The kind of concerns that companies raise about using With the support of both IPv4 and the increasing number
home offices can be resolved with clear rules with regard to of IPv6 connections, smooth workflows are assured. And
home-office working. Concerns about data security (22%) thanks to seamless roaming, VPN connections remain intact
and the costs for equipping home workplaces (12%) are even when changing the connection medium. For example,
also named. However, modern VPN solutions offer secure this keeps VPN connections alive even when traveling by
encryption and are also quite inexpensive. train and moving between mobile phone cells. Likewise,
users in buildings roaming from cellular to Wi-Fi or Ethernet
The solution for the secure home office – enjoy an “always on” experience.
LANCOM Advanced VPN Client
The LANCOM Advanced VPN Client for the operating Especially in hotels or public hotspots, firewalls often block
systems Windows and macOS provides users with a secure IPsec communication (ports 500 or 4500). However, by
VPN tunnel to access the company network with a single initiating the connection via the IPsec-over-HTTPS (based
click. Whether the user is in the home office, abroad or on on the NCP VPN Path Finder technology), the IPsec VPN is
the train is immaterial. Equipped with a stateful inspection encapsulated in an additional SSL header (port 443, as with
firewall, the software VPN client automatically detects HTTPS).
secure and unsecure networks for protected communi-
cation over the Internet at all times. Furthermore, the company network is relieved of load
if Internet traffic can be routed directly to the Internet,
VPN tunnels are established using state-of-the-art such as when an employee is in a trusted network. Data
encryption technologies such as the modern and efficient intended for the company network is still routed through
VPN protocol IKEv2. Also, the LANCOM Advanced VPN the VPN tunnel (split tunneling). However, if the employee
Client supports the latest encryption algorithms including is in an open, unencrypted Wi-Fi, i.e. with an unsecure
AES-CBC or AES-GCM, the signature functions SHA-256, connection, all data is securely encrypted by the VPN tunnel
SHA-384 or SHA-512, and current Diffie-Hellmann groups. to the central office, and from there it is securely routed to
the Internet (full tunneling).
The VPN handshake between the VPN gateway at the
company and the software VPN client takes place in
different ways—depending on the company’s size and
A For small to medium-sized companies, this is very easy
to set up and operate by entering a password (authenti-
cation by pre-shared key – PSK)
A For larger scenarios with higher security requirements:
The use of IKEv2 with digital certificates
A For large-scale scenarios with Windows server infra-
structure: IKEv2 EAP for authentication via the Windows
server by means of user name and password
A For large-scale scenarios with central user administration:
Direct and inexpensive authentication via a RADIUS server
A worthwhile investment
The investment in security infrastructures for mobile
working is manageable. On the company side, a single
device is all you need, namely a VPN-capable router, a
central VPN gateway or a VPN-capable firewall. The only
equipment you need on the employee laptops is the
inexpensive LANCOM Advanced VPN Client—which is also
compatible with products from many manufacturers..
LANCOM, LANCOM Systems, LCOS, LANcommunity and Hyper Integration are registered trademarks. All other names or descriptions used may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their owners. This document contains statements relating to future products and their attributes. LANCOM Systems reserves the right to change these without
Can I extend my LANCOM router with additional Can I also use the LANCOM Advanced VPN Client
VPN connections? in combination with LANCOM R&S®Unified Fire-
With the LANCOM VPN Option, the number of VPN walls?
channels can be extended depending on the LANCOM Yes, with the current operating system LCOS FX 10.4,
device. For example, all LANCOM routers of the 17xx series LANCOM R&S®Unified Firewalls offer the option of setting
are shipped with 5 VPN tunnels and can also be expanded up import profiles for the LANCOM Advanced VPN Client.
to up to 25 tunnels. See: https://www.lancom-systems.
LANCOM Systems GmbH I Adenauerstr. 20/B2 I 52146 Wuerselen I Germany I E-mail info@lancom.de