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CONF/GD07 Access cradles checklist

Company name Project title

Location Contract no.

Before use Yes No N/A
1. Has a risk assessment been carried out?
2. Have emergency rescue procedures been established?
3. Are cradles installed and supervised by a competent person?
4. Are cradles inspected and appropriate reports made?
5. Are current test certificates available for winches, wire ropes, blocks and so on?
6. Have users been properly trained?
7. Has adequate protection been installed, and proper warning given to members of
the public and other people who might be affected?

8. Have occupiers of the building been warned not to open windows?

9. Have steps been taken to erect the correct warning signs?
10. Have secondary safety ropes and harnesses been provided as necessary?
11. Is the rated capacity (safe working load) of the cradle marked?
12. Has a check been carried out for obstructions on the face of the structure?
13. Have effective fall-arrest measures been installed?

During use Yes No N/A

14. Is a competent person in charge of all operations when cradles are being used?
15. Are operations being carried out with authorised operatives only?
16. Are inspections carried out weekly?
17. Have checks been made to ensure that there are no knots or kinks in the ropes?
18. Are ropes correctly reeved on the drum with at least two turns left when the cradle
has reached its maximum operating distance? (Power-operated cradles only.)
19. Have both power supplies and cables been checked before operating?
20. Have checks been carried out to the controls for correct function and to ensure that
pendant controls are secured to the cradle?
21. Have all ropes been securely anchored?
22. Are the stops and over-runs operational?
23. Are secondary safety devices properly secured and anchored?
24. Has the cradle been tied-off to the building to prevent sway?
25. Have checks been made to ensure the rated capacity (safe working load) is not being
26. Is the cradle kept clean and clear of rubbish?
27. Have all necessary precautions been taken to ensure that the platform is not slippery?
28. Are all tools carried in the cradle secure?
29. Is there adequate protection from above to stop any falling materials?
30. Are all necessary steps being taken to ensure that the proper access is being used?
31. Is the practice of climbing down ropes strictly prohibited?
32. Are all personnel aware that there must be no transferring between adjacent cradles?
33. Have all possible steps been taken to ensure that personnel do not allow ropes
and cradles or connections to lie in gutters?
GD07 Access cradles checklist continued

During use continued Yes No N/A

34. Are all operatives aware that use in high winds or adverse weather conditions is not safe
and is prohibited?

After use Yes No N/A

35. Are the cradle and all ropes in a secure position to prevent unauthorized access or usage?
36. Are checks carried out to ensure that power supplies are isolated and control equipment is
removed and secured?

37. Are defects and breakdowns reported promptly and correctly?

38. Are all warning signs removed after the completion of work?

Management information Yes No N/A

39. Has it been established that the supplier is reputable and experienced?
40. Has the necessary communication taken place between the user and supplier?
41. Do both parties have the necessary competence?
42. Have other parties been consulted as necessary?


Name Position Signature Date

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