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INTRODUCTION 3 The Frostbound Path 14

3 Optional Combat Encounter - Frost Warden 14
Type of Adventure
3 Approaching the Lair 15
Using This Adventure
3 Madame Frosthorn’s Lair 16
Adventure Background
The Throne Room of Frost 17
ACT I: THE SILENT Combat Encounter - Madame Frosthorn 18
BLIZZARD 4 Madame Frosthorn Cont’d 19
Combat Encounter - Animated Porcelain Doll 4 CONCLUDING THE
Winterbell 4 ADVENTURE 20
Environmental Effect: The Curse of Winterbell 4 20
The Emberlight Tavern 5 The Village of Winterbell
The Frozen Square 6 Rewards and Consequences
Combat Encounter - Wreathlings 6 APPENDIX I: STAT
The Barn 7 BLOCKS 21
ACT II: THE FROZEN Animated Porcelain Doll 21
MARCH 8 Wreathling 21
8 Shadow Stalker 22
The Old Mill
9 Frost Warden 22
The Old Mill Cont’d
The Woods 10 Madame Frosthorn 23
Frostguard Longsword 11 APPENDIX II: THE STORY
Combat Encounter - Shadow Stalkers 11 24
The Hunter’s Cabin 12 OF MADAME FROSTHORN
Yule Charm 13
Module Writer & Designer: Christopher D Ray
Graphics & Interior Art: Alamy Stock Photos, Adobe Stock Photos, Henrik Karppinen, Lore Wise Games, Dean
Spencer, Ryan Fox, Trista Soren
Maps & VTT Tokens: Christopher Ray, Trista Soren
Playtesting & Feedback provided by: Brent Lane, Keith Lane, Jamie Ray, Christopher Ray (DM)
Support and Patience: Amanda Ray
PDF: Created with The Homebrewery

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original material in this work is copyright 2024 by Christopher D Ray and published under the Community Content
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elcome to Silent Night, Dreadful Night, a the glow of their shared joy. This year, the celebrations
chilling holiday-themed adventure designed are silent. The hearths are cold, the tree lies toppled and
for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, aimed buried beneath snow, and an unnatural blizzard howls
at sixth-level players. This adventure blends through the streets. Something has gone terribly wrong
gothic horror with festive undertones, in Winterbell.
offering a suspenseful and emotional It began when the Yule tree fell. Once the pride of
experience for players. Whether you’re Winterbell, the tree’s collapse marked the start of an
running a standalone one-shot or weaving it into a unrelenting storm that blanketed the town in frost.
larger campaign, this story delivers a balance of Soon after, villagers began vanishing, leaving behind
mystery, moral dilemmas, and tense encounters. eerie claw marks and frost-etched symbols. Shadows
This adventure is structured to be completed in a were seen stalking the streets, and whispers spoke of a
single session of three to six hours for a party of four. horned woman in crimson, her presence chilling the air.
However, as every Dungeon Master knows, the pace Those who remain huddle behind barricaded doors,
may vary depending on your players’ decisions and fearful of what lurks beyond the storm.
roleplay moments. The truth is more haunting than the villagers’
If you’re new to Dungeon Mastering, take some time whispered fears. Madame Frosthorn is no mere spirit of
to read through the adventure beforehand. Familiarity vengeance. She is the embodiment of Winterbell’s
with the content will help you bring the haunting forgotten warmth, a guardian created by centuries of
atmosphere of Winterbell and the tragic fury of shared joy, gratitude, and togetherness. Her essence was
Madame Frosthorn to life. This adventure assumes a tied to the traditions of the season, thriving on the
basic understanding of the Dungeon Master’s Guide, villagers’ celebrations and protecting them during the
Player’s Handbook, and Monster Manual to assist with harshest winters. As prosperity grew, however, the
rules and improvisation during play. Prepare to lead spirit of the season faded. The people’s joy turned
your party into a frosty tale of despair, redemption, and inward, their generosity replaced by greed and neglect.
survival! Bereft of the warmth that sustained her, Madame
Frosthorn twisted into a being of despair and rage.
TYPE OF ADVENTURE Now, she haunts the streets, her frostbitten horns
Silent Night, Dreadful Night is a holiday-themed gothic gleaming and crimson cloak trailing like blood in the
horror adventure for Level 6 characters, blending snow. Her storm is not merely a force of nature but a
investigation, moral dilemmas, and suspenseful manifestation of her anguish, punishing the town for
encounters. Set in the snowbound village of Winterbell, abandoning the spirit that once gave it life. She does not
players will face chilling mysteries and meaningful seek destruction; she seeks remembrance. But her
choices in a sinister holiday tale that combines methods are as relentless as the blizzard she commands,
exploration, roleplay, and combat. and without intervention, Winterbell will be buried in
frost, its people frozen in despair.
USING THIS ADVENTURE The adventurers arrive to find a town on the brink of
collapse, its people paralyzed by fear and its streets
This adventure is set in a small, snowbound village
thick with snow and secrets. To stop
called Winterbell, but you are welcome to change the
Madame Frosthorn, they must piece
name and setting to better fit your own campaign
together the mystery of her
world. The events and themes of the story are flexible
transformation and decide. Will
and can be adapted to suit your preferred tone or locale.
they rekindle the warmth
As the Dungeon Master, you are encouraged to make
she craves, restoring the
adjustments to the adventure as you see fit. Feel free to
town’s lost joy and
modify encounters, tweak creature abilities, or alter
gratitude? Or will they
difficulty levels to match the needs and experience of
face her wrath head-on,
your players. If you find the challenges too easy,
risking Winterbell’s
increase hit points, damage, or DCs to keep the tension
survival to end her
high and the stakes meaningful. The story is yours to
torment once
and for all?
The once-cheerful village of Winterbell has always been
a place of warmth during the Yuletide season. Its people
would gather under the towering Yule tree in the village
square, exchanging gifts, sharing songs, and basking in

ACT I: THE SILENT “Or be frozen in shadow, no end to the night.”
The adventurers begin their journey traveling through
The rhyme fragment left behind by the shattered doll is
an oppressive snowstorm. The wind bites like knives,
cryptic at first and offers little immediate clarity.
and frost clings to their cloaks. As they approach
For you, as the Dungeon Master, the rhyme refers to
Winterbell, the unnatural silence settles around them,
the stolen joy and warmth of the season, twisted by
creating a suffocating atmosphere. No animals stir, no
Madame Frosthorn’s vengeance. The adventurers will
lights flicker in the distance, and the faint crunch of
uncover its meaning as they gather more fragments and
snow underfoot is the only sound.
investigate the village.

The road before you vanishes into the swirling snow, the
storm’s fury threatening to bury the world around you. All is
As the adventurers move deeper into Winterbell, the
silent except for the crunch of snow beneath your feet and
storm grows heavier, and the eerie atmosphere
the occasional groan of the wind. Through the blinding intensifies. Most doors of the town are sealed shut from
white, the faint outline of a village takes shape. Winterbell ice and frost. The streets are empty, but signs of recent
sits in eerie stillness, and as you press forward, the storm activity hint at the presence of survivors. However, the
grows harsher, and any torchlight you carry begins to flicker biting cold seeps into their bones, and the storm’s
and wane. No lights flicker, no voices call out, only the cold magical intensity grows stronger the longer they linger
welcomes you as you progress ahead. outside. Without adequate protection, such as magical
warmth or protective items, the adventurers risk
succumbing to the frost as they explore.
Nearing the outskirts of the village, the storm briefly
eases, and the adventurers catch sight of something E NVIRONMENTAL E
buried in the snow. At first glance, it appears to be C URSE O
nothing more than debris, but as they draw closer, the The Curse of Winterbell is a supernatural frost that
unsettling details come into view. Half-buried in the blankets the village, conjured by Madame Frosthorn’s
snow lies a porcelain doll, its cracked face smeared with wrath. The storm’s biting cold is not natural but a
frozen blood. manifestation of her power, draining warmth and life
As they take in the scene, the howling wind falters, from the land.
replaced by an eerie melody. The sound of a child
singing drifts faintly through the air, soft and melodic,
yet unnervingly out of place.

The wind grows still for a moment, and a faint melody

begins to drift through the air. A child’s voice, soft and
melodic, carries a lullaby that seems far too delicate for the
howling storm. As you follow the sound, your eyes fall upon
something half-buried in the snow. A porcelain doll lies
before you, its painted smile fractured by a long crack
running down its face. One glass eye stares upward, the
other shattered into jagged shards. Its dress, once delicate,
is streaked with deep red. Beneath it, the snow is dark
crimson and frozen solid, crusted with ice.

If the adventurers linger or disturb
the doll, it animates. A high-pitched,
childlike giggle fills the air, sharp and Prolonged exposure to the storm weakens even the
unnatural, as the doll jerks upright, strongest adventurers, inflicting exhaustion and
its fractured face twisting unnaturally. frostbite as the cold seeps into their very souls. Without
Upon defeat, the doll shatters, proper protection or shelter, those who remain outside
leaving behind its blood-streaked risk succumbing to her icy grasp, becoming frozen
dress and a fragment of a rhyme. husks of what they once were.

Act I: The Silent Blizzard

For every 30 minutes spent exposed to the storm
without magical protection: “Hang red on the bough for the horned queen’s delight,”

Characters must make a DC 13 Constitution saving

throw. He has no idea what the message means, but states it
On a failure, they suffer one level of exhaustion. appeared sometime after the Yule tree fell.
Those already suffering exhaustion take 1d6 cold If they give the other message from the doll
damage instead. encounter, he states that it sounds like a rhyme, but
has no clue what it means.
Mundane sources of heat, such as torches or “Stay inside if you can. That storm… it’s not natural.
campfires, provide no protection when used outside, as The fire’s the only reason we haven’t frozen solid in
they cannot counteract the magical nature of the curse. here like the rest…and it’s barely hanging on as it is.”
Only magical solutions, such as Protection from Energy
or specific story related items found, can stave off its T HE F
effects. A villager seated by the fire, clutching a frost-covered
Sheltering inside buildings with a fire, such as the mitten, their face pale with grief and fear. Her name is
Emberlight Tavern, provides partial protection by Kaela Whitethorn.
halting exposure to the storm. While the fire’s warmth
is minimal due to the supernatural cold, being indoors What She Knows
prevents the curse from taking hold.
Their child disappeared near the Yule tree but was
THE EMBERLIGHT TAVERN not the first to go missing.
The Emberlight Tavern, once the beating heart of They heard a soft voice, gentle and melodic, calling
Winterbell’s festivities, now stands as a fragile refuge. their child into the snow.
Frost clings to the windows, and the faint glow of a fire They plead with the adventurers to find their child
struggles to push back the overwhelming cold. Inside, a or anyone else who might still be alive.
handful of survivors cling to hope, their faces pale and “If you do go out there, check the square… that’s
etched with fear. where all this started when that damn tree fell!”

The heavy wooden door groans as you push it open,
The youngest of the group, this villager sits closest to
revealing a dimly lit room. A faint glow from the hearth the fire, staring at the flames. Their voice is hollow,
flickers weakly, casting long shadows over frost covered distant, and they speak only when pressed with a
tables and chairs. Plates and mugs sit frozen in place, as if (Persuasion DC 14) check.
abandoned in a hurry. Near the fire, a handful of villagers If players fail the check, they stay silent and stare into
huddle together. Their breath clouds in the icy air, and their the fire as if they’re dead inside.
faces are gaunt, their expressions wary as they turn toward
If Successful His name is Thane Burnby
They saw a “horned shadow” standing near the Yule
The tavern contains three villagers, each providing tree before it fell.
information or clues. The shadow whispered some sort of rhyme, like a
haunting lullaby carried on the wind.
BARKEEP He only remembers the fragments they’ve already
Still tending the bar out of habit, though visibly
“She… it… felt like the storm itself. Like everything
weakened. Orlan Emberwick is desperate for hope but
froze when she spoke.”
cautious about trusting strangers.

What He Knows The villagers have no other information for the

The Yule tree’s collapse marked the town’s spiral
into chaos. WHERE TO NEXT?
Frost crept in rapidly after the tree fell, and the
The villagers’ warnings and fragmented memories point
winter storm intensified unnaturally.
the adventurers toward the Frozen Square. The Yule
Shadows and figures began appearing in the storm,
tree’s collapse marked the beginning of Winterbell’s
and people started vanishing.
suffering, and investigating the area may uncover
A message is preserved on a frozen mug, which they
further clues about the curse and its origin.
hand to the adventurers:

Act I: The Silent Blizzard

and reducing mobility. The Wreathlings try to stay
THE FROZEN SQUARE within 5 feet of at least one adventurer to maximize the
The town square was once the heart of Winterbell’s damage from Chilling Presence, forcing Constitution
celebrations. Now, it is dominated by the toppled Yule saves each round.
tree, buried beneath layers of frost and shattered Against melee-focused characters, the Wreathlings
decorations. hover out of range, using Frosted Lash to harass from the
air. If only one Wreathling remains, it becomes erratic
and desperate, staying close to its target until destroyed.
The Yule tree lies toppled in the center of the square, its
ornaments shattered and scattered in the snow like
forgotten memories. A faint spiral of markings circles the
base of the tree, barely visible through the frost.

Characters with a Passive Perception of 14 or higher

notice a faint glimmer of red near the base of the tree.
There lies a small shoe, half-buried in the snow.
The shoe belongs to a child who recently
disappeared. It is stiff with frost and embedded in
hardened snow, as if unnaturally frozen there.
A Survival (DC 14) check reveals tracks leading away
from the shoe. The tracks suggest that the child, or
whatever took them, was dragged toward the barn near
the outskirts of town. Alongside the tracks are faint
claw marks. The tracks grow fainter as they approach
deeper drifts of snow.
An Investigation (DC 12) check reveals that the spiral
markings near the tree’s base are deep claw marks. The As the DM, feel free to adjust the combat encounter to
size and deliberate placement suggest something suit your players. If it feels too easy or overwhelming,
massive felled the tree intentionally, rather than any tweak the number of enemies or their abilities.
natural occurrence. Remember, you’re in charge. You set the stage for the
Hidden beneath scattered ornaments is a scrap of adventure!
frozen parchment containing another fragment of the When the Wreathlings are destroyed, they shatter
rhyme: into icy fragments, releasing one final burst of
supernatural cold.
“To mend what was shattered, give back what you plunder…” Each creature within 5 feet of the Wreathling must
succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or take 3
As the adventurers search the square, shards of (1d6) cold damage from the shards. Creatures
shattered ornaments and tattered wreaths animate, immune to cold damage are unaffected.
twisted by the storm’s magic. Frost-covered wreaths The icy shards quickly melt into harmless frost after
lurch toward the adventurers, tendrils of tinsel the effect, leaving behind no lasting magic.
whipping like icy vines.
As the last Wreathling shatters into icy fragments, the
ENCOUNTER square falls silent once more, overtaken by the relentless
3 Wreathlings - For 3 to 4 Players. howling of the storm. The overwhelming cold seems almost
4 Wreathlings - For 5 to 6 players. alive, clinging to your skin with unnatural intensity. The
Areas near the toppled tree are coated in black ice tracks in the snow remain partially visible, claw marks still
and is considered difficult terrain. etched into the frost, leading unmistakably toward the barn.
Whatever is behind this curse, the answers, and danger,
TAC T IC S seem to await further ahead.
The Wreathlings are fast and elusive, relying on their
flight and agility to harass adventurers while avoiding
direct confrontation. They work as a group, focusing on The tracks and claw marks lead directly to the barn on
softening the party with their Chilling Presence and icy the outskirts of the square, giving adventurers a clear
attacks. direction for further investigation.
If the adventurers group together, a Wreathling may
unleash its Glacial Surge, creating an area of effect threat

Act I: The Silent Blizzard

The barn is a decrepit structure near the outskirts of
Winterbell, leaning precariously under the weight of
frost and snow. Once a bustling part of the village for
livestock, it now barely stands, holding a chilling choice
for the adventurers.

The barn stands crooked against the storm, its roof sagging
under the weight of snow and frost. Wind whistles through
gaps in the warped wood, carrying with it faint, muffled
cries. The heavy doors creak in protest as you push them
open, revealing a dim interior where frost glitters on broken
beams and stalls. Shadows flicker faintly in the cold light,
and the cries grow louder, more desperate, from deeper

A Perception (DC 15) check reveals deep cracks running

along the wooden beams and faint groans from the roof
under the weight of ice and snow. The structure feels
dangerously unstable, as though it could collapse with
Saving the Children
any significant disturbance.
Freeing the children is straightforward but time
Any type of Investigation check would see the claw
consuming, requiring a Dexterity (DC 14) check to
marks and broken tools scattered across the floor,
carefully untie their bindings and carry them to safety.
suggesting a violent scuffle.
Success ensures the children escape unharmed, but
T HE C APTIVES the villager is crushed in the collapse, leaving behind
perhaps one of the only people who could provide more
Three children, bound and frostbitten, are huddled insight into the curse.
together in a dark corner of the barn. They are alive
but weak, shivering and unable to speak coherently Saving the Villager
beyond describing a “horned shadow” that dragged Freeing the villager requires a Strength (DC 14) check
them here. to lift the beam trapping them. They are too weak to
An elderly villager lies pinned under a collapsed move unaided and must be carried out.
beam on the opposite side of the barn. Their breaths Success saves the villager, who ends up providing
are labored, and they mutter warnings of the vital information about Madame Frosthorn and the
“crimson queen’s wrath” before trailing off into curse. However, the children are lost, deepening the
silence. emotional toll on the adventurers.
The barn groans under the weight of the storm, its
Attempting Both
frost-bitten beams ready to give way. Adventurers have
Most parties will likely try to split their efforts to save
limited time to act before the structure collapses
both captives. However, splitting focus increases the
entirely, forcing a difficult choice.
difficulty, as lower DCs rely on teamwork and the
effective use of the Help action. Success will require
A loud crack echoes through the barn, and the ground careful coordination and precise execution.
shudders beneath your feet. The groaning of the beams Freeing the children will require a Dexterity (DC 16)
grows louder, followed by a shower of frost and splinters check instead of a lower one. The same goes for freeing
raining down from above. The air fills with the acrid smell of the villager which will simultaneously require a
splintered wood and the sharp bite of icy wind. The barn’s Strength (DC 16) check.
structure creaks louder, and it’s clear you have only Success on both checks saves everyone but it put
moments before the entire building comes crashing down. significant risk to the party while doing so.
Failure on either check results in the partial collapse
of the barn, trapping one of the captives and dealing 7
T H E M OR A L DI L E M M A (2d6) bludgeoning damage to party members who fail a
The adventurers are faced with a heavy decision when Dexterity Saving Throw (DC 14) to avoid falling debris.
the barn begins to collapse. Children or Villager?

Act I: The Silent Blizzard

After the barn’s collapse, the storm grows harsher, I N F OR M AT ION F RO M T H E C A P T I V E S
battering the adventurers with relentless wind and
freezing snow. Whether they saved the children, the The Children - Mira Whitethorn, Calen Frostbrook, and
villager, or no one at all, the need for shelter becomes Tessa Holloway
Any captives rescued are barely able to speak, They recall being taken from their homes in the dead
shivering violently in the freezing cold. However, of night by a “horned shadow,” struggling to
through gasps and fragmented words, they manage to describe much beyond its towering presence and
point toward the Old Mill as a nearby refuge. crimson cloak. “She was so cold… and angry.”
Characters with a Passive Perception of 12 or higher “She was humming what seemed like a lullaby… but
also notice the faint silhouette of the Old Mill through it wasn’t nice,” one child murmurs weakly, unable to
the swirling snow, its sturdy outline promising shelter explain further.
from the storm’s relentless bite. They describe being dragged through the snow,
unable to resist the icy grip, and left in the barn,
shivering in terror until the adventurers arrived.
I remember Mama saying something about her when
The barn fully collapses behind you, its timbers groaning I was little… ‘She’ll come for you if you’re bad on
and splintering as the storm consumes it. The biting cold Yule.’ I thought it was just a story…
presses in, freezing the air in your lungs and sapping your The children are frightened and weak, unable to
strength with every step. Through the swirling snow, the provide much more information past this. If asked
faint silhouette of the Old Mill emerges. Its sturdy stone about the rhyme fragments, they become uneasy,
walls stand against the storm, offering a glimmer of safety stating that the horned shadow murmured some
against the relentless storm. similar words before vanishing into the storm.

The Villager - Oswin Greybriar

The villager identifies the “horned shadow” as
MARCH Madame Frosthorn, who began appearing after the
Yule tree’s collapse, punishing the village for
abandoning its traditions of spirit, joy, and gratitude.
THE OLD MILL They explain that the Yule tree was a symbol of the
village’s connection to Madame Frosthorn, and its
The Old Mill is a weathered structure built from solid fall marked the turning point when the storm
stone, its walls now frosted and glistening in the cold. worsened, and disappearances began.
Its great wheel stands frozen, locked in a sheath of ice, “She wasn’t always like this,” they whisper, shivering.
and snow gathers in the crevices of its masonry. When “We used to honor her spirit… hell, most people
the players are approaching, read the below aloud. didn’t even believe in her!”. But when we stopped…
she changed”
The mill stands stoic against the storm, its stone walls The villager describes shadows seen stalking the
coated with frost. Icicles hang from its eaves, and the heavy streets since the curse began. “They’re not human.
wooden door rests slightly ajar, creaking softly in the wind. They’re her creatures, her tools to punish us.”
Inside, the air is bitter and damp, the thick stone blocking When presented with the rhyme fragments collected
most of the storm’s fury. Machinery sits rusted and still, and so far, the villager helps piece them together. They
don’t offer a new piece but speculate on the rhyme’s
in one corner lies a small, long-cold campfire surrounded by
purpose. “She’s not just punishing us…she seems
scattered belongings. vengeful. This is more than just a rhyme…it seems
like a test.”
The Old Mill provides the adventurers with a temporary “You know…this reminds me of a children’s story we
shelter, halting the effects of the Curse of Winterbell as used to tell to the children..but I thought those were
long as they remain inside and rekindle the fire. It offers just stories.” If asked about the story, the villager
the chance to rest and plan their next move while doesn’t remember line for line but recalls some of a
reflecting on what they’ve learned so far. rhyme from it.
If the adventurers rescued either the children or the
“With horns of frost and cloak of red,
villager (or both), this is where they can safely provide
additional information. Their details vary based on who She comes to claim what’s left unsaid.”
was saved.

Act II: The Frozen March

BELONGINGS for the captives, who are too weak and terrified to
The belongings strewn around the mill tell a story of
Both sets of captives, regardless of who was saved,
those who sought refuge here during the storm. The
will want and choose to stay at the mill and tend to the
remnants suggest desperation and a hurried flight, but
their fate remains unclear.
Any type of Investigation check through the debris If they saved the children: The children nervously recall
uncovers: hearing the same lullaby that haunted them in the barn
Stiff with frost, a blanket is wrapped around a pile of now faintly carried by the wind from outside the mill.
old supplies. Its edges are embroidered with Yule- “We hear it…that song. It’s coming from the woods,” one
themed patterns. The blanket offers no clues about murmurs fearfully, shivering. The children would cling
to the adventurers, but their fear outweighs their
its owner but gives a sense of abandonment and fear.
courage. “We’ll stay here by the fire. Please… don’t let
Leaning against the wall near the fire is a broken
longbow, its string snapped and the wood splintered. her find us again,” one whispers, tears freezing on their
Scratches along the shaft suggest it was dropped cheeks.
hastily, perhaps in the middle of a struggle. If they saved the villager: The villager, after having
A pot sits in the ashes of the old campfire, its some rest, shares recollections of others being “taken to
contents long frozen solid. A charred smell lingers the woods” and mentions seeing shadows disappear
faintly, as if the fire had been extinguished in a among the trees near the edge of Winterbell. The
hurry, leaving everything behind. elderly villager would insists on remaining behind.
Strips of fabric lie frozen to the floor, once part of a “You’ve done enough getting me this far. The fire will
coat or cloak. The edges are jagged, as though ripped keep me alive a little longer. If you can stop her, you’ll
during a frantic struggle. The material is adorned save us all.”
with faded Yule patterns, seemingly belonging to a
With the captives choosing to remain in the mill and
the fire rekindled, the adventurers are left to face the
Half-buried in frost near the cold campfire, a small,
storm once more. The forest looms ahead as the storm
crudely carved Wooden Toy Soldier is splintered
grows more unnatural, its swirling fury funneling
down the middle. One side remains pristine, while toward the treeline.
the other is scorched black.

There isn’t anything else to be found in the mill, The howling wind scratches at the mill’s walls, growing
except old tools and empty crates. louder as if impatient for your return to the cold. Outside,
the storm rages on, its swirling fury pushing toward the dark
treeline in the distance. The faint sound of creaking
While the scattered belongings evoke a sense of loss branches and rustling snow filters through the storm,
and desperation, the adventurers may find clues
almost drowned out by the wind. A haunting lullaby starts to
pointing toward their next course of action through
careful investigation of the mill and its surroundings. drift faintly through the gale, soft and broken, carried from
An Investigation (DC 14) check reveals faint drag the woods. It quickly fades but it is unmistakeably coming
marks leading toward the forest. The tracks are partially from the woods.
obscured by fresh snow but suggest something heavy
being pulled in that direction. The scarring of the frost
indicates the marks are recent.
A Perception (DC 14) check notices the storm’s
unnatural intensity seems to concentrate near the
treeline, as though the woods themselves are a source of
its power.
A Survival (DC 12) check reveals the air near the
woods feels sharper and colder than anywhere else in
Winterbell. Broken branches and patches of disturbed
snow suggest movement near the treeline, though no
clear tracks remain visible.


If the adventurers saved any of the captives, this is the
time to decide their next course of action. The
adventurers should have used this place to rest and
gather their thoughts. The mill still offers a safe haven

Act II: The Frozen March

The woods surrounding Winterbell are dark and
treacherous, filled with snow-laden branches and an
unnatural silence broken only by the wind. The storm
feels heavier here, the cold sharper, as though the forest
itself resents intruders. Navigating these frozen paths
tests the adventurers’ resolve and strength as they push
deeper toward the unknown.

The forest looms tall and oppressive, its branches weighed

down with heavy snow that shifts and falls in muffled thuds.
The air grows colder with every step, and shadows stretch
unnaturally between the trees, vanishing the moment you
focus on them. The snow crunches loudly beneath your feet,
each sound swallowed quickly by the thick, swirling storm.
Faint movements flicker at the edges of your vision, too
quick to follow.

The adventurers can uncover escalating levels of detail
The woods are a labyrinth of frost and shadow, filled based on their investigation rolls. Adjust what they
with both natural and supernatural hazards. A Survival learn according to their efforts:
(DC 13) check is required to navigate the forest and stay
on course. Failure delays progress, consumes time (at Investigation (DC 10)
the DM’s discretion), and increases the risk of exposure
to the storm’s environmental effects. The hunter was obviously killed violently, his chest
Passive Perceptions 14 or higher notices subtle torn open and claw marks evident. The wounds
disturbances in the fresh snow and broken branches suggest an unnaturally large and powerful attacker.
leading deeper into the forest. A folded map is found amid the satchel’s scattered
A faint, mournful lullaby occasionally rises above the contents. It marks a cabin deeper in the woods,
wind. Its haunting tune seems to drift from deeper labeled “Shelter”. The map is smeared with blood but
within the woods, guiding the party’s steps with an remains legible, offering a clear direction.
eerie pull. Half-buried in the snow lies a longsword, its blade
faintly gleaming beneath the frost, hinting at
CORPSE magical properties.
The storm’s fury grows as the adventurers press deeper
into the woods, each step dragging them further into a Investigation (DC 14):
suffocating silence. It’s broken only when they stumble
upon a truly horrifying scene of a mangled corpse The satchel contains basic survival supplies, such as
slumped against a frost-encrusted tree, its blood stark flint, tinder, and rations. Tucked within the satchel
against the pristine snow. is a Potion of Greater Healing, carefully stored for
Beneath the twisted boughs of a tree heavy with frost, the Defensive wounds on the severed hand and dulled
knife blade suggest the hunter fought desperately
body lies torn open, his chest cavity exposed as though
before succumbing.
savaged by claws. Ribbons of frozen entrails spill across the
snow, glittering under the faint light filtering through the
storm. One hand lies severed nearby, frozen solid and Investigation (DC 17):
clutching a hunting knife, its blade dulled by frost and dried
The claw marks across the hunter’s body suggest a
blood. His remaining arm stretches toward a torn satchel, creature of immense size and supernatural strength.
its contents scattered in the crimson-streaked snow. The air The claw marks are eerily similar to those found
is thick with the iron tang of blood, mingling with the bitter near the Yule tree in the square.
cold. A faint aura of frost clings to the torn flesh,
unnatural even in the bitter cold, as though the
attack itself carried an otherworldly chill.

Act II: The Frozen March

FROSTGUARD LONGSWORD The Shadow Stalkers are cunning and predatory, using
Weapon, Rare (requires attunement) the terrain and their abilities to sow chaos and isolate
targets. Their Shadow Blend ability allows them to
This longsword is imbued with radiant energy, its blade vanish into dim light or darkness, making them
etched with frost-like runes that glow faintly. exceptionally difficult to pin down.
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made Shadow Stalkers will prioritize stealth and ambush
with this magic weapon. tactics, striking from the edges of the party’s formation
When you hit a creature, it takes an extra 1d6 radiant to disrupt coordination. They focus on weaker or
damage. ranged adventurers first, leveraging their high mobility
and multiattack to deal significant damage quickly.
The sword emits dim light in a 10-foot radius.
If the adventurers group together, the Shadow
Frost Ward: While wielding Frostguard, you have Stalkers will capitalize on this by using Spectral Strike
resistance to cold damage. to deal area damage and slow multiple targets. This
Forged long ago to defend Winterbell from its darkest forces the party to either spread out, making them more
winters, the blade carries a legacy of protection and vulnerable to individual attacks, or endure the full effect
resolve. of the slowing aura.
The Freezing Aura ability creates constant pressure,
ENCOUNTER punishing adventurers who remain in close proximity.
Three Shadow Stalkers - For 4 Players Shadow Stalkers will work to keep melee combatants
Four Shadow Stalkers - For 5 to 6 Players locked in range of this effect, while using their agility to
stay out of reach of heavy-hitting enemies.
The unease from discovering the hunter’s body
quickly turns into a harrowing fight as the adventurers
are attacked by Shadow Stalkers, creatures born of
Madame Frosthorn’s storm. These spectral entities are
twisted reflections of Frosthorn’s malice, with shifting
forms and glowing eyes.

Shapes begin to materialize from the storm, dark and

jagged. Their glowing eyes pierce through the swirling snow
as they move with an unnatural grace, circling like predators.
The air grows colder as they draw closer, their presence
draining the warmth around you.

This encounter could be deadly for a party of four level 6
adventurers. The Shadow Stalkers’ resistances, multiattack,
and area control abilities make this a high-pressure scenario,
particularly for groups lacking magical weapons or radiant
If necessary, adjust the encounter to fit your group’s
playstyle and resources:
When defeated, the Shadow Stalkers dissolve into icy
Scaling Down: Reduce the number of Shadow Stalkers to mist, their forms unraveling into faint, ethereal
two for a manageable but tense fight. You can also delay whispers. The frost on the ground intensifies briefly,
their Spectral Strike ability or slightly lower their AC or hit then cracks, leaving behind nothing but a fleeting sense
points. of dread. The area around their defeat remains
Scaling Up: Add one additional Shadow Stalker, or unnaturally cold, as though their essence lingers as a
introduce environmental hazards like obscuring shadows
reminder of the forest’s malice.
or difficult terrain. Increase the Freezing Aura damage for
more pressure.
As the last Shadow Stalker dissolves into a swirl of frost and
This fight serves to underscore the danger of the woods
shadow, the forest falls eerily silent. The howling wind falters
and a precursor to Madame Frosthorn. Highlight the Shadow
Stalkers’ stealth and predatory nature to enhance the eerie for a moment, leaving only the muffled crunch of snow
atmosphere. Tailor the encounter to keep it challenging but beneath the your feet. You hear a melodic murmur come
engaging. through the forest.

Act II: The Frozen March

“Return the lost cheer, or feel winter’s wonder.”
The cabin offers adventurers a safe space to recover and
plan their next steps, halting the effects of the
environmental curse while they remain inside and build
The storm resumes its icy fury lashing against the trees. The
a fire.
faint sound of snapping branches echoes in the distance, as The cabin reflects the hunter’s quiet effort to keep the
though something stirs further ahead, urging you to press spirit of Yule alive, with subtle decorations and
on despite the growing sense of unease. remnants of his solitary attempt to honor the season.
The cabin contains several points of interest.

The fragment settles like a chill in their bones, The Hearth

completing the verse they’ve gathered. Its cryptic Rekindling the fire requires basic supplies, such as
message hints at both a warning and a demand, leaving flint and tinder, or magic. Once lit, the hearth provides
the adventurers to piece together its meaning as they warmth and light, creating a much-needed refuge from
press on. the storm outside.
Above the hearth hangs a vacant wooden mount,
THE HUNTER’S CABIN where the Frostguard Longsword once rested. Its
At this point in their journey, after the battle in the surface is adorned with faint Yule engravings, now
woods, the adventurers should have the hunter’s map in frosted over. The hearth itself is cold, filled with ash
their possession, guiding them to the cabin. The storm’s from a long-dead fire.
relentless fury and the toll of battle make it clear they Tucked in a small niche beside the hearth is a simple
need rest before continuing. but lovingly made Yule wreath, its berries shriveled and
The hunter’s cabin, marked as “Shelter” on the map, its greenery frostbitten.
is their only chance to recover and prepare for what lies
ahead. The Table
Nestled deep within the woods, the hunter’s cabin A children’s book titled The Crimson Queen’s Visit lies
offers a fleeting sense of reprieve from the storm. The closed and dust-covered atop the table. The cover
small structure is old and weathered but sturdy, with its depicts a cloaked figure with horns of frost, surrounded
roof sagging under the weight of snow and frost- by snowflakes. Inside, the adventurers find a nursery
covered walls standing firm against the tempest. This rhyme that ties directly to Madame Frosthorn’s legend
cabin represents the final place for rest and reflection (see The Children’s Book on the next page).
before the adventurers confront Madame Frosthorn.
The Bedroom
The cabin emerges through the swirling snow, its frost-laden The hunter’s cot remains unmade, the blankets
roof nearly blending into the surroundings. Smoke no longer layered with frost. An Investigation (DC 15) check
would find beneath it lies a Potion of Greater Healing and
rises from the crooked chimney, and the door hangs slightly
a Quiver of Arrows fletched with white feathers (+1
ajar, creaking softly with the wind. As you step inside, a arrow).
biting cold lingers in the air, and your breath hangs in the On the wall above the bed, a small wooden carving of
quiet stillness. Dust has only begun to settle over the sparse a Yule tree hangs crookedly, its paint faded but lovingly
furniture, and faded hunting trophies adorn the walls, their preserved.
eyes clouded but still watchful. Above the hearth, a wooden Near the cot, on a side table, the adventurers find an
mount sits empty, its shape and etchings hinting at the old journal. Its final entries speak of the hunter’s
loneliness and his eerie observations of shadows
blade that once rested there. A rickety table and a stone
moving in the forest before the storm began. The last
hearth dominate the small space, the latter piled high with
page reads:
ash from a fire long extinguished.

“No one believes anymore. Yule’s warmth has left this place. I
thought the queen would protect us, but now… she’ll come for
us all with her wrath.”

Act II: The Frozen March

The Children’s Book REST & REFLECTION
The narrative recounts how the Crimson Queen, a
spirit of frost and festivity, would visit towns during The adventurers may take this opportunity to rest and
Yule to observe their celebrations. Her presence reflect. The cabin offers a momentary reprieve but feels
brought blessings to those who embraced joy, eerily quiet, as if holding its breath for what lies ahead.
generosity, and togetherness. However, those who As the storm rages on outside, the haunting echo of
ignored the season’s spirit or acted selfishly would the rhyme would linger in their minds. The emptiness
invoke her ire, turning her blessings to bitter curses. of the sword mount and the charm’s presence suggest
Each page alternates between enchanting scenes of the hunter knew what awaited but may have
the queen scattering frost like glitter across rooftops underestimated the danger.
and eerie images of barren homes buried under snow, This marks their final stop before venturing to
their doors marked with frostbitten symbols. A confront Madame Frosthorn in her lair, with all clues
recurring motif in the illustrations shows a pair of pointing to a reckoning ahead.
glowing horns peeking through the storm clouds,
signaling the queen’s arrival.
The book concludes with the haunting nursery EXTENDED REST OPPORTUNITY
rhyme, written in elegant script: While the rules generally limit long rests to once per 24
hours, the cabin offers a unique respite in the harsh
“Once she walked where snowflakes danced, Her environment of Winterbell. If the adventurers choose to stay
longer, they may benefit from an additional long rest here,
heart aglow, her step entranced. But scorn the cheer, and she allowing them to recover fully before continuing their
appears, To turn joy’s warmth to frozen tears. journey.
Alternatively, DMs can decide that only short rests are
With horns of frost and cloak of red, She comes to claim possible since they rested in the mill, emphasizing the
what’s left unsaid. Beware her wrath; keep Yule in sight, Or pressing nature of the storm and Madame Frosthorn’s
face her blizzard’s endless night.” growing power. Adjust based on your table’s pacing and the
adventurers’ needs.

Between the final pages lies a Yule Charm, a small

pendant shaped like a snowflake. The charm’s glow is ACT III: THE
faint but warm, resonating with the essence of Yule.
Wondrous Item, Uncommon WRATH
The adventurers, now armed with the knowledge and
This delicate pendant is shaped like a snowflake, with items gathered thus far, prepare for their final
faintly glowing etchings that pulse with warmth. confrontation with Madame Frosthorn. The woods
While worn, the Yule Charm grants immunity to the deepen in their unnatural malice as the storm swirls
environmental effects of the Curse of Winterbell for 1 more violently than ever. All paths lead to the heart of
hour. The charm’s magic fades once the storm abates, Frosthorn’s domain, where the frozen remnants of the
leaving behind only a mundane snowflake pendant. Yule celebration twist under her icy vengeance.

The storm grows fiercer as you leave the cabin, its relentless
winds pulling at your cloaks like icy fingers. The forest looms
darker, its trees standing like sentinels of frost, their
branches clawing toward the heavens. The haunting lullaby,
now unmistakable, weaves through the gale, guiding your
steps with an ominous pull. Each crunch of snow beneath
your boots feels louder, swallowed quickly by the swirling
The children’s book serves as a thematic anchor, blending Madame Frosthorn’s lair lies ahead, a place where the
the cautionary tale of Madame Frosthorn with the blizzard converges in chaotic fury. The adventurers
adventurers’ journey. The imagery and text reinforce the
queen’s duality: both a guardian of Yule’s warmth and a must traverse a treacherous path with the storm
punisher of its neglect. It also offers a poignant insight into growing ever more oppressive as they near the core of
Winterbell’s past, reminding the adventurers that the storm her power.
is as much the villagers’ doing as it is the queen’s wrath.

Act II: The Frozen March

THE FROSTBOUND PATH The Frost Warden uses its abilities and terrain to
The path to Madame Frosthorn’s lair winds through a challenge the party. It positions itself strategically,
desolate expanse of frost-coated wilderness. The storm employing its Freezing Aura to restrict movement and
rages with renewed intensity, amplifying the dangers of wear down nearby adventurers while targeting clustered
the cursed land. Even with the protection of the Yule party members with Frost Burst for maximum impact.
Charm, the adventurers must tread carefully to avoid It prioritizes spellcasters and ranged attackers,
succumbing to the relentless cold and supernatural closing the gap with its high Strength and reach. Its
dangers. methodical approach forces adventurers into
unfavorable positions, exploiting its resilience to
remain a significant threat for multiple rounds. Against
The trees thin out, giving way to jagged ice formations and
heavily armored foes, the Warden relies on its cold
barren terrain. The wind howls louder, carrying faint echoes damage to bypass conventional defenses and maintain
of a mournful lullaby that chills your resolve. Frost clings to pressure.
everything, glinting like shards of glass in the pale light. Each If isolated, the Warden uses Frost Burst and
step feels heavier as the storm presses down on you, the Multiattack to regain control. At half health, it becomes
snow crunching like brittle bone beneath your boots. more aggressive, relentlessly focusing on high-priority
targets to end the fight decisively.

The Frostbound Path is a relentless trial of both If the adventurers seem overwhelmed or the combat
physical and mental fortitude. Use the following drags, you can:
hazards to test the party as they navigate the woods:
Reduce the Frost Warden’s HP by 10-15 points.
Patches of unstable ice crack and shift underfoot. A Limit its Frost Burst ability to a one-time use.
Dexterity Saving Throw (DC 13) is needed to avoid Decrease the damage of its Freezing Aura to 2 (1d4)
slipping. Failure results in falling prone and taking 3 cold damage.
(1d6) bludgeoning damage as the ice fractures
Conversely, if the adventurers are breezing through
beneath them.
combat, consider:
Snow-laden branches occasionally snap under the
weight of the storm, crashing down suddenly. Each Increasing the range of its Frost Burst to 20 feet.
adventurer must succeed on a Dexterity Saving Adding a secondary hazard, such as collapsing
Throw (DC 12) or take 5 (2d4) bludgeoning damage. icicles triggered by its movements, requiring
Dexterity saving throws to avoid damage.
The storm carries faint strains of a haunting lullaby
that seem to originate from deep within the glacier.
The melody is disjointed and warped, stirring unease
in the minds of those who hear it. Each adventurer
must make a Wisdom Saving Throw (DC 14) to resist
its chilling influence. On a failure, they take 4 (1d8)
psychic damage.

This encounter is optional and should be tailored to
your group’s current state. If they’ve conserved their
resources or have been particularly adept at mitigating
environmental hazards, the Frost Warden serves as a
formidable challenge. On the other hand, if the
adventurers are struggling or have expended significant
resources, you may choose to omit or tone down this
The Frost Warden is an imposing construct forged
from enchanted ice and metal, a relentless sentinel
created by Madame Frosthorn to guard the outer edges
of her dominion. This encounter offers a chance to test
the adventurers’ resolve, resourcefulness, and teamwork
before the final confrontation.

Act III: Crimson Queen’s Wrath

A F T E R T H E F RO S T WA R DE N FA L L S Use environmental clues to hint at danger without
If you chose to do the encounter, you can continue the revealing it outright. Examples include claw marks
story from this section specifically. raking across frost-coated trees, or deep grooves in
The Frost Warden’s destruction leaves behind eerie the snow indicating something heavy passed
remnants of its presence. Its shattered body serves as a through.
reminder of Madame Frosthorn’s reach, while the storm The curse begins to play tricks on their minds. An
subtly shifts, hinting at the adventurers’ destination of adventurer might hear a familiar voice call their
her lair. This moment bridges their resolve to press on name from deeper in the woods, or catch glimpses of
despite the cold and danger. a loved one lost in the storm, only to realize it was an
The Frost Warden crumbles, its shards scattering across the N A R R AT I V E P U S H F ORWA R D
icy ground with a sharp, crystalline crack. The air grows Tie their forward movement into Madame Frosthorn’s
unnaturally still, save for the faint hum of the storm’s wind. growing influence.
A faint, glowing frost creeps outward from the fragments,
forming a delicate trail deeper into the woods. The storm begins to funnel them toward a single
direction, almost as if it’s alive and guiding them.
The wind grows fiercer in any direction but forward,
The glowing frost acts as a subtle guide toward making retreat feel unnatural and almost impossible.
Madame Frosthorn’s lair. The trail is visible to all The treeline grows denser, the ground more
adventurers, though its magical nature may prompt treacherous, but through the storm, faint glimpses of
further inspection. jagged ice structures hint at their approach to
Adventurers may attempt a Perception (DC 14) or Madame Frosthorn’s lair.
(Arcana DC 12) check to glean more about the frost
trail. These checks reveal that the energy emanates APPROACHING THE LAIR
from the Warden’s remains, likely an intentional lure.
As the adventurers press on through the Frostbound
ENCOUNTER Path, the storm intensifies, battering them with
supernatural ferocity. The air grows heavier, and the
If the DM opts to skip the Frost Warden encounter, the eerie lullaby becomes louder, its notes sharp and
journey through the Frostbound Path should still evoke discordant, twisting into an ominous melody. The forest
a sense of dread and urgency, keeping the adventurers gives way to jagged cliffs of ice, their crystalline
engaged and wary of what lies ahead. surfaces reflecting faint, distorted images of the party as
Here are narrative elements and alternatives to build they draw closer.
tension you can choose from: The transition to Madame Frosthorn’s lair should
heighten the tension, signaling the final steps of the
journey. Whether or not the Frost Warden was
The storm becomes more harsh as the adventurers press
encountered, the environment reacts to the adventurers’
onward, its supernatural nature amplifying with each
presence, acknowledging their approach.

The haunting lullaby grows louder and closer, the The forest ends abruptly, opening to a sheer expanse of
melody fractured and discordant. Occasionally, faint frozen cliffs that glisten under the pale light of the storm.
whispers seem to murmur alongside the song, barely The wind screams as it whips through narrow crevices,
perceptible and impossible to identify.
carrying with it the twisted strains of a lullaby that burrow
Shadows at the edge of their vision stretch
into your mind. Ahead, the ice shifts and cracks as if alive,
unnaturally but vanish when focused on, creating the
feeling of being stalked by unseen forces. revealing a jagged archway carved from frost. The air here is
A sudden silence interrupts the storm for a few colder than you imagined possible, biting into your skin even
moments, only for it to resume with a howling through layers of protection. Beyond the archway, darkness
ferocity, as though the land is alive and watching. looms, the faint glow of crystalline spires illuminating the
path into the heart of the storm.
Without combat, play on the adventurers’ nerves
through subtle, escalating unease. The adventurers are now on the cusp of confronting
Madame Frosthorn. The environment signals that this
One party member (chosen at random or with
is no ordinary space; it is infused with her essence, her
Passive Perception 14+) feels as though they are
wrath made manifest. Build tension with the following
being watched, though no one else perceives it. The
sense of paranoia lingers but reveals no tangible

Act III: Crimson Queen’s Wrath

The lullaby becomes louder and more fragmented, as T H E LLAIR’S
if sung by a hundred dissonant voices. Any charm or
The Hall of Reflections:
protection feels strained under the harsh cold,
A long chamber lined with towering ice mirrors that
making the adventurers keenly aware of the power
reflect twisted, exaggerated versions of the adventurers.
they face.
These reflections taunt the party, mimicking their
Reflective surfaces in the ice faintly show twisted
movements but adding subtle, unnerving details like
versions of the adventurers, subtly mirroring their
wounds, frostbite, or distorted expressions of fear.
fears or regrets. The crystalline spires beyond the
archway pulse faintly, their glow synchronized with
The Spiral Ascent: A winding path that leads deeper
the storm’s rhythm.
into the lair. Crystalline spires jut from the walls, and
Any remaining environmental protections falter the air grows even colder. Periodically, shards of ice
here. The cold feels alive, pressing against their break free and crash to the floor, forcing the
every step. For adventurers without magical adventurers to make Dexterity Saving Throws (DC 13) to
resistance, frost begins to form on their armor and avoid 7 (2d6) piercing damage.
skin, purely for flavor and storytelling tension.
If the Frost Warden was bypassed, an unspoken
The Frozen Altar:
sense of anticipation lingers, as though the lair itself
Before reaching Madame Frosthorn’s throne, the
is waiting for their arrival. This can be emphasized
adventurers encounter a massive altar of ice etched with
by a crackling sound through the cliffs or a subtle
the same Yule symbols they’ve seen throughout their
shifting of the ice beneath their feet, hinting that
journey. Resting on the altar is a spectral version of the
Madame Frosthorn knows they are coming.
Yule tree, flickering faintly with golden light.
This altar symbolizes the village’s lost joy and
MADAME FROSTHORN’S gratitude. Making an Insight (DC 14) check and
LAIR interacting with it allows the adventurers to glimpse
fragments of Winterbell’s happier times, offering a brief
As the adventurers pass through the jagged archway of
respite and granting them inspiration.
ice, they step into a realm where the storm itself bows
to Madame Frosthorn’s dominion. Her lair is a frozen I N T E N S I F Y I NG T H E AT M O S P H E R E
cathedral of jagged spires and glimmering frost, an awe- Inside the lair, the environment shifts unnervingly with
inspiring yet oppressive display of power and sorrow. each step. The adventurers’ movements disturb the
The echoes of the haunting lullaby reverberate through crystalline stillness, and the storm’s influence is felt in
the vast, icy chambers, growing louder and more subtler but no less sinister ways.
discordant as they approach.
The Crimson Queen’s lair is not merely a physical The distorted lullaby reverberates in fragmented
space; it is a manifestation of her despair and harmony, blending with faint, overlapping whispers
vengeance. Every detail should unsettle the adventurers, that speak fragmented words of regret and anger.
reminding them that they have entered the heart of her The sounds grow more personal, as though the lair
power. knows their deepest fears.
The pale blue light streaming through the ice
The ice-crusted archway leads into a cavernous expanse of refracts into strange patterns on the floor and walls.
crystalline frost. Pale blue light filters through jagged spires Occasionally, these patterns seem to shift into
shapes such as faces, clawed hands, or fleeting
that stretch impossibly high, their surfaces shimmering with
images of Winterbell before the curse.
shifting patterns that resemble fleeting memories. The floor As they move deeper, frost begins creeping up the
crunches beneath your feet, the sound swallowed by the edges of their boots and weapons. Weapons not
weight of the silence. The air is impossibly cold, each breath actively wielded become frosted over, forcing
a sharp sting in your chest. The melody you’ve followed adventurers to clean them off to avoid hampered
twists into a chorus of wailing voices, rising and falling as effectiveness.
though the lair itself is alive. Shadows flicker at the edges of
the light, moving in time with the song, as if beckoning you

Act III: Crimson Queen’s Wrath

her former self remain, buried beneath layers of despair.
THE THRONE ROOM OF They can do a multitude of avenues to attempt to plea
FROST with her. Adventurers who recognize this and appeal to
her emotions may temporarily stay her wrath.
As the adventurers press deeper into the crystalline lair,
the atmosphere becomes even more oppressive. The K E Y S K I L L C H E C K S F OR ROL E P L AY
once-fragmented lullaby crescendos into a deafening
chorus of wails and whispers, and the icy walls begin to Persuasion (DC 15): A heartfelt appeal to her sorrow
shimmer as if alive with twisted memories. The final and desire to restore Winterbell’s joy may cause
chamber looms ahead, a vast space dominated by a Madame Frosthorn to falter. If successful, she hesitates
frozen throne from which Madame Frosthorn presides, and listens, granting the adventurers a moment to plead
her form radiating both elegance and menace. their case or uncover more about her motivations.

The final chamber is a cathedral of ice, its vaulted ceilings Insight (DC 14): Detecting cracks in her icy demeanor
reveals that her anger masks deep pain and regret. This
adorned with glittering stalactites that cast refracted light in
knowledge can guide adventurers in addressing her
shifting patterns. At its center stands a towering throne of
emotionally rather than antagonistically.
jagged frost, each edge sharp enough to draw blood. Seated
upon it is Madame Frosthorn, her crimson cloak billowing as Deception (DC 17): Crafting a lie convincing Madame
if stirred by an unseen wind, and frost-draped horns framing Frosthorn that the adventurers’ arrival serves her
her cruel, beautiful face. The air grows so cold it burns, and purpose may momentarily confuse her, buying time or
the walls seem to shift and ripple, reflecting distorted shifting her focus.
images of Winterbell’s happier days and the adventurers’
Intimidation (DC 19): Threatening her directly may
own fears. She rises with deliberate grace, her eyes gleaming
provoke her into a reckless display of power, making her
with a mix of sorrow and fury.
overextend early in the confrontation. However, failure
enrages her further, increasing the ferocity of her initial
This is the climactic confrontation with Madame attacks.
Frosthorn. The encounter offers multiple layers of
resolution, combat, negotiation, or a blend of both,
depending on the adventurers’ choices and previous
actions. Use the following to guide this critical moment.

Madame Frosthorn begins the encounter by addressing
the adventurers, her voice carrying both sorrow and
wrath. She recognizes the adventurers as intruders but
also as potential saviors, or pawns.

“So, you’ve come at last. Did you think your steps through the
frost went unnoticed? I felt your warmth, just a a flicker in the
storm, and I knew you would stumble here, like moths to a
frozen flame. Do you think yourselves heroes, come to thaw the
unyielding ice? Fools. You carry the guilt of their betrayal, just as
they did. You will freeze, as all things do, forgotten and broken
beneath the weight of my storm.”

Madame Frosthorn’s voice reverberates through the

chamber, her tone oscillating between quiet despair and
blistering rage. Frost begins to gather on the edges of
the chamber as her aura intensifies, the storm outside
seemingly resonating with her anger.
This moment provides the adventurers an
opportunity for dialogue, allowing roleplay and skill
checks to influence her initial reaction. While Madame
Frosthorn’s rage dominates her demeanor, glimmers of

Act III: Crimson Queen’s Wrath

U S I NG T H E R H YM E Critical Success with Persuasion
If the adventurers mention the rhyme they’ve pieced If an adventurer rolls a Natural 20 on a Persuasion
together, it catches Madame Frosthorn’s attention, Check, Madame Frosthorn falters. Her expression
momentarily disrupting her wrath. Her response softens as her icy defenses begin to crack, and the storm
depends on how the rhyme is presented: outside momentarily abates.

If the adventurers recite the rhyme with empathy or “Do you truly mean to restore the season’s joy? To bring back
what they destroyed, what I was born to protect? If you swear
Madame Frosthorn pauses, her icy veneer cracking.
this… I may let the storm rest.”
Her voice softens, though her sorrow remains
“You speak the words of her sorrow… my sorrow. Do you If the adventurers promise to honor her request and
understand what they mean? Or do you merely play at genuinely commit to revitalizing Winterbell’s
compassion?” traditions:

The curse ends and the storm gradually fades, and

The adventurers gain advantage on Persuasion or warmth begins to seep back into the land. The
Insight checks to appeal to her emotions during this oppressive cold of her lair lessens, and the shadows
interaction. retreat.
She transforms from her monstrous form into a
If the rhyme is used mockingly or without spectral, serene version of her former self. Her
understanding: appearance becomes that of the benevolent spirit she
Madame Frosthorn’s fury intensifies. Her expression once was, her horns shedding their icy spikes and
twists into anger, and her voice reverberates with a her cloak shimmering like fresh snow.
chilling power.
“Go, then. Restore what they have forgotten. Should you falter,
“You dare speak those words as though they hold no weight? the frost will return… but I will give them a chance.”
You do not comprehend the depth of betrayal they reflect. You
will learn.”
As a gesture of her gratitude, Madame Frosthorn grants
the adventurers her blessing, represented by a magical
She immediately begins her attacks, starting with her boon, Frostguard’s Gift, which grants resistance to cold
most devastating abilities. damage and the ability to cast Control Weather once per
long rest.
If the adventurers succeed in softening her wrath, Failure or Deception
Madame Frosthorn becomes momentarily conflicted, If the adventurers fail their check or attempt to
pacing or gazing at the spectral Yule tree. Her words deceive her, Madame Frosthorn’s hesitation ends
shift, laced with uncertainty. abruptly. Her sorrow turns to wrath, and she attacks
Feel free to use the dialogue below, or come up with with ferocity.
your own based off how your adventurers roleplayed
with her. C OMBAT E
Without a Critical Success Persuasion check, regardless
“You speak of restoring joy, but their joy was false…fleeting! They of the adventurers’ attempts, Madame Frosthorn’s
abandoned it the moment it no longer served them. Why should despair and rage inevitably consume her. As the storm
I believe you are different? Winterbell deserves its frozen tomb… intensifies within the chamber, she delivers a final
chilling declaration:
and yet, your words stir something I thought long buried.”

“Enough of your words! Let the frost take you as it has taken all
While Madame Frosthorn is consumed by anger and who dared defy me. You shall know the stillness of winter’s
sorrow, her hesitation offers a slim chance for
eternal grasp!”
redemption. Adventurers who appeal to her emotions,
show genuine understanding of her pain, and promise
to restore Winterbell’s joy may achieve the unthinkable: This marks the transition to combat, as Madame
convincing her to relinquish her wrath. Frosthorn engages the adventurers with the full force of
her supernatural power.

Act III: Crimson Queen’s Wrath

E N V I RON M E N TA L H A Z A R D S OF T H E Early Combat: Testing the Party
Madame Frosthorn uses Frost Shard to target
The Frozen Throne: vulnerable or ranged adventurers, slowing their
movement and disrupting their positioning.
Madame Frosthorn’s seat of power exudes a chilling She teleports with Glacial Step to maintain distance
aura. Creatures within 10 feet of the throne must from melee attackers, ensuring she can exploit her
succeed on a DC 13 Constitution Saving Throw at ranged abilities.
the start of their turn or take 3 (1d6) cold damage. If the adventurers focus on destroying the Frozen
If destroyed (AC 13, 25 HP, vulnerable to fire), Throne, she moves to the Icebound Yule Tree to
Madame Frosthorn loses her Freezing Aura ability, draw them further into her domain.
and her attacks deal 1d6 less cold damage.

Destroying the throne reduces her power but enrages Mid-Combat: Dividing and Conquering
her, granting her advantage on her next single attack.
Madame Frosthorn uses her Wrath of Winter
The Walls of Fractured Memories (Recharge 5–6) strategically, targeting clusters of
adventurers to deal massive damage and sow chaos.
Reflecting distorted images of Winterbell’s past and She prioritizes spellcasters and ranged attackers but
the adventurers’ fears, the walls impose subtle shifts focus to heavily armored melee fighters if they
distractions. close the gap.
At the start of their turn, each adventurer must Lair actions like Glacial Barricade isolate key
succeed on a Wisdom Saving Throw (DC 12) or take adventurers, forcing the party to work around
a -1 penalty to all attack rolls and skill checks for the obstacles.

Late Combat: Desperate Fury

The Icebound Yule Tree:
As her health drops below half, Madame Frosthorn
A spectral version of Winterbell’s Yule tree glimmers becomes more aggressive, relying on Multiattack to
faintly at the far end of the chamber. Adventurers can deal consistent damage.
interact with it by spending an action and succeeding She uses Glacial Step to reposition frequently, aiming
on an Arcana or Religion Check (DC 14) to rekindle its to keep adventurers within her Freezing Aura for
light. Doing so grants: continuous damage.
If the adventurers rekindle the Icebound Yule Tree,
Advantage on all saving throws against cold effects she reacts with renewed fury, focusing her attacks on
for 2 rounds. the one who restored its light.
Inspiration for the adventurer who interacted with
Environmental Hazards and Lair Actions
If destroyed, Madame Frosthorn’s rage intensifies.
She regains all Frost Shard uses and adds 1d6 cold Madame Frosthorn’s lair is designed to challenge and
damage to her attacks for the remainder of combat. unsettle the adventurers:
M A DA M E F RO S T HOR N The Frozen Throne grants Madame Frosthorn a
The climactic battle with Madame Frosthorn is the defensive position, but its destruction weakens her
ultimate test of the adventurers’ resourcefulness and abilities, giving the party a clear objective.
teamwork. As a CR 7 foe, Madame Frosthorn’s abilities, The Walls of Fractured Memories distract and
combined with her lair actions and environmental unsettle the adventurers, subtly reducing their
hazards, create a dynamic and memorable encounter. effectiveness without overwhelming them.
TAC T IC S The Icebound Yule Tree offers an opportunity for
Madame Frosthorn begins combat seated on the Frozen the adventurers to regain some control over the
Throne, exuding her Freezing Aura, which punishes encounter.
adventurers for closing in too quickly. She uses her Lair actions, triggered every other round, add
Wrath of Winter ability only when her health begins to dynamic elements to the fight:
drop significantly, ensuring it feels like a devastating
culmination of her power. Frost Spikes punishes grouped adventurers with AoE
Madame Frosthorn employs a mix of deliberate and damage.
ruthless tactics to overwhelm her foes: Shattering Echoes disables key characters temporarily,
forcing the party to adapt.

Act III: Crimson Queen’s Wrath

Glacial Barricade creates tactical obstacles, dividing
the party and controlling movement. “Perhaps… there is hope, after all. Restore what they have lost…
for if joy fades again, I will return.”
This encounter with Madame Frosthorn is designed as a
climactic, high-stakes battle for a party of four level 6 Her spirit dissipates into a flurry of snowflakes that
adventurers. Her layered abilities, lair actions, and briefly shimmer with golden light before vanishing
environmental hazards create a complex challenge that entirely. The storm recedes completely, and warmth
rewards strategy and teamwork. begins to creep back into the land. The Yule tree within
However, the difficulty can be adjusted to suit your group’s the lair flickers brightly for a moment, as if
playstyle and current resources. acknowledging her transformation.
Scaling Down: Reduce Madame Frosthorn’s hit points to CONCLUDING THE
80 for a shorter, less attritional fight. Lower her Freezing
Aura damage to 2 (1d4) cold damage or limit its range to 5 ADVENTURE
feet. Limit her Wrath of Winter to a one-time use or reduce
As the storm clears, Winterbell begins its slow recovery.
its damage to 4d8. Simplify lair actions by using only one
type per encounter, such as Glacial Barricade, to control The once-desolate streets become visible under the
pacing. softer snowfall, and surviving villagers cautiously
Scaling Up: Increase Madame Frosthorn’s hit points to 110 emerge from their shelters, gazing at the now-clear
or allow Wrath of Winter to recharge more frequently skies in awe. If the adventurers return to the village,
(Recharge 4–6). Add a secondary hazard, such as they are greeted with tentative gratitude and curiosity.
collapsing icicles that fall at the start of her turn, requiring
a Dexterity Saving Throw (DC 14) to avoid 1d6 piercing The villagers see the adventurers as heroes and
damage. Strengthen lair actions, such as extending the begin rebuilding their homes and traditions with
range of Frost Spikes to 15 feet or increasing Shattering renewed determination. Though the scars of the
Echoes to affect two adventurers. curse remain, they strive to honor the Yule season
Playstyle Considerations: Groups with high damage output with a newfound understanding of its importance.
might find her easier to defeat. In this case, emphasize her
If Madame Frosthorn’s redemption was achieved,
mobility with Glacial Step to prolong the encounter. For
parties struggling against the lair’s hazards, consider her lingering essence inspires the villagers to cherish
reducing their frequency or making the Icebound Yule their joy, but also serves as a warning. They
Tree’s benefits more impactful, such as granting resistance understand that the storm may return if they fall
to cold damage for the entire encounter. back into complacency.
If they saved any captives during their journey, those
This encounter should feel intense and climactic but not
insurmountable. Tailor Madame Frosthorn’s abilities and lair individuals become symbols of the village’s
features to keep the balance between challenge and resilience. Parents are reunited with their children,
engagement. and survivors share stories of their time under the
curse, fostering a renewed sense of community and
determination to protect one another.
Madame Frosthorn’s defeat marks the turning point for Whether through combat or compassion, the
Winterbell, but it leaves the adventurers with more adventurers have ensured Winterbell’s survival. Their
questions than answers. As her form crumbles into a actions ripple outward, potentially affecting the world
flurry of frost and snow, the lair begins to tremble. The beyond this quiet village.
storm outside gradually abates, the howling winds
As a gesture of thanks, the spectral Yule tree imparts
softening to a mournful whisper before finally falling
a blessing upon the adventurers. Each gains
silent. The chill lingers in the air, but its malevolence
resistance to cold damage and a charm of Control
fades, replaced by a haunting stillness. The once-
Weather that can be used once.
glittering throne room becomes a cold, empty shell, its
News of the adventurers’ deeds spreads, marking
fractured ice walls reflecting distorted images of the
them as champions of the season. This could lead to
battle just fought.
future opportunities, alliances, or challenges as their
If the adventurers appealed to Madame Frosthorn’s
fame grows.
emotions and convinced her to relent, the ending takes
on a bittersweet tone. Her form softens, shedding its As the adventurers leave Winterbell behind, they
monstrous visage as she reverts to the serene, spectral carry with them the weight of their choices. The echoes
figure of the Crimson Queen from the village’s folklore. of Madame Frosthorn’s sorrow may linger in their
With a sorrowful smile, she speaks one final time: minds, reminding them of the fine balance between joy
and despair, and the importance of preserving the light
in the darkest of seasons.

Act III: Crimson Queen’s Wrath


PORCELAIN DOLL Tiny construct, unaligned
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Tiny construct, neutral evil
Hit Points 22 (4d4 + 12)
Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Speed 0 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover)
Hit Points 45 (10d4 + 10)
4 (-3) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 1 (-5) 5 (-3) 1 (-5)
8 (-1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical attacks
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and Damage Immunities poison, psychic
slashing from nonmagical attacks Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened,
Damage Vulnerabilities fire exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius),
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned passive Perception 7
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 Languages —
Languages understands the languages of its creator but Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
cannot speak
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Chilling Presence. Any creature that ends its turn within 5
feet of the wreathling must succeed on a DC 12
Chilling Aura. At the start of the doll’s turn, creatures Constitution saving throw or take 3 (1d6) cold damage.
within 5 feet of it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution
saving throw or take 4 (1d8) cold damage. Construct Nature. The wreathling doesn’t require air,
food, drink, or sleep.
Creeping Laughter. The doll emits an eerie, childlike
giggle. Any creature within 30 feet of the doll that can ACTIONS
hear it must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw
Frosted Lash. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
or become frightened for 1 minute. A frightened
one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) cold damage.
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each
of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Glacial Surge (Recharge 5–6). The wreathling releases a
burst of icy magic. Each creature within 10 feet must
Fragile Frame. The doll has disadvantage on saving
succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or take 6
throws against effects that deal fire damage.
(1d12) cold damage and have their speed reduced by 10
ACTIONS feet until the end of their next turn. Creatures immune
to cold damage are unaffected.
Icicle Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 7 (2d4 + 2) slashing damage plus 3 (1d6)
cold damage.

Frozen Gaze (Recharge 5–6). The doll fixes its shattered

glass eye on one creature it can see within 30 feet. The
target must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or
be paralyzed for 1 minute. A paralyzed creature can
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
ending the effect on a success.

Appendix I: Stat Blocks

Medium undead, chaotic evil Large construct, neutral evil
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18) Hit Points 85 (10d10 + 30)
Speed 40 ft. Speed 30 ft.

12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 6 (-2)
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant Damage Vulnerabilities fire
Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing, and Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical attacks slashing from nonmagical attacks
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 frightened, poisoned
Languages Common, Infernal Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Languages understands Common but can’t speak
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Shadow Blend. While in dim light or darkness, the
Shadow Stalker can take the Hide action as a bonus Glacial Resilience. The Frost Warden has advantage on
action. saving throws against spells and magical effects.

Freezing Aura. Any creature that starts its turn within 5 Freezing Aura. Creatures within 10 feet of the Frost
feet of the Shadow Stalker must succeed on a DC 12 Warden take 3 (1d6) cold damage at the start of their
Constitution saving throw or take 4 (1d8) cold damage. turn.

Multiattack. The Shadow Stalker makes two attacks with Multiattack. The Frost Warden makes two melee attacks.
its Shadow Claws.
Icy Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
Shadow Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage and 4 (1d8)
one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) slashing damage plus 4 (1d8) cold damage.
cold damage.
Frost Burst (Recharge 5–6). The Frost Warden emits a wave
Spectral Strike (Recharge 5–6). The Shadow Stalker releases of freezing energy. Each creature within 15 feet must
a burst of icy magic. Each creature within 15 feet must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or take
succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or take 16 (3d10) cold damage and be restrained until the end of
17 (4d8) cold damage and be slowed (speed halved) until their next turn. On a successful save, they take half
the end of their next turn. damage and are not restrained.

Appendix I: Stat Blocks

MADAME Shattering Echoes: The lair emits a deafening sound.
One creature Madame Frosthorn chooses must make
FROSTHORN a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be stunned
until the start of their next turn.
Large fey, chaotic neutral
Glacial Barricade: A wall of ice (10 ft. wide, 10 ft.
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) high, 1 ft. thick; AC 12, 10 HP) erupts, creating
Hit Points 95 (11d10 + 33) difficult terrain.
Speed 30 ft., teleport 30 ft. (Glacial Step)


18 (+4) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 20 (+5)
Saving Throws Dex +6, Wis +7, Cha +9
Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical attacks
Damage Vulnerabilities fire
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, exhaustion
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Sylvan
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3

Legendary Resistance (2/Day). If Madame Frosthorn fails a

saving throw, she can choose to succeed instead.

Freezing Aura. Creatures that start their turn within 10

feet of Madame Frosthorn take 3 (1d6) cold damage.

Glacial Step. As a bonus action, Madame Frosthorn can

teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space she can

Multiattack. Madame Frosthorn makes two attacks.

Icy Grasp. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one

target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) cold damage.

Frost Shard. Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit, range 60 ft., one

target. Hit: 9 (2d8) cold damage, and the target must
succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or have
their speed halved until the end of their next turn.

Wrath of Winter (Recharge 5–6). Madame Frosthorn

summons a wave of freezing energy in a 30-foot radius.
Each creature in the area must make a DC 15
Constitution saving throw, taking 22 (5d8) cold damage
on a failure, or half as much on a success.

On initiative count 20 (losing ties), Madame Frosthorn
can use one of the following lair actions. Lair actions
are limited to every other round.

Frost Spikes: Spikes of ice erupt from the ground in a

10-foot radius centered on a point she chooses.
Creatures in the area must make a DC 14 Dexterity
saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) piercing damage on a
failure or half as much on a success.

Appendix I: Stat Blocks

AS TOLD IN THE CRIMSON Many in Winterbell still whisper the rhyme, but few
QUEEN’S VISIT truly understand its meaning. The Crimson Queen’s tale
Long ago, when the winters were softer and the snow is more than a warning of frost and fury. It is a reminder
sparkled like diamonds under the sun, there was a kind of the cost of forgetting joy, of neglecting the bonds
spirit who walked among the people. She was called the that bring warmth to even the coldest winters.
Crimson Queen, her cloak as red as holly berries, and In the flicker of a candle or the shimmer of frost on
her heart as warm as the Yule hearth. She would visit the trees, some say you can still glimpse her, watching,
Winterbell every season, her laughter ringing out like waiting. Perhaps she longs for the songs of Yule to rise
silver bells as she brought blessings of joy and plenty to again, for the cheer to return, and for her heart to thaw
the village. once more.
The people adored her, and they showed their thanks But beware, for if the light fades and the silence falls,
with songs and shining ornaments hung from the great Madame Frosthorn will come again. This time, her
Yule tree at the heart of the town. They would leave winter may never end.
offerings of sweet breads and spiced cider, and in
return, she kept the frost at bay, ensuring their fields
and homes were protected.
But as time went on, the people began to forget the
old traditions. The ornaments were packed away, the
songs faded into silence, and the offerings were left
unmade. “She’ll forgive us,” they said. “The winter is too
cold this year. She will understand.”
But the Crimson Queen did not understand. When
she came to the village that year, she found no songs, no
gifts, no lights. The Yule tree stood bare and lifeless,
and the people huddled in their homes, too busy or too
tired to remember the joy they once shared. Her heart,
once full of warmth, grew heavy with sorrow.
It is said that in her sadness, the frost crept into her
heart and never left. Her cloak, once soft and flowing,
became stiff with ice. Her horns, adorned with
shimmering frost, cast long, jagged shadows. She
became something else entirely: Madame Frosthorn, the
Crimson Queen no longer.
Now, she visits not to bless, but to punish. Her storm
is a warning, her presence a curse. The lights must
shine on the Yule tree, the songs must rise, and the
cheer must be shared. For if they are not, Madame
Frosthorn will return, and she will freeze the joy from
Winterbell forever.
The rhyme, whispered among those who still believe,
is both a warning and a reminder:

*”Once she walked where snowflakes danced, Her

heart aglow, her step entranced. But scorn the cheer, and she
appears, To turn joy’s warmth to frozen tears.
With horns of frost and cloak of red, She comes to claim
what’s left unsaid. Beware her wrath; keep Yule in sight, Or
face her blizzard’s endless night.”*

Appendix II: The Story of Madame


he origins of Winterbell trace back to a layers of frost. Doors remain bolted, and windows are
small group of settlers seeking refuge from obscured by ice, reflecting a town gripped by fear.
the harsh winters of the surrounding The communal spirit that defined Winterbell has all
region. Nestled within a natural valley, but disappeared. Those who remain huddle in isolation,
shielded by dense woods and rolling hills, their faith in old traditions eroded by years of neglect
the settlement grew into a thriving and self-interest. The toppled Yule Tree lies forgotten
community. At its heart, the villagers in the Frozen Square, its branches stripped of
raised the Yule Tree as a beacon of unity, marking their ornaments and buried beneath layers of snow. Where
triumphs against the elements. Over centuries, the tree once the villagers would gather to celebrate, now they
became synonymous with the town’s identity, a living avoid the area, haunted by whispers and fleeting
symbol of joy and togetherness. shadows.
Winterbell’s prosperity was closely tied to its seasonal
traditions. During Yuletide, the village would transform CULTURAL FOOTPRINT
into a wonderland of glowing lights, fragrant Despite the present hardships, remnants of Winterbell’s
evergreens, and bustling markets. The annual Yule former glory linger in the town’s architecture and
Festival, marked by communal feasts and the exchange artifacts. Buildings feature intricate carvings of Yule
of handcrafted gifts, drew travelers from distant lands, motifs, such as snowflakes, bells, and holly leaves,
who marveled at the warmth and generosity of the etched into wooden beams and stone facades. Many
people. homes still bear faded wreaths or tattered garlands,
Legends of a benevolent guardian spirit arose during forgotten relics of happier times.
these early years. Known as the Crimson Queen, she The villagers’ dialect reflects traces of their cultural
was said to bless Winterbell with gentle snowfalls and heritage, shaped by generations of Yuletide
bountiful harvests during the coldest months. Though celebrations. Once, casual conversation was laced with
the villagers never claimed to see her directly, her references to warmth, light, and community. Now those
influence was celebrated through songs and stories expressions, words of encouragement and unity, have
passed down through generations. faded into obscurity, whispered only in moments of
CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS desperation or longing for the past.
Winterbell’s history remains a poignant reminder of
Winterbell’s residents took pride in their seasonal what was lost. For adventurers, the town offers a
rituals, many of which revolved around the Yule Tree. window into the consequences of neglecting traditions
Each year, the villagers adorned its towering branches and the enduring hope of renewal. Whether the Yule
with handmade ornaments, ribbons, and garlands. Tree will stand tall once more depends on the choices
Families would gather to place small, symbolic gifts made by those who dare to confront the storm and its
beneath the tree, offerings meant to honor the spirit of embittered guardian.
generosity and foster unity.
Another cherished tradition was the Procession of
Bells, where villagers carried lanterns through the
snow-laden streets, ringing bells to welcome the arrival
of the solstice. The sound of the bells was said to ward
off misfortune and usher in a season of hope and
Songs and rhymes celebrating the Crimson Queen
were another hallmark of Yuletide. These festive tunes
reinforced the values of sharing and kindness. While
many of the lyrics have been lost to time, fragments
linger in Winterbell’s cultural memory, serving as
reminders of a simpler, more joyous era.


The Winterbell of today is a shadow of its former self.
The collapse of the Yule Tree and the onset of the
supernatural storm have left the village in disarray.
Once-vibrant streets are silent, buried under thick

Appendix III: The Town of Winterbell


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