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For many students this may be the first time that you have been into a chemical laboratory.
There is a great deal to learn, and we aim to make your experience as enjoyable as
During this first practical session you will familiarize yourself with the laboratory as well as
with the glassware and apparatus that you will be using during the course.
You will be expected to write a laboratory report for Experiment 1. Make sure that you
familiarize yourself with the layout of your laboratory, identify items of glassware and any
apparatus that are set out and are able to answer the 6 questions on safety in the
laboratory, significant figures, and density.
Part 1: Take a look around the laboratory (To be answered during lab session)
Take time to familiarize yourself with the layout of the laboratory. Make sure that you are
able to locate the following:
(a) your physical position in the lab (where you are exactly)
(b) the weighing area/space
(c) the washing-up areas (sinks)
(d) the fire extinguisher(s)
(e) the sand-bucket (State what is the bucket is used for)
(f) the safety shower (State what is the shower is used for)
(g) your nearest exit and one other exit
(h) the fume cupboard (used for experiments that produce dangerous fumes)
(i) first-aid kit
(j) container/bucket for disposing of broken glass.
(k) container/bucket for disposing of other waste.

Part 2: Safety in the laboratory (To be answered during the lab session)
Before you begin, please read through the introduction and safety precautions at the front of
this manual and make sure that you can answer the following questions. Have a discussion
with your fellow students and demonstrator about the different scenarios. These must be
answered during the lab session and signed off by the demonstrator. Attach your singed
paper to your report.
1. The student next to you has just accidentally overturned a beaker of acid on his/her
hand. Write two or three sentences to describe what you would do.
2. The best possible first-aid in the event of dilute acid splashing into the eye is to:

A. Keep the eyes tightly shut.

B. Immediately wash the eyes with dilute NaOH
C. Run to call a demonstrator.
D. Immediately wash the eyes with running water from a tap
E. Wipe the eyes with your laboratory coat.

3. An unattended Bunsen burner, on a bench close to your own, sets fire to some
papers while you are busy with a practical. The situation gets out of hand and soon
the workbench is burning. The smoke activates the fire alarm. Your responsibility is
A. Immediately check on your lab partner(s) to see if they are unharmed. If so,
leave the building in a group. If it is impossible to see if anyone needs help,
stay in the lab close to the door (in case you need to get out quickly) so that
you can lend assistance.
B. Grab your bag and run out of the building.
C. Pack away your glassware, grab your bag and run out of the building.
D. Send someone to call the demonstrator and immediately pour water over the
flames. Continue doing this until the demonstrator arrives.
E. Close off your own Bunsen burner, pick up your valuables and calmly walk
out of the building taking the shortest route.

Part 3. Significant Figures & Rounding Off (To be answered after lab session)
Complete the following calculations and give answers to the correct number of significant
a) 9.15 ÷ 4.970 = e) 43.7 - 2.341 =
b) 1.54 × 0.03060 × 0.70 = f) 17.6 + 2.838 + 2.3 + 110.77 =
c) 27. 5 × 1.82 ÷ 100.04 = g) 19.6 + 58.33 - 4.974 =
d) 2.290 × 106 ÷ 6.7 104 = h) 5.99 - 5.572 =

Part 4: Determination of Density (To be answered after lab session)

(a) You can identify a pure metal by carefully determining is density. An unknown piece
of metal with a mass of 2.361 g is 2.35 cm long, 1.34 cm wide and 1.05 mm thick.
Use these measurements and the data below to determine the identity of the metal.
Nickel, d = 8.91 g cm-3 Titanium, d = 4.50 g cm-3
Zinc, d = 7.14 g cm-3 Tin, d = 7.23 g cm-3
(b) Each of the beakers depicted below contains two liquids that do not dissolve in each
other. Three of the liquids are designated A, B, and C, and water is designated W.

(i) Explain which of the liquids is (are) denser than water and which less
(ii) If the densities of W, C, and A are 1.0 g/ml, 0.88 g/ml, and 1.4 g/ml,
respectively, explain which of the following densities is possible for liquid B:
0.79 g/mL, 0.94 g/mL, 1.2 g/ml.

Part 5: Spot the dangerous wrong situations (To be answered after lab session)

TASK: In the above picture, List at least 15 wrongs in the picture on the previous page.
Part 6: Miscellaneous Questions (To be answered after lab session)
1. Why is it not advised to advised to add water to a concentrated acid?
2. Describe how you would smell contents of a test-tube.
3. Listed below is a list of common glassware and equipment used in the chemistry
laboratory. Pick any 12 glassware or equipment provided in the table below, draw
them and describe the use of each item selected, this should be included in the

1. Graduated cylinders 13. Spatula

2. Volumetric flasks 14. Forceps
3. Wash bottle 15. Glass stirring rod
4. Erlenmeyer flask 16. Pasteur pipette
5. Beaker 17. Evaporating dish
6. Funnels 18. Buchner funnel
7. Test tubes 19. Rubber sleeves for funnels (Filter adapter)
8. Watch glasses 20. Pipettes
9. Stopper 21. Bunsen burner
10. Separatory Funnel 22. Hot plater
11. Round bottomed flask 23. Weighing Scale
12. Crucible tongs 24. Electronic weighing scale



Many experiments require some kind of measurement of mass and volume. The results
obtained from such an experiment will depend on the reliability of these measurements. A
measurement’s reliability can be considered in terms of the ‘uncertainty’ associated with it.
The relationship between precision and significant (or meaningful) figures is also important.
After a quantity has been measured in an experiment, it may be necessary to use it in a
calculation. If you are using a calculator, eight or more digits may be displayed in the
answer. Are all of these digits meaningful?

The purpose of this experiment is to introduce you to available volume-measuring

apparatus so that you can decide which piece of apparatus is more precise. You will also
determine the precision of your measurements. You will gain experience in using the
analytical balance to determine mass.

1. Your demonstrator/lecturer will give you any help you may need and will show you
how to use the apparatus.
2. You will carry out this experiment in small groups (3 – 5 students).

Available volume-measuring apparatus (Questions 1 & 2 should be answered in the lab,

and your demonstrator should sign your answers).

Question 1:
Look at the glassware provided on the benches in the laboratory. Ascertain which items you
think are for measuring volumes of liquids and grade them according to the precision of
their measurement i.e., most precise to least precise. Include this in your practical write up.

Question 2:
Write down the names of the volume measuring apparatus that can be used only to
measure fixed volumes.

Practice using the burette:

1. Clamp the burette vertically to a retort stand. Use your polythene wash bottle to fill
the burette to between the 0.00 cm3 and 0.10 cm3 marks with water, make sure that
the stopcock (tap) is closed.
2. Read the burette with your eye on the same level as the meniscus (see figure
below). A piece of white paper held behind the burette will help you to see the
meniscus more clearly.
3. If you are using the burette for the first time, look at its markings carefully. The lines
that run right around the tube mark each cm3, starting with zero at the top and
reaching the maximum volume at the bottom of the burette. The smaller lines
indicate each tenth of a cm3.

Note that the spacings between these lines will allow you to estimate the volume to
the nearest 0.01 cm3 (2 decimal places). Typical burette readings are 17.34 cm3 or
19.60 cm3. Do not round off the readings to 0.05 or 0.00 cm3 i.e., you do not report
18.00 cm3 unless the meniscus corresponds exactly to a volume of 18.00 cm3.

Readings such as 4.2 cm3 and 5.7 cm3 are not acceptable; you must estimate the second
decimal place (e.g., 4.23 cm3 or 5.71 cm3)
How to read the biuret

Note: Volume measurements for burettes are always the difference between two readings.

Using the pipette

Note: Your demonstrator will show you how to use the pipette and the pipette filler.

50 cm3 burette
5 cm3 pipette
10 cm3 measuring cylinder
Pipette filler
Polythene wash bottle
Retort stand and clamp
White paper
Plastic droppers
Tap water
Each student in the pair (or trio) is to perform at least one of the four measurements below.
1. Use the wash bottle to add water to a burette, filling it to between the 24.00 and
25.00 cm3 mark. This mark is near the bottom of the burette.

2. One student must fill a 10 cm3 measuring cylinder exactly to the 5.0 cm3 mark with
tap water and pour this carefully into the burette. Record the new reading and note
that it is probably not what you might have expected. Make sure that you have a
white background when reading your volumes.

3. Open the burette tap and drain out the water so that the level is again between 24.00
and 25.00 cm3. Record this. Again, fill the measuring cylinder to the 5.0 cm3 mark
and empty it into the burette. Record the new reading.
4. The other student in the pair must now repeat the process twice more, so that you
have a total of four sets of burette readings. Calculate the volume of water added to
the burette in each case. The readings will normally all be different, reflecting the fact
that it is impossible to do the same set of operations exactly the same each time.
Note that although your results may be precise, they may not be what you expect, in this
case a volume of 5.0 cm3.
Do not empty the burette; you will be using it again.
Record your readings in a table like the one below.

Using a
measuring First burette First burette
(volume of water
cylinder (or reading (cm3) reading (cm3)
added to burette)
Average (mean)

Repeat the exercise in points 1 – 4, but this time you must use the 5.0 cm3 pipette instead
of the measuring cylinder. Record your readings in a table like the one above.

For each piece of apparatus (the measuring cylinder and the pipette) calculate the average
volume delivered and the standard deviation of the mean for this volume. You must
calculate the standard deviation of the mean manually using a table like the one shown
below (see Appendix 1). Do not simply your calculator.
This is a good opportunity to compare your calculated result with that given by your
calculator in order to determine whether your calculator is giving standard deviation or
standard deviation of the mean as the answer.
Calculation of Standard Deviation of the Mean:
Value of reading, di (cm3) Deviation (di - µ) Squared deviation (di - µ)2

Sum = Sum =

Standard deviation, s(d)

s(d) =

Mean (µ) = Standard deviation of the

s(µ) =

Discussion and Conclusion

Show your results and discuss these critically, commenting on the uncertainty in your
measurements, and any other aspects that you might wish to include. It is always a good
idea to point out any links between theory and practice that you have become aware of
Additional Question
Some claim that a precision of ±0.01 cm3 can be achieved with a 5 or 10 cm3 pipette.
However, students who are learning to use a pipette may not achieve this precision. How do
your results compare with the claim? If you have not been able to obtain this precision,
suggest one or more aspects of the technique that you may not have mastered yet.

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