https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-07107-7 Sergey Bravyi1, Andrew W. Cross1, Jay M. Gambetta1, Dmitri Maslov1 ✉, Patrick Rall2 &
Theodore J. Yoder1
Received: 25 August 2023
Quantum computing attracted attention due to its ability to offer enables one to diagnose and correct errors by repeatedly measuring
asymptotically faster solutions to a set of computational problems syndromes of parity-check operators. However, error correction is
compared to the best known classical algorithms5. It is believed that only beneficial if the hardware error rate is below a certain threshold
a functioning scalable quantum computer may help solve computa- value that depends on a particular error correction protocol. The
tional problems in such areas as scientific discovery, materials research, first proposals for quantum error correction, such as concatenated
chemistry and drug design, to name a few11–14. codes21–23, focused on demonstrating the theoretical possibility of
The main obstacle to building a quantum computer is the fragility of error suppression. As understanding of quantum error correction and
quantum information, owing to various sources of noise affecting it. As the capabilities of quantum technologies matured, the focus shifted to
isolating a quantum computer from external effects and controlling it finding practical quantum error correction protocols. This resulted in
to induce a desired computation are in conflict with each other, noise the development of the surface code7–10 that offers a high error thresh-
appears to be inevitable. The sources of noise include imperfections old close to 1%, fast decoding algorithms and compatibility with the
in qubits, materials used, controlling apparatus, state preparation and existing quantum processors relying on two-dimensional (2D) square
measurement errors and a variety of external factors ranging from local lattice qubit connectivity. Small examples of the surface code with a
man-made, such as stray electromagnetic fields, to those inherent to the single logical qubit have already been demonstrated experimentally
Universe, such as cosmic rays. See ref. 15 for a summary. Whereas some by several groups24–28. However, scaling up the surface code to 100 or
sources of noise can be eliminated with better control16, materials17 and more logical qubits would be prohibitively expensive due to its poor
shielding18–20, several other sources appear to be difficult if at all pos- encoding efficiency. This spurred interest in more general quantum
sible to remove. The last kind can include spontaneous and stimulated codes known as low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes6. Recent pro-
emission in trapped ions1,2, and the interaction with the bath (Purcell gress in the study of LDPC codes suggests that they can achieve quan-
effect)3 in superconducting circuits—covering both leading quantum tum fault tolerance with a much higher encoding efficiency29. Here,
technologies. Thus, error correction becomes a key requirement for we focus on the study of LDPC codes, as our goal is to find quantum
building a functioning scalable quantum computer. error correction codes and protocols that are both efficient and pos-
The possibility of quantum fault tolerance is well-established 4. sible to demonstrate in practice, given the limitations of quantum
Encoding a logical qubit redundantly into many physical qubits computing technologies.
IBM Quantum, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, USA. 2IBM Quantum, MIT-IBM Watson AI Laboratory, Cambridge, MA, USA. ✉e-mail: dmitri.maslov@ibm.com
Z X Z Checks
Surface _
Ancilla for X
Quasi-cyclic code
Ancilla for Z = L data = R data = X check = Z check ‘A’ edge ‘B’ edge
Fig. 1 | Tanner graphs of surface and BB codes. a, Tanner graph of a surface edges indicate two planar subgraphs spanning the Tanner graph, see the
code, for comparison. b, Tanner graph of a BB code with parameters [[144, 12, 12]] Methods. c, Sketch of a Tanner graph extension for measuring Z and X
embedded into a torus. Any edge of the Tanner graph connects a data and a following ref. 50, attaching to a surface code. The ancilla corresponding to the
check vertex. Data qubits associated with the registers q(L) and q(R) are shown X measurement can be connected to a surface code, enabling load-store
by blue and orange circles. Each vertex has six incident edges including four operations for all logical qubits by means of quantum teleportation and some
short-range edges (pointing north, south, east and west) and two long-range logical unitaries. This extended Tanner graph also has an implementation in a
edges. We only show a few long-range edges to avoid clutter. Dashed and solid thickness-2 architecture through the A and B edges (Methods).
A quantum error correcting code is of LDPC type if each check opera- degree-3 subgraphs. As we argue below, such qubit connectivity is well
tor of the code acts only on a few qubits and each qubit participates suited for architectures based on superconducting qubits.
in only a few checks. Several variants of the LDPC codes have been Our codes are a generalization of bicycle codes proposed by MacKay
proposed recently including hyperbolic surface codes30–32, hypergraph et al.41 and studied in more depth in refs. 35,36,42. We named our
product33, balanced product codes34, two-block codes based on finite codes bivariate bicycle (BB) because they are based on bivariate poly-
groups35–38 and quantum Tanner codes39,40. The latter were shown39,40 nomials, as detailed in the Methods. These are stabilizer codes of the
to be asymptotically ‘good’ in the sense of offering a constant encod- Calderbank–Shor–Steane (CSS) type43,44 that can be described by a
ing rate and linear distance: a parameter quantifying the number of collection of six-qubit check (stabilizer) operators composed of Pauli
correctable errors. By contrast, the surface code has an asymptoti- X and Z. At a high level, a BB code is similar to the two-dimensional toric
cally zero encoding rate and only square-root distance. Replacing code7. In particular, physical qubits of a BB code can be laid out on a
the surface code with a high-rate, high-distance LDPC code could two-dimensional grid with periodic boundary conditions such that all
have major practical implications. First, the fault-tolerance overhead check operators are obtained from a single pair of X and Z checks by
(the ratio between the number of physical and logical qubits) could applying horizontal and vertical shifts of the grid. However, in contrast
be reduced notably. Second, high-distance codes show a very sharp to the plaquette and vertex stabilizers describing the toric code, check
decrease in the logical error rate: as the physical error probability operators of BB codes are not geometrically local. Furthermore, each
crosses the threshold value, the amount of error suppression achieved check acts on six qubits rather than four qubits. We will describe the
by the code can increase by orders of magnitude even with a small code by a Tanner graph G such that each vertex of G represents either
reduction of the physical error rate. This feature makes high-distance a data qubit or a check operator. A check vertex i and a data vertex j are
LDPC codes attractive for near-term demonstrations that are likely connected by an edge if the ith check operator acts non-trivially on
to operate in the near-threshold regime. However, it was previously the jth data qubit (by applying Pauli X or Z). See Fig. 1a,b for example
believed that outperforming the surface code for realistic noise mod- Tanner graphs of surface and BB codes, respectively. The Tanner graph
els including memory, gate and state preparation and measurement of any BB code has vertex degree six and graph thickness29 equal to
errors may require very large LDPC codes with more than 10,000 two, which means it can be decomposed into two edge-disjoint planar
physical qubits31. subgraphs (Methods). Thickness-2 qubit connectivity is well suited
Here we present several concrete examples of high-rate LDPC codes for superconducting qubits coupled by microwave resonators. For
with a few hundred physical qubits equipped with a low-depth syn- example, two planar layers of couplers and their control lines can be
drome measurement circuit, an efficient decoding algorithm and a attached to the top and the bottom side of the chip hosting qubits,
fault-tolerant protocol for addressing individual logical qubits. These and the two sides mated.
codes show an error threshold close to 0.7%, show excellent perfor- A BB code with parameters [[n, k, d]] encodes k logical qubits into n
mance in the near-threshold regime and offer a 10 times reduction of data qubits offering a code distance d, meaning that any logical error
the encoding overhead compared with the surface code. Hardware spans at least d data qubits. We divide n data qubits into registers q(L)
requirements for realizing our error correction protocols are rela- and q(R) of size n/2 each. Any check acts on three qubits from q(L) and
tively mild, as each physical qubit is coupled by two-qubit gates with three qubits from q(R). The code relies on n ancillary check qubits
only six other qubits. Although the qubit connectivity graph is not to measure the error syndrome. We divide n check qubits into regis-
locally embeddable into a 2D grid, it can be decomposed into two planar ters q(X) and q(Z) of size n/2 that collect syndromes of X and Z types,
Round 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
X |+〉 X
y cl
xt c
Z |0〉
|0〉 Z
Fig. 2 | Syndrome measurement circuit. Full cycle of syndrome measurements under horizontal and vertical shifts of the Tanner graph. Each data qubit is
relying on seven layers of CNOTs. We provide a local view of the circuit that only coupled by CNOTs with three X-check and three Z-check qubits: see the Methods
includes one data qubit from each register q(L) and q(R). The circuit is symmetric for more details.
B3 B2 B3 R Z
A3 A3 A3 A3 R Z
B3 B2 B3 X L
A2 A2 A2 A2
B3 B2 B3
A3 A3 A3 A3
B3 B2 B3
A1 A1 A1 A1
B1 B2 B1
A2 A2 A2 A2
B1 B2 B1
A1 A1 A1 A1
B1 B2 B1
B Ai Ai Ai
Bg Bh
Aj Aj Aj
Bg Bh
Small examples of Bivariate Bicycle LDPC codes and their parameters. All codes have
weight-6 checks, thickness-2 Tanner graph, and a depth-7 syndrome measurement circuit.
Code distance was computed by the mixed integer programming approach of ref. 68. The
notation ≤d indicates that only an upper bound on the code distance is known at the time of
this writing. We round r down to the nearest inverse integer. The codes have check matrices
HX = (A∣B) and HZ = (BT∣AT) with A and B defined in the last two columns. The matrices x, y obey
xℓ = ym = 1 and xy = yx.