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014308-2 Zeferino, Flores, and Pal J. Appl. Phys. 109, 014308 共2011兲
! #!
TABLE I. Position, FWHM of the main diffraction peaks, along with the
lattice parameter values calculated from the XRD patterns of the undoped
#! and Ag-doped ZnO nanoparticles.
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FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 Diffuse reflectance spectra of the undoped and Ag-
FIG. 2. XRD patterns of the undoped and Ag-doped ZnO nanoparticles. doped ZnO nanoparticles.
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014308-3 Zeferino, Flores, and Pal J. Appl. Phys. 109, 014308 共2011兲
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014308-4 Zeferino, Flores, and Pal J. Appl. Phys. 109, 014308 共2011兲
01 2%34%5637 *8,9,.
$%&'() *+,#-.
ZnO:Ag (0.5% ) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
ZnO:Ag (1.0% ) Ag concentration (% nominal)
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ZnO:Ag (2.0% )
#>? #?@
"?@ !"# $%&'() *>,+-.
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014308-5 Zeferino, Flores, and Pal J. Appl. Phys. 109, 014308 共2011兲
a) D0X b)
*!34$9 :-;<= 3.362 eV 3.362 eV
7#89>? ,;-@A/
3.314 eV
*!34$9 :-;B; 3.238 eV 3.314 eV
3.238 eV
PL Intensity (a.u.)
50 K x6 50 K
7#89>? ,C-;A/ x8
100 K x8 100 K
*!34$9 :-;BB x8 200 K x8 200 K
x8 295 K x10 295 K
c) 3.364 eV d)
3.364 eV
FIG. 10. 共Color online兲 Low temperature 共10 to 295 K兲 PL spectra of ZnO
As can be observed from the Fig. 9, there is a significant nanoparticles dopes with: 共a兲 0.0%, 共b兲 0.5%, and 共c兲 1.0% and 2.0% 共nomi-
increase in the UV emission intensity for the 0.5% Ag-doped nal兲 Ag.
sample in comparison with other samples, for the whole
range of considered excitation power 共2.3 to 0.05 mW兲. That
indicates the efficiency of exciton recombination was high ZnO nanowires, and associated it to the compressive stains
for this sample. However, the UV emission intensity de- generated in the nanostructures due to bending. The small
creased on increasing the Ag-content further. As has been blueshift in the D0X transition in our highly Ag-doped nano-
stated earlier, for Ag-doping at lower concentrations 共e.g., structures could be associated to the compressive strain gen-
0.5%兲, most of the incorporated Ag+ ions occupy ZnO lattice erated through Ag-doping, as has been observed from their
through Zn2+ ion substitution. When the incident UV light XRD results 共Table I兲. Generally a compressive strain causes
共325 nm emission of the He-Cd laser beam兲 excites the car- a blueshift in PL, and tensile strain causes a redshift.45
riers in ZnO nanostructures, the photocarriers can escape On increasing the temperature, all the excitonic peaks
more easily from Ag ions than from the Zn ions, leading a moved toward lower energy and gradually became broader
quicker diffusion of excitons in ZnO. On the other hand, the due to the LO-phonon scattering and increased thermal ion-
probability of excitonic recombination would be high in Ag- ization of excitons.46 Finally, above 200 K, all the excitonic
doped ZnO nanoparticles due to increased exciton emissions were quenched.
concentration.41 For the samples with higher content of Ag+
ions 共e.g., ZnO prepared with 1.0%, and 2.0% of Ag兲, as a
good fraction of Ag remain at interstitial sites of the ZnO
lattice forming small silver clusters, they would act as re-
combination centers, reducing the effective concentration of IV. CONCLUSIONS
free excitons 共FXs兲 and hence the intensity of UV emission.
This effect is commonly known as concentration quenching. Pure and Ag-doped ZnO nanoparticles of about 140 nm
To study the origin of the UV emission in more detail, average size and relatively low size dispersion could be
PL measurements for all the samples were carried out at grown by nonionic polymer assisted thermolysis of zinc ac-
different temperatures in between 10 and 295 K 共Fig. 10兲. etate. For a low concentration of doping, most of the incor-
There appeared three component peaks of the UV emis- porated silver ions occupy ZnO lattice sites through substi-
sion in the low-temperature PL spectra of the undoped and tution of Zn ions, and for high Ag concentrations, most of the
Ag-doped nanostructures. The predominant sharp peak ap- silver ions occupy interstitial sites forming small metallic
peared at about 3.362 eV could be assigned to a neutral clusters. While the incorporation of Ag in the ZnO nano-
donor bound exciton 共D0X兲.42,43 On the other hand, the other structures does not affect their band gap energy substantially,
two less intense peaks appeared at about 3.314 and 3.238 eV it affects their lattice vibration behaviors drastically. Accu-
correspond to the LO phonon replicas of the FX recombina- mulation of Ag at the interstitial sites causes a distortion in
tion, assigned as FX-1LO and FX-2LO transitions. The ob- ZnO lattice, breaks down its translational symmetry, increas-
served energy separation between the two replicas was about ing the intensity of the A1共TO兲 and A1共LO兲 polar optical
76 meV, which is consistent with the reported value 共72 phonon modes. The lattice incorporated Ag ions increase the
meV兲 for the LO phonon energy of ZnO.44 The energy sepa- probability of excitonic transitions and hence the intensity of
ration did not vary with the variation of Ag content in the UV emission in the PL through an increase in the concentra-
nanostructures. However, the position of the D0X transition tion of free excitonic states in the band structure of ZnO. On
slightly blueshifted 共from 3.362 to 3.364 eV兲 for higher Ag the other hand, the interstitial Ag atoms/ions produce lattice
contents 共1.0% and 2.0%兲. Fang et al.45 have also found a distortion, generate electron-phonon coupling, and reduce
similar shift in the position of D0X transition for their bent the intensity of UV emission, acting as PL quencher.
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014308-6 Zeferino, Flores, and Pal J. Appl. Phys. 109, 014308 共2011兲
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