVersion and/or
SdClientServiceMajorVersion has to match the used SOMEIPTransforma-
tionDescription.interfaceVersion and/or SOMEIPTransformationISig-
nalProps.interfaceVersion (see [TPS_SYST_02377]).

28 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer
AUTOSAR CP R24-11 Message Type [8 bit]

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00008

dThe Message Type field shall be 8 bit long.c

The Message Type field is used to differentiate different types of messages.

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00031] Message TYPE field values

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00008
Number Value Description
0x00 REQUEST A request expecting a response (even
0x01 REQUEST_NO_RETURN A fire&forget request
0x02 NOTIFICATION A request of a notification expecting no
0x80 RESPONSE The response message
0x81 ERROR The response containing an error

A regular client request (message type 0x00) is answered by a server response (mes-
sage type 0x80), when no error occurred. If errors occur an error message (message
type 0x81) will be sent.
For updating values through notification a callback interface exists (message type
It is possible to send a request that does not have a response message (message type
0x01) to use SOME/IP for AUTOSAR Sender/Receiver communication. Return Code [8 bit]

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00008

dThe Return Code field shall be 8 bit long.c

29 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00008

dThe Return Code field shall be used to signal whether a request has been successfully

For simplification of the header layout, every message transports the field Return Code.
The Return Codes are specified in detail in [SWS_SomeIpXf_00115].

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00008

dMessages of Type REQUEST, REQUEST_NO_RETURN, and Notification have to set

the Return Code to 0x00 (E_OK).c

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00168] Allowed Return Codes for specific message types

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00008

Message Type Allowed Return Codes

REQUEST N/A, set to 0x00 (E_OK)
REQUEST_NO_RETURN N/A, set to 0x00 (E_OK)
NOTIFICATION N/A, set to 0x00 (E_OK)
RESPONSE See Return Codes in [SWS_SomeIpXf_00115]. Payload [variable size]

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00008

dThe Payload field shall have variable size.c

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00008

dThe Payload field shall contain the transported data.c

The serialization of the data will be specified in the following section.

30 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

7.1.4 Serialization of Parameters and Data Structures

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dThe serialization shall be based on the SenderReceiverInterface or

ClientServerInterface of the data.c

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dAfter the serialized data of a variable data length DataPrototype a padding

for alignment purposes shall be added for the configured alignment (see
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00260] and [SWS_SomeIpXf_00262]) if the variable data length
DataPrototype is not the last element in the serialized data stream. This require-
ment does not apply for the serialization of extensible structs and methods.c

See also chapter

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dIf SOMEIPTransformationProps.alignment is set for a variable data length data

element, the value of SOMEIPTransformationProps.alignment defines the align-
ment. This requirement does not apply for the serialization of extensible structs and
methods .c

See also chapter

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dIf SOMEIPTransformationProps.alignment is not set for a variable data length

data element, the value of SOMEIPTransformationDescription.alignment de-
fines the alignment. This requirement does not apply for the serialization of extensible
structs and methods.c

See also chapter

31 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dAfter serialized fixed data length data elements, the SOME/IP transformer shall never
add automatically a padding for alignment.c

If the following data element shall be aligned, a padding element of accord-
ing size needs to be explicitly inserted into the ImplementationDataType
(in case of serialization based on ImplementationDataTypes according to
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00307]) or into the AutosarDataType (in case of serialization
based on NetworkRepresentation according to [SWS_SomeIpXf_00306]).

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dAlignment shall always be calculated from start of SOME/IP message.c

This attribute defines the memory alignment. The SOME/IP Transformer does not try
to automatically align parameters but aligns as specified. The alignment is currently
constraint to multiple of 1 Byte to simplify code generators.
SOME/IP payload should be placed in memory so that the SOME/IP payload is suit-
able aligned. For infotainment ECUs an alignment of 8 Bytes (i.e. 64 bits) should be
achieved, for all ECU at least an alignment of 4 Bytes should be achieved. An efficient
alignment is highly hardware dependent.
In the following the serialization of different parameters is specified.

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00306] Serialization based on NetworkRepresentation

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dIf a networkRepresentationProps is defined according to [TPS_SYST_02136]

on the ISignal, then the SOME/IP serialization shall be based on the networkRep-

For details refer to chapter Network Representation in [7].

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00307] Serialization based on ImplementationDataTypes

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dIf no networkRepresentationProps is defined on the ISignal, then (according

to [TPS_SYST_02137]) the SOME/IP serialization shall be based on the Implemen-

32 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer
AUTOSAR CP R24-11 Basic Datatypes

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00036] Supported SwBaseTypes for serialization

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101, SRS_Xfrm_00201

Type Description Size [bit] Remark

boolean TRUE/FALSE value 8 FALSE (0), TRUE (1)
uint8 unsigned Integer 8
uint16 unsigned Integer 16
uint32 unsigned Integer 32
uint64 unsigned Integer 64
sint8 signed Integer 8
sint16 signed Integer 16
sint32 signed Integer 32
sint64 signed Integer 64
float32 floating point number 32 IEEE 754 binary32 (Single Preci-
float64 floating point number 64 IEEE 754 binary64 (Double Preci-

Note: The SwBaseTypes are defined in [8] and according to [TPS_STDT_-

00067] placed in the package /AUTOSAR_Platform/BaseTypes (e.g., /AU-
The Byte Order is specified common for all parameters by byteOrder of SOMEIP-
TransformationDescription. See chapter 7.1.2. Structured Datatypes (structs)

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dA struct shall be serialized in order of depth-first traversal.c

The transformer doesn’t automatically align parameters of a struct.

Insert reserved/padding elements into the AUTOSAR data type if needed for alignment,
since the SOME/IP implementation shall not automatically add such padding.
So if for example a struct includes a uint8 and a uint32, they are just written sequentially
into the buffer. This means that there is no padding between the uint8 and the first byte
of the uint32; therefore, the uint32 might not be aligned. So the system designer has

33 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

to consider to add padding elements to the data type to achieve the required alignment
or set it globally.
Warning about unaligned structs or similar shall not be done in the implementation but
only in the tool chain used to generate the implementation.
Messages of legacy busses like CAN and FlexRay are usually not aligned. Warnings
can be turned off or be ignored in such cases.
The SOME/IP transformer does not automatically insert dummy/padding elements.
SOME/IP allows to add a length field of 8, 16 or 32 bit in front of structs. The length
field of a struct describes the number of bytes of the struct. This allows for extensible
structs which allow better migration of interfaces.

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dIf attribute sizeOfStructLengthFields of SOMEIPTransformationISignal-

Props is set to a value greater 0, a length field shall be inserted in front of every
serialized struct.c

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00216] also applies to nested structs which means that additionally
every nested struct has its own length field. Furthermore, in an array of structs where
all structs have the same length, the length field is inserted in front of every struct inside
the array.

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dIf attribute sizeOfStructLengthField of SOMEIPTransformationProps is set

to a value greater 0, a length field shall be inserted in front of the serialized struct for
which the SOMEIPTransformationProps is defined. (See [TPS_SYST_02121])c

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00252] applies if the length fields of the struct and all nested structs
contained within the root struct are configured to different values for the lengths of the
length fields via SOMEIPTransformationProps.

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dThe data type of the length field of the struct and all nested structs within the struct
shall be the same and shall be determined by the value of SOMEIPTransformation-
ISignalProps.sizeOfStructLengthFields of the serialized ISignal:
• uint8 if sizeOfStructLengthFields equals 1

34 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

• uint16 if sizeOfStructLengthFields equals 2

• uint32 if sizeOfStructLengthFields equals 4

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dIf SOMEIPTransformationProps.sizeOfStructLengthField is present for a

struct the data type for the length field of the struct shall be determined by the value of
• uint8 if sizeOfStructLengthField equals 1
• uint16 if sizeOfStructLengthField equals 2
• uint32 if sizeOfStructLengthField equals 4
• Otherwise [SWS_SomeIpXf_00217] applies.

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dThe serializing SOME/IP transformer shall write the size (in bytes) of the serialized
struct (without the size of the length field) into the length field of the struct.c

Struct_1 uint32 a
float32 b_1
uint32 a float32 b_2
float32 b[2] serialization uint32 d
float32 e_1
Struct_2 c Struct_2
float32 e_2
uint32 d …
float32 e[2]
Struct_3 f
Figure 7.4: Serialization of Structs without Length Fields (Example)

35 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Struct_1 uint16 lf1

uint32 a
uint32 a float32 b_1
float32 b[2] serialization float32 b_2
uint16 lf2
Struct_2 c Struct_2
uint32 d
uint32 d float32 e_1
float32 e_2
float32 e[2]
uint16 lf3
Struct_3 f …
Figure 7.5: Serialization of Structs with Length Fields (Example) Structured Datatypes and Arguments with Identifier and optional Mem-

Please note that the content of this chapter has draft character
To achieve enhanced forward and backward compatibility, an additional Data ID can
be added in front of struct members or method arguments. The receiver then can
skip unknown members/arguments, i.e. where the Data ID is unknown. New member-
s/arguments can be added at arbitrary positions when Data IDs are transferred in the
serialized byte stream.
Structs are modeled in the Software Component Template using an Implementa-
tionDataType of category STRUCTURE and members are represented by Imple-
mentationDataTypeElements. Method arguments are represented by Argument-
DataPrototypes. Refer to [9] for more details.
The assignment of Data IDs is modeled in the System Template in the context of
SOMEIPTransformationISignalProps. Refer to [7] for more details.
Moreover, the usage of Data IDs allows describing structs with optional members. To
serialize data with optional members, the transformer has to know which optional mem-
bers are available or not. This is stored in a bitfield which is contained inside the Im-
plementationDataType. This availabilityBitfield is realized as array of uint8.
Whether an optional member is actually present in the struct or not, must be deter-
mined during runtime.
In addition to the Data ID, a wire type encodes the datatype of the following member.
Data ID and wire type are encoded in a so-called tag.

36 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00106

dThe length of a tag shall be two bytes.c

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00106

dThe tag shall consist of

• reserved (Bit 7 of the first byte)
• wire type (Bit 6-4 of the first byte)
• Data ID (Bit 3-0 of the first byte and bit 7-0 of the second byte)
Bit 7 is the highest significant bit of a byte, bit 0 is the lowest significant bit of a byte.c

Refer to Figure 7.6 for the layout of the tag.
7 0 7 0 7/15/31 0

Data ID (Higher
Wire Type Data ID (Lower Sig. Part) Length Field (8/16/32 bit) Member Data ...
Sig. Part)

Byte n Byte n + 1 Byte n + 2 ...

Figure 7.6: SOME/IP Struct Tag Layout

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00106

dThe lower significant part of the Data ID of the member shall be encoded in bits 7-0
of the second byte of the tag. The higher significant part of the Data ID of the member
shall be encoded in bits 3-0 of the first byte.c

Example: The Data ID of the member is 1266 (dec). Then bits 3-0 of the first byte are
set to 0x4. The second byte is set to 0xF2.

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00270] Wire type values determening types of data

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00106
Wire Type Value
0 8 Bit Data Base data type
1 16 Bit Data Base data type
2 32 Bit Data Base data type
3 64 Bit Data Base data type
4 Complex Data Type: Array, Struct, String, Union with length
field of static size (configured in data definition)

37 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

5 Complex Data Type: Array, Struct, String, Union with length

field size 1 byte (ignore static definition)
6 Complex Data Type: Array, Struct, String, Union with length
field size 2 byte (ignore static definition)
7 Complex Data Type: Array, Struct, String, Union with length
field size 4 byte (ignore static definition)

Wire type 4 ensures the compatibility with the current approach where the size of length
fields is statically configured. This approach has the drawback that changing the size
of the length field during evolution of interfaces is always incompatible. Thus, wire
types 5, 6 and 7 allow to encode the size of the used length field in the transferred byte

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00106

dIf SOMEIPTransformationISignalProps.isDynamicLengthFieldSize is set

to false or is not defined, the transformer shall use wire type 4 for serializing complex
types and shall use the fixed size length fields. The size of the length fields is defined
in SOMEIPTransformationISignalProps.sizeOfArrayLengthFields, size-
OfStructLengthFields and sizeOfUnionLengthFields.c

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00106

dSOMEIPTransformationISignalProps.isDynamicLengthFieldSize is set to
true, the transformer shall use wire types 5,6,7 for serializing complex types and shall
chose the size of the length field according to this wire type.c

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00106

dA deserializer shall always be able to handle the wire types 4, 5, 6 and 7 in-
dependent of the setting of SOMEIPTransformationISignalProps.isDynami-

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00106

dIf a Data ID is defined for an ArgumentDataPrototype or Implementation-

DataTypeElement by means of SOMEIPTransformationISignalProps.tlv-, a tag shall be inserted in the serialized byte stream.c

38 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

regarding existence of Data IDs, refer to [7].

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00106

dIf the datatype of the serialized member / argument is a basic datatype (wire types
0-3) and a Data ID is configured, the tag shall be inserted directly in front of the mem-
ber/argument. No length field shall be inserted into the serialized stream.c

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00106

dIf the datatype of the serialized member/argument is not a basic datatype (wire type
4-7) and a Data ID is configured, the tag shall be inserted in front of the length field.c

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00106

dIf the datatype of the serialized member/argument is not a basic datatype and a Data
ID is configured, a length field shall always be inserted in front of the member/argu-

Rationale: The length field is required to skip unknown members/arguments during


Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00106

dThe length field shall always contain the length up to the next tag of the struct, but
does not include the tag size and length field size itself.c

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00106

dIf the member itself is of type struct, there shall be exactly one length field.c

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00106

dIf the member itself is of type dynamic length string, there shall be exactly one length

39 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00106

dIf the member itself is of type fixed length string, there shall be exactly one length field
corresponding to dynamic length strings.c

When serialized without tag, fixed length strings do not have a length field. For the
serialization with tag, a length field is also required for fixed length strings in the same
way as for dynamic length strings.

Status: DRAFT
Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00106

dIf the member itself is of type dynamic length array, there shall be exactly one length

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00106

dIf the member itself is of type fixed length array, there shall be exactly one length

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00106

dIf the member itself is of type union, there shall be exactly one length field.c

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00106

dFor the serialization of extensible structs and methods the length field shall cover the
size of the type field, data and padding bytes if the member itself is of type union.c

For the serialization without tags, the length field of unions does not cover the type
field (see [SWS_SomeIpXf_00226]). For the serialization with tags, it is required that
the complete content of the serialized union is covered by the length field.

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00106

dA member of a non-extensible (standard) struct which is of type extensible struct, shall

be serialized according to the requirements for extensible structs.c

40 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00106

dA member of an extensible struct which is of type non-extensible (standard) struct,

shall be serialized according to the requirements for standard structs.c

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00106

dFor the serialization of extensible structs and methods no alignment shall be applied.c

Rationale: When alignment greater 8 bits is used, the serializer may add padding bytes
after variable length data. The padding bytes are not covered by the length field. If the
receiver does not know the Data ID of the member, it also does not know that it is
variable length data and that there might be padding bytes.

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00106

dIf the attribute isStructWithOptionalElement of the Implementation-

DataType representing the extensible struct is set to true, the transformer shall ignore
the first ImplementationDataTypeElement and shall not serialize or deserialize it.c

Rationale: the first ImplementationDataTypeElement represents the availability

bitfield which is not transferred on the wire.

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00106

dThe transformer shall only serialize an optional member of a struct if the correspond-
ing bit in the availability bitfield is set as follows:
(availabilityBitfield[(pos/8)] & (1<<(pos mod 8))) != 0

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00106

dIf an optional member is available in the serialized byte stream, the transformer shall
set the corresponding bit in the availability bitfield as follows:
availabilityBitfield[(pos/8)] = availabilityBitfield[(pos/8)] | (1<<(pos mod 8))

41 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00106

dIf an optional member is not available in the serialized byte stream, the transformer
shall clear the corresponding bit in the availability bitfield as follows:
availabilityBitfield[(pos/8)] = availabilityBitfield[(pos/8)] & ~(1<<(pos mod 8))

In the requirements [SWS_SomeIpXf_00288], [SWS_SomeIpXf_00289] and [SWS_-

SomeIpXf_00290] pos is the position of the optional ImplementationDataType-
Element among all optional ImplementationDataTypeElements within the Im-
plementationDataType starting with pos = 0.
Non-optional ImplementationDataTypeElements do not count since they do not
need a bit in the availabilityBitfield. So the bit position within the availabilityBitfield
is determined by the order of the optional ImplementationDataTypeElements.
• 1st optional ImplementationDataTypeElement (pos=0):
(availabilityBitfield[0] & 0x01) != 0

• 8th optional ImplementationDataTypeElement (pos=7):

(availabilityBitfield[0] & 0x80) != 0

• 9th optional ImplementationDataTypeElement (pos=8):

(availabilityBitfield[1] & 0x01) != 0

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00106

dIf an optional member is not available in the received serialized byte stream, the trans-
former shall keep the memory section occupied by this optional element without modi-

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00106

dIf the transformer reads an unknown Data ID (i.e. not contained in its data definition),
it shall skip the unknown member/argument by using the information of the wire type
and length field.c

42 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer
AUTOSAR CP R24-11 Strings

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dStrings shall be encoded using Unicode and terminated with a


for both fixed-length and dynamic-length strings. Unused space shall be filled using

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dDifferent Unicode encoding shall be supported including UTF-8, UTF-16BE, and UTF-
16LE. Since these encoding have a dynamic length of bytes per character, the maxi-
mum length in bytes is up to four times the length of characters in UTF-8 plus 1 Byte
for the termination with a "\0" or up to four times the length of the characters in UTF-16
plus 2 Bytes for a "\0". UTF-8 character can be up to 4 bytes and an UTF-16 character
can be up to 4 bytes.c

In the following an example is provided in accordance with [SWS_SomeIpXf_00245]

and [SWS_SomeIpXf_00054] :
• Single UTF character encoded in UTF-8: 1..4 bytes
• Single UTF character encoded in UTF-16: 2 or 4 bytes
• UTF String with n chars encoded in UTF-8 = up to 3 byte BOM + n*4 UTF-8 Char
+ 1 bytes Zero Termination = up to 4 + 4*n bytes
• UTF String with n chars encoded in UTF-16 = up to 2 byte BOM + n*4 UTF-16
Char + 2 bytes Zero Termination = up to 4 + 4*n bytes

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dUTF-16LE and UTF-16BE strings shall be zero terminated with a


. This means they shall end with (at least) two 0x00 Bytes.c

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dUTF-16LE and UTF-16BE strings shall have an even length.c

43 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dFor UTF-16LE and UTF-16BE strings having an odd length the last byte shall be
silently removed by the receiving SOME/IP transformer.c

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dIn case of UTF-16LE and UTF-16BE strings having an odd length, after removal of
the last byte, the two bytes before shall be 0x00 bytes (termination) for a string to be

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dAll strings shall always start with a Byte Order Mark (BOM). The BOM shall be in-
cluded in fixed-length-strings as well as dynamic-length strings.c

For the specification of BOM, see [10] and [11]. Please note that the BOM is used in
the serialized strings to achieve compatibility with Unicode.

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dThe String specific serialization will only be triggered if an Unicode String is detected
and implementsLegacyStringSerialization is false.c

For the details of the recognition and serialization of fixed- and dynamic-length strings
see chapter and chapter

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dThe receiving SOME/IP transformer implementation shall check the BOM and handle
a missing BOM or a malformed BOM as an error.c

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dThe BOM shall be added by the SOME/IP sending transformer implementation.c

44 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer
AUTOSAR CP R24-11 Strings (fixed length)

The length of the string (this includes the "\0") in Bytes is specified in the data type

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00240] Recognition of UTF-8 Fixed Length Strings

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dAn UTF-8 Fixed Length String shall be detected if an ApplicationPrimitive-

DataType and an ImplementationDataType with the following pattern are used:
• ApplicationPrimitiveDataType
– with category equal to STRING
– ApplicationPrimitiveDataType.swDataDefProps.swTextProps.
baseType refers to a BaseType with baseTypeDefinition.baseType-
Encoding equal to UTF-8
• ImplementationDataType
– with category ARRAY
– that contains exactly one ImplementationDataTypeElement that boils
down to a uint8 ImplementationDataType:
∗ ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySize is set to a value
∗ ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeSemantics is set
to fixedSize

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00241] Recognition of UTF-16 Fixed Length Strings

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dAn UTF-16 Fixed Length String shall be detected if an ApplicationPrimitive-

DataType and an ImplementationDataType with the following pattern are used:
• ApplicationPrimitiveDataType
– with category equal to STRING
– ApplicationPrimitiveDataType.swDataDefProps.swTextProps.
baseType refers to a BaseType with baseTypeDefinition.baseType-
Encoding equal to UTF-16
• ImplementationDataType
– with category ARRAY
– that contains exactly one ImplementationDataTypeElement that boils
down to a uint16 ImplementationDataType:

45 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

∗ ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySize is set to a value

∗ ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeSemantics is set
to fixedSize

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00244] Serialization of fixed length strings

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dSerialization of fixed length strings shall consist of the following steps:

1. Check whether the string terminates with 0x00 (UTF-8) or 0x0000 (UTF-16). If
not, a E_SER_GENERIC_ERROR error shall be issued.
2. Append BOM at the beginning of the output buffer in the first three (UTF-8) or two
(UTF-16) bytes of the to be serialized array containing the string.
3. Copying the string data (the number of bytes according to the string’s fixed length)
from the array into the output buffer, optionally performing a conversion between
UTF-16LE and UTF-16BE between ECU and network byte order if BaseTypeDi-
rectDefinition.byteOrder and SOMEIPTransformationDescription.
byteOrder have different values
c Strings (dynamic length)

Strings with dynamic length can be realized in an AUTOSAR system as an array with
dynamic length that transports the single characters.

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00242] Recognition of UTF-8 Variable Length Strings

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dAn UTF-8 Variable Length String shall be detected if an ApplicationPrimitive-

DataType and an ImplementationDataType with the following pattern are used:
• ApplicationPrimitiveDataType
– with category equal to STRING
– ApplicationPrimitiveDataType.swDataDefProps.swTextProps.
baseType refers to a BaseType with baseTypeDefinition.baseType-
Encoding equal to UTF-8
• ImplementationDataType
The ImplementationDataType shall be defined according to [TPS_SWCT_-
01650] as a STRUCTURE that contains exactly two Implementation-
DataTypeElements and shall follow the rules defined by [constr_1318]:

46 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

– one ImplementationDataTypeElement represents the Size Indica-

tor and has the category equal to TYPE_REFERENCE which points to a
uint8, uint16 or uint32 ImplementationDataType
– one ImplementationDataTypeElement has the category equal to
ARRAY and contains exactly one ImplementationDataTypeElement
that boils down to a uint8 ImplementationDataType

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00243] Recognition of UTF-16 Variable Length Strings

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dAn UTF-16 Fixed Length String shall be detected if an ApplicationPrimitive-

DataType and an ImplementationDataType with the following pattern are used:
• ApplicationPrimitiveDataType
– with category equal to STRING
– ApplicationPrimitiveDataType.swDataDefProps.swTextProps.
baseType refers to a BaseType with baseTypeDefinition.baseType-
Encoding equal to UTF-16
• ImplementationDataType
The ImplementationDataType shall be defined according to [TPS_SWCT_-
01650] as a STRUCTURE that contains exactly two Implementation-
DataTypeElements and shall follow the rules defined by [constr_1318]:
– one ImplementationDataTypeElement represents the Size Indica-
tor and has the category equal to TYPE_REFERENCE which points to a
uint8, uint16 or uint32 ImplementationDataType
– one ImplementationDataTypeElement has the category equal to
ARRAY and contains exactly one ImplementationDataTypeElement
that boils down to a uint16 ImplementationDataType

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00245] Serialization of dynamic length strings

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dSerialization of dynamic length strings shall consist of the followign steps:

1. Check whether the string terminates with 0x00 (UTF-8) or 0x0000 (UTF-16). If
not, a E_SER_GENERIC_ERROR error shall be issued.
2. Add the Length Field - The value of the length field shall be computed by
considering the number of elements given by the size indicator and the size
in bytes of each element obtained during encoding of the Unicode codepoints
into the respective transformation format (e.g., 1 up to 4 bytes for UTF-8 and

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Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

2 or 4 bytes for UTF-16) increased by the size in bytes required by the BOM
and Termination. The data type of the length field shall be determined from
the sizeOfStringLengthFields. If the attribute sizeOfStringLength-
Fields is not configured then the default value of 32 bit shall be used as de-
fined by [PRS_SOMEIP_00094]. The value of the length field shall comply with
3. Appending BOM at the beginning, if BOM is not already available in the first 3
(UTF-8) or 2 (UTF-16) bytes of the to be serialized array containing the string. If
the BOM is already present, simply copy the BOM into the output buffer
4. Copying the string data (copy the the number of bytes according to the string’s
size indicator and the size of bytes of each element) from the array into the out-
put buffer, optionally performing a conversion between UTF-16LE and UTF-16BE
between ECU and network byte order BaseTypeDirectDefinition.byte-
Order and SOMEIPTransformationDescription.byteOrder have differ-
ent values
c Arrays (fixed length)

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dThe length of fixed length arrays is defined by the datatype definition.c

They can be seen as repeated elements. In chapter dynamic length arrays are
shown, which can be also used. Fixed length arrays are easier for use in very small
devices. Dynamic length arrays might need more resources on the ECU using them.
SOME/IP allows to add a length field of 8, 16 or 32 bit in front of arrays. The length field
of an array describes the number of bytes of the array. This allows extensible arrays
which allow better migration of interfaces.

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dIf attribute sizeOfArrayLengthFields of SOMEIPTransformationISignal-

Props is set to a value greater 0, a length field shall be inserted in front of every
serialized array.c

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00220] also applies to nested arrays which means that additionally
every nested fixed-size array has its own length field.

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Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dIf attribute sizeOfArrayLengthField of SOMEIPTransformationProps is set

to a value greater 0, a length field shall be inserted in front of the serialized array for
which the SOMEIPTransformationProps is defined. (See [TPS_SYST_02121])c

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00256] applies if the length fields of the array and all nested ar-
rays contained are configured to different values for the lengths of the length fields
via SOMEIPTransformationProps

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dIf SOMEIPTransformationProps.sizeOfArrayLengthField is present for a

static size array the data type for the length field of the array shall be determined by
the value of SOMEIPTransformationProps.sizeOfArrayLengthField:
• uint8 if sizeOfArrayLengthField equals 1
• uint16 if sizeOfArrayLengthField equals 2
• uint32 if sizeOfArrayLengthField equals 4
• Otherwise [SWS_SomeIpXf_00221] applies.

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dThe data type of the length field for an array shall be determined by the value of
SOMEIPTransformationISignalProps.sizeOfArrayLengthFields of the se-
rialized ISignal:
• uint8 if sizeOfArrayLengthFields equals 1
• uint16 if sizeOfArrayLengthFields equals 2
• uint32 if sizeOfArrayLengthFields equals 4

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dThe serializing SOME/IP transformer shall write the size (in bytes) of the serialized
array (without the size of the length field) into the length field of the array.c

49 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer
AUTOSAR CP R24-11 One-dimensional

The one-dimensional arrays with fixed length n carry exactly n elements of the same
type. The layout is shown in Figure 7.7.

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dA one-dimensional array with fixed length shall be serialized by concatenating the

array elements in order.c

Static Array a[n]

Element_1 Element_2 Element_3 Element_n

element size e [byte]

Figure 7.7: One-dimensional array (fixed length) Multidimensional

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dThe serialization of multidimensional arrays shall happen in row-major order(in-

memory layout of multidimensional arrays in the C programming language)c

Static Array a[n][m]

Element_1 Element_2 Element_n
E1,1 E1,2 E1,m


Figure 7.8: Multidimensional array (fixed length)

50 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Consult AUTOSAR SWS RTE chapter for Arrays. Optional Parameters / Optional Elements

Optional Elements can be encoded as array with 0 to 1 elements. For the serialization
of arrays with dynamic length see Chapter Dynamic Length Arrays / Variable Size Arrays

Variable size arrays are implemented in AUTOSAR as structs with two members
• a size indicator which is an integer and holds the number of valid elements in the
• the array with variable size
In SOME/IP variable size arrays are implemented in a similar manner. Only the size
indicator is replaced by a length indicator.
• a length indicator which is an integer and holds the length (in bytes) of the follow-
ing variable size array
• the array which contains the valid elements of the variable size array
In AUTOSAR also so called "old-world" variable-size array data types exist which don’t
have a size indicator. These are not supported by data transformation in general and
hence also not supported by the SOME/IP transformer. For details, refer to [constr_-
1387] ([7, System Template]), [TPS_SWCT_01644], [TPS_SWCT_01645] and [TPS_-

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dA variable size array embedded in a structure which also contains a size indicator
shall be serialized as the concatenation of the following elements:
• the length indicator which holds the length (in bytes) of the following variable size
• the array which contains the valid elements of the variable size array
• the data type of the length field shall be determined as specified in
• the array shall be serialized like a static size array but does only contain the valid
elements. The number of elements to serializer shall be taken from the size

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Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101, SRS_Xfrm_00008

dA variable size array is represented in AUTOSAR by an ImplementationDataType

with the category STRUCTURE and two sub-elements (namely payload and size indi-
cator ). The data type of the length fields for the SOME/IP message for an variable
size array shall be determined from the sizeOfArrayLengthFields. If the attribute
sizeOfArrayLengthFields is not configured then the default value of 32 bit shall
be used as defined by [PRS_SOMEIP_00945].
In case of nested variable size arrays, AUTOSAR allows to use profiles to specify size
indicators which apply to more than one variable size array nested within the same
ImplementationDataType. Depending on the specific profile (dynamicArray-
SizeProfile), the data type of the of the length fields inside the SOME/IP message
shall be determined differently:
The data type of the SOME/IP length field shall be determined from the single
sizeOfArrayLengthFields. If the attribute sizeOfArrayLengthFields is
not configured then the default value of 32 bit shall be used as defined by [PRS_-
All data type of the SOME/IP length fields shall be determined from the single
sizeOfArrayLengthFields. If the attribute sizeOfArrayLengthFields is
not configured then the default value of 32 bit shall be used as defined by [PRS_-
The data type of all SOME/IP length fields for all dimensions (nesting level) shall
be determined from the single sizeOfArrayLengthFields. If the attribute
sizeOfArrayLengthFields is not configured then the default value of 32 bit
shall be used as defined by [PRS_SOMEIP_00945].
The data type of all SOME/IP length fields for all variable size arrays shall be de-
termined from the single sizeOfArrayLengthFields. If the attribute sizeO-
fArrayLengthFields is not configured then the default value of 32 bit shall be
used as defined by [PRS_SOMEIP_00945].

This means only the first m elements of the variable size array are serialized where m is
the value of the size indicator.
The layout of dynamic arrays is shown in 7.9 and Figure 7.10 where L_1 and L_2
denote the length in bytes.

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Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Length n Element_1 Element_2 Element_3 Element_n

8,16 or 32 bit element size e
n [byte]

Figure 7.9: One-dimensional array (dynamic length) (Example)

In the one-dimensional array one length field is used, which carries the size in bytes of
the valid elements in the array.

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101, SRS_Xfrm_00008

dIf the value of dynamicArraySizeProfile equals VSA_LINEAR, the value of the

length field of the serialized variable size array shall be calculated based on the value
of the size indicator of the AUTOSAR data type.c

The number of static length elements can be easily calculated by dividing the array
length n by the Byte size of an element.
In the case of dynamical length elements the number of elements cannot be calculated
but the elements must be parsed sequentially.

Length n Element_a[1][j…k_1] Element_a[2][j…k_2]

L_1 E1,1 E1,2

E1,k_1 L_2 E1,1 E1,2


L_1 [byte] L_2 [byte]
8,16 or 32 bit
n [byte]

Figure 7.10: Multidimensional array (dynamic length) (Example)

In case of multidimensional variable size arrays, each variable size array needs to
have its own length field, independent of the way how the variable size array is de-
signed in the AUTOSAR data type (i.e. independent from the value of dynamicAr-
raySizeProfile) as specified in [SWS_SomeIpXf_00234]. Hence it is supported to
have different length columns and different length rows in the same dimension. See
k_1 and k_2 in Figure 7.10.

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Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101, SRS_Xfrm_00008

dIf the value of dynamicArraySizeProfile of a multi-dimensional variable size ar-

ray equals VSA_SQUARE, the value of all length fields of the nested serialized variable
size arrays that belong to this multi-dimensional variable size arrays shall be calculated
based on the value of the single size indicator of the AUTOSAR data type.c

In case of VSA_SQUARE, the AUTOSAR data type only has one size indicator. The
value of this size indicator will be used as base for the calculation for the value of all
length fields of such a multi-dimensional variable size array.

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101, SRS_Xfrm_00008

dIf the value of dynamicArraySizeProfile of a multi-dimensional variable size ar-

ray equals VSA_RECTANGULAR, the values of all length fields of the nested serialized
variable size arrays of the same nesting level (i.e. the same dimension) that belong to
this multi-dimensional variable size array shall be calculated based on the values of the
size indicators of the AUTOSAR data type for this respective nesting level.c

In case of VSA_RECTANGULAR, the AUTOSAR data type has exactly one size indicator
for each dimension of the the multi-dimensional variable size array. For all variable size
arrays in one dimension, the value of the according size indicator of this dimension will
be used as base for the calculation of the values of all length fields of this dimension.

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101, SRS_Xfrm_00008

dIf the value of dynamicArraySizeProfile of a multi-dimensional variable size ar-

ray equals VSA_FULLY_FLEXIBLE, the values of all length fields of the nested serial-
ized variable size arrays that belong to this multi-dimensional variable size arrays shall
be calculated based on the value of the size indicator of the corresponding variable
size array that is contained in the AUTOSAR data type.c

In case of VSA_FULLY_FLEXIBLE, in the AUTOSAR data type the outer variable size
array and each nested variable size arrays has its own size indicator. For the calculation
of the values of the length fields both of the outer and all nested variable size arrays
the according values of the size indicators of the AUTOSAR data type will be used as
The RTE provides a buffer where serialization result will be written into by the SOME/IP
transformer which is large enough to keep the length field and a fully filled dynamic

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Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00309] Maximum number of array elements

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101, SRS_Xfrm_00008

dThe maximum number of variable size array elements shall be defined by the Im-
plementationDataTypeElement.arraySize attribute of the respective Imple-
mentationDataTypeElement depending on the ImplementationDataType.dy-
namicArraySizeProfile (see [constr_1318], [constr_1319], [constr_1320], and
[constr_1321]).c Bitfield

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dBitfields shall be transported as-is based on the underlying SwBaseType

uint8/uint16/uint32/uint64 according to [SWS_SomeIpXf_00036]. No further modifi-
cation or interpretation shall be done by the SOME/IP transformer.c Union / Variant

A union (also called variant) is a parameter that can contain different types of elements.
For example, if one defines a union of type uint8 and type uint16, the union shall carry
an element of uint8 or uint16.
The union serialization will only be triggered if the pattern defined in
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00249] applies.

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dA union shall be detected if an ImplementationDataType with the following pat-

tern (named wrapped union data type) is used: ImplementationDataType with cat-
egory STRUCTURE that contains exactly two ImplementationDataTypeElements:
• memberSelector: ImplementationDataTypeElement which represents the
type field that boils down to a uint8, uint16 or uint32 Implementation-
• payload: ImplementationDataTypeElement of category UNION which rep-
resents the actual union

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Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

When using different types of elements the alignment of subsequent parameters may
be distorted. To resolve this, padding might be needed.

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00088] Default serialization layout of unions in SOME/IP

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

Length field (optional)

Type field
Element including padding [sizeof(padding) = length - sizeof(element)]

SOME/IP allows to add a length field of 8, 16 or 32 bit in front of unions. The length
field of a union describes the number of bytes in the union.
This allows the deserializer to quickly calculate the position where the data after the
union begin in the serialized data stream. This gets necessary if the union con-
tains data which are larger than expected, for example if a struct was extended with
appended new members and only the first "old" members are deserialized by the
SOME/IP transformer.

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dIf attribute sizeOfUnionLengthFields of SOMEIPTransformationISignal-

Props is set to a value greater 0, a length field shall be inserted in front of every
serialized union.c

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00224] also applies to nested unions which means that additionally
every nested union has its own length field.

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dIf attribute sizeOfUnionLengthField of SOMEIPTransformationProps is set

to a value greater 0, a length field shall be inserted in front of the serialized union for
which the SOMEIPTransformationProps is defined. (See [TPS_SYST_02121]).c

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00254] applies if the length fields of the union and all nested unions
contained within the root union are configured to different values for the lengths of the
length fields via SOMEIPTransformationProps.

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Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dThe data type of the length field of the union and all nested unions within the union
shall be determined by the value of SOMEIPTransformationISignalProps.size-
OfUnionLengthFields of the serialized ISignal:
• uint8 if sizeOfUnionLengthFields equals 1
• uint16 if sizeOfUnionLengthFields equals 2
• uint32 if sizeOfUnionLengthFields equals 4

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dIf SOMEIPTransformationProps.sizeOfUnionLengthField is present for a

union the data type of the length field for the union shall be determined by the value of
• uint8 if sizeOfUnionLengthFields equals 1
• uint16 if sizeOfUnionLengthFields equals 2
• uint32 if sizeOfUnionLengthFields equals 4
• Otherwise [SWS_SomeIpXf_00225] applies.

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dThe serializing SOME/IP transformer shall write the size (in bytes) of the serialized
union (including padding bytes but without the size of the length field and type field)
into the length field of the union. This requirement does not apply for the serialization
of extensible structs and methods.c

See also chapter
To determine the start of the next expected data following the skipped unexpected part,
the SOME/IP transformer can use the supplied length information.
For length of the type field see [PRS_SOMEIP_00127].
The type field describes the type of the element.

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Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dThe data type of the type field of the union shall be determined from the Implemen-
tationDataType of the first ImplementationDataTypeElement (memberSelec-
tor) in the wrapped union data type defined in [SWS_SomeIpXf_00249].c

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dPossible values of the type field are defined by the data type specification of the union.
The types are encoded as in the data type in ascending order starting with 1. The 0 is
reserved for the NULL type - i.e. an empty union.c

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dThe value of the type field shall be set to the value defined by the first Implementa-
tionDataTypeElement (memberSelector) in the wrapped union data type defined in

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dThe element is serialized depending on the type in the type field. This also defines
the length of the data. All bytes behind the data that are covered by the length, are
padding. The deserializer shall skip the padding bytes by calculating the required num-
ber according to the formula given in [SWS_SomeIpXf_00088].c

By using a struct in the data type definition, different padding layouts can be achieved. Example: Union of uint8/uint16 both padded to 32 bit

In this example a length of the length field is specified as 32 bits. The union shall
support a uint8 and a uint16 as elements. Both are padded to the 32 bit boundary
(length=4 Bytes).
A uint8 will be serialized like this:
Length = 4 Bytes
Type = 1
uint8 Padding 0x00 Padding 0x00 Padding 0x00

A uint16 will be serialized like this:

Length = 4 Bytes

58 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Type = 2
uint16 Padding 0x00 Padding 0x00

7.1.5 De-serialization of Parameters and Data Structures

The de-serialization process need to inspect the payload (serialized byte stream) of the
received SOME/IP message. Thereby the de-serialization process need to identify the
elements within the received byte stream and compare the identified elements with the
configured data type(s) of the corresponding service interface (please note, the data
type is derived from the interface specification, which defines the exact position of all
data structures in a PDU). The possibility to identify elements in a dedicated SOME/IP
serialized byte stream depend on the interface specification and the serialization prop-
erties. The serialization properties define among others:
• if structured data types are serialized with a length field in front
• if tag-length-value are used for encoding, which include data ids and the possi-
bility specify optional data members
The de-serialization process of a SOME/IP messages need to consider the received
message length and deal with a message length which may be larger or less then ex-
pected according the interface specification. This is needed to support backward com-
patible communication, where ECUs of a heterogeneous in-vehicle network (re-used
ECUs and new developed ECUs) communicate via SOME/IP serialized byte streams.
The subsequential chapters describe the expected behavior of the de-serialization pro-

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00311] De-serialization - SenderReceiverInterface or

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dThe de-serialization shall consider the SenderReceiverInterface or

ClientServerInterface of the data which is de-serialized.c

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dTo allow migration the deserialization shall ignore parameters attached to the end of
previously known parameter list.c

This means: Parameters that were not defined in the ClientServerInterface or

SenderReceiverInterface used to generate or parameterize the deserialization
code at the end of the serialized data will be ignored by the deserialization.

59 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dIf more data than expected are handed over to the SOME/IP transformer during de-
serialization of data, the unexpected data shall be discarded. The known fraction shall
be considered.c

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dIf less data than expected are handed over to the SOME/IP transformer during dese-
rialization of data, the following shall happen:
• if for the corresponding ISignal a reception default value (ISignal.recep-
tionDefaultValue as defined in TPS_SystemTemplate [7]) is specified, then
use the corresponding reception default values to fill the missing elements.
• if no reception default value (ISignal.receptionDefaultValue) is available
abort deserialization with E_SER_MALFORMED_MESSAGE.

The de-serialization process would need to inspect the received SOME/IP payload and
compare the identified element of the payload with the element of the configured ser-
vice interface data type. The de-serialization process of a SOME/IP messages needs
to consider the received message length. Missing data are recognized by comparing
each identified element of the received SOME/IP payload with the expected element
given by the configured service interface data type. [SWS_SomeIpXf_00017] enables
extensions of data by adding elements to the end and achieve backward compatibility
of an ECU with older boardnet layouts that are missing those data. Structured Datatypes (structs)

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dIf the length is greater than the expected length of a struct (as specified in the data
type definition) a deserializing SOME/IP transformer shall only interpret the expected
data and skip the unexpected.c

To determine the start of the next expected data following the skipped unexpected part,
the SOME/IP transformer can use the supplied length information.

60 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer
AUTOSAR CP R24-11 Structured Datatypes and Arguments with Identifier and optional Mem-

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00106

dIf the transformer cannot find a required (i.e. non-optional) member defined in its
data definition in the serialized byte stream, the deserialization shall be aborted with
E_SER_MALFORMED_MESSAGE. For examples, please refer to [12].c Strings Strings (fixed length)

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00246] Deserialization of fixed length strings

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dDeserialization of fixed length strings shall consist of the following steps:

1. Check whether the string starts with a BOM. If not, a MALFORMED_MESSAGE error
shall be issued
2. Check whether BOM has the same value as SOMEIPTransformationDe-
scription.byteOrder. If not, a MALFORMED_MESSAGE error shall be issued
3. Remove the BOM
4. Silently discard the last byte of the string in case of an UTF-16 string with odd
5. Check whether the string terminates with 0x00 (UTF-8) or 0x0000 (UTF-16). If
not, a MALFORMED_MESSAGE error shall be issued
6. Copy the string data (the number of bytes according to the string’s fixed length)
from the input buffer into the array, optionally performing a conversion between
UTF-16LE and UTF-16BE between network and ECU byte order if BaseTypeDi-
rectDefinition.byteOrder and SOMEIPTransformationDescription.
byteOrder have different values.

61 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer
AUTOSAR CP R24-11 Strings (dynamic length)

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00247] Deserialization of dynamic length strings

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dDeserialization of dynamic length strings shall consist of the following steps:

1. Check whether the string starts with a BOM. If not, a MALFORMED_MESSAGE error
shall be issued
2. Check whether BOM has the same value as SOMEIPTransformationDe-
scription.byteOrder. If not, a MALFORMED_MESSAGE error shall be issued
3. Remove the BOM and reduce the value of the length field accordingly
4. Silently discard the last byte of the string in case of an UTF-16 string with odd
length (according to the reduced value of the length field)
5. Check whether the string terminates with 0x00 (UTF-8) or 0x0000 (UTF-16). If
not, a MALFORMED_MESSAGE error shall be issued
6. Check whether the length of the received dynamic length string is less or
equal than the specified maximum length of the string (ApplicationPrimitive-
DataType.swTextProps.swMaxTextSize or arraySize of ImplementationDataType-
Element of category ARRAY). If not, a MALFORMED_MESSAGE error shall be
7. Copy the string data (copy the number of bytes according to the string’s reduced
value of the length field) from the input buffer into the array, optionally perform-
ing a conversion between (UTF-16LE) and (UTF-16BE) between ECU and bus
if BaseTypeDirectDefinition.byteOrder and SOMEIPTransformation-
Description.byteOrder have different values.

Instead of transferring application strings as SOME/IP strings with BOM and "\0" ter-
mination, strings can also be transported as plain dynamic length arrays without BOM
and "\0" termination (see chapter Dynamic Length Arrays of [13]). Arrays (fixed length)

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dIf the length is greater than the expected length of an array (as specified in the data
type definition) a deserializing SOME/IP transformer shall only interpret the expected
data and skip the unexpected.c

62 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

To determine the start of the next expected data following the skipped unexpected part,
the SOME/IP transformer can use the supplied length information. Dynamic Length Arrays / Variable Size Arrays

No further requirements considered for the deserialization. Bitfield

No further requirements considered for the deserialization. Union / Variant

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dIf the length is greater than the expected length of a union (as specified in the data
type definition) a deserializing SOME/IP transformer shall only interpret the expected
data and skip the unexpected.c

Please consider [SWS_SomeIpXf_00099] for skipping padding bytes of serialized

unions / variant within the de-serialization process.

7.2 Protocol specification

This chapter describes the protocol of SOME/IP for Client/Server and Sender/Receiver

7.2.1 Client/Server Communication

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00102

dFor the SOME/IP request message, the SOME/IP transformer on the client-ECU has
to do the following for payload and header:
• Construct the payload
• Optionally set the Request ID to a unique number (shall be unique for client only)

63 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

• Set the Protocol Version according [SWS_SomeIpXf_00029]

• Set the Interface Version. If interfaceVersion of SOMEIPTransforma-
tionISignalProps is set, this shall be used. Otherwise interfaceVersion
of SOMEIPTransformationDescription shall be used.
• Set the Message Type to Request (i.e. 0x00)
• Set the Return Code to 0x00

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00102

dTo construct the payload of a request message all arguments of the

ClientServerOperation which have direction IN or INOUT shall be serialized
according to the order of the ArgumentDataPrototypes within the ClientServer-

This can be seen graphically in Figure 7.11.

SomeIpXf_<XfId> (
*transactionHandle, SOME/IP
*buffer, Header
*bufferLength, argument1 Payload
IN/INOUT argument1,

IN/INOUT argumentN argumentN

Figure 7.11: Example for serialization of a Client/Server Request

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00102

dIf csErrorReaction of TransformationISignalProps is set to autonomous

and the returnValue parameter handed over from RTE is greater or equal to 0x80,
the SOME/IP transformer for a response of a client/server communication shall gen-
erate an error message according to [SWS_SomeIpXf_00201]. If csErrorReaction
of TransformationISignalProps is set to autonomous and the returnValue pa-
rameter handed over from RTE is lesser than 0x80,the SOME/IP transformer shall
generate a normal response according to [SWS_SomeIpXf_00107].c

64 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00102

dThe SOME/IP transformer on the server-ECU builds its header for the server re-
sponse based on the header of the client’s request and does in addition:
• Construct the payload
• Set the Message Type to RESPONSE (i.e. 0x80)
• If the ClientServerOperation has at least one possibleError defined,
place the return value of the executed ClientServerOperation into the Re-
turn Code field and add 0x1F to adapt the number ranges in case the original
return value was different from 0x00.

Note: See also chapter

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00102

dTo construct the payload of a response message all arguments of the

ClientServerOperation which have direction INOUT or OUT shall be serial-
ized in the following order:
The ArgumentDataPrototypes with a direction of INOUT or OUT shall be serialized
according to the order of the ArgumentDataPrototypes within the ClientServer-

This can be seen graphically in Figure 7.12.

SomeIpXf_<XfId> (
*buffer, SOME/IP
*bufferLength, Header
INOUT/OUT argument1,

…, …
INOUT/OUT argumentN argumentN

Figure 7.12: Example for serialization of a Client/Server Response

65 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00102

dThe SOME/IP transformer on the server-ECU builds its header for an autonomous
error response based on the header of the client’s request and does in addition:
• Construct no payload (the payload shall be empty)
• Set the Message Type to RESPONSE (i.e. 0x80)
• Adapt the return value by subtracting 0x80 from the parameter returnValue
(calculation: adaptedReturnValue = returnValue - 0x80)
• Place the adaptedReturnValue into the Return Code field.

Note: See also chapter

This leads to an output of the SOME/IP transformer which is exactly as long as the
SOME/IP header.
Error messages can only be sent as a response for client/server requests, not for
Sender/Receiver communication or error messages.

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00102

dA SOME/IP transformer on the server-ECU that builds an autonomous error response

shall return with a return value equal to E_OK (See [SWS_SomeIpXf_00141]).c

If the SOME/IP transformer would return with a return code different from E_OK this
would issue a hard error that prevents the RTE from sending the autonomous error

7.2.2 Sender/Receiver Communication

Session Handling ID counter is used to set the correct Request ID in the SOME/IP
header in case of Sender/Receiver communication where session handling is acti-

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00008

dOne Session Handling ID counter (16 Bit) has to be maintained per transformer func-
tion for Sender/Receiver communication if the transmission path includes SomeIpTp.c

66 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00008

dAll Session Handling ID counters shall be initialized with 0x0001.c

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00102

dThe SOME/IP transformer on the sender side of transformed Sender/Receiver com-

munication shall construct header and payload in the following way:
• Construct the payload
• Set the Request ID
– to 0x00 if the transmission path does not include SomeIpTp
– the current value of the Session Handling ID counter otherwise
• Set the Protocol Version according [SWS_SomeIpXf_00029]
• Set the Interface Version. If interfaceVersion of SOMEIPTransforma-
tionISignalProps is set, this shall be used. Otherwise interfaceVersion
of SOMEIPTransformationDescription shall be used.
• Set the Message Type according to messageType of SOMEIPTransforma-
– NOTIFICATION (0x02) shall be used in the header if attribute mes-
sageType is set to notification
– REQUEST_NO_RETURN (0x01) shall be used in the header if attribute mes-
sageType is set to requestNoReturn
• Set the Return Code to 0x00

In [SWS_SomeIpXf_00108] it is specified when session handling is considered for

messages which are sent. The SOME/IP transformer never checks the session ID on
receiver side because the default behaviour of SOME/IP is for sender/receiver commu-
nication to ignore session IDs on receiver side.

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00102

dThe payload of a message for Sender/Receiver communication shall consists of the

serialized data element that is transported.c

Error handling and return codes have to be implemented by the application when

67 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

7.2.3 External Trigger Events

External trigger events are used to trigger RPCs without any IN, INOUT or OUT ar-
guments or to represent a special kind of an event without any parameters that is
transmitted from a server to one or more client(s) and at which occurrence the Service
Consumer shall react in a particular manner. External trigger events are realized by
SOME/IP as fire-and-forget methods without arguments

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00102

dThe SOME/IP transformer on the trigger source side of transformed external trigger
events shall construct header in the following way:
• Set the Request ID
– to 0x00 if the transmission path does not include SomeIpTp
– the current value of the Session Handling ID counter otherwise
• Set the Protocol Version according [SWS_SomeIpXf_00029]
• Set the Interface Version. If interfaceVersion of SOMEIPTransforma-
tionISignalProps is set, this shall be used. Otherwise interfaceVersion
of SOMEIPTransformationDescription shall be used.
• Set the Message Type to REQUEST_NO_RETURN (i.e. 0x01)
• Set the Return Code to 0x00

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00102

dThe payload of a message for external trigger event communication shall be empty.c

Error handling and return codes have to be implemented by the application when

7.2.4 Error Handling

The error handling will be done solely in the application. SOME/IP only transports the
Two different mechanisms for error transportation are supported: Return Code and
Error Message

68 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00102, SRS_Xfrm_00103, SRS_BSW_00331, SRS_BSW_-
00452, SRS_BSW_00458, SRS_BSW_00469, SRS_BSW_00470,
SRS_BSW_00471, SRS_BSW_00472, SRS_BSW_00481
dThe SOME/IP transformer shall use the Return Code error handling, using Message
Type RESPONSE (0x80) according to [PRS_SOMEIP_00901] when creating error re-
sponses. See [SWS_SomeIpXf_00201]c

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00310] Handling of RESPONSE and ERROR Message Types

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00102, SRS_Xfrm_00103

dThe SOME/IP transformer shall use the Return Code error Handling for Message
Type RESPONSE(0x80) according to [PRS_SOMEIP_00901] when receiving error re-
The SOME/IP transformer shall also handle responses of Message Type ER-
ROR(0x81) according to [PRS_SOMEIP_00902] and [PRS_SOMEIP_00903] but with-
out using the Payload of the Error Message, since this is not yet supported by this
version of the SOME/IP transformer. Only the Return Code value is used in this case.
See [SWS_SomeIpXf_00149].c

Note: The reason to handle Message Type ERROR(0x81) responses is to be able to

handle interoperability beween AP and CP.
All messages have a return code field to carry the return code. However, only re-
sponses (Message Types 0x80 and 0x81) use this field to carry a return code to the
request (Message Type 0x00) they answer. All other messages set this field to 0x00
(see Chapter Return Code

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00102

dThe Error Handling via Return Code shall be based on the Std_ReturnType.c

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00102

dThe Return Codes shall only be used for Client/Server communicationc

69 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00102

dIn case of Client/Server communication the Return Code shall transport the Appli-
cationErrors of the executed ClientServerOperation if no SOME/IP error oc-

This means: If a SOME/IP error occurred, this error is contained in the Return Code. If
no SOME/IP error occurred, the Return Code contains the error (or success) code of
the executed server runnable.
If an error occurs in case of client/server communication the server can be configured
to create an autonomous error reaction which will be sent back to the client. In that
response, the SOME/IP header fields RequestId and Interface Version shall
be equal to the values in the header of the request message.
This is realized by [SWS_SomeIpXf_00201] which fills the header fields accordingly:
RequestId is handed over from RTE and InterfaceVersion is consistent to the
request as the configuration of the SOME/IP transformer only allows the same inter-
faceVersion for request and response.

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00115] Return Codes

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00102, SRS_BSW_00170, SRS_BSW_00385, SRS_BSW_-
00386, SRS_BSW_00310

ID Name Description
0x00 E_OK No error occurred
0x01 E_NOT_OK An unspecified error occurred
0x04 SOMEIPXF_E_NOT_READY Service ID and Method ID are known. Application
not running.
0x05 SOMEIPXF_E_NOT_ System running the service is not reachable (inter-
REACHABLE nal error code only).
0x06 SOMEIPXF_E_TIMEOUT A timeout occurred (internal error code only).
0x07 SOMEIPXF_E_WRONG_ Version of SOME/IP protocol not supported
0x08 SOMEIPXF_E_WRONG_ Interface version mismatch
0x09 SOMEIPXF_E_ Deserialization error, so that payload cannot be de-
0x0a SOMEIPXF_E_ An unexpected message type was received (e.g.
0x0b E_E2E Not further specified E2E error
0x0c - RESERVED Reserved for generic SOME/IP errors. These errors
0x1f will be specified in future versions of this document.

70 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

0x20 - - Specific ApplicationErrors of

0x5e ClientServerOperations. These errors are the
application errors specified by the ClientServer-
As the range of ApplicationErrors of the
ClientServerInterface is 0x01-0x3F, the
value of an ApplicationError has to be adapted
for transport over SOME/IP by adding 0x1F. Communication Errors and Handling of Communication Errors

When considering the transport of Client/Server messages different reliability seman-

tics exist:
• Maybe — the message might reach the communication partner
• At least once — the message reaches the communication partner at least once
• Exactly once — the message reaches the communication partner exactly once
When using these terms in regard to client/server communication the term applies to
both messages (i.e. call and response or error).
While different implementations may implement different approaches, SOME/IP trans-
former currently achieves "maybe" reliability when using the UDP binding and "exactly
once" reliability when using the TCP binding by a suitable configuration of the Ethernet
modules. Further error handling is left to the application.
For "maybe" reliability, only a single timeout is needed, when using client/server com-
munication in combination with UDP as transport protocol. Figure 7.13 shows the
state machines for "maybe" reliability. The client’s SOME/IP implementation has to
wait for the response for a specified timeout. If the timeout occurs SOME/IP shall
signal SOMEIPXF_E_TIMEOUT to the client application.

71 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

/Send Response
Request WaitingForResponse Received

Response Timeout Error:



Request Received processing /Send Response

Figure 7.13: State Machines for Reliability "Maybe"

For "exactly once" reliability the TCP binding may be used, since TCP was defined to
allow for reliable communication.
Additional mechanisms to reach higher reliability may be implemented in the applica-
tion or in a SOME/IP implementation. Keep in mind that the communication does not
have to implement these features. Chapter describes such optional reliability
mechanisms. Application based Error Handling

The application can easily implement "at least once" reliability by using idempotent
operations (i.e. operation that can be executed multiple times without side effects)
and using a simple timeout mechanism. Figure 7.14 shows the state machines for
"at least once" reliability using implicit acknowledgements. When the client sends out
the request it starts a timer with the timeout specified for the specific method. If no
response is received before the timer expires (round transition at the top), the client
will retry the operation. A Typical number of retries would be 2, so that 3 requests are
The number of retries, the timeout values, and the timeout behavior (constant or expo-
nential back off) are outside of the SOME/IP specification.

72 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

No Response Received

/Send Request, Response
set TimeoutCounter = 0 WaitingForResponse Received

TimeoutCounter == n,
(No Response received)


Request Received processing /Send Response

Figure 7.14: State Machines for Reliability "At least once" (idempotent operations)

7.3 Error Classification

Section 7.3 "Error Handling" of the document "General Specification of Basic Software
Modules" describes the error handling of the Basic Software in detail. Above all, it
constitutes a classification scheme consisting of five error types which may occur in
[14, SWS BSW General] modules.
Based on this foundation, the following section specifies particular errors arranged in
the respective subsections below.

73 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

7.3.1 Development Errors

[SWS_SomeIPxf_00184] Definiton of development errors in module SomeIpXf

Upstream requirements: SRS_BSW_00337

Type of error Related error code Error value
Error code if any other API service, except Get SOMEIPXF_E_UNINIT 0x01
VersionInfo is called before the transformer
module was initialized with Init or after a call to De
Error code if an invalid configuration set was SOMEIPXF_E_INIT_FAILED 0x02
API service called with wrong parameter SOMEIPXF_E_PARAM 0x03
API service called with invalid pointer SOMEIPXF_E_PARAM_POINTER 0x04

7.3.2 Runtime Errors

There are no runtime errors

7.3.3 Production Errors

There are no production errors.

7.3.4 Extended Production Errors

All Extended Production Errors valid for SOME/IP Transformer are specified in [3,
ASWS Transformer General].

74 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

8 API specification

8.1 Imported types

There are no imported types from other modules beyond those specified in [3, ASWS
Transformer General].
In the Module Interlink Headers file which is imported by the SOME/IP Transformer, all
ImplementationDataTypes known to the RTE are included. Using this mechanism,
the SOME/IP Transformer knows all data types of data which shall be transformed.

[SWS_SomeIpXf_91002] Definition of imported datatypes of module SomeIpXf

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00002

Module Header File Imported Type
Rte Rte.h Rte_Cs_TransactionHandleType
Std Std_Types.h Std_MessageResultType
Std_Types.h Std_MessageTypeType
Std_Types.h Std_ReturnType
Std_Types.h Std_VersionInfoType

8.2 Type definitions

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00183] Definition of datatype SomeIpXf_ConfigType

Upstream requirements: SRS_BSW_00404, SRS_BSW_00441, SRS_BSW_00389, SRS_BSW_-
Name SomeIpXf_ConfigType
Kind Structure
Elements implementation specific
Type –
Comment –
Description This is the type of the data structure containing the initialization data for the transformer.
Available via SomeIpXf.h

75 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

8.3 Function definitions

The SOME/IP transformer provides the specific interfaces generally required by [3,
ASWS Transformer General].

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00106

dThe SOME/IP Transformer shall only provide functions for transformers where the
TransformationTechnology is referenced as the first reference in the list of or-
dered references transformerChain from a DataTransformation to a Trans-

That means, only the first transformer in a transformer chain can be a SOME/IP Trans-
former because serializer transformer are in general only allowed to be the first trans-
former in a chain.

8.3.1 SomeIpXf_ExtractProtocolHeaderFields

[SWS_SomeIpXf_91001] Definition of API function SomeIpXf_ExtractProtocol

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00002

Service Name SomeIpXf_ExtractProtocolHeaderFields
Syntax Std_ReturnType SomeIpXf_ExtractProtocolHeaderFields (
const uint8* buffer,
uint32 bufferLength,
Std_MessageTypeType* messageType,
Std_MessageResultType* messageResult
Service ID [hex] 0x05
Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) buffer Buffer allocated by the RTE, where the transformed data has to
be stored by the transformer.
bufferLength Length of the buffer
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) messageType Canonical representation of the message type (extracted from the
transformers protocol header).
messageResult Canonical representation of the message result type (extracted
from the transformers protocol header).

76 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Return value Std_ReturnType E_OK: Relevant protocol header fields have been extracted
E_NOT_OK: An error occurred during parsing of the SOME/IP
protocol header (e.g., incorrect protocol version or insufficient
buffer length (bufferLength smaller than minimal SOME/IPheader
Description Function to extract the relevant SOME/IP protocol header fields of the message and the type of
the message result. - At the time being, this is limited to the types used for C/S communication
(i.e., REQUEST and RESPONSE and OK and ERROR).
Available via SomeIpXf.h

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00002

dThe function SomeIpXf_ExtractProtocolHeaderFields specified in

[SWS_SomeIpXf_91001] shall extract the type of a message and the type of the
message result from the SOME/IP protocol header and provide this information in a
canonical representation via its output arguments.c

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00002

dThe function SomeIpXf_ExtractProtocolHeaderFields specified in

[SWS_SomeIpXf_91001] shall check whether the provided bufferLength is
larger or equal than the size of the protocol header processed by the SOME/IP
transformer (i.e., 8 bytes). – If this is not the case, E_NOT_OK shall be returned.
Neither messageType nor messageResult shall be modified in this case.c

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00002

dThe function SomeIpXf_ExtractProtocolHeaderFields specified in

[SWS_SomeIpXf_91001] shall check whether the value of the Protocol Version
field (see [PRS_SOMEIP_00052]) is equal to the value defined by [PRS_SOMEIP_-
00051]. – If this is not the case, E_NOT_OK shall be returned. Neither messageType
nor messageResult shall be modified in this case.c

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00002

dThe function SomeIpXf_ExtractProtocolHeaderFields specified in

[SWS_SomeIpXf_91001] shall check whether the value of the Message Type
field (see [PRS_SOMEIP_00055]) is equal REQUEST, RESPONSE, or ERROR. – If
this is not the case, E_NOT_OK shall be returned. Neither messageType nor
messageResult shall be modified in this case.c

77 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00002

dThe function SomeIpXf_ExtractProtocolHeaderFields specified in

[SWS_SomeIpXf_91001] shall return E_OK in all other cases.c

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00002

dThe function SomeIpXf_ExtractProtocolHeaderFields specified in

[SWS_SomeIpXf_91001] shall set messageType to STD_MESSAGETYPE_REQUEST
in case the value of the Message Type field (see [PRS_SOMEIP_00055]) is equal

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00002

dThe function SomeIpXf_ExtractProtocolHeaderFields specified in

[SWS_SomeIpXf_91001] shall set messageType to STD_MESSAGETYPE_RESPONSE
in case the value of the Message Type field (see [PRS_SOMEIP_00055]) is equal

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00002

dThe function SomeIpXf_ExtractProtocolHeaderFields spec-

ified in [SWS_SomeIpXf_91001] shall set messageResult to
STD_MESSAGERESULT_ERROR in case the value of the Message Type field (see
[PRS_SOMEIP_00055]) is equal to ERROR or if the value of the Return Code field (see
[PRS_SOMEIP_00058]) is different from 0.c

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00002

dThe function SomeIpXf_ExtractProtocolHeaderFields specified in

[SWS_SomeIpXf_91001] shall set messageResult to STD_MESSAGERESULT_OK
otherwise (i.e., in case the value of the Message Type field (see [PRS_SOMEIP_-
00055]) is different from ERROR and if the value of the Return Code field (see
[PRS_SOMEIP_00058]) is 0.c

78 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

8.3.2 SomeIpXf_<transformerId>

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00138] Definition of API function SomeIpXf_<transformerId>

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101, SRS_Xfrm_00009, SRS_BSW_00494, SRS_BSW_-
00486, SRS_BSW_00485, SRS_BSW_00484, SRS_BSW_00462,
SRS_BSW_00432, SRS_BSW_00422, SRS_BSW_00417, SRS_BSW_-
00392, SRS_BSW_00369, SRS_BSW_00357
Service Name SomeIpXf_<transformerId>
Syntax uint8 SomeIpXf_<transformerId> (
uint8* buffer,
uint32* bufferLength,
<paramtype> dataElement
Service ID [hex] 0x03
Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) dataElement Data element which shall be transformed
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) buffer Buffer allocated by the RTE, where the transformed data has to
be stored by the transformer
bufferLength Used length of the buffer
Return value uint8 0x00 (E_OK): Serialization successful
0x81 (E_SER_GENERIC_ERROR): A generic error occurred
Description This function transforms a Sender/Receiver communication using the serialization of SOME/IP.
It takes the data element as input and outputs a uint8 array containing the serialized data.
The length of the serialized data shall be calculated by the transformer during runtime and
returned in the OUT-parameter bufferLength. It may be smaller than the maximum buffer size
used by the RTE for buffer allocation.
Available via SomeIpXf.h

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00102

dIn function SomeIpXf_<transformerId> defined in [SWS_SomeIpXf_00138]

• paramtype is derived from type according to the parameter passing rules rules
defined by the [15, SRS BSW General] (see [SRS_BSW_00484], [SRS_BSW_-
00485], and [SRS_BSW_00486]) and [14, SWS BSW General] (see [SWS_-
• type shall be the data type of the data element after all data conversion activities
of the RTE
• transformerId shall be the name pattern for the transformer specified in
[SWS_Xfrm_00062] ([3, ASWS Transformer General])

79 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

This function specified in [SWS_SomeIpXf_00138] exists for each transformed

Sender/Receiver communication which uses the SOME/IP serialization.

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00102

dThe function SomeIpXf_<transformerId> specified in [SWS_SomeIpXf_00138]

shall exist for the first reference in the list of ordered references transformer-
Chain from a DataTransformation to a TransformationTechnology if the
DataTransformation is referenced by an ISignal in the role dataTransfor-
mation where the ISignal references a SystemSignal which is referenced by

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dThe function SomeIpXf_<transformerId> specified in [SWS_SomeIpXf_00138]

shall serialize primitive or complex data elements of Sender/Receiver communication
into a linear byte array representation using the SOME/IP serialization.c

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00002

dAfter serialization of the data, the function SomeIpXf_<transformerId> specified

in [[SWS_SomeIpXf_00138] shall increment the Session Handling ID counter assigned
to <transformerId> if transmission path includes SomeIpTp.c

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dWhen the Session Handling ID counter assigned to <transformerId> is 0xFFFF

and gets incremented, it shall roll-over to 0x0001 (instead of 0x0000) if transmission
path includes SomeIpTp.c

80 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00141] Definition of API function SomeIpXf_<transformerId>

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

Service Name SomeIpXf_<transformerId>
Syntax uint8 SomeIpXf_<transformerId> (
const Rte_Cs_TransactionHandleType* TransactionHandle,
uint8* buffer,
uint32* bufferLength,
[Std_ReturnType returnValue],
<paramtype> data_1, ...
<paramtype> data_n
Service ID [hex] 0x03
Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) TransactionHandle Transaction handle according to [SWS_Rte_08732] (clientId and
sequenceCounter) needed to differentiate between multiple
returnValue Return value from server side for transmission to the calling
client. This argument is only available for serializers of the
response of a Client/Server communication if
• the ClientServerOperation has at least one PossibleError
defined or
• autonomous error reaction is activated
data_1 Client/Server operation argument which shall be transformed (in
the same order as in the corresponding interface)
... ...
data_n Client/Server operation argument which shall be transformed (in
the same order as in the corresponding interface)
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) buffer Buffer allocated by the RTE, where the transformed data has to
be stored by the transformer
bufferLength Used length of the buffer
Return value uint8 0x00 (E_OK): Serialization successful
0x81 (E_SER_GENERIC_ERROR): A generic error occurred
Description This function transforms a Client/Server communication using the serialization of SOME/IP. It
takes the operation arguments and optionally the return value as input and outputs a uint8 array
containing the serialized data.
The length of the serialized data shall be calculated by the transformer during runtime and
returned in the OUT-parameter bufferLength. It may be smaller than the maximum buffer size
used by the RTE for buffer allocation.
Available via SomeIpXf.h

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dIn function SomeIpXf_<transformerId> defined in [SWS_SomeIpXf_00141]

81 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

• paramtype is derived from type according to the parameter passing rules rules
defined by the [15, SRS BSW General] (see [SRS_BSW_00484], [SRS_BSW_-
00485], and [SRS_BSW_00486]) and [14, SWS BSW General] (see [SWS_-
• type shall be the data type of the data element after all data conversion activities
of the RTE
• transformerId shall be the name pattern for the transformer specified in
[SWS_Xfrm_00062] ([3, ASWS Transformer General]).

This function specified in [SWS_SomeIpXf_00141] exists for the server and each client
of each transformed Client/Server communication which uses the SOME/IP serializa-
It exists on both the Client and the Server but the arguments are different.
On the client it serializes the request of the Client/Server call. There, the data_1, ...,
data_n arguments of the API correpsond to the IN and INOUT arguments of the
ClientServerOperation. The argument returnValue doesn’t exist.
On the server it serializes the response of the Client/Server call. There, the data_1,
..., data_n arguments of the API correpsond to the INOUT and OUT arguments of the
ClientServerOperation. The argument returnValue exists here if at least one
possibleError is defined for the ClientServerOperation because the return
code of the operation has to be transmitted.

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00106

dThe function SomeIpXf_<transformerId> specified in [SWS_SomeIpXf_00141]

shall exist for the first reference in the list of ordered references transformer-
Chain from a DataTransformation to a TransformationTechnology if the
DataTransformation is referenced by an ISignal in the role dataTransfor-
mation where the ISignal references a SystemSignal which is referenced by
ClientServerToSignalMapping in the callSignal or returnSignal.c

Due to [SWS_SomeIpXf_00142], the API of [SWS_SomeIpXf_00141] exists both on

client and server.

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dThe function SomeIpXf_<transformerId>

[_<symbolSuffix>] specified in [SWS_SomeIpXf_00141] shall serialize all primi-
tive or complex operation arguments and the return value (if executed on server side) of

82 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Client/Server communication into a linear byte array representation using the SOME/IP

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00105

dThe function SomeIpXf_<transformerId>

[_<symbolSuffix>] specified in [SWS_SomeIpXf_00141] shall ignore all argu-
ments data_1, ..., data_n if the return code is greater or equal to 0x80 because
they are not filled with meaningful values.c

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00206] Definition of API function SomeIpXf_<transformerId>

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00002

Service Name SomeIpXf_<transformerId>
Syntax uint8 SomeIpXf_<transformerId> (
uint8* buffer,
uint32* bufferLength
Service ID [hex] 0x03
Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) buffer Buffer allocated by the RTE, where the transformed data has to
be stored by the transformer
bufferLength Used length of the buffer
Return value uint8 0x00 (E_OK): Serialization successful
0x81 (E_SER_GENERIC_ERROR): A generic error occurred
Description This function transforms an external trigger event using the serialization of SOME/IP. It takes
trigger as input and outputs a uint8 array.
The length of the transformed data shall be calculated by the transformer during runtime and
returned in the OUT parameter bufferLength. It may be smaller than the maximum buffer size
used by the RTE for buffer allocation.
Available via SomeIpXf.h

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dIn function SomeIpXf_<transformerId> defined in [SWS_SomeIpXf_00206]

• transformerId shall be the name pattern for the transformer specified in
[SWS_Xfrm_00062] ([3, ASWS Transformer General]).

83 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

This function specified in [SWS_SomeIpXf_00206] exists on the trigger source side for
each transformed external trigger event which uses SOME/IP transformation.

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00002

dThe function SomeIpXf_<transformerId> specified in [SWS_SomeIpXf_00206]

shall exist for the first referenced TransformationTechnology in the ordered
transformerChain of a DataTransformation if the DataTransformation is
referenced by an ISignal in the role dataTransformation where the ISignal
references a SystemSignal which is referenced by a TriggerToSignalMapping.c

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00002

dThe function SomeIpXf_<transformerId> specified in [SWS_SomeIpXf_00206]

shall serialize an external trigger event into a linear byte array representation using the
SOME/IP serialization.c

As an external trigger event consists of an ISignal with length equal to zero, the
serialized SOME/IP message only contains a header but no payload.

8.3.3 SomeIpXf_Inv_<transformerId>

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00144] Definition of API function SomeIpXf_Inv_<transformer

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00009, SRS_Xfrm_00007, SRS_BSW_00494, SRS_BSW_-
00485, SRS_BSW_00484, SRS_BSW_00462, SRS_BSW_00432,
SRS_BSW_00422, SRS_BSW_00417, SRS_BSW_00392, SRS_BSW_-
00383, SRS_BSW_00369, SRS_BSW_00357
Service Name SomeIpXf_Inv_<transformerId>
Syntax uint8 SomeIpXf_Inv_<transformerId> (
const uint8* buffer,
uint32 bufferLength,
<type>* dataElement
Service ID [hex] 0x04
Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) buffer Buffer allocated by the RTE, where the still serialized data are
stored by the Rte
bufferLength Used length of the buffer
Parameters (inout) None

84 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Parameters (out) dataElement Data element which is the result of the transformation and
contains the deserialized data element
Return value uint8 0x00 (E_OK): Deserialization successful
0x01 (E_NO_DATA): No data available which can be deserialized
0x81 (E_SER_GENERIC_ERROR): A generic error occurred
0x87 (E_SER_WRONG_PROTOCOL_VERSION): The version of the
receiving transformer didn’t match the sending transformer.
0x88 (E_SER_WRONG_INTERFACE_VERSION): Interface version
of serialized data is not supported.
0x89 (E_SER_MALFORMED_MESSAGE): The received message is
malformed. The transformer is not able to produce an output.
0x8a (E_SER_WRONG_MESSAGE_TYPE): The received message
type was not expected.
Description This function deserializes a Sender/Receiver communication using the deserialization of
SOME/IP. It takes the uint8 array containing the serialized data as input and outputs the original
data element which will be passed to the RTE.
Available via SomeIpXf.h

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dIn function SomeIpXf_Inv_<transformerId> defined in [SWS_SomeIpXf_00144]

• type shall be the data type of the data element before all data conversion activi-
ties of the RTE
• transformerId shall be the name pattern for the transformer specified in
[SWS_Xfrm_00062] ([3, ASWS Transformer General]).

This function specified in [SWS_SomeIpXf_00144] exists for each transformed

Sender/Receiver communication which uses the SOME/IP serialization.

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00106

dThe function SomeIpXf_Inv_<transformerId> specified in

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00144] shall exist for the first reference in the list of ordered
references transformerChain from a DataTransformation to a Transforma-
tionTechnology if the DataTransformation is referenced by an ISignal in the
role dataTransformation where the ISignal references a SystemSignal which
is referenced by SenderReceiverToSignalMapping.c

85 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00106

dThe function SomeIpXf_Inv_<transformerId> specified in

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00144] shall deserialize a linear byte array to primitive or complex
data elements of Sender/Receiver communication using the SOME/IP deserialization.c

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00001, SRS_Xfrm_00004

dIf SomeIpXf_Inv_<transformerId> specified in [SWS_SomeIpXf_00144] is

called with buffer equal to NULL_PTR and bufferLength equal to 0, the output buffer
buffer shall not be changed and SomeIpXf_Inv_<transformerId> shall return with

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00145] Definition of API function SomeIpXf_Inv_<transformer

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00106

Service Name SomeIpXf_Inv_<transformerId>
Syntax uint8 SomeIpXf_Inv_<transformerId> (
Rte_Cs_TransactionHandleType* TransactionHandle,
const uint8* buffer,
uint32 bufferLength,
[Std_ReturnType* returnValue],
[<paramtype> data]
Service ID [hex] 0x04
Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) buffer Buffer allocated by the RTE, where the still serialized data are
stored by the Rte
bufferLength Used length of the buffer
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) TransactionHandle Transaction handle according to [SWS_Rte_08732] (clientId and
sequenceCounter) needed to differentiate between multiple
returnValue Return value from server side for transmission to the calling
client. This argument is only available for serializers of the
response of a Client/Server communication if
• the ClientServerOperation has at least one PossibleError
defined or
• autonomous error reaction is activated
data Client/Server operation argument which shall be transformed (in
the same order as in the corresponding interface)

86 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Return value uint8 0x00 (E_OK): Deserialization successful
0x01 (E_NO_DATA): No data available which can be deserialized
0x81 (E_SER_GENERIC_ERROR): A generic error occurred
0x87 (E_SER_WRONG_PROTOCOL_VERSION): The version of the
receiving transformer didn’t match the sending transformer.
0x88 (E_SER_WRONG_INTERFACE_VERSION): Interface version
of serialized data is not supported.
0x89 (E_SER_MALFORMED_MESSAGE): The received message is
malformed. The transformer is not able to produce an output.
0x8a (E_SER_WRONG_MESSAGE_TYPE): The received message
type was not expected.
Description This function deserializes a Client/Server communication using the deserialization of SOME/IP.
It takes the uint8 array containing the serialized data as input and outputs the return value of
the server runnable and the operation arguments which have to be passed from the server to
the client.
Available via SomeIpXf.h

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dIn function SomeIpXf_Inv_<transformerId> defined in [SWS_SomeIpXf_00145]

• paramtype is derived from type according to the parameter passing rules rules
defined by the [15, SRS BSW General] (see [SRS_BSW_00484], [SRS_BSW_-
00485], and [SRS_BSW_00486]) and [14, SWS BSW General] (see [SWS_-
• type shall be the data type of the data element before all data conversion activi-
ties of the RTE
• transformerId shall be the name pattern for the transformer specified in
[SWS_Xfrm_00062] ([3, ASWS Transformer General]).

This function specified in [SWS_SomeIpXf_00145] exists for the server and each client
of each transformed Client/Server communication which uses the SOME/IP serializa-
It exists on both the Client and the Server but the arguments are different.
On the server it deserializes the request of the Client/Server call. There, the data_1,
..., data_n arguments of the API correpsond to the IN and INOUT arguments of the
ClientServerOperation. The argument returnValue doesn’t exist.
On the client it deserializes the response of the Client/Server call. There, the data_1,
..., data_n arguments of the API correpsond to the INOUT and OUT arguments of
the ClientServerOperation. If the ClientServerOperation has at least one pos-
sibleError defined, the returnValue shall be determined by subtracting 0x1F from the
Return Code value. Otherwise the return value shall be set to the actual value of the
Return Code.

87 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

The function SomeIpXf_Inv_<transformerId> specified in
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00145] shall exist for the first reference in the list of ordered
references transformerChain from a DataTransformation to a Transfor-
mationTechnology if the DataTransformation is referenced by an ISignal in
the role dataTransformation where the ISignal references a SystemSignal
which is referenced by ClientServerToSignalMapping in the callSignal or

Due to [SWS_SomeIpXf_00148], the API of [SWS_SomeIpXf_00145] exists both on

client and server.

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00106

dThe function SomeIpXf_Inv_<transformerId> specified in

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00145] shall deserialize a linear byte array which contains primitive
or complex operation arguments and the return value (if executed on client side) of
Client/Server communication using the SOME/IP deserialization. If MessageType
is ERROR(0x81) the payload of the message shall not be deserialized, but the
returnCode shall be sett according to [SWS_SomeIpXf_00232].c

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00001, SRS_Xfrm_00004

dIf SomeIpXf_Inv_<transformerId> specified in [SWS_SomeIpXf_00145] is

called with buffer equal to NULL_PTR and bufferLength equal to 0, the output buffer
buffer shall not be changed and SomeIpXf_Inv_<transformerId> shall return with

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00209] Definition of API function SomeIpXf_Inv_<transformer

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00002

Service Name SomeIpXf_Inv_<transformerId>
Syntax uint8 SomeIpXf_Inv_<transformerId> (
const uint8* buffer,
uint32 bufferLength
Service ID [hex] 0x04

88 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) buffer Buffer allocated by the RTE, where the still serialized data are
stored by the Rte
bufferLength Used length of the buffer
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value uint8 0x00 (E_OK): Deserialization successful
0x01 (E_NO_DATA): No data available which can be deserialized
0x81 (E_SER_GENERIC_ERROR): A generic error occurred
0x87 (E_SER_WRONG_PROTOCOL_VERSION): The version of the
receiving transformer didn’t match the sending transformer.
0x88 (E_SER_WRONG_INTERFACE_VERSION): Interface version
of serialized data is not supported.
0x89 (E_SER_MALFORMED_MESSAGE): The received message is
malformed. The transformer is not able to produce an output.
0x8a (E_SER_WRONG_MESSAGE_TYPE): The received message
type was not expected.
Description This function deserializes an external trigger event using the deserialization of SOME/IP.
Available via SomeIpXf.h

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00101

dIn function SomeIpXf_Inv_<transformerId> defined in [SWS_SomeIpXf_00209]

• transformerId shall be the name pattern for the transformer specified in
[SWS_Xfrm_00062] ([3, ASWS Transformer General]).

This function specified in [SWS_SomeIpXf_00209] exists on the trigger sink side for
each transformed external trigger event which uses SOME/IP transformation.

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00002

dThe function SomeIpXf_Inv_<transformerId> specified in

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00209] shall exist for the first referenced Transformation-
Technology in the ordered transformerChain of a DataTransformation if the
DataTransformation is referenced by an ISignal in the role dataTransfor-
mation where the ISignal references a SystemSignal which is referenced by a

89 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00002

dThe function SomeIpXf_Inv_<transformerId> specified in

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00209] shall deserialize a linear byte array to an external trig-
ger event using the SOME/IP deserialization.c

Upstream requirements: SRS_Xfrm_00001, SRS_Xfrm_00004

dIf SomeIpXf_Inv_<transformerId> specified in [SWS_SomeIpXf_00209] is

called with buffer equal to NULL_PTR and bufferLength equal to 0, the output buffer
buffer shall not be changed and SomeIpXf_Inv_<transformerId> shall return with

As an external trigger event consists of an ISignal with length = 64 Bit, the serialized
SOME/IP message only contains a header but no payload.

8.3.4 SomeIpXf_Init

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00181] Definition of API function SomeIpXf_Init

Upstream requirements: SRS_BSW_00407, SRS_BSW_00411, SRS_BSW_00453, SRS_BSW_-
00454, SRS_BSW_00456, SRS_BSW_00459, SRS_BSW_00461,
SRS_BSW_00462, SRS_BSW_00466, SRS_BSW_00478, SRS_BSW_-
00479, SRS_BSW_00480, SRS_BSW_00483, SRS_BSW_00484,
SRS_BSW_00485, SRS_BSW_00486, SRS_BSW_00494, SRS_-
Xfrm_00201, SRS_Xfrm_00011, SRS_Xfrm_00010, SRS_Xfrm_00006,
SRS_BSW_00448, SRS_BSW_00432, SRS_BSW_00419, SRS_BSW_-
00413, SRS_BSW_00403, SRS_BSW_00401, SRS_BSW_00399,
SRS_BSW_00398, SRS_BSW_00396, SRS_BSW_00395, SRS_BSW_-
00394, SRS_BSW_00390, SRS_BSW_00358, SRS_BSW_00351,
SRS_BSW_00350, SRS_BSW_00162, SRS_BSW_00161, SRS_BSW_-
Service Name SomeIpXf_Init
Syntax void SomeIpXf_Init (
const SomeIpXf_ConfigType* config
Service ID [hex] 0x01
Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) config Pointer to the transformer’s configuration data.
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None

90 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Return value None
Description This service initializes the transformer for the further processing.
Available via SomeIpXf.h

8.3.5 SomeIpXf_DeInit

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00182] Definition of API function SomeIpXf_DeInit

Upstream requirements: SRS_BSW_00407, SRS_BSW_00411, SRS_BSW_00336, SRS_BSW_-
Service Name SomeIpXf_DeInit
Syntax void SomeIpXf_DeInit (
Service ID [hex] 0x02
Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description This service deinitializes the transformer.
Available via SomeIpXf.h

8.3.6 SomeIpXf_GetVersionInfo

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00180] Definition of API function SomeIpXf_GetVersionInfo

Upstream requirements: SRS_BSW_00407, SRS_BSW_00411, SRS_BSW_00482

Service Name SomeIpXf_GetVersionInfo
Syntax void SomeIpXf_GetVersionInfo (
Std_VersionInfoType* VersionInfo
Service ID [hex] 0x00

91 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) VersionInfo Pointer to where to store the version information of this module.
Return value None
Description This service returns the version information of the called transformer module.
Available via SomeIpXf.h

8.4 Callback notifications

There are no callback notifications.

8.5 Scheduled functions

SOME/IP Transformer has no scheduled functions

8.6 Expected interfaces

There are no expected interfaces.

92 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

9 Sequence diagrams
There are no sequence diagrams applicable to SOME/IP Transformer.

93 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

10 Configuration specification
There is no module specific configuration available to the SOME/IP Transformer. The
EcuC defined in [3, ASWS Transformer General] shall be used.

Upstream requirements: SRS_BSW_00159

dThe apiServicePrefix of the SOME/IP transformer’s EcuC shall be set to


94 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

A Change History
Please note that the lists in this chapter also include requirements that have been
removed from the specification in a later version. These requirements do not appear
as hyperlinks in the document.

A.1 Change History R24-11

A.1.1 Added Specification Items in R24-11

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00310] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00311] [SWS_SomeIpXf_91002]

A.1.2 Changed Specification Items in R24-11

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00017] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00054] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00111] [SWS_-

SomeIpXf_00149] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00182] [SWS_-
SomeIpXf_00201] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00242] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00245]

A.1.3 Deleted Specification Items in R24-11


A.1.4 Added Constraints in R24-11

[CP_SWS_SomeIpXf_CONSTR_00001] [CP_SWS_SomeIpXf_CONSTR_00002]

A.1.5 Changed Constraints in R24-11


A.1.6 Deleted Constraints in R24-11

[SWS_SomeIpXf_CONSTR_00001] [SWS_SomeIpXf_CONSTR_00002]

95 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

A.2 Change History R23-11

A.2.1 Added Specification Items in R23-11


A.2.2 Changed Specification Items in R23-11

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00024] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00031] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00036] [SWS_-

SomeIpXf_00088] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00108] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00115] [SWS_-
SomeIpXf_00168] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00172] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00183] [SWS_-
SomeIpXf_00204] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00212] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00214] [SWS_-
SomeIpXf_00215] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00270]

A.2.3 Deleted Specification Items in R23-11

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00013] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00136]

A.2.4 Added Constraints in R23-11

[SWS_SomeIpXf_CONSTR_00001] [SWS_SomeIpXf_CONSTR_00002]

A.2.5 Changed Constraints in R23-11


A.2.6 Deleted Constraints in R23-11

[SWS_SomeIpXf_CONSTR_0001] [SWS_SomeIpXf_CONSTR_0002]

A.3 Change History R22-11

A.3.1 Added Specification Items in R22-11


96 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

A.3.2 Changed Specification Items in R22-11

[SWS_SomeIPxf_00184] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00054] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00138] [SWS_-

SomeIpXf_00141] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00144] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00145] [SWS_-
SomeIpXf_00152] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00180] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00181] [SWS_-
SomeIpXf_00182] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00183] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00200] [SWS_-
SomeIpXf_00206] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00209] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00228] [SWS_-
SomeIpXf_00229] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00232] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00239] [SWS_-
SomeIpXf_00244] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00300] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00303] [SWS_-

A.3.3 Deleted Specification Items in R22-11

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00001] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00002] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00005] [SWS_-

SomeIpXf_00006] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00007] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00009] [SWS_-
SomeIpXf_00010] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00011] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00130] [SWS_-
SomeIpXf_00131] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00132] [SWS_SomeIpXf_00133] [SWS_-

97 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

B Referenced Meta Classes

For the sake of completeness, this chapter contains a set of class tables representing
meta-classes mentioned in the context of this document but which are not contained
directly in the scope of describing specific meta-model semantics.
Class ApplicationArrayDataType
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::Datatypes
Note An application data type which is an array, each element is of the same application data type.
Tags: atp.recommendedPackage=ApplicationDataTypes
Base ARElement, ARObject, ApplicationCompositeDataType, ApplicationDataType, AtpBlueprint, Atp
Blueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, AutosarDataType, CollectableElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Aggregated by ARPackage.element
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dynamicArray String 0..1 attr Specifies the profile which the array will follow if it is a
SizeProfile variable size array.
element ApplicationArray 0..1 aggr This association implements the concept of an array
Element element. That is, in some cases it is necessary to be able
to identify single array elements, e.g. as input values for
an interpolation routine.

Table B.1: ApplicationArrayDataType

Class ApplicationError
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note This is a user-defined error that is associated with an element of an AUTOSAR interface. It is specific for
the particular functionality or service provided by the AUTOSAR software component.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Aggregated by ClientServerInterface.possibleError
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
errorCode Integer 0..1 attr The RTE generator is forced to assign this value to the
corresponding error symbol. Note that for error codes
certain ranges are predefined (see RTE specification).

Table B.2: ApplicationError

Class ApplicationPrimitiveDataType
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::Datatypes
Note A primitive data type defines a set of allowed values.
Tags: atp.recommendedPackage=ApplicationDataTypes
Base ARElement, ARObject, ApplicationDataType, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType,
AutosarDataType, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement,
Aggregated by ARPackage.element
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table B.3: ApplicationPrimitiveDataType

98 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Class ArgumentDataPrototype
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note An argument of an operation, much like a data element, but also carries direction information and is
owned by a particular ClientServerOperation.
Base ARObject, AtpFeature, AtpPrototype, AutosarDataPrototype, DataPrototype, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, Referrable
Aggregated by AtpClassifier .atpFeature, ClientServerOperation.argument
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
direction ArgumentDirection 0..1 attr This attribute specifies the direction of the argument
Enum prototype.
serverArgument ServerArgumentImpl 0..1 attr This defines how the argument type of the servers
ImplPolicy PolicyEnum RunnableEntity is implemented.
If the attribute is not defined this has the same semantics
as if the attribute is set to the value useArgumentType for
primitive arguments and structures.

Table B.4: ArgumentDataPrototype

Enumeration ArraySizeSemanticsEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ImplementationDataTypes
Note This type controls how the information about the number of elements in an ApplicationArrayDataType
is to be interpreted.
Aggregated by ApplicationArrayElement.arraySizeSemantics, DiagnosticDataElement.arraySizeSemantics,
ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeSemantics, SwTextProps.arraySizeSemantics
Literal Description
fixedSize This means that the ApplicationArrayDataType will always have a fixed number of elements.
Tags: atp.EnumerationLiteralIndex=0
variableSize This implies that the actual number of elements in the ApplicationArrayDataType might vary at
run-time. The value of arraySize represents the maximum number of elements in the array.
Tags: atp.EnumerationLiteralIndex=1

Table B.5: ArraySizeSemanticsEnum

Class AutosarDataType (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::Datatypes
Note Abstract base class for user defined AUTOSAR data types for software.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpType, CollectableElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Subclasses AbstractImplementationDataType, ApplicationDataType
Aggregated by ARPackage.element
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
swDataDef SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr The properties of this AutosarDataType.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
Tags: atp.Splitkey=swDataDefProps

Table B.6: AutosarDataType

99 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Class BaseType (abstract)

Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::BaseTypes
Note This abstract meta-class represents the ability to specify a platform dependent base type.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Subclasses SwBaseType
Aggregated by ARPackage.element
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
baseType BaseTypeDefinition 1 aggr This is the actual definition of the base type.

Table B.7: BaseType

Class BaseTypeDirectDefinition
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::BaseTypes
Note This BaseType is defined directly (as opposite to a derived BaseType)
Base ARObject, BaseTypeDefinition
Aggregated by BaseType.baseTypeDefinition
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
baseType BaseTypeEncoding 0..1 attr This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is
Encoding String encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=90
baseTypeSize PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Describes the length of the data type specified in the
container in bits.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=70
byteOrder ByteOrderEnum 0..1 attr This attribute specifies the byte order of the base type.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=110
memAlignment PositiveInteger 0..1 attr This attribute describes the alignment of the memory
object in bits. E.g. "8" specifies, that the object in
question is aligned to a byte while "32" specifies that it is
aligned four byte. If the value is set to "0" the meaning
shall be interpreted as "unspecified".
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=100
native NativeDeclarationString 0..1 attr This attribute describes the declaration of such a base
Declaration type in the native programming language, primarily in the
Programming language C. This can then be used by a
code generator to include the necessary declarations into
a header file. For example
BaseType with shortName: "MyUnsignedInt" native
Declaration: "unsigned short"
Results in
typedef unsigned short MyUnsignedInt;
If the attribute is not defined the referring Implementation
DataTypes will not be generated as a typedef by RTE.
If a nativeDeclaration type is given it shall fulfill the
characteristic given by basetypeEncoding and baseType

100 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Class BaseTypeDirectDefinition
This is required to ensure the consistent handling and
interpretation by software components, RTE, COM and
MCM systems.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=120

Table B.8: BaseTypeDirectDefinition

Class ClientServerInterface
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note A client/server interface declares a number of operations that can be invoked on a server by a client.
Tags: atp.recommendedPackage=PortInterfaces
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, CollectableElement,
Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, PortInterface, Referrable
Aggregated by ARPackage.element
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
operation ClientServerOperation * aggr ClientServerOperation(s) of this ClientServerInterface.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=operation.shortName, operation.variation
possibleError ApplicationError * aggr Application errors that are defined as part of this interface.

Table B.9: ClientServerInterface

Class ClientServerOperation
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note An operation declared within the scope of a client/server interface.
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Aggregated by ApplicationInterface.command, AtpClassifier .atpFeature, ClientServerInterface.operation, Diagnostic,, DiagnosticDataIdentifierInterface.
write, DiagnosticRoutineInterface.requestResult, DiagnosticRoutineInterface.start, DiagnosticRoutine
Interface.stop, PhmRecoveryActionInterface.recovery, ServiceInterface.method
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
argument ArgumentDataPrototype * aggr An argument of this ClientServerOperation
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=argument.shortName, argument.variation

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Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Class ClientServerOperation
diagArgIntegrity Boolean 0..1 attr This attribute shall only be used in the implementation of
diagnostic routines to support the case where input and
output arguments are allocated in a shared buffer and
might unintentionally overwrite input arguments by
tentative write operations to output arguments.
This situation can happen during sliced execution or while
output parameters are arrays (call by reference). The
value true means that the ClientServerOperation is aware
of the usage of a shared buffer and takes precautions to
avoid unintentional overwrite of input arguments.
If the attribute does not exist or is set to false the Client
ServerOperation does not have to consider the usage of a
shared buffer.
possibleError ApplicationError * ref Possible errors that may by raised by the referring

Table B.10: ClientServerOperation

Class ClientServerToSignalMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::DataMapping
Note This element maps the ClientServerOperation to call- and return-SystemSignals.
Base ARObject, DataMapping
Aggregated by SystemMapping.dataMapping
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
callSignal SystemSignal 0..1 ref Reference to the callSignal to which the IN and INOUT
ArgumentDataPrototypes are mapped.
clientServer ClientServerOperation 0..1 iref Reference to a ClientServerOperation, which is mapped
Operation to a call SystemSignal and a return SystemSignal.
InstanceRef implemented by: OperationInSystem
returnSignal SystemSignal 0..1 ref Reference to the returnSignal to which the OUT and
INOUT ArgumentDataPrototypes are mapped.

Table B.11: ClientServerToSignalMapping

Class DataPrototype (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::DataPrototypes
Note Base class for prototypical roles of any data type.
Base ARObject, AtpFeature, AtpPrototype, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Subclasses ApplicationCompositeElementDataPrototype, AutosarDataPrototype
Aggregated by AtpClassifier .atpFeature
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
swDataDef SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr This property allows to specify data definition properties
Props which apply on data prototype level.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
Tags: atp.Splitkey=swDataDefProps

Table B.12: DataPrototype

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Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Class DataTransformation
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::Transformer
Note A DataTransformation represents a transformer chain. It is an ordered list of transformers.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Aggregated by DataTransformationSet.dataTransformation
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
data DataTransformationKind 0..1 attr This attribute controls the kind of DataTransformation to
Transformation Enum be applied.
executeDespite Boolean 0..1 attr Specifies whether the transformer chain is executed even
Data if no input data are available.
transformer Transformation * ref This attribute represents the definition of a chain of
Chain (ordered) Technology transformers that are supposed to be executed according
to the order of being referenced from DataTransformation.

Table B.13: DataTransformation

Enumeration DataTransformationErrorHandlingEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::PortAPIOptions
Note This enumeration defines different ways how a RunnableEntity shall handle transformer errors.
Aggregated by PortAPIOption.errorHandling
Literal Description
noTransformerError A runnable does not handle transformer errors.
Tags: atp.EnumerationLiteralIndex=0
transformerError The runnable implements the handling of transformer errors.
Tags: atp.EnumerationLiteralIndex=1

Table B.14: DataTransformationErrorHandlingEnum

Class EcucModuleDef
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::ECUCParameterDefTemplate
Note Used as the top-level element for configuration definition for Software Modules, including BSW and RTE
as well as ECU Infrastructure.
Tags: atp.recommendedPackage=EcucModuleDefs
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpDefinition, CollectableElement, Ecuc
DefinitionElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Aggregated by ARPackage.element
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
apiServicePrefix CIdentifier 0..1 attr For modules where several instances of the VSMD can
be defined the apiServicePrefix defines the API
namespace of the derived instances, e.g. Cdd, Xfrm
(ComXf, SomeIpXf, E2EXf).
container EcucContainerDef * aggr Aggregates the top-level container definitions of this
specific module definition.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable

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Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Class EcucModuleDef
postBuildVariant Boolean 0..1 attr Indicates if a module supports different post-build variants
Support (previously known as post-build selectable configuration
sets). TRUE means yes, FALSE means no.
refinedModule EcucModuleDef 0..1 ref Optional reference from the Vendor Specific Module
Def Definition to the Standardized Module Definition it refines.
In case this EcucModuleDef has the category
shall not be provided. In case this EcucModuleDef has
DEFINITION this reference is mandatory.
Stereotypes: atpUriDef
supported EcucConfiguration * attr Specifies which ConfigurationVariants are supported by
ConfigVariant VariantEnum this software module. This attribute is optional if the Ecuc
ModuleDef has the category STANDARDIZED_
MODULE_DEFINITION. If the category attribute of the
EcucModuleDef is set to VENDOR_SPECIFIC_
MODULE_DEFINITION then this attribute is mandatory.

Table B.15: EcucModuleDef

Class ISignal
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::Fibex::FibexCore::CoreCommunication
Note Signal of the Interaction Layer. The RTE supports a "signal fan-out" where the same System Signal is
sent in different SignalIPdus to multiple receivers.
To support the RTE "signal fan-out" each SignalIPdu contains ISignals. If the same System Signal is to
be mapped into several SignalIPdus there is one ISignal needed for each ISignalToIPduMapping.
ISignals describe the Interface between the Precompile configured RTE and the potentially Postbuild
configured Com Stack (see ECUC Parameter Mapping).
In case of the SystemSignalGroup an ISignal shall be created for each SystemSignal contained in the
Tags: atp.recommendedPackage=ISignals
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, FibexElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
PackageableElement, Referrable, UploadableDesignElement, UploadablePackageElement
Aggregated by ARPackage.element
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
data DataTransformation 0..1 ref Optional reference to a DataTransformation which
Transformation represents the transformer chain that is used to transform
the data that shall be placed inside this ISignal.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation

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Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Class ISignal
dataTypePolicy DataTypePolicyEnum 0..1 attr With the aggregation of SwDataDefProps an ISignal
specifies how it is represented on the network. This
representation follows a particular policy. Note that this
causes some redundancy which is intended and can be
used to support flexible development methodology as well
as subsequent integrity checks.
If the policy "networkRepresentationFromComSpec" is
chosen the network representation from the ComSpec
that is aggregated by the PortPrototype shall be used. If
the "override" policy is chosen the requirements specified
in the PortInterface and in the ComSpec are not fulfilled
by the networkRepresentationProps. In case the System
Description doesn’t use a complete Software Component
Description (VFB View) the "legacy" policy can be
initValue ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr Optional definition of a ISignal’s initValue in case the
System Description doesn’t use a complete Software
Component Description (VFB View). This supports the
inclusion of legacy system signals.
This value can be used to configure the Signal’s "Init
If a full DataMapping exist for the SystemSignal this
information may be available from a configured Sender
ComSpec and ReceiverComSpec. In this case the
initvalues in SenderComSpec and/or ReceiverComSpec
override this optional value specification. Further
restrictions apply from the RTE specification.
iSignalProps ISignalProps 0..1 aggr Additional optional ISignal properties that may be stored
in different files.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
Tags: atp.Splitkey=iSignalProps
iSignalType ISignalTypeEnum 0..1 attr This attribute defines whether this iSignal is an array that
results in a UINT8_N / UINT8_DYN ComSignalType in the
COM configuration or a primitive type.
length UnlimitedInteger 0..1 attr Size of the signal in bits. The size needs to be derived
from the mapped VariableDataPrototype according to the
mapping of primitive DataTypes to BaseTypes as used in
the RTE. Indicates maximum size for dynamic length
The ISignal length of zero bits is allowed.
network SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr Specification of the actual network representation. The
Representation usage of SwDataDefProps for this purpose is restricted to
Props the attributes compuMethod and baseType. The optional
baseType attributes "memAllignment" and "byteOrder"
shall not be used.
The attribute "dataTypePolicy" in the SystemTemplate
element defines whether this network representation shall
be ignored and the information shall be taken over from
the network representation of the ComSpec.
If "override" is chosen by the system integrator the
network representation can violate against the
requirements defined in the PortInterface and in the
network representation of the ComSpec.
In case that the System Description doesn’t use a
complete Software Component Description (VFB View)

105 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Class ISignal
this element is used to configure "ComSignalDataInvalid
Value" and the Data Semantics.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
Tags: atp.Splitkey=networkRepresentationProps
reception ValueSpecification * aggr Value used to fill data on the receiver side, if less then
DefaultValue expected data is received.
The value is expected to cover the entire expected ISignal
network payload.
systemSignal SystemSignal 0..1 ref Reference to the System Signal that is supposed to be
transmitted in the ISignal.
timeout ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr Defines and enables the ComTimeoutSubstituition for this
Substitution ISignal.
transformation TransformationISignal * aggr A transformer chain consists of an ordered list of
ISignalProps Props transformers. The ISignal specific configuration
properties for each transformer are defined in the
TransformationISignalProps class. The transformer
configuration properties that are common for all ISignals
are described in the TransformationTechnology class.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
Tags: atp.Splitkey=transformationISignalProps

Table B.16: ISignal

Class Identifiable (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::Identifiable
Note Instances of this class can be referred to by their identifier (within the namespace borders). In addition to
this, Identifiables are objects which contribute significantly to the overall structure of an AUTOSAR
description. In particular, Identifiables might contain Identifiables.
Base ARObject, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Subclasses ARPackage, AbstractDoIpLogicAddressProps, AbstractEvent, AbstractImplementationDataTypeElement,
AbstractSecurityEventFilter , AbstractSecurityIdsmInstanceFilter , AbstractServiceInstance, AppOsTask
ProxyToEcuTaskProxyMapping, ApplicationEndpoint, ApplicationError, ApplicationPartitionToEcuPartition
Mapping, AppliedStandard, AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, Atp
Classifier , AtpFeature, AutosarOperationArgumentInstance, AutosarVariableInstance, BinaryManifest
AddressableObject, BinaryManifestItemDefinition, BinaryManifestResource, BinaryManifestResource
Definition, BlockState, BswInternalTriggeringPoint, BswModuleDependency, BuildActionEntity , Build
ActionEnvironment, CanTpAddress, CanTpChannel, CanTpNode, Chapter, ClassContentConditional,
ClientIdDefinition, ClientServerOperation, Code, CollectableElement, ComManagementMapping, Comm
ConnectorPort, CommunicationConnector , CommunicationController , Compiler, ConsistencyNeeds,
ConsumedEventGroup, CouplingElementAbstractDetails, CouplingPort, CouplingPortAbstractShaper ,
CouplingPortStructuralElement, CpSoftwareClusterResource, CpSoftwareClusterResourceToApplication
PartitionMapping, CpSoftwareClusterToApplicationPartitionMapping, CpSoftwareClusterToEcuInstance
Mapping, CpSoftwareClusterToResourceMapping, CryptoServiceMapping, DataPrototypeGroup, Data
PrototypeTransformationPropsIdent, DataTransformation, DdsCpDomain, DdsCpPartition, DdsCpQos
Profile, DdsCpTopic, DependencyOnArtifact, DiagEventDebounceAlgorithm, DiagnosticAuthTransmit
CertificateEvaluation, DiagnosticConnectedIndicator, DiagnosticDataElement, DiagnosticDebounce
AlgorithmProps, DiagnosticFunctionInhibitSource, DiagnosticParameterElement, DiagnosticRoutine
Subfunction, DltApplication, DltArgument, DltLogChannel, DltMessage, DoIpInterface, DoIpLogic
Address, DoIpRoutingActivation, ECUMapping, EOCExecutableEntityRefAbstract, EcuPartition, Ecuc
ContainerValue, EcucDefinitionElement, EcucDestinationUriDef, EcucEnumerationLiteralDef, Ecuc
Query, EcucValidationCondition, EndToEndProtection, EthernetWakeupSleepOnDatalineConfig, Event
Handler, ExclusiveArea, ExecutableEntity , ExecutionTime, FMAttributeDef, FMFeatureMapAssertion, FM
FeatureMapCondition, FMFeatureMapElement, FMFeatureRelation, FMFeatureRestriction, FMFeature
Selection, FlatInstanceDescriptor, FlexrayArTpNode, FlexrayTpConnectionControl, FlexrayTpNode,

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Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Class Identifiable (abstract)
FlexrayTpPduPool, FrameTriggering, GeneralParameter, GlobalTimeGateway, GlobalTimeMaster ,
GlobalTimeSlave, HeapUsage, HwAttributeDef, HwAttributeLiteralDef, HwPin, HwPinGroup, IEEE1722
TpAcfBus, IEEE1722TpAcfBusPart, IPSecRule, IPv6ExtHeaderFilterList, ISignalToIPduMapping, ISignal
Triggering, IdentCaption, ImpositionTime, InternalTriggeringPoint, J1939SharedAddressCluster, J1939Tp
Node, Keyword, LifeCycleState, LinScheduleTable, LinTpNode, Linker, MacAddressVlanMembership,
MacMulticastGroup, MacSecKayParticipant, McDataInstance, MemorySection, ModeDeclaration, Mode
DeclarationMapping, ModeSwitchPoint, NetworkEndpoint, NmCluster , NmEcu, NmNode, NvBlock
Descriptor, PackageableElement, ParameterAccess, PduActivationRoutingGroup, PduToFrameMapping,
PduTriggering, PerInstanceMemory, PhysicalChannel, PortElementToCommunicationResourceMapping,
PortGroup, PortInterfaceMapping, ResourceConsumption, RootSwCompositionPrototype, Rpt
Component, RptContainer, RptExecutableEntity, RptExecutableEntityEvent, RptExecutionContext, Rpt
Profile, RptServicePoint, RteEventInCompositionSeparation, RteEventInCompositionToOsTaskProxy
Mapping, RteEventInSystemSeparation, RteEventInSystemToOsTaskProxyMapping, RunnableEntity
Group, SdgAttribute, SdgClass, SecOcJobRequirement, SecureCommunicationAuthenticationProps,
SecureCommunicationFreshnessProps, SecurityEventContextDataElement, SecurityEventContextProps,
ServerCallPoint, ServiceNeeds, SignalServiceTranslationElementProps, SignalServiceTranslationEvent
Props, SignalServiceTranslationProps, SocketAddress, SomeipTpChannel, SpecElementReference,
StackUsage, StaticSocketConnection, StructuredReq, SwGenericAxisParamType, SwServiceArg, Swc
ServiceDependency, SwcToApplicationPartitionMapping, SwcToEcuMapping, SwcToImplMapping,
SwitchAsynchronousTrafficShaperGroupEntry, SwitchFlowMeteringEntry, SwitchStreamFilterActionDest
PortModification, SwitchStreamFilterEntry, SwitchStreamFilterRule, SwitchStreamGateEntry, Switch
StreamIdentification, SystemMapping, SystemSignalGroupToCommunicationResourceMapping, System
SignalToCommunicationResourceMapping, TDCpSoftwareClusterMapping, TDCpSoftwareCluster
ResourceMapping, TcpOptionFilterList, TimingClock , TimingClockSyncAccuracy, TimingCondition,
TimingConstraint, TimingDescription, TimingExtensionResource, TimingModeInstance, TlsCryptoCipher
Suite, TlsCryptoCipherSuiteProps, Topic1, TpAddress, TraceableTable, TraceableText, TracedFailure,
TransformationISignalPropsIdent, TransformationProps, TransformationTechnology, Trigger, Variable
Access, VariationPointProxy, ViewMap, VlanConfig, WaitPoint
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
adminData AdminData 0..1 aggr This represents the administrative data for the identifiable
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
annotation Annotation * aggr Possibility to provide additional notes while defining a
model element (e.g. the ECU Configuration Parameter
Values). These are not intended as documentation but
are mere design notes.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=-25
category CategoryString 0..1 attr The category is a keyword that specializes the semantics
of the Identifiable. It affects the expected existence of
attributes and the applicability of constraints.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=-50
desc MultiLanguageOverview 0..1 aggr This represents a general but brief (one paragraph)
Paragraph description what the object in question is about. It is only
one paragraph! Desc is intended to be collected into
overview tables. This property helps a human reader to
identify the object in question.
More elaborate documentation, (in particular how the
object is built or used) should go to "introduction".
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=-60
introduction DocumentationBlock 0..1 aggr This represents more information about how the object in
question is built or is used. Therefore it is a
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=-30

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Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Class Identifiable (abstract)
uuid String 0..1 attr The purpose of this attribute is to provide a globally
unique identifier for an instance of a meta-class. The
values of this attribute should be globally unique strings
prefixed by the type of identifier. For example, to include a
DCE UUID as defined by The Open Group, the UUID
would be preceded by "DCE:". The values of this attribute
may be used to support merging of different AUTOSAR
models. The form of the UUID (Universally Unique
Identifier) is taken from a standard defined by the Open
Group (was Open Software Foundation). This standard is
widely used, including by Microsoft for COM (GUIDs) and
by many companies for DCE, which is based on CORBA.
The method for generating these 128-bit IDs is published
in the standard and the effectiveness and uniqueness of
the IDs is not in practice disputed. If the id namespace is
omitted, DCE is assumed. An example is
"DCE:2fac1234-31f8-11b4-a222-08002b34c003". The
uuid attribute has no semantic meaning for an AUTOSAR
model and there is no requirement for AUTOSAR tools to
manage the timestamp.
Tags: xml.attribute=true

Table B.17: Identifiable

Class ImplementationDataType
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ImplementationDataTypes
Note Describes a reusable data type on the implementation level. This will typically correspond to a typedef in
Tags: atp.recommendedPackage=ImplementationDataTypes
Base ARElement, ARObject, AbstractImplementationDataType, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier ,
AtpType, AutosarDataType, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Aggregated by ARPackage.element
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dynamicArray String 0..1 attr Specifies the profile which the array will follow in case this
SizeProfile data type is a variable size array.
isStructWith Boolean 0..1 attr This attribute is only valid if the attribute category is set to
If set to true, this attribute indicates that the
ImplementationDataType has been created with the
intention to define at least one element of the structure as
subElement ImplementationData * aggr Specifies an element of an array, struct, or union data
(ordered) TypeElement type.
The aggregation of ImplementionDataTypeElement is
subject to variability with the purpose to support the
conditional existence of elements inside a Implementation
DataType representing a structure.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=subElement.shortName, sub

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Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Class ImplementationDataType
symbolProps SymbolProps 0..1 aggr This represents the SymbolProps for the Implementation
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
Tags: atp.Splitkey=symbolProps.shortName
typeEmitter NameToken 0..1 attr This attribute is used to control which part of the
AUTOSAR toolchain is supposed to trigger data type
Table B.18: ImplementationDataType

Class ImplementationDataTypeElement
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ImplementationDataTypes
Note Declares a data object which is locally aggregated. Such an element can only be used within the scope
where it is aggregated.
This element either consists of further subElements or it is further defined via its swDataDefProps.
There are several use cases within the system of ImplementationDataTypes fur such a local declaration:
• It can represent the elements of an array, defining the element type and array size
• It can represent an element of a struct, defining its type
• It can be the local declaration of a debug element.
Base ARObject, AbstractImplementationDataTypeElement, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement,
Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Aggregated by AtpClassifier .atpFeature, ImplementationDataType.subElement, ImplementationDataTypeElement.sub
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
arrayImplPolicy ArrayImplPolicyEnum 0..1 attr This attribute controls the implementation of the payload
of an array. It shall only be used if the enclosing
ImplementationDataType constitutes an array.
arraySize PositiveInteger 0..1 attr The existence of this attributes (if bigger than 0) defines
the size of an array and declares that this Implementation
DataTypeElement represents the type of each single
array element.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
Tags: vh.latestBindingTime=preCompileTime
arraySize ArraySizeHandling 0..1 attr The way how the size of the array is handled in case of a
Handling Enum variable size array.
arraySize ArraySizeSemantics 0..1 attr This attribute controls the meaning of the value of the
Semantics Enum array size.
isOptional Boolean 0..1 attr This attribute represents the ability to declare the
enclosing ImplementationDataTypeElement as optional.
This means that, at runtime, the ImplementationDataType
Element may or may not have a valid value and shall
therefore be ignored.
The underlying runtime software provides means to set
the CppImplementationDataTypeElement as not valid at
the sending end of a communication and determine its
validity at the receiving end.

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Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Class ImplementationDataTypeElement
subElement ImplementationData * aggr Element of an array, struct, or union in case of a nested
(ordered) TypeElement declaration (i.e. without using "typedefs").
The aggregation of ImplementionDataTypeElement is
subject to variability with the purpose to support the
conditional existence of elements inside a Implementation
DataType representing a structure.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=subElement.shortName, sub
swDataDef SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr The properties of this ImplementationDataTypeElement.

Table B.19: ImplementationDataTypeElement

Class InternalBehavior (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::InternalBehavior
Note Common base class (abstract) for the internal behavior of both software components and basic software
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Subclasses BswInternalBehavior, SwcInternalBehavior
Aggregated by AtpClassifier .atpFeature
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
constant ParameterData * aggr Describes a read only memory object containing
Memory Prototype characteristic value(s) implemented by this Internal
The shortName of ParameterDataPrototype has to be
equal to the ’’C’ identifier of the described constant.
The characteristic value(s) might be shared between Sw
ComponentPrototypes of the same SwComponentType.
The aggregation of constantMemory is subject to
variability with the purpose to support variability in the
software component or module implementations.
Typically different algorithms in the implementation are
requiring different number of memory objects.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=constantMemory.shortName, constant
constantValue ConstantSpecification * ref Reference to the ConstantSpecificationMapping to be
Mapping MappingSet applied for the particular InternalBehavior
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
Tags: atp.Splitkey=constantValueMapping
dataType DataTypeMappingSet * ref Reference to the DataTypeMapping to be applied for the
Mapping particular InternalBehavior
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
Tags: atp.Splitkey=dataTypeMapping

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Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Class InternalBehavior (abstract)
exclusiveArea ExclusiveArea * aggr This specifies an ExclusiveArea for this InternalBehavior.
The exclusiveArea is local to the component resp.
module. The aggregation of ExclusiveAreas is subject to
variability. Note: the number of ExclusiveAreas might vary
due to the conditional existence of RunnableEntities or
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=exclusiveArea.shortName, exclusive
exclusiveArea ExclusiveAreaNesting * aggr This represents the set of ExclusiveAreaNestingOrder
NestingOrder Order owned by the InternalBehavior.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
staticMemory VariableDataPrototype * aggr Describes a read and writeable static memory object
representing measurerment variables implemented by
this software component. The term "static" is used in the
meaning of "non-temporary" and does not necessarily
specify a linker encapsulation. This kind of memory is
only supported if supportsMultipleInstantiation is FALSE.
The shortName of the VariableDataPrototype has to be
equal with the ’’C’ identifier of the described variable.
The aggregation of staticMemory is subject to variability
with the purpose to support variability in the software
component’s implementations.
Typically different algorithms in the implementation are
requiring different number of memory objects.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=staticMemory.shortName, static

Table B.20: InternalBehavior

Class PortAPIOption
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::PortAPIOptions
Note Options how to generate the signatures of calls for an AtomicSwComponentType in order to
communicate over a PortPrototype (for calls into a RunnableEntity as well as for calls from a Runnable
Entity to the PortPrototype).
Base ARObject
Aggregated by SwcInternalBehavior.portAPIOption
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
enableTake Boolean 0..1 attr If set to true, the software-component is able to use the
Address API reference for deriving a pointer to an object.
errorHandling DataTransformation 0..1 attr This specifies whether a RunnableEntity accessing a Port
ErrorHandlingEnum Prototype that is referenced by this PortAPIOption shall
specifically handle transformer errors or not.

111 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Class PortAPIOption
indirectAPI Boolean 0..1 attr If set to true this attribute specifies an "indirect API" to be
generated for the associated port which means that the
software-component is able to access the actions on a
port via a pointer to an object representing a port. This
allows e.g. iterating over ports in a loop. This option has
no effect for PPortPrototypes of client/server interfaces.
port PortPrototype 0..1 ref The option is valid for generated functions related to
communication over this port
portArgValue PortDefinedArgument * aggr An argument value defined by this port.
(ordered) Value
supported SwcSupportedFeature * aggr This collection specifies which features are supported by
Feature the RunnableEntitys which access a PortPrototype that it
referenced by this PortAPIOption.
transformer DataTransformation 0..1 attr This attribute specifies whether a RunnableEntity
Status StatusForwardingEnum accessing a PortPrototype that is referenced by this Port
Forwarding APIOption shall be able to forward a status code to the
transformer chain.
Table B.21: PortAPIOption

Class PortDefinedArgumentValue
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::PortAPIOptions
Note A PortDefinedArgumentValue is passed to a RunnableEntity dealing with the ClientServerOperations
provided by a given PortPrototype. Note that this is restricted to PPortPrototypes of a ClientServer
Base ARObject
Aggregated by PortAPIOption.portArgValue
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
value ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr Specifies the actual value.
valueType ImplementationData 0..1 tref The implementation type of this argument value. It should
Type not be composite type or a pointer.
Stereotypes: isOfType

Table B.22: PortDefinedArgumentValue

Class SOMEIPTransformationProps
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::Transformer
Note The class SOMEIPTransformationProps specifies SOME/IP specific configuration properties.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, TransformationProps
Aggregated by TransformationPropsSet.transformationProps
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
alignment PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Defines the padding for alignment purposes that will be
added by the SOME/IP transformer after the serialized
data of the variable data length data element. The
alignment shall be specified in Bits.
sizeOfArray PositiveInteger 0..1 attr This attribute describes the size of the length field (in
LengthField Bytes) that will be put in front of the referenced Array in
the SOME/IP message.
sizeOfString PositiveInteger 0..1 attr This attribute describes the size of the length field (in
LengthField Bytes) that will be put in front of the referenced String in
the SOME/IP message.

112 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Class SOMEIPTransformationProps
sizeOfStruct PositiveInteger 0..1 attr This attribute describes the size of the length field (in
LengthField Bytes) that will be put in front of a Structure in the SOME/
IP message.
sizeOfUnion PositiveInteger 0..1 attr This attribute describes the size of the length field (in
LengthField Bytes) that will be put in front of a Union in the SOME/IP

Table B.23: SOMEIPTransformationProps

Class SenderReceiverInterface
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note A sender/receiver interface declares a number of data elements to be sent and received.
Tags: atp.recommendedPackage=PortInterfaces
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, CollectableElement,
DataInterface, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, PortInterface, Referrable
Aggregated by ARPackage.element
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dataElement VariableDataPrototype * aggr The data elements of this SenderReceiverInterface.
invalidation InvalidationPolicy * aggr InvalidationPolicy for a particular dataElement
metaDataItem MetaDataItemSet * aggr This aggregation defines fixed sets of meta-data items
Set associated with dataElements of the enclosing Sender
Table B.24: SenderReceiverInterface

Class SenderReceiverToSignalMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::DataMapping
Note Mapping of a sender receiver communication data element to a signal.
Base ARObject, DataMapping
Aggregated by SystemMapping.dataMapping
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dataElement VariableDataPrototype 0..1 iref Reference to the data element.
InstanceRef implemented by: VariableDataPrototypeIn
senderToSignal TextTableMapping 0..1 aggr This mapping allows for the text-table translation between
TextTable the sending DataPrototype that is defined in the Port
Mapping Prototype and the physicalProps defined for the System
signalTo TextTableMapping 0..1 aggr This mapping allows for the text-table translation between
ReceiverText the physicalProps defined for the SystemSignal and a
TableMapping receiving DataPrototype that is defined in the Port
systemSignal SystemSignal 0..1 ref Reference to the system signal used to carry the data
Table B.25: SenderReceiverToSignalMapping

113 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Class SwBaseType
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::BaseTypes
Note This meta-class represents a base type used within ECU software.
Tags: atp.recommendedPackage=BaseTypes
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, BaseType, CollectableElement, Identifiable,
MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Aggregated by ARPackage.element
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table B.26: SwBaseType

Class «atpVariation» SwDataDefProps

Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::DataDefProperties
Note This class is a collection of properties relevant for data objects under various aspects. One could
consider this class as a "pattern of inheritance by aggregation". The properties can be applied to all
objects of all classes in which SwDataDefProps is aggregated.
Note that not all of the attributes or associated elements are useful all of the time. Hence, the process
definition (e.g. expressed with an OCL or a Document Control Instance MSR-DCI) has the task of
implementing limitations.
SwDataDefProps covers various aspects:
• Structure of the data element for calibration use cases: is it a single value, a curve, or a map, but also
the recordLayouts which specify how such elements are mapped/converted to the DataTypes in the
programming language (or in AUTOSAR). This is mainly expressed by properties like swRecordLayout
and swCalprmAxisSet
• Implementation aspects, mainly expressed by swImplPolicy, swVariableAccessImplPolicy, swAddr
Method, swPointerTagetProps, baseType, implementationDataType and additionalNativeTypeQualifier
• Access policy for the MCD system, mainly expressed by swCalibrationAccess
• Semantics of the data element, mainly expressed by compuMethod and/or unit, dataConstr, invalid
• Code generation policy provided by swRecordLayout
Tags: vh.latestBindingTime=codeGenerationTime
Base ARObject
Aggregated by AutosarDataType.swDataDefProps, CompositeNetworkRepresentation.networkRepresentation, Cpp
ImplementationDataTypeElement.swDataDefProps, DataPrototype.swDataDefProps, DataPrototype
TransformationProps.networkRepresentationProps, DiagnosticDataElement.swDataDefProps, Diagnostic
EnvDataElementCondition.swDataDefProps, DltArgument.networkRepresentation, FlatInstance
Descriptor.swDataDefProps, ImplementationDataTypeElement.swDataDefProps, InstantiationDataDef
Props.swDataDefProps, ISignal.networkRepresentationProps, McDataInstance.resultingProperties,
ParameterAccess.swDataDefProps, PerInstanceMemory.swDataDefProps,
Representation, SecurityEventContextDataElement.networkRepresentation,
Representation, SomeipDataPrototypeTransformationProps.networkRepresentation, SwPointerTarget
Props.swDataDefProps, SwServiceArg.swDataDefProps, SwSystemconst.swDataDefProps, System
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
additionalNative NativeDeclarationString 0..1 attr This attribute is used to declare native qualifiers of the
TypeQualifier programming language which can neither be deduced
from the baseType (e.g. because the data object
describes a pointer) nor from other more abstract
attributes. Examples are qualifiers like "volatile", "strict" or
"enum" of the C-language. All such declarations have to
be put into one string.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=235

114 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Class «atpVariation» SwDataDefProps
annotation Annotation * aggr This aggregation allows to add annotations (yellow pads
...) related to the current data object.
baseType SwBaseType 0..1 ref Base type associated with the containing data object.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=50
compuMethod CompuMethod 0..1 ref Computation method associated with the semantics of
this data object.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=180
dataConstr DataConstr 0..1 ref Data constraint for this data object.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=190
displayFormat DisplayFormatString 0..1 attr This property describes how a number is to be rendered
e.g. in documents or in a measurement and calibration
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=210
display DisplayPresentation 0..1 attr This attribute controls the presentation of the related data
Presentation Enum for measurement and calibration tools.
implementation AbstractImplementation 0..1 ref This association denotes the ImplementationDataType of
DataType DataType a data declaration via its aggregated SwDataDefProps. It
is used whenever a data declaration is not directly
referring to a base type. Especially
• redefinition of an ImplementationDataType via a
"typedef" to another ImplementationDatatype
• the target type of a pointer (see SwPointerTarget
Props), if it does not refer to a base type directly
• the data type of an array or record element within an
ImplementationDataType, if it does not refer to a base
type directly
• the data type of an SwServiceArg, if it does not refer to
a base type directly
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=215
invalidValue ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr Optional value to express invalidity of the actual data
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=255
stepSize Float 0..1 attr This attribute can be used to define a value which is
added to or subtracted from the value of a DataPrototype
when using up/down keys while calibrating.
swAddrMethod SwAddrMethod 0..1 ref Addressing method related to this data object. Via an
association to the same SwAddrMethod it can be
specified that several DataPrototypes shall be located in
the same memory without already specifying the memory
section itself.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=30

115 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Class «atpVariation» SwDataDefProps
swAlignment AlignmentType 0..1 attr The attribute describes the intended typical alignment of
the DataPrototype. If the attribute is not defined the
alignment is determined by the swBaseType size and the
memoryAllocationKeywordPolicy of the referenced Sw
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=33
swBit SwBitRepresentation 0..1 aggr Description of the binary representation in case of a bit
Representation variable.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=60
swCalibration SwCalibrationAccess 0..1 attr Specifies the read or write access by MCD tools for this
Access Enum data object.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=70
swCalprmAxis SwCalprmAxisSet 0..1 aggr This specifies the properties of the axes in case of a
Set curve or map etc. This is mainly applicable to calibration
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=90
swComparison SwVariableRefProxy * aggr Variables used for comparison in an MCD process.
swData SwDataDependency 0..1 aggr Describes how the value of the data object has to be
Dependency calculated from the value of another data object (by the
MCD system).
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=200
swHostVariable SwVariableRefProxy 0..1 aggr Contains a reference to a variable which serves as a
host-variable for a bit variable. Only applicable to bit
swImplPolicy SwImplPolicyEnum 0..1 attr Implementation policy for this data object.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=230
swIntended Numerical 0..1 attr The purpose of this element is to describe the requested
Resolution quantization of data objects early on in the design
The resolution ultimately occurs via the conversion
formula present (compuMethod), which specifies the
transition from the physical world to the standardized
world (and vice-versa) (here, "the slope per bit" is present
implicitly in the conversion formula).
In the case of a development phase without a fixed
conversion formula, a pre-specification can occur through
The resolution is specified in the physical domain
according to the property "unit".
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=240
swInterpolation Identifier 0..1 attr This is a keyword identifying the mathematical method to
Method be applied for interpolation. The keyword needs to be
related to the interpolation routine which needs to be
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=250

116 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Class «atpVariation» SwDataDefProps
swIsVirtual Boolean 0..1 attr This element distinguishes virtual objects. Virtual objects
do not appear in the memory, their derivation is much
more dependent on other objects and hence they shall
have a swDataDependency .
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=260
swPointerTarget SwPointerTargetProps 0..1 aggr Specifies that the containing data object is a pointer to
Props another data object.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=280
swRecord SwRecordLayout 0..1 ref Record layout for this data object.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=290
swRefresh MultidimensionalTime 0..1 aggr This element specifies the frequency in which the object
Timing involved shall be or is called or calculated. This timing
can be collected from the task in which write access
processes to the variable run. But this cannot be done by
the MCD system.
So this attribute can be used in an early phase to express
the desired refresh timing and later on to specify the real
refresh timing.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=300
swTextProps SwTextProps 0..1 aggr the specific properties if the data object is a text object.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=120
swValueBlock Numerical 0..1 attr This represents the size of a Value Block
Stereotypes: atpVariation
swValueBlock Numerical * attr This attribute is used to specify the dimensions of a value
SizeMult block (VAL_BLK) for the case that that value block has
(ordered) more than one dimension.
The dimensions given in this attribute are ordered such
that the first entry represents the first dimension, the
second entry represents the second dimension, and so
For one-dimensional value blocks the attribute swValue
BlockSize shall be used and this attribute shall not exist.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
Tags: vh.latestBindingTime=preCompileTime
unit Unit 0..1 ref Physical unit associated with the semantics of this data
object. This attribute applies if no compuMethod is
specified. If both units (this as well as via compuMethod)
are specified the units shall be compatible.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=350
valueAxisData ApplicationPrimitive 0..1 ref The referenced ApplicationPrimitiveDataType represents
Type DataType the primitive data type of the value axis within a
compound primitive (e.g. curve, map). It supersedes
CompuMethod, Unit, and BaseType.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=355

Table B.27: SwDataDefProps

117 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Class SwTextProps
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::DataDefProperties
Note This meta-class expresses particular properties applicable to strings in variables or calibration
Base ARObject
Aggregated by SwDataDefProps.swTextProps
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
arraySize ArraySizeSemantics 0..1 attr This attribute controls the semantics of the arraysize for
Semantics Enum the array representing the string in an Implementation
It is there to support a safe conversion between
ApplicationDatatype and ImplementationDatatype, even
for variable length strings as required e.g. for Support of
SAE J1939.
baseType SwBaseType 0..1 ref This is the base type of one character in the string. In
particular this baseType denotes the intended encoding of
the characters in the string on level of ApplicationData
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=30
swFillCharacter Integer 0..1 attr Filler character for text parameter to pad up to the
maximum length swMaxTextSize.
The value will be interpreted according to the encoding
specified in the associated base type of the data object,
e.g. 0x30 (hex) represents the ASCII character zero as
filler character and 0 (dec) represents an end of string as
filler character.
The usage of the fill character depends on the arraySize
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=40
swMaxTextSize Integer 0..1 attr Specifies the maximum text size in characters. Note the
size in bytes depends on the encoding in the
corresponding baseType.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table B.28: SwTextProps

Class SystemSignal
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::Fibex::FibexCore::CoreCommunication
Note The system signal represents the communication system’s view of data exchanged between SW
components which reside on different ECUs. The system signals allow to represent this communication
in a flattened structure, with exactly one system signal defined for each data element prototype sent and
received by connected SW component instances.
Tags: atp.recommendedPackage=SystemSignals
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Aggregated by ARPackage.element
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dynamicLength Boolean 0..1 attr The length of dynamic length signals is variable in
run-time. Only a maximum length of such a signal is
specified in the configuration (attribute length in ISignal

118 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Class SystemSignal
physicalProps SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr Specification of the physical representation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
Tags: atp.Splitkey=physicalProps

Table B.29: SystemSignal

Class «atpVariation» TransformationISignalProps (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::Transformer
Note TransformationISignalProps holds all the attributes for the different TransformationTechnologies that are
ISignal specific.
Tags: vh.latestBindingTime=postBuild
Base ARObject, Describable
Subclasses EndToEndTransformationISignalProps, SOMEIPTransformationISignalProps, UserDefinedTransformation
Aggregated by ISignal.transformationISignalProps, ISignalGroup.transformationISignalProps
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
csErrorReaction CSTransformerError 0..1 attr Defines whether the transformer chain of client/server
ReactionEnum communication coordinates an autonomous error reaction
together with the RTE or whether any error reaction is the
responsibility of the application.
dataPrototype DataPrototype * aggr Fine granular modeling of TransfromationProps on the
Transformation TransformationProps level of DataPrototypes.
Note: This atpSplitable property has no atp.Splitkey due
to atpVariation (PropertySetPattern).
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
ident TransformationISignal 0..1 aggr This adds the ability to add a shortName to
PropsIdent TransformationISignalProps. Please note that the
short-name needs to be provided if the splitable
mechanism is used.
transformer Transformation 0..1 ref Reference to the TransformationTechnology description
Technology that contains transformer specific and ISignal
independent configuration properties.

Table B.30: TransformationISignalProps

Class TransformationTechnology
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::Transformer
Note A TransformationTechnology is a transformer inside a transformer chain.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Aggregated by DataTransformationSet.transformationTechnology
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
bufferProperties BufferProperties 0..1 aggr Aggregation of the mandatory BufferProperties.
hasInternal Boolean 0..1 attr This attribute defines whether the Transformer has an
State internal state or not.
needsOriginal Boolean 0..1 attr Specifies whether this transformer gets access to the
Data SWC’s original data.
protocol String 0..1 attr Specifies the protocol that is implemented by this

119 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Class TransformationTechnology
transformation Transformation 0..1 aggr A transformer can be configured with transformer specific
Description Description parameters which are represented by the Transformer
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=transformationDescription, transformation
transformer TransformerClassEnum 0..1 attr Specifies to which transformer class this transformer
Class belongs.
version String 0..1 attr Version of the implemented protocol.

Table B.31: TransformationTechnology

Class TriggerToSignalMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::DataMapping
Note This meta-class represents the ability to map a trigger to a SystemSignal of size 0. The Trigger does not
transport any other information than its existence, therefore the limitation in terms of signal length.
Base ARObject, DataMapping
Aggregated by SystemMapping.dataMapping
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
systemSignal SystemSignal 0..1 ref This is the SystemSignal taken to transport the Trigger
over the network.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=20
trigger Trigger 0..1 iref This represents the Trigger that shall be used to trigger
RunnableEntities deployed to a remote ECU.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=10
InstanceRef implemented by: TriggerInSystemInstance
Table B.32: TriggerToSignalMapping

120 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

C Features of SOME/IP not supported by AUTOSAR

SOME/IP transformer
The following features of SOME/IP are currently not supported by the SOME/IP trans-
• Exceptions and exception-specific error data structures
• Tunneling of SOME/IP messages through CAN and Flexray leads to SOME/IP
messages without parts of the header inserted by [4, SWS Socket Adaptor]
• Queued Fire&Forget methods without parameters are not supported by
AUTOSAR at all. (Unqueued Fire&Forget methods without parameters and
queued Fire&Forget methods with parameters are supported)
• The SOME/IP transformer doesn’t check whether variable size arrays contain a
minimal number of elements (reason: this is supported by SOME/IP protocol but
not by AUTOSAR)
• Optional method arguments: AUTOSAR Classic platform does not support the
existence of optional method arguments.

121 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

D Examples
This appendix contains examples which are suitable to help understanding details of
the SOME/IP Transformer.

D.1 Serialization of a Client/Server Operation

As the serialization of inter-ECU Client/Server communication is the most complex
scenario, this example will show the resulting APIs which exist in RTE and Transformer
both on the Client and the Server as well an overview of the resulting serialized data
on the network.
The example deals with two SWCs which are distributed to two ECUs which are con-
nected over some kind of network. The SOME/IP Transformer shall be used to se-
rialize the inter-ECU communication. The client calls a ClientServerOperation
which is provided by the server. For the server, there are two PortDefinedAr-
gumentValues defined which are applied to the runnable which implements the
ClientServerOperation. These PortDefinedArgumentValues are only visible
within the InternalBehavior of the server. They are not visible to the outside world
(ClientServerInterface) - neither to the client nor in the data on the network.
The following tables define the example ClientServerInterface used here.
Name SomeCSInterface
Comment A ClientServerInterface which contains anything needed to show serialization of
ClientServerOperations by SOME/IP Transformer.
IsService false
Variation –
Possible Errors 0 E_OK Operation successful
1 E_NOT_OK Operation failed
2 E_UNKNOWN_ERROR An unknown error occured

Table D.1: ClientServerInterface SomeCSInterface

Operation SomeCSOperation
Comment The ClientServerOperation which is used to demonstrate how the SOME/IP serialization for
Client/Sever communication works
Mapped to API –
Variation –
Parameters inputParam1
Type uint8
Direction IN
Comment Refines how source Time Base is cloned to destination
Variation –
Type uint16

122 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

Direction IN
Comment A parameter which is handed over from the Client to the Server
Variation –
Type someStruct
Direction INOUT
Comment A parameter which is handed over from the Client to the Server, modified by
the Server and handed back to the Client
Variation –
Type uint16
Direction OUT
Comment A parameter which is handed over from the Server to the Client
Variation –
Type uint32
Direction OUT
Comment A parameter which is handed over from the Server to the Client
Variation –
Possible Errors E_OK

Table D.2: Operation SomeCSOperation

D.1.1 Client

On the client side, the following RTE-API is generated according to [SWS_Rte_01102]

based on the ClientServerInterface which is specified above and the attribute
errorHandling of PortAPIOption:
Std_ReturnType Rte_Call_ClientPort_SomeCSOperation
(uint8 inputParam1,
uint16 inputParam2,
someStruct *biDirectionalParam,
uint16 *outputParam1,
uint32 *outputParam2,
Rte_TransformerError *transformerError)

For this signature the attribute errorHandling of PortAPIOption is set to trans-

formerErrorHandling. If it would be set to noTransformerErrorHandling, the
parameter Rte_TransformerError *transformerError would not be included
in the signature above.
The signature above reflects an synchronous server call. For an asynchronous server
call all OUT parameters would be missing for Rte_Call but an Rte_Result would
be necessary instead. The examples for signatures and parameters shown here can
be transferred analogously to Rte_Result.

123 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

This is the API used in the runnable of the client to call the remote server operation.
The RTE executes for the serialization of the request the SOME/IP Transformer with
the following API which is specified in [SWS_SomeIpXf_00141]:
uint8 SomeIpXf_CSOpSerializer
(const Rte_Cs_TransactionHandleType *TransactionHandle,
uint8 *buffer,
uint16 *bufferLength,
uint8 inputParam1,
uint16 inputParam2,
someStruct biDirectionalParam)

This function will serialize the TransactionHandle and all IN/INOUT parameters for
the request into the following format:

SOME/IP Header Param1
inputParam2 biDirectionalParam

Figure D.1: Example for serialized data of the Client/Server Request

The SOME/IP Header contains the TransactionHandle (see [SWS_SomeIpXf_00025]

and [SWS_SomeIpXf_00026]).
To deserialize the response that is received by the client after execu-
tion of the ClientServerOperation on the server the API (according to
[SWS_SomeIpXf_00145]) is used:
uint8 SomeIpXf_Inv_CSOpSerializer
(Rte_Cs_TransactionHandleType *TransactionHandle,
const uint8 *buffer,
uint16 bufferLength,
Std_ReturnType *returnValue,
someStruct *biDirectionalParam,
uint16 *outputParam1,
uint32 *outputParam2)

D.1.2 Server

On the server side the ClientServerOperation is implemented by a runnable with

the following signature which now contains the PortDefinedArgumentValues (see
Std_ReturnType SomeCSOperation
(uint8 portDefArg1,
uint8 portDefArg2,
uint8 inputParam1,
uint16 inputParam2,
someStruct *biDirectionalParam,

124 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

uint16 *outputParam1,
uint32 *outputParam2)

For the deserialization of the received request, the SOME/IP Transformer on the server
side, provides according to [SWS_SomeIpXf_00141] this C-API:
uint8 SomeIpXf_Inv_CSOpSerializer
(Rte_Cs_TransactionHandleType *TransactionHandle,
const uint8 *buffer,
uint16 bufferLength,
uint8 *inputParam1,
uint16 *inputParam2,
someStruct *biDirectionalParam)

The function for serialization of the response is specified by [SWS_SomeIpXf_00145]:

uint8 SomeIpXf_CSOpSerializer
(const Rte_Cs_TransactionHandleType *TransactionHandle,
uint8 *buffer,
uint16 *bufferLength,
Std_ReturnType returnValue,
someStruct biDirectionalParam,
uint16 outputParam1,
uint32 outputParam2)

This function will serialize the TransactionHandle, the returnValue and all IN-
OUT/OUT parameters for the response into the following format:

SOME/IP Header biDirectionalParam outputParam1 outputParam2

Figure D.2: Example for serialized data of the Client/Server Response

The SOME/IP Header contains the TransactionHandle and returnValue (see

[SWS_SomeIpXf_00025], [SWS_SomeIpXf_00026] and [SWS_SomeIpXf_00115]).

125 of 125 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer

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