Sc Med Enth Revision Test 24-12-2024
Sc Med Enth Revision Test 24-12-2024
Sc Med Enth Revision Test 24-12-2024
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1. The Answer Sheet is inside this Test Booklet. When you are directed to open the Test Booklet, take out the Answer Sheet and
fill in the particulars on ORIGINAL Copy carefully with blue/black ball point pen only.
2. The test is of 3 hours 20 minutes duration and the Test Booklet contains 200 multiple-choice questions (four options with a
single correct answer) from Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Biology-I and Biology-II). 50 questions in each subject are
divided into two Sections (A and B) as per details given below :
(a) Section A shall consist of 35 (Thirty-five) Questions in each subject (Question Nos - 1 to 35, 51 to 85, 101 to 135 and 151
to 185). All questions are compulsory.
(b) Section B shall consist of 15 (Fifteen) questions in each subject (Question Nos - 36 to 50, 86 to 100, 136 to 150 and 186 to
200). In Section B, a candidate needs to attempt any 10 (Ten) questions out of 15 (Fifteen) in each subject.
Candidates are advised to read all 15 questions in each subject of Section B before they start attempting the question
paper. In the event of a candidate attempting more than ten questions, the first ten questions answered by the candidate
shall be evaluated.
3. Each question carries 4 marks. For each correct response, the candidate will get 4 marks. For each incorrect response, one
mark will be deducted from the total scores. The maximum marks are 720.
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15. The candidates will write the Correct Test Booklet Code as given in the Test Booklet/Answer Sheet in the Attendance Sheet.
16. Compensatory time of one hour five minutes will be provided for the examination of three hours and 20 minutes duration,
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(1) P-d, Q-b, R-a, S-c (2) P-a, Q-c, R-d, S-b
(3) P-c, Q-a, R-d, S-b (4) P-c, Q-d, R-b, S-a
6201CMD30302524REV07 24-12-2024
English 3
6. Two Polaroids P1 and P2 are placed with their axis 12. According to Einstein's photoelectric equation, the
perpendicular to each other. Unpolarisesd light of graph between the kinetic energy of photoelectrons
intensity I0 is incident on P1. A third polaroid P3 is ejected and the frequency of incident radiation is-
kept in between P1 and P2 such that its axis makes
an angle 45° with that of P1. The intensity of
transmitted light through P2 is :-
(1) (2)
I0 I0 I0 I0
(1) (2) (3) (4)
4 8 16 2
7. The energy of hydrogen atom in nth orbit is En, then
the energy in nth orbit of singly ionised helium
atom will be :-
(1) 4En (2) En/4 (3) 2En (4) En/2 (3) (4)
8. When light of a certain wavelength is incident on a
plane surface of a material at a glancing angle 30°,
the reflected light is found to be completely plane
polarised. Determine angle of refraction.
13. What will be wavelength of photon emitted when
electron of Li2+ transit from n = 3 to n = 1
(1) 30° (2) 45°
(where R = Rydberg constant)
(3) 60° (4) None
(1) 30° (2) 60° (3) 90° (4) 0° 14. Statement-1 : Density of water is maximum at 4°C.
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4 English
15. Assertion(A) :- The ratio of specific heat of a gas 18. Match the following columns for the processes
at constant pressure and specific heat at constant with ideal gas :-
volume for a monoatomic gas is more than that Column-I Column-II
those of a diatomic gas.
Reason(R) :- The molecules of a monoatomic gas
(A) Isothermal process (1) ΔQ = ΔU
have more degree of freedom than those of a (B) adiabatic process (2) ΔQ = 0
diatomic gas.
(C) Isochoric process (3) ΔU = 0
(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not
the correct explanation of (A) (D) Cyclic process (4) Δ Q = Δ W
Choose the correct option regarding above
(2) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct
(3) (A) is incorrect but (R) is correct
(4) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the (1) 2,3 1 2 3,4
correct explanation of (A)
(2) 3,4 1 2 1,2
16. Assertion (A) :- The value of specific heat at
(3) 3,4 2 1 3,4
constant pressure is more than that at constant
volume. (4) 1,2 2 1 3,4
Reason (R) :- The energy required to raise
temperature by a unit at constant pressure is greater
19. If a thermometer reads freezing point of water as
20° and boiling point as 150°, How much
because some amount of heat is used in doing work.
thermometer read when the temperature is 60°C
(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not
(1) 98° (2) 110° (3) 40° (4) 60°
the correct explanation of (A)
(2) Both the statements are incorrect (1) (A) - (R), (B) - (P), (C) - (S), (D) - (Q)
(3) Only statement-I is correct. (2) (A) - (Q), (B) - (R), (C) - (S), (D) - (P)
(4) Only statement-II is correct. (3) (A) - (Q), (B) - (P), (C) - (S), (D) - (R)
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English 5
21. One mole of a monoatomic ideal gas is mixed 26. An ideal gas at 27° C is compressed adiabatically
with one mole of a diatomic ideal gas. The 8 5
to of its original volume. If γ = , then the rise
27 3
molar specific heat of the mixture at constant in temperature is :
volume is
(1) 450 K (2) 375 K
(1) 8 (2) 2
(3) 225 K (4) 405 K
(3) 2R (4) 2.5 R 27. In a thermodynamics process, pressure of a fixed
22. In the adiabatic expansion of an ideal gas, mass of a gas is changed in such a manner that the
select the incorrect statement. gas molecule gives out 20 J of heat and 10 J of
work is done on the gas. If the initial internal
(1) There is decrease in temperature of the gas
energy of the gas was 40 J, then the final internal
(2) There is decrease in internal energy of the gas energy will be :
(3) The work done is positive (1) 30 J (2) 20 J (3) 60 J (4) 40 J
(4) The work done by gas is equal to heat supplied 28. P-T diagram is shown in given figure. Choose the
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6 English
0.12% when it is heated through 20°C. The (1) 15 RT (2) 9 RT (3) 11 RT (4) 4 RT
coefficient of linear expansion of the metal is :- 38. The circuit is equivalent to :-
(1) 2.0 × 10 – 5 per °C (2) 4.0 × 10 – 5 per °C
33. A ray of light gets reflected from the plane mirror. The (1) OR (2) NOR
incident ray and the reflected ray are perpendicular to (3) AND (4) NAND
each other. The angle of incidence is :
39. In a Y.D.S.E, light has a frequency of 9 × 1014 Hz.
(1) 60° (2) 30° (3) 45° (4) 0° The distance between the centres of adjacent bright
34. A clock hung on a wall has marks instead of fringes is 1 mm. If the screen is 2m away then find
numbers on its dial. On the opposite wall there is a the distance between the slits.
mirror, and the image of the clock in the mirror if 2
(1) × 10−2 m −3
(2) 2 × 10 m
read, indicates the time as 8.20. What is the time in 3
the clock- −3 2
(3) 3 × 10 m (4) × 10−3 m
(1) 3.40 (2) 4.40 (3) 5.20 (4) 4.20 40. A vessel is quarter filled with a liquid of refractive
35. A concave mirror for viewing has focal length of index μ . The remaining parts of the vessel is filled
0.4 m. The distance at which you hold the mirror 3
with an immiscible liquid of refractive index μ.
from your face in order to see your image upright
The apparent depth of the vessel is 50% of the
with a magnification of 5 is : –
actual depth. The value of μ is :-
(1) 0.16 m (2) 1.60 m 3 2 4
(1) 1 (2) (3) (4)
2 3 3
(3) 0.32 m (4) 0.24 m
41. If a light ray incident on an equilateral prism
suffers minimum deviation at an angle 30°, then
speed of light in the prism will be ?
3 1
(1) × 108 m/s (2) × 108 m/s
√ 2 √ 2
2 2
(3) × 108 m/s (4) × 108 m/s
√ 3 3
6201CMD30302524REV07 24-12-2024
English 7
42. A large glass slab ( μ= 5
) of thickness 8 cm is
46. Which of the following does not support the wave
nature of light :-
placed over a point source of light on a plane
surface. It is seen that light emerges out of the top (1) Interference (2) Diffraction
surface of the slab from a circular area of radius R (3) Polarization (4) Photoelectric effect
cm. What is the value of R?
47. The electron in a hydrogen atom makes a
(1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 5 (4) 6 transition from n = n1 to n = n2 state. The time
43. The focal lengths of the objective and the eye-piece period of the electron in state n1 is eight times that
of a compound microscope are 2.0 cm and 5.0 cm in state n2. The possible values of n1 and n2 are
respectively. The distance between the objective (1) n1 = 8, n2 = 1 (2) n1 = 4, n2 = 1
and the eye-piece is 17.0 cm. The final image
formed by the eye-piece is at infinity. Calculate (3) n1 = 4, n2 = 2 (4) n1 = 2, n2 = 4
M.P. of microscope? 48. Maximum velocity of photoelectrons emitted by a
(1) 25 (2) 34 (3) 30 (4) 40 metal surface is 1.2 × 106 ms – 1. Assuming the
specific charge of the electron to be 1.8 × 1011 C kg – 1,
44. What should be the value of distance d so that final
the value of the stopping potential (in volt) will be :-
image is formed on the object itself. (focal lengths
of the lenses are written on the lenses). (1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) 6
49. A nucleus m
nX emits one α particle and two β –
particles. The resulting nucleus is :-
m−6 m−6 m−4 m−4
(1) n−4 Z (2) n Z (3) n X (4) n−2 Y
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
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8 English
(3) Oxidation state of hydrogen is +1 in H2O 58. In the reaction 2 Na + H2 → 2 NaH, Which
statement is correct?
(4) It is a disproportionation reaction
6201CMD30302524REV07 24-12-2024
English 9
63. In alkaline medium KMnO4 reacts as follows 69. If the value of Kc for the reaction is 10 – 2 and that
2KMnO4 + 2KOH → 2K2MnO4 + H2O + O2 of Kf is 10 – 1, the rate constant for the backward
Therefore its equivalent mass will be reaction will be
(1) 31.6 (2) 52.7 (3) 79 (4) 158
64. In which reaction H2O2 acts as reducing agent?
(1) 10 times of Kc (2) Equal to Kc
65. For the reaction; 3X(g)+ Y(g)⇌ X3Y(g), the amount (1) Both statement-I and statement-II are correct
of X3Y at equilibrium is affected by (2) Both statement-I and statement-II are
(1) Temperature and pressure incorrect
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10 English
(4) BothAssertion&Reason are false. 79. Which gives maximum yield of C2H5Cl?
75. Assertion (A) : In the dissociation of PCl5(g) at
constant pressure and temperature, addition of (1)
helium at equilibrium increases the dissociation PCl5.
Reason (R) : Helium reacts with C ℓ 2(g) and hence
shifts the equilibrium in forward direction. (2)
(2) a – q, b – s, c – p, d – r
(3) a – q, b – p, c – s, d – r
(4) a – p, b – q, c – r, d – s
6201CMD30302524REV07 24-12-2024
English 11
81. Reductive Ozonolysis product of 2-methylbut-2- 84. Given below are two statements:
ene is Statement-I : p – H3C – C6H5 – NO2 is more reactive
than p – O2N – C6H5 – NO2 towards electrophilic
(1) (2) Only substitution reaction.
Statement-II : – CH3 is ortho/para directing group
while – NO2 is meta directing group when attached
appropriate answer from the options given below:
Given below are two statements; one is labelled as
(1) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct.
Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason(R) .
(2) Statement-I and Statement-II are incorrect.
Assertion: If benzene is treated with 1-chloropropane
in presence of anhydrous AlCl3, Isopropyl benzene is (3) Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is correct.
major product not n-propyl benzene. (4) Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is incorrect.
Reason : The reaction mentioned in assertion occurs 85. What is the final product (B) in the following
via rearrangement of carbocation. reaction?
In the light of the above statements, choose the most
appropriate answer from the options given below :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the
correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the (1) (2)
correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct.
(3) (4)
(4) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct.
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
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12 English
87. In the following compounds the decreasing order of 90. In the given reaction
boiling point is
the product P is
(1) (2)
(1) (I) > (II) > (III) (2) (I) > (III) > (II)
(3) (II) > (III) > (I) (4) (III) > (II) > (I)
(1) (2)
6201CMD30302524REV07 24-12-2024
English 13
92. The reagent, which is used to distinguish 1- butyne 96. Consider the reaction :
from 2-butyne is (i) 2CO(g) + 2H2O(g) 2CO2(g) + 2H2(g);
(1) Bromine in CCl4 Equilibrium constant = K1
(ii) CH4(g) + H2O(g) CO(g) + 3H2(g);
(2) HBr
Equilibrium constant = K2
(3) dil. H2SO4, dil. HgSO4 (iii) CH4(g) + 2H2O(g) CO2(g) + 4H2(g);
(4) Ammoniacal Cu2Cl2 Equilibrium constant = K3
93. Assertion: Nitration of benzene is carried with Which of the following relation is correct ?
mixture of concentrated nitric acid and 1 K 1K2
concentrated sulphuric acid. (1) K3 = K2 (2) K3 = K 2
Reason: The mixture of concentrated sulphuric acid
(3) K3 = K1K2 (4) K3 = √
K1 K2
and concentrated nitric acid produces the
electrophile, NO+2 . in the nitration of benzene. 97. When BrO3 – reacts with Br – in acidic medium,
Br2 is liberated. The equivalent weight of Br2 in
(1) Both Assertion and Reason are True and the
this reaction is
Reason is a correct explanation of the
Assertion. 5M 5M 3M 4M
(1) (2) (3) (4)
8 3 5 6
(2) Both Assertion and Reason are True but 98. How many grams of I2 are present in a solution
Reason is not a correct explanation of the which requires 40 mL of 0.11 N Na2S2O3 to react
Assertion. with it?
(3) Assertion is True but the Reason is False. I + S O 2 – → S O 2 – + 2I –
2 2 3 4 6
(4) Assertion is False but Reason is TRue. (1) 12.7g (2) 0.558g
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14 English
(1) 31 (2) 13 (3) 50 (4) 25 (3) More than 70% of all the species recorded are
103. During the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA), a animals
molecule of GTP is synthesized during conversion of (4) Species diversity increases as we move away
from equator towards the poles
(1) α -Ketoglutaric acid to succinyl-CoA
6201CMD30302524REV07 24-12-2024
English 15
112. The rate of biomass production is expressed in 118. In plants, ethylene
terms of
(1) Is a derivative of carotenoids
−2 −2 −1
(1) gm (2) gm yr
(2) Causes dormancy
−2 −1
(3) ( kcalm ) yr (4) Both 2 and 3
(3) Is the only gaseous hormone
113. Out of four major causes of biodiversity loss,
(4) Responsible for bolting
which is responsible for extinction of Steller's sea
cow? 119. Arrange the following substrates in ascending order
India has only ___A___ percent of the world's land
area, It's share of the global species diversity is an Natural cytokinins are found in
impressive ___B___ percent. (a) Young fruits.
(1) A - 1.2, B - 8.1 (2) A - 2.4, B - 4.1 (b) Developing shoot buds.
(c) Root apices.
(3) A - 8.1, B - 2.4 (4) A - 2.4, B - 8.1
(1) Has 427 species of mammals 121. A farmer sprayed a commercial plant
growth hormone and found that his cabbage plant
(2) Has 3000 species of birds
grew into a herb with long internodes. Which of
(3) Has 378 species of fishes
the following growth promoter was used
(4) Is home to 40000 plants
(1) Auxin (2) Cytokinin
When apical bud of a plant is removed then
(3) Gibberellic acid (4) Abscisic acid
(1) Auxin shows apical dominance
122. Read the following statement.
(2) Cytokinin is removed along with auxin
A. NAA and IAA both are natural auxins.
(3) More lateral branches will be seen B. Auxins is responsible for synchronising fruit-set
(4) Root elongation is promoted in pineapple.
shapes in different environmental conditions? D. Auxins help to prevent fruit and leaf drop at
early stage.
(1) Cotton (2) Coriander
How many statement are correct ?
(3) Buttercup (4) Larkspur
(1) One (2) Two (3) Three (4) Four
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16 English
123. Identify the plant hormone which is known as 129. The common phase possible in both aerobic &
stress hormone and is anti transpirant anaerobic respiration is
(1) ABA (2) GA3 (3) CK (4) IAA (1) TCA cycle (2) Kreb's cycle
124. The flow of energy in an ecosystem is (3) Glycolysis (4) Photo respiration
(3) Unidirectional (4) Undefinable (1) Dark coloured amorphous substance and
ATP for every glucose molecule oxidized as 38. (2) Light coloured amorphous substance and
However, these calculations would be correct based highly resistant to microbial action
on the assumptions given below, except that (3) Dark coloured amorphous substance and
(1) All the reactions in a pathway and all the highly resistant to microbial action
pathways occur in a sequential manner (4) Light coloured amorphous substance and
(2) Only glucose is being used and no other highly susceptible to microbial action
alternate substrates enter the pathway at any 131. The first member of the TCA cycle is
of the intermediate stages
(1) Acetyl CoA (2) Citric acid
(3) None of the coenzymes are reduced during
aerobic respiration (3) OA A (4) Pyruvic acid
(4) The NADH synthesized in glycolysis is 132. What proportion of the PAR (photo synthetically
transferred to mitochondria and the same active radiation) is captured by plants ?
undergoes oxidative phosphorylation (1) 1 – 10% (2) 2 – 10%
126. Which of the following are structural features of (3) 5 – 15% (4) 5 – 25%
Which is not a character of arithmetic growth?
(1) Productivity, Decomposition
(1) Constant growth rate
(2) Energy flow, Nutrient recycling
(2) Linear growth curve
(3) Productivity, Energy flow
(3) Presence of stationary phase
(4) Species composition, Stratification
______ because the biomass of fishes far exceeds 134. Strict protection of the biodiversity hot spots can
that of phytoplankton. reduce the ongoing mass extinction by about
(1) Upright (2) Inverted (1) 25% (2) 20% (3) 19% (4) 30%
(3) Bell shaped (4) Spindle shaped 135. In grassland ecosystem the number of primary
6201CMD30302524REV07 24-12-2024
English 17
SECTION - B ( BOTANY ) 141. Read the following statement A to D.
(1) An ecosystem can be visualised as a functional
136. Tropics show rich biodiversity because, unit of nature.
(1) Tropical areas receive more solar energy (2) Ecosystem varies greatly in size from a small
pond to a large forest or a sea.
(2) Tropical environment are relatively more
constant and predictable (3) Many ecologists regard the entire biosphere as a
global ecosystem
(3) Tropical environment is less seasonal
(4) Crop field & an Aquarium may also be
(4) More than one option is correct considered as natural ecosystem
137. When two molecules of acetyl-CoA enter the TCA How many of the above statements are correct.
cycle, net gain at the end of the cycle is :- (1) 1 (2) 2
(1) 2NADH2 + 2FADH2 + 1GTP
(3) 3 (4) all are correct
(2) 3NADH2 + 2FADH2 + 2GTP 142. Development is the sum of two processes. These are :
(3) 6NADH2 + 2FADH2 + 2GTP (1) Growth + Metabolism
(d) Steller's sea cow (iv) Africa 144. In the leaf A and B what is the value of AGR
(average growth rate) and RGR (relative growth
(1) a - ii, b - iii, c - i, d - iv
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18 English
145. Match the columns w.r.t. precursors of PRGs 148. When a threatened plant or animal needs urgent
Column I Column II measures to save it from extinction, the desirable
approach is
(A) ABA (i) Terpene derivative
(1) in-situ conservation
(B) Auxin (ii) Gaseous hormone
(2) ex-situ consservation
(iii) Indole compounds
Gibberellin (3) cryopreservation
(iv) Carotenoid (4) biopreservation
(D) Ethylene
149. The amazon rain forest harbouring probably
millions of species is being cut and cleared for
(1) a - iv, b - iii, c - i, d - ii cultivating ......(a)....... or for conversion to .......
(b)...... for beef cattle. Here (a) and (b) are :
(2) a - i, b - iii, c - ii, d - iv
(1) (a) Wheat ; (b) Fodder
(3) a - i, b - iv, c - iii, d - ii
(2) (a) Bajra ; (b) Agriculture land
(4) a - iv, b - ii, c - iii, d - i
(1) Mg2+ 150. Which of the following acts as a mobile carrier for
transfer of electrons between complex III and IV?
(2) Pyruvate dehydrogenase
(1) Cytochrome c
(3) NADP+
(2) Cytochrome b
(4) CO-A
6201CMD30302524REV07 24-12-2024
English 19
Topic : Biomolecules,,Human health and diseases,Biotechnology principles and processess,Biotechnology Application
155. Polymer of fructose is 160. Find out the appropriate option for the most
common warning signs of drug & alcohol abuse
(1) Galactose (2) Insulin
among youth
(3) Inulin (4) Arabinose
(1) Fluctuation in weight
(3) Withdrawl
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20 English
161. Find out the diseases that are transferred from 166. Assertion (A): The first restriction endonuclease is
mother to child, through placenta & sexual contact Hind-II and cuts specific sequence of six base pairs.
& infected blood. Reason (R): Exonuclease removes nucleotides from
6201CMD30302524REV07 24-12-2024
English 21
169. Assertion (A): In recombinant DNA technology, 174. Assertion : Protein is a heteropolymer.
rDNA are often transferred into bacteria (prokaryotes) Reason : Protein is a polymer of 20 different types
Reason (R): Both bacteria and yeast multiply very fast (1) Both Assertion & Reason are True & the
to form huge population to express the desired gene. Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.
(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the (3) Assertion is True but the Reason is False.
correct explanation for (A) (4) Both Assertion & Reason are False.
(3) (A) is correct but (R) is incorrect 175. Which of the following statement is true with
(4) (A) is incorrect but (R) is correct regards to polysaccharide?
(4) None of these 176. Following are the statements with reference to ‘lipids’.
(3) 0.34 nm (4) Both 2 & 3 (1) (b) and (c) only (2) (b) and (e) only
173. Choose the mismatch w.r.t average composition of cells (3) (a) and (b) only (4) (c) and (d) only
(2) Lipids - 3%
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22 English
177. Match the column : 182. Cirrhosis of liver is caused by the chronic intake of
Column I Column II (1) Tobacco (Chewing) (2) Cocaine
(Category) (Secondary Metabolites)
(3) Opium (4) Alcohol
A. Pigments 1. Concanavalin A
(3) A-3, B-4, C-6, D-5, E-1, F-2 (1) GM Bacteria (2) GM Fungi
(4) A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3, E-5, F-6 (3) Both (1) & (2) (4) GM Algae
178. Reducing sugars are those which can reduce Cu+2 185. Identify A and B in the diagram.
ions to Cu+ state. On that basis which of the
following can be considered as a non-reducing
sugar ?
(3) Thymus
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English 23
SECTION - B ( ZOOLOGY ) 190. RNAi technology involves the silencing of
(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the
(3) a - iii, b - ii, c - i, d - iii, e - ii
correct explanation for (A)
(4) a - ii, b - i, c - iii, d - i, e - ii
(3) (A) is correct but (R) is incorrect
187. Transgenic animals that produce useful biological
(4) (A) is incorrect but (R) is correct
products can be created by the introduction of the
portion of DNA (or genes) which codes for a 192.
particular product to treat
(a) Emphysema
(b) Cystic fibrosis
(c) Phenylketonuria (PKU)
(d) Alzheimer's.
188. Cry IAc and cry IAb produce toxins that control
Adenine Adenosine
respectively (N-base) (Nucleotide)
(1) Cotton boll worms and corn borer Adenylic
Adenine Adenosine
(2) Corn borer and cotton boll worms (2) acid
(N-base) (Nucleoside)
(3) Tobacco bud worms and nematodes
(4) Nematodes and tobacco bud worms Adenosine Adenine (N-
(3) acid
189. Golden rice is a promising transgenic crop which
help in Adenylic
(1) Producing a petrol-like fuel from rice (4) Uracil acid
(2) Alleviation of vitamin A deficiency
24-12-2024 6201CMD30302524REV07
24 English
193. Statement-I: HIV is a malady that can only be 195. GM crop plants with improved nutritional value of
tackled, by the society and medical fraternity, to foods and reduce the reliance on ___________
cure this disease.
(1) Chemical pesticides (2) Bio pesticides
Statement-II: There is always a time-lag between
the infection and apearance of AIDS symptoms. (3) Both (1) & (2) (4) Natural pesticides
(1) Both statement I and II are correct 196. Milk of transgenic cow "Rosie' contains a
substance that was nutritionally more balanced
(2) Statement I is correct, Statement II is
product for human babies is:
(1) α −lactalbumin (2) β −lactalbumin
(3) Statement I is incorrect, statement II is
correct (3) γ −lactalbumin (4) δ −lactalbumin
(4) Both statemements I and II are incorrect 197. A bioreactor provides the optimal conditions for
194. Identify the molecules (a) and (b) given below and
achieving the desired product by providing
optimum growth conditions like
select the right option giving their source and use.
6201CMD30302524REV07 24-12-2024