Tutorial 4-CHM260
Tutorial 4-CHM260
Tutorial 4-CHM260
1. The following data was obtained when a sample mixture was analyzed by GC on a
column 1.1 m long.
2. State two (2) methods which can improve the efficiency of a chromatographic column.
a) tM
b) retention time for component Q
c) peak width (at base), W b for component P
d) selectivity factor, α of the column
a) Mobile phase
b) Retention time
c) Stationary phase
d) Resolution
5. State whether plate height H, will increase or decrease and also whether the
chromatographic column will be more or less efficient if the following changes were
made during a chromatographic analysis.
7. The following data was obtained from the chromatogram of species A, B, C and D run
on a GC which used a 30 m column:
For acid A, the retention time was 4.4 min with the width at baseline of 1.6 min. For
acid B, the retention time was 6.8 min with the width at baseline of 1.2 min. A non-
retained compound generated a peak that appeared 0.8 min after injection. The mobile
phase flow rate in the column was 20 mL/min. The column was 1.0 m in length.
9. What observation on a chromatogram would lead you to conclude that sample injected
into a GC column are overloaded/too much.
10. Heptane and toluene were separated with retention times of 15.4 min and 16.5 min,
respectively on a 1.0-meter packed column. An unretained species passed through the
column in 1.8 min. The peak widths measured at the base were 1.15 min for heptane
and 1.20 min for toluene. Calculate:
11. The following data were obtained in a GC analysis of a sample mixture. The
chromatogram of 200 ppm butyl acetate showed a retention time of 4.4 min and
produced a peak area of 20360.
a) What is species A?
b) Calculate the concentration of A.
c) Determine the selectivity and resolution factors for peaks A and B.
d) Are peaks A and B well separated? Justify your answer.
12. Trace amounts of phenol can be detected by HPLC. A 20-uL of 25 mg/L of a phenol
standard gives a peak of 140 cm2 and a 20-uL water sample gives a peak of 26 cm2
due to phenol. Using the 'response factor' method, calculate the phenol content in
water, in units of parts per million (ppm). (Refer Laboratory Manual, pg 59)
13. Based on the following chromatogram, name the liquid chromatography technique
which was probably used to separate the mixture.
14. Chromatograms of compounds A and B were obtained at the same flow rate with two
columns at equal length.
a) Different sized solutes penetrate voids in the stationary phase to different extents
and largest solutes are eluted first
b) Ions in mobile phase are attracted to counterions covalently attached to the
stationary phase.