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1. Introduction
This chapter presents the detailed methodology adopted for conducting the study titled, 'A
comparative study to assess the level of knowledge and practice on infant feeding among
working and non-working mothers residing in Buldhana City.' The methodology includes
the research approach, design, study setting, population, sampling techniques, development
of tools, data collection procedures, and data analysis methods. This systematic approach
ensures that the research objectives are addressed effectively and that the findings are
reliable and valid.

2. Research Approach
A quantitative research approach was adopted for this study. This approach was chosen as
it enables numerical measurement and statistical analysis of data collected, allowing for
comparison between the two groups of participants: working and non-working mothers.
This method is suitable for assessing levels of knowledge and practices related to infant

3. Research Design
The study employed a comparative descriptive research design. This design facilitates the
systematic comparison of the knowledge and practices between working and non-working
mothers, providing insights into how maternal employment status influences infant feeding

4. Pre-Test and Post-Test

A structured pre-test was conducted to assess the existing levels of knowledge and
practices of infant feeding among the participants. Following this, a health education
session was provided to all participants. A post-test evaluation was conducted to measure
changes in knowledge and practices after the educational intervention.

5. Variables
Independent and dependent variables were identified for this study:
- Independent Variable: Maternal employment status (working and non-working mothers).
- Dependent Variables: Knowledge and practice of infant feeding.

6. Setting of the Study

The study was conducted in Gayran, Buldhana City, a suburban area in Maharashtra. This
location was selected due to its diverse population of working and non-working mothers,
ensuring a representative sample for the study.
7. Population
The population for this study includes:
- Target Population: All mothers residing in Buldhana City with infants aged between 0–2
- Accessible Population: Mothers residing in Gayran, Buldhana City, who were willing to
participate in the study.

8. Criteria for Selection of Sample

Inclusion Criteria:
- Mothers with infants aged between 0–2 years.
- Mothers willing to participate in the study.
- Both working and non-working mothers.

Exclusion Criteria:
- Mothers with infants suffering from chronic or congenital illnesses.
- Mothers unwilling to provide informed consent.

9. Sample Size
The sample size consisted of 100 mothers, with an equal representation of 50 working
mothers and 50 non-working mothers.

10. Sampling Technique

Purposive sampling technique was used to select participants who met the inclusion
criteria. This method ensures that the sample is representative of the population under
study and aligned with the research objectives.

11. Selection and Development of Tool

A structured questionnaire and observational checklist were developed to assess the
knowledge and practices of infant feeding among the participants. The questionnaire
focused on areas such as breastfeeding, complementary feeding, and infant nutrition, while
the checklist evaluated practical behaviors and techniques.

12. Review of Literature

A comprehensive review of literature was conducted to identify knowledge gaps and
provide a theoretical foundation for the study. This included studies on maternal
knowledge, infant feeding practices, and the influence of maternal employment on feeding

13. Dissemination of Tool

The tools were pre-tested with 10 mothers (5 working and 5 non-working) to ensure
clarity, feasibility, and relevance. Feedback from the pilot study was used to refine the tools
before the main data collection.
14. Scoring Criteria
- Knowledge scores were categorized as:
- Poor: 0–10
- Average: 11–20
- Good: 21–30
- Practice scores were evaluated based on adherence to standard guidelines and

15. Validity and Health Education

The tools were validated by a panel of experts in nursing and pediatrics. Health education
sessions were conducted to enhance participant understanding of proper infant feeding

16. Validity of the Tool

Content validity was determined using feedback from experts, ensuring the tools
adequately measured knowledge and practices of infant feeding.

17. Reliability of the Tool

Reliability was established through the pilot study, with a Cronbach's alpha reliability score
of 0.85, indicating high internal consistency.

18. Pilot Study

A pilot study was conducted with 10 participants to test the feasibility of the research
design and tools. Adjustments were made based on feedback to improve clarity and

19. Method of Data Collection

Data collection was conducted over a period of four weeks using structured interviews and
observations. Participants were briefed about the study before data collection commenced.

20. Legal Permission

Ethical approval was obtained from the institutional ethical committee, and permission was
secured from local authorities in Buldhana City.

21. Informed Consent

Written informed consent was obtained from each participant. Participants were assured of
confidentiality and their right to withdraw from the study at any time.

22. Data Collection Procedure

The data collection procedure included:
1. Conducting a pre-test to assess baseline knowledge and practices.
2. Providing health education on infant feeding practices.
3. Conducting a post-test to evaluate changes in knowledge and practices.
23. Internal Validation
Internal validation was ensured by re-testing tools during the pilot study to confirm
consistency and accuracy.

24. Plan for Data Analysis

- **Descriptive Statistics:** Frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation were used
to summarize demographic data, knowledge, and practices.
- **Inferential Statistics:** Independent t-tests and chi-square tests were applied to
compare knowledge and practices between working and non-working mothers.

25. Summary
This chapter outlined the methodology for the study, including the research design, sample
selection, data collection tools, and analysis plan. These methods ensure the reliability and
validity of the study, facilitating an effective comparison of knowledge and practices
between working and non-working mothers.

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