Autoimmunity Reviews
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/autrev
Keywords: The field of medical research has been always full of innovation and huge leaps revolutionizing the scientific
Autoimmunity world. In the recent years, we have witnessed this firsthand by the evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI), with
ChatGPT ChatGPT being the most recent example. ChatGPT is a language chat bot which generates human-like texts based
Chat bots
on data from the internet. If viewed from a medical point view, ChatGPT has shown capabilities of composing
Artificial intelligence
medical texts similar to those depicted by experienced authors, to solve clinical cases, to provide medical so
lutions, among other fascinating performances. Nevertheless, the value of the results, limitations, and clinical
implications still need to be carefully evaluated. In our current paper on the role of ChatGPT in clinical medicine,
particularly in the field of autoimmunity, we aimed to illustrate the implication of this technology alongside the
latest utilization and limitations. In addition, we included an expert opinion on the cyber-related aspects of the
bot potentially contributing to the risks attributed to its use, alongside proposed defense mechanisms. All of that,
while taking into consideration the rapidity of the continuous improvement AI experiences on a daily basis.
* Corresponding author at: International School of Medicine, Istanbul Medipol University, Kavacık, Göztepe Mah, Atatürk Cd. No:40, 34810 Beykoz, Istanbul,
E-mail address: naim.mahroum@gmail.com (N. Mahroum).
Received 3 May 2023; Accepted 18 May 2023
Available online 19 May 2023
1568-9972/© 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Darkhabani et al. Autoimmunity Reviews 22 (2023) 103360
wonder what would be the contribution of ChatGPT to the rapidly ChatGPT could prove useful and easier to use for both medical doctors
growing field of autoimmunity research, particularly as autoimmunity and patients alike. There will be no surprise if ChatGPT improves to a
and autoimmune diseases involve almost each and every organ system level of providing high evidence-based answers in the near future.
[7]. The role autoimmunity was shown to play in COVID-19 made it one Another potential and very beneficial use that might be overlooked is
of the most researched topics in the last years. With plenty of articles the ability of ChatGPT in managing Electronic Health Records (EHR),
published addressing the contribution of ChatGPT to the medical field; where it assists clinicians with tasks such as data entry, data extraction,
to the best of our knowledge, this the first paper trying to figure out the and data analysis. Granted that ChatGPT is originally a language bot, it
role of the bot in autoimmunity. excels at such tasks and could help reduce the workload on clinicians
and even be more accurate in managing the data of patients. Moreover,
2. The potential use of ChatGPT in autoimmunity and other in a newly released video, Dr. Clifford Stermer documented the use of
medical fields ChatGPT in writing a letter to an insurance company that rejected Dr.
Stermer's request to cover an echocardiogram for one of his patients
Soon after artificial intelligence (AI) was introduced to the world, it [14]. Interestingly, ChatGPT provided a detailed letter to the insurance
has advanced rapidly mainly due to high computing power. The rapid company with supporting references and well-constructed justification
development of AI made its use span almost every field of human for the needed procedure. Needless to say, how saving precious time and
endeavor. To put the function of AI models into simple words, they are permitting care givers to focus on providing care instead of battling with
models used to find patterns throughout a large input of data, which aids insurance companies, ChatGPT is capable of.
in generating accurate predictions to achieve certain tasks [8]. For Another significant implementation of ChatGPT can be patient ed
instance, certain AI algorithms were found to assist rheumatologists in ucation regarding their conditions and lifestyle guidance if applicable
diagnosis, screening, and even treatment of certain chronic autoimmune where it can provide advice on nutrition and exercise plans based on the
diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) [9]. In fact, Chatbots, or Large patient's condition and needs. Contrary to Google and other search en
Language Models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT are not a very recent inno gines, ChatGPT is very hard to be misused in self-diagnosis by patients,
vation in the field of AI, LLMs have been around for some time, and they since it always states that it is a language model and not a medical doctor
were programed by using AI to understand and respond to a user's input and only provides general information to the patients and advises them
in a human-like way. ChatGPT is no exception, as ever since its release, to consult a healthcare professional for evaluation and diagnosis.
ChatGPT has fascinated people in all the given tasks and missions
providing sophisticated yet human-like answers. The potential use of 3. The limitations of ChatGPT
ChatGPT is wide and ranges from aiding students in academic writing, to
writing code for software engineers. This left scientists in the medical The developers of ChatGPT have documented several limitations in
field wondering regarding the role ChatGPT could play in their con the operation of the innovation. First, is the social bias as positive atti
cerned domains of clinical work and research. This aspect was taken to tudes being highly associated with certain names in comparison to
an extent where ChatGPT was among the co-authors of a medical paper other, such as European American versus African Americans names.
[10]. The latter caused huge controversy, leading some scientific jour Second, is the poor usage of dialects or English that is not commonly
nals to ban the listing of ChatGPT as an author [11]. used. Third, is the lack of update due to the fact that the second-
Moreover, in regard to medical students, ChatGPT was asked to generation embedding model of ChatGPT is limited to events occurred
undertake the United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE) reporting up to September 2021. Other limitations, stated by the developers in
a performance of near the passing threshold [12]. Additionally, students cludes generation of false information and production of harmful in
all around the world have already started using ChatGPT over search struction [15]. For instance, HAL, an open access multi-disciplinary
engines like google for improving or reviewing academic writing, archive, asked ChatGPT to conduct some mathematical equations. In
summarizing information, and developing study plans. Such tasks help addition to the fact that the answers were incorrect; ChatGPT was
students to be more efficient in time and let them focus their energy and overconfident and did not accept the correction made by the users [16].
attention on learning. Unfortunately, although some students have used HAL also noted that unlike other conversational agent, ChatGPT cannot
ChatGPT inappropriately, its ability to perform a variety of tasks is learn or develop its given answers from the interaction with the users.
fascinating and could be of great help if used appropriately. Even with Furthermore, a study comparing information and interpretation ability
the controversies around ChatGPT in the medical field, one could only of ChatGPT to that of medical students in Korea by performing a para
realize how useful it could be, especially as it keeps improving. sitology exam for both participants was conducted [17]. Both knowl
Since ChatGPT is a Large Language Model (LLM), a recent paper edge and interpretation ability of ChatGPT were found to be far lower
suggested to look at ChatGPT as a search engine which gives direct and compared to medical students.
straightforward answers instead of using Google or other search engines In medical research field, publishers stated that ChatGPT does not
navigating through hundreds of sources and links [13]. Such a fulfill the criteria to be listed as a study author, because authors should
contemplation, according to the authors, could make ChatGPT a useful be able to take responsibility for the content they provide. However,
tool for researchers while writing scientific papers. Furthermore, acknowledgment of artificial intelligence work should be mentioned in
ChatGPT could assist researchers in various other ways, it could prove parts other than list of the authors [18]. Similarly, ChatGPT still cannot
useful with tasks like study design, data analysis, suggesting methods, cite sources however, solutions such as linking ChatGPT to source-citing
and manuscript preparation. It could even highlight key strengths or tools are being discussed [19]. Importantly, risks for factual inaccura
weaknesses in certain studies to aid the researcher and help them save cies, fraud and plagiarism have also been linked to ChatGPT. Articles
time. created by ChatGPT can be also affected by differences in phrasing and
To put the potential use of ChatGPT in a clinical autoimmune and expressing from different authors, all of which limit ChatGPT usage in
rheumatological perspective, it could provide and summarize relevant research field [13]. Finally, an interesting point of view is of Irene Sol
guidelines and treatment options with potential benefits, side effects, aiman, a researcher on social impact of artificial intelligence, saying that
and drug interactions assisting eventually in decision making. As auto ChatGPT and other similar models provide information based on past
immunity has been widely known as challenging to diagnose mainly due available literature, a disadvantage that should be considered in a field
to the overlapping of symptoms; ChatGPT could aid clinicians by sug that highly depends on thinking in a different or new manner [20].
gesting certain diagnostic tests such as laboratory or imaging studies to
help narrowing the differential diagnosis. Although more accurate and
evidence-based clinical decision support resources like UpToDate exist;
M. Darkhabani et al. Autoimmunity Reviews 22 (2023) 103360
4. Concerns in terms of cyber security – a wider overview from a AI systems must be designed to comply with these regulations,
different perspective including requirements around data security and privacy.
AI has enormous potential in the medical and clinical research fields, To address these security risks, AI systems should be designed with
but like any technology, there are potential risks and concerns that security in mind from the outset. This includes implementing strong
should be addressed. One of the main concerns is the possibility of rogue encryption, access control, and intrusion detection mechanisms, as well
AI, where an AI system behaves in unexpected and harmful ways. Here as regularly auditing the system for vulnerabilities. In addition, a
are some of the concerns and ways to mitigate them: comprehensive incident response plan in place in case of a security
breach, should be provided.
• Bias in training data: AI systems are only as good as the data they are
trained on. If the training data is biased, the AI system will make 4.2. Hypothesizing the next wave of AI driven cyber attacks
biased decisions. To mitigate that, it is important to have diverse and
representative training data, and to regularly audit and retrain the It is difficult to predict exactly what types of attacks might be
system to prevent reinforcing biases. attempted against AI systems used in medical and clinical research, as
these attacks can take many different forms and evolve over time.
• Lack of transparency: Some AI systems can be difficult to interpret, However, here are a few examples of potential attack scenarios:
making it challenging to understand how they arrived at a particular
decision. This lack of transparency can be a concern in the medical • Data theft: Attackers could attempt to steal sensitive medical and
field, where clear explanations are necessary for informed decision- clinical research data, such as patient records or drug trial results, to
making. To address this, AI systems should be designed to provide sell on the black market or use for other nefarious purposes. They
clear and interpretable output, with an audit trail that tracks deci might try to exploit vulnerabilities in the AI system or its underlying
sion-making. infrastructure to gain unauthorized access to the data.
• Data manipulation: Attackers could attempt to manipulate medical
• Security risks: Medical and clinical research data is highly sensitive and clinical research data to alter the results of studies or trials,
and must be protected against cyber threats. Rogue AI systems could potentially leading to incorrect or even dangerous medical treat
potentially be hacked or manipulated to steal or corrupt data. To ments. They might use AI-powered attacks, such as adversarial ex
address this, AI systems should be designed with security in mind, amples or data poisoning, to fool the AI system into making incorrect
including encryption of data in transit and at rest, regular vulnera decisions.
bility assessments, and access control mechanisms. • Ransomware: Attackers could use ransomware to encrypt sensitive
medical and clinical research data and demand payment in exchange
• Adverse effects: AI systems that make medical decisions could for the decryption key. This could disrupt ongoing research projects
potentially have negative consequences for patients if they provide and delay the development of new treatments or therapies.
incorrect or biased decisions. To mitigate this, it is of paramount • Malicious AI: Attackers could use AI to launch targeted attacks
importance to have a human in the loop, such as a physician, who against medical and clinical research systems, such as using AI-
can review and override the AI system's decisions when necessary. generated malware to infect and compromise the systems. They
might also use AI to impersonate legitimate users or to generate fake
Overall, while the potential for rogue AI exists, these concerns can be data designed to fool the AI system.
addressed with careful planning, design, and implementation.
To prevent these types of attacks, robust security measures, such as
4.1. Doubling down on specific cyber risks encryption, access control, and intrusion detection mechanisms should
be implemented. Regular security audits and vulnerability assessments
Security risks are a major concern when it comes to using AI in can help identify and address potential weaknesses in the system.
medical and clinical research. Here are some of the security risks that Moreover, educating users about best practices for data security and
should be considered: having a comprehensive incident response plan in place in case of a
security breach, are highly recommended.
o Data breaches: Medical and clinical research data is highly sensitive, Being that said, only time will reveal the evolution pathways of the
and a data breach can have serious consequences. AI systems that bot as the developers of ChatGPT are actively updating it and working
process this data must be designed with security in mind, including on improving it in every possible way, with the most recent update being
strong encryption, access control, and intrusion detection the release of ChatGPT-4 on March 14th, 2023 [21].
mechanisms. The potential utilizations and limitations of ChatGPT are illustrated
in Fig. 1.
o Malicious attacks: Rogue AI could potentially be hacked or manip
ulated to steal or corrupt data. Malicious actors could also use AI to 5. A conversation with ChatGPT
attack other systems, such as by using AI-generated malware. To
address these risks, AI systems should be designed to detect and After describing different aspects of ChatGPT, we evaluated its ca
prevent unauthorized access and should be regularly audited for pabilities by applying two questions in approaching a clinical scenario
vulnerabilities. and compiling research data. The first one is a medically challenging
case of a patient with an autoimmune disease published under the title:
o Insider threats: Employees or contractors with access to AI systems Laryngeal myasthenia gravis following influenza vaccination: a case
and data could potentially misuse or steal data for personal gain. To report and literature review [22]. The case was introduced to ChatGPT
mitigate this risk, access control mechanisms should be in place to as presented in the paper prior to the final diagnosis. In turn, the second
restrict access to sensitive data, and employees should be trained on question applies to evaluating a recent article concerning the relation of
best practices for data security. COVID-19 to autoimmune bullous diseases [23].
Prompt 1: Please provide me with clinical support for the following
o Regulatory compliance: Medical and clinical research data is subject patient presentation: A 58-year-old Asian female with dysarthria and
to strict regulatory requirements, such as HIPAA in the United States. dysphagia was firstly admitted to the otolaryngology department. A
M. Darkhabani et al. Autoimmunity Reviews 22 (2023) 103360
M. Darkhabani et al. Autoimmunity Reviews 22 (2023) 103360
Fig. 2. Steps to take in managing the patient presented with myasthenia gravis, generated by ChatGPT-4.
As presented, ChatGPT generated initially a comprehensive and for particular diseases. The chat with ChatGPT continued by asking for
clinically based list of differential diagnosis, enumerating the final additional papers with similar findings. The results are as shown while
diagnosis of the patient (myasthenia gravis) as one of the options. emphasizing the time limitation of the bot, alongside the need for more
Interestingly, the subsequent steps for diagnosis, as concluded by updated search.
ChatGPT are to admire, as they are built stepwise and exactly as medical Furthermore, to test the potential of ChatGPT in medical research,
students are taught in medical schools and young doctors in their in we assigned it with a task of reviewing a medical article related to
ternships and residency. In another words, starting with details on his autoimmunity and autoimmune diseases asking for the strengths and
tory taking, particularly missing information regarding the onset, weaknesses of the article.
duration, and progression of the symptoms. Second comes detailed Prompt 2: Please provide an analysis of the following article and
physical examination with emphasis on the neurological part. After highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the article: COVID-19 and
ward, basic laboratory testing, imaging, and eventually specific testing autoimmune bullous diseases: Lessons learned [23]. (Note: Since
M. Darkhabani et al. Autoimmunity Reviews 22 (2023) 103360
ChatGPT doesn't have access to the internet and depends on user input, infectious diseases. These events and networks can provide updates on
the article had to be provided in full text). new and emerging research, including studies with conflicting results.
ChatGPT: This article, titled “COVID-19 and autoimmune bullous dis 6. Remember that conflicting results are not uncommon in scientific
eases: Lessons learned,” is a review that aims to provide state-of-the-art research, especially during rapidly evolving situations like the COVID-19
knowledge on the relationship between COVID-19 and autoimmune bullous pandemic. Be sure to critically appraise the methodology, sample size, and
diseases (AIBDs), as well as expert perspectives on the management of AIBDs overall quality of the studies to determine the reliability of their findings.
throughout the pandemic.
Strengths: Prompt 2 (Continued): Can you provide me an original research
outline for the same topic discussed in the article provided?
1. The article is comprehensive, covering multiple aspects of the impact of ChatGPT: Title: Impact of COVID-19 on Autoimmune Bullous Diseases:
COVID-19 on AIBDs, including the risk of COVID-19 in AIBD patients, A Longitudinal Study of Disease Course and Management Strategies.
the effect of immunomodulatory treatments on COVID-19 outcomes, and
the potential induction or triggering of AIBDs by COVID-19 vaccines. 1. Introduction
2. The review is well-structured, with a logical flow and clear subheadings. A. Background on autoimmune bullous diseases (AIBDs)
3. The article cites relevant research and provides summaries of key findings B. Overview of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on healthcare
from various studies, helping readers to understand the current state of C. Significance of understanding the impact of COVID-19 on AIBDs
knowledge on the topic. 2. Objectives
4. The review also highlights the importance of emotional and mental A. Assess the clinical course of AIBDs during the COVID-19 pandemic
wellbeing in AIBD patients and the potential role of telehealth services B. Evaluate the changes in management strategies for AIBDs in response
during the pandemic. to COVID-19
C. Examine the relationship between COVID-19 infection and AIBD
Weaknesses: outcomes
3. Methods
1. The article acknowledges that the data on the potential association be A. Study design: Prospective, longitudinal observational study. Duration:
tween COVID-19 vaccines and AIBDs is based on single case reports with two years
a low level of evidence and a cross-sectional study biased by subjective B. Study population: Adult patients diagnosed with AIBDs
patient self-reports. This limitation could affect the strength of the con C. Data collection: Medical records, Patient interviews, & Questionnaires
clusions drawn. D. Data analysis: Descriptive statistics & Inferential statistics
2. There are contradictory results from the cited studies, particularly 4. Results
regarding the use of immunomodulatory treatments and their impact on A. Demographic characteristics of participants
COVID-19 outcomes in AIBD patients. This may cause confusion and B. COVID-19 infection and vaccination status
make it difficult to provide clear recommendations. C. Clinical course of AIBDs during the pandemic
3. While the article discusses potential disease induction or triggering by D. Changes in treatment regimens and management strategies
COVID-19 vaccines, it does not explore the possible mechanisms behind E. Relationship between COVID-19 and AIBD outcomes
this relationship in detail. 5. Discussion
4. The article does not provide a clear conclusion or summary of the overall A. Summary of key findings
findings, which may make it challenging for readers to grasp the key B. Interpretation of results in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
takeaways from the review. C. Implications for AIBD management during public health emergencies
D. Limitations of the study
Prompt 2 (Continued): Was there any research that has conflicting E. Recommendations for future research
results with the paper provided? 6. Conclusion
ChatGPT: As an AI language model, I cannot access the internet in real- A. Recap of the study's significance
time to provide you with specific articles published after my knowledge cutoff B. Potential impact on AIBD management and care during pandemics
date in September 2021. However, I can provide you with general advice on and other public health emergencies
how to search for and identify potential research studies with conflicting
results. As illustrated, the results of the second prompt were positive and
To find studies with conflicting results, you can try the following: reassuring. ChatGPT has clearly been programmed to not conduct
original research such as writing meta-analyses, limiting its use in
1. Utilize databases: Use research databases such as PubMed, Web of Sci research to writing outlines, reviews, and summaries. Although this
ence, or Google Scholar to search for relevant studies. Use keywords might be underwhelming news for some, with the current technological
related to the article you have, such as “autoimmune bullous diseases,” leaps in AI, it is not far-fetched for ChatGPT or other Chatbots to be
“COVID-19,” and “treatment outcomes.” programed to conduct complex algorithmic meta-analyses among other
2. Review citation lists: Examine the reference lists of the article you have key methods for medical research.
and any related articles you find. This can help you identify additional
studies that may have conflicting results or alternative viewpoints. 6. Conclusion
3. Analyze systematic reviews and meta-analyses: Systematic reviews and
meta-analyses are comprehensive analyses of existing research on a topic. Not only for autoimmunity, doubtlessly there is more to come in
These may help you identify studies with differing results, especially if the regard to the abilities ChatGPT possesses in medicine, particularly as it is
review or meta-analysis discusses the heterogeneity in findings. constantly improving. The contribution to writing as well as reviewing
4. Contact experts: Reach out to researchers or clinicians who specialize in articles is extremely valuable. The lists of differential diagnosis pro
autoimmune bullous diseases or COVID-19. They may be aware of duced are fascinating and of great help when it comes to challenging
ongoing studies, recently published articles, or unpublished data that fields such as autoimmunity. Nevertheless, as true for every new inno
conflict with the results of the article you have. vation, the limitations, the cyber concerns, as well as the implications of
5. Monitor conferences and research networks: Keep an eye on conferences ChatGPT need to be carefully and continuously evaluated. In a field
and research networks in the fields of dermatology, immunology, or based on research and contributes to human health, health professional
in both the clinical and scientific worlds, should be aware of this novel
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