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electron density due to the joined effect of multi-photon and II. THEORETICAL FORMULATION
avalanche ionization processes,18 besides the loss processes
Using the Runge–Kutta fourth order technique, numeri-
which are expected to take place during the interaction. These
cal solution is undertaken from the adapted rate equation that
losses include energy loss through the elastic collision between
describes the net gain of the electron density as a result of
an electron and a neutral gas molecule as well as the effect of
the considered physical processes.
electron loss due to diffusion out of the focal volume and
The solution is based on more realistic relations for the
recombination. In the present study, to assemble the case of
rates and rate coefficients of the electron gain and loss pro-
air breakdown, an extra term is added to the rate equation to
cesses accounted in the rate equation. The model is applied
account for the effect of electron loss due to attachment pro-
cesses. The model is applied to investigate the experimental to study the phenomenon of the optical breakdown of air
measurements that were carried out in Refs. 2 and 3. These using various laser characteristics (wavelength, different
experimental measurements are deliberately chosen since focal spot diameters, and pulse width) and gas pressure. The
they have been operated under different laser characteristics findings of their measurements showed an increase in the
and air pressure ranges below the atmospheric pressure. This threshold intensity and the RMS electric field (Erms) for
pressure range has a great interest for applications involving smaller spot size. Dependence of the size of the visual spark
aircraft since the static pressures involved are undoubtedly sig- as a function of laser parameters is also studied from the
nificantly sub-atmospheric. Moreover, the nanosecond pulse time evolution of the electron density.
widths used in this experiment are appropriate for investigating
the role played by the loss processes associated with air break-
A. Basic equation
down, in particular, at the ultraviolet wavelengths.
In modeling ionization by a strong electromagnetic The adapted form of the rate equation that describes the
wave, the Keldysh theory19 is assumed to be a key parameter net gain of the electron density in air breakdown under the
c in characterizing the ionization mechanism responsible for influence of the considered electron generation and loss pro-
the generation of the seed electrons. This parameter reads20 cesses is written as
ei m dn dn
c¼x ; (1) ¼ þ i n D n R n2 gn: (2)
I Z0 e2 dt dt MPI
e2 E2 1 low energy electrons. The cascade ionization rate per elec-
e0i ¼ ei þ 0 2 ¼ ei 1 þ 2 : (3) tron is given in Ref. 23 and is written as
4m x 4c
The number of photons K required to ionize a molecule is 1 e2 sm m x2 sm
i ¼ 2 2 I ; (7)
given by h1þe0i =
hxi; where the symbol hi denotes the integer x sm þ 1 c nr m e0 ei M
of the number. K is sometimes known as the degree of non-
linearity of multiphoton ionization. Consequently, the where sm is the mean free time between electron-air mole-
expression for the multiphoton ionization probability takes cule collisions, M is the mass of an air molecule, and m is
the form in Ref. 19, the electron mass. The first term of this equation is related to
the energy gain by electrons from the laser electric field. The
32 !K second term refers to the energy transfer from electrons to
2x m0 x e2
W 0 0 I exp ð2 K Þ /ðzÞ; air molecules during elastic collisions. For atmospheric air,
9p h 16m ei x2 c e0 nr sm is turned to be 300.0 fs.17
3. Electron diffusion rate
The rate of electron diffusion along the radial and axial
2 e0 distances corresponding to the assumed cylindrical shape of
Z ¼ 2K i the focal volume of radius w0 and length zR is given by Refs.
h x
24 and 25 as
with 1ðxÞ representing Dawson’s integral21 " 2 #
ðx sm eav 2:4 2 p
D¼ þ ; (8)
1ð xÞ ¼ expðx2 Þ exp y2 dy : (5) 3m w0 ZR
Here, x is the angular frequency of the laser radiation, h is where w0 is the beam waist, zR¼ npw02/k is the Rayleigh
Planck’s constant/2p, e0 is the permittivity of free space, c is length, and eav is the average kinetic energy of the free elec-
the vacuum speed of light, nr is the refractive index of the trons. Studies concerned with the electron average energy on
gases26 realized that under breakdown conditions near thresh-
these calculations, we adopted the assumption made in the of the neutral gas molecules in the focal volume by a ratio
measurements that electrons possess an average energy of d ¼ 1.0%).
7.452 1019 J (4.65 eV). This energy (the lower elec-
tronic excitation energy of the oxygen molecule) corresponds III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
to an electron temperature of 5.4 104 K.27 Accordingly, the Applying the modified rate equation, calculations are
electron-ion recombination coefficient of air is obtained from first devoted to investigate the experimental measurements
the relationship: findings given by Ref. 2. In this experiment, the measure-
ments are carried out to study the effect of focal length of
Rðm3 =sÞ ¼ 0:79 RN þ 0:21 RO : (9)
lens on the breakdown threshold intensity and RMS electric
field (Erms) for laboratory air at the atmospheric pressure.
5. Attachment rate The breakdown was induced by a Nd: YAG laser operating
at wavelengths covering a range 1060 nm down to 266 nm
At normal electric fields and atmospheric pressure, the and pulse width varying from 4.0 ns to 8.0 ns at spot sizes
two and three body attachment rates are expressed as29,30 varying between 30 to 100 lm. The beam divergence was
less than 0.5 mrad. The spot size was determined under dif-
N 42:3
g2 ðs1 Þ ¼ 1:22 108 e E0 ; (10) fraction limited beam assumption. For laboratory air break-
down studies, the problem of particle contaminants in the air
where E is the electric field expressed in V/cm, N is the air is neglected since only minimum humidity and temperature
density expressed in cm3, and N0 ¼ 2.7 1019 cm3. The fluctuations are allowed in this experiment.
three body attachment rate is given by Ref. 30,
A. Effect of the focal spot size
N 0:62 þ 800 E20 An extensive and methodical study is undertaken to pro-
g3 ðs1 Þ ¼ 108 1 :
N0 3
1 þ 10 E20 E20 1 þ 0:03 E20 3 vide a numerical investigation on the effect of laser wave-
length and beam spot size (the focal length lens) on the
breakdown threshold of laboratory air induced by the first
Here, four harmonics of the Nd:YAG laser. For a realistic compari-
range clarifies that this parameter has only a strong effect on 10.0 cm, and 12.0 cm, respectively.2 It is noticed here that
the threshold intensity over the short region as compared to the calculated threshold intensity as a function of the laser
the longer one. The close values shown for the threshold wavelength (solid lines) is consistent with the experimentally
FIG. 2. Plot comparing the calculated and measured values of the RSM electric field for atmospheric air as a function of diffusion length for laser wavelengths:
the electron density obtained for the four laser wavelengths The rate of growth is found to decrease as the spot diameter
at three values of the spot diameter. This relation is shown increases, as shown by curves 2 and 3. Further, with the
in Figs. 4(a)–4(d), for the wavelengths 1060 nm down to increase in time, the electron density revealed a gradual
266 nm, at spot diameters d ¼ 30 lm (curve 1), d¼ 50 lm increase followed by an almost leveling off behavior. This
(curve 2), and d¼ 60 lm (curve 3). This figure demonstrates result is attributed to the high rate of energy gain released
the effect of laser wavelength and spot size on the gain and through the collisional ionization mechanism, which is offset
loss processes which control the breakdown of atmospheric by the electron loss processes. The decrease observed near
air. It is noticed here that for the visible and ultravoilet range the end of the pulse for the small spot diameter shown by
of the laser wavelength, the electron density undergoes a curve (1) in Figs. 4(a)–4(d) reflects the high loss rate of elec-
remarkable growth during the early stages of the pulse. This trons through diffusion of the focal volume. This process is
growth increases with the increase in the photon energy, also observed for 1060 nm at the spot diameter of 50 lm as
which proves the domination of photoionization processes. shown by curve (2) in Fig. 4(a). The decrease in electrons
shown near the end of the pulse for the 266 nm in Fig. 4(d),
curves (1–3), clarifies the effective contribution of electron
recombination and attachments at the three spot diameter
values. For the laser wavelengths 532 and 355 nm [Figs. 4(b)
and 4(c)], no decrease is observed at spot diameters 50 and
60 lm (curves 2 and 3, respectively). On the contrary, these
curves showed a slight increase in the electron density during
the descending phase of the pulse. This result shows that the
increase in the spot diameter reduces the effect of electron
nanosecond of the laser pulse, (curve I) and the corresponding showed a reliable agreement between the calculated thresholds
threshold intensity (curve II), as a function of the photon and the measured ones over the whole pressure regime for the
energy calculated at the spot diameter of 30 lm. From this fig- three wavelengths. It is observed that the threshold intensity
ure, it is clear that as the photon energy increases, the initial increases with the decrease in pressure. This result could be
electron density undergoes a noticeable increase, as shown by attributed to the fact that, at low pressures, the collision fre-
curve (I). A reverse situation occurs for the threshold intensity, quency is low and sufficient ionization can be maintained by
where it suffers a decrease of about one order of magnitude as increasing the probability of ionization at each collision (i.e.,
the photon energy increases from 1.16 eV to 2.32 eV, as the electron energy), and thus, the electric field associated
shown by curve (II). Beyond this energy, curve(II) showed an with laser radiation should be high. Hence, the threshold inten-
unobservable variation as the photon energy increases. This sity increases as the pressure decreases. An observable
increase in the threshold intensity shown at the small photon decrease in the threshold intensity is shown for the 532 nm at
energy (1.16 eV) is attributed to the low photoionization rate atmospheric pressures. This result referred to the less effect of
which cannot easily overcome the effect of electron diffusion
out of the focal volume. This process showed a constructive
role, in particular, for small spot sizes.
E. Effect of pressure
Second, the program was run to investigate the experi-
mental data given in Ref. 3 to study the dependence of thresh-
old intensity on air pressure and pulse width. The calculations
are performed for three laser wavelengths, namely, 355, 532,
and 1060 nm, which correspond to laser pulse widths of 1.3,
1.8, and 2.5 ns, respectively. The laser was focused with a lens
of 12 cm focal length (60 mm spot diameter). The tested air
pressure covered a range of 24 Torr–760 Torr. The calculated
thresholds as a function of pressure are shown in Fig. 6. For
an easy comparison, the measured thresholds are also shown
FIG. 5. Variation in the initial electron density during the early stages of the
in the same figure (symbols) and we adopted the same scale laser pulse and the corresponding threshold intensity as a function of the
applied to represent the experimental results. This relation laser frequency.
073515-8 Hamam, Gaabour, and Gamal Phys. Plasmas 24, 073515 (2017)
behavior of the threshold intensity showed totally different breakdown threshold dependence on air pressure for both
dependence. It is shown that for 355 nm, decreasing the pulse the tested parameters (laser wavelength and pulse width).
width from 4.0 ns to 1.3 ns results in an increase in the thresh-
old intensity by a factor of about 20. While for 532 nm, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
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an increase in the threshold intensity by a factor of about 5. This work was funded by the Deanship of Scientific
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for the longer wavelength where reducing the pulse width Grant No. (363–028–D1434). The authors, therefore,
from 8.0 ns down to 2.5 ns resulted only in a slight increase in gratefully acknowledge the DSR technical and financial
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