Ashby Primary School Newsletter 7 February 2012

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Issue 1

Tuesday 7th February 2012

Welcome back to school and the start of the year for 2012. The Prep children commenced the year settled and with happy smiles as they started their school life. Some tissues were needed but only for the parents as they watched their students leave for the first time. We welcome to our school Kate Haussegger who is teaching in the Prep/Grade one area with Wayne Holloway and Larissa Coleman the support staff in this learning area. Welcome to Sam Easom who is a visiting teaching and will be working in the Prep/One room during the year. Welcome to Alison Cann who is the Grade 1/2 teacher. Alison is working in our school for 2012 on an exchange program with Hayley Thomas now working in Canada. Nikki Van Der Pol is the support staff member working in this grade. Lorraine Sawyer, Steve Drayton and Julie Costello are working in the second Grade 1/2. Welcome to Josh Batters who is the Grade 3/4 teacher, and sharing Julie Costellos time with Grade 1/2 Sawyer to support the students with their learning. The Senior School comprises Grade 5/6. Natalie Biscan and Ana Trupkovic are sharing the Grade 5/6. Mary Slade is
Principal: Jenny Omachen

Prep Students do not attend on the following Wednesdays 8th, 15th, 22nd, & 29th February. 7th and 14th March. Wednesday 22nd February School Council Meeting. Saturday 25th February Pako Festa.

working with a combined group of learners that are Grade4/5/ and 6 students. Denise Turner will be the support member working in Grade 4/5/6. The Senior team will develop their Curriculum together and will really focus on teaching to the point of need of the children. Gavin Dowling will be developing the Music program, Kathy Hyland the Art Program, Catriona Simmonds the German language program and Brian Mc Kay will be working with students in need of literacy support. Ian Dyer will be working across the school to support students and coaching in skills to develop student knowledge and ability in Information Technology, and Literacy skills. This combination of teachers and the programs being offered to support our students will ensure that 2012 will be a positive and successful learning year for all students.

Pako Festa is coming up on Saturday 25th February and we need YOU to come along and walk in the school parade! We are celebrating the birthday of Pako Festa this year so the theme will be BIRTHDAYS as well as multi-culturism. There will be more information to come but mark Saturday 25th February in your diary. We hope you can join us - its going to be fun!

JENNY OMACHEN Principal, Ashby Primary School

School email -

Ashby Primary School

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Welcome back everyone. Fresh Fruit Friday returns this week on Friday 10th February, providing a platter of fresh fruit and veg to every classroom. New and returning volunteers are welcome to join us in the classroom kitchen at 9.30 am following the Friends of Ashby Welcome Meeting. Please note we will be starting at 9.00 am following weeks. So please come along to the FOA Welcome and then stay for an extra 20 minutes to help prepare the platters. Thanks, Heather & Sonya Friday 9th February Movies & popcorn. Monday 13th February Cooking chocolate chip cookies. Tuesday 14th February Active after school care - Tennis.


Tuesday 6th February Making bookmarks.

Netball starts this Thursday at Geelong West Netball Courts after school. The season will finish at the end of Term 1. This week I have entered a 5/6 team and a netta team. Cost is $3.00 per game. No times are available as yet. If your child is interested in playing please return the form below to school as soon as possible. ----------------

Wednesday 7trh February Making paper plate birds. Thursday 8th February Making hand print butterflies.

My child ____________________ ____________________________ is interested in playing Netball Netta


Making jelly fish. Wednesday 15th February Active after school care - AFL. Making bug masks. Thursday 16th February Active after school care - Multi sports. Making icy pole flowers & dragon flies. One pearl drop earring. Reward offered for return. If found please return to Mrs Slade or the office.

Ashby Primary School

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( Welcome to all new and returning students and their families! We hope everyone enjoyed their summer holiday and is now ready to make 2012 the best year yet at Ashby Primary School:) For those who are not familiar with Friends of Ashby (FOA) we are a group of parents and friends who help to build the Ashby community and enrich the learning environment for the schools children through community building events, fundraising and the engagement of parent volunteers. To that end we encourage parents and friends of students to get involved whenever possible in activities that support individual classrooms or the overall school. It is these kinds of contributions, small or large, that make a difference and make Ashby a special place. While its only the second week of school FOA is already beginning to work on 2012 activities including Family Information Forms, the school kitchen and garden committee and Pako Festa. Stay tuned for more information about these activities and how you can get involved! Friends of Ashby Start of Year Morning Tea, Friday, February 10th at 9am We invite all parents to join us this Friday, February 10th from 9-9:30am (right after drop off, little ones are welcome) for a morning tea in the hall. This is a great opportunity to meet other parents and to learn how you might get involved this year in the many activities managed by Friends of Ashby. So join us for a cake and a cuppa. And if you can, stay to help out at Fresh Fruit Friday, our parent run program that bring fresh fruit and veggies into the classroom each week, after the morning tea! 2012 Family Information Forms One of the keys to success at Ashby is involvement in the classroom and the school by parents and friends of our Ashby students. This week students will be bringing home the 2012 Family Information Form. The form assists us in identifying those who may be able to help with already identified classroom and school activities, as well as possible activities to be developed in the future. Remember we are only asking for you to express interest, we will contact you with more information to see if you can assist with any activity you check as the need arises. We also use the information collected to create friendship lists for each class. Please submit your forms by Friday, February 24th. We will also be posting opportunities to help regularly in the newsletter (and on the blog and through the email list) which will let you know how you can get involved. Can You Help? Below are some current activities we are seeking assistance with: Fresh Fruit Friday Friday, February 10th 9:30-10:30 in the classroom kitchen. Come help us cut up and deliver fresh fruit and vegetables for the classrooms. We like to have at least 4 volunteers each Friday. You dont have to come every Friday; just come when you can. You can find us in the classroom kitchen this Friday after the Friends of Ashby Morning Tea.

As part of the enrolment process parents are to supply a copy of their childs immunisation. At present we are still waiting for copies of immunisation certificate for 18 if our prep students. Some children had not had their final immunisation when enrolment forms were handed to the office or parents did not have the certificates with them when they handed in their forms. If you have not yet supplies a copy of your childs immunisation could you please do so as soon as possible. If you are not sure if you have handed in this certificate please contact the office.


Attached to this weeks newsletter is a copy of our Lunch Menu. Please note that soup is not available for Term 1. Remember that you can only order lunch on Wednesdays and Fridays. Lunch bags are collected from outside the office about 9.15 on these days so if you child is late to school please let the office know you have a lunch order.

Ashby Primary School

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The Ashby Primary School Council allows families to make payments to the school via the internet. Prior to families using this service they need to be given a unique family identifier and need to know the identification code for After and Before School Care, Book Club and how excursion will be coded. Each family wanting to use internet banking please complete the form below and return to school as soon as possible so that you can receive your family identifier and how to make payments to the school.


------------------------INTERNET BANKING


I would like to be able to use the internet to make payments to Ashby Primary School. NAME: SIGNATURE: ............................................................................................................................... PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY ...............................................................................................................................



--------------------------E-mail Newsletter


I wish to have the weekly newsletter sent to me via e-mail, I understand that I will not receive a newsletter in my childs bag. FAMILY NAME: ....................................................................................................................................................................... CHILD / CHILDRENS NAME & GRADE / S: ....................................................................................................................................................................... E-MAIL ADDRESS THAT YOU WOULD LIKE THE NEWSLETTER SENT TO :

.............................................................................................................. PLEASE PRINT VERY CLEARLY.


Caf Pakacinno Rear 165 Pakington Street Geelong West 3218 Phone: 52226015 Always use a paper bag or add 10 cents for a paper bag. SANDWICHES add 50 cents for a roll or if the sandwich is to be toasted Vegemite Meat (ham / chicken / egg or tuna) Salad (tomato, cucumber, carrot, lettuce, beetroot) Meat & Salad Cheese Salad Chicken, Ham or Tuna & Salad Tomato, cucumber, carrot, lettuce, beetroot & onion Chicken, tuna, ham or egg with salad Fruit salad Fruit kebabs +2 (seasonal fruits) Jelly & Fruit Sausage rolls Dim Sims Baked potato with bolognaise & coleslaw Hot dog in a wholemeal roll Tomato or Soy Sauce Spaghetti bolognaise Stir Fry Noodles & Vegetables Gluten free rice spirals with bolognaise Hamburger on wholemeal roll (egg, lettuce, sauce) Muffins (Banana or Apple & Cinnamon) Water 600ml Pure fruit juice - orange, apple or tropical Milk - plain (300ml) Big M (250ml) Strawberry or Chocolate 1.50 2.50 2.50 3.50 .30 3.50 4.00 2.50 3.50 3.00 3.00 2.50 2.50 .80 3.50 2.20 .20 3.50 3.50 3.50 4.50 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.50 1.80






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