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elcome to Silent Night, Dreadful Night, a the glow of their shared joy. This year, the celebrations
chilling holiday-themed adventure designed are silent. The hearths are cold, the tree lies toppled and
for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, aimed buried beneath snow, and an unnatural blizzard howls
at sixth-level players. This adventure blends through the streets. Something has gone terribly wrong
gothic horror with festive undertones, in Winterbell.
offering a suspenseful and emotional It began when the Yule tree fell. Once the pride of
experience for players. Whether you’re Winterbell, the tree’s collapse marked the start of an
running a standalone one-shot or weaving it into a unrelenting storm that blanketed the town in frost.
larger campaign, this story delivers a balance of Soon after, villagers began vanishing, leaving behind
mystery, moral dilemmas, and tense encounters. eerie claw marks and frost-etched symbols. Shadows
This adventure is structured to be completed in a were seen stalking the streets, and whispers spoke of a
single session of three to six hours for a party of four. horned woman in crimson, her presence chilling the air.
However, as every Dungeon Master knows, the pace Those who remain huddle behind barricaded doors,
may vary depending on your players’ decisions and fearful of what lurks beyond the storm.
roleplay moments. The truth is more haunting than the villagers’
If you’re new to Dungeon Mastering, take some time whispered fears. Madame Frosthorn is no mere spirit of
to read through the adventure beforehand. Familiarity vengeance. She is the embodiment of Winterbell’s
with the content will help you bring the haunting forgotten warmth, a guardian created by centuries of
atmosphere of Winterbell and the tragic fury of shared joy, gratitude, and togetherness. Her essence was
Madame Frosthorn to life. This adventure assumes a tied to the traditions of the season, thriving on the
basic understanding of the Dungeon Master’s Guide, villagers’ celebrations and protecting them during the
Player’s Handbook, and Monster Manual to assist with harshest winters. As prosperity grew, however, the
rules and improvisation during play. Prepare to lead spirit of the season faded. The people’s joy turned
your party into a frosty tale of despair, redemption, and inward, their generosity replaced by greed and neglect.
survival! Bereft of the warmth that sustained her, Madame
Frosthorn twisted into a being of despair and rage.
TYPE OF ADVENTURE Now, she haunts the streets, her frostbitten horns
Silent Night, Dreadful Night is a holiday-themed gothic gleaming and crimson cloak trailing like blood in the
horror adventure for Level 6 characters, blending snow. Her storm is not merely a force of nature but a
investigation, moral dilemmas, and suspenseful manifestation of her anguish, punishing the town for
encounters. Set in the snowbound village of Winterbell, abandoning the spirit that once gave it life. She does not
players will face chilling mysteries and meaningful seek destruction; she seeks remembrance. But her
choices in a sinister holiday tale that combines methods are as relentless as the blizzard she commands,
exploration, roleplay, and combat. and without intervention, Winterbell will be buried in
frost, its people frozen in despair.
USING THIS ADVENTURE The adventurers arrive to find a town on the brink of
collapse, its people paralyzed by fear and its streets
This adventure is set in a small, snowbound village
thick with snow and secrets. To stop
called Winterbell, but you are welcome to change the
Madame Frosthorn, they must piece
name and setting to better fit your own campaign
together the mystery of her
world. The events and themes of the story are flexible
transformation and decide. Will
and can be adapted to suit your preferred tone or locale.
they rekindle the warmth
As the Dungeon Master, you are encouraged to make
she craves, restoring the
adjustments to the adventure as you see fit. Feel free to
town’s lost joy and
modify encounters, tweak creature abilities, or alter
gratitude? Or will they
difficulty levels to match the needs and experience of
face her wrath head-on,
your players. If you find the challenges too easy,
risking Winterbell’s
increase hit points, damage, or DCs to keep the tension
survival to end her
high and the stakes meaningful. The story is yours to
torment once
and for all?
The once-cheerful village of Winterbell has always been
a place of warmth during the Yuletide season. Its people
would gather under the towering Yule tree in the village
square, exchanging gifts, sharing songs, and basking in
ACT I: THE SILENT “Or be frozen in shadow, no end to the night.”
The adventurers begin their journey traveling through
The rhyme fragment left behind by the shattered doll is
an oppressive snowstorm. The wind bites like knives,
cryptic at first and offers little immediate clarity.
and frost clings to their cloaks. As they approach
For you, as the Dungeon Master, the rhyme refers to
Winterbell, the unnatural silence settles around them,
the stolen joy and warmth of the season, twisted by
creating a suffocating atmosphere. No animals stir, no
Madame Frosthorn’s vengeance. The adventurers will
lights flicker in the distance, and the faint crunch of
uncover its meaning as they gather more fragments and
snow underfoot is the only sound.
investigate the village.
The road before you vanishes into the swirling snow, the
storm’s fury threatening to bury the world around you. All is
As the adventurers move deeper into Winterbell, the
silent except for the crunch of snow beneath your feet and
storm grows heavier, and the eerie atmosphere
the occasional groan of the wind. Through the blinding intensifies. Most doors of the town are sealed shut from
white, the faint outline of a village takes shape. Winterbell ice and frost. The streets are empty, but signs of recent
sits in eerie stillness, and as you press forward, the storm activity hint at the presence of survivors. However, the
grows harsher, and any torchlight you carry begins to flicker biting cold seeps into their bones, and the storm’s
and wane. No lights flicker, no voices call out, only the cold magical intensity grows stronger the longer they linger
welcomes you as you progress ahead. outside. Without adequate protection, such as magical
warmth or protective items, the adventurers risk
succumbing to the frost as they explore.
Nearing the outskirts of the village, the storm briefly
eases, and the adventurers catch sight of something E NVIRONMENTAL E
buried in the snow. At first glance, it appears to be C URSE O
nothing more than debris, but as they draw closer, the The Curse of Winterbell is a supernatural frost that
unsettling details come into view. Half-buried in the blankets the village, conjured by Madame Frosthorn’s
snow lies a porcelain doll, its cracked face smeared with wrath. The storm’s biting cold is not natural but a
frozen blood. manifestation of her power, draining warmth and life
As they take in the scene, the howling wind falters, from the land.
replaced by an eerie melody. The sound of a child
singing drifts faintly through the air, soft and melodic,
yet unnervingly out of place.
If the adventurers linger or disturb
the doll, it animates. A high-pitched,
childlike giggle fills the air, sharp and Prolonged exposure to the storm weakens even the
unnatural, as the doll jerks upright, strongest adventurers, inflicting exhaustion and
its fractured face twisting unnaturally. frostbite as the cold seeps into their very souls. Without
Upon defeat, the doll shatters, proper protection or shelter, those who remain outside
leaving behind its blood-streaked risk succumbing to her icy grasp, becoming frozen
dress and a fragment of a rhyme. husks of what they once were.
The heavy wooden door groans as you push it open,
The youngest of the group, this villager sits closest to
revealing a dimly lit room. A faint glow from the hearth the fire, staring at the flames. Their voice is hollow,
flickers weakly, casting long shadows over frost covered distant, and they speak only when pressed with a
tables and chairs. Plates and mugs sit frozen in place, as if (Persuasion DC 14) check.
abandoned in a hurry. Near the fire, a handful of villagers If players fail the check, they stay silent and stare into
huddle together. Their breath clouds in the icy air, and their the fire as if they’re dead inside.
faces are gaunt, their expressions wary as they turn toward
If Successful His name is Thane Burnby
They saw a “horned shadow” standing near the Yule
The tavern contains three villagers, each providing tree before it fell.
information or clues. The shadow whispered some sort of rhyme, like a
haunting lullaby carried on the wind.
BARKEEP He only remembers the fragments they’ve already
Still tending the bar out of habit, though visibly
“She… it… felt like the storm itself. Like everything
weakened. Orlan Emberwick is desperate for hope but
froze when she spoke.”
cautious about trusting strangers.
The barn stands crooked against the storm, its roof sagging
under the weight of snow and frost. Wind whistles through
gaps in the warped wood, carrying with it faint, muffled
cries. The heavy doors creak in protest as you push them
open, revealing a dim interior where frost glitters on broken
beams and stalls. Shadows flicker faintly in the cold light,
and the cries grow louder, more desperate, from deeper
There isn’t anything else to be found in the mill, The howling wind scratches at the mill’s walls, growing
except old tools and empty crates. louder as if impatient for your return to the cold. Outside,
the storm rages on, its swirling fury pushing toward the dark
treeline in the distance. The faint sound of creaking
While the scattered belongings evoke a sense of loss branches and rustling snow filters through the storm,
and desperation, the adventurers may find clues
almost drowned out by the wind. A haunting lullaby starts to
pointing toward their next course of action through
careful investigation of the mill and its surroundings. drift faintly through the gale, soft and broken, carried from
An Investigation (DC 14) check reveals faint drag the woods. It quickly fades but it is unmistakeably coming
marks leading toward the forest. The tracks are partially from the woods.
obscured by fresh snow but suggest something heavy
being pulled in that direction. The scarring of the frost
indicates the marks are recent.
A Perception (DC 14) check notices the storm’s
unnatural intensity seems to concentrate near the
treeline, as though the woods themselves are a source of
its power.
A Survival (DC 12) check reveals the air near the
woods feels sharper and colder than anywhere else in
Winterbell. Broken branches and patches of disturbed
snow suggest movement near the treeline, though no
clear tracks remain visible.
The adventurers can uncover escalating levels of detail
The woods are a labyrinth of frost and shadow, filled based on their investigation rolls. Adjust what they
with both natural and supernatural hazards. A Survival learn according to their efforts:
(DC 13) check is required to navigate the forest and stay
on course. Failure delays progress, consumes time (at Investigation (DC 10)
the DM’s discretion), and increases the risk of exposure
to the storm’s environmental effects. The hunter was obviously killed violently, his chest
Passive Perceptions 14 or higher notices subtle torn open and claw marks evident. The wounds
disturbances in the fresh snow and broken branches suggest an unnaturally large and powerful attacker.
leading deeper into the forest. A folded map is found amid the satchel’s scattered
A faint, mournful lullaby occasionally rises above the contents. It marks a cabin deeper in the woods,
wind. Its haunting tune seems to drift from deeper labeled “Shelter”. The map is smeared with blood but
within the woods, guiding the party’s steps with an remains legible, offering a clear direction.
eerie pull. Half-buried in the snow lies a longsword, its blade
faintly gleaming beneath the frost, hinting at
CORPSE magical properties.
The storm’s fury grows as the adventurers press deeper
into the woods, each step dragging them further into a Investigation (DC 14):
suffocating silence. It’s broken only when they stumble
upon a truly horrifying scene of a mangled corpse The satchel contains basic survival supplies, such as
slumped against a frost-encrusted tree, its blood stark flint, tinder, and rations. Tucked within the satchel
against the pristine snow. is a Potion of Greater Healing, carefully stored for
Beneath the twisted boughs of a tree heavy with frost, the Defensive wounds on the severed hand and dulled
knife blade suggest the hunter fought desperately
body lies torn open, his chest cavity exposed as though
before succumbing.
savaged by claws. Ribbons of frozen entrails spill across the
snow, glittering under the faint light filtering through the
storm. One hand lies severed nearby, frozen solid and Investigation (DC 17):
clutching a hunting knife, its blade dulled by frost and dried
The claw marks across the hunter’s body suggest a
blood. His remaining arm stretches toward a torn satchel, creature of immense size and supernatural strength.
its contents scattered in the crimson-streaked snow. The air The claw marks are eerily similar to those found
is thick with the iron tang of blood, mingling with the bitter near the Yule tree in the square.
cold. A faint aura of frost clings to the torn flesh,
unnatural even in the bitter cold, as though the
attack itself carried an otherworldly chill.
This encounter could be deadly for a party of four level 6
adventurers. The Shadow Stalkers’ resistances, multiattack,
and area control abilities make this a high-pressure scenario,
particularly for groups lacking magical weapons or radiant
If necessary, adjust the encounter to fit your group’s
playstyle and resources:
When defeated, the Shadow Stalkers dissolve into icy
Scaling Down: Reduce the number of Shadow Stalkers to mist, their forms unraveling into faint, ethereal
two for a manageable but tense fight. You can also delay whispers. The frost on the ground intensifies briefly,
their Spectral Strike ability or slightly lower their AC or hit then cracks, leaving behind nothing but a fleeting sense
points. of dread. The area around their defeat remains
Scaling Up: Add one additional Shadow Stalker, or unnaturally cold, as though their essence lingers as a
introduce environmental hazards like obscuring shadows
reminder of the forest’s malice.
or difficult terrain. Increase the Freezing Aura damage for
more pressure.
As the last Shadow Stalker dissolves into a swirl of frost and
This fight serves to underscore the danger of the woods
shadow, the forest falls eerily silent. The howling wind falters
and a precursor to Madame Frosthorn. Highlight the Shadow
Stalkers’ stealth and predatory nature to enhance the eerie for a moment, leaving only the muffled crunch of snow
atmosphere. Tailor the encounter to keep it challenging but beneath the your feet. You hear a melodic murmur come
engaging. through the forest.
“No one believes anymore. Yule’s warmth has left this place. I
thought the queen would protect us, but now… she’ll come for
us all with her wrath.”
The storm grows fiercer as you leave the cabin, its relentless
winds pulling at your cloaks like icy fingers. The forest looms
darker, its trees standing like sentinels of frost, their
branches clawing toward the heavens. The haunting lullaby,
now unmistakable, weaves through the gale, guiding your
steps with an ominous pull. Each crunch of snow beneath
your boots feels louder, swallowed quickly by the swirling
The children’s book serves as a thematic anchor, blending Madame Frosthorn’s lair lies ahead, a place where the
the cautionary tale of Madame Frosthorn with the blizzard converges in chaotic fury. The adventurers
adventurers’ journey. The imagery and text reinforce the
queen’s duality: both a guardian of Yule’s warmth and a must traverse a treacherous path with the storm
punisher of its neglect. It also offers a poignant insight into growing ever more oppressive as they near the core of
Winterbell’s past, reminding the adventurers that the storm her power.
is as much the villagers’ doing as it is the queen’s wrath.
The Frostbound Path is a relentless trial of both If the adventurers seem overwhelmed or the combat
physical and mental fortitude. Use the following drags, you can:
hazards to test the party as they navigate the woods:
Reduce the Frost Warden’s HP by 10-15 points.
Patches of unstable ice crack and shift underfoot. A Limit its Frost Burst ability to a one-time use.
Dexterity Saving Throw (DC 13) is needed to avoid Decrease the damage of its Freezing Aura to 2 (1d4)
slipping. Failure results in falling prone and taking 3 cold damage.
(1d6) bludgeoning damage as the ice fractures
Conversely, if the adventurers are breezing through
beneath them.
combat, consider:
Snow-laden branches occasionally snap under the
weight of the storm, crashing down suddenly. Each Increasing the range of its Frost Burst to 20 feet.
adventurer must succeed on a Dexterity Saving Adding a secondary hazard, such as collapsing
Throw (DC 12) or take 5 (2d4) bludgeoning damage. icicles triggered by its movements, requiring
Dexterity saving throws to avoid damage.
The storm carries faint strains of a haunting lullaby
that seem to originate from deep within the glacier.
The melody is disjointed and warped, stirring unease
in the minds of those who hear it. Each adventurer
must make a Wisdom Saving Throw (DC 14) to resist
its chilling influence. On a failure, they take 4 (1d8)
psychic damage.
This encounter is optional and should be tailored to
your group’s current state. If they’ve conserved their
resources or have been particularly adept at mitigating
environmental hazards, the Frost Warden serves as a
formidable challenge. On the other hand, if the
adventurers are struggling or have expended significant
resources, you may choose to omit or tone down this
The Frost Warden is an imposing construct forged
from enchanted ice and metal, a relentless sentinel
created by Madame Frosthorn to guard the outer edges
of her dominion. This encounter offers a chance to test
the adventurers’ resolve, resourcefulness, and teamwork
before the final confrontation.
The haunting lullaby grows louder and closer, the The forest ends abruptly, opening to a sheer expanse of
melody fractured and discordant. Occasionally, faint frozen cliffs that glisten under the pale light of the storm.
whispers seem to murmur alongside the song, barely The wind screams as it whips through narrow crevices,
perceptible and impossible to identify.
carrying with it the twisted strains of a lullaby that burrow
Shadows at the edge of their vision stretch
into your mind. Ahead, the ice shifts and cracks as if alive,
unnaturally but vanish when focused on, creating the
feeling of being stalked by unseen forces. revealing a jagged archway carved from frost. The air here is
A sudden silence interrupts the storm for a few colder than you imagined possible, biting into your skin even
moments, only for it to resume with a howling through layers of protection. Beyond the archway, darkness
ferocity, as though the land is alive and watching. looms, the faint glow of crystalline spires illuminating the
path into the heart of the storm.
Without combat, play on the adventurers’ nerves
through subtle, escalating unease. The adventurers are now on the cusp of confronting
Madame Frosthorn. The environment signals that this
One party member (chosen at random or with
is no ordinary space; it is infused with her essence, her
Passive Perception 14+) feels as though they are
wrath made manifest. Build tension with the following
being watched, though no one else perceives it. The
sense of paranoia lingers but reveals no tangible
The final chamber is a cathedral of ice, its vaulted ceilings Insight (DC 14): Detecting cracks in her icy demeanor
reveals that her anger masks deep pain and regret. This
adorned with glittering stalactites that cast refracted light in
knowledge can guide adventurers in addressing her
shifting patterns. At its center stands a towering throne of
emotionally rather than antagonistically.
jagged frost, each edge sharp enough to draw blood. Seated
upon it is Madame Frosthorn, her crimson cloak billowing as Deception (DC 17): Crafting a lie convincing Madame
if stirred by an unseen wind, and frost-draped horns framing Frosthorn that the adventurers’ arrival serves her
her cruel, beautiful face. The air grows so cold it burns, and purpose may momentarily confuse her, buying time or
the walls seem to shift and ripple, reflecting distorted shifting her focus.
images of Winterbell’s happier days and the adventurers’
Intimidation (DC 19): Threatening her directly may
own fears. She rises with deliberate grace, her eyes gleaming
provoke her into a reckless display of power, making her
with a mix of sorrow and fury.
overextend early in the confrontation. However, failure
enrages her further, increasing the ferocity of her initial
This is the climactic confrontation with Madame attacks.
Frosthorn. The encounter offers multiple layers of
resolution, combat, negotiation, or a blend of both,
depending on the adventurers’ choices and previous
actions. Use the following to guide this critical moment.
Madame Frosthorn begins the encounter by addressing
the adventurers, her voice carrying both sorrow and
wrath. She recognizes the adventurers as intruders but
also as potential saviors, or pawns.
“So, you’ve come at last. Did you think your steps through the
frost went unnoticed? I felt your warmth, just a a flicker in the
storm, and I knew you would stumble here, like moths to a
frozen flame. Do you think yourselves heroes, come to thaw the
unyielding ice? Fools. You carry the guilt of their betrayal, just as
they did. You will freeze, as all things do, forgotten and broken
beneath the weight of my storm.”
If the adventurers recite the rhyme with empathy or “Do you truly mean to restore the season’s joy? To bring back
what they destroyed, what I was born to protect? If you swear
Madame Frosthorn pauses, her icy veneer cracking.
this… I may let the storm rest.”
Her voice softens, though her sorrow remains
“You speak the words of her sorrow… my sorrow. Do you If the adventurers promise to honor her request and
understand what they mean? Or do you merely play at genuinely commit to revitalizing Winterbell’s
compassion?” traditions:
“Enough of your words! Let the frost take you as it has taken all
While Madame Frosthorn is consumed by anger and who dared defy me. You shall know the stillness of winter’s
sorrow, her hesitation offers a slim chance for
eternal grasp!”
redemption. Adventurers who appeal to her emotions,
show genuine understanding of her pain, and promise
to restore Winterbell’s joy may achieve the unthinkable: This marks the transition to combat, as Madame
convincing her to relinquish her wrath. Frosthorn engages the adventurers with the full force of
her supernatural power.
Destroying the throne reduces her power but enrages Mid-Combat: Dividing and Conquering
her, granting her advantage on her next single attack.
Madame Frosthorn uses her Wrath of Winter
The Walls of Fractured Memories (Recharge 5–6) strategically, targeting clusters of
adventurers to deal massive damage and sow chaos.
Reflecting distorted images of Winterbell’s past and She prioritizes spellcasters and ranged attackers but
the adventurers’ fears, the walls impose subtle shifts focus to heavily armored melee fighters if they
distractions. close the gap.
At the start of their turn, each adventurer must Lair actions like Glacial Barricade isolate key
succeed on a Wisdom Saving Throw (DC 12) or take adventurers, forcing the party to work around
a -1 penalty to all attack rolls and skill checks for the obstacles.
PORCELAIN DOLL Tiny construct, unaligned
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Tiny construct, neutral evil
Hit Points 22 (4d4 + 12)
Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Speed 0 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover)
Hit Points 45 (10d4 + 10)
4 (-3) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 1 (-5) 5 (-3) 1 (-5)
8 (-1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical attacks
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and Damage Immunities poison, psychic
slashing from nonmagical attacks Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened,
Damage Vulnerabilities fire exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius),
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned passive Perception 7
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 Languages —
Languages understands the languages of its creator but Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
cannot speak
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Chilling Presence. Any creature that ends its turn within 5
feet of the wreathling must succeed on a DC 12
Chilling Aura. At the start of the doll’s turn, creatures Constitution saving throw or take 3 (1d6) cold damage.
within 5 feet of it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution
saving throw or take 4 (1d8) cold damage. Construct Nature. The wreathling doesn’t require air,
food, drink, or sleep.
Creeping Laughter. The doll emits an eerie, childlike
giggle. Any creature within 30 feet of the doll that can ACTIONS
hear it must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw
Frosted Lash. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
or become frightened for 1 minute. A frightened
one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) cold damage.
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each
of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Glacial Surge (Recharge 5–6). The wreathling releases a
burst of icy magic. Each creature within 10 feet must
Fragile Frame. The doll has disadvantage on saving
succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or take 6
throws against effects that deal fire damage.
(1d12) cold damage and have their speed reduced by 10
ACTIONS feet until the end of their next turn. Creatures immune
to cold damage are unaffected.
Icicle Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 7 (2d4 + 2) slashing damage plus 3 (1d6)
cold damage.
12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 6 (-2)
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant Damage Vulnerabilities fire
Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing, and Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical attacks slashing from nonmagical attacks
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 frightened, poisoned
Languages Common, Infernal Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Languages understands Common but can’t speak
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Shadow Blend. While in dim light or darkness, the
Shadow Stalker can take the Hide action as a bonus Glacial Resilience. The Frost Warden has advantage on
action. saving throws against spells and magical effects.
Freezing Aura. Any creature that starts its turn within 5 Freezing Aura. Creatures within 10 feet of the Frost
feet of the Shadow Stalker must succeed on a DC 12 Warden take 3 (1d6) cold damage at the start of their
Constitution saving throw or take 4 (1d8) cold damage. turn.
Multiattack. The Shadow Stalker makes two attacks with Multiattack. The Frost Warden makes two melee attacks.
its Shadow Claws.
Icy Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
Shadow Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage and 4 (1d8)
one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) slashing damage plus 4 (1d8) cold damage.
cold damage.
Frost Burst (Recharge 5–6). The Frost Warden emits a wave
Spectral Strike (Recharge 5–6). The Shadow Stalker releases of freezing energy. Each creature within 15 feet must
a burst of icy magic. Each creature within 15 feet must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or take
succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or take 16 (3d10) cold damage and be restrained until the end of
17 (4d8) cold damage and be slowed (speed halved) until their next turn. On a successful save, they take half
the end of their next turn. damage and are not restrained.
Multiattack. Madame Frosthorn makes two attacks.
On initiative count 20 (losing ties), Madame Frosthorn
can use one of the following lair actions. Lair actions
are limited to every other round.
he origins of Winterbell trace back to a layers of frost. Doors remain bolted, and windows are
small group of settlers seeking refuge from obscured by ice, reflecting a town gripped by fear.
the harsh winters of the surrounding The communal spirit that defined Winterbell has all
region. Nestled within a natural valley, but disappeared. Those who remain huddle in isolation,
shielded by dense woods and rolling hills, their faith in old traditions eroded by years of neglect
the settlement grew into a thriving and self-interest. The toppled Yule Tree lies forgotten
community. At its heart, the villagers in the Frozen Square, its branches stripped of
raised the Yule Tree as a beacon of unity, marking their ornaments and buried beneath layers of snow. Where
triumphs against the elements. Over centuries, the tree once the villagers would gather to celebrate, now they
became synonymous with the town’s identity, a living avoid the area, haunted by whispers and fleeting
symbol of joy and togetherness. shadows.
Winterbell’s prosperity was closely tied to its seasonal
traditions. During Yuletide, the village would transform CULTURAL FOOTPRINT
into a wonderland of glowing lights, fragrant Despite the present hardships, remnants of Winterbell’s
evergreens, and bustling markets. The annual Yule former glory linger in the town’s architecture and
Festival, marked by communal feasts and the exchange artifacts. Buildings feature intricate carvings of Yule
of handcrafted gifts, drew travelers from distant lands, motifs, such as snowflakes, bells, and holly leaves,
who marveled at the warmth and generosity of the etched into wooden beams and stone facades. Many
people. homes still bear faded wreaths or tattered garlands,
Legends of a benevolent guardian spirit arose during forgotten relics of happier times.
these early years. Known as the Crimson Queen, she The villagers’ dialect reflects traces of their cultural
was said to bless Winterbell with gentle snowfalls and heritage, shaped by generations of Yuletide
bountiful harvests during the coldest months. Though celebrations. Once, casual conversation was laced with
the villagers never claimed to see her directly, her references to warmth, light, and community. Now those
influence was celebrated through songs and stories expressions, words of encouragement and unity, have
passed down through generations. faded into obscurity, whispered only in moments of
CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS desperation or longing for the past.
Winterbell’s history remains a poignant reminder of
Winterbell’s residents took pride in their seasonal what was lost. For adventurers, the town offers a
rituals, many of which revolved around the Yule Tree. window into the consequences of neglecting traditions
Each year, the villagers adorned its towering branches and the enduring hope of renewal. Whether the Yule
with handmade ornaments, ribbons, and garlands. Tree will stand tall once more depends on the choices
Families would gather to place small, symbolic gifts made by those who dare to confront the storm and its
beneath the tree, offerings meant to honor the spirit of embittered guardian.
generosity and foster unity.
Another cherished tradition was the Procession of
Bells, where villagers carried lanterns through the
snow-laden streets, ringing bells to welcome the arrival
of the solstice. The sound of the bells was said to ward
off misfortune and usher in a season of hope and
Songs and rhymes celebrating the Crimson Queen
were another hallmark of Yuletide. These festive tunes
reinforced the values of sharing and kindness. While
many of the lyrics have been lost to time, fragments
linger in Winterbell’s cultural memory, serving as
reminders of a simpler, more joyous era.